Ipcrf - Sy 2021-2022

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Republic of the Philippines

of Education
SY 2021-2022

This form is an Excel-based version of the Part I-IV of the

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) hl
as prescribed in the DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015. It is intended to
assist Teachers/Ratees in the preparation of their IPCRF forms at
different RPMS phases, e.g. Individual Performance Commitment
and Review Form (IPCRF) and Development Plan during
Performance Planning and Commitment phase, accomplished
IPCRF with computed final rating during Performance Review and
Evaluation phase. The data gathered using this tool will help the
Rater in identifying the needs of teachers and in providing
appropriate interventions.

This tool shall be accomplished by each teacher. When all

Parts I-IV are accomplished, the teacher should print and submit
this tool, with the Portfolio, to the Rater for final review and
appropriate interventions.
This tool shall be accomplished by each teacher. When all
Parts I-IV are accomplished, the teacher should print and submit
this tool, with the Portfolio, to the Rater for final review and

Please open this Workbook with Microsoft Excel 2010 or later. The Excel
Workbook has 11 viewable sheets:
• Encoding Sheet-Proficient (green-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 1-Proficient (green-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 2-Proficient (green-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 3-Proficient (green-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 4-Proficient (green-colored sheet tab)
• Encoding Sheet-Highly Proficient (blue-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 1-Highly Proficient (blue-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 2-Highly Proficient (blue-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 3-Highly Proficient (blue-colored sheet tab)
• IPCRF-Part 4-Highly Proficient (blue-colored sheet tab)

This sheet contains information about the tool and how to use it.

Encoding Sheet-Proficient & Encoding Sheet-Highly Proficient

The sheet is partially locked and only certain parts (Information box on top,
spaces for ratings, and name of Approving Authority at the bottom) are
unlocked for encoding. This is where you will encode the ratings that you
have obtained in all the Classroom Observation periods (COT 1-2) as
reflected in the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) Rating Sheets, and/or
from the Supplementary Materials/TRFs you have provided in applicable
Objectives. This is where you will also encode your IPCRF rating (Quality/Q)
for the other objectives. The sheet automatically computes for the average
transmuted rating of your ratings, which will be the rating for Quality for the
classroom observable objectives in the RPMS. The final ratings are
automatically reflected in the IPCRF-Part 1 and IPCRF-Part 3.

IPCRF-Part 1-Proficient & IPCRF-Part 1-Highly Proficient

The sheet automatically generates after encoding in the Encoding Sheet. NO
transmuted rating of your ratings, which will be the rating for Quality for the
classroom observable objectives in the RPMS. The final ratings are
automatically reflected in the IPCRF-Part 1 and IPCRF-Part 3.

IPCRF-Part 1-Proficient & IPCRF-Part 1-Highly Proficient

The sheet automatically generates after encoding in the Encoding Sheet. NO

IPCRF-Part 2-Proficient & IPCRF-Part 2-Highly Proficient

This sheet contains the Core Behavioral Competencies, where you will
encode the results of the assessment of your core behavioral competencies.
Indicate the total number of competency indicators that you have
demonstrated during the performance cycle in the space provided. The
sheet is partially locked and only the spaces where will you encode the
number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) of competencies for each category of Core
Behavioral Competencies are unlocked for encoding. There are six (6)
categories of core behavioral competencies (e.g. Self-Management,
Professionalism and Ethics).

IPCRF-Part 3-Proficient & IPCRF-Part 3-Highly Proficient

This sheet, the Individual Performance Commitment Review Form Summary
Sheet, shows your IPCRF rating (Quality/Q) per objective, your Average and
Score per Objective, and your Final Rating for the performance cycle. Data
in this sheet are automatically generated from the encoded information and
ratings in the IPCRF-Part 1 sheet. ONLY THE COLORED CELLS (see note on
the sheet) should be edited.

IPCRF-Part 4-Proficient & IPCRF-Part 4-Highly Proficient

This sheet will contain your IPCRF-Development Plan. This sheet is
completely unlocked. Use this sheet to encode your strengths and
development needs, and the corresponding action plan, timeline, and
resources needed based on the results of your e-SAT prior to the RPMS
Cycle. You may update your Development Plan based on the results of your
performance review and evaluation during RPMS Phase IV.

A. Opening the Workbook
1. Open the Excel Workbook with Microsoft Excel 2010 or later.

2. Click Enable editing when a prompt appears.

A. Opening the Workbook
1. Open the Excel Workbook with Microsoft Excel 2010 or later.

2. Click Enable editing when a prompt appears.

3. Click Enable Macros or Enable Content when a prompt appears.

4. Click Update when a prompt appears.

5. Read and understand all the contents of this 'READ THIS' Sheet, then
click Begin at the bottom to start.

B. Encoding IPCRF Ratings (in the Encoding Sheet & IPCRF-Part 3)

1. Encode all required information at the uppermost portion of the
sheet. Input the Name of Employee/Ratee, Position,
Bureau/Center/Service/Division, Rating Period, Name of Rater, Position of
Rater, Date of Review. Type also the name of the Approving Authority at the
bottom of the sheet.

2. Input your all Ratings for the Classroom Observation period(s) you
have been observed, and/or Ratings for the Supplementary Materials/TRFs
you have provided in applicable Objectives. The Sheet computes for the
transmuted RPMS Rating for Quality for the classroom-observable
Objectives based on the ratings that you encoded (e.g., from at least 1
COT/Supp Material/TRF and up to at most 2). If you only have 1 COT/Supp
Material/TRF, you just need to encode the ratings under COT/Supp
Material/TRF 1. Leave COT/Supp Material/TRF 2 blank. Input the Q ratings
for the other objectives. Note that only a certain number of cells are
editable on this sheet and these cannot be blank.

