Week 1 Greetings

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Teaching English to Young Learners

Teaching Listening and Speaking Integrated Lesson Plan

Week 1: Hello!

Prepared by

Mustafa Hakan YANAR

Ankara, 2022
Teaching Listening and Speaking Integrated Lesson Plan
Classroom Profile
Very Young learners with A1 Level, aged 4. Learners are very active. They like singing songs and playing games.
Language Objectives
Functions & Useful Language:

Greeting people

• Hello!

Asking about people’s names

• What’s your name?

Telling their names

• My name is…

Express gratitude towards a person and letting them know people appreciate their presence
• Nice to meet you.
Learning Strategy Activities
• Social and affective strategies: They are addressed via the teacher providing positive reinforcements such as “well done! Great! You are
going well!” while monitoring the class and after a learner gives a true answer.
• Metacognitive strategies: Considering Very Young Learners’ level, a metacognitive strategy applied in this lesson is simply the
teacher’s asking about which activity learners enjoyed most at the end of the lesson.

Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking: Sequencing

2 hours
Main Aims
• By the end of the lesson, learners will have been able to identify target useful language within the context of “greetings” based on the
information-gap and chain work speaking activities they do with both the oral input from the teacher,
• By the end of the lesson, learners will have been able to produce spoken product thanks to the singing a song whole-class, which is scaffolded
by a song appropriate to the topic and learners’ age level,
• By the end of the lesson, learners will have been able to associate useful language for greetings with their functions presented by the teacher
with the help of art & craft, games, and songs.
Subsidiary Aims
• Learners will have developed their listening skills by means of the listen and do activity by carefully listening to act out the action verbs

of zoo animals presented,

• Learners will have developed their speaking skills with the help practicing speaking with diverse speaking activity types based on the
mechanical speaking activity, which is embedded in the song presentation techniques, the information-gap activity, and spoken production
via song.
• Art & craft coloring sheets,
• Song to be used in the post activity (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMdq9jSaNLg),
• Coloring pens.

Anticipated Problems Solutions

• Learners may have difficulty in asking their favorite In order to overcome this situation, the teacher models asking one’s
characters’ names in the pre-activity. name and telling name before the activity, and he scaffolds learners

• Some of the learners may forget to bring their while he is visiting them when they color their favorite characters
materials to the class. with question such as: “what’s your name?” to the favorite character
• Some of learners can give a wrong answer. when they hold them.
• Early finishers may appear, or an activity may not go The teacher has extra materials to give learners.

as planned.
The teacher turns the class and asks if other learners agree with their

• Some of the learners may persist in switching to L1.
friend. After that, the teacher gives two options one of which is the
wrong answer that learners have said, the other one is the true one.
The teacher applies an extra activity.

• The teacher gives the instruction in L2 to imply that English is used
for communication, not a topic of study. Furthermore, he uses body
gestures and mimics to make his speech comprehensible.
Before the Lesson
The teacher prints the necessary materials.

Warm-up Teacher comes to the class and greets learners. After he greats them, he starts to the lesson with a classroom Interaction
(2 minutes) routine they apply as they do in the beginning of each class. In the warm-up, the teacher opens a song used for Pattern

warm-ups and plays it
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8). Furthermore, he asks that they should dance according to T-Ss
the video.
“Hello, how are you? You seem sleepy. Let’s dance and show our energy!”

Pre-activity Art & Craft: Stick Puppet Making Interaction

(20 minutes) Procedure & Steps
In the Art & craft activity, VYLs will color and cut their sheets which have their favorite characters from books,
films and songs. After they color and cut, they paste a stick with faces.
§ “Let’s start. Color the images and cut like this.” (the teacher holds and shows coloring pencils at the
same time.)
§ Then paste your pipette like this (teacher models the instruction)
While learners coloring, functions & useful language are also provided by the teacher verbally. For example,
the teacher asks a VYL pointing to his/her favorite character.
§ “Hello, what is your name?” expected answer: “My name is Elsa”
The teacher says:
§ Nice to meet you.
The teacher congratulates the learners and continues. T-Ss

§ “Repeat after me! (the teacher shows Elsa figure at the same time) Hello, My name is Elsa. Nice to meet
you, Elsa!” Great! Clap yourself!”
After they finish their Art & craft, the teacher checks functions & useful language by asking greeting questions
for each learner. For instance, the teacher comes to a learner with the Peppa pig figure and asks that
§ “Hello, what is your name?” learner answer, and the teacher says that “nice to meet you.”

After the activity, learners do a connect the dots activity which includes target useful language.
“Connect the dots like this.”
For a smooth transition, the teacher asks who Jack is. Learners looks questioningly. The teacher looks around
and take out the puppet called Jack and make them say hello. Then he states that Jack wants them to play a
§ “Who is Jack?” (the teacher looks around questioningly and takes out the puppet) “Say hello to Jack!”
§ “Jack wants to play a game. Let’s play!”

While- 1. Musical Cards Game (Spoken Interaction) Interaction

activity Language Skill: Speaking (guided) Patterns
(40 minutes Language Focus: practicing functions for greeting people
20+20) Procedure & Steps
As the learners got their keys for the game, the puppet allows the class to play the game. In this context, the
teacher states that they are ready for the game and asks their favorite characters from VYLs. After he get the
Musical Cards
characters, the class will play the ‘musical cards’ game. Hence, the teacher starts to give the instruction:
§ “Stand up, get in a circle. (accompanied by body gestures).
§ I open a song and you give the cards to your friend until the song stops. When it stops, the person with
the card waits for me.
§ For example, I ask what is your name? And you show your character and answer like ‘My name is Pepe.’”

the teacher models how the game is played as an introduction.

2. Information-gap Activity: Chain Work (Spoken Interaction)

Language Skill: Speaking (guided)
Language Focus: practicing functions for greeting people
Procedure & Steps
For a smooth transition, the teacher shows that one of the characters of VYLs is missing. The teacher asks the
Jack puppet; however, the puppet has no idea. Learners should find it via the chain work speaking activity. Information-gap
In this activity, learners use their favorite characters. In pairs, learners are required to draw cards in a pile one
by one. In the cards, (see the appendix d), seasons are depicted. For example, for the word winter, The learner
who picks up that card must ask the following question and answer each other: “Hello, what is your name?” the
other leaner should answer “my name is inspector gadget!” lastly: the other learner: “nice to meet you.”

§ “Oh, where is Elsa? Let’s ask Jack. ‘Jack, where is our tree?’ Seren does not know. Let’s find it!”
§ ̈ The teacher shows the cards he prepared and states that “with the friend next to you, take a card and
ask question about these images. Hello, what is your name? My name is… Nice to meet you.”
§ ̈ The teacher demonstrates how the activity is done. Hence, he picks up a card and asks about it to a
leaner. The teacher says that Hello, what is your name? My name is… Nice to meet you.”
§ ̈ The teacher starts the activity: “Like this. Start please.”

Post-activity Song: “What’s Your Name?” Interaction
(25 minutes) Language Skills: Listening & Speaking Pattern
Language Focus: practicing functions for greeting people
Listen and Do Activity & Spoken Interaction and Production
Procedure & Steps
In general, as a listening input, a song titled “What’s your name” by Super Simple Songs is used. Listening
skill is practiced while the song is presented with a “listen and do” activity in three sequences. First, the teacher T-Ss
plays the song and applies all the dialogues with stick puppets. Then, he invites a volunteer to the board and
apply the dialogue. In the third stage, learners come one by one to apply the dialogue.
§ “Now, watch me very carefully. Look at my actions.” After the first stage is over, the teacher
§ The teacher a for volunteers to the board. He encourages him/her to apply dialogues: “I need a volunteer.
Are there any volunteers? (a volunteer comes or the teacher selects them). “Watch your friends and me
very carefully and say them loud.”
After classroom apply dialogues, they sing the song altogether.
2nd activity for the song:
Language Skills: Listening (sub-skill: listening for specific information)
In this activity, learners match the pairs presented with their numbers (sequencing)
§ Match pairs with numbers (the teacher also applies himself)
Closing the lesson
After thanking participation, the teacher opens the farewell song as a routine.

Extra Clap the Names Interaction
activities In this activity, learners sit in a circle or stay at their desks. The teacher claps twice using a strong, even rhythm Pattern
(Games) and says, “My name is Hakan.” The teacher claps twice again and the next learner says “My name is…” keeping
(30 minutes) the rhythm. This circle continues round the class, getting learners alternately clap twice and say their names in
a rhythmic way until everyone has told their names. T-Ss
Pass the Secret
In this activity, it is aimed at whether learners pass the correct name while using the target functions.
§ The teacher gets learners to sit in a circle.
§ With the puppet Jack, the teacher whispers a secret instruction to one child: “My name is Pony.”
§ The teacher explains that learners whisper the correct name.
§ The last learner reveals the name, and the class claps themselves.

a) The lyrics of the song: Hello, hello. What’s your name?
Hello, hello. What’s your name?
Hello, hello. What’s your
My name is Cheesy.
My name is Broccoli.
Hello, hello. What’s your
Nice to meet you.
My name is Noodle. Hello, hello. What’s your name?
My name is Blossom. Hello, hello. What’s your name?
Nice to meet you. My name is Jelly.

My name is Kernel. Let’s be friends!
Nice to meet you.

b) Art & craft templates for the pre-activity:

B) Connect the dots activity

C) Visuals to be used in the musical cards game:

2nd Activity for the Song:

Dialogue Application characters for the Song:


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