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net/publication/329444556 Annual Research & Review in Biology Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293

Comparative Effects of Methanolic Leaf Extracts of Azadirachta indica and 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 and a combination of 500mg/kg body weight of Azadirachta indica and Spondias mombin. The names; it is termed English in plum hog, Yoruba there were randomly distributed into five sections
ISSN: 2347-565X, NLM ID: 101632869 administration was carried out once a day using orogastric tube for a period of 21 days. At the end akika, tsardamaster in Hausa, Chabbuh in Fulani (A, D,E, B,C, n=5).
Spondias mombin on the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis of Zidovudine of the administration, the rats were sacrificed using chlorofoam inhalation technique, and the whole and nuskakara in Efik [24]. Spondias also
Stress Induced Wistar Rats brain was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formal saline, Blood samples for biochemical estimation
were taken. Light microscopic evaluation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis using
possess anthelminthic, anti-oxidant, anti-
microbial and anti-inflammatory actions, sedative
Group A the Negative normal group that distilled
water and rat chur, Group B is the Positive

Article  in  Annual Research & Review in Biology · December 2018

Comparative Effects of Methanolic Leaf Extracts of Haematoxylin and Eosin for group A showed prominent hypothalamic neurons, group B showed
degeneration of neurons and presence of vacoules, group C, D,and E showed less vacoules and
and anxiolytic potentials [25,26,27,28,29,30]. control group that was induced with 450mg/kg
body weight of zidovudine drug for a period of
DOI: 10.9734/ARRB/2018/45293 Azadirachta indica and Spondias mombin on the prominent neurons with lesser vacoules and more prominence of neurons in group C. Haematoxylin The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPA)
is a neuroendocrine system made up of three
three weeks. Group Cis the Experimental group
that was induced with 450mg/kg body weight of
and eosin stains for group A, C, and E of the rat pituitary gland, showed prominent acidophilic and


Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis of Zidovudine basophilic cells with presence of blood vessels, while results of group B and D showed presence of endocrine glands; the hypothlamus, Pituitary,
and gland Adrenal. This axis performs negative
zidovudine drug for a period of one week and
vacoulation with less prominent acidophilic and basophilic cells, Haematoxylin and eosin results for received 500mg/kg body weight of Azadirachta
4 authors:
Stress Induced Wistar Rats group A showed presence of all the 3 layers of the adrenal cortex and medulla, group B of rat feedback interactions amongst the three indica for a period of two weeks. Group D
adrenal gland showed presence of haemorrhage in the medulla layer and reticularis, group C had endocrine glands. This axis functions in represents Experimental group that was induced
Chidiebere ogar Ubah Olaitan R Asuquo lesser haemorrhage when compared to group D and E. Results of Orange G showed prominence controlling reactions to stress, control of many with 450mg/kg body weight of zidovudine drug
University of Calabar C. O. Ubah1*, O. R. Asuquo1, G. E. Oko2 and M. A. Eluwa1 in the acidophilic and basophilic cells in Group A, C, D and E and B showed lesser prominence of system activities such as intake, emotion, sex for a period of one week and received 500mg/kg
orange G stains. Cresoyl Fast Violet stains showed more prominent nissl substance in group A, D, feeling, power reservoir and wastage. It also body weight of Spondias mombin for a period of
1 functions in the regulation of homeostasis of
SEE PROFILE Department of Anatomical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, when and E while group B showed a reduction in the expression of nissl stains. Results for two weeks. While Group E Experimental group
P.M.B 1115, Calabar, Nigeria. stastistical analysis of glutathione peroxidase showed an increase in GPX for group D, when some systems in the body which are heart received 450mg/kg body weight of zidovudine
2 channel, protected, system nervous central and
Department of Biochemistry, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, P.M.B 1115, compared to groupA, C and E, and B at (p<0.05), results of Malondialdehyde (MDA) significantly drug for one week and 500mg/kg body weight of
Gregory Elayeche Oko Mokutima A Eluwa Calabar, Nigeria. increased in group B (p<0.05) when compared to group A, C, D and E. Hence this study proves that system repllicative [31]. Therefore this study was Azadirachta indica and Spondias mombin for a
University of Calabar University of Calabar single administration of methanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica or Spondias mombin may have carried to evaluate the effects of oxidative stress period of two weeks. At the end of the
Authors’ contributions neuroprotective potentials and anti-oxidant properties when compared with a combination of the on the HPA axis and also to compare the administration, the animals were anaesthesised
methanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica and Spondias mombin leaf extract. impacts of single administration of herbal using chlorofoam inhalation technique.
SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Authors COU and ORA designed the study, extracts with the combination of herbal extracts
performed the statistical analysis and wrote the protocol. Authors COU and GEO wrote the first draft of the in ameliorating the effects of oxidative stress.
manuscript. Authors MAE and COU managed the analyses of the study. Authors COU, ORA and GEO 2.3 Stress Induction
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Keywords: Adrenal gland; combination; hypothalamus; neuroprotection; pituitary gland. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Oxidative stress was induced using Zidovudine
Article Information 1. INTRODUCTION cigarette, marijuana, increase in alcohol The leaves Azadirachta indica and Spondias obtained from the Plan President Emergency for
SURVEY ON CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES View project consumption, as well as exposure to emotional Aids and liberation section, Teaching University
DOI: 10.9734/ARRB/2018/45293 mombin were obtained from a local community
Editor(s): Herbal products are of interest to many health and mental stress [13,14,15,16,17]. Oxidative in Ugep, Yakurr local Government Area of Cross of Calabar Hospital, Calabar town, Cross-River
(1) Dr. Paola Angelini, Department of Applied Biology, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. care practitioners since about 70% of the stress could be managed by the intake of foods River State, Nigeria. Taxonomical identification State, Nigeria.
Efficacy of spondia mombin View project
(2) Dr. George Perry, Dean and Professor of Biology, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. worldwide population rely on herbal medicine for containing anti-oxidants such as Vitamins (A, C, was conducted by a botanist in the Department
Reviewers: E), fruits, vegetables, nuts, poliphenols, “The animals in all the experimental factions”
part of their primary health care [1]. Various of Botany University of Calabar, Calabar,
(1) Idorenyin Umoh, University of Uyo, Nigeria.
(2) Oluwafemi Adeleke Ojo, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria. sections and traditions make use of native catechins so as to increase the level of anti- Nigeria. With a voucher specimen already collected 450mg/kg body weight of the
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/27645 substances as lone herbs, join of plants and oxidants which has helped in fighting free existing. Both leaves were powdered and Zidovudine. The drug was dissolved in 150mls of
drugs and union of herbs. When herbs are used radicals [18]. extracted with by cold extraction method using distilled water and administered once daily to
in combination it could lead to complications as methanol as the solvent for a period of 72 hours group C, D, and E for a period of seven days,
numerous association can happen within the Azadirachta indica (neem tree) is a native plant with the aid of a soxhlet apparatus. The extract while group B received the drug for a period of
Received 19 September 2018 person constituent. Complications may arise of South eastern Asia, and it is distributed in were filtered through whatmann paper 1 and the three weeks.
Accepted 27 November 2018 because of numerous constituent in the native India and other neighboring countries [19]. It is filtrate was evaporated to dryness on rotary
Original Research Article
Published 06 December 2018 extracts [1]. called dogonyaro in Hausa, and Ogwuakuma in evaporator at (50℃). The extract were preserved 2.4 Determination of Body Weights of
Igbo [20]. Azadirachta indica plays therapeutic in clean glass container for further use. Experimental Animals
However the impacts from plant-plant role in the management of health due to the
ABSTRACT association are likely uncertain and complex presence of rich source of various types of 2.1 Animals The final weights of the animals were recorded a
[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. ingredients. Most important active chemical day after the last dose of administration.
