Portfolio PhysicsLec

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Name: Angeline N.


Course and section: CET 0122A – 11

Professor: Mr. Rico


1. An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s 2 for 32.8 s until is finally lifts
off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff.

Given: Find:
a = +3.2 m/s2 t = 32.8 s vi = 0 m/s d = ??
d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2
d = (0 m/s)*(32.8 s)+ 0.5*(3.20 m/s2)*(32.8 s)2
d = 1720 m

2. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5.21 seconds for a
distance of 110 m. Determine the acceleration of the car.
Given: Find:
d = 110 m t = 5.21 s vi = 0 m/s a = ??
d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2
110 m = (0 m/s)*(5.21 s)+ 0.5*(a)*(5.21 s)2
110 m = (13.57 s2)*a
a = (110 m)/(13.57 s2)
a = 8.10 m/ s2

3. Rhealyn is riding the Giant Drop at Great America. If Upton free falls for 2.60
seconds, what will be his final velocity and how far will he fall?

Given: Find:
a = -9.8 m t = 2.6 s vi = 0 m/s d = ??
vf = ??
d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2
d = (0 m/s)*(2.60 s)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s2)*(2.60 s)2
d = -33.1 m (- indicates direction)
vf = vi + a*t
vf = 0 + (-9.8 m/s2)*(2.60 s)
vf = -25.5 m/s

4. It was once recorded that a Jaguar left skid marks that were 290 m in length.
Assuming that the Jaguar skidded to a stop with a constant acceleration of -3.90
m/s2, determine the speed of the Jaguar before it began to skid.

Given: Find:
a = -3.90 m/s vf = 0 m/s d = 290 m vi = ??
vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d
(0 m/s)2 = vi2 + 2*(-3.90 m/s2)*(290 m)
0 m2/s2 = vi2 - 2262 m2/s2
2262 m2/s2 = vi2
vi = 47.6 m /s

5. The observation deck of tall skyscraper 370 m above the street. Determine the
time required for a penny to free fall from the deck to the street below.

Given: Find:
vi = 0 m/s d = -370 m a = -9.8 m/s2 t = ??
d = vi*t + 0.5*a*t2
-370 m = (0 m/s)*(t)+ 0.5*(-9.8 m/s2)*(t)2
-370 m = 0+ (-4.9 m/s2)*(t)2
(-370 m)/(-4.9 m/s2) = t2
75.5 s2 = t2
t = 8.69 s

6. Vincent Gas is driving through town at 25.0 m/s and begins to accelerate at a
constant rate of -1.0 m/s2. Eventually Vincent comes to a complete stop.
a. Represent Vincent's accelerated motion by sketching a velocity-time
graph. Use the velocity-time graph to determine this distance.
b. b. Use kinematic equations to calculate the distance that Vincent
travels while decelerating.
a. The velocity-time graph for the motion is:
The distance traveled can be found by a calculation of the area between the line on the
graph and the time axis.
Area = 0.5*b*h = 0.5*(25.0 s)*(25.0 m/s)
Area = 313 m
b. The distance traveled can be calculated using a kinematic equation. The solution is
shown here.
Given: Find:
vi = 25.0 m/s vf = 0.0 m/s a = -1.0 m/s2 d = ??
vf2 = vi2 + 2*a*d
(0 m/s)2 = (25.0 m/s)2 + 2 * (-1.0 m/s2)*d
0.0 m2/s2 = 625.0 m2/s2 + (-2.0 m/s2)*d
0.0 m2/s2 - 625.0 m2/s2 = (-2.0 m/s2)*d
(-625.0 m2/s2)/(-2.0 m/s2) = d
313 m = d
7. Joven drops a pile of roof shingles from the top of a roof located 8.52 meters
above the ground. Determine the time required for the shingles to reach the


vi = 0.0 m/s

d = -8.52 m
a = - 9.8 m/s2

t= ??


d = vi • t + ½ • a • t2

-8.52 m = (0 m/s) • (t) + ½ • (-9.8 m/s2) • (t)2

-8.52 m = (0 m) *(t) + (-4.9 m/s2) • (t)2

-8.52 m = (-4.9 m/s2) • (t)2

(-8.52 m)/(-4.9 m/s2) = t2

1.739 s2 = t2

t = 1.32 s
8. John Things throws his father's crystal vase vertically upwards with an initial
velocity of 26.2 m/s. Determine the height to which the vase will rise above its
initial height.

vi = 26.2 m/s
vf = 0 m/s
a = -9.8 m/s2
vf2 = vi2 + 2 • a • d
(0 m/s)2 = (26.2 m/s)2 + 2 •(-9.8m/s2) •d

0 m2/s2 = 686.44 m2/s2 + (-19.6 m/s2) •d

(-19.6 m/s2) • d = 0 m2/s2 -686.44 m2/s2

(-19.6 m/s2) • d = -686.44 m2/s2

d = (-686.44 m2/s2)/ (-19.6 m/s2)

d = 35.0 m

9. An object is launched at a velocity of 20 m/s in a direction making an angle of 25°

upward with the horizontal. What is the maximum height reached by the object?


t=?? V 0 = 20 m/s θ = 25° g = 9.8 m/s 2


t = V 0 sin(θ) / g

t = 20 sin(25°) / 9.8

t = 0.86 seconds

Find the maximum height by substituting t by 0.86 seconds in the formula for y
maximum height y,
V y = V 0 sin(θ) - g t

(0.86) = 20 sin(25°)(0.86) - (1/2) (9.8) (0.86) 2 

V y = 3.64 meters

10. A ball is kicked at an angle of 35° with the ground. What should be the initial
velocity of the ball so that it hits a target that is 30 meters away at a height of 1.8


Θ = 35˚ x= 30m t= 1.8m VO = ??


x = V0 cos(35°) t
30 = V0 cos(35°) t
t = 30 / V0 cos(35°)
1.8 = -(1/2) 9.8 (30 / V0 cos(35°))2 + V0 sin(35°)(30 / V0 cos(35°))
V0 cos(35°) = 30 √ [ 9.8 / 2(30 tan(35°)-1.8) ]
V0 = 18.3 m/s


1. What is the net force on a dragster with a mass of 700 kg and its acceleration
is 30.0 m/s²?

Given :
F=?? m = 700 kg a = 30.0 m/s²


F= m x a

F = 700 kg x 30.0 m/s²

F = 21,000 N

2. A car pulled by a truck has an acceleration of 30.0 m/s². What is the mass of
the car if the net force of the car is 21,000 N?

