Unit 5

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DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned)

Teacher(s) Ms. Darshana Jain Subject group and course Group 5 – Mathematics AA HL

Course part Differentiation, integration, McLaurin series, SL or HL/Year 1 or 2 Y1 and Y2 Dates HL: Starts by April
and topic Differential equations in Y1 and ends by
September in Y2
SL: Starts by April
in Y1 and ends by
August in Y2

Unit description and texts DP assessment(s) for unit

SL: HL: P1, P2, P3

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 1

INQUIRY: establishing the purpose of the unit Deleted: ¶

Transfer goals
List here one to three big, overarching, long-term goals for this unit. Transfer goals are the major goals that ask students to “transfer”, or apply, their
knowledge, skills, and concepts at the end of the unit under new/different circumstances, and on their own without scaffolding from the teacher.
Calculus describes rates of change between two variables. Understanding these rates of change allows us to model, interpret and analyze real-world Deleted: ¶
problems and situations. Calculus helps us understand the behavior of functions and allows us to interpret the features of their graphs Deleted: ¶

Essential understandings Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Cambria), 12 pt,

List here the key content/skills/concepts that students will know/have at the end of the unit

Students will know the following content:

SL 5.1* Introduction to the concept of a limit; derivative interpreted as gradient function and as rate of change.
SL 5.2* Increasing and decreasing functions: graphical interpretation of
f’(x)>0, f’(x)=0, f’(x)<0
SL 5.3* Derivative of functions of the form f(x) = axn + bxn-1 + .... , n is an integer.
SL 5.4* Tangents and normals at a given point, and their equations.
SL 5.6 Derivative of xn (n is rational) ,
sin x , cos x , ex and ln x; differentiation of a sum and a multiple of these functions; the chain rule for composite functions; the product and quotient rules.
SL 5.7 The second derivative; graphical behaviour of functions, including the relationship between the graphs of f, f¢ and f¢.
SL 5.8 Local maximum and minimum points; testing for maximum and minimum; optimization; points of inflexion with zero and non-zero gradients.
AHL 5.15 Derivatives of tanx, secx, cosecx, cotx, ax, logax, arcsinx, arccosx, arctanx.
AHL 5.12 Informal understanding of continuity and differentiability of a function at a point. Understanding of limits (convergence and divergence).
Definition of derivative from first principles Higher derivatives
AHL 5.14 Implicit differentiation. Related rates of change. Optimisation problems.
x p
AHL 5.19 Maclaurin series to obtain expansions for e , sin x, cos x, ln(1+ x), (1+ x) , pÎ set of rationals; use of simple substitution, products, and
differentiation to obtain other series; Formatted: Font color: Auto, Dutch
SL 5.5* Introduction to integration as anti-differentiation of functions of the form f(x) = axn + bxn-1 + .... , n is an integer, n ¹ -1; definite integrals using
technology; areas between a curve
y=f(x) and the x-axis, where f(x) > 0 ; anti-differentiation with a boundary condition to determine the constant term.
Definite integrals using technology.
Area of a region enclosed by a curve y = f (x) and the x -axis, where f (x) > 0.

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 2

SL 5.10* Indefinite integral of xn (n ∈ Q), sinx, cosx, and ex. The composites of any of these with the linear function ax + b. Integration by inspection
(reverse chain rule) or by substitution for expressions of the form: ∫kg′(x) f (g(x))dx.
SL 5.11* Definite integrals, including analytical approach.
Areas of a region enclosed by a curve y = f (x) and the x-axis, where f (x) can be positive or negative, without the use of technology.
Areas between curves.
SL 5.9* Kinematic problems involving displacement s, velocity v, acceleration a and total distance travelled.
AHL 5.15 Indefinite integrals of the derivatives of any of the above functions.
The composites of any of these with a linear function.
Use of partial fractions to rearrange the integrand.
AHL 5.16 Integration by substitution, by parts, repeated by parts
AHL 5.17 Area of the region enclosed by a curve and the y- axis in a given interval.
Volumes of revolution about the x-axis or y-axis.
AHL 5.12 Informal understanding of continuity and differentiability of a function at a point; understanding of limits (convergence and divergence); definition of
derivative from first
Principles; higher derivatives.
AHL 5.13 The evaluation of limits of the form and using l’Hôpital’s rule; repeated use of l’Hôpital’s rule. Formatted: No Spacing, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 0 pt
AHL 5.18 First order differential equations; numerical solution) using Euler’smethod; by separation of variables; homogeneous differential equations using the
substitution y = vx ; solution of y'+P(x)y = Q(x), using the integrating factor.
AHL 5.19 Maclaurin series to obtain expansions for ex , sin x, cos x, ln(1+ x), (1+ x)p , pÎ set of rationals; use of simple substitution, products, integration and
differentiation to obtain other series; Maclaurin series developed from differential equations Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 10 pt, No underline, Font
color: Text 1,

