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THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE made this .......... day of ..............., 20…


SHRI PRAKASH RAMRATAN JAIN, Indian Inhabitant(s), presently residing at the address
mentioned in the schedule annexed herewith, hereinafter collectively referred to as “the
Lessors”, (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be
deemed to mean and include his/her/their heirs, administrators and legal representatives) of the
One Part;

HDFC BANK LTD., a Banking Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and
having its Registered Office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai
400013, hereinafter referred to as “the Lessee” (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant
to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns)
of the Other Part;


(i) The Lessor(s) is / are the absolute owner(s) and seized and possessed of or otherwise
well and sufficiently entitled to all that premises which are more particularly described in
the schedule annexed herewith, and hereinafter referred to as “the demised

(ii) The Lessee being in need of premises has requested the Lessor(s) to grant a lease in
respect of the demised premises, which the Lessor(s) have agreed to grant on the terms
and conditions hereinafter appearing;




1. In consideration of the rent and security deposit specified in the schedule annexed
herewith and in further consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained on the part
of the Lessee to be paid, observed and performed the Lessor doth hereby demise unto
the Lessee the demised premises together with all the rights, easements and
appurtenances belonging thereto, including the rights as specified in clause No. 7
hereunder commencing from the date and for the period specified in the schedule
annexed herewith.


2. The Lessee hereby covenants with the Lessor as follows :

(a) That the Lessee will, during the continuance of this lease pay to the Lessor the rent as
specified in the schedule annexed herewith and that such payment will always be
subject to deduction of tax at source, if applicable;

(b) The Lessee shall use and occupy the demised premises as its office and or branch and
shall permit only its employees, representatives, customers, business associates etc.,
the use thereof.

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(c) To use the demised premises withInternal due care and caution and to keep and
maintain the same in good order and condition;

(d) To promptly pay the following charges upon receipt of supportings from the Lessor.

(i) actual charges towards electricity and water consumed by the Lessee in the demised
premises on the basis of separate meter installed / to be installed by the Lessor in
the demised premises

The Lessor shall bear and pay all the Society charges other than those specified
hereinabove. The Lessee shall not be liable to pay any amount / charges towards
Sinking Fund, any kind of taxes, cess, charges, duties, etc., in respect of the demised

(e) To observe and perform all the rules, regulations and bye-laws for the time being in force
of the Society/Association or other body of persons that may be appointed to be in
charge of the affairs of the building, in which the demised premises are located;

(f) To observe all the rules, regulations and bye-laws for the time being in force of the
Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Gram Panchayat and /or all other local or other
authorities, from time to time, in respect of the demised premises;

(g) Not to do or permit to be done upon the demised premises anything which may be a
nuisance and annoyance to the other occupants of the other premises;

(h) Not to do any acts, deeds, matters or things whereby or by means whereof any loss,
harm or injury is caused to the Lessor and/or to the demised premises;

(i) To indemnify and keep indemnified the Lessor from and against all actions, proceedings
or any costs, charges, expenses, losses or damages incurred or suffered by or caused
to the Lessor, in respect of the demised premises, for the period while the Lessee is in
use and occupation of the demised premises by reason of any breach or non-
observance, non-performance of the conditions herein contained by the Lessee in
respect of the demised premises.

(j) On the expiry of the said period of the lease or any extension thereof, the Lessee shall
deliver the demised premises in such order and condition as is consistent with the terms,
covenants and conditions on the part of the Lessee herein contained (save and except
damage to the demised premises by fire unless the fire has occurred due to negligence
of the Lessee), riots, earthquake, storm, war, civil commotion, acts of God and other
conditions over which the Lessee shall have no control) SUBJECT ALWAYS to what is
stated hereinafter.

k) Not to do or cause to be done upon the demised premises anything which will invalidate
the insurance in respect of the demised premises.


3. The Lessor doth hereby covenant with the Lessee that on the Lessee paying the rent
hereby reserved and observing and performing the covenants on the part of the Lessee
to be observed and performed, the Lessee shall hold and enjoy the demised premises
during the entire tenure, of this lease or any extension thereof, without any interruption,
disturbance, claim, and/or demand whatsoever, by the Lessor or any person or persons

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lawfully or equitably claiming by, Internal from, through, under or in trust for the


4. The Lessor hereby covenants with the Lessee as under :

i) That the Lessor has good and valid power, right and authority to grant the lease
hereby created in favour of the Lessee.