3. Double check if all ratings in the necessary Q columns are filled in on

both the Encoding Sheet, and IPCRF-Part 3. Take NOTE of and follow the
instructions found on the right side of some objectives. Ensure that Final
Numerical and Adjectival Ratings reflect on the space at the bottom of the

C. Accomplishing the Competencies Part of the IPCRF

1. Open the IPCRF-Part 2 sheet to begin encoding.
instructions found on the right side of some objectives. Ensure that Final
Numerical and Adjectival Ratings reflect on the space at the bottom of the

C. Accomplishing the Competencies Part of the IPCRF

1. Open the IPCRF-Part 2 sheet to begin encoding.

2. Input the number of competency indicators (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) for each

of the 6 categories of Core Behavioral Competencies that you have
demonstrated during the performance cycle.

D. Preparing the Development Plans

1. Open the IPCRF-Part 4 sheet to begin encoding.

2. Encode your strengths and development needs for both the

Functional Competencies (RPMS Objectives in Part I) and the Core
Behavioral Competencies (in Part II).
3. Input your corresponding action plan (including the Learning
Objectives and Interventions), timeline, and resources needed.

E. Submitting IPCRF Parts I-IV to your Rater

Print all 4 sheets: IPCRF-Parts 1-4 that you have accomplished, in the
required number of copies. Submit these to your Rater, together with your
RPMS Portfolio. There will be a face-to-face validation of the IPCRF between
the Ratee and the Rater.

Developed by:

School Principal II
Biñan City Science and Technology High School
Schools Division Office of Biñan City
Teacher I-III (Proficient Teacher)

Name of Employee: FERLYN M. RAFE Name of Rater: RICHARD A. CANAS

Position: TEACHER I Position: HEAD TEACHER I
Bureau/Center/Service/DivisionMANCAWAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date of Review: 09/30/2022
Rating Period: SY 2021-2022 (August 2021-July 2022)

COT/Supp COT/Supp
Weight Material/TRF 1 Material/TRF 2
COT Indicator No. Numerical Ratings
KRA Weight per KRA Objectives per
Objective COT RPMS 5-pt COT RPMS 5-pt
Rating Scale Rating Scale Q E T
Objective 1 5% 1 7 5 7 5
Objective 2 5% 5
KRA 1 20%
Objective 3 5% 2 7 5 7 5
Objective 4 5% 3 7 5 7 5
Objective 5 5% 4 7 5 7 5
Objective 6 5% 5 7 5 7 5
(Supp 5 5
Objective 7 5% 6 Material)
KRA 2 20%
SET B (COT) 7 7
(Supp 5 5
Objective 8 5% 7
SET B (COT) 7 5 7 5
SET A (COT) 7 7 5
Objective 9 5% 8
SET B (TRF) 5 5
SET A (COT) 7 5 7
KRA 3 20% Objective 10 5% 9
SET B (TRF) 5 5
Objective 11 5% 5
KRA 3 20%

Objective 12 5% 5
Objective 13 5% 5
Objective 14 5% 5
Objective 15 5% 5
KRA 4 30%
Objective 16 5% 5
Objective 17 5% 5
Objective 18 5% 5
KRA 5 10% Objective 19 10% 5
Final Rating
Adjectival Rating


Ratee Rater Approving Au

ical Ratings Score FOR OBJ 7-

Ave Accomplish
0.000 0.000 5 5 ONLY the
5.000 0.250 white cells
5 5
0.000 0.000 on the5SET
0.000 0.000 5 5 5
5 5
(A or B)
0.000 0.000
5 5
you used.
0.000 0.000
Leave the
5.000 0.250 5 5 other SET

0.000 0.000 0 0
5.000 0.250 5 5 content5 of

0.000 0.000 5 5
Column 5
0.000 0.000 0 5 (Quality
0.000 0.000 5 5 Rating),
0.000 0.000 5 0 Column 5 N
0.000 0.000 5 5 (Ave) and
Column O
ng to the
Column N
(Ave) and
Column O
5.000 0.250 (Score)
5.000 0.250
5.000 0.250
5.000 0.250
ng to the
5.000 0.250 Set that
5.000 0.250 YOU DID
5.000 0.250 NOT USE.
5.000 0.500 FINAL &
will appear
if you
Approving Authority correctly
Name of Employee: FERLYN M. RAFE Name of Rater: RICHARD A. CAÑAS
Position: TEACHER I Position: HEAD TEACHER I
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: MANCAWAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date of Review: April 6, 2022
Rating Period: SY 2021-2022 (August 2021-July 2022)


WEIGHT Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Rating
PER KRA (Quality)
5 4 3 2 1
1. Content
Knowledge and
1. Applied
knowledge of
SY 2021-
2022 5% Quality Demonstrated Level
7 in Objective 1 as
Demonstrated Level
6 in Objective 1 as
Demonstrated Level
5 in Objective 1 as
Demonstrated Level
4 in Objective 1 as
Demonstrated Level
3 in Objective 1 as
Level 6 in
5 0.200
Pedagogy content within and shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 1 as
across curriculum rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in the
teaching areas. observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement COT rating
forms. forms. forms. forms. forms OR No sheets/inter-
acceptable observer
evidence was agreement
Basic Education Services

shown. forms.