Students will develop he following skills: Deleted: ¶

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DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 5

Students will grasp the following concepts: Deleted: ¶

The derivative may be represented physically as a rate of change and geometrically as the gradient or slope function. ¶

Examining rates of change close to turning points helps to identify intervals where the function increases/decreases, and identify the concavity of the
Mathematical modelling can provide effective solutions to real-life problems in optimization by maximizing or minimizing a quantity, such as cost or profit.
Derivatives describe real-world kinematics problems in two and three-dimensional space by examining displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Areas under curves can be approximated by the sum of the areas of rectangles which may be calculated even more accurately using integration.
Numerical integration can be used to approximate areas in the physical world.
Mathematical modelling can provide effective solutions to real-life problems in optimization by maximizing or minimizing a quantity, such as cost or profit.
Equivalent representations of exponential / logarithmic functions can reveal different characteristics of the same relationship.
Patterns can be identified in behaviours which can give us insight into appropriate strategies to model or solve problems
Derivatives and integrals describe real-world kinematics problems in two- and three-dimensional space by examining displacement, velocity and
The derivative may be represented physically as a rate of change and geometrically as the gradient or slope function.
Areas under curves can be approximated by the sum of the areas of rectangles which may be calculated even more accurately using integration.
Examining rates of change close to turning points helps to identify intervals where the function increases/decreases, and identify the concavity of the
Numerical integration can be used to approximate areas in the physical world.
Mathematical modelling can provide effective solutions to real-life problems in optimization by maximizing or minimizing a quantity, such as cost or profit.
Derivatives and integrals describe real-world kinematics problems in two and three-dimensional space by examining displacement, velocity and

Inquiry questions
List here the understandings above written in question form, preferably as ones that inspire students to answer them.

How do I know when exploring a problem whether I should find the derivative or integral?
How do derivatives and integrals lead to a better understanding of the data that a function describes?
What similarities and differences exist in finding derivatives and integrals for different types of function?

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 6

How can an understanding of this inverse relationship help to find one given the other?
Which methods of approximating the area under a curve are most accurate?
How does understanding the approximation methods help with the conceptual understanding of the more formal and more precise method for finding the
area under a curve?

How can a company maximize its profits and minimise losses?
At which time must a rocket perform its re-entry into the atmosphere?
How can we minimize materials needed to make packaging?
How does rate of flow into a reservoir effect change in height of the water level?
How can you model radioactivity or populations of animals in the wild?
How does your calculator approximate values of functions such as cosine ans sine?
How do medical researchers model nd prdict disease?
How do forensic scientisitis figure out the time a person was murdered when there are no witnesses to the crime?

How can looking at the derivatives at specific points and integrals over various intervals help us understand more about a function? Formatted: Font: (Default) +Headings (Calibri), 11 pt
How can these properties be proven using Calculus?
How can these properties be used to solve questions about specific curves?
Deleted: ¶
Formatted: Font: (Default) +Headings (Calibri)

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ACTION: teaching and learning through inquiry Deleted: ¶

Content/skills/concepts Learning process

Cut and paste or draw from the essential understandings listed above in “Inquiry”. Check the boxes for any pedagogical approaches used during
the unit. Aim for a variety of approaches to help facilitate

Students will know the following content: Learning experiences and strategies/planning for self-supporting
As mentioned above
Lecture Formatted: Highlight

Socratic seminar Formatted: Highlight

Small group/pair work Formatted: Highlight

Powerpoint lecture/notes Formatted: Highlight

Individual presentations
Group presentations Formatted: Highlight

Student lecture/leading Formatted: Highlight

Students will develop the following skills: Formatted: Highlight
Interdisciplinary learning
As mentioned above Formatted: Highlight
Details: Deleted: ¶

Formative assessment:
Students will grasp the following concepts: Sub unit based pen and paper test, TOK link (taken from Formatted: Line spacing: single
syllabus guide on knowledge of limits) discussed a group work. Deleted: ¶
As mentioned above ¶

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 8

Summative assessment:
Exam style questions in a pen and paper test Deleted: ¶

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

For more information on the IB’s approach to differentiation,
please see the guide.
Affirm identity—build self-esteem
Value prior knowledge Formatted: Highlight

Scaffold learning Formatted: Highlight

Formatted: Highlight
Extend learning
Formatted: Highlight
Use of Desmos.com and graphing solutions for visual learning
as well as use of interactive boards.
Use of tarsia and matching exercises for kinesthetic learning.
Use of questioning to assess aural learners
Throughout the course attention is drawn to key words are
their meaning is explained.

