Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and Psychosomatic Health Problems in Software Professionals in India

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Job satisfaction, job stress and

psychosomatic health problems in
software professionals in India
Se v e ra l s tu d i e s h a v e tr i e d to Sahukar Madhura,
Abstract Pailoor Subramanya,
determine the link between stress
This questionnaire based study investigates correlation Pradhan Balaram
and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction
between job satisfaction, job stress and psychosomatic Swami Vivekananda
health in Indian software professionals. Also, examines and job stress are the two hot focuses
Yoga Anusandhana
how yoga practicing Indian software professionals cope in human resource management Samsthana, Bengaluru,
up with stress and psychosomatic health problems. researches. It has a direct impact in Karnataka, India
The sample consisted of yoga practicing and non-yoga employee’s health and consequently
practicing Indian software professionals working in impacts work performance. Stress For correspondence:
India. The findings of this study have shown that there is leads to psychosomatic disorders Ms. Sahukar Madhura,
significant correlation among job satisfaction, job stress Sorab Road, Anavatti,
such as asthma, diabetes mellitus,
and health. In Yoga practitioners job satisfaction is not Shivamoga Dist, Kar-
significantly related to Psychosomatic health whereas back pain, hypertension, anxiety and
in non-yoga group Psychosomatic Health symptoms depression and arthritis. These are
India - 577 413.
showed significant relationship with Job satisfaction. referred as Adhija Vyadhi in yogic Email: csmadhura@
texts. Most of the software engineers
suffer from back pain, eye disorders,
Key words: Job satisfaction, job stress, psychosomatic
headache, breathing problems and
health, Indian software professionals, yoga, psychological
stress, occupational stress
so on. Indian software professionals
are exposed to the new culture of
work, employment, organization,
and management. With globalization,
INTRODUCTION there are transformations in their
lifestyle, sociality, and identity. At
Hundreds of research studies have been conducted on the the same time, most Indian software
stress associated with job satisfaction and jobstress working professionals have the strong
in various occupations around the world. Studies on muscular influence of Indian culture and values.
skeletal disorders in information systems occupation has also
been studied around the world and also in Indian computer Many software professionals have
professionals. Individual Spirituality at Work and Its Relationship realized the impact of change in their
with Job Satisfaction has been studied among sales professionals. lifestyle and its implications, which Access this article online
However, the effect of spirituality (recent growth in the field has attracted them to yoga and other Website:
of Yoga) on job satisfaction, stress, and health in software spiritual practices. The aim is to DOI:
professionals in India has not been included in these studies. analyze the impact of these practices
Quick Response Code:
on job satisfaction, stress, and health
Retaining an adequate and qualified workforce is a prerequisite of software professionals.
for a well‑functioning organization, but is sometimes difficult
to realize when conditions, such as a good economic situation, LITERATURE REVIEW
a tight labor market and an aging workforce, tend to increase
the turnover of the workforce. It can be hypothesized that Re v i e w o f s t u d i e s o n j o b
job satisfaction could function as a buffer against conditions satisfaction and stress
favoring a high turnover, because a small but significant Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Customer
relationship exists between a low level of job satisfaction Satisfaction in a Transport Company
and turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction could also buffer has been examined[1] and the results
against other negative influences in the workplace, such as show that there is an opposite
occupational stress. For these reasons, attention paid to job relationship of stress and job
satisfaction of employees may prevent staff shortages in the satisfaction among bus hostesses.
future and may even cut costs. This negative relationship ultimately

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3 153
Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

