Info Kit Circo Alemania
Info Kit Circo Alemania
Info Kit Circo Alemania
On the site of the “Aktions- and Zirkusbüro” a lot of possibilities are offered. Children and youngsters with or without special
needs as well as educated athletes, musicians or artists are invited to present and train within the topics of sports, arts
or culture.
Big and small circus tents, different site caravans and containers are part of the circus area. At the moment the site is
in construction and the big office building and about 300 m² inside training area will be finished in spring 2023. An area for
parcours, dirtbiketrails and a beach volley court, a fireplace, patches, a clay oven, a play yard – all these
infrastructures are parts of the space. The area offers many possibilities for projects and events for various ages.
Children and youngsters can bring in their own ideas, follow their interests and have the possibility to co-determine what
happens in the park. The concept is changeable and can be adapted to the current necessities. The ideas and the
knowledge of the children and youth is an essential part of the planing for the future, they are involved in all steps.
A big and important part of the work of the “Aktions- und Zirkusbüro” is the circus “Maccaroni”. It’s a circus created by
children and youngsters from Karlsruhe. Fixed training groups for children, youngsters and young grown-ups are besides
organizing offers for everybody: workshops, projects with schools and social organizations, holiday programs,
performances, festivals and conventions. Within the trainings all circus disciplines are involved and implemented:
juggling, aerial art, acrobatics, balance, fire juggling, Chinese mast and clownery.
A European Volunteer will have the possibility to get to know all fields of activities of the “Aktions- und Zirkusbüro”. He*she
will support the circus pedagogical offers for children and youth and can depending to his*her interests and experiences
develop and realize own projects. The volunteer will work 32 hours per week. After some basic education in circus skills,
the volunteer soon will be part of the trainer team and teach children in circus disciplines, basic level in German is
an advantage and a high motivation to learn the language is expected.
Coordinating organisation
The Kreisjugendwerk (KJW) of the AWO Karlsruhe-Stadt is the nonprofit
childrens‘ and youth‘s department of the AWO (Arbeiterwohlfahrt). As
independent organization, the KJW organizes leisure activities for children and
young people between the ages of 6 and 20, extracurricular education and
workshops, as well as intercultural encounters and projects for young people and
young adults between 15 and 27.
Our work focuses on participation and personal development, and our activities
are also deliberately offered to children and young people from socially
disadvantaged backgrounds and to young people with a migration background.
Besides coordinating the voluntary service, we are organizing a lot of camps and
holidays for young people in Germany and abroad.
Livin Culture
The coordinating organizationis, together with all european
volunteers, organizing an intercultural series of events. As a volunteer
you will think about organizing an intercultural event connected to
inclusion and exchange topics, such as presenting your home country,
or doing cooking or sport activities together, and much more.
Volunteer profile:
·At least 18 years old
·Interest in pedagogical work, especially circus pedagogics
·Preferred: experiences in circus disciplines or circus pedagogics or any other
pedagogical art or sports (theatre, parkour, …)
·A lot of energies to spend with kids and in everyday physical activities
·Interest and some experiences in working with children and youngsters
·Good knowledge of English, basic skills in German will be helpful
·High motivation to learn German
·Having an accredited sending organization (PIC number, accreditation number,
name and contacts on sending organization)
How to apply:
Please send the following documents until 14.12.2022 to: