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Republic of the Philippines

Surigao del Sur State University

Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Name: Louel C. Hermoso

Year and Program: BSEd- Science 3
Subject: Educ 7- Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
Instructor: Castor V. Balacuit, EdD (CAR)

Activity No. 1.1: ON YOUR OWN!

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is special education?

Special education is for those students that have disabilities, in consideration of their
individual educational needs, which aims at full development of their capabilities and at
their independence and social participation. It is designed to ensure that students with
disabilities are provided with an environment that allows them to be educated

Activity No. 1.2: TRACE ME!

Directions: Prepare a timeline on the history of special education from 1907 to present.
Write your timeline inside the box.
1902 – During the year of 1902 and under the American regime
that the Filipino children with disabilities were given the chance to
be educated. Mr. Fred Atkinson, General Superintendent of
Education, proposed to the Secretary of Public Instruction that the
children whom he found deaf and blind should be enrolled in
school like any other ordinary children.

1907 – The country’s special education program formally

started on 1907. Special education started in the
Philippines in 1907 with the establishment of the Insular
School for the Deaf and Blind.

1926 – In 1926, the Philippine Association for the Deaf (PAD)

was founded. The Philippine Association for the Deaf (PAD)
was composed of hearing impaired members and special
education specialists.

1927 – The following year (1927), the Welfareville

Children’s Village in Mandaluyong, Rizal was

1942 – National Orthopedic Hospital School for

Crippled children and youth was established.

1949 – The Quezon City Science High School for

gifted students was inaugurated and the Philippine
Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
was organized.

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

1949 – PAD opened a school for children

with hearing impairment. Elsie Gaches

The Elshie Gaches Village was established

in Alabang to take care of the abandoned
and orphaned children and youth with
physical and mental handicaps.

1956 – Special classes for the deaf in

regular class were implemented.

1960 – Some private college and

universities started to offer special
education courses on graduate school
1962 – DEC teachers’ scholars
for blind teachers started training
in Philippine Normal University.

1965 – Marked the start of training

programs for school administrators on the
supervision of special classes held at UP

1970 – UP started training teachers for

children with behavioural problems.

1980 - School for crippled children at

southern island in Cebu.


Direction: List down the specific events of the following years/stage.
Year Specific Events and Activities

Filipino children with disabilities were given the chance to be


1907 The establishment of the Insular School for the Deaf and Blind.

1926 The Philippine Association for the Deaf (PAD) was founded.

The Welfareville Children’s Village in Mandaluyong, Rizal was


National Orthopedic Hospital School for Crippled children and youth

was established.

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

The Quezon City Science High School for gifted students was
1949 inaugurated and the Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of
the Disabled was organized.

1950 PAD opened a school for children with hearing impairment.

The Elshie Gaches Village was established in Alabang to take care

1953 of the abandoned and orphaned children and youth with physical
and mental handicaps.

1956 Special classes for the deaf in regular class were implemented.

Some private college and universities started to offer special

education courses on graduate school curriculum.

1962 The Manila Youth Rehabilitation Center was opened.

Marked the start of training program for school administrators on the

supervision of special classes held at UP.

1970 UP started training teachers for children with behavioural problems.

School for crippled children at southern island in Cebu was


Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221


Direction: Complete the following visual organizers.
Vision and Goal for Children with Special Needs

Vision: The Department of Education clearly states its vision for children with special
needs in consonance with the philosophy of inclusive education, thus:
―The State, community and family hold a common vision for the Filipino child with
special needs. By the 21st century, it is envisioned that he/she could be adequately
provided with basic education. This education should fully realize his/her own potentials
for development and productivity as well as being capable of self-expression of his/her
rights in society. More importantly, he/she is God-loving and proud of being a Filipino. It
is also envisioned that the child with special needs will get full parental and community
support for his/her education without discrimination of any kind. This special child should
also be provided with a healthy environment along with leisure and recreation and social
security measures‖ (Department of Education Handbook on Inclusive Education, 2000).

Goal: The goal of the special education program of the Department of Education all over
the country is to provide children with special needs appropriate educational services
within the mainstream of basic education. The two-pronged goal includes the
development of key strategies on legislation, human resource development, family
involvement and active participation of government and non-government organizations.
Likewise, there are major issues to address on attitudinal barriers of the general public
and effort towards the institutionalization and sustainability of special education programs
and services.

Policy of Inclusive Education for All

The policy on Inclusive Education for All is adopted in the Philippines to accelerate
access to education among children and youth with special needs. Inclusive education
forms an integral component of the overall educational system that is committed to an
appropriate education for all children and youth with special needs.


To develop motivational patterns in To consider the mental as well as

the handicapped that will the physical hygiene of
produce achievement in school. handicapped school children.

Objectives of Special

To produce in the handicapped a To pursue those curricular matters

desire to participate in the activities that strategically determine
effective living or specific types of
of non-handicapped persons.
handicapped children.

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

ACTIVITY No. 3.1: SYNTHESIGHTS (Synthesizing Insights)

Directions: Elaborate further the statement below as excerpt from the Policies and
Guidelines of SPEd in the Philippines. Write your answer in the box provided below.

Excerpt from Article 1. The State shall promote the right of every individual to
relevant quality education regardless of sex, age, breed, socio-economic status,
physical and mental condition, social or ethnic origin, political and other affiliation.

The article mostly states about helping the special and gifted students to
develop their maximum potential. It is the right of every child to receive equal and
same opportunity for receiving basic education. It is important specially disabled
children to maintain the pace in the learning process with the children that do not
have any special need, as they have the right to fulfil the requirements and explore
their own potential regardless of their disability. The special education courses aims
at providing training without leaving any gap in between. A good teacher in special
education helps in making training before considering the importance of job
responsibilities. A person or a student with any kind of disability can easily conquer
the world by their hard-work and skills. For this, they should be given special
opportunities without any terms and conditions. The development of broader
education system allows the tutors to have specialized training with an urgent


Directions: Below is a converging radial organizer. In a team approach, identify the
members (who/what) of the team and define their role/s in working and understanding
children with special needs.

Guidance Counselors
Collaborating with other and
Special Education community professionals like
Teachers teachers, schoo
psychologist, physical Contributes in/of
Serve as case managers
therapist, occupational understanding, explanation,
and be responsible for the
therapist, etc. prediction, control, and
solves problems of special
implementation, and
needs children.
evaluation of gifted students.
Children with Special

Social Workers
Law Enforcement Officers Advocating for the child and
Maintains the security and mobilizing family, school and
safety of the students and community resources to
school staffs. enable the child to learn as
effectively as possible.

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221


Directions: As a future educator, what are the components you need to consider to cater
the diversities of learners? Comprehensively write your thoughts, ideas, and concepts in
the box provided.

As a future educator, it is really crucial for you to understand that every student is
unique in their own way. Learning about other cultures, differences and peculiarity help us
to understand different perspectives within the world in which we live. The people’s
diversity contributes language skills, new ways of thinking, new knowledge, and different
experiences. Being a teacher isn’t just about teaching but also you should have to learn.
The world doesn’t remain constant, it is ever-changing and the only way to cope up with it
is for us to understand and respect it.


Direction: Define the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 based on
your own understanding.

In my own understanding, the Individuals with Disability Education Act of

2004 (IDEA) is a federal law that is about ensuring the educational rights of
children with disabilities and helping the special and gifted students to acquire an
accessible free public education that is appropriate to their needs. This includes:
security and free appropriate public education that is tailor-made for their needs.


Direction: Answer the following question.

1. What is the significant role of IDEA Law to the society?

In a society, many people don’t have enough idea how to teach and to help a
differently able individual. This creates an unfavourable treatment to the differently able.
The role of the IDEA Law to the society isn’t just to provide security and proper
education to the individual who is gifted and differently able but also to help the society
understand the situation of that individual.

2. How the law does help the disabled person?

The Law helps to provide a free appropriate public education to children with
disabilities. These kinds of education helps the special and gifted children to learned
and develop themselves with appropriate education that they needed.

3. Classify the rules and regulation of IDEA law.

Formula grants are awarded to states annually to support early-intervention services
for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, preschool children ages three
through five, and special education for children and youth with disabilities.