2. Used SY 2021- Quality Used research- Used research- Used research- Use of research- No acceptable N/A
0 0.000
research-based 2022 based knowledge based knowledge based knowledge based knowledge evidence was
knowledge and and/or principles of and/or principles of and/or principles of and/or principle of shown
principles of teaching in all the teaching in two teaching in one teaching and
teaching and components of components of components of learning is identified
learning to instruction in the instruction in the instruction in the but was poorly used
enhance lesson plan to lesson plan to lesson plan to as basis for
professional improve student improve student improve student planning/designing
practice. learning learning learning the lesson
3. Displayed SY 2021- Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated 5 0.250
proficient use of 2022 7 in Objective 3 as 6 in Objective 3 as 5 in Objective 3 as 4 in Objective 3 as 3 in Objective 3 as Level 7 in
Mother Tongue, shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 3 as
Filipino and rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
English to observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement rating
facilitate teaching forms forms forms forms forms OR No sheets/inter-
and learning. acceptable observer
evidence was agreement forms

4. Used effective SY 2021- Quality Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated 5 0.250
verbal and non- 2022 7 in Objective 4 as 6 in Objective 4 as 5 in Objective 4 as 4 in Objective 4 as 3 in Objective 4 as Level 7 in
verbal classroom shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 4 as
strategies to rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
support learner agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms agreement forms rating
understanding, OR No acceptable sheets/inter-
participation, evidence was agreement forms
engagement and shown.

2. Learning
5. Established SY 2021-
safe and secure 2022 5% Quality Demonstrated Level
7 in Objective 5 as
Demonstrated Level
6 in Objective 5 as
Demonstrated Level
5 in Objective 5 as
Demonstrated Level
4 in Objective 5 as
Demostrated Level
3 in Objective 5 as
Level 7 in
5 0.200
learning shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 5 as
environments to rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
enhance learning observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement agreement forms rating
through the forms forms forms forms OR No acceptable sheets/inter-
consistent evidence was observer
implementation of shown. agreement forms
guidelines and
6. Maintained SY 2021- Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demostrated Level Demonstrated 5 0.250
learning 2022 7 in Objective 6 as 6 in Objective 6 as 5 in Objective 6 as 4 in Objective 6 as 3 in Objective 6 as Level 7 in
environments that shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 6 as
promote fairness, rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
respect and care observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement agreement forms rating
to encourage forms forms forms forms OR No acceptable sheets/inter-
learning. evidence was observer
shown. agreement forms

7. Maintained SY 2021- Quality Provided effective Provided effective Provided an Provided learning No acceptable Provided 4 0.200
learning 2022 (SET A) and varying learning learning effective learning opportunity/ies that evidence was effective learning
environments that opportunities that opportunities that opportunity that is is/are partially shown opportunities that
nurture and are well-aligned with are well-aligned with well-aligned with the aligned with the are well-aligned
inspire learners to the learning goals the learning goals learning goals and learning goals and with the learning
participate, and feature all and engage engage learners to only somehow goals and
cooperate and elements of learners to participate, engage/s learners engage learners
collaborate in collaborative participate, cooperate, and/or to participate, to participate,
continued learning as shown cooperate, and/or collaborate in cooperate and/or cooperate,
learning. in the submitted collaborate in continued learning collaborate in and/or
learning material. continued learning as shown in the continued learning collaborate in
as shown in the submitted learning as shown in the continued
submitted learning material. submitted learning learning as
material. material. shown in the
learning material.
Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demostrated Level Demonstrated 4 0.200
(SET B) 7 in Objective 7 as 6 in Objective 7 as 5 in Objective 7 as 4 in Objective 7 as 3 in Objective 7 as Level 6 in
shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 7 as
rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement agreement forms rating
forms forms forms forms OR No acceptable sheets/inter-
evidence was observer
shown. agreement forms

8. Applied a SY 2021- Quality Applied effective Applied effective Applied an effective Applied teaching No acceptable Applied effective 4 0.200
range of 2022 (SET A) teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategy strategy/ies that evidence was teaching
successful that are well-aligned that are well-aligned that is well-aligned is/are partially shown strategies that
strategies that with the learning with the learning with the learning aligned with the are well-aligned
maintain learning goals and goals and goal/s and learning goal/s and with the learning
environments to successfully successfully successfully only somehow goals and
motivate learners motivate learners to motivate learners to motivates learners motivate/s learners successfully
to work monitor and work productively by to work productively to work productively motivate learners
productively by evaluate their own assuming by assuming by assuming to work
assuming learning as shown responsibility for responsibility for responsibility for productively by
responsibility for in the submitted their own learning their own learning their own learning assuming
their own learning material. as shown in the as shown in the as shown in the responsibility for
learning. submitted learning submitted learning submitted learning their own
material. material. material. learning as
shown in the
learning material.
Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated 4 0.200
(SET B) 7 in Objective 8 as 6 in Objective 8 as 5 in Objective 8 as 4 in Objective 8 as 3 in Objective 8 as Level 6 in
shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 8 as
rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement rating
forms forms forms forms forms OR No sheets/inter-
acceptable observer
evidence was agreement forms

3. Diversity of
9. Designed,
adapted and
SY 2021-
2022 20% Quality Demostrated Level
(SET A) 7 in Objective 9 as
Demostrated Level
6 in Objective 9 as
Demostrated Level
5 in Objective 9 as
Demostrated Level
4 in Objective 9 as
Demostrated Level
3 in Objective 9 as
Level 6 in
4 0.200
Curriculum and implemented shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 9 as
Planning & teaching rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
Assessment and strategies that are observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement rating
Reporting responsive to forms forms forms forms forms OR No sheets/inter-
learners with acceptable observer
disabilities, evidence was agreement forms
giftednedness shown
and talents
Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated 4 0.200
(SET B) 5 as shown in the 4 as shown in the 3 as shown in the 2 as shown in the 1 as shown in the Level 4 as
TRFs TRFs TRFs TRFs TRFs OR No shown in the
acceptable TRFs
evidence was

