Grassley Letter To Garland, Wray, & Weiss - October 13, 2022

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October 13, 2022


The Honorable Merrick Garland

Attorney General
Department of Justice

The Honorable Christopher Wray

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Honorable David Weiss

U.S. Attorney
District of Delaware

Dear Attorney General Garland, Director Wray and U.S. Attorney Weiss:

Since May 31, 2022, I’ve written three letters to the Justice Department and FBI based on
protected whistleblower disclosures that indicate a pattern and practice of political decisions
being made at the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) and FBI Headquarters. 1 In those
letters, I’ve noted that Congress has a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the Executive
Branch executes the law and uses taxpayer money appropriated to it in accordance with
congressional intent. In furtherance of that constitutional responsibility, Congress has an
obligation to investigate the Executive Branch for fraud, waste, abuse and gross mismanagement
– acts which undermine faith in the American people’s governmental institutions. Those
constitutional and legislative responsibilities apply to this letter to you. My previous letters also
invited individuals, including current and former government employees, to contact me and my
office to confidentially report allegations of fraud, waste, abuse and gross mismanagement by
FBI and Justice Department officials. In response, my office has received a significant number
of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers which have increased since
my initial outreach to your offices.
Based on recent protected disclosures to my office, the FBI has within its possession
significant, impactful and voluminous evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by
Hunter Biden and James Biden. 2

1 Letter from Senator Grassley to Attorney General Garland and Director Wray (May 31, 2022); Press Release, Senator Grassley,

Whistleblowers’ Report Reveal Double Standard in Pursuit of Politically Charged Investigations by Senior FBI, DOJ Officials
(July 25, 2022)
2 At my direction, my staff have reviewed the unclassified records.
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The evidence within the FBI’s possession that I am referencing is included, in part, in a
summary of Tony Bobulinski’s October 23, 2020, interview with FBI agents. In that interview,
Mr. Bobulinski stated that the arrangement Hunter Biden and James Biden created with foreign
nationals connected to the communist Chinese government included assisting them with
potential business deals and investments while Joe Biden was Vice President; however, that
work remained intentionally uncompensated while Joe Biden was Vice President. After Joe
Biden left the Vice Presidency, the summary makes clear that Hunter Biden and James Biden
worked with CEFC and affiliated individuals to compensate them for that past work and the
benefits they procured for CEFC. According to the summary, Hunter Biden, James Biden and
their business associates created a joint venture that would serve as a vehicle to accomplish that
financial compensation, and that arrangement was made sometime after a meeting in Miami
between Hunter Biden and CEFC officials in February 2017. According to the summary, that
vehicle was called SinoHawk, which was owned 50 percent by Oneida Holdings LLC (Oneida)
and 50 percent by Hudson West IV. According to the summary, Oneida was made of five evenly
divided LLCs, one for each business associate – including Hunter Biden and James Biden.
However, according to the summary, 10 percent of Hunter Biden’s interest was to be held for Joe
Biden. Attached to this letter is the Oneida Operating Agreement which lists Hunter Biden,
James Biden and their business associates and the percentage of interest for each individual. 3
Included below is a copy of the signature block for the Oneida Operating Agreement which was
signed on May 22, 2017.

3 Attachment at p. 8.
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According to the interview summary, the money transferred to Oneida as part of the
venture to compensate the Bidens was supposed to consist of an unsecured $5 million loan,
intended to be forgivable, from CEFC in 2017. Similarly, the FBI has within its possession a
different document, dated in October 2020, but referencing events that occurred years before.
That document indicates that in May 2017 – approximately three months after the joint venture
was hatched in Miami and the same month it was officially formed – Hunter Biden yelled at
CEFC officials at a meeting for failing to fund the joint venture. That same document notes that
as of July 2017 the money still had not been transferred and James Biden considered calling
CEFC officials and threatening to withdraw Biden family support from future deals. Notably,
my September 2020 report with Senator Johnson and our floor speeches from this year made
public bank records and financial data that showed that Hunter Biden and James Biden profited
from a $5 million wire from a company connected to CEFC in August of 2017, indicating that it
could have been the money originally intended for SinoHawk. However, based on records, that
money was not transmitted to the SinoHawk joint venture, rather it was transmitted to Hudson
West III which could partially explain SinoHawk’s eventual failure. 4 As noted in our report and
our floor speeches, the money from the wire was transferred from Hudson West III to Hunter
Biden’s firm, Owasco, and James Biden’s firm, Lion Hall Group, apparently circumventing
SinoHawk. 5
Based on allegations provided to my office, the information provided by Mr. Bobulinski
formed a sufficient basis to open a full field investigation on pay-to-play grounds; however, it is
unclear whether the FBI did so and whether the information is part of the ongoing criminal
investigation by U.S. Attorney Weiss.
The FBI also has a document within its possession that notes that then former Vice
President Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden and his business associates at a conference in Los
Angeles on May 2, 2017, and May 3, 2017. The meetings have been publicly disclosed;
however, the fact that the FBI maintains documents referencing these data points has not been
made public before.