Discretionary Grant is provided to state educational agencies, institutions of higher

education, and other non-profit organizations to support technical assistance and
dissemination, technology and media services, state personnel development grants,
personnel preparation, state data collections, and parent-training and information

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Activity no. 5.1: TELL ME MORE!

Directions: What can you say about the Education for All Handicapped Children Act?
Write it in the blank circle.

This act could really

helps a lot of people
beacuse not everyone
has enough money or
can afford a special
class for a
this act is very handicapped
important because it individual.
makes a availability of
a free appropriate
public education to Everyone deserves a
eligible children with proper education that
disabilities throughout is suited to their needs.
the nation and ensures
special education and
related services to
those children.
Education for All
Children Act

The act allows parents Its intention that to give

to access the services handicapped children
necessary to prevent access to a fitting
learning disabilities public education that
and other disorders addressed their
from completely individual needs is
derailing a child's It ensures that all very relevant and
academic career. children with crucial for the disables
disabilities are entitled
to a free appropriate
public education to
meet their unique
needs and prepare
them for further
employment and
independent living.


Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of Education for All Handicapped Children Act?

It ensures the educational rights of children with disabilities and helping the special
and gifted students to acquire an accessible free public education that is appropriate to
their needs and the individuals with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public
education to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education,
employment and independent living.

2. Does the Education for All Handicapped Children Act important in the society?
Yes, because it support states and localities in protecting the rights of, meeting the
individual needs of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and their

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

3. Give your own concept about the Education for All Handicapped Children Act as
a teacher.
Just like the IDEA Act, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act ensures
the brighter future of the disables. As a future teacher, my own concept about the act
would be the same. Giving everyone a chance to enlighten themselves with
knowledge is very important. Giving them the proper and appropriate education that
they needed also helps to boost their self-esteem.

ACTIVITY No. 6.1: Write All-Rights!

Directions: In your own words, distinguish what rights and privileges of disabled persons
shall be highlighted in every chapter to satisfy the needs of individuals with special

A qualified debilitated worker might be subject to the same terms and

conditions of business and the same stipend, benefits, benefits,
Chapter 1.
periphery benefits, incentives or remittances as a qualified able bodied
individual. There should no handicapped individual that would be
denied get to have an opportunities for appropriate work.

It should take appropriate steps to form such instruction open to all

impaired people. It might be illegal for any learning institution to deny
Chapter 2. an impaired individual affirmation to any course it offers by reason of
Education handicap or incapacity. The State should guarantee that impaired
people are provided with acquire a quality instruction and plentiful
openings to create their abilities.

The State should ensure and advance the correct to wellbeing of

Chapter 3.
disabled persons and might receive a coordinates and comprehensive
approach to their wellbeing improvement.

Chapter 4. The State should guarantee that a handicapped individual are provided
Auxiliary with the essential assistant administrations that will re-establish their
Social Services social working and cooperation in community issues.

All media companies should be energized to introduce special devices

Chapter 5.
or units for the disables and guarantee that they are commercially
available to empower them to communicate through any media.

The State should guarantee the fulfillment of a barrier-free environment

Chapter 6.
that will empower impaired people to have access in an open and
private buildings and establishments.

Chapter 7.
Impaired people should be permitted to be helped by an individual of
his choice in voting within the national or nearby races.
and Civil Rights

ACTIVITY No. 6.2: CONTEMPLATHINK (Contemplate & Think)

Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Directions: Comprehensively discuss your answers on the box provided from the
questions posed.

1. As a future teacher, how are you going to handle learners with special
educational needs in your classroom after learning this lesson, specifically the
RA 7277?
As a future educator, it is my job to handle a student and help them to
develop their fullest potential even they are able or disable, giving my students
the most appropriate education that is suited for the needs of my students. It is
important for me to understand my students and provide the best knowledge I
called give.

2. Bullying is most common among children specifically to school-age. Mostly,

disabled persons are susceptible to this instance. What steps and how would you
manage your class when you discover that one of your learners has been found
guilty of discrimination against disabled persons?
The most important way to avoid this kind of scenario is for me to be
aware in my students’ situation. It is also important to find ways to help children
understand and appreciate their identity as well as others’. In the classroom, we
educators should start by creating a safe place for students to express
themselves and feel heard. Cultivate students’ abilities to advocate on behalf of
themselves as well as others.

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