Lease Agreement

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Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public


 Notary’s Code No: :

 Notary’s Judicial Province : : Colombo
 Office handing over Duplicates : : Colombo
 Local Authority in which the land
is situated : Colombo

Prior Registration - See Schedule


THIS INDENTURE of Lease made and entered into at Colombo on this

10 day of A u g u s t
Two Thousand and Twenty Two (2022) by and
between ............................. and having its Registered Offices at the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
[hereinafter referred to as "the Lessor" which term or expression as herein used
shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said
............................ its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART



(PRIVATE) LIMITED [Registration NO. N(PVS)33756) a Company duly
incorporated under the Companies Act of Sri Lanka and having its registered office
at No. 160/24, Kirimandala Mawatha Colombo 05 in the said Republic [hereinafter
called and referred to as "the Lessee" which term or expression as herein used
shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said
Information Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (Private)
Limited and its successors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART


WHEREAS the Lessor is seised and possessed of and/or otherwise well and
sufficiently became entitled to all that land and premises with the building standing
thereon bearing Assessment No. 558 Heenatigala Road, Welawatta, Unawatuna
comprising of a residential house and property morefully described in the Schedule

AND WHEREAS the Lessor has agreed with the Lessee to lease and demise unto the
Lessee and the Lesse has agreed to take on lease from the Lessor the said premises
more fully described in the Schedule hereto, for a periode of Five (05) years
commencing from the Fifteen (15th) day of August Two Thousand Twenty Two
(2022) and ending on the Fifteen (15th) day of August Two Thousand Twenty
seven (2027).

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of said agreement and

consideration of the rents hereinafter reserved and all the covenants hereinafter
contained on the part of the Lessee to be observed and performed the Lessor doth
hereby let lease and demise free of encumbrance unto the Lessee the demised
premise and all rights of way privileges easements servitudes advantages and
appurtenances whatsoever to the demised premises.

TO HOLD the demised premises for the period of Five (05) years commencing from
the Fifteen (15th) day of August Two Thousand Twenty Two (2022) and ending
on the Fifteen (15th) day of August Two Thousand Twenty seven (2027).

YIELDING AND PAYING therefore unto the Lessor for the period of lease the clear
Lease rental of RUPEES THREE MILLION (RS. 3 000,000/=) of lawful money of
Sri Lanka being the rental for the full lease periode hereof ( calculated at the rates
of RUPEES FIFTY THOUSAND 50,000/=) per month).



A. The montly lease rental payable to the Lessor by the Lessee in respect of the
demised premises shall be RUPEES FIFTY THOUSAND (Rs. 50,000/=).

B. The Lesse shall pay to the Lessor on or before the commencement of this lease a
sum of RUPEES ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Rs. 100,000/=) as the refundable

C. The Lessor shall retain the said refundable deposit of RUPEES ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND (Rs. 100,000/=) (which shall be free of interest) for the due
observation and performance by the Lesse of the provisions and conditions herein
contained and said deposit shall ne paid back to the Lesse at the termination or order
sooner determination of term hereof subject however to the clause 1(D) below,
provided all rentals and bills for electricity and water have been paid and settled in
full and on vacant possession being handed over.

D. The Lessor shall refund within one month, from the end of the period the said
refundable deposit of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Rs. 100,000/=), The Lessor can
reduce the deposit amount if the for a further period of One (01) month from the
date of handing the vacant possession of the demised premises by the Lessee for the
settlement of all pending unpaid bills for electricity and water.

The said interest free refundable deposit of Rupees .................