(ii) That under the municipal zoning/user rules, the demised premises are capable of
being used for commercial purpose and the Lessor will obtain all consents,
permissions and approvals as may be necessary in law or otherwise for the
purpose thereof PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Lessor shall indemnify and keep
indemnified the Lessee at all times from and against any suit, eviction, action,
claim or demand whatsoever arising by reason of the Lessee relying upon the
aforesaid covenant of the Lessor or otherwise.

(iii) That the building in which the demised premises are located is in accordance
with the building plans duly approved by Municipal Corporation/ Municipality/
Gram Panchayat or any other local authority and as per the applicable rules and
regulations in that behalf and under the approved building plans, the Municipal
Corporation/Municipality/Gram Panchayat or any other local authority has
permitted the user of the demised premises for commercial use.

(iv) That the Lessor shall observe and perform all the Rules, Regulations and Bye-
Laws for the time being in force in respect of the demised premises, and shall not
do or omit to be done anything so that the lease hereby created and occupation
of the Lessee in respect of the demised premises is jeopardised PROVIDED
ALWAYS that the Lessor hereby indemnify the Lessee in respect of any claim,
demand, action or proceedings which may arise in connection therewith.

(v) Any and all taxes, levies, rates, charges, cess, duties and outgoings levied by the
State Government, Central Government, Municipality, Collector, Gram
Panchayat, local authority or any other authorities including property tax,
municipal tax, education cess, income tax, etc., of any nature whatsoever relating
to the demised premises and / or the compensation / lease rent payable in
relation to its use which may become applicable pursuant to the execution of this
lease shall be borne and paid by the Lessor only and the Lessee shall not be
responsible or liable for the same.

The Lessor agrees and undertakes to provide to the Lessee documentary

evidence confirming the payments of all such aforesaid amounts to the
concerned authorities , from time to time atleast every six (months), to be
forwarded to the attention of the Infrastructure/Projects Team of the Lessee.

In the event such documentary evidence as aforesaid is not provided, the Lessor
agrees, acknowledges and authorises the Lessee (but the Lessee is not obliged)
to make such payments to the concerned authorities as and when such a
demand is raised by the concerned authorities and appropriate the payments so
made from the rent, and other payments, if any, payable by the Lessee to the
Lessor. Any action so taken by the Lessee shall not amount to a breach of its
obligation to pay the rent and the receipts issued by the concerned authorities

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will be deemed to be receiptsInternal issued by the Lessor and shall be an
effective release and discharge in favour of the Lessee.

(vi) The Lessor shall permit the Lessee to install or fix in the demised premises all
such fixtures, including air-conditioners, sun blinders, electrical switches and
installations, lights, fans, carpets, curtains, partitions, cabins, computers, word
processors, fax, telephones, office equipment, telephone exchange and other
fittings, fixtures and paraphernalia for the better use of the demised premises for
its business as the Lessee may think fit entirely at the cost and expense of the

(vii) The Lessor shall not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the demised premises
or his/her/their interest therein, during the entire tenure, of the lease hereby
created except with the written intimation to the Lessee.

(viii) The Lessor shall not hold the Lessee responsible or liable for any damage to the
demised premises resulting from fire (unless the fire has occurred due to
negligence of the Lessee), riot, earthquake, storm, war, civil disturbances, acts of
God and other conditions over which the Lessee shall have no control and the
Lessor shall at his/her/their own cost and expenses take up reasonable
insurance in that behalf.

(ix) The Lessor shall arrange for necessary repairs in respect of any structural
damages to the demised premises, defects or damage to electrical power
transmission lines, water supply lines, sanitary pipes, and other facilities
available/ provided in respect of the demised premises within seven days of
such defects being notified by the Lessee to the Lessor, provided the same are
(i) not caused by any misuse on the part of the Lessee, and (ii) are outside the
purview of the internal general repairs and maintenance in respect of the
demised premises. In case the Lessor fails to arrange for the repairs within the
period of seven days thereof, the Lessee shall be at liberty to carry out the same
at its cost and recover the entire cost from the Lessor, by way of
appropriation/deduction/adjustment in/from the rent payable by Lessee to the
Lessor from time to time.