effects the customer satisfaction. The study of relationship the vital roles played by the proposed moderators in each
between employee motivation, job satisfaction and corporate of the relationships in the quest to enhance employee’s
culture in marketing Research Company in South Africa[2] job performance, which will ultimately lead to an improved
found linear relationships. A study has been made on organizational performance.
association between job stress, social support, job satisfaction,
and absenteeism among offshore oil personnel.[3] Results Review of Studies on Health
of the study of relationship between Job Stress and Job A study investigated occupational stress, Type A behavior
Satisfaction among University Staff in Malaysia[4] show a pattern, work attitudes, health symptoms, and health
negative relationship between the two. behaviors among information systems personnel[10] Type A
behavior pattern was found to be a significant moderator
A survey of job satisfaction, sources of stress, and psychological for some of the stressor–criterion associations. The findings
symptoms among general practitioners in Leeds [5] has suggest that more managerial understanding of person–
identified low job satisfaction and significant problems in environment fit in general and the individual employee’s
the physical and mental wellbeing of general practitioners. predisposition toward the Type A behavior pattern specifically
Findings of examination of employee’s Work Stress, Job may be beneficial in attempting to initiate, nurture, and sustain
Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment among Public a productive and healthy work atmosphere.
Employees before Privatization[6] indicate that satisfied and
committed workforce is not a guarantee to have low level of Stress causing psychosomatic illness has been examined
work stress and vice versa. among nurses[11] and results imply psychosomatic disorders,
such as acidity, back pain, stiffness in neck and shoulders,
Review of studies on factors of job satisfaction forgetfulness, anger, and worry, significantly increased in
nurses having higher stress scores.
There have been studies on various factors such as age, salary,
and physiological and psychological stress, which impact job
Review of studies on Indian software professionals
A Comparative Analysis of Stress and Management Problems
with Reference to Gujarat State has been done,[12] which
The findings of the study “the effect of age on occupational
proves a positive correlation between stress and managerial
stress and job satisfaction among managers of different age
problems. “Role stress among women in the Indian
groups,”[7] reveals higher levels of job stress and less job
information technology sector”[13] investigates the intensity
satisfaction among managers of 25–35 years age than their
of organizational role stress among women informational
counterparts in the middle age (36–45 years) and the old
technology professionals in the Indian private sector. The
age groups (46–55 years). The study also found that the age
research finds differences in the level of stress between
found to be negatively correlated with occupational stress
married and unmarried employees on several role stressors.
and positively with job satisfaction. A study has examined
However, level of education does not emerge as a significant
the relationship between physiological stress and job
differentiator of stressors.
satisfaction and the relationship between psychological stress
and job satisfaction.[8] Statistically, the result demonstrates The impact of different dimensions of pay satisfaction‑related
that the level of physiological stress has decreased job issues of software professionals in India on intent to leave has
satisfaction, and the level of psychological stress has not been explored.[14]
decreased job satisfaction. Furthermore, the study confirms
that occupational stress does act as a partial determinant Review of studies on Indian software professionals
of job satisfaction in the occupational stress models of the and health
organizational sector sample. A study on Occupational Stress and Psychological Fitness in
Information Technology Sector in Mumbai Area[15] reveals that
A study explored the relationship among job performance, occupational stress affects the mental fitness of employees
satisfaction, and stress: A conceptual framework of Malaysian working in the IT sector and creates hazard for organizational
higher learning institutions,[9] which provides some ideas and employee productivity. However, no statistical techniques
on how these three theories or relationships will influence are used to analyze the data. The findings recorded are
one another. There are three suggestions highlighted here. mere assumptions/perceptions of the respondents about
The first is that lower level of job stress will lead to a higher relationship between corporate stress and psychological
level of job satisfaction and job performance among the fitness.
employees. Second is a greater emphasis on a higher level
of job satisfaction, such as lower level of job stress will lead An examination of Work style Risk Factors for Work Related
to a better employee’s job performance. Finally, these are Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Computer Professionals

154 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3
Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

in India[16] concluded that Work style seems to be a mediating ownership, and job satisfaction are negatively correlated with
factor for musculoskeletal pain, discomfort, and loss of job stress. The study also found that workplace spirituality
productivity. emerged as the strongest predictor to cope up with job stress.

The Effect of New Technologies on Job Satisfaction and AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
Psychosomatic Complaints[17] investigated the effects of
new technologies, specifically visual display units, on Aims of the study
psychosomatic complaints and job satisfaction. Attention • To study the relationship between job satisfaction, job
was focused on the influences of the work situation (job stress, and health in Indian software professionals
contents, employee participation) of attitudes and individual • To compare job satisfaction, stress, and health between
differences. yoga practicing and non–yoga practicing Indian software
professionals group.
Review of studies on the impact of Indian culture
and spirituality Rationale for selecting the variables studied
The results of “Exploratory study among sales professionals’ Job Satisfaction
individual spirituality at work and its relationship with job Retaining an adequate and qualified workforce is a prerequisite
satisfaction, propensity to leave, and job commitment[18] reveal for a well‑functioning organization, but is sometimes difficult
that sales professionals’ spirituality at work is positively to realize when conditions, such as a good economic situation,
related to job satisfaction and job commitment, and negatively a tight labor market, and an aging workforce, tend to increase
related to propensity to leave. the turnover of the workforce. It can be hypothesized that
job satisfaction could function as a buffer against conditions
The study paper “Work, culture, and sociality in the Indian favoring a high turnover, because a small but significant
IT industry: A sociological study,”[19] documented the social relationship exists between a low level of job satisfaction
and cultural transformations that have been set in motion and turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction could also buffer
by the rapid growth of the IT and ITES industries in India, against other negative influences in the workplace, such as
and through this to shed some light on wider processes of occupational stress. For these reasons, attention paid to job
globalization. The study focused on the creation of the IT satisfaction of employees may prevent staff shortages in the
workforce; the new forms of work, employment, organization, future and may even cut costs.
and management, and the new cultures of work that have
emerged in this industry, and on the transformations in Stress
lifestyle, sociality, and identity that are taking place within Several studies have tried to determine the link between stress
this new global workforce. and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction and job stress are the
two hot focuses in human resource management researches.
A qualitative Research on Advantages of Vipassana Meditation It has a direct impact in employee’s health and consequently
on Psychosomatic, Professional, and Managerial development impacts work performance.
of Business Graduates[20] concludes that Vipassana Meditation
Process has high importance in orientation of students with Psychosomatic Ailments
better physique, psychosocial state that helps them to become Stress leads to psychosomatic disorders such as asthma,
good professionals with focused managerial aptitude. diabetes mellitus, back pain, hypertension, anxiety and
depression, and arthritis. These are referred as Adhija Vyadhi
As one gets more and more established in the practice of in yogic texts. Most of the software engineers suffer from back
meditation, there are fewer mental problems, and even pain, eye disorders, headache, breathing problems, and so on.
psychosomatic disorders such as hypertension, peptic
ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, and eczema get Software Professionals In India
ameliorated Dileep Kumar M. (2005). Vipassana meditation, Indian software professionals are exposed to the new culture
therefore, leads to better health and a happy, blissful mind. of work, employment, organization, and management. With
There is less mental tension and confusion, and with such globalization there are transformations in their lifestyle,
a clear and calm mind, one is able to deal easily with one’s sociality, and identity. At the same time most Indian software
problems, thus living a merry and joyful life. professionals have the strong influence of Indian culture and
A study on workplace spirituality, organizational emotional
ownership, and job satisfaction as moderators in coping with Yoga And Other Spiritual Practices
job stress[21] in information technology professionals in India Many software professionals have realized the impact of
revealed that workplace spirituality, organizational emotional change in their lifestyle and its implications, which has

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Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

attracted them to yoga and other spiritual practices. The aim survey questionnaire having 10 questions with five‑point
is to analyze the impact of these practices on job satisfaction, Likert scale to rate dimensions of job satisfaction. The total
stress, and health of software professionals. score was made by adding the items. A high score indicated
higher job satisfaction. Cronbach’s alpha = 0.864. A detailed
Hypothesis job satisfaction questionnaire is available in Appendix 1.
• Hypothesis 1: There is a negative correlation between job
satisfaction and job stress Job stress was measured using a tailor‑made questionnaire
• Hypothesis 2: There is a positive correlation between job for symptoms of job stress, which included 16 questions with
satisfaction and health five‑point Likert scale to rate dimensions of job stress. Total
• Hypothesis3: There is a negative correlation between job score was made by adding the items. A high score indicated
stress and health higher job stress. Cronbach’s alpha = 0.903. Detailed job
• Hypothesis 4: There is a relationship between spiritual stress questionnaire is available in Appendix 2.
practices and job satisfaction
• Hypothesis 5: There is a relationship between spiritual Psychosomatic health symptoms Questionnaire was designed
practices and job stress with five‑point scales of symptom severity. A detailed health
• Hypothesis 6: There is a relationship between spiritual symptoms Questionnaire is available in Appendix 3. Total
practices and health. score was made by adding the items.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Questions related to the belief in God, leisure activities (visits
to temples, charity work, meeting family friends, bhajans,
Sample and so on). Type of any practices such as yoga, meditation
Indian software professionals living in Bengaluru, India, techniques, or relaxation techniques were asked. Software
working with various companies in Bengaluru were randomly professionals who practiced one or more of yoga practices
selected. Online survey questionnaire was sent to 320 among asanas, pranayama, breathing awareness, meditation,
people. One hundred and forty‑one (44%) people completed and any relaxation techniques were grouped as yoga group.
the questionnaire and responded. One hundred and two Similarly, those who spend their leisure time with one or
respondents (72.3%) were male and 39 respondents (27.7%) were more spiritual activities among reading books on philosophy
female. The mean age of the responders was 30 years (standard and/or religion, participate in Bhajans or Satsang, visiting
deviation = 5.19 years, range 21–years). temples or pilgrimage, charity work or selfless service or
helping the needy, and meditation were grouped as spiritual
Inclusion Criteria leisure group.
Indian software professionals in the age group 20–55 years
living and working in Bengaluru, India, were included. Both Data analysis
service‑based and product‑based company professionals The data analysis was carried out with the SPSS 18.0 program.
were included. First, descriptive statistics (eg, means, standard deviations,
and mode) were used to explore the data.
Exclusion Criteria
Subjects from India but living and working abroad were Normality of Data—This study involves a relatively large
excluded. sample (141) and therefore, the Central Limit Theorem could
be applied and hence there is no question on normality of
Ethical Considerations the data.
To maintain ethical neutrality, details about the company
are not published. Confidentiality is assured as part of the Reliability—Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (α) were used
research process. to assess the internal consistency of the measuring
instruments[22] for job satisfaction and job stress.
Design of the Study
A cross‑sectional survey design was used. Email questionnaire Correlation—Pearson’s product–moment correlation
survey of software professionals in Bangalore, India, was coefficients were used to specify the relationships between
done. The main outcomes of measures include quantitative the variables.
measures of job satisfaction, job stress, psychosomatic
health symptoms, and effect of yoga and Indian culture. Independent sample t test was used to compare yoga and
nonyoga group scores on variables. The differences among
Measures yoga and nonyoga software professionals on job satisfaction,
Job satisfaction was measured using general job satisfaction job stress and health variables were investigated through

