SEN Project
SEN Project
SEN Project
“Choose any problem statement and use data models to represent the
solution .Search and utilize different UML tools to represent models”
Submitted By Group: 03
Sr. No. Name of Students Roll No.
1. Pranjali Ramesh Surjagade 14
2. Prajit Hemdev Bhoyar 13
3. Simran Ashok Ramteke 23
4. Sajan Pramod Gedam 12
5. Sahil Someshwar Shedmake 11
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. PRAJIT HEMDEV BHOYAR. Roll No. 13 of
Third /Fourth semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has completed
the micro project satisfactorily in Software Engineering (22413) for the
academic year 2021 To 2022. As prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. SIMRAN ASHOK RAMTEKE. Roll No. 23
of Third /Forth semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has completed
the micro project satisfactorily in Software Engineering (22413) for the
academic year 2021 To 2022. As prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. SAJAN PRAMOD GEDAM. Roll No. 12 of
first /second semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has completed
the micro project satisfactorily in Software Engineering (22413) for the
academic year 2021 To 2022. As prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. SAHIL SOMESHWAR SHEDMAKE. Roll No.
11 of Third /Forth semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has
completed the micro project satisfactorily in Software Engineering (22413)
for the academic year 2021 To 2022. As prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
“Choose any problem statement and use data models to represent the
solution .Search and utilize different UML tools to represent models”
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the
Award of
PLACE: - Gadchiroli
2 Submission 3
3 Certificate 4-8
4 Acknowledgement 9
5 Index 10
6 Annexure – I 11
7 Annexure – II 12-20
Part – A Micro-Project Proposal Annexure-I
“Choose any problem statement and use data models to represent the
solution .Search and utilize different UML tools to represent models”
Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project (minimum 30-50 words)
The aim and benefits of the microproject related knowledge through various teaching-learning,
experiences. Choose any problem statement and use data models to represent the solution. Search
and utilize different UML tools to represent models to know more about how to Problem statement
and use data models to represent solution ,use UML tools to represent models, and use of it to the
student and they can learn from this project how to manage it and that help into their future.
3.0 Proposed Methodology (produce in brief that will be followed to the micro-project about 100
to 200 words.)
• First, we will discuss the topics and then select the topic.
• All group members collect the data related to the topic from different sources.
• All group members give their ideas for completing the project.
• Then last, we will start working on the project.
In this project, we know about recent how to separate even and odd number in the array and find
smallest and largest number also.
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)
Pranjali R. Surjagade 14
Prajit H. Bhoyar 13
Simran A. Ramteke 23
Sajan P. Gedam 12
Sahil S. Shedmake 11
Literature Review
• Actors:
The users that interact with a system. An actor can be a person, an
organization, or an outside system that interacts with your application or
system. They must be external objects that produce or consume data.
• System:A specific sequence of actions and interactions between actors and the
system. A system may also be referred to as a scenario.
• Goals:The end result of most use cases. A successful diagram should describe
the activities and variants used to reach the goal.
Use case A: Abstract and visualizea system of object oriented
Unified Modeling Language (UML) abstracts and visualizes systems of object-oriented
programming. This makes the modeling language a practical tool for developers: On the
one hand, it makes it possible to create clear blueprints for software projects, on the other
hand, complex software systems can also be presented in an understandable way for people
not familiar with the subject. For example, if you want to introduce new software for the
latest company app to the Head Unified of Marketing, do not use code – instead, you can
use UML to show them the most important features of the app.
The main task of UML is to simplify complex systems, making them understandable even
for beginners. A good UML tool also makes teamwork and cooperation between different
departments a lot easier. Since extensive tools like these are rarely free, you should make
sure that they are compatible with the current version of UML 2, since UML 2 offers more
diagram types than UML 1 and allows you to create profiles that metamodeling is able to
tailor more precisely to your needs.
Some UML tools enable diagrams to be converted into a given programming language.
They often work with Java, C++, C#, or XML schemas. Some tools also reconstruct UML
diagrams from existing code. However, paradoxically, some of these tools do not
necessarily provide the reverse engineering function for the same programming languages
that they use to create code from UML diagrams.
If you want to convert finished source code from a UML diagram, consider
how complex your application should ultimately be. Anyone that’s worked with modeling
software knows how long it takes to sketch a diagram. A tool that is extensive as well as
quick would be perfect for a task like this, and UML is supposed to simplify complex
systems. An overly detailed and time-consuming diagram contradicts this purpose. Creating
a diagram that visualizes all instances, including their dependencies in detail, requires more
work than simply giving a programmer team an overview and letting them get on with it.
UML diagram tools with round-trip engineering generate diagrams from source code and
convert the revised version back into code. The fact that you don’t have to draw all instances
yourself saves a lot of time and makes it even easier to document the project. However, if
you draw it yourself, it makes sense to maintain a certain level of abstraction. If you then
convert your diagram into code, you can at least work in neat framework.
Sequence diagrams: depicting UML message exchanges
Sequence diagrams help you depict the message flow within a system in clear detail. A
UML sequence diagram is a good choice for anyone who wants to understand a specific
application case well. In object-oriented programming, sequence diagrams are suitable for
checking the logic of a system. We’ll present these diagram types in detail and explain how
to create a sequence diagram.
UML Tools
Since UML is a Unified Modeling Language, it is used to create meaningful, object-
oriented models for a software application. It clearly represents the working of any
hardware/ software system. There are numerous tools, both commercial and open-
source, which are available for designing UML diagrams, are enlisted below:
1. StarUML
o It let you create Object, Use case, Deployment, Sequence, Collaboration,
Activity, and Profile diagrams.
o It implements both structural and behavioral diagrams.
The UML designer tool helps in modifying and envisioning UML2.5 models. It allows you
to create all of the UML diagrams.
o It provides transparency to work on DSL as well as UML models.
o With the UML designer tool, the user can reuse the provided presentations.
o To start working with DSL, you can use UML legacy models.
4. Altova
Altova has provided UModel, which is another UML software modeling tool. Itsupports all
types of 14 UML2 diagrams as well as SysML for the embedded systems. It also holds up for
business process modeling for enterprise analysts. It generates visually designed software
models by incorporating Java, C++, and C #or Visual Basic .NET.
o It provides a dedicated toolbar for an individual diagram.
o It includes Singleton pattern, keys, immutability, mixins, and aspect-orientedcode
injection, which makes UML more understandable to the users.
And also, by some references provided above are the experts who worked on it. The
entire Micro-Project is how Problem statement solve ,utilize toolsssssssss and what
problems should be faced and how to overcome them. managed