Srange - 3218E Rodillos en Máquinas de Colada Continua

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S-Range - a new concept................................................................ 5

Continuous casting machines - general.............................................. 7
S-Range of bearings for rollers in continuous casting machines .............. 11
Bearing data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
S-Range matrix ............................................................................. 12
Bearing designations.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Designation suffixes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Matrix ....................................................................................... 13
Bearing arrangement design ............................................................. 15
Mounting and dismounting .............................................................. 18

• Relevant SKF publications ..... : ........................................................ 19

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-a new concept
To further streamline SKF customer service
a number of items from the broad assortment
of SKF bearings has been carefully selected.
These make up the S-Range, application orientated
bearing ranges for specific application areas.
The selection of each S-Range item is based on
wide SKF experience in the bearing application
field, built through contact with bearing users
all over the world .
. It is SKF policy to supply virtually every type
of bearing to meet customer requirements. But
with S-Range, SKF now offers customers addi-
tional benefits:

- Simplified bearing selection and application

design work coupled with confidence in the
suitability of the range offered.

- Short delivery times.

- Long term supply stability.

- Worldwide availability.

- No minimum order quantities.

- Simplified ordering and stocking.

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SKF Knowledge Library – For internal use only

Continuous casting machines

Present trends in the steel industry confirm
a boom in continuous casting. The main
reason for this is because the continuous
casting process permits production of slabs,
blooms or billets directly from molten steel
instead of using the traditional methods in-
volving ingot moulding and roughing rolling
mills. This universal process offers consider-
able advantages such as fewer handling
operations, smaller steel losses and lower

• energy consumption resulting in a good qual-

ity product and also higher productivity. A
general layout of a continuous casting
machine for slabs is shown on the page
spr~ad overleaf.
In continuous casting machines the molten
steel from the ladle is distributed by a tun-
dish and is formed in a water-cooled copper
mould to obtain, at the exit, a solidified
uniform shell which is sufficiently thick to
carry the mechanical and thermal stresses.
The mould is shaken by an oscillatory drive
system and is lubricated to prevent the cast-
ing from sticking. The casting then slowly
solidifies throughout as it passes between a
large number of spray-cooled rollers.
The rollers are often assembled in modu-
lar units, but are sometimes mounted inde-
pendently so that adjustments and mainten-
ance operations can be carried out more
easily. They are arranged in different sec-
tions, e.g. the secondary cooling zone, the
straightening and withdrawal unit etc.
After passing through the oxy-acetylene
cutting station, the discharge roller table
conveys the slabs, blooms or billets to the
air cooling bed and inspection areas.
It has been proved that rolling bearings
are an excellent choice for the rollers in con-
tinuous casting machines; they give good
radial and axial guidance of the rollers with
minimum frictional moment, even under the
very severe conditions to which they are
subjected, i.e. high radial loads, high ambi-
ent temperature and large quantities of water
and scale.

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General layout of a continuous casting machine for slabs

Straightening and
.withdrawal unit
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Primary roller table

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S-Range of bearings for

rollers in continuous casting
When selecting the bearings for inclusion in It is generally recommended that the bear-
this S-Range, the operating and environ- ings be checked for a minimum static safety
mental conditions and SKF's own wide ex- factor s0 > 2 (refers to C0 values in SKF
perience of supplying bearings to this branch General Catalouge).
of industry over many years together with
the present knowledge of future develop-
ment in this field of application, were all Bearing data
taken into account. Only the more general
designs are covered in this publication, as Bearing data on all the spherical roller bear-
there is still a strong development taking ings included in this S-Range will be found
place and it is very difficult to foresee the in the SKF General Catalogue.
outcome. Nevertheless, SKF will be partici-
pating actively in this development.
The complete S-Range of bearings for
rollers in continuous casting machines is
shown, in matrix form, on page 13.
All the bearings included in this range
are standard spherical roller bearings which
are especially suitable for this application

- they can accommodate high radial loads in

combination with considerable axial loads
acting in both directions;

- they can compensate misalignment;

