Molly Ryan 12 7 Lesson Plan

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Office of Field Placement and Partnership Outreach

Pre-Practicum Lesson Template

Name: Molly Ryan Date: December 7, 2021

School: Lincoln Elementary School Grade: 3rd

Starting and Ending Time: 1PM to 1:45PM


MA Curriculum Frameworks incorporating the Common Core Standards: With regard to
how this lesson fits into the “big picture” of the students’ long-term learning, which MA
framework does the lesson most clearly address? Select 2 to 3 focal standards that will be key to
your instruction and assessment.

Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what concept, information, skill, or
strategy will the student(s) learn and (2) how will they demonstrate that knowledge?

K.CC.A.1 Count to 100 by 10s and 1s

Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this

The student will be able to accurately fill in a 100s chart to demonstrate the ability to count from
1 to 100.

Academic Language Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what language, relating to the
lesson and lesson content, will the student(s) know or learn, and (2) how will they demonstrate
that knowledge? Refer to WIDA and Three Tiers of Vocabulary Beck, Kucan, and McKeown
(2002) as cited by Thaashida L. Hutton in Three Tiers of Vocabulary and Education.


Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met this

The student will be able to accurately identify 5 even and 5 odd numbers between 1-100, they
will do this by coloring the numbers in. While doing this, they will be able to differentiate
between even and odd numbers while explaining their work.
Content: What are the specific details of the lesson’s content knowledge?

The student will further understand numbers and sequences in terms of counting. The numbers
will span from 1-100.


In this section, provide specific directions, explanations, rationales, questions, potential
vignettes/scenarios, strategies/methods, as well as step-by-step details that could allow someone
else to effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson objectives.

Opening (10 minutes): How will you introduce the instructional objective to the students,
“activate” learners, pre-teach/ preview vocabulary, and prepare them to engage with the lesson

1. I will begin the lesson by explaining to the student that we will be focusing on
successfully counting to 100 and identifying missing numbers from 1-100. We will be
working on skip counting using even numbers (2) and odd numbers (5)
2. I will ask the student if she understands what a pattern is. Depending on the student's
response and level of understanding with patterns, I will then present the accurate
3. I will then show a Youtube Video on my computer to introduce counting to 100. This will
function as a warm up since it visually shows all of the numbers from 1-100.

During Lesson (15 minutes): How will you direct, guide, and/or facilitate the learning process to
support the students in working toward meeting the instructional objectives?

1. After the video, I will present the students with blocks that add up to 100. I will show
that each block represents 1 number, so there are 100 blocks total.
2. After this, I will present students with the 100 chart. There will be 10 numbers missing,
one in each category of 10.
3. I will fill in the first number, and use the blocks to demonstrate that number. I will then
complete the next one with students, asking students to identify the number as I use the
manipulatives to show the number value.
4. After this, I will ask students to do both for the remaining numbers. I imagine that a lot of
assistance will be needed for this so I will help along the way.
5. Next, I will present the student with 2 crayons of different colors.
6. I will explain even and odd numbers to them, and using the crayons I will identify one
even number with one color and one odd number with the other.
7. I will ask the student to find 5 of each type of number and color them in using the
designated colors on the 100s chart.
Closing (5 minutes): How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so, review and
determine what students have learned?

1. To wrap up, I will ask the student various questions about numbers between 1-100.
2. I will ask if there are any patterns that can be seen in the numbers on the paper and in the
3. I will then ask her to explain even and odd numbers back to me. If she can do this, she
will have learned a lot from this lesson, and this goes right back to our objective.
As you think about supporting all learners, think about the Principles of Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) and utilize resources at the following links:

UDL at a glance:
Lesson planning:

Learner Factors: What will you do to ensure success from all students? Especially consider the
needs of students on Individual Education Plans (IEP), English language learners (at a variety of
English language levels), and students who may need an extended challenge. Highlight all that apply.

Grouping Factors Content Materials Student Response

Adjust grouping format Give additional Write homework list Alternate response
examples format (verbal/written)
Seat students Graphic organizers
strategically near one Provide alternate Give daily progress
another, you or the reading or the same text Use Braille or large report
focus of instruction at varying reading print
levels Extend time
Pair students Use manipulatives
Provide on-level Use assistive devices
Give verbal cues to Use interpreter
emphasize main ideas Give students copy of
directions Give more breaks
Increase number of
review activities Allow use of computer
Hand out copies of

Re-read directions

Use page markers

Specific Examples: Choose 3 examples of support from the list above and explain in detail the
differentiation. P1s choose 1 level of support to explain, P2s choose 2 levels of support to
explain and P3s and Grad P1s choose 3 levels of support to explain.

Support #1: Use manipulatives

Using manipulatives will be very important in this lesson as the student is a very visual learner.
She enjoys having things in front of her that she can see and touch in order to understand the
content of the lesson. The manipulatives will help her to visualize the counting process.

Support #2:

Support #3:
Classroom Management: If teaching a small group or whole class, how will you use classroom
routines, reinforce appropriate behavior, and/or handle behavioral issues? Give one example.

This lesson is a one on one lesson. The student I will be working with often gets distracted, so I
will have to make a real effort to keep her on task for the entirety of the lesson. If the student gets
distracted, I will remind her of the importance of the lesson. I will also make sure to incorporate
fun aspects of the lesson so that the student is less likely to become distracted.

Technology: How did you incorporate technology into the lesson?

I will play a youtube video about counting on my laptop to begin the lesson.

Materials: What are the materials that you will need to organize, prepare, and/or try-out before
teaching the lesson?

I will need to prepare a 100s chart with missing numbers, manipulatives

Follow-up: How will you and/or your Supervising Practitioner reinforce the learning at a later
time so that the students continue to work toward the lesson’s overarching goal (i.e., the MA
Curriculum Framework incorporating the Common Core State Standards)?

This learning has been an ongoing process with the student since she is considerably behind on
the standards. Even though she is in 3rd grade, she aligns more with the Kindergarten/1st grade
standards in the Curriculum Frameworks. I know my SP will continue to build on these basic
skills with the student so that she is able to have a better understanding of the more complex
things that the class is doing as a whole.

Updated: ZH (2020)
Cass/Malley/Hagen (2015)
Updated: ZH (2020)
Cass/Malley/Hagen (2015)

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