Given :

m = ?? F = 21,000 N a = 30.0 m/s²


m = F/a

m = 21,000 N / 30.0 m/s²

m = 700 kg

3. Find the acceleration of a 2 slug object acted upon by a net force of 1.5 lbs


F = 1.5 lbs m = 2 slug a =??


a = F/m

a = 1.5 lbs/ 2 slug

a = 1.5 slug (ft/sec²) / 2 slug

a = 0.75 ft/sec²

4. What is the net force acting on a 7.0 kg shopping cart that is accelerating 3.1


F = ?? a = 3.1 m/s² m = 7.0 kg

F = ma

F = (7.0kg)(3.1m/s²)

F = 21.7 kg*m/s² or N

5. How much force is required to accelerate a 825 kg Lorinser speedy by 20



F = ?? a = 20 m/s² m = 825 kg


F = ma

F = 825kg x 20 m/s²

F = 16,500 kg*m/s² or N

6. A box is pulled with 20N force. Mass of the box is 2kg and surface is
frictionless. Find the acceleration of the box with the 37˚.


F = 20 N m = 2kg θ= 37˚ a =?


Fx = F cos (θ) = 20 cos(37) = 16 N

F = ma

16N= (2kg)a

a = 16 N / 2 kg

a = 8 m/s²

7. 400 N of force are applied to a 300 kg box on a 17˚ ramp, calculate the
resulting acceleration of the box.


a = ?? m = 300 kg F = 400 N θ = 17˚

Solution :
Fx = F cos(17˚) = 400 cos(17˚) = 382.5 N

F = ma

382.5N = (300kg) a

a = 382.5 N/ 300 kg

a = 1.3 m/s²

8. What is the magnitudes of the frictional contact forces between the blocks
and the tension in the string?


ma= 40kg aa = 5 m/s² mb = 5kg ab = 4 m/s²


Fab = mb ab

Fab = (5kg)(4m/s²)

Fab = 20 kg*m/s² or N

T – F = m a aa

T = ma a a + F

T = (40)(5) + 20

T = 220 N

9. In an Olympic figure – skating event, a 65 kg male skater pushes a 45 kg

female skater, causing her to accelerate at a rate of 2.0m/s². at what rate will
the male skater accelerate?


mf = 45 kg af = 2.0 m/s² mm = 65kg am=??


Ffm = Fmf

Fmf = mf af

Fmf = (45kg)(2.0m/s²)
Fmf = 90 N

mmam = Fmf

am = Fmf / mm

am = 90N / 65kg

am = 1.4 m/s²

10. What force is needed to accelerate a 60kg shopping cart at 1.5m/s²?

Given :

F = ?? m = 60kg a = 1.5m/s²


F = ma

F = 60kg x 1.5m/s²

F = 90 kg*m/s² or N

1. A force of 500 N is required to push a cart across the counter. Two students push
the cart 30m. how much work is done?


W = ?? F = 500 N d= 30m


w = Fd

w = 500 x 30

w = 15,000 Nm or J

2. How much work must be done to stop a 1100−kg car moving at 99km/h in a

straight path. 


m = 1100 kg v2 = 0 v1 = 99 km/h


Wnet = K2 – K1

K = ½ mv^2

K = ½ m (v2 – v1)^2

K = ½ (1100) (0^2 – 27.5^2)

K = 415,937.5 J

3. A 10−kg object has a speed of 2m/s at point A and 4m/s later at point B. Find the

total work done on the object as it moves from point A to B.


m = 10kg vB^2 = 4 m/s vA^2 = 2 m/s


Wnet = Fd cos theta

Wnet = ∆K

∆K = ½ mvB^2 – ½ mvA^2
Wnet = ½ mvB^2 – ½ mvA^2

Wnet = ½ (10)(4^2) – ½ (10)(2^2)

Wnet = ½ (10)(16) – ½ (10) (4)

Wnet = 60 J

4. What is a total work of a 1600 kg fast car can accelerate from 0 to 25 m/s in 2 s.


m = 1600kg v2 = 25 m/s v1 = 0


Wnet = K2 – K1

K = ½ mv^2

K = ½ m (v2 – v1)^2

K = ½ (1600) (25^2 – 0^2)

K = ½ (1600)(625)

K = 500,000 J

5. What is the average force acting on the car with a total work of 500,000 J and
has displacement of 36.45 m?


W = 500,000 J F = ?? d= 36.45m


W = Fd

F = W/d

F = 500,000J / 36.45m

F = 13,717.42 N

6. During a rain, a rain falls from the roof at 100 kg. the height of roof is 15m. what
is the potential energy of the rain falls from the roof?


h = 15m m = 100kg g = 9.8m/s^2


Ep = mgh

Ep = (100)(9.8)(15)

Ep = 14,700 J

7. What is the magnitude of the force required to stretch a 20 cm-long spring, with a
spring constant of 100 N/m, to a length of 21 cm?


k = 100 N/m x = 20 – 21cm = 1cm

= 1cm => 0.01m


F = kx

F = (100 N/m)(0.01m)


8. What is the spring constant of a spring that needs a force of 5 N to be

compressed from 40 cm to 30 cm?