components of Azadirachta indica is This study was approved by the Department
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functions in the maintenance of homeostasis in the various
Oxidative stress can be defined as a Azadirachtin, nimbolin, nimbin, nimbol, sodium Ethics Committee of the\University of Calabar, 2.5 Collection of Experimental Specimen
systems of the body. This study was carried out to evaluate the anti-oxidant effect of Azadirachta
disproportion among the system display of active nimbinate, gedunin, salannin and quercetin [21]. Calabar. Twenty-five male adult Wister Rats with
indica and Spondias mombin on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal axis of zidovudine stress At the end of the administration, the animals
induced wistar rats. 25 adult male wistar rats having an average weight of 180g were used for this kind air and a functional body capacity to remove Azadirachta indica is rich in phytochemical an average weight of 200 g were bred in the
the active intermediate or to restore the outcome constituents like azadiratchin, nimbolide and animal house of the department of Anatomical were anaesthesised using chlorofoam inhalation
study and were divided into 5 groups; group A, group B, group C, group D and group E. Group A is technique. The skull was opened and the
injury [11]. It is caused when the existence of ascorbate which possess significant anti-oxidant Sciences and were used for this study. The rats
the negative control group that received rat chow and water , group B served as the positive control hypothalamus and pituitary gland were dissected
liberal substance overwhelms the free properties, that enables it to scavenge free were fed with rat chow, water ad libitum.
group that received the administration of 450mg/kg body weight of zidovudine drug, group C out and immediately fixed in 10% buffered
scavenging mechanism of anti-oxidants [12]. radicals present in the body [22].
received 450mg/kg body weight of zidovudine drug and 500mg/kg body weight of Azadirachta formalin for histological, histochemical methods.
indica, group D received 450mg/kg body weight of zidovudine and 500mg/kg body weight of Oxidative stress can be caused by a number of 2.2 Experimental Protocol
factors; these include and not limited to; intake of Spondias mombin belongs to the family The abdomen was dissected out to get the
Spondias mombin leaf extract, while group E received 450mg/kg body weight of zidovudine drug adrenal gland, and thereafter the organs were
processed foods, high fatty foods consumption, Anarcadiaceae, and it is one of the medicinal This study was carried out using twenty-five
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ consumption of sugary foods, smoking of herbs in southern Nigeria [23]. It has several male adult wistar rats “average of 200g “and fixed in 10% formalin for histological staining
*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];
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Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293

methods. Blood collections were gathered 2.5.3 Statistical Analysis for Malondialdehyde Table 3. Showing comparison of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in different
through heart puncture for chemical biologically and Glutathione per-oxidase experimental groups
analysis on the last day (Day 21) of
administration of the herbal extracts. Data were expressed as mean ± S.E.M. Animal groups Mean ± Standard deviation
Stastical analysis was carried out using one-way Positive control 4.81 ± 0.12
2.5.1 Histochemical technique (cresoyl fast analysis of variance (ANOVA) with significance Negative control 7.28 ± 0.52
violet staining method) expressed as p<0.05. Spondias group 5.36 ± 0.24
Azadirachta group 6.44 ± 0.13
Sections were brought to distilled water, and 3. RESULTS Combined group 4.43 ± 0.29
stained in 1% aqueous solution of toluidine blue
and was heated to 50-60%, and kept at the 3.1 Body Weights 3.3 Histological Observation haemorrhage in all the 3 layers of the adrenal
temperature for 30 to 60 minutes. The sections cortex and the adrenal medulla.
were rinsed rapidly in 95% alcohol, and “There were no significant (decrease or Hypothalamus: Histological observations of the Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293
differentiated with absolute alcohol until the nissl increase) (p<0.05)” in the body weights of the Hypothalamus of male wistar rats of group Group C witnessed prominent layers of the
granules are sharply defined which usually takes treated rats compared with the negative control A,B,C,D, and group E was carried out using light adrenal cortex, and lesser haemorrhage in the Photomicrograph of Hypothalamus Photomicrograph of pituitary gland
a few seconds. And finally sections were cleared group (Table 1). Positive controlgroup showed microscopic evaluation. Group A of the rat medulla, Group D witnessed prominent layers of
in xylene and mounted in DPX. a significant decrease in body weights of rats at hypothalamus the results showed prominent the adrenal cortex, and less hemorrhage in the (a) (b) (c)
(P<0.05), while the groups that received the hypothalamic neurons, Sections of group B of rat medulla, while group E showed prominent layers
2.5.2 Tinctorial methods for demonstration of herbal extract witnessed an increase in body hypothalamus revealed an increase in size of the of the adrenal cortex, and less haemorrhage.