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Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

independent sample t test. Also, differences of variables on with job satisfaction (yoga group r = −0.369, N = 76,
spiritual leisure activity and nonspiritual leisure activity were P  < 0.01 and nonyoga group r = –.596, N = 65,
calculated through independent sample t test. P  < 0.01). However, mean of job satisfaction score of
yoga group (33.23) is slightly higher than the nonyoga
RESULTS group (31.41)
• Hypothesis 2 In yoga group, job satisfaction is not
One hundred and forty‑one people completed the questionnaire significantly related to psychosomatic health (r = –0.188,
and responded (44%). One hundred and two respondents (72.3%) N = 76, P > 0.01), whereas in nonyoga group stress
were male and 39 respondents (27.7%) were female. psychosomatic health symptoms showed significant
The mean age of responders was 30 years (standard relationship with job satisfaction (r = −0.445, N  =  65,
deviation = 5.19 years, range 21–51 years). P < 0.01). That possibly means psychosomatic disorders
are well managed in yoga group irrespective of job
One hundred and twenty‑one people believed in the existence satisfaction
of God or supreme Power (85.8%). Twenty (20) people did not • Hypothesis 3 Job stress showed significant positive
believe in God (14.2%). relationship with psychosomatic health symptoms in
both yoga (r = 0.554, N = 76, P < 0.01) and nonyoga
Acceptable Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were obtained groups ( r  = 0.433, N = 65, P  < 0.01). However,
on all measuring instruments. Cronbach’s alpha for the psychosomatic health symptoms score in yoga
questionnaires used are in table 1. group (4.59) is slightly lesser than that in the nonyoga
group (6.26)
Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 results • Hypothesis 4 There was no significant difference
Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficients are listed between the two groups on job satisfaction (f = 0.159,
in table 2. P  = 0.690). Also, the mean of job satisfaction score
of yoga group (33.23) is slightly higher than nonyoga
• Hypothesis 1 Job stress showed significant negative group (31.41)
relationship with job satisfaction (t = −0.486, N = 141, • Hypothesis 5 t Test showed that yoga practice found
P  = 0.001). That means that employees who were more to have significant difference in job stress (f = 0.585,
satisfied with their organization are less stressed. The P  = 0.446). That means yoga group were coped up with
ability to cope with stress and meeting the challenges of stress better than nonyoga group
this competitive business environment can be enhanced • Hypothesis 6 t ‑ Test showed that yoga found to
by increasing job satisfaction have significant difference in psychosomatic health
• Hypothesis 2 Psychosomatic health symptoms score symptoms (f = 4.217, P = 0.042). That means psychosomatic
showed significant negative relationship with job ailments are managed better with yoga.
satisfaction (r =  −0.328, N  =  141, P < 0.001). That
means employees who were more satisfied scored less DISCUSSION
psychosomatic health symptoms score, which means
they were healthier. Psychosomatic ailments are better A moderate level of stress or “Eustress” is an important
managed with increased job satisfaction motivating factor and is considered normal and necessary.
• Hypothesis 3 J o b s t r e s s s h o w e d s i g n i f i c a n t If stress is intense, continuous, and repeated, it becomes
positive relationship with Psychosomatic Health a negative phenomenon or “Distress,” which can lead
symptoms (r = 0.506, N = 141, P = 0.000). With increased to physical illness and psychological disorders. [23]
job stress, employees showed higher psychosomatic Matter‑based approach and increased dependency on
health symptoms score. science and technology for modern lifestyle among
software professionals has increased stress, which is
Hypotheses 4, 5, and 6 results expressed as social unrest, increasing health hazards,
Tables 3 and 4 provide descriptive statistics for the two pair and so forth.[24]
of groups that were compared.
This study of stress level and job satisfaction among Indian
Yoga Group Versus Nonyoga Group software professionals confirms the negative correlation
Seventy‑six respondents were in the yoga group (54%) and 65 between job stress and job satisfaction. This result is
were under nonyoga group (46%). consistent with similar studies by Ahsan et al . among
University Staff in Malaysia, study by Ismail, et al. (2009)
• Hypothesis 1 Both in yoga group and nonyoga group, in Malaysia,[8] Roos and Van Eeden (2008), and a study by
job stress showed significant negative relationship Appleton et al. (1998).

