Unit 1 - Assessment

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IName: Jasmyn A.



A Diagram showing the relationship between Science, Technology and Society

uploaded by C.Okafor, Research Gate (2019)

Directions: Fill in the box below and make a complete definition (in one sentence only) of

science, technology and society based on the given diagram.

Science, technology and society studies are the study of how society, politics and culture effect scientific
research and technological innovation, and how these in turn, affect society politics and culture.
Three Circle Venn Diagram

Direction: Give the similarities and differences among, science. technology and society
Is it Science or Technology?

Directions: Look at each pictures carefully and then write the world Sci after each number

provided if you think that the picture relates to science and Tec if ifs technology.

Sci Sci

Tec Sci

Tec Tec

Sci Sci

Tec Sci
STS Theme Chart

Directions: A theme is the message or the meaning or the main idea the author is making8

about a subject or a topic. Choose three quotations about science and technology in the preceding

page. Write your 2 chosen comments each for science and technology in the comment box of the

chart. In the theme box, write down your personal ideas or meanings of the quotations you hate

chosen. Be prepared to explain your ideas to the class.

Quotation on Science Theme

Focus Group Discussion, Assumptions about Science and Technology

Directions: Written on the left column are some assumptions about the impact of science

and technology to human society. In this activity, students will assemble in groups of four

and work through this template. Students will give their ideas and interpretation about the

technological assumptions. Write down your group's ideas or interpretations on the right side

of the chart. Be prepared to explain your group work to the class.

Assumptions Science and Technology Interpretation

Assumptions Science
and Technology
Do we affect Science and
technology or do they affect us? (Anastacia
Is there a place for morals when science and
technology show us the “ right way”?
(Anastacia 2018)
Is there always a technology solution to
everything? (Cohen, 2012)
Is technology making us less human?
(Gullans, 2015)

"My Top Five Pick"

Direction: Select 5 most significant discoveries/inventions in the history of science and

technology which you think contributed significantly on the progress of modern civilization.

Defend your answer on the right column:


Inventors and their Inventions

Directions: Most things we use today were invented by scientists. Can you match each

of the following inventors with their inventions? Write only the letter of answer on the blank

provided at the left side before each number. Use your library or the internet to accomplish the


Inventor Invention

1. Karl Benz A.Mechanical printing

2. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen B.Bacteria

3. Thomas Edison C.Powered airplane

4. Johann Gutenberg D.Dynamite

5. Orville and Wilbur Wright E.Commercially practical light bulb

6. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek F.Telephone

7. Auguste and Louis Lumiere G.Bifocal glasses

8. Benjamin Franklin H. Petro- powered automobile

9. Alfred Nobel I.X-ray machine

10. Alexander Graham bell J.Cinematograph

Inventor Invention
1. Igor Sikorsky A.Ak-47
2. Blaise Pascal B. Hot-air balloon
3. George William Manby C.Cronfkale breakfast
4. Richard J. Gatling D.Fire extinguisher
5. Samuel Morse E.First successful machine gun
6. Dmitri Mendeleev F.Helicopter
7. Montgolfier brothers G.Barometer
8. Mikhail Kalashnikov H.Atomic bomb

9. John Harvey Kellogg I.Telegraph

10. J. Robert Oppenheimer J.Periodic table

Questions for Discussion and Writing

A. What particular invention by a Filipino scientist that you encounter in this activity

amazes you? Why?

-Bamboo incubator

The modern medical incubator however, not all people who need it have access to such technology. This
is a particularly serious problem in rural areas, where such devices are generally inaccessible.

B. What particular invention by a Filipino scientist that you encounter in this activity

amazes you? Why?

-Bamboo incubator

The modern medical incubator however, not all people who need it have access to such technology. This
is a particularly serious problem in rural areas, where such devices are generally inaccessible.

C. If you will be funded by an agency or organization, what invention would you

want to produce? Why?

- If I we’re an inventor I would probably invent a machine that would help separate trash so it
wouldn't be hard for people to separate them.


I. identify the statements below. Write S if the statement pertains to science and if

technology. Write the answer on the blank before the number.


1. T
2. S
3. T
4. S
5. T
6. T
7. S
8. T
9. S
10. T

1. Drawing correct conclusions on the basis of theory formation and accurate data.
2. Experimentation and logical skills is required.
3. It involve analysis and synthesis of design
4. The focus of the study is to understand a natural phenomena
5. Creation of products that solve problems for the improvement of human lives.
6. Knowledge is put into practice to solve human problems
7. It deals with theories, principles and laws
8. It usually simplify the task and fulfil the needs of human.
9. The method of evaluation applied are analysis, deduction and theory development.
10. It stresses on invention for the comfort of the people.


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. D


1. B
2. F
3. I
4. A
5. C
6. J
7. D
8. H
9. G
10. E

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