k=??? F= 5N x = 40 – 30 = 10cm

= 10cm => 0.010m


F = kx

k = F/x

k = 5N / 0.010m

k = 500 N/m

9. A car overcome a force of 150 N to maintain a 5.8 m/s speed . find the power


F = 150 N v = 5.8m/s

2P= fv

P = fv/2

P = (150) (5.8)/2

P = 435 Watts

10. A 2000kg car accelerates uniformly from rest to speed of 20 m/s in 36 seconds.
States what is the instantaneous power delivered by the net force to the car at


m = 2000kg vf = 20m/s vi = 0 t = 5s


vf = vi + at

20m/s = 0 + a(5s)

a = 4 m/s^2

F= ma

F = (2000)(4)

F = 8,000 N

P = Fv

P = (8000)(20)

P = 160,000 Watts

1. If an object has a mass of 20 kg and a velocity of 5 m/s to the left, what is its
p = ?? m = 20kg v = 5m/s
p = mv
p = (20kg) (5m/s)
p = 100 kg*m/s
2. A 2050 kg car drives along a city street at 20m/s. what’s is the magnitude of the
car momentum?
p =?? m = 2050 kg v = 20m/s

p = mv
p = 2050 kg x 20 m/s
p = 41,000 kg*m/s
3. A hammer exerts an impulse of 1.6 Newton – seconds on a nail for a time of 3.0
x 10^2 seconds. What was the force of the hammer on the nail?
F = ?? J = 1.6 N-s t = 3.0 x 10^2 seconds
J = Ft
F = j/t
F = 1.6 N-s / 3.0 x 10^2 s
F = 53.3 N
4. A force of 200 N is applied to a 1050 kg truck for 10 seconds. What is the change
in velocity of the truck?
F = 200 N m = 1050 kg t = 10 s v = ?/
J = Ft = ∆p = m∆v
∆v = Ft / m
∆v = (200N)(10s) / 1050 kg
∆v = 1.9 m/s
5. A 56.2-gram tennis ball is loaded into a 1.27-kg homemade cannon. The cannon
is at rest when it is ignited. Immediately after the impulse of the explosion, a
photogate timer measures the cannon to recoil backwards a distance of 6.1 cm in
0.0218 seconds. Determine the post-explosion speed of the cannon and of the
tennis ball.
Cannon: m = 1.27 kg d = 6.1 cm t = 0.0218 s


Ball: m = 56.2 g = 0.0562 kg

m1 + ∆v1 = -m2+ ∆v2
v2= d/t = 6.2cm x 0.0218s = 0.135 cm/s
 (0.0562 kg) • v1 = - (1.27 kg) • (-280 cm/s)
v1 = - (1.27 kg) • (-280 cm/s) /  (0.0562 kg)
v1 = 6323.26 cm/s
v1 = 63.2 m/s
6. A 30 Kg boy jumps (from rest) into a moving trolley of mass 55 Kg and already
moving at a velocity of 5 m/s to the right. What is the speed of the trolley after the
boy has jumped in ?
m1 = 30kg m2 = 55kg v1 = 0 v2 = 5 m/s
The moment Pi of the system boy-trolley before the jump:
pi = moment of boy + moment of trolley = 30 × 0 + 55 × 5 = 275 Kg m/s
p = (m1+m2) v
275 = (30 + 55) v
275kg*m/s = 85kg v
3.2m/s = v
7. A 700 kg car has speed of 15 m/s. what is the momentum?
p = ?? m = 700kg v=15m/s
p = mv
p = (700kg)(15m/s)
p = 10,500kg*m/s
8. A 500kg cart for 7 seconds applied an force of 350N. What is the change of
velocity of the cart?
F = 350N m= 500kg t=7secs. v=??
J=Ft = ∆p = m∆v
∆v = Ft/m
∆v = (350N)(7secs.)/500kg
∆v = 4.9 m/s
9. An soccer player with a mass of 55 kg runs into a goalpost at a speed of 5m/s
and bounces back at 4.2m/s. The duration of his contact with the goalpost is
1.0s. what average force of impact does he feel?
F = ?? m=55kg vo = 5m/s vf = -4.2m/s t= 1.0s

F•∆t = m(vf – vo)

F • 1.0s = 55kg (-4.2m/s – 5m/s)

F • 1.0s = 55kg (-9.2m/s)

F • 1.0s = -506 kg*m/s

F = -506 kg*m/s^2 or N
10. A 2020kg pickup truck has a velocity of 25m/s to the east. What is the
momentum of the truck?
P=? m= 2020kg v = 25m/s
p = mv
p = (2020kg)(25m/s)
p = 20,500kg*m/s

1. A 40g cylinder is 0.20m in radius. A string is wound around it and a force applied
to its angular acceleration of 5.0 rad/s^2 . determine the net torque on it.
m = 40g => 0.04 kg r = 0.20 m α =5.0
I = mr^2
I = (0.04kg)(0.20m)^2
I = 0.0016 kg*m^2


Στ=( 0.0016 kg∗m 2) 5.0

( rad
2 )
Στ=0.008 kg∗m2 / s−2

2. A centrifuge used to accustom astronaut trainees to high acceleration has radius

of the circle traveled by an astronaut is 20m. At what constant rotational speed
(w) must the centrifuge rotate if the astronaut is to have a translational
acceleration of magnitude 15g?
α rad = 15 g r = 20m w = ??
2 2
α rad=r w ; w

w =
a rad 15 g rad
20 m s ( )
15 rad
w 2=
20 s

w =
√ 15 rad
20 s
3. A centrifuge used to accustom astronaut trainees to high acceleration has radius
of the circle traveled by an astronaut is 15m. What is the tangential acceleration
of the astronaut if the centrifuge accelerates to a constant rate from rest to the
rotational speed 0.2 rad/s in 100 s.?
r = 15 m t = 100 s w = 0.2 rad/s
100 s
α =0.002