(Rs....................) the receipt of which is acknowledged on the date of execution
of these presents to be returned to the Lessee at the end of the term hereby
created or earlier termination hereof as hereinafter provided after deducting
there from the cost of repairs if any to the said premises occasioned by the
negligence of the Lessee or its agents or Licensees and/or outstanding water
electricity and telephone bills

1. The Lessee to the intent that the obligations may continue throughout the
said term hereby covenants with the Lessor as follows:

(a) To pay to the Lessor in Colombo the reserved rent in manner and on
the dates hereinbefore provided and appointed for the payment of

(b) To use the demised premises exclusively as its office

(c) To conform to all the rules and regulations stipulated by the

Colombo Municipal Council and other statutory bodies

(d) To keep the demised premises in a clean and sanitary state order and
condition in the same state and order as at the date of handing over
and in strict conformity with the laws and by-laws of the Urban
or other relevant authority and to keep the Lessor freed and
indemnified from and against all prosecutions, actions, costs, claims,
proceedings and fines which may be instituted and imposed in
consequence of the breach or non-observance by the Lessee of any
laws or by-laws respecting the sanitation and the conservancy of the
said Urban Council

(e) To pay all charges costs and rents that may be charged or levied for
electricity lights power and water which shall be consumed on the
demised premises all telephone bills local and foreign and other utility
rates and to observe and perform all conditions and regulations laid
down by any statute in respect thereof

(f) To pay and discharge any increase in the current rates or taxes levied
by the local or statuary authority as a result of the Lessee's conducting
business on the said premises and to keep the Lessor freed and
indemnified from and against all prosecutions, actions, costs, claims,
proceedings and fines which may be instituted and imposed in
consequence of non-payment of the same

(g) To keep the demised premises and the Lessor’s fixtures and fittings
and the sanitary and water fittings and accessories in good order and
condition and in the like condition (reasonable wear and tear
excepted) to deliver up the same to the Lessor at the expiration or
sooner determination of the term hereby granted

(h) Not to assign sublease or sublet part with the possession of the
demised premises or any part thereof without the prior written
consent of the Lessor

(i) To permit the Lessor or its agents engineers workmen or other persons
authorized in writing by the Lessor to enter into and upon the demised
premises at all reasonable times of the day after giving previous notice
in writing to the Lessee for the purpose of viewing and inspecting the
condition of the demised premises or for the purpose of taking
inventories of the Lessor's fixtures and fittings therein and to do such
works and things as may be required for effecting any major roof
repairs to the demised premises undertaken by the Lessor in terms

(j) Not to store or bring to the demised premises any articles materials
or substance of a combustible inflammable dangerous or noxious
nature and not to do or permit to be done anything at any time during
the said term whereby any Policy of Insurance in respect of the
demised premises may become void or voidable or whereby the rate
of premium thereon may be increased

(k) Not to use the demised premises or any part thereof or the common
areas for any unlawful purpose and not to do or permit to be done any
act or thing which may become a nuisance or obstruction to or give
cause for complaint from the occupants licensees or invitees of other
parts of the building and to pay the Lessor all charges costs and
expenses incurred by the Lessor at any time during the continuance
of the term hereby created in abating any nuisance pursuant to any
order by the Local authority to the Lessor

(l) the Lessee shall be at liberty to install at the Lessee's cost and
expense electric fans air conditioners telephones and other
conveniences and contrivances to the demised premises (the repair
and maintenance of which shall be solely the responsibility of the
Lessee) and

a) such installation does not infringe any rules and regulations of

the Ceylon Electricity Board and of any Statutory or other

b) The Lessee shall at the end of the period of this lease or earlier
determination thereof remove any generators, air conditioners,

and other fittings whatsoever installed by the Lessee and for which
the Lessee shall not be entitled to claim compensation whatsoever

(m) To install at the Lessor's cost and expense separate meters for
metering the consumption of water and electricity on the
demised premises

(n) To indemnify and keep indemnified the Lessor against any loss or
damage the Lessor's building its furniture, fixtures and fittings
where such damage shall occur as a result of any structural
alterations carried out by the Lessee

(o) i) To carry out and effect all maintenance and upkeep of every
description of the demised premises and effect all minor repairs which
may be required from time to time to the demised premises where the
cost of such repairs does not exceed the sum of Rupees
...................... (Rs..........................) on any one item

ii) To carry out all repairs structural or otherwise which may become
necessary as a result of any act or omission by the Lessee or any of
its employees agents or licensees and to replace or reimburse the
Lessor the cost of replacing any fixtures and fittings damaged or lost.

