Lecture - 6: Transient Response

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Lecture 6

Lecture Objectives

To learn & study How to find the time response from the transfer function

Transient &

How to use poles and zeros to determine the response of a control system How to describe quantitatively the transient response of firstand second-order systems



Poles, zeros & system response

The output response of a system is the sum of two responses: the forced response and the natural response.
s+2 C (s) = s ( s + 5) c(t ) = 2 3 5t + e 5 5

Many techniques, such as solving a differential equation or taking the inverse Laplace transform, to evaluate this output response, are laborious and time-consuming. If the technique is so rapid that we feel we derive the desired result by inspection, sometimes use the attribute qualitative to describe the method. The use of poles and zeros and their relationship to the time response of a system is such a technique, which gives us a qualitative "handle" on problems. The concept of poles and zeros simplifies the evaluation of a systems response.


Poles, zeros & system response (contd..)

Poles of a transfer function: The poles of a transfer function are (1) the values of the Laplace transform variable, s that cause the transfer function to become infinite or (2) any roots of the denominator of the transfer function that are common to roots of the numerator. Zeros of a transfer function: The zeros of a transfer function are (1) the values of the Laplace transform variable, s causes the transfer function to become zero, or (2) any roots of the numerator of the transfer function that are common to roots of the denominator.


Poles & zeros of first-order system

s+2 2 A= = s + 5 s 0 5 B= s+2 3 = s s5 5

C (s) =

s+2 A B = + s( s + 5) s s + 5

2 / 5 3/ 5 C ( s) = + s s+5

c (t ) =

2 3 5t + e 5 5

A pole of the input function generates the form of the forced response (that is, the pole at the origin generated a step function at the output). A pole of the transfer function generates the form of the natural response (that is, the pole at -5 generated e-5t) A pole on the real axis generates an exponential response of the form e-t, where - is the pole location on the real axis.

The zeros and poles generate the amplitudes for both the forced and natural responses


Poles & zeros of first-order system (contd..)


General system response using poles

By inspection, a pole of the system function generates the natural

response and a pole of the input function generates the forced response.

s+3 C ( s) = s( s + 2)(s + 4)(s + 5)

K3 K1 K 2 K4 C (s) = + + + s s+2 s+4 s+5

Taking the inverse-Laplace:

C ( s) = K1 { + K 2e 2t + K 3e 4t + K 4e 5t 1444 24444 4 3
natural response

forced response


First-order system without zeros

If the input is a unit step, where R(s) = 1/s, the Laplace transform of the step response is

a 1 1 C ( s) = = s( s + a) s s + a
Taking the inverse transform, the step response is given by

c(t ) = c f (t ) + cn (t ) =

forced response

1 {

natural response

e at {


Transient response performance specifications

At time t = 1/a
c (t ) = 1 e 1 = 0.63

Rise time: c(t) = 0.9-0.10

Tr = 2.31 0.11 2.2 = a a a

c(t) = 0.98 gives

4 Ts = a

Time Constant, : Time it takes to rise 63% of final value. Rise time, Tr: Time to go from 10% to 90% of final value. Settling time, Ts: Time to reach within 2% of final value.


Second order systems (RLC circuit)

di 1 t Vs = L + Ri + idt dt C t0
d 2 i R di i + + =0 2 dt L dt LC

R 1 s + s+ = 0 L LC

s1, 2

R 1 R = 2L 2 L LC

2 s1, 2 = 2 0

0 =

R 2L
1 LC

damping factor resonance frequency


Second order systems (General)

b G(s) = 2 s + as + b

Consider a general system The poles of systems are

s1, 2

a a a 2 4b a = = 2 2 2

( b)

2 = + 2 n

a = = damping factor 2

n = b = natural frequency
Critically damped : Overdamped : Underdamped Undamped : :

a = = dampingratio = n 2 b
2 n G(s) = 2 2 s + 2 n s + n

=1 >1 <1 =0


Second order systems (contd..)


Second order systems (contd..)


Second-order underdamped response specifications


Second order systems (contd..)

Specify the system behavior shown below:

a 8 12 = = = 1.155 Overdamped G(s) = 2 2 b 2 12 s + 8s + 12 a 8 16 = = = 1 Critically damped G(s) = 2 2 b 2 16 s + 8s + 16 a 8 20 = = = 0.894 Underdamped G(s) = 2 2 b 2 20 s + 8s + 20

24 G ( s) = 2 s + 24

a 2 b

0 =0 2 24



Second order systems (contd..)


Second order systems (contd..)


Step response for the second order system

Assignment: Find the step response of underdamped second order system.

Hints: Use the following equation.

2 n K K s + K3 C ( s) = = s+ 2 2 2 2 s (s 2 + 2 n s + n ) s s + 2 n s + n


c(t ) = 1

1 1

e nt cos n 1 2 t


= tan

1 2



1. Norman S Nise, Control System Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 5th Ed., pp. 153221. 2. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall, 5th Ed., pp. 158268.


Next class

Transient Stability

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