α tan ¿ rα

α tan ¿ ( 15 m) 0.002
s2 )
α tan ¿ 0.03 rad∗m/ s

4. The radius of a car tire is about 0.35 meters. If the car accelerates in a

straight line from rest at 2.8 m/s^2 , what is the angular acceleration, both

magnitude and direction, of the front passenger-side tire?


a = 2.8 m/s^2 r = 0.35 m

a s2
α= =
r 0.35 m
α =8
5. A merry-go-round has an angular acceleration of 0.30 radians per second
squared. After accelerating from rest for 2.8 seconds, through what angle in
radians does the merry-go-round rotate?
α =0.30 2 ∆t = 2.8 s w i = 0 rad/s

6. If a ball is travelling in a circle of diameter 10m with velocity 20m/s, find the

angular velocity of the ball.  


v = 20 m/s r = 5m


w = v/r

w = 20m/s / 5m

w = 4 rad/s

7. A 20 in diamter tire on a car makes 9.3 revolutions per second. Find the angular

speed of the car.


Recall that angular velocity = θ/t

Since the tire revolves 9.3 second it would seem that the tire would rotate

w = 9.3(2 π ) rad/s
w = 18. 6 π

8. How much force would Isaac have to apply perpendicular to create 350 Nm of
torque 0.20 meters away from the bolt he is trying to loosen?

Given :

Ϝ ⊥=? ? τ =350 Nm d = 0.20 m


τ =Fd


350 Nm
F= =¿
0.20 m

F=1,750 N

9. How much torque is created by a 150 N perpendicular force placed 0.50 meters
from the fulcrum?


F= 150 N d = 0.50m


τ =Fd

τ =( 150 N )( 0.50 m )

τ =75 Nm

10. A football is rotating with an angular velocity of 20 rad/s. the football has a
moment of inertia 1.5 kg*m^2 around its axis of rotation. What is the rotational
kinetic energy of the football?


I = 1.5 kg*m^2 w = 20 rad/s


K = ½ Iw^2

K = ½ (1.5kg*m^2)(20rad/s)^2
K = 300 J


1. What is the force constant of a spring which is stretched 3mm by a force of 12N?


k =??? F = 12N ∆L = 3mm => 3 x 10^-3 m


F= k∆L

k = F/∆L

k = 12N/3x10^-3m

k = 4000 Nm^-1

2. What is the force constant of spring which is stretched 10cm by a force of 15N?


k = ??? F = 15N ∆L = 10cm => 0.1m


F= k∆L

k = F/∆L

k = 15N / 0.1m

k = 150 Nm

3. What is the force constant of spring which is stretched 10cm by a mass of 5kg?


k = ?? F= W = mg = 5kg x 10 => 50N ∆L = 10cm => 0.1m


F= k∆L
k = F/∆L

k = 50N / 0.1m

k = 500 Nm

4. If 20 lbs stretches a spring ½ foot, what is the spring contant?


F = 20 lbs => 89N s = ½ foot =>1.8m k = ??


F = ks

k = F/s

k = 89/1.8

k = 49.44 Nm

5. What is the elastic potential energy of a car spring that has been stretched 0.4
meters, The spring constant of the car is 80 N/m.


k = 80 N/m ∆L= 0.4m PEelastic= ??


PEelastcic = ½ kx^2

= ½ (80 N/m)(0.4)^2

= 6.4 Joules

6. If 35 lbs stretches a spring 0.5m, what is the spring contant?


F = 35 lbs => 156 N s = 0.5m k = ??


F = ks

k = F/s

k = 156/0.5

k = 312 Nm
7. A wire 2m long and 2 mm diameter, when stretched by weight of 8 kg, has its
length of 0.24 mm. find the stress of the material of the wire.


Initial length= 2m d = 2mm m = 6kg l = 0.24mm g = 9.8

Radius = 2/2 => 1mm = 1x10^-3


Stress = F/A = mg/ π r 2

Stress = (8 x 9.8) / (3.142 x 1 x 10^3)^2

Stress = (8 x 9.8) /( 3. 142 x 1x10^6)

Stress = 2.5 x 10^7 N/m^2

8. Find the strain of the material of the wire as stated at number 7.


Initial length= 2m d = 2mm m = 6kg l = 0.24mm => 0.24x10^-3m

g = 9.8 Radius = 2/2 => 1mm = 1x10^-3


Strain = 1/L => 0.24 x 10^-3/2

Strain = 0.12 x 10^-3

Strain = 1.2 x 10^-4

9. Find the young’s modulus of the wire as stated problem at number 7.


Stress = 2.5 x 10^7 N/m^2 Strain = 1.2 x 10^-4


Y = stress/strain

Y = 2.5 x 10^7 N/m^2 / 1.2 x 10^-4

Y = 2.08 x 10^11N/m^2

10. What is the force constant of spring which is stretched 1.5m by a mass of 10kg?

k = ?? F= W = mg = 10kg x 10 => 100N ∆L = 1.5 m


F= k∆L

k = F/∆L

k = 100 N / 1.5m

k = 200 Nm

1. Find the pressure needed to push water to the top of tower , a height of 10
meters. The density of water is 1.0 g/cm^3


P = ?? h= 10m d = 1.0 g/cm^3

Solution :

P = hd

P = (10m)(100m/m)(1/0g/cm^3)

P = 1000 g/cm^2

2. block of wood floats in freshwater with two-fifth of its volume V submerged and
in oil with 0.75V submerged. Find the density of (a) the wood (b) the oil. 