(p) Not to do or permit to be done anything whereby or by reason

whereof any right of light or easement may be acquired against or
enjoyed over the demised premises or any part thereof or whereby
the access of light or air to the demised premises may become

(q) While being permitted the use of the common areas of the building
including the Main entrance, car park, lobby, stairways, lifts, passages
etc., to ensure that such use of the said common areas by the Lessee
its agents, servants, members and invitees does not in any way
whatsoever cause any hindrance or inconvenience to the Lessor its
invitees, licensees and other users of such common areas

(r) To be responsible for any accident damage or injury that shall occur
within the demised premises to any person or property whether on
or in respect of the property or business conducted by the Lessee
and in no way to hold the Lessor liable for the same and not to make
any claim whatsoever against the Lessor in respect of any such
damage or injury save and except when such accident damage or
injury is caused as a result of the negligence or the act/default of the

(s) To yield up and surrender the demised premises with all fixtures and
fittings to the Lessor at the expiration or sooner determination of

period hereby granted in good order repair and condition (fair wear
and tear excepted) and in accordance with the Lessee's covenants
contained in these presents

(t) At all times during the continuance of this agreement to insure

and keep insured at its own cost and expense its business and
property whatsoever against all hazards to its full value

2. The Lessor doth hereby covenant and agree with the Lessee as follows;

(a) To pay and discharge all Municipal assessment rates and taxes
payable in respect of the building and premises and any increases
thereto except those payable by the Lessee in terms of clause 2(e)

(b) To carry out all repairs structural or otherwise to the demised

premises other than those which are the responsibility of the Lessee
under the provisions of Clauses (l) and (o) hereof

(c) To permit the lessee to display the Lessee's name board in the
main lobby at a place designated by the Lessor in writing

(d) That the Lessee paying the rent as and when the same shall fall due
as herein before stated and observing and performing all and
singular the covenants and obligations on the part of the Lessee
herein contained shall and may peaceably and quietly hold and
possess and enjoy the demised premises without any interruption
disturbance or hindrance by or from the Lessor or any person or
persons rightfully claiming under or in trust for the Lessor

(e) To insure the demised premises against fire lightening riot strike
terrorism explosion and malicious damage

(f) [i] Not to do or suffer or permit or cause to be done

suffered or permitted any act deed matter or thing whatsoever
whereby or by reason whereof any mortgage of the demised
premises created by the Lessor may be foreclosed or the moneys
due thereunder may be or become immediately payable or any
other act whatsoever whereby the Lessee shall be disturbed in
its possession and enjoyment of the demised premises in terms
of these presents

[ii] In the event of the Lessor defaulting in the payment of

the principal amount due and/or the interest due under any

mortgage of the demised premises created by the Lessor it shall

be lawful for but not obligatory on the Lessee to pay the whole
or any part of the lease rents hereby reserved currently payable
or in the future against such safeguards as may be required by
the Lessee from the Lessor direct to the mortgagee in
settlement or part settlement of the principal and/or interest
due under any bonds now existing or in the future and the
receipt or receipts of the mortgagees for such payments shall
be a good and valid discharge to the Lessee for the payment
of the rents hereunder

[iii] To notify the Lessee promptly of any claim or demand that may
be made or any action taken or threatened by the mortgagee
against the Lessor arising out of the matters referred to in the
immediately preceding sub-clause and/or any third party
claim ranking for priority over the lease hereby created

(g) To warrant and defend the title of the demised premises and to
indemnify the Lessee against any costs damage or expense occasioned
by any adverse claim to the title to the demised premises or any part

(h) The end of the term hereof or the sooner determination as herein
provided to return the refundable deposit or any part thereof referred
to in clause 1 (a) hereof to the Lessee after deducting therefrom any
sum or sums to cover any unpaid electricity telephone or water bills
and/or the cost of any repairs to the demised premises and the
fixtures and fittings which would otherwise be the responsibility of the
Lessee as hereinbefore provided on the Lessee delivering to the
Lessor vacant and quiet possession of the demised premises

3. Provided always and it is hereby agreed by and between the Lessor and
the Lessee as follows;

(a) The Lessor shall provide the Lessee with Car parking facilities for Four
(04) vehicles