4 Chairman Charles Grassley, S. Comm. on Fin., and Chairman Ron Johnson, S. Comm. on Homeland Sec. and Governmental
Aff. Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns 78 (Sept. 23, 2020); Floor
Speech, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Sen. Ron Johnson Discuss Investigation into Biden Family Foreign Financial Entanglements -
Part 1 (Mar. 28, 2022)
foreign-financial-entanglements_-part-1; see also Floor Speech, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Sen. Ron Johnson Release Bank
Records Tying Biden Family to CCP-Linked Individuals & Companies (Mar. 29, 2022),
individuals-and-companies; Floor Speech, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Sen. Ron Johnson, The Biden Family Investigation – Part
III: James Biden (Apr. 5, 2022)
5 Id.
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Lastly, the FBI has within its possession a series of documents relating to information on
Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and his business and financial associations with
Hunter Biden. The documents in the FBI’s possession include specific details with respect to
conversations by non-government individuals relevant to potential criminal conduct by Hunter
Biden. These documents also indicate that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business
arrangements and may have been involved in some of them. Based on allegations, it is unclear
whether the FBI followed normal investigative procedure to determine the truth and accuracy of
the information or shut down investigative activity based on improper disinformation claims in
advance of the 2020 election, just as it did with Hunter Biden information that I wrote to you
about on July 25, 2022. 6 It is also unclear whether U.S. Attorney Weiss has performed his own
due diligence on these and related allegations.
These new whistleblower disclosures beg the question: in light of the allegations that I
have brought to your attention, what have the FBI and Justice Department, to include U.S.
Attorney Weiss, done to investigate?
Notably, the Justice Department and FBI have not disputed the accuracy of the
allegations that I have made public since May 31, 2022. The Justice Department’s and FBI’s
continued silence on these matters is deafening and further erodes their credibility. Simply put,
enough is enough – the Justice Department and FBI must come clean to Congress and the
American people with respect to the steps they have taken, or failed to take, relating to the
Hunter Biden investigation. With respect to the new – and numerous – legally protected
disclosures that have been made to my office, please provide the following no later than October
27, 2022, so that Congress can perform an independent and objective review:
1. The full and unredacted FBI summary of Tony Bobulinski’s October 23, 2020,

2. Was Tony Bobulinski’s interview summary placed within Guardian? Was it placed
within an investigative case file?

3. The full and unredacted October 2020 document that lists a timeline of events
associated with Hunter Biden’s business associates, foreign and domestic.

4. All records relating to the May 2, 2017, and May 3, 2017, meetings between Tony
Bobulinski and Joe Biden.

6 Press Release, Ranking Member Grassley, Whistleblowers’ Reports Reveal Double Standard in Pursuit of Politically Charged
Investigations by Senior FBI, DOJ Officials (July 25, 2022)
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5. All records, 7 including FD-71, FD-209a, FD-302, FD-794b, FD-1023, FD-1040a,

FD-1057 and Guardian leads, from January 1, 2014 to the date of this letter that
reference Mykola Zlochevsky, Hunter Biden, James Biden and Joe Biden.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Charles E. Grassley
Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary

The Honorable Richard Durbin
Committee on the Judiciary

The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz

Inspector General
Department of Justice

7 “Records” include any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, including letters, memoranda, reports,

notes, electronic data (e-mails, email attachments, and any other electronically-created or stored information),
calendar entries, inter-office communications, meeting minutes, phone/voice mail or recordings/records of verbal
communications, and drafts (whether or not they resulted in final documents). This definition applies to all requests for records
in the questions for the record.

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