- they are stabilised for operating tempera-

tures up to 200 oc and the heat treatment
used makes them specially resistant to

The internal design of SKF spherical roller

bearings means that the rollers are self-
guiding and assume their correct positions
even at the very low speeds which are pecu-
liar to continuous casting machines.
Depending upon the efficiency of the
water cooling and the chosen mounting tol-
erances, bearings with C3 or C4 radial inter-
nal clearance meet the application require-
Selection of a bearing size ·s made on the
basis of its basic static load rating C0 in rela-
tion to the loads to be carried and the
requirements regarding reliability and com-
bined optimum cross-sectional height in rela-
tion to the diameter of the rollers.

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S-Range matrix

The bearings included in this S-Range are

shown in Dimension Series order (light sec-
tion series to the left, heavy to the right) and
bearings with C3 radial internal clearance
are shown first, followed by those with
greater clearance.
The various designs of the individual
spherical roller bearings (i.e. CC, CAC, CA
etc.) are explained in the SKF General

Bearing designations
The matrix heading shows bearing desig-
nations without the size figures. A lighter
coloured square indicates the position for
the size figures which are shown to the right
of the matrix.

Designation suffixes
The following designation suffixes will be
found in the matrix.

C3 Radial internal clearance greater than

Normal. C3 clearance is recom-
mended for heavily loaded bearings
where the inner ring operates at a
higher temperature than the outer, if
the temperature difference does not
exceed 15 oc (hot inner rings).

C4 Radial internal clearance greater than

C3. The difference in temperature
between inner and outer rings should
not be more than 30 oc (hot inner

W33 Lubrication groove and three holes in

the outer ring.

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S-Range - Continuous casting machines

Spherical roller bearings I

With C3 clearance With C4 clearance

t') t') t') t')
t') t')t') t<)f'lt<) t') t') t') t') t') t')t')t') t') t')
t') t') ~ t') ~ t') t') t') t') t') ~ t') ~ t') t') t')
~ ~ t') ~ t') ~ ~ ~ ~ '<!' ~ '<!' ~ ~ ~
t') t')~ t'lUt'l t') t') t') ~ '<!' '<t'U
u-- '<t'U'<t'
u--u '<!' '<!' '<!' '<!'
~ ~u u--u
--U< ~~ ~~ ~ --U --U< ~~ ~~ ~
u u< U< uu uu u U< U< uu uu ~
u uu uuu uu uu u uu uuu uu uu
d 0 DO
...... ...... ODD
...... ............
...... ......
...... ............
N N t')t')
~ ~~
(mm) ~~ ~~~ NN
NN NN ~~ ~~~ NN
N N ~
12 01
15 02
17 03
20 04
25 os
30 06
35 07
40 08
45 09
so 10
ss 11
60 12
65 13
70 14
75 15
80 16
85 17
90 18
95 19
100 20
110 22
120 24
130 26
140 28
150 30
160 32
170 34
180 36
190 38
200 40
220 44
240 48
260 52
280 56
300 60
320 64
340 68
360 72
380 76
400 80
420 84
440 88
460 92
480 96
500 /500
530 /530
560 /560
600 /600
630 /630
670 /670
710 1710
750 /750

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SKF Knowledge Library – For internal use only