10. Adapted and SY 2021- Quality Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated Level Demostrated 4 0.200
used culturally- 2022 (SET A) 7 in Objective 10 as 6 in Objective 10 as 5 in Objective 10 as 4 in Objective 10 as 3 in Objective 10 as Level 6 in
appropriate shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT shown in COT Objective 10 as
teaching rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- rating sheets/inter- shown in COT
strategies to observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement rating
address the forms forms forms forms forms OR No sheets/inter-
needs of learners acceptable observer
from indigenous evidence was agreement forms
groups shown
from indigenous

Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated 4 0.200
(SET B) 5 as shown in the 4 as shown in the 3 as shown in the 2 as shown in the 1 as shown in the Level 4 as
TRFs TRFs TRFs TRFs TRFs OR No shown in the
acceptable TRFs
evidence was

11. Adapted and SY 2021- Quality Evaluated the Monitored progress Completed the Planned for the No acceptable Monitored 4 0.200
implemented 2022 adapted/contextuali of the adapted/ implementation of implementation of evidence was progress of the
learning programs zed learning contextualized the adapted/ the shown adapted/
that ensure program as learning program contextualized adapted/contextuali contextualized
relevance and evidenced by MOV while being learning program as zed existing learning program
responsiveness to No.1 implemented as evidence by MOV learning program as while being
the needs of all evidence by MOV No. 3 evidenced by MOV implemented as
learners No. 2 No. 4 evidence by
MOV No. 2

12. Utilized SY 2021- Quality Implemented a Developed Planned for a Analyzed learners' No acceptable Developed 4 0.200
assessment data 2022 teaching and materials based on teaching and mastered skills evidence was materials based
to inform the learning learners' learning strategy based on the shown on learners'
modification of strategy/program assessment data as and/or program frequency of errors assessment data
teaching and using materials evidenced by a list based on learners' and correct as evidenced by
learning practices based on learners' of identified assessment data as responses as a list of identified
and programs assessment data as least/most mastered evidenced by a list evidenced by a list least/most
evidenced by a list skills with of identified of identified mastered skills
of identified supporting MOV least/most mastered least/most mastered with supporting
least/most mastered No.2 skills with skills MOV No.2
skills with supporting MOV
supporting MOV No. No.3
4. Community
Linkages and
13. Maintained SY 2021-
learning 2022 5% Quality Collaborated with
the community
Planned with the
Conducted a
Communicated with No acceptable
the community evidence was
Planned with the
4 0.200
Professional environments that stakeholder in the stakeholders, a meeting with the stakeholders about shown stakeholders, a
Engagement & are responsive to implementation/ program, project, community a program, project, program, project,
Personal Growth community completion of a and/or activity that stakeholders on a and/or activity that and/or activity
contexts program/project, maintains a learning program, project, maintains a learning that maintains a
and Professional
and/or activity that environment and/or activity that environment learning
Development maintains a learning responsive to the maintains a learning responsive to the environment
environment community contexts environment community contexts responsive to the
responsive to the as evidenced y responsive to the as evidenced by community
community contexts MOV No.2 community contexts MOV No. 4 contexts as
as evidenced by as evidenced by evidenced y
MOV No.1 MOV 3 MOV No.2

14. Reviewed SY 2021- Quality Exhibited an Exhibited an Reviewed personal Prticipated in the No acceptable Exhibited an 4 0.200
regularly personal 2022 improved practice improved practice teaching practices review of personal evidence was improved
teaching practice through one's through a teaching using laws and teaching practices shown practice through
using existing teaching as impact material as impact regulations that using laws and a teaching
laws and of regularly of regularly apply to the regulations that material as
regulations that reviewing one's reviewing one's profession and the apply to the impact of
apply to the teaching practice/s teaching practice/s responsibilities in profession and the regularly
teaching using laws and using laws and the Code of Ethics responsibilities in reviewing one's
profession and regulations that regulations that for Professional the Code of Ethics teaching
the apply to the apply to the Teachers in 4 for Professional practice/s using
responsibilities profession and the profession and the quarters with Teachers in 4 laws and
specified in the responsibilities in responsibilities in reflection outputs quarters as regulations that
Code of Ethics for the Code of Ethics the Code of Ethics as evidenced by evidenced by MOV apply to the
Professional for Professional for Professional MOV No.3 No.4 profession and
Teachers Teachers as Teachers as the
evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV responsibilities in
No.1 No.2 the Code of
Ethics for
Teachers as
evidenced by
MOV No.2
15. Complied SY 2021- Quality Sustained Discussed with Communicated with Implemented school No acceptable Discussed with 5 0.250
with and 2022 engagement with learners, learners, policies and evidence was learners,
implemented the learners, parents/guardians, parents/guardians, procedures without shown parents/guardian
school policies parents/guardians and other and other communicating and s, and other
and procedures and other stakeholders the stakeholders the consulting the stakeholders the
consistently to stakeholders implemented school implemented school learners, implemented
foster harmonious regarding school policies and policies and parents/guardians school policies
relationships with policies and procedures as procedures as and other and procedures
learners, parents procedures through evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV stakeholders as evidenced by
and other school-community No.2 No.3 MOV No.2
stakeholders partnership/s as
evidenced by MOV

