JCM Hybrid Controller User Manual

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Advanced Hybrid

Wind / Solar
Charge Controller

User Manual

1. Please read the instructions carefully prior to product use or installation and refer back to them
throughout the installation.
2. This product should be installed by qualified personnel, in strict accordance with local
regulations and the installation instructions provided in this user manual.
3. Never install this product in areas exposed to direct sunlight, corrosive/ flammable/ explosive
gases, moisture, excessive dust, vibration, or strong electromagnetic interference.
5. Do not attempt to disassemble or repair this product.


I. Product Overview
II. Technical Notes
III. Key Features and Protection Functions
a. Key Features
b. Protection Functions
IV. Installation
a. Installation Considerations
b. Installation Procedure
V. LCD Interface and Settings
a. LED Status Indicators
b. Function Keys
c. LCD Display Icons
d. Parameter Browsing Menu
e. Parameter Settings Menu
VI. Product Dimensions
VII. Technical Specifications
VIII. Warranty
I. Product Overview

This controller is specifically designed for Wind/Solar hybrid systems with a range of
configurable settings for all types of applications; from basic hybrid systems to more complex
setups, with programmable settings and timers for lighting.

This controller features independent charging circuits for wind or solar input. This allows the
controller to function either as a hybrid solar/wind controller, as a solar controller using only
solar power or as a wind controller using only wind power. (Advanced lighting settings are not
available when using wind turbines alone).

The wind charging circuit of this controller features advanced MPPT boost charging
technology to extract the maximum possible power from the wind turbine in low wind speeds.
In excessive wind speeds which could potentially damage the battery and load, the controller
will automatically activate the dump load function (see Section II) where excess energy is
redirected in order to protect the system components.

The solar charging circuit of this controller uses MOS tube PWM technology, which
minimises the power consumption of the controller and makes the system more stable.

The controller features a range of working modes and control functions which can be
programmed according to specific user requirements.

The extensive range of inbuilt safety protection features include: lightning protection,
reverse current backflow protection, over-voltage automatic braking, battery reverse
polarity, battery open circuit protection, etc.

The user-friendly interface includes an LCD display and four easy to use buttons for simple
and convenient operation.

II. Technical Notes

In off-grid systems, the wind turbine / solar panel can generate power which is either above
or below the level required for normal charging of the battery and operation of the connected
load. This controller is equipped to handle either of these two scenarios, as detailed below:

Scenario 1) The battery is full and first requires discharge to power the load normally
and avoid permanent damage to system components

A dump load function is incorporated to resolve the issue presented in situation 1), when the
battery has become fully charged and excess energy must be diverted elsewhere. In this
case, the energy generated by the wind turbine will be diverted directly to the dump load
resistor; connected to the dump load terminals of the controller. Is it absolutely essential that
the dump load resistor is enabled in areas of high wind speeds, such as coastal regions or
areas of high ground. Even in areas of low to moderate wind speeds, it is still strongly
recommended that the dump load resistor is configured.

Scenario 2) The energy produced is not sufficient enough to support the

requirements of the load. In this case, power generation capacity must be improved.
The MPPT boost charging function is designed for when the wind power is not at a high enough
level to support battery charging. When wind conditions are less than the rated wind speed of the
generator, and the resulting voltage and power do not reach the level required for charging, the
controller will use real-time monitoring to acknowledge this and will boost the circuit voltage and
current to meet system requirements. The MPPT algorithm ensures that the maximum possible
power is extracted from the wind generator.

This hybrid controller uses simple and efficient PWM technology for the solar array, whilst a
combination of MPPT boost charging and dump load functions are employed for the wind array.

III. Key features and Protection Functions

a) Key Features:

• Dump load function ensures optimum safety of system components

• High efficiency MPPT charging technology used for the wind power array
• Optional boost charge function increases charging efficiency in low wind speeds
• Extensive range of safety protection functions
• Advanced digital LCD display to show various charging parameters
• Optional programmable charging parameters
• Easy to use function keys allow the user to adjust various settings
• Long lasting, compact design

b) Protection Functions:

Function Description
Solar reverse charge protection At night or in poor light conditions, the controller will prevent
current from flowing back to the solar cells from the battery.
Battery reverse charge protection The controller will automatically disconnect the battery
circuit during high transient currents to protect the battery,
device and load.
Battery open circuit protection After long term use, or due to poor connections, battery
open circuit may occur. In this case, the controller itself will
be protected from any damage. Connections should be
checked regularly to avoid this.
Figure 1.1 Controller Protection Functions

This charge controller also features the additional safety functions:

• Battery reverse polarity connection

• Battery open circuit protection
• High wind speed protection
• Over voltage protection
• Lightning protection*