(x) The Lessor also hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorises the Lessee to
affix/display its nameboard, signage, advertisement material, banners etc. across
the breadth of the demised premises and where feasible, at the entrance of the
building in which the demised premises are situated.

(xi) The Lessor further agrees to bear the cost towards shifting of the aforesaid as men-
tioned in clause 4 (x) and also the cost towards shifting of Air Conditioning Units,
Diesel Generators & Satellite Dish Antenna’s in an event if the society/Building goes
for redevelopment or if the Lessor undertakes to go for renovation or for further con-
struction of the Building during the continuance of the lease and further renewal/s

(xii) The Lessor agree and confirm that the Lessee shall at all times during the period
of the lease hereby created be entitled at its own expense to repair, renovate, al-
ter and add to the demised premises or any part thereof in accordance with all
laws and at the Lessee’s sole discretion; provided however such repair, renova-
tion or alteration does not adversely affect the demised premises in any manner

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(xiii) The Lessor hereby agreesInternal and undertakes to provide separate
electricity meter of a requisite electricity load as per the specifications of the
Lessee within a period of six (6) weeks from the date of commencement of the
lease of the demised premises as mentioned in clause (1) of the schedule
annexed herewith. The Lessor further agrees and undertakes that in the event of
failure by the Lessor to provide separate electricity meter and electricity load
within the aforesaid period of six (6) weeks, the Lessee shall, in addition to other
legal remedies available to it, be entitled not to pay the lease rents to the Lessor
for the period commencing from the end of the said period of six (6) weeks till the
date the electricity meter with the requisite electricity load is provided at the
demised premises.

It is expressly agreed that for the purpose of calculating the lease period and
payment of lease rent, the period commencing from the end of the period of six
(6) weeks till the date the Lessor complies with the aforesaid requisition will be
excluded. Provided however, it is clarified that the above mentioned provision of
not paying the lease rent shall not entitle the Lessor to indefinitely delay the
obligation to provide separate electricity meter and electricity load at the demised

(xiv) That the Lessor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorise the Lessee to
directly credit into, the Lessor's bank account that will be opened by Lessor
(hereinafter referred to as “designated account”) with the Lessee, and that all
the monies due and payable by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be deposited in
the designated account. The Lessee shall be entitled to reverse any wrong and
or incorrect credit of monies made/paid into the designated account without any
prior consent of/intimation to the Lessor.

(xv) The Lessee further agrees and confirms that credit of all such monies into the
designated account as aforesaid shall constitute as valid and effectual discharge
of all the payment obligations of the Lessee towards the Lessor from time to time.

(xvi) The Lessor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree and undertake to
complete the civil work in the demised premises as mentioned in the schedule
annexed herewith to the full satisfaction of the Lessee within a maximum period
of 30 (thirty) days from the date of handing over of possession of the demised
premises by the Lessor to the Lessee, failing which the Lessee will without
prejudice to its other rights and remedies available at law also be entitled to carry
out the requisite work/obligation itself or through any other person / contractor
and appropriate the costs so incurred in this regard with the monthly lease

It is expressly agreed by the Lessor that the aforesaid right of the Lessee to stop
payment shall not entitle the Lessor to delay completion of the civil works beyond
the agreed period.

(xvii) It is hereby agreed between the parties hereto that the internal layout
plans in respect of the demised premises as prepared by the Lessee’s
Architect shall be put up for approval by the Lessor to the Competent
Authority (wherever applicable) before taking possession of the demised
premises by the Lessee. The Lessor shall co – operate with the Lessee
and sign all requisite applications, forms, etc., for getting the said approval
from the Competent Authority


5(i). The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the interest free security deposit as
mentioned in Schedule hereunder upon execution hereof or on mutually
agreed date between the parties hereto

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(ii) The Lessor hereby agreesInternal and undertakes to refund the security
deposit as referred in point no 8 of schedule hereunder immediately upon
expiry/termination or sooner determination of this Agreement. However, the
Lessee at its sole discretion has option to appropriate/adjust the said security
deposit against the rentals payable by the Lessee to Lessor in the following

a. In the event this Agreement expires by efflux of time and Lessee choses for not to
renew the same for further period, then, the Lessee is entitled stop payment of
monthly rentals to the Lessor for the last 3 months and accordingly adjust/
appropriate the security deposit amount receivable from the Lessor against the
rentals payable by the Lessee to the Lessor.