Solution: since wood floats in water so its weight must be balanced with the buoyancy

a. In a partially submerged body, the buoyancy force Fb, Fb is defined as the

density of fluid ρf times the displaced volume of fluid Vdis times the gravitational
acceleration g. Thus, using Archimedes' principle equation, which is equating
weight and buoyancy force, we get:

W =F_b
P wood x V wood x g = p water x v dis x g
P wood x V wood x g = (1) (2/5 V wood) g
P wood = 2/5 g/cm^3

b.  Similarly, we can find the oil's density as above

(pVg)wood = (p’Vg) oil

400 V g = p oil (0.75 V)g

P oil = 400 / 0.75

= 1600/3 kg/m^3

3. a ball of mass 2 kg having diameter of 50cm falls in the swimming pool. Calculate
its buoyant force and volume of water.

Mass of ball, m = 2 kg,
 Diameter of ball, d = 0.5 m r = 0.25 m
Volume of sphere V = 4343 ππ r3
                             = 4343 ππ 0.253
                             = 0.0208 m3
Hence the density is given by ρρ = MassVolumeMassVolume
                                                     = (2kg)(0.0208m)(32kg)(0.0208m^3)
                                                     = 96 kg/m3.
The force is given by F = mg.
Hence buoyant force is 
F = 2 kg ×× 9.8 m/s2 = 19.6 N
The archimedes formula is given by F = ρρ g Vdisp
Hence the Volume of displaced fluid is Vdisp = FρgFρg
                                                                = 19.696×9.819.696×9.8
                                                                = 0.0208 m3
Hence volume of given body = Volume of displaced liquid.

4. If a stone of mass 250 g is thrown in water. Calculate the buoyant force acting
on it.

Given: Mass of stone m = 250g => 0.25 kg,
The buoyant force is given by F = mg
                                             = 0.25 × 9.8
                                             = 2.45 N.
Hence 2.45 N of upward force is acting on the stone.

5. If a rock of mass 10 kg is thrown in water. Calculate the buoyant force acting on

Mass of rock = 10 kg
g = 9.8

buoyant force = mg
= 10g x 9.8
= 28 N

6. Find the pressure needed to push cart to the exit area , a length of 7 meters.
The density of cart is 1.0 g/cm^3


P = ?? L = 7m d = 1.0 g/cm^3

Solution :

P = Ld

P = (7m)(100m/m)(1/0g/cm^3)

P = 700 g/cm^2
7. If the buoyant force acting on 5 N, what mass of stone will be if it thrown
downward by the density of 9.8
F=5N g = 9.8 mass of stone = ??
Buoyant Force, F = mg
m = F/g
m = 5 / 9/8
m = 0.5

8. The 100 grams bottled water was thrown downward. Calculate the buoyant force
acting on it.
Mass = 100 g => 0.1 kg
Buoyant force, F = mg
F = (0.1)(9.8)
F = 0.98 N

9. A bottled water of mass 2 kg having a diameter of 30 cm falls downward.

Calculate its buoyant force.
Mass =2 kg
Diameter = 30 cm
g = 9.8
buoyant force, F = mg
F = (2kg )(9.8)
F = 19.6 N
10. Find the pressure needed to push a car to the parking area , a length of 15
meters. The density of cart is 1.0 g/cm^3


P = ?? L = 15m d = 1.0 g/cm^3

Solution :

P = Ld

P = (15m)(100m/m)(1/0g/cm^3)

P = 1500 g/cm^2

1. One end of a 0.25 m long metal bar is in steam and the other in contact with ice.
It 15 × 10– 3 kg of ice melts per minute, what is the thermal conductivity of the
metal ? Given cross section of the bar is 7 × 10– 4m2 and latent heat of ice is 80
L (x)= 0.25 m A = 7 x 10^-4 m^2 T1-T2 = 100 t = 1min=> 60 sec
Q = 80 cal latent heat of ice Q = 1200 cal
Solution :

Q x X / A (T1 –T2)t
= 1200 x 0.25 / 7 x 10^-4 (100) 60
= 71.4 cal s^-1 m^-1 c^-1

2. A surface is at 200°C and is exposed to surroundings at 60°C, where it convects

and radiates heat. The coefficient of convection is 80W/m2K. One is the radiation
factor. Determine the temperature gradient at the solid's surface if heat is
conducted to the surface via a solid with a conductivity of 12 W/mK.

h(T1 – T2) + σ(T14 – T24) = – kdT/dx

Therefore, 80(200 – 60) + 5.67 {[(200 + 273)/100]4 – [(60 + 273)/100]4} = – 12 dT/dx
dT/dx = – (11200 + 2140.9)/12
= – 1111.7°C/m

3. The outer surface of a 0.2m-thick concrete wall is kept at a temperature of –5°C,

whilethe inner surface is kept at 20°C. The thermal conductivity of the concrete is
1.2 W/(mK). Determine the heat loss through a wall 10 m long and 3 m high.
10 m long, 3 m high, and 0.2 m thick concrete wall
Thermal conductivity of the concrete (k) = 1.2 W/(m K)
Temperature of the inner surface (Ti) = 20°C
Temperature of the outer surface (To) = –5°C
The rate of heat loss through the wall is
qk = (AK/L) × (∆T)
qk = [(10m) (3m)(1.2W/(mK))/0.2m] × (20°C – (–5°C))
qk = 4500 W

4. Two infinite black plates at 800˚C and 300˚C exchange heat by radiation.
Calculate the heat transfer per unit.
q/A = a(T1^4 – T2^4)
= 5.67x10^-8)(800^4 – 300^4)
= 22,765.5

5. One end of a 5.0 m long metal bar is in steam and the other in contact with ice. It
4.3 × 10– 5 kg of ice melts per minute, what is the thermal conductivity of the
metal ? Given cross section of the bar is 5.6 × 10 – 4m2 and latent heat of ice is 80
L (x)= 5.0 m A = 5.6 x 10^-4 m^2 T1-T2 = 100 t = 1min=> 60 sec
Q = 80 cal latent heat of ice Q = 1200 cal
Solution :