16. Applied a SY 2021- Quality Applied learner- Applied learner- Applied learner- Application of No acceptable Applied learner- 5 0.250
personal 2022 centered teaching centered teaching centered teaching learner-centered evidence was centered
philosophy of philosophy in the philosophy in the philosophy in the teaching philosophy shown teaching
teaching that is lesson plan in all the lesson plan in two lesson plan in one is reflected but was philosophy in the
learner-centered components of components of component of poorly used as lesson plan in
instruction in the instruction in the instruction in the basis for two components
lesson plan to lesson plan to lesson plan to planning/designing of instruction in
improve student improve student improve student the lesson the lesson plan
learning learning learning to improve
student learning

17. Adopted SY 2021- Quality Exhibited dignity of Exhibited dignity of Adopted practices Adopted a practice No acceptable Exhibited dignity 5 0.250
practices that 2022 teaching as a teaching as a that uphold the that uphold the evidence was of teaching as a
uphold the dignity profession by profession by dignity of teaching dignity of teaching shown profession by
of teaching as a exhibiting qualities exhibiting qualities as a profession by as a profession by exhibiting
profession by such as caring such as caring exhibiting qualities exhibiting qualities qualities such as
exhibiting attitude, respect and attitude, respect and such as caring such as caring caring attitude,
qualities such as integrity with integrity with attitude, respect and attitude, respect and respect and
caring attitude, affirmation from affirmation from any dignity as evidenced dignity as evidenced integrity with
respect and different school school stakeholder by at least 2 MOV by one MOV No.2 affirmation from
integrity. stakeholders as as evidenced by No.2 different school
evidenced by at one MOV No.1 stakeholders as
least two MOV No.1 evidenced by at
least two MOV
18. Set SY 2021- Quality Updated Discussed progress Set professional Accomplished the e- No acceptable N/A 0 0.000
professional 2022 professional on professional development goals SAT at the evidence was
devleopment development goals development goals based on e-SAT beginning of the shown
goals based on during Phase II of with the rater during results as school year as
the Philippine the RPMS Cycle as the Mid-year evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV
Professional evidenced by MOV Review as No.3 No.4
Standars for No.1 evidenced by MOV
Teachers No.2

5. Plus Factor 19. Performed SY 2021-

various related 2022 5% Quality Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 No acceptable
related work/activity related work/activity related work/activity related work/activity evidence was
Performed at
least 1 related
2 0.100
works/activities that contribute to that contribute to that contribute to that contributed to shown work/activity that
that contribute to the teaching-lerning the teaching-lerning the teaching-lerning the teaching- contributed to
the teaching- process beyond the process within the process within the learning process the teaching-
learning process school/Community school/Community learning within the class as learning process
Learning Center Learning Center area/department as evidenced by within the class
(CLC) as evidenced (CLC) as evidenced evidenced by submitted MOV as evidenced by
by submitted MOV by submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV


4.500-5.000 Outstanding
3.500-4.499 Very Satisfactory
2.500-3.499 Satisfactory
1.500-2.499 Unsatisfactory
Below 1.499 Poor


Ratee Rater Approving Authority
Instructions: Please indicate the number of competency indicators that you demonstrated during the performance cycle.
Self-Management Teamwork

1. Sets personal goals and directions, needs and development. 1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.

2. Undertakes personal actions and behavior that are clear and purposive and takes into account personal 2. Promotes collaboration and removes barrier to teamwork and goal accomplishment across the
goals and values congruent to that of the organization. organization.

3. Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher goals. 3. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements.

4. Prioritizes work tasks and schedules (through Gantt chants, checklists, etc.) to achieve goals. 4. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions.

5. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and across organizations to accomplish organization
5. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others.
goals and objectives.
Professionalism and Ethics Service Orientation
1. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms and Conduct and Ethical Standards for
1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues and problems.
Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713).
2. Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the impact of his/her actions
2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer service issues and concerns.
and decisions.
3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of attendance and punctuality, good
3. Initiates activities that promote advocacy for men and women empowerment.
grooming and communication.
4. Participates in updating office vision, mission, mandates and strategies based on DepEd strategies and
4. Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs.
5. Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s needs, improve system and 5. Develops and adopts service improvement program through simplified procedures that will further
help others improve their effectiveness. enhance service delivery.
Results Focus Innovation
1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Foster new ideas, processes and
1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time.
suggests better ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency).
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing organizational needs 2. Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses on improving personal
before personal needs. productivity to create higher value and results.

3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating procedures correctly and
consistently. Able to produce very satisfactory quality work in terms of usefulness/acceptability and 3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original ideas or solutions.
completeness with no supervision required.

4. Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficiency. May focus on new or 4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve the work unit and
more precise ways of meeting goals set. organization.

5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve performance. Examples may
5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates resourcefulness and the ability to
include doing something better, faster, at a lower cost, more efficiently, or improving quality, customer
succeed with minimal resources.
satisfaction, morale, without setting any specific goal.