*Please note: for lightning prone areas, additional necessary safety precautions must be taken
and specialist protection equipment may still be required.
IV. Installation

Installation should only be carried out by qualified personnel with the appropriate electrical
knowledge and experience, in strict accordance with the information provided in this user
manual. Relevant safety precautions must be taken.

a) Installation Considerations:

When choosing a location to install this controller and the dump load resistor, please observe the
following requirements:

1. The controller and dump load resistor should be installed in a clean, dry, well ventilated
2. Avoid positioning in direct sunlight, rain, and humid environments.
3. Avoid dusty environments
4. The battery should be located at least 0.5m away from the controller
5. Never install the controller and dump load resistor in environments exposed to flammable or
explosive gases
6. Ambient temperature should be within the range of -25ºC to +50ºC.
7. Relative air humidity must be under 85% (25ºC ± 5 ºC).

Figure 2.1 System wiring diagram

b) Installation Procedure :

1. Open the package to confirm that all parts are present and undamaged.
2. Install the controller and dump load resistor in an appropriate location (see Installation
Considerations) with adequate space and airflow around both the controller and dump load
resistor to ensure normal heat dissipation. Do not install the controller or resistor in an
enclosed space or location with an ambient temperature which exceeds the working
temperature range for this controller.
3. For installation, please use insulated multi-strand copper wires. First, determine the
appropriate wire lengths to ensure that power losses are kept to a minimum.
4. Connect your battery to the battery terminals of the wind charge controller, using copper
core cable less than 1m in length with a minimum thickness of 4mm². Paying close attention
to the positive and negative polarity, connect one end of the cable to the “B+” terminal of the
controller, and the other end to the positive terminal of the battery. Next, using a wire of the
same length, connect one end to the “B-” terminal of the controller, and the other to the
negative terminal of the battery. If the positive and negative terminals are connected
incorrectly, disconnect all cables immediately and reconnect them correctly in the above
order. The controller has reverse polarity protection which should prevent the controller from
potential damage.
5. After connecting the battery as instructed, the controller will automatically switch on. The two
charging lights will start flashing, and the LCD display will illuminate. If the controller does
not switch on, check that the battery polarity is correct and that the battery voltage is at least
8V. If both of these checks are successful, reconnect the battery following the instructions
provided in step number 4.
6. Using appropriately sized copper core cable, connect the load to the load terminals of the
controller, paying close attention to the positive and negative polarity. Any connection errors
may result in permanent damage to the load, as these are not necessarily protected against
reverse polarity. If desired, two loads may be connected to the controller. To do this, screw
the two positive wires from both loads into the “L+” terminal of the controller and connect
each of the negative wires into the “L1” and “L2” terminals of the controller. After connection,
check that the load is working normally. If the load is not operating as expected, check
whether the ‘OUT’ light on the controller is flashing – if so, this indicates battery under-
voltage which means that the battery requires further charging first.
7. Using appropriately sized copper core cable, connect the solar panel(s) to the solar
terminals of the controller, paying close attention to the positive and negative polarity.
Connect the positive wire from the solar panel to the “S+” terminal of the controller. Connect
the negative wire from the solar panel to the “S-” terminal of the controller. If connected
incorrectly, the charge controller has reverse connection protection to prevent any damage
(provided that the battery and load have been connected correctly as instructed). Once the
solar panel is connected correctly, the ‘Charge’ light will turn on (provided that the panels
are exposed to daylight).
8. Using appropriately sized copper core cable, connect the dump load resistor to the dump
load resistor terminals of the controller. There is no positive or negative distinction.
9. Using appropriately sized copper core cable, connect the wind turbine to the wind turbine
terminals of the controller. For three-phase wind turbines, there is no positive or negative
distinction. For DC wind turbines, the turbine can be connected using any two of the three
terminals available on the controller. Always install the wind turbine in low wind speeds to
avoid safety risks.

V. LCD Interface and Settings

a) LED Status Indicators:

LED Status Indication

ON Charging
OFF Not charging
ON Normal Voltage
OUT OFF Over Voltage
FLASHING Under Voltage
Figure 3.1 LED indicators

b) Function Keys:

Figure 3.2 Function keys

As shown in figure 3.2:

- Button (1) – Press this button to enter the Setup interface or to switch between Setup
- Button (2) – Press this button to scroll down in page views, or to reduce parameter
values by increments of 0.1 in the Setup interface.
- Button (3) – Press this button to scroll up in page views, or to increase parameter values
by increments of 0.1 in the Setup interface.
- Button (4) – Press this button to exit the setup interface and to save the selected

c) LCD Display Icons

The default interface shown on the LCD display will appear similar to figure 3.3
shown below, depending on the individual system:
Figure 3.3 Default LCD interface

Displays a digital real-time battery voltage reading below

Daytime detected

Night time detected

2 x icons to represent Charging and Discharging:

- During charging, the icon will become animated. When there is no charging or charging
current is very low, the icon will disappear.
- During discharge, when the battery is in a state of under-voltage, the icon will flash.
When the battery voltage is within the normal range, the icon will remain static, indicating
that it is able to power a load. When load current draw is detected, the icon will become

Solar panel connected

Battery connected. The number of lines displayed represents the battery capacity.

