Sas 14 23 Nurs 192
Sas 14 23 Nurs 192
Sas 14 23 Nurs 192
9. What are the breast milk composition? Select that all apply
a. Triglycerides
b. Lactose
c. Whey proteins
d. Vitamins, Minerals, and Trace Elements
5. A 4-week-old baby boy was brought to the health center for his
first immunization. Which can be given to him?
C. Infant BCG
D. Hepatitis B vaccine 1
6. As a nurse, you will not give DPT 2 if the mother says that the
infant had
A. Seizures a day after DPT 1.
B. Fever for 3 days after DPT 1.
C. Abscess formation after DPT 1.
D. Local tenderness for 3 days after DPT 1.
SAS 18
1. You can classify that a child aged 2 years has fast breathing if
he has a respiratory rate of
A. 60 bpm or more
B. 50 bpm or more
C. 40 bpm or more
D. Any of the above
8. Which type of plan would the nurse instruct to a child who was
classified with severe dehydration?
A. Plan A
B. Plan B
C. Plan C
D. Plan D
9. If child has not enough signs to classify as some or severe
dehydration, the child will be classified as what?
A. Severe Dehydration
B. Mild Dehydration
C. Some Dehydration
D. No Dehydration
10. Patient Tifa, 5 months old has diarrhea for already 16 days.
You also notice that dehydration is present. This could be
classified as?
A. Severe Dehydration
B. Severe Persistent Diarrhea
C. Some Dehydration
D. Persistent Diarrhea
SAS 19
1.BEmoNC facility that had each of following functions at the time
of survey was considered as provider of the basic
EmNC which of the following. select that all apply;
a. Incubator available
A. Warmth (drying and skin-to-skin contact)
B. Pediatrics nursery available
C. Eye prophylaxis (tetracycline eye ointment).
D. Clean cord care.
E. Early and exclusive breast feeding
F. Basic newborn resuscitation.
3. Clean Air Act has been clearly defined in what Republic Act?
A. R.A. 8749
B. R.A. 9003
C. R.A. 8746
D. All of the above
8. What is the act of cleaning one‟s hands with the use of any
liquid with or without soap for the purpose of removing dirt or
A. Aseptic technique
B. Handwashing
C. Medical Asepsis
D. Surgical Asepsis
SAS 21
1,. When presenting student health assessment data in a
professional meeting or published document, the school nurse is
ethically bound to ensure that:
A. students whose assessment results have been presented are
described using only their defining characteristics.
B. individual students cannot be identified on the basis of any of
the data presented.
C. the data is distributed before publication to the families of the
students whose assessment results have been used.
D. data are presented as individual results rather than as
aggregate data or data in summary form
2. According to state guidelines related to responsibilities of
school health program staff, which of the following functions is
most appropriate for a school nurse to assign to a health services
A. assessing the nutritional needs of the overall student
population in the school
B. overseeing medical treatment regimens that are self-
administered by student
C. carrying out developmental screening tests that involve
observation and interviewing
D. collecting, maintaining, and updating emergency information
for all students
5. The school nurse checks the emergency care plan on file that
outlines steps to take if the student exhibits signs of
hypoglycemia. According to current standards of school nursing
practice, which of the following actions is most appropriate to take
first in response to a hypoglycemic reaction in a conscious
A. administering warm clear fluids or diet soda in sips
B. administering a quickly digestible protein source and
monitoring the student for 15 minutes
C. administering insulin according to the dose specified in the
student's insulin schedule
D. administering glucose tabs or a fast-acting carbohydrate such
as juice, cake gel, or candy
SAS 23
1. A person, firm or other entity which pays for or hires the
services of another person.
A. Co-employee
B. Employer
C. Patient
D. Nursing Orderlies