anterior pituitary cells [32] weight. neurons and presence of vacuoles, In group C of
rat hypothalamus the sections revealed a 4. DISCUSSION
Periodic Acid Schiff orange G (PAS-Orange G) 3.2 Glutathione per-oxidase Activity reduction in size of the neurons and less
method for the demonstration of anterior pituitary (GPX) vacuoles. Sections of group D of rat
Oxidative stress can be defined as an imbalance
cells. Sections were dewaxed and brought to hypothalamus showed a reduction in the size of
between the production of reactive oxygen
distilled water; these sections were treated with The result showed an increase in GPX activity neurons with lesser vacuoles. While sections of
species and inability of biological system of
periodic acid for 5 minutes, “cleansed for groups C, D, and E when compared with group E of rat hypothalamus showed normal Group A showing prominent Group B group B showed the Group C showing a reduction
anti-oxidants to detoxify the reactive
adequately” with numerous alteration of cleaned groups A and B that were significantly reduced. distribution of hypothalamic neurons with fewer hypothalamic neurons presence of presence of presence of enlarged in neuronal size(N) with lesser
Group B showed the presence of Non- Group C showed normal histology of
intermediate or repair the resulting damage [11]. enlarged neurons (N) of hypothalamus neurons (N) with presence of vacoules(V). H & E × 400 Group A shows the presence of
water closed with substances Schiff for However group C showed a significant increase vacuoles. prominence of acidophilic cells, basophilic acidophilic cells and basophilic cells with
Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug used to treat neurons.(N). H & E × 400. vacuoles. H & E × 400 Acidophilic cells (AC), Basophilic cells (B)
15minutes. The slides were then cleaned in in GPX activity when compared with the other with presence Bloovessels (BL). (H&E×400).
cell with presence of vacuoles (V). (H&E×400). presence of blood vessels. (H&E×400).
Anterior Pituitary Gland: Histological and prevent HIV/ AIDS, it is sold in combination
moving water for 5-10 minutes, nuclei was experimental groups at p<0.05. (d) (e)
observations of the Rat pituitary gland of male with Lamivudine and this drug can be taken
stained with Harris haematoxylin, differentiated
wistar rats was carried out using light orally or by slow injection into a vein [33]. Its side
in acid alcohol, blued and washed in water. 3.3 Malondialdehyde Activity
microscopic evaluation. Results of Group A effects include; anaemia, neutropenia,
Sections were stained in 2% orange G in 5%
showed prominent acidophilic and basophilic hepatotoxicity, cardiomyopathy, oxidative stress,
phosphotungistic acid for 20 seconds. Results showed an increase in the levels of MDA
cells with presence of blood vessels, Sections apoptosis of muscle cells, and weight reduction
Differentiation was done using tap water until for group A when compared to other
ofGroup B showed less prominent acidophilic in experimental animals [34,35,36].
sections was microscopically yellow; sections experimental groups such as group B, C, D, and
were finally dehydrated, cleared and mounted in E. With group showing a significant decrease in and basophilic cells and a presence of
DPX. vacuoles , Sections of Group C showed few The study shows group A to have an increase in
the levels of MDA.
vacuoles, and less prominent of acidophilic and body weight, while group B, C, D and E showed
Table 1. Showing body weights of different experimental groups basophilic cells. Group D witnessed more a reduction in body weight and loss of fur when Group D showing a reduction in neuronal size with Group E showing less vacuoles with a reduction in size of
less vacuoles, H & E × 400 neurons. (H & E ×400)
prominent acidophilic and basophilic cells, and a induced with zidovudine drug. The observed Group E showed a normal histology of acidophilic cells,
Group D showed presence of vacuoles (V) with a slight distortion in
Day 0 Negative Positive Spondias Azadirachta Combined presence of blood vessels. weight reduction in the various experimental the histology of acidophilic(A) and basophilic cells (B). (H&E×400).
basophilic cells with the presence of blood vessels. (H&E×400).