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3 157
Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

This study evaluated relationship between psychosomatic 2. Does yoga have an impact on job satisfaction?
health symptoms and job satisfaction and seen significant 3. Do software professionals practicing yoga cope better with
relationship between the two. stress and have better health?

Psychosomatic health symptoms showed a positive correlation The findings of this study have shown that there is a
with job stress. This result is in consistent with earlier significant correlation among job satisfaction, job stress,
research by Kane (2009) titled “Stress causing psychosomatic and health. Job stress is negatively related to health and
illness among nurses in India.” Increasing stress and lesser job job satisfaction. Software professionals with higher job
satisfaction can negatively influence software professionals’ satisfaction scored less job stress score and psychosomatic
emotional and physical health. ailments score.

Stress management techniques can help individuals This study found out that yoga did not show a significant
manage their physical and emotional health. A study by impact on job satisfaction. However, in yoga practitioners,
Chawla, et al. (2010) shows a positive relationship between job satisfaction is not significantly related to psychosomatic
job satisfaction and spirituality at work among sales health, whereas in the nonyoga group psychosomatic
professionals, which provide the relevance of spirituality at health symptoms showed a significant relationship with
work to salespeople. Kumar’s[20] study reveals the importance job satisfaction. That means psychosomatic disorders are
of Vipassana meditation to orient the students with better well managed in yoga practicing software professionals
physique and psychosocial state that helps them to become irrespective of job satisfaction.
good professionals with focused managerial aptitude.
The yoga group had scored significantly lower in job
Yoga being holistic approach for stress management not stress and psychosomatic symptoms score compared
only brings fitness and vigor to the physical body but also with the nonyoga group. That implies yoga is a tool for
harness our emotions and expands our power of insight, software professionals to cope up with their stress and
vision, and analysis.[24] The main focus of this study was psychosomatic disorders.
to evaluate the influences of yoga, spiritual and cultural
aspects of Indians on job satisfaction, job stress, and This study encountered limitations in assessing spiritual
psychosomatic health. beliefs of Indian software professionals. The study could
not evaluate impact of spiritual leisure activities. Influence
In the nonyoga group, job satisfaction, stress, and of confounding variables were not controlled. The study
psychosomatic symptoms were correlated. In the yoga group, considered practices among asana, pranayama, breath
job stress showed significant negative relationship with job awareness, meditation and any relaxation techniques.
satisfaction and positive correlation with psychosomatic Further work needs to be done to look into other aspects
health symptoms. However, yoga group showed no significant of yoga practicing, including duration and frequency of the
relationship between job satisfaction and psychosomatic techniques practiced and mindfulness during working hours
health symptoms. Also, yoga group scored significantly low in and leisure activities, spiritual aspects, belief and values.
job stress and health compared with nonyoga group. Further
study needs to be carried out with a detailed questionnaire, Taken together, this study recommends software professionals
which evaluates various factors of yoga practicing such as to manage their stress and health by practicing yoga.
the duration and frequency, the techniques practiced, and
mindfulness during working hours and leisure activities, REFERENCES
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APPENDIX – I Job Satisfaction Questionnaire

Please rate the following items
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Don’t know 4 = Strongly Agree 5 = Agree
I receive recognition for a job well done.
I feel close to the people at work.
I feel good about working at this
I feel secure about my job.
I believe management is concerned
about me.
On the whole I believe work is good for
my physical health.
My Salary is good.
All my talents and skills are used at
I get along well with supervisors
I feel good about my job.