Bearing arrangement design

The loads acting on the bearings depend on must also retain the lubricant in the space
the various concepts of continuous casting around the bearings, they have to be
machines which combine the dimensions of selected with great care.
the rollers, the distance between two con-
secutive rollers and the position of the Bearing selection
rollers in the machine. Spherical roller bearings with cylindrical
Modular units generally allow sufficient bore are recommended, as they permit a
space for the bearings but independent simple and relatively inexpensive bearing
rollers necessitate a more compact arrange- arrangement.
ment with small sectional height bearings.
Apart from serious accidents, for Bearing arrangement
example, large scale damage to the rollers The bearing arrangements used in the sec-
and associated bearings resulting from insuf- ondary cooling and withdrawal sections are
ficient solidification of the steel, the ser- similar.
vic~ life of bearings in continuous casting A typical arrangement used in the second-
machines depends, to a large extent, on the ary cooling section is shown in fig 1. Here,
efficiency of the seals which must prevent the rollers are internally water cooled and
the entry of abrasive and corrosive are equipped with two spherical roller bear-
materials, such as scale and water; as they ings. The bearings are mounted with an in-

~~~-- --- --

1-- ------- -

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terference fit directly on cylindrical seatings, interference fit in the roller whilst the inner
against an abutment. In this particular case rings have a clearance fit on the stationary
the inner rings are secured axially by a shaft.
special device with a built-in water cooling As the distance between two consecutive
inlet. The degree of interference between rollers is much larger in the discharge tables
the inner ring and its seating is dictated by it is possible to fit plummer block housings.
the magnitude of the radial loads and the .Such an arrangement with spherical roller
temperature conditions. bearings mounted on cylindrical seatings is
The shaft has been provided with ducts so shown in fig 3.
that the bearings can easily be dismounted SKF can provide a wide range of standard
by using the SKF oil injection method. At and special housings as well as seals,
one end of the roller the bearing outer ring examples being spheroidal graphite cast iron
is free to move axially in its housing. SSNAD housings and cast steel 4440(00)
Depending upon the operating conditions housings. Details of suitable housings will be
piston ring type seals or one or two rubber supplied by SKF on request. The bearing
lip seals are often preferred to prevent water sizes should be stated when enquiring.
from penetrating into the bearings. The seal-
ing arrangements are generally completed by
adding mechanical protection such as a
simple retaining plate or sometimes laby-
In the straightening section, large back-up
rolls are mounted as shown in fig 2. As they
are not directly in contact with the casting it
is possible to use simple grease-filled laby-
rinth seals.
In certain continuous slab casting
machines the bearings are mounted inside
the rotating rollers. The outer rings have an


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Tolerances Lubrication
Grease lubrication is generally preferred.
Bearings mounted outside the roller For operating temperatures up to 120 oc a
Shaft Diameters (40) grease containing EP additives and with the
to 100 mm m6 highest possible base oil viscosity, such as
Diameters (100) SKF LGEM2 (510 mm 2/s at 40 °C), is rec-
to 140 mm n6 ommended. For higher operating tempera-
Diameters (140) tures a suitable high temperature grease
to 280 mm p6 should be chosen. Automatic grease lubri-
Diameters (280) cation is popular in all stages of continuous
to 500 mm r6 casting machines; the benefits obtained are
enhanced bearing protection and reliable
Housing Diameters up lubrication.
to 300 mm
- discharge table H8
- other positions 07
Diameters 300
to 500 mm F7
Diameters greater
than 500 mm E7

Bearings mounted inside the roller

Shaft All diameters f6

Housing Depending on the wall

thickness of the roller
and the temperature
gradient R6 or S6

-~---- - --~--~ -----------------------

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Mounting and dismounting

If the bearings are mounted outside the be found in SKF publication Product Infor-
rollers they are heated during mounting, but mation 300 whiCh also contains details of a
are dismounted by using the SKF oil injec- variety of specially designed mounting and
tion method. Where the bearings have to be dismounting tools.
mounted inside the roller , the roller itself is
generally heated. Reference should be made
to the mounting and dismounting section of
the SKF General Catalogue, but a more
comprehensive treatment of the subject will

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Relevant SKF publications

The publications listed below are only a few of many issued by SKF. If
specific problems arise or if information not covered in these publications
is needed, please contact your nearest SKF company or dealer.

· PI 102 SN A plummer blocks

PI 300 Methods and tools for mounting and dismounting rolling bearings
PI 302 Precautions when mounting rolling bearings
DM 10037 Cast steel housings

3200 General Catalogue

e Ball Bearing Journal

A quarterly review of rolling bearing engineering.
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©Copyright SKF 1982

Every care has been taken to ensure the
accuracy of the information contained in this
publication but no liability can be accepted
for any errors or omissions.

Publication 3218 E
Reg. 871 6 · 5 000 · 1982-12

Printed in Sweden by Elanders

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