Note: The assessment in the demonstration of competencies shall not be reflected in the final rating. These competencies are monitored to inform professional development plans (DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, p. 9).
Teacher I-III (Proficient Teacher)

Name of Employee: FERLYN M. RAFE Name of Rater: RICHARD A. CAÑAS

Position: TEACHER I Position: HEAD TEACHER I
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: MANCAWAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date of Review: April 6, 2022
Rating Period: SY 2021-2022 (August 2021-July 2022)

Weight per Weight per Numerical Ratings

KRA Objectives Score
KRA Objective Q E T Ave
Objective 1 5% 5 5.000 0.250
Objective 2 5% 5 5.000 0.250
KRA 1 20%
Objective 3 5% 5 5.000 0.250
Objective 4 5% 5 5.000 0.250
Objective 5 5% 5 5.000 0.250
Objective 6 5% 5 5.000 0.250
KRA 2 20%
Objective 7 5% 5 5.000 0.250
FOR OBJ 7-10, Manually type in the
Objective 8 5% 5 5.000 0.250 colored cells the QUALITY ratings
Objective 9 5% 5 5.000 0.250 from the SET (A or B) used (see
IPCRF-Part 1). Then unfill the cell
Objective 10 5% 5 5.000 0.250 color.
KRA 3 20%
Objective 11 5% 4 4.000 0.200
Objective 12 5% 4 4.000 0.200
Objective 13 5% 4 4.000 0.200
Objective 14 5% 4 4.000 0.200
Objective 15 5% 5 5.000 0.250
KRA 4 30%
Objective 16 5% 5 5.000 0.250
Objective 17 5% 5 5.000 0.250
Objective 18 5% 5 5.000 0.250
KRA 5 10% Objective 19 10% 5 5.000 0.500
Final Rating 4.800
Adjectival Rating Outstanding


Ratee Rater Approving Authority
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies

B. Core Behavioral Competencies



Name of Employee: ROMUALDO H. VASQUEZ Name of Rater: EDITHA L. FULE
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: DEPED/DIVISION SAN PABLO CITY/COL. LAURO D. DIZON MIHS Date of Review: #REF!
Rating Period: SY 2021-2022


WEIGHT Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Rating
PER KRA (Quality)
5 4 3 2 1
1. Content
Knowledge and
1. Modelled
YEAR 20% Quality Modelled Level 8 in
Objective 1 as
Modelled Level 7 in
Objective 1 as
Modelled Level 6 in
Objective 1 as
Modelled Level 5 in
Objective 1 as
Modelled Level 4 in Modelled
Objective 1 as Level 7 in
5 0.250
Pedagogy applications of ROUND shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 1
content rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets OR No as shown in
knowledge within acceptable the COT
and across evidence was rating sheets
curriculum shown.
teaching areas.
Basic Education Services

2. Evaluated with WHOLE Quality Modelled and Modelled and Modelled and Modelled and evaluated No acceptable
with colleagues effective evidence was
Modelled and 5 0.250
colleagues the YEAR evaluated with evaluated with evaluated with evaluated with
effectiveness of ROUND colleagues effective colleagues effective colleagues effective strategy/ies that reflect/s shown colleagues
teaching strategies that reflect strategies that reflect strategies that reflect application of relevant effective
teaching practices that
adjustments or integration of well- consistent application promote critical literacy strategies that
strategies that
modifications in connected teaching of relevant teaching and/or critical numeracy reflect
promote learner teaching practices to practices that promote practices that promote skills in some aspects of integration of
achievement in enhance critical critical literacy and/or critical literacy and/or the lesson as evidenced well-connected
literacy and literacy and/or critical critical numeracy skills critical numeracy skills by the submitted teaching
numeracy numeracy skills as as evidenced by the in all aspects of the learning material practices that
evidenced by the submitted learning lesson as evidenced promote
submitted learning material by the submitted critical literacy
material learning material and/or critical
skills as
evidenced by
the submitted
3. Modelled and WHOLE Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in Modelled 5 0.250
supported YEAR Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Level 7 in
colleagues in the ROUND shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 3
proficient use of rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets OR No as shown in
Mother Tongue,
acceptable the COT
Filipino and English
to improve teaching
evidence was rating sheets
and learning, as shown.
well as to develop
learners’ pride of
their language,
heritage and

4. Displayed a WHOLE Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in Modelled 5 0.250
wide range of YEAR Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Level 7 in
effective verbal and ROUND shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 4
non-verbal rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets OR No as shown in
acceptable the COT
communicatio n
strategies to
evidence was rating sheets
support learner shown.
2. Learning
5. Exhibited
engagement and
YEAR 20% Quality Modelled Level 8 in
Objective 5 as
Modelled Level 7 in
Objective 5 as
Modelled Level 6 in
Objective 5 as
Modelled Level 5 in
Objective 5 as
Modelled Level 4 in Modelled
Objective 5 as Level 7 in
5 0.250
strategies that
achievement ROUND shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 5
ensure safe and rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets OR No as shown in
secure learning acceptable the COT
environments to evidence was rating sheets
enhance learning shown.
through the
implementation of
guidelines and
6. Exhibited WHOLE Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in Modelled 5 0.250
effective practices YEAR Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Level 7 in
to foster learning ROUND shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 6
environments that rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets OR No as shown in
promote fairness, acceptable the COT
respect and care evidence was rating sheets
to encourage shown.