(b) The use of the demised premises does not entitle the Lessee to any
absolute right over the Common areas and the Lessee's use of the
Common areas shall at all times be subject to the Lessor's directions

(c) The Lessor does not in any way make any warranty promise or
undertaking in respect of the suitability of the demised premises for
the Lessee's business

(d) The Lessee shall not be entitled to any compensation on any

ground whatsoever for any improvements made to the demised

(e) If the rents hereby reserved or any part thereof shall be unpaid for 10
days after becoming due (whether formally demanded or not) or any
covenants on the Lessee's part herein contained shall not be observed
or performed by the Lessee then and in any of the said cases it shall
be lawful for but not obligatory on the Lessor to give to the Lessee
not less than One [01] calendar month’s notice in writing requiring
the Lessee to pay such arrears of rent or to observe or to perform
such covenants and if at the end of the said period of One [01]
month such arrears of rent has not been paid or such covenants shall
have been observed or performed then and in any such case this
demise shall absolutely cease and determine but without prejudice to
any right of action or remedy of the Lessor in respect of any breach of
the Lessee's covenants herein contained

(f) In the event of the Lessee being unable to continue its business on the
demised premises by reason of not obtaining the requisite
licences/permits and/or non payment of statutory taxes and/or closure
due to the order of any statutory authority and/or bankruptcy the
Lessee shall be entitled to terminate this Lease by giving the Lessor not
less than Three (03) calendar months’ notice in writing of such inability
and at the end of such period of three months the lease shall stand
determined and the Lessor shall refund to the Lessee the unutilized
portion (if any) of the refundable deposit paid by the Lessee to the
Lessor at the execution of these presents as hereinbefore provided for

(g) Subject to the above, either party may after the expiration of the
first six months of this lease terminate this agreement at any time
thereafter by giving the other party three (03) months’ written notice
of such intention to terminate, and at the expiration of the said three
months notice this agreement shall be determined and the Lessor
shall refund to the lessee any unutilized portion (if any) of the lease
rentals paid in advance together with the refundable deposit as
hereinbefore provided for.

(h) A renewal of this lease shall only be by mutual consent and on terms
to be agreed upon by the Lessor and the Lessee and the Lessee shall
give to the Lessor not less than three (03) months prior written
notice by registered post if the Lessee desires a renewal of this lease

(i) In the event of the Lessee failing to hand over vacant possession
of the demised premises upon the termination of these presents
the Lessor shall be entitled to recover from the Lessee a sum of
............................ per day for each day’s delay until the Lessor is
placed in vacant possession of the demised premises

(j) The legal fees payable in connection with this lease shall be borne
by the Lessor and the Lessee in equal shares and the stamp duty on
this Lease shall be borne by the Lessor and the Lessee in equal

(l) Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be deemed to be

sufficient and duly given if addressed and sent by Registered Post
to the Lessor and Lessee at the addresses hereinbefore given

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Lessor and the Lessee have set their respective
Common Seals to be affixed to these presents and to three others of the same tenor
and date at Colombo on this day of Two
Thousand and Sixteen (2016)


All that allotment of land and buildings Marked Lot ........... on Plan................dated
............. made by ............. Licensed Surveyor, now bearing assessment No.
................ within the Grama Niladhari Division of ..................... and Divisional
Secretariat Division of.....................................within the Municipal Council and District of
......................... which said Lot ............ is bounded on the NORTH by portion of
Lot 5 and Lot 3A, on the EAST by Lot 6 (reservation for a road 30 feet wide) on the
SOUTH by Lot 3C and on the WEST by Lot 5A containing in extent One Rood and
Twenty Perches [A0-R1-P20] and registered in volume/folio A 1100/188 in the
Colombo District Land Registry

The Common Seal of the said ............ is ]

hereto affixed in the presence of ]
Who do hereby attest the sealing thereof ]




The Common Seal of the said ]

[PRIVATE] LIMITED is hereto ]
affixed in the presence of ]
Who do hereby attest the sealing thereof ]




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