b. In the event of termination/sooner determination of this Agreement anytime during

its tenure as mentioned in point no. 2 of schedule hereunder the Lessee shall not
be entitled to pay the monthly rentals during the said notice period of 3 months
and would adjust / appropriate the deposit amount receivable from the Lessor
against the rentals (Net of TDS) payable by the Lessee to the Lessor.

c. Adjustment / appropriation of rentals for the last 3 months or during the notice
period, if any as mentioned above would be treated as a valid discharge of the
Lessee’s obligation of payment of rentals for the said period to the Lessor which
the Lessor herein agree and acknowledge.

d. After adjustment of the aforesaid deposit amount by the Lessee as mentioned

above, if there is any balance outstanding towards rentals payable by the Lessee
to the Lessor, the same shall be paid to the Lessor within a period of 45 days from
the date of handing over / vacation of the demised premises subject to receipt of
requisite supportings from the Lessor in this regard.

6. The Lessor and the Lessee hereby irrevocably agree and undertake to perform their
respective special covenants (if any) which are more particularly described/stated in the
schedule annexed herewith.


7. The Lessor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agrees and undertakes that the
lessee shall have, at all times without any extra cost/payment, an exclusive, unrestricted
and absolute right to use and occupy an aggregate area, more particularly described in
the schedule annexed hereto for the purpose of installation/erecting/locating/maintaining
of :

(a) VSAT, Radio Tower, leased data / voice and/or other equipments/machines which are
used or are capable of being used for the functioning/operation of the branch/ office of
the Lessee.

(b) Generator set or any machines/equipments for generating power/electricity. The

Lessee shall be entitled to install/locate the generator set and other equipments used for
generating power/electricity at a place specified in the schedule annexed herewith.

(c ) Generator Set to be installed within the premises or at the place mutually agreed by
the Lessor and the lessee in the Building in which the demised premises are located.

(d)The Lessor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agrees and hereby grants to the
Lessee without any extra cost/payment, all the easements of necessity/right of way and
access to the terrace/backyard/precincts of the building in which the demised premises
are located. The Lessee at all times be entitled to connect the demised premises with
VSAT, leased data / voice lines, telephone lines and other equipments/machines,
generator set etc., by appropriate cables or other means.

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8. (a)The Lessee shall be entitled to assign or sub-let or otherwise allow use and
occupation of the demised premises or any part thereof to its business associates,
affiliate companies but not beyond the tenure of this lease or extension thereof (if any)
as mentioned hereunder.

(b)Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Lessee shall always be entitled,

without assigning any reason, to terminate this lease at any time before the expiry of the
tenure of this lease or any extension period ( if any ) thereof, by giving to the Lessor 3
(three) months prior notice in writing.

(c)It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that upon expiry/termination or
determination of this Agreement, the Lessee shall be absolutely entitled to dismantle,
remove and take away all the items of work, things, articles, equipments, installations
put up by the Lessee pursuant to the renovation work done irrespective whether done by
the Lessor or the Lessee in the demised premises and hand over to the Lessor the
demised premises on “as is where is basis” and that the Lessee shall not have any
obligation to remove the vault, if any (installed in the demised premises either by the
Lessor or the Lessee) and restore the demised premises to its original condition. The
Lessor hereby agrees and undertakes to take the possession of the demised premises
without any contestation, dispute or claims etc., in this regards and the Lessee shall fully
stand discharged of its obligation as per the terms of this lease agreement.

(d)The Lessee shall have an option to renew the lease on the terms and conditions
stated in the schedule annexed herewith.


9. All notices or intimation/communication herein shall be in writing and in English

language. Any notice to the Lessor shall be deemed sufficiently given if delivered in
person or sent by Registered Post A.D to its address/valid e-mail Id as mentioned in the
schedule annexed herewith which shall be effectual notwithstanding any change of
address, not notified to the Lessee in writing. Any notice to the Lessee shall be
sufficiently given if posted by Registered Post. A.D. at the address of its Registered
Office address mentioned above.


10. Stamp duty and registration charges of and incidental to this Indenture of Lease shall be
borne and paid by the Lessor and the Lessee in equal proportion and each party shall
bear and pay fees of its respective Solicitors.


