DLP Business Ethics

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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

School SIBUGON INTEGRATED Grade Level G-12

Teacher PHEGIEL H. MAGAMAY Learning Business Ethics &
Area Social Responsibility
Time & Dates Quarter 3rd

A. Content Standards The importance of doing business beyond profit motivation. Introduction
to the notion of Social Enterprise (meeting a given social objective or
resolving a real social problem while making ends meet) for poverty
B. Performance Standards 1. Identify reasons for establishing business enterprises beyond profit.
2. Prepare and implement a personal action plan to assist an existing small
business enterprise to practice ethics and social responsibility in their
business operation.

C. Learning Competencies To encourage employees to play active roles as decision makers in the
/ Objectives. business enterprise.
Write the LC code for each ABM_ESR12-IV-m-p-4.2
II. CONTENT Business Beyond Profit Motivation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages None
2. Learner’s Materials None
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials None
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning http://managementstudyguide.com/methods-of-employee-
Resources participation.htm
Preliminary Activities:
Introductory Activity ( 10 1. Prayer
minutes). 2. Checking of Attendance
3. Setting of Classroom Standards
4. Review
Make a brief review of the previous lesson by asking the students what
they have learned. Give summary or ask someone to summarize briefly the
previous topic.

5. Motivation
Students will reflect on this quotation: “Unsuccessful people make
decisions based on their current situations. Successful people make
decisions based on where they want to be.”
Activity/Strategy ( Group Activity:
9minutes). Each group is assigned with a particular picture and they will answer the
questions below. One representative will share the answer inside the class.



1) What is the picture all about?
2) What are they doing?

Analysis ( 6 minutes). 1) What do you think is our topic for today?

2) As a student, why is it that decision making is important?
Why do employees need to play active roles as decision makers in the
business enterprise?
Abstraction ( 23minutes). Discussion 
Participation of workers in decision-making process has resulted in
successful value creation in many organizations. There are a number of
ways through which employees can participate in decision-making process
of any organization.
 Participation at the Board Level: Representation of employees at
the board level is known as industrial democracy. This can play an
important role in protecting the interests of employees. The
representative can put all the problems and issues of the employees
in front of management and guide the board members to invest in
employee benefit schemes.
 Participation through Ownership: The other way of ensuring
workers’ participation in organizational decision making is making
them shareholders of the company. Inducing them to buy equity
shares, advancing loans, giving financial assistance to enable them
to buy equity shares are some of the ways to keep them involved in
 Participation through Collective Bargaining: This refers to the
participation of workers through collective agreements and by
deciding and following certain rules and regulations. This is
considered as an ideal way to ensure employee participation in
managerial processes. It should be well controlled otherwise each
party tries to take an advantage of the other.
 Participation through Suggestion Schemes: Encouraging your
employees to come up with unique ideas can work wonders
especially on matters such as cost cutting, waste management,
safety measures, reward system, etc. Developing a full-fledged
procedure can add value to the organizational functions and create a
healthy environment and work culture. For instance, Satyam is
known to have introduced an amazing country-wide suggestion
scheme, the Idea Junction. It receives over 5,000 ideas per year
from its employees and company accepts almost one-fifth of them.
 Participation through Complete Control: This is called the
system of self management where workers union acts as
management. Through elected boards, they acquire full control of
the management. In this style, workers directly deal with all aspects
of management or industrial issues through their representatives.
 Participation through Job Enrichment: Expanding the job
content and adding additional motivators and rewards to the
existing job profile is a fine way to keep workers involved in
managerial decision-making. Job enrichment offers freedom to
employees to exploit their wisdom and use their judgment while
handling day-to-day business problems.
 Participation through Quality Circles: A quality circle is a group
of five to ten people who are experts in a particular work area. They
meet regularly to identify, analyze and solve the problems arising in
their area of operation. Anyone, from the organization, who is an
expert of that particular field, can become its member. It is an ideal
way to identify the problem areas and work upon them to improve
working conditions of the organization.

Employees can participate in organizational decision making through

various processes mentioned above. However, there are other ways such as
financial participation, Total Quality Management, participation through
empowered teams and joint committees and councils through which they
can contribute their share in making the organizations a better place to
Application ( 5 minutes). Summarize the topics presented by asking all the students.
(Group Recitation)
Group Activity: Role Play on Staffing Procedure:
Instructions: In the same group, each group needs to select at least one way
through which employees can participate in decision-making process of
any organization. They will make a role play. Five minutes will be given to
the learners to think of a situation. Each group will be given two minutes
Quality of Content- 30%
Quality of Scenario- 20%
Organization- 20%
Impact- 10%
Presentation Skills- 20%

Assessment ( 5 minutes). Short Quiz: Identification. Identify what kind of participation or the way
through which employees can participate in decision-making process of
any organization.

____________ 1) The representative can put all the problems and issues of
the employees in front of management and guide the board members to
invest in employee benefit schemes.

____________ 2) They meet regularly to identify, analyze and solve the

problems arising in their area of operation.

____________ 3) The other way of ensuring workers’ participation in

organizational decision making is making them shareholders of the
____________ 4) Expanding the job content and adding additional
motivators and rewards to the existing job profile is a fine way to keep
workers involved in managerial decision-making.

____________ 5) This refers to the participation of workers through

collective agreements and by deciding and following certain rules and
_____________6) This is called the system of self management where
workers union acts as management. Through elected boards, they acquire
full control of the management.

_____________7) Encouraging your employees to come up with unique

ideas can work wonders especially on matters such as cost cutting, waste
management, safety measures, reward system, etc.

Assignment/Agreement (2 Study in advance next topic.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or The used of multimedia in presenting the lessons.
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II
Sibugon Integrated School
Sibugon, Lopez Jaena, Mis. Occ.

Noted by:

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