Garex VCCS
Garex VCCS
Garex VCCS
Compact/Midi/Avance VCCS
The GAREX 220 family of VCCS systems The mid-range GAREX 220 MIDI VCCS The GAREX 220 AVANCE VCCS is the
offers a full range of ATC communications delivers the same set of features and largest member of the family. It can be
functionality, developed over the 40+ functions as the Compact3, but is supplied in sizes up to 200 ATC controller
years that GAREX has been recognized delivered with two nodes of central positions and more than 500 analogue
worldwide as a provider of functional, equipment that in addition to providing and digital connections to radios
safe and dependable communications a greater capacity of positions and and telephone lines, and can be fully
solutions. connected lines, can be divided into two customized to meet special needs and
separate sub-systems that for security requirements.
The GAREX 220 COMPACT3 provides
against fires and other threats be
a comprehensive but cost-effective, All members of the GAREX 220 VCCS
installed in separate equipment rooms
standardized package of communications family can be integrated into a
or even in separate buildings. Controller
facilities. The system provides enough networked solution that supports
Positions and digital radio connections
flexibility to enable it to be installed in hundreds of Controller Working Positions
have duplicated connections to both
the vast majority of ATC environments (CWPs) and many hundreds of radios
nodes, whilst analogue radio lines and
but does not offer customised facilities. that function as a single virtual system
all telephone lines are distributed evenly
The feature range of the Compact3 is in which any CWP can access any radio
between the two nodes.
continually reviewed and adjusted to anywhere in the network.
keep pace with changing ATC needs.
GAREX 220 VCCS Family Comparison Chart
Server workstation 1 1 1
Additional client workstation option
Networking client functionality
GAREX administration package
SNMP agent option