control control group group group groups B,C D, and E, coincides with the previous
While group E showed more prominent studies on zidovudine by Lamperth et al. [36],
Day 0 147±21.7 175±17.34 190±11.74 183±12.42 212±40.00 6 7
acidophilic and basophilic cells, with presence of which proved that experimental animals treated
Day 7 175±16.6 148±17.30 168±8.37 156±16.16 178±32.11
blood vessels. with zidovudine lost 10% of their original body
Day 14 187±21.7 142±16.48 181±6.52 162±16.43 214±37.82
weight by the end of the experiment that lasted
Day 21 209±20.12 134.6±16.2 179.4±9.00 169±17.80 220±38.1
Values are expressed as mean ± sem, n=5, the values were significant at p< 0.05 for all groups.
Adrenal gland for three months. Subsequent administration of
methanolic leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica
The cytoarchitecture of rat adrenal gland of male and Spondias mombin restored loss of fur and
Table 2. Showing comparison of glutathione peroxidase in different experimental animals
wistar rats was carried out using light subsequently increased the weight of the
microscopic evaluation. Results Group A experimental animals in groups C,D, and E. The
Animal group Mean ± standard deviation
showed prominent layers of the adrenal cortex restoration in weight of the animals with fur may
Positive control group 149.33 ± 21.11 which are the Zona glomerulosa, Zona be due to the anti-oxidative properties exhibited
Negative control group 132 .13 ± 19.99 fasciculate and Zona reticularis with the adrenal by both Azadirachta indica and Spondias
Spondias group 291.93 ± 64.90 medulla, While Group B showed presence of mombin.
Azadirachta indica 253 ± 24.35
Combined group 269.90 ± 23.13

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Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293

Prominent hypothalamic neurons were Group A of the anterior pituitary gland of rats
witnessed in group A, group B showed less showed acidophilic and basophilic cells to be
prominent hypothalamic neurons, degeneration prominent and there were presence of blood
of neurons, enlarged neurons with presence of vessels. Group B of the anterior pituitary gland of
vacuoles, group C showed lesser vacuoles, and rats showed less prominent acidophilic and
prominence of neurons, group D showed basophilic cells with presence of vacuoles.
prominent neurons, with lesser vacuoles and Presence of vacuoles in group B may be as a
group E showed fewer vacuoles with prominent result of intake of zidovudine drug, which may be
hypothalamic neurons. The findings from group a sign of cell death. Group C results showed
B is in line with studies conducted by Loana et fewer vacuoles, prominent acidophilic and
al. [37] who reported the presence of pyknotic basophilic cells. Results of Group D showed
nuclei, hypertrophy of neurons of the prominence of acidophilic and basophilic cells
Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293
hypothalamus with the presence of vacuoles in with presence in blood vessels. While results of
their cytoplasm of laboratory animals when Group E showed prominent acidophilic and
Photomicrography of Adrenals Histochemical staining methods (cresoyl fast violet method) Photomicrograph of Rat Anterior pituitary using Orange genyl stains
exposed to anakinetic stress. Therefore this may basophilic cells with presence of blood vessels.
suggest a decrease in hypothalamic secretion of The presence of of reduced vacuoles in groups
(a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) corticotrophin releasing hormone and also it may C,D, and E may be as a result of the effect of
lead to impairment in the synthesis and intake of herbal extracts by experimental
release of neurotransmitters in the brain. Results animals.
