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LESSON 3 Reviewer in UCSP 1st Quarter

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Reviewer in UCSP 1st Quarter Culture affects biology

Lesson 3: Evolution and Culture  Human are born into cultures that have
values on beauty and body. As such,
they alter their bodies to fit into the
Culture physiological norms that are dictated by
 Culture is everything that a person culture.
learns as member of society. The three Example: lip plate worn by mursi women in
italicized words are important in Africa, Lotus feet in china (7.5cm = 3inches)
understanding the concept of culture
better. Culture is adaptive

Culture is everything  Culture is a tool for survival that

humans use in response to the
 It is what a person has, does, thinks as pressures in the environment. Both the
part of society. This implies all of a material and nonmaterial parts of
person’s belief system, set of behaviors, culture influenced by the goal of human
and material possessions. It consists of to address their need.
material and non-material.
Example: igloos, inuits of arctic region, and
Culture is learned tipiqs
 Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and Culture is maladaptive
practices that an individual learns
through his or her own family, school,  Culture can also cause problems for the
church, and other social institutions. It people who subscribe to it.
can be of two types:  These problems arise when the
environment has changed and culture
Enculturation has remained the same.
 The process of learning your own Example: car culture in the Philippines
culture. (traffic)
Acculturation Culture changes
 The process of learning other people’s  Culture never static. This dynamism of
culture. culture is due to the changing needs of
Deculturation humans as they interpret and survive in
their environment.
 When the culture of older generation
comes into conflict with the need and To understand culture you need to know the
realities of younger generations. following:

Culture is shared  Biological capacity of humans for

 The set of behaviors, attitudes, and  Place of humans animal kingdom
beliefs that a person possesses a part  How humans came to develop early
greater collection of values and ideas forms of culture.
that is communally owned and
practiced by members of a society.
1. Our thinking capacity
 The primary biological components of
humans that allowed for culture is the
developed brain.
 It has necessary parts for facilitating
pertinent skills such as speaking,
touching, feeling, seeing, and smelling.

2. Our speaking capacity

 As the brain is the primary source of
humans capacity to comprehend sound
and provide meaning to it, the vocal
tract acts as the mechanism by which
sounds are produced and reproduced to
transmit ideas and values.

3. Our gripping capacity

 This capacity to directly oppose your
thumb with your other fingers is an
exclusive traits of humans.

4. Our walking/standing capacity

 Primates have two forms of locomotion:
bipedalism and quadropedalism.
 Bipedalism is the capacity to walk and
stand on two feet
 Quadropedalism uses all four limbs.

 Antrophology derived from two Greek

word antropos (human) and logos
(study). I
 It promotes a holistic study of humans
and seeks to answer the primary
question: what does it mean to be
 As such, antrophology can be defined as
“the study of people their origins, their
development, and contemporary
variations, wherever and whenever they
have been found on the face of the
earth” (Ember, Ember, Peregrine, 2010)

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