• Mathematically capable students of this unit will be

identified and will be asked to help the students with
difficulties in this unit this will increase confidence of
more mathematically able students,
• Consolidations along with sub topic worksheets will be
given to some students who require extra help in this
• Students will be grouped together according to their
abilities in order to be supported depending on

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 9

difficulties faced during this unit.
• Mathematically capable students of this unit will be
given more challenging problems to solve in order keep
them engage and motivated along with some self-
• Many of the word problems in this unit are possible
SAT questions or will aid in solving similar questions.
Hence good examples of these word problems will help
them tremendously.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Check the boxes for any explicit approaches to learning connections made during the unit. For more information on ATL, please see the guide.

Thinking Formatted: Highlight

Social Formatted: Highlight

Research Formatted: Highlight

Details: Formatted: Highlight

Thinking: during explicit TOK discussion

Research: By investigating patterns of higher derivatives of a function, useful rules emerge for finding the nth derivative of a function that facilitate the
analytical process.
Investigating The cyclical nature of derivatives of sin x and cos x , and the invariance of the exponential function under differentiation and integration
allows us to integrate the product of an exponential function with a trigonometric function.
Investigating The numerical approximation to the graph of the differential equation can be made stronger by selecting a smaller value of the step size, h.

Language and learning TOK connections CAS connections

Check the boxes for any explicit language and Check the boxes for any explicit TOK connections Check the boxes for any explicit CAS

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 10

learning connections made during the unit. For made during the unit. connections. If you check any of the boxes,
more information on the IB’s approach to provide a brief note in the “details” section
language and learning, please see the guide. explaining how students engaged in CAS for this

Activating background knowledge Personal and shared knowledge Creativity Formatted: Highlight

Scaffolding for new learning Ways of knowing Activity Formatted: Highlight

Acquisition of new learning through practice Areas of knowledge Service Formatted: Highlight

Demonstrating proficiency The knowledge framework Details:

Details: Details:
Functions, Graphs of functions, elementary • What value does the knowledge of limits Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm +
physics knowledge Indent at: 1.27 cm
have? Is infinitesimal behaviour applicable to
real life? Is intuition a valid way of knowing in
Connecting gradient. Formulae and notation of
mathematics? Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,
change on sciences to the derivative notation.
• The seemingly abstract concept of calculus
Daily worksheet provided allows us to create mathematical models that Formatted: Font: Not Bold
permit human feats such as getting a man on
the Moon. What does this tell us about the
links between mathematical models and
• An infinite area sweeps out a finite volume. Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm +
Indent at: 1.27 cm
Can this be reconciled with our intuition? Do
emotion and intuition have a role in

List and attach (if applicable) any resources used in this unit.

IBDP Mathematics AA SL and AA HL – Publications: Hodder, Pearson, IBID, Hases Harris, Oxford
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Bold
Revision village, https://www.christosnikolaidis.com/en/, exam-mate, Online graphing calculator: www.desmos.com, IB Questionbank: Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering

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https://questionbank.ibo.org/en, GDC emulator fx-CG Formatted: Underline, Font color: Hyperlink

Deleted: ¶

REFLECTION: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

What worked well What didn’t work well Notes/changes/suggestions:

Explaining the notation of derivatives and HL and SL sitting together Need to have separate classes for Hl and SL
integration, set the tone for the unit. Deleted: ¶

McLaurin was well taken, with the aid of desmos

Deleted: ¶

Transfer goals
List the transfer goals from the beginning of this unit planner.

Calculus describes rates of change between two variables. Understanding these rates of change allows us to model, interpret and analyze real-
world problems and situations. Calculus helps us understand the behavior of functions and allows us to interpret the features of their graphs

Transfer reflection
How successful were the students in achieving the transfer goals by the end of the unit?

Very successful

DP unit planner 2 (MYP aligned) 12

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