of group C, D, and E shows that intake of anti-
oxidants may have ameliorative effects on Observations from Orange G stains for group A
animals induced with oxidative stress and this is of the rat anterior pituitary showed prominent
in line with studies conducted by Naoko et al. acidophilic and basophilic cells with prominent
[38] who reported the effect of oxidative stress expression of orange G, Group B result showed
on the HPA axis of wistar rats and a reduction in the expression of orange G and
its prevention by Vitamin E, the study revealed less prominence of acidophilic and basophilic
Group A showed the 3 layers of the adrenal Group B of rat adrenal gland showed the group A of rat anterior pituitary Group B showed a reduction in the
cortex which are Zona glomerulosa (ZG), Zona presence of vacuoles and hemorrhage in
Group C showed a reduction of vacuoles and Group A showed a prominent Group B showed a reduction in the Group Cshowed prominent glandshowed the presence of expression of orange G and also Group C that received showed prominent that induction of oxidative stress can induce cells, Group C results showed a restoration of
hemorrhage in the 3 layers of the adrenal expression of the nissl substance expression of nissl(NI) substance. expression of nissl substance (NI). prominent acidophilic and less prominence of acidophilic and acidophilic and basophilic cells, and a restoration in damage on the HPA axis and this may lead to the orange G, Results of group D revealed
fasiculata (ZF), and Zona reticularis (ZR) with ZF, ZG and ZR of the adrenal cortex and
medulla. H & E × 400.
cortex and the medu (NI) and normal arrangement of Mag × 400. Mag × 400. basophilic cells. Mag × 400. basophilic cells. Mag × 400. the expression of orange G. Mag × 400.
the medullar layer. H & E × 400 the medullar layer. H & E × 400.
neuron (N). Mag × 400.
dampening of the negative feedback prominent acidophilic and basophilic cells, and a
(e) (e)
(d) (e) (d) mechanism of the HPA axis which resulted to an restoration of the orange G, and Group E
increase in the level of ACTH and corticosterone showed a restoration of the orange G, with
and hence homeostasis may be affected, but on prominent acidophilic and basophilic cells.
treated with Vitamin E supplements, the
results showed a decrease in the levels of The study carried on the pituitary gland
ACTH and corticosterone. Intake of herbal corresponds to the finding of Feng et al. [39],
extracts by group C, D, and E led to a who reported the effect of heat stress on the
reduction in the presence of vacuoles and cytoarchitecture of the anterior lobe of mouse
neuronal degeneration. This however, may be pituitary gland, results revealed the presence of
due to the neuroprotective potentials of both rapid proliferation of anterior pituitary cells, and
Group E showing the presence of reduction of haemorrhage(H), in the Group D that received showed prominent acidophilic and Group E showed moderate expression of orange G. and prominent herbal extracts when exposed to oxidative apoptosis due to exposure of heat stress.
Group D showed the presence of less hemorrhage in the 3 basophilic cells, and a restoration in the expression of expression of acidophilic and basophilic cells . Mag × 400. stress. Greave [41]. Further investigated the effect of
Medulla (M), Zona reticularis(ZR), Zona fasiculata (ZF), and Zona Group D showedmoreprominentexpressionofnissl Group Ealsoshowed prominent expression of nissl
layers of the adrenal cortex and the medulla. H & E × 400 orange G. Mag × 400.
glomerulosa (ZG). H & E × 400 substance. Mag × 400 substance. . M.ag × 400 exposure of pituitary gland to certain toxicants;
Further exposure of animals to anakinetic stress showed the cells of the anterior pituitary gland to
8 9 10 resulted to the increase in number of basophil undergo hypertrophy, hyperplasia and atrophy;
cells and acidophilic cells, the glandular these changes in the cells of the anterior
parenchyma showed the presence of vacuoles pituitary gland is due to prolonged hormonal
with dilated pericellular space which is an imbalance, and also an altered feedback
indication of adenohypophysis hormonal pathway to the pituitary gland.
secretion [37]. The effects of anakinetic stress
on the pituitary gland of experimental animals Results of adrenal gland group A of rat showed
was studied and the result revealed an presence of clustered secretory cells,
increase in number of basophil cells and prominence of the 3 layers of the adrenal cortex
acidophilic cells, the presence of vacuoles with which are the Zona glomerulosa, Zona
dilated pericellular space was observed. This Fasiculata, and Zona reticularis with the adrenal
may be an indication of impairment in the medulla. The presence of haemorrhage in group
secretion of adenohypophysis hormonal B, C, D and E work corresponds to the findings
secretion [37]. of [42] which reported that under stressful


Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293 Ubah et al.; ARRB, 29(5): 1-15, 2018; Article no.ARRB.45293

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