1 Date of commencement of the : of ..............., 20___


2 Term/duration of the lease : 9 ( Nine ) years

3 Monthly Lease rent / : Rs 100100/- (Rupees One Lakh and One

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compensation and due date of Internal Hundred Only.) subject to deduction
payment of tax at source and payable on or before
the 10th day of each subsequent calendar
month for which it is due and payable
during the tenure of the lease.

The payment of the monthly Lease

Rent in favour of SHRI ASHISH
per the name appearing in PAN will
constitute due and effectual discharge
of the Lessee’s obligations under this

The aforesaid rentals shall be paid to the

Lessor in Equal proportion.




The Lessee shall pay Goods & Service

Tax ( GST ) at the prevailing rate to the
Lessor along with the aforesaid monthly
rentals, only upon the Lessor complying
with the following conditions :

a. The Lessor being registered with the

Competent Authority and holding a proper
GSTIN and submit documents to that ef-
fect to the Lessee.
b. The Lessor to raise a valid invoice in a
prescribed format from the State of loca-
tion of the demised premises for receipt of
the aforesaid monthly rentals together with
GST from the Lessee on or before the 25th
day of each month during the period of the
c. Any other condition as may be re-
quired by law "
Escalation in lease rental :

The lease rent shall stand increased by

15% after expiry of every successive
period of 3 years.
Rent Free Period

The Lessor shall grant to the Lessee a

Rent Free Period (“RFP”) of 60 days
commencing from the date of handing
over of the possession of demised
premises to the Lessee by the Lessor
enabling the Lessee to make the
demised premise operational for
opening its Branch / office

The Payment of monthly rentals shall

commence after expiry of rent free
period or after suitable arrangement

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Internal for supplying uninterrupted power
of 66 KVA for the business
requirement of the Lessee is made by
the Lessor or completion of Lessors
scope of work whichever is later "

5 Area : an aggregate of 1840 sq. ft. of carpet area

on the Ground floor which are more
particularly shown in red colour in the
approved plans annexed herewith and
marked as Schedule 2.

6 Address of the demised : Block No. 11/12, Room no. 44/45, Near
premises Kasharam Statue, Opp. Bank of Baroda,
U.M.C. road, Ulhasnagar – 421003.

7 Address & contact detail (valid : B104,1st Floor,Gopal Krishn CHS,Kelkar

E-mail etc.) of the Lessor(s) Road, Dombivali East-

8 Interest free Security Deposit : The Lessee shall deposit with the Lessor
an amount of Rs 7,50,720/- (Rupees
Seven Lakh Fifty Thousand Seven
Hundred Twenty Only) as Interest free
security deposit

9 Monthly payment of : To be borne by the Lessor only.

Corporation / Municipal rates,
charges, taxes cessess, Society
charges and all other outgoings

10 Location of VSAT, Generator - : FOR VSAT :

Set , Stabilizer and other
equipments etc., 150 sq. ft. on the terrace of the building in
which the demised premises are located.


200 sq. ft. within the premise of the

building /at the place mutually agreed by
the Lessor and the lessee in the Building
in which the demised premises are

11 Space for Parking (Car and Two : Common/Earmarked Parking Space to be

provided by the Lessor free of cost in front
((Set back) portion of the Building in which
the demised premises is located.

12 Special Covenants : ELECTRICITY CONNECTION :

The Lessor shall arrange to provide

copper cables of sufficient thickness from
the main junction to the demised premises
to cater for 66 KVA of electricity load. The
Lessor shall also arrange to obtain the
necessary sanctions from the electricity
supply company/board or other
appropriate authority for electricity load of

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Internal 66 KVA and incur all expenses
towards deposit, etc., payable to the
Electricity Company / Board / other

CIVIL WORK : The Lessor shall at his/

her/their cost carry out the following civil
work in the demised premises as per the
specifications of the Lessee’s Architect :

1. Demolition of internal walls as per banks'

2. Water in-let & Drainage outlet to be
provided in the premises.
3. Providing & Fixing rolling shutters at the
4. External plumbing & Sewer line to be
5. Flooring as per banks' specifications.
6. Washroom & Pantry as per banks'
7. Space for Air-conditioner units at the
external area.
8. Strong room as per banks' specifications.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their hands to this writing
(in duplicate), on the day and year first hereinabove written.

SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the withinnamed )

Lessor, )




in the presence of :


SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the withinnamed )

Lessee, HDFC Bank Limited through the hands of,)

Mr. ………………… )

in the presence of :

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( Witness ) Internal

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