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3 159
Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

Job satisfaction score interpretation: 16. When I ask myself why I get up and go to work, the only
42–50: Very high satisfaction answer that occurs is “the money.”
39–41: High satisfaction
32–38: Average satisfaction Job Stress Score interpretation:
27–31: Low satisfaction 0–21: You are probably coping adequately with your job.
10–26: Very low satisfaction. 21–30: You are suffering from job stress and need to take
preventative action.
30–40: You need to take preventative action to avoid job
Please rate the following items in terms of how often the burnout.
symptom is true for you during the last three months. 41–64: You are burning and must develop a comprehensive
job stress management plan.
0=Never 1=Occasionally 2=somewhat often 3=Frequently
1. I feel tired even with adequate sleep.
2. I feel frustrated in carrying out my responsibilities at work. Please check all that apply to you:
3. I am moody, irritable, or impatient over small
4. I want to withdraw from the constant demands on my time QUESTIONNAIRE
and energy.
5. I feel negative, futile, or depressed about my job. 1. Do you believe in God or existence of supreme power? Yes/
6. My decision‑making ability seems less than usual. No
7. I think that I am not as efficient as I should be. 2. Do you spend your leisure hours by
8. The quality of my work is less than it should be. (a) visiting friends and family.
9. I feel physically, emotionally, or spiritually depleted. (c) Reading books on philosophy and/or religion.
10. My resistance to illness is lowered. (d) participate in Bhajans/Satsang? Frequency weekly/
11. I am eating more or less, drinking more coffee, smoking monthly/fortnight.
more cigarettes, or using more alcohol or drugs to cope (e) Visiting temple. Reason: Routine/like the vibration/to
with my job. worship/to pray and fulfil your desires/feel secure and
12. I am feeling emotionally callous about the problems and comfortable/bhakthi and attachment toward God/feel
needs of others. relaxed, light and fresh.
13. I am having difficulty concentrating. (f) Charity work/selfless service/helping the needy.
14. I am easily bored. (g) Meditation.
15. I feel a sense of dissatisfaction, of something wrong or (h) Listening to classical/devotional music.
missing. (g) None of the above.

0 - No 1 - Mild 2 - Moderate 3 - High (Have been 4 - Severe

symptoms Does not disturb Disturbs taking off because Bed ridden because
daily routine daily routine of the symptom) of the complaint
Head ache/migraine
Asthma (bronchial asthma, nasal allergy, chronic bronchitis)
Back pain
Neck pain
Eye problems (dryness, itching)
Anxiety and depression
Gastrointestinal disorder (gastritis, peptic ulcer, irritable bowel
syndrome, or ulcerative colitis)
Gynecological problems (infertility/impotence/fibroids/ovarian cysts)
Diabetes mellitus
Menstrual disorders

160 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3
Sahukar, et al.: Job satisfaction and Indian software professionals

3. Do you practice any of the following? Yoga asanas/

pranayama/meditation/relaxation techniques/breath


Table 1: Reliability test results of the measuring instruments–

Cronbach’s alpha coefficients
Questionnaire name Cronbach’s alpha Number of items
Job satisfaction questionnaire 0.864 10
Job stress questionnaire 0.903 16
Health questionnaire 0.805 10

Table 2: Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficients and

descriptive statistics of variables
Variable Mean Standard Pearson’s product moment
deviation correlation coefficients
Job Job Health
satisfaction stress symptoms
Job satisfaction 32.39 7.23 1
Job stress 19.29 11.20 −0.486** 1
Health symptoms 5.36 4.63 −0.328** 0.506* 1
Significant at *P<0.05, **P<0.01)

Table 3: Group statistics

Yoga Nonyoga Spiritual leisure Nonspiritual
activities leisure activities
N 76 65 74 67
Job satisfaction
Mean 33.23 31.41 33.25 31.44
Standard deviation 7.44 6.09 7.53 6.81
Job stress
Mean 17.17 21.78 18.04 20.68
Standard deviation 10.34 11.733 10.36 11.98
Health symptoms
Mean 4.59 6.26 5.31 5.41
Standard deviation 4.066 5.11 4.69 4.61

Table 4: Independent sample t test in the yoga and nonyoga

f value Significance
Job satisfaction 0.159 >0.5
Job stress 0.585 <0.5
Health symptoms 4.217 <0.05

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3 161
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