7. Worked with WHOLE Quality Modelled varying Modelled varying Modelled effective Modelled an No acceptable Modelled 4 0.200
colleagues to YEAR strategies that strategies that strategies that effective strategy evidence was varying
share successful ROUND sustain a supportive sustain a supporting promote a that promote a shown strategies
strategies that learning learning supportive learning supportive learning that sustain a
sustain supportive environment for environment and environment and environment and supporting
learning learners to feature all elements engage learners to engage learners to learning
environments that recognize each of collaborative participate, participate, environment
nurture and other’s learning learning as shown cooperate, and/or cooperate, and/or and feature
inspire learners to strengths and value in the submitted collaborate in collaborate in class all elements
participate, the contribution of learning material continued learning discussions as of
cooperate and others as evidenced as shown in the shown in the collaborative
collaborate in by the submitted submitted learning submitted learning learning as
continued learning material materials materials shown in the
learning submitted
8. Modelled WHOLE Quality Modelled and Modelled and Modelled and Modelled and No acceptable Modelled and 4 0.200
successful YEAR discussed with discussed with discussed with discussed with evidence was discussed
strategies and ROUND colleagues effective colleagues colleagues varied colleagues a shown with
supported strategies that consistent teaching practices teaching practice colleagues
colleagues in reflect modifications application of that successfully that successfully consistent
promoting in teaching teaching practices motivate learners to motivate learners to application of
learning practices to sustain that successfully work productively by work productively by teaching
environments that learner motivation in motivate learners to assuming assuming practices that
effectively monitoring and monitor and responsibility for responsibility for successfully
motivate learners evaluating their own evaluate their own their own learning their own learning motivate
to work learning as shown learning as shown as shown in the as shown in the learners to
productively by in the submitted in the submitted submitted learning submitted learning monitor and
assuming learning material learning material material material evaluate their
responsibility for own learning
their own learning as shown in
the submitted

3. Diversity of 9. Assisted WHOLE

20% Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in 0.000
Learners, colleagues to YEAR (SET A)
Quality Objective
Demonstrated 9 as Level Objective
Demonstrated 9 as Level Objective
Demonstrated 9 as Level Objective
Demonstrated 9 as Level Objective 9 as
Demonstrated Level Demonstrate 5 0.250
Curriculum and design, adapt and ROUND (SET B) 5shown in theinCOT
as shown the 4shown in theinCOT
as shown the 3shown in theinCOT
as shown the 2shown in theinCOT
as shown the 1shown in theinCOT
as shown the d Level 4 as
Planning & implement rating sheets
TRFs rating sheets
TRFs rating sheets
TRFs rating sheets
TRFs rating OR
TRFs sheets
No OR No shown in the
Assessment and teaching acceptable TRFs
Reporting strategies that are evidence was
responsive to shown.
learners with
giftedness and
10. Developed WHOLE Quality Modelled Level 8 in Modelled Level 7 in Modelled Level 6 in Modelled Level 5 in Modelled Level 4 in Modelled 0.000
and applied YEAR (SET A) Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Level 7 in
teaching ROUND shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT shown in the COT Objective 10
strategies to rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets rating sheets OR No as shown in
address acceptable the COT
effectively the evidence was rating sheets
needs of learners shown.
from indigenous

Quality Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrated Level Demonstrate 5 0.250
(SET B) 5 as shown in the 4 as shown in the 3 as shown in the 2 as shown in the 1 as shown in the d Level 4 as
TRFs TRFs TRFs TRFs TRFs OR No shown in the
acceptable TRFs
evidence was

11. Worked WHOLE Quality Worked with Worked with Worked with Evaluated the No acceptable Worked with 1 0.050
collaboratively YEAR colleagues in colleagues in listing colleagues in design of learning evidence was colleagues in
with colleagues to ROUND redesigning learning detailed evaluating the programs that shown listing
evaluate the programs based on recommendations design of learning develop the detailed
design of learning the list of on improving the programs that knowledge and recommendat
programs that recommendations design of learning develop the skills of learners at ions on
develop the as evidenced by programs based on knowledge and different ability improving the
knowledge and MOV No. 1 the results of skills of learners at levels without the design of
skills of learners evaluation as different ability help of colleagues learning
at different ability evidenced by MOV levels as evidenced as evidenced by programs
levels No. 2 by MOV No. 3 MOV No. 4 based on the
results of
evaluation as
evidenced by
MOV No. 2
12. Worked WHOLE Quality Evaluated activities Implemented Explored Planned activities No acceptable Implemented 1 0.050
collaboratively YEAR with colleagues by activities with interventions with with colleagues to evidence was activities with
with colleagues to ROUND looking for key colleagues to colleagues to address the use of shown colleagues to
analyze and success indicators address the use of address utilization assessment data to address the
utilize (p. 14, DO 35, s. assessment data to of assessment data modify practices use of
assessment data 2016) as evidenced modify practices which could be in and/or programs as assessment
to modify by the submitted and/or programs as the form of learning evidenced by the data to
practices and MOV evidenced by the materials, submitted MOV modify
programs to submitted MOV instructional practices
further support materials, and/or
learner progress equipment, programs as
and achievement strategies in evidenced by
teaching, modality the submitted
in teaching, MOV
program, etc. (p. 9,
DO 35, s. 2016) as
evidenced by the
submitted MOV
4. Community
Linkages and
13. Reflected on WHOLE
and evaluated YEAR 30% Quality Synthesized the Consulted
evaluations from the parents, guardians,
Conducted FGD
with teachers on
Conducted a survey No acceptable
to gather feedback evidence was
1 0.050
Professional learning ROUND wider school and/or other programs, projects, on programs, shown guardians,
Engagement & environments that community of the external and/or activities that projects, and/or and/or other
Personal Growth are responsive to programs, projects, stakeholders on maintain the activities that are external
community and/or activities that programs, projects, learning responsive to stakeholders
and Professional
contexts maintain the and/or activities that environments community contexts on programs,
Development learning maintain the responsive to as evidenced by projects,
environment learning community context MOV No. 4 and/or
responsive to environments to reflect on and activities that
community context responsive to evaluate them as maintain the
as evidenced by community context evidenced by MOV learning
MOV No. 1 to reflect on and No. 3 environments
evaluate them as responsive to
evidenced by MOV community
No. 2 context to
reflect on and
them as
evidenced by
MOV No. 2
14. Discussed WHOLE Quality Discussed with Discussed with Discussed with Planned for a No acceptable Discussed 4 0.200
with colleagues YEAR colleagues teaching colleagues teaching colleagues teaching discussion of evidence was with
teaching and ROUND and learning and learning and learning teaching and shown colleagues
learning practices practices that practices that practices that learning practices teaching and
that apply existing adhere to laws, adhere to laws, adhere to laws, that adhere to laws, learning
codes, laws and regulations, and regulations, and regulations, and regulations, and practices that
regulations that responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities adhere to
apply to the specified in the specified in the specified in the specified in the laws,
teaching Code of Ethics for Code of Ethics for Code of Ethics for Code of Ethics for regulations,
profession, and Professional Professional Professional Professional and
the Teachers and Teachers and Teachers as Teachers as responsibilitie
responsibilities reviewed the reviewed the evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV s specified in
specified in the annotated evidence personal reflection No. 3 No. 4 the Code of
Code of Ethics for of practice of notes of colleagues Ethics for
Professional colleagues as as evidenced by Professional
Teachers evidenced by MOV MOV No. 2 Teachers and
No. 1 reviewed the
notes of
colleagues as
evidenced by
MOV No. 2