Q x X / A (T1 –T2)t
= 1200 x 5.0 / 5.6 x 10^-4 (100) 60
= 642.86 cal s^-1 m^-1 c^-1

6. The two infinite black plates at 600˚C and 400˚C exchange heat by radiation.
Calculate the heat transfer per unit.
q/A = a(T1^4 – T2^4)
= 5.67x10^-8)(600^4 – 400^4)
= 5896.8

7. Predict the thermal conductivity of beef roll that contain 60.0% moisture.
For meats, temperature is 0-60˚C, water content is 60 – 80 %,
k = 0.08 + 0.0052 (6.0)
k = 0.1112

8. If the two infinite black plates passing at 500˚C and 300˚C and exchange heat by
radiation. Calculate the heat transfer per unit.
q/A = a(T1^4 – T2^4)
= 5.67x10^-8)(500^4 – 300^4)
= 3084.48

9. Find the thermally conductivity using the given cross sectional area 5.5x10^5 and
passing at 700˚C and 200˚C exchange heat by radiation.
q/A = a(T1^4 – T2^4)
q / 5.5x10^5 = 5.67x10^-8)(700^4 – 200^4)
q = 5.67x10^-8)(2.4x10^11) / 5.5x10^5
q = 0.02474181818

10. A surface is at 150°C and is exposed to surroundings at 80°C, where it convects

and radiates heat. The coefficient of convection is 80W/m2K. One is the radiation
factor. Determine the temperature gradient at the solid's surface if heat is
conducted to the surface via a solid with a conductivity of 12 W/mK.

h(T1 – T2) + σ(T1^4 – T2^4) = – kdT/dx

Therefore, 80(150 – 80) + 5.67 {[(150 + 273)/100]^4 – [(80 + 273)/100]^4} = – 12 dT/dx
dT/dx = – (5600 + 2.05x10^-5)/12
= 17,511.75°C/m

1. Water waves in a shallow dish are 5.0 cm long. one point of the water
oscillates up and down at a rate of 6.3 oscillations per second. What is
the speed of the wave?
v=?? λ= 5.0cm => 0.050m f=6.3Hz
v= (0.050m)(6.3Hz)
v=0.315 m/s

2. Water waves in a dish are 1.cm long. At one point of the water oscillates
up and down at a rate of 4.3 oscillations per second. What is the period
of the water?
T=??? f= 4.3 Hz
T = 1/f
T = 1 / 4.3 Hz
T = 0.23 s

3. A pendulum of mass 100 g undergoes simple harmonic motion when acted upon
by a force of 20 N. the pendulum crosses the point of equilibrium at a speed 7
m/s . what is the energy of the equilibrium at the center or oscillations ?
E = ?? m = 100g v = 7m/s
E = KE => ½ ml^2 (v/l) => ½ mv^2
E = ½ (100 x 10^-3kg)(7m/s)^2
E = 2.45

4. On a glass of water, waves at 3.0 cm long, then the one point oscillates up at a
rate of 5.0 Hz. What is the speed of wave?
v = ?? λ= 3cm => 0.03 f = 5.0 Hz
v = λf
v = (0.03m)(5.0Hz)
v = 0.15 m/s

5. If the water waves on a shallow dish are 6.0 cm long at the speed of 0.5 m/s.
calculate the frequency to be able oscillates up.
f = ?? λ= 6.0cm => 0.06 v = 0.5 m/s
v = λf
f = v/ λ
f = 0.5 m/s / 0.06 m
f = 8.33 Hz

6. A wave has a speed of 200 m/s and a frequency of 125 Hz. Calculate
v = 200 m/s f = 125 Hz λ = ??
v= λf
λ= 200 m/s / 125Hz
λ = 1.6 m

7. If the energy of the equilibrium at the center of oscillations is 3 and done

by the mass 50g of pendulum undergoes simple harmonic motion when
acted upon by a force of 15 N. what will be the speed?
v = ?? m = 50 g E=3
E = ½ mv^2
v^2 = ½ m / E
v^2 = ½ (50x10^-3kg) / 3
v^2 = 0.008
v = √0.008
v = 0.09 m/s

8. A pendulum wave has speed of 5 m/s to an 3 m long jacuzzi. What will

be the frequency?
f = ?? v = 5 m/s λ= 3 m
v = λf
f =v/ λ
f = 5/3
f = 1.67 Hz

9. Undergoes a simple harmonic motion where the water waves 10.0cm long at a
dish, where oscillates down at a rate 7 Hz. What is the speed of water wave?
f = 7Hz λ= 0.1m v = ??
v = λf
v = (0.1)(7)
v = 0.7 m/s

10. A pendulum swing of mass 175 g undergoes simple harmonic motion when
acted upon by a force of 50 N. the pendulum crosses the point of equilibrium at a
speed 5 m/s . what is the energy of the equilibrium at the center or oscillations ?
E = ?? m = 175g v = 5m/s
E = KE => ½ ml^2 (v/l) => ½ mv^2
E = ½ (175 x 10^-3kg)(5m/s)^2
E = 2.19

1. an electron is traveling at 2.0x10^6 m/s when it enters on electric field that

slows it. The field has magnitude 2000 N/C. how far does the electron
penetrate the field before its stops?

m = 9.11x10^-31 kg v = 2.0x10^6 m/s
KE = ½ mv^2
KE = ½ (9.11x10^-31)(2.0x10^6)^2
KE = 1.8x10^-18

F = (1.6x10^-19 C )(2000 N/C) => 3.2x10^-16

d = work / F => 1.8x10^-18 / 3.2x10^-16

d = 5.6x10^-35

2. A positive charge of 2.0x10^-5 C experiences a force of 10.0 N when located

at a certain point. What is the electric field intensity at that point?
E = ?? F = 10.0 q = 2.0x10^-5
F = qE => E = F/q
E = 10.0/2.0x10^-5
E = 5.0x10^5 N/C