Load connected

Wind turbine connected. Icon will become animated when wind is detected.

d) Parameter Browsing Menu

To browse charging parameters, press the down key to view the wind turbine charging current
(“lfan”) and once more to view the solar charging current (“lpv”), as shown below in figure 3.4.
Press the up key to return to the previous interface.

Figure 3.4 Parameter browsing menu

The above parameter browsing pages will be displayed for 60 seconds before the LCD backlight
automatically times out. The backlight can be reactivated by pressing any key.

e) Parameter Settings Menu

Float charging settings

To enter into the parameter settings menu as shown in figure 3.5, press the enter key, where you
can firstly adjust the float charging value (“Vfloat”). Use the up and down keys to increase or
decrease the float charging voltage by 1V. The controller can also be set to preset float charging
settings including an under-voltage preset “(Vunder”), over-voltage preset (“Vover”), as well as a
preset point at which the dump load is activated (“Vfan_breaking”).

Once set up is complete, either press the ESC key to exit the parameter settings menu and
return to the parameter browsing menu, or press the Enter key to switch to the next adjustable
parameter, as shown below:

Figure 3.5 Parameter settings menu

Lighting settings

If any lighting is connected to the load terminals of the controller, the user can switch between
‘household’ and ‘street light mode’ in the following settings interface. To do this, switch to the 5th
screen (see figure 3.5), where the data value “time” will appear. Here, press the up or down keys
to adjust the number of hours that the lights are switched on for (in 1hr increments). Please note,
when the value is set to 24, the controller is in 24hrs working mode (i.e. ‘Household mode’). Any
other chosen value will automatically be recognized as ‘street light’ mode.

Advanced lighting settings

Depending on the specifications of the connected load, this controller has the capability to
intelligently program specialized lighting such as streetlights. By scrolling down to the 6th screen
(as shown in figure 3.5), the data value “Tfirst” will appear. Here, press the up or down keys to
adjust the number of hours that the lighting will be on for. By scrolling down to the 7th screen, the
data value “Pfirst” will appear. Here, press the up or down keys to adjust the percentage of full
power used by the lights (value will change in increments of 10%).

The 8th and 9th screen allow the user to set a second set of values for the lighting, i.e. another
time value (“Tsecond”) and another % power value (“Psecond”).
VI. Product Dimensions

Figure 4.1 Hybrid charge controller diagram

Please note: The controller depth is 66mm.

Figure 4.2 Dump load resistor diagram

Controller Dump load resistor dimensions (mm) Weight

model L1±5 L2±5 L3±5 H1±2 H2±5
JCM-2460 185 198 233 70 100 0.8 kg
Figure 4.3 Dump load resistor dimensions

VII. Technical specifications

JCM-1240 JCM-2460
Rated Voltage 12V 24V
Max Solar input Power 200W 500W
Max Wind input power 400W 600W
Charging current 30A 37.5A
Braking voltage 14.4V±1% 28.8V±1%
Charging Float voltage 13.8V±1% 27.6V±1%
Recovery voltage 13.2V±1% 26.4V±1%
Temp compensation -24mV/ºC -48mV/ºC
Disconnect voltage
10.8V±1% 21.8V±1%
Discharge (DC)
Recovery voltage (DC) 12.3V±1% 24.6V±1%
Cut-off voltage (DC) 16.5V±1% 32.0V±1%
Recovery voltage (DC) 15.0V±1% 30.0V±1%
Idle current (DC) ≤0.1A
Voltage drop (DC) ≤0.5V
Wind power circuit MPPT charging technology
Boost charging Optional independent circuits for boost charging
Parameters displayed Voltage, charging current, battery power
Display LCD
Lightning protection, solar reverse backflow
protection, battery open circuit protection, high
Protection functions
wind speed protection, over-voltage automatic
braking, overload protection, etc.
Ambient temperature -25ºC to +55ºC
Altitude ≤5500m (reduce power use above 2000m)
Humidity 0-90% (non-condensing)
VIII. Warranty
This product is covered by a 1 year warranty, valid from the date of purchase. Claims made
outside of this warranty period will not be accepted. Claims for damage resulting from
transportation, improper use, mishandling or by force majeure will also be rejected.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this user manual without prior

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