15. Exhibited WHOLE Quality Evaluated with Conducted Discussed with Implemented No acceptable Conducted 1 0.050
commitment to YEAR teachers the discussions with teachers certain school policies and evidence was discussions
and supported ROUND implementation of teachers on the school policies and procedures as shown with teachers
teachers in the certain school progress of procedures for evidenced by MOV on the
implementation of policies and implementation of uniform No. 4 progress of
school policies procedures as certain school implementation as implementati
and procedures to evidenced by MOV policies and evidenced by MOV on of certain
foster harmonious No. 1 procedures as No. 3 school
relationships with evidenced by MOV policies and
learners, parents No. 2 procedures
and other as evidenced
stakeholders by MOV No.
16. Manifested a WHOLE Quality Evaluated Implemented Planned for an Demonstrated a No acceptable Implemented 5 0.250
learner- centered YEAR lesson plans of plan for an activity activity to support learner-centered evidence was plan for an
teaching ROUND colleagues to to support colleagues in teaching philosophy shown activity to
philosophy in enhance their own colleagues in enhancing their own in one aspect of support
various aspects of learner- centered enhancing their own learner- centered practice (i.e., lesson colleagues in
practice and teaching practice as learner- centered teaching practice as planning) as enhancing
support evidenced by MOV teaching practice as evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV their own
colleagues in No. 1 evidenced by MOV No. 3 No. 4 learner-
enhancing their No. 2 centered
own learner- teaching
centered teaching practice as
philosophy evidenced by
MOV No. 2

17. Identified and WHOLE Quality Identified and Identified and Identified and Identified personal No acceptable Identified and 1 0.050
utilized personal YEAR utilized personal utilized personal utilized personal professional evidence was utilized
professional ROUND professional professional professional strengths that shown personal
strengths to strengths to uphold strengths to uphold strengths to uphold uphold the dignity of professional
uphold the dignity the dignity of the dignity of the dignity of teaching as a strengths to
of teaching as a teaching as a teaching as a teaching as a profession as uphold the
profession to help profession to help profession to help profession to help evidenced by MOV dignity of
build a positive build a positive build a positive build a positive No. 4 teaching as a
teaching and teaching and teaching and teaching and profession to
learning culture learning culture learning culture learning culture help build a
within the school within the school by within the school by within the school in positive
inspiring unity in initiating activities to responding to an teaching and
responding to avoid potential issue or a learning
potential threats and threats and risks to challenging situation culture within
risks to the school the school as evidenced by the school by
community as community as MOV No. 3 initiating
evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV activities to
No. 1 No. 2 avoid
threats and
risks to the
as evidenced
by MOV No.
18. Reflected on WHOLE Quality Updated Conducted Planned for Accomplished the e- No acceptable Conducted 5 0.250
the Philippine YEAR professional mid-year review professional SAT at the evidence was mid-year
Professional ROUND development goals with colleagues as development based beginning of the shown review with
Standards for during Phase II of evidenced by MOV on e- SAT results as school year as colleagues as
Teachers to plan the RPMS Cycle as No. 2 or 3 evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV evidenced by
personal evidenced by MOV No. 4 No.5 MOV No. 2 or
professional No.1 3
goals and assist
colleagues in
planning and
achieving their
own goals

5. Plus Factor 19. Performed WHOLE

various related YEAR 10% Quality Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 Performed at least 1 No acceptable
related work/activity related work/activity related work/activity related work/activity evidence was
Performed at
least 1
5 0.500
works/activities ROUND that contribute to that contribute to that contribute to that contributed to shown related
that contribute to the teaching-lerning the teaching-lerning the teaching-lerning the teaching- work/activity
the teaching- process beyond the process within the process within the learning process that
learning process school/Community school/Community learning within the class as contribute to
Learning Center Learning Center area/department as evidenced by the teaching-
(CLC) as evidenced (CLC) as evidenced evidenced by submitted MOV lerning
by submitted MOV by submitted MOV submitted MOV process
within the
4.500-5.000 Outstanding by submitted
3.500-4.499 Very Satisfactory MOV
2.500-3.499 Satisfactory
1.500-2.499 Unsatisfactory
Below 1.499 Poor


Ratee Rater Approving Authority

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