3. Find the electric force on a proton placed in an electric field of 2.5x10^4 NC

F =?? q = 1.6x10^-19 E = 2.5x10^4
F = qE
F = (1.6x10^-19)(2.5x10^4)
F = 4x10^-15 N

4. An object with a charge or -4 coulombs positioned in uniform electric field

experiences a force of 255 newtons. What is the strength of the electric field ?
E =?? F = 255 q = -4
E = F/q
E = 255/-4
E = -63.75 NC

5. Find the charge, if the magnetic force is equal to 200 Newtons and 75.5 NC
magnetic fields.
q =?? F = 200 E = 75.5
F = qE => q = F/E
q = 200/75.5
q = 2.65 C

6. What is the magnitude of the electric force acting on an electron located in an

electric field with an intensity; 5.4x10^3 NC.
F = ?? E = 5.4x10^3 q = 1.6x10^-19
F = qE
F = (5.4x10^3)(1.6x10^-19)
F = 8.6x10^-16

7. The electric field strength region is 2000 NC, What is the force of an object
that charge 0.050 C?
F =?? q = 0.050 C E = 2000 N/C
F = qE
F = (0.050)(2000)
F = 100 N

8. A particle in a microwave has a charge 2.3x10^4 C, and is deflected into

popcorn with a force of 5.2x10^5. What is the strength of a electrical field?
E = ?? q = 2.3x10^4 F = 5.2x10^5
E = F/q
E = 5.2x10^5 / 2.3x10^4
E = 22.61 N/C

9. A certain static discharge delivers -2.0 C of electrical charge, how many

electrons are in discharge?
n=? e = 1.6x10^-19 q = -2.0
q = ne => n = q/e
n = (-2.0)/(1.6x10^19)
n = -1.25x10^19

10. A proton is released in a uniform electric field, and it experience an electric

force 3.4x10^5 to the south. What will be the magnetic field and its direction.
E = ?? F = 3.4x10^5 q = 1.6x10^-19
E = F/q => 3.4x10^5 / 1.6x10^-19
E = 2.1x10^24

1. if a circuit has a resistance of 20Ω and a current of 10 A. what will be the

v =?? I= 10 A R= 20Ω
V = IR
V = (10)(20)
V = 200 voltage

2. Lightning is an excellent example of natural current. In typical lightning, 10^9 J of

energy is transferred across a potential difference of 5x10^7 V in 0.5 seconds.
How much charge has been transferred in total?
q=?? U = 10^9 K V = 5 x 10^7 V t= 0.5 seconds
U = qV
q = U/V
q = 10^9 K/ 5 x 10^7
q = 20 C

3. What is the current of the lighting, in problem 2 stated.

q=20 C U = 10^9 K V = 5 x 10^7 V t= 0.5 seconds I =??
I = 20 C / 0.5 s
I = 40 A

4. Calculate the power delivered in 0.5 second, in using given in problem 2 and 3.
q=20 C U = 10^9 K V = 5 x 10^7 V t= 0.5 seconds I =40 A
P = VI
P = (5x10^7)(40A)
P = 2 x 10 ^9

5. if a circuit has a resistance of 50Ω with a voltage of 70 V. what current it

V = 70 R = 50 I=??
V = IR
I = V/R
I = 70/50
I = 1.4 A
6. Solve the current of resistor, if the voltage range 100 V with an energy of 45 J in
3.0 second.
q=?? I = ?? U = 45 J V = 100 V t= 3.0 seconds
q = U/V
q = 45/100
q = 0.45 C

I = q/t
I = 0.45 / 3.0
I = 0.15 A

7. A 30Ω resistor and a 65Ω resistor are connected in parallel to a 100

Voltage. What will be the voltage and current of each resistor?
R 1 = 30 R2 = 65 I1 = ?? I 2= ??
V= V1=V2 = 100
V = IR
I = V/R => I1 = V1/R1
I1 = 100/30
I1 = 3.33

I 2 = v2 / R 2

I 2 = 100/65

I 2= 1.54

8. If the voltage across a resistor is 40 V and the current through the resistor is 7 A .

what is the resistance of the resistor .


V = 40 I=7 R =?


V = IR => R = V/I

R = 40/7

R = 5.71Ω
9. The resistance of a steam iron is 20Ω. What is the current in the iron when

connected across a potential difference of 90 V.


V = 90 R = 20Ω I =??


V = IR => I = V/R

I = 90/20

I = 4.5 A

10. Solve the change of power transferred of resistor, if the voltage range 150 V with
an energy of 40 J in 1.0 second.

q = ?? U = 40 J V = 150 V t = 1.0 s


U = qV => q = U/V

q = 40 / 150

q = 0.27 C

1. A 15.0 m long power line carries a current of 25.0 A perpendicular to the

earth's magnetic field of 6.5 x 10^-5 T. What is the magnetic force
experienced by the power line?
F =?? I= 25.0 A L = 15.0 m B= 6.5 x 10^-5 T
F = (6.5 x 10^-5T)(25.0A)(15.0m)
F = 0.024 N

2. An airplane, accumulates an excess positive charge of 3.0x10^5 C. what is the

magnetic force if its passing airplane at 200 m/s through perpendicular to the
earth’s magnetic field.
F =?? B = 5.0x10^-5 q = 3.0x10^5 v = 200 m/s
F = qvB
F = (3.0x10^5)(200)(5.0x10^-5)
F = 3,000 N

3. A proton moves with a speed of 2.0x10^6 m/s at angle of 30˚ with the direction of
a magnetic field 0.2 T. what is the magnetic force?
F =?? q = 1.6x10^-19 v = 2.0x10^6 B = 0.3 angle = 30˚
F = qvBsinθ
F = (1.6x10^-19)(2.0x10^6)(0.3)sin 30
F = 4.8 x 10^11

4. A 35.0 m long power line carries a current of 90.0 A perpendicular to the

earth's magnetic field of 5.0 x 10^-5 T. What is the magnetic force
experienced by the power line?


