LM Intensive

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ATTY. ARLENE CAPILI, RN - Legitimate right to give command and to act on

the interest of an organization
MANAGEMENT - An officially sanctioned responsibility
- Art of getting things done with and through people -
so that the goals of the organization can be POWER
achieved. - Ability to obtain, retain, and motivate other people
LEADERSHIP to perform and to organize informational and
- The use of one skill to influence others to material resources to accomplish a task
perform to the best of their ability toward goal
- PLANNING: knowing where you are and where
 Assertiveness: sending direct messages, standing  2 TYPES OF PLANNING
up for own rights, without stepping the rights of o Strategic/ Long Term Plan: 3-5 years; the
others organization benefits; top level leaders are
 Ingratiation: making others feel good/ look good the ones who is planning
before making a request o Operational/ Short Term Plan: usually
 Rationality: relaying on a detailed plan, reason or annually; the operations benefits; first level
logic leaders monitors/plans
 Coalition: backing up a request together with your  SWOT analysis: strength, weakness,
co-members opportunities, threats
 Upward Appeal: relying on people above you and  HIERARCHY OF PLANNING
your cohort to implement the desired change o Mission: reason for existence
 Blocking: threatening somebody to damage his o Vision:
opportunity for advancement; not being friendly to o Philosophy: statement of beliefs, values
another person until he grants the request; and principles
blackmail o Goals: general
 Exchange: reminding somebody of a favor or o Objectives: specific
returning a favor
o Policies: plans reduced to statements that
 Sanction: either giving or preventing incentives,
helps the organization in decision making
benefits or promotions
o Procedures: step by step instructions
TYPES OF LEADERS: o Rules: guidelines for action and non-action
 Formal leaders: people who hold a position in an
organization o BUDGET: revenues and expenses (income and
o Top leaders: focuses on the cost)
organization; monitors the entire TYPES OF BUDGETS:
organization (top administrators) o Capital
o Middle leaders: coordinates with the top o Operational
and the middle; middleman o Personnel
(supervisors, coordinators, department o Cash
heads) - ORGANIZING (STAFFING): establish structure
o First level: they focus on the operations and job description
(head nurse/unit managers) PURPOSE: to know/identify the work distribution
 Informal leaders: people who do not hold a o 3 ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL
position in the organization but can motivate the STRUCTURE:
employees to perform (senior staff) o Levels of Authority
o Lines of communication: solid line:
3 STYLES OF LEADER: direct relationship
1. AUTOCRATIC: leader focus; best use in  unity of command
emergency  scalar chain: chain of command,
2. DEMOCTRATIC: members have a voice in reporting relationship,
decision making, leader acts as facilitator; complaints
compliance o Span of Control: directly; number of
3. LAISSE-FAIRE: member focus; matured enough workers
⭐ CONTINGENCY THEORY: a leadership style may or STRUCTURE:
may not be effective depending on the situation
 Centralized models  Implement plan one step at a time; to
 Decentralized or participating approach: prevent resistance
decision making; delegated to the ones  Evaluate over-all results
nearest majority workers - CONTROLLING/EVALUATING/REVIEWING/
 JOB DESCRIPTION: also termed as performance CHECKING/DETERMINING/COMPARING: seeing to
responsibility, precise it that what is planned is done
o It prevents malpractice o 4 BASIC STEPS:
THE STAFFING PROCESS:  Develop standards and criteria
 CONVENTIONAL:  3types of standard:
 CYCLIC  Structure: facilities, equipment,
 FORTY HOURS: 8 hrs/day materials, management system
 Seven days  Process: plans and procedures
NURSING CARE SYSTEM:  Outcome: results
- Used to deliver nursing care  Determine compliance to standards and
o CASE METHOD/NURSING: total care nursing criteria
o Functional  Nursing audit
o Team nursing  Concurrent: evaluate as the
o Primary nursing: ideal to used in the ward care is given; patient focus
o Modular Nursing  Retrospective: past, history
o Case management: HCDS;  Performance appraisal= staff-focus
 Informal- incidental
- GOALS: deliver quality care
performance appraisal
- Promote quality care
 Formal- systematically done
- Decrease fragmentation
based on the procedure, usually
- Contain costs
ends up in review sessions
- DIRECTING: issuance of orders and assignments
 Identify strengths and weaknesses
of orders
 Act to reinforce strengths and to take
o 2 aspects:
corrective action on the weaknesses
 Technical: tasks, equipment, procedure,
 Interpersonal: attitude, behaviors,
styles of direction giving
 Position of the staff: licensed or
 Ward: where came from or where
are going
 Capabilities of the staff
 Condition of the patient
o Conflict- resolution strategies; reporting
 Avoidance
 Dominance and suppression
 Restriction/ power
 Majority rule
 Smoothing
 Compromise
 Collaboration: brainstorming
o 4 approaches in problems solving
 Win-lose
 Lose-win
 Lose-lose
 Win-win
o Change management: any alterations in the
status quo
o Change process
 Perceive the need for change
 Initiate a group interaction ⭐ key to
problem solving ⭐

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