F =?? I = 90.0 L= 35.0 B = 5.0 x 10^-5



F = (5.0 x 10^-5)(90.0)(35.0)
F = 0.1575 N

5. What is the current of a field if it’s magnetic force is 0.40 N and passing
magnetic field of 7.0 x 10^7, with a 10.0 m long power line.

f = 0.40 I = ?? B = 7.0x10^7 L = 10.0


F = BIL => I = F/BL

I = 0.40 / (7.0 x 10^7)(10.0)

I = 5.7 x 10^-10 A

6. Calculate the magnetic field if the magnetic force 6.0 x 10^-5

experienced by the power line which 12.5 m long carries 30.0 A current.


B =?? F = 6.0x10^-5 I = 30.0 L = 12.5


F = BIL => B = F/IL

B = 6.0x10^-5 / (30.0)(12.5)

B = 1.6 x 10^-7

7. The earth has 5.5x10^-5 magnetic force and 2.6x10^-7 magnetic field. If
the current carries 20.0 A, what length is supposed to run?


L =?? F = 5.5x10^-5 B = 2.6x10^-7 I = 20.0


F = BIL => L = F/BI

L = 5.5x10^-5 / (2.6x10^-7)(20.0)

L = 10.58m

8. A proton moves with a speed of 5.0x10^6 m/s at angle of 90˚ with the direction of
a magnetic field 0.2 T. what is the magnetic force?
F =?? q = 1.6x10^-19 v = 5.0x10^6 B = 0.3 angle = 90˚
F = qvBsinθ
F = (1.6x10^-19)(5.0x10^6)(0.3)sin 90˚
F = 2.4x10^-13

9. If the current 45.5 A carries on a 13.0 m long, with the magnetic force 2.3x10^6.
What is the possible magnetic field?
B =?? F = 2.3x10^6 I = 45.5 L = 13.0
F = BIL => B = F/IL
B = 2.3x10^6 / (45.5)(13.0)
B = 6.6x10^-7

10. Moving a proton to a speed 30.5 m/s at angle of 45˚, with a magnetic force
2.4x10^-13. At the direction of 0.2 T. what will be the change of power?
q =? F = 2.4x10^-13 v = 30.5 B = 0.3 θ= 45˚
F = qvBsinθ => q = F / vBsinθ
q = 2.4x10^-13 / (30.5)(0.3)(sin45)
q = 3.8x10^-14
1. Light rays travel from vacuum into a glass whose refractive index is 1.5.
If the angle of incidence is 80°, calculate the angle of refraction inside
the glass.

n1 = 1.0 n2= 1.5 sin i = 80° sin r=??
snell's law = n1 sin i = n2 sin r
(1.0)(sin 80°)=(1.5) sin r
(1.0)(0.98) = 1.5 sin r
sin r = 0.98/1.5
sin r = 0.65

2. A beam of light passing through a diverging lens of focal length 0.5m appear to
be focused at a distance 0.3m behind the lens. Find the position of the object.
f = -0.5 v = -0.3 u =??
1/f = (1/v) - (1/u)
1/u = 1/f – 1/u
1/u = 1/-0.5 – 1/-0.3
1/u = 4/3
u = 3/4 => 0.75m

3. For a person with hypermeteropia, the near point has moved to 1.5m. Calculate
the focal length of the correction lens in order to make his eyes normal.

D = 25 cm => 0.25m d = 1.5 m
f = 1.5 x 0.25 / 1.5 – 0.25
f = 0.3 m

4. A person with myopia can see objects placed at a distance of 4m. If he wants to
see objects at a distance of 20m, what should be the focal length and power of
the concave lens he must wear?


x=4m y = 20 m


f = xy/ x-y
f = 4 x 20 / 4 – 20


1/f = -1/5

= -0.2

5. A ray of light enters a pane of glass at 50˚ to the horizontal. If the index of
refraction of glass 1.5 m, what will be the angle of refraction ?
n1= 1,0 n2 = 1.5 sin i = 50˚ sin r =?
snell's law = n1 sin i = n2 sin r
(1.0)(sin 50°)=(1.5) sin r
(1.0)(0.77) = 1.5 sin r
sin r = 0.77/1.5
sin r = 0.51

6. A concave mirror of focal length 20cm form a real image at distance 30

cm. find the position of object.
u=? f = -20 cm v = -30 cm
1/f = (1/v) - (1/u)
1/u = 1/f – 1/u
1/u = 1/-20 – 1/-30
1/u = -1/60
u = -60/1 => -60

7. The object suppose distance is 3 cm in front of the mirror. Image distance is 10

cm in front of the mirror, what is magnification.?
u = -3 v = -10 m =?
m = -v/u
m = -(-10)/-3
m = -10/3
m = -3

8. A convex mirror used for rear view on an automobile has a radius of curvature is
5.00m. what is it focal point?
f = ?? radius = 5.00 m
focal point = radius of curvature / 2
f = 5.00/2
f = 2.5

9. An object size 3cm is kept in distance 10 cm from a convex lens of focal point 10
cm. find the position and nature of image.
h = 3 cm u = -10 cm f = 10 cm v=? m=?
v = uf / u-f
v = (-10)(10)/(-10 ) – 10

m = -v/ u
m = -5/-10
m = 0.5

10. A ray of light enters a pane of glass at 90˚ to the horizontal. If the index of
refraction of glass 3.0 m, what will be the angle of index ?
n1= 2.5 n2 = 3.0 sin r = 90˚ sin i =?
snell's law = n1 sin i = n2 sin r
(2.5)(sin i)=(3.0) sin 90˚
(2.5)sin i = (3.0)(1)
sin i = 3.0/2.5
sin i = 1.2

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