TOS Computation

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Science Department

Subject: Integrated Science 8


No. of T
Percentage No. of No. of Item
(%) items Items Placement
Remembering Understanding Application Analysis Evaluation Create o
1st Quarter
Laws of Motion Investigate the relationship between the amount of force 6 11.321 6 6 1,2,3,4,5,6 2 2 1 1 6
applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change
in the object’s motion (S8FE-Ia15)

Sound Energy Investigates the effect of temperature to the speed of 3 5.660 3 2 7,8 1 1 2
sound (S8FE-Ie-25)

Light Energy Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to the energy of 3 5.660 3 2 9,10 1 1 2
visible light (S8FE -If – 27)

Heat and temperature Differentiate between heat and temperature at the 3 5.660 3 2 11,12 1 1 2
molecular level (S8FE -Ig – 29)

Electricity Explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, 3 5.660 3 3 13,14,15 2 1 3
double insulation,
and other safety devices in the home (S8FE-1i-33)
Using models or illustrations, explain how movements along 16,17,
Earthquakes and Faults faults generate 4 7.547 4 4 18,19 2 1 1 4
earthquakes. (S8ES-IIa-14)

Weathering And Typhoon Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area 3 5.660 3 3 20,21,22 1 1 1 3
of Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data.

Explain how typhoons develop and how it is affected by

Atmoshpre landmasses and bodies of 2 3.774 2 2 23,24 1 1 2
water. (S8ES-IId-18 and S8ES-IIe-20)
1.Characterize comets, meteors and asteroids and identify
Comets, their distinct feature.
Meteors and Asteroids 3 5.660 3 3 25,26,27 1 1 1 3
2. Describe the changes that happens to a fragment from a
comet, asteroid or meteor as it enters the earth
Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on
Matter the particle nature of matter. (S8MT-IIIa-b-8) 2 3.774 2 2 28,29 1 1 2

States of Matter Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on 2 3.774 2 2 30,31 1 1 2
the particle nature of matter; (S8MT-IIIa-b-8)

Changes of Matter Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and 2 3.774 2 2 32,33 1 1 2
motion of atoms and molecules. (S8MT-IIIc-d-9)
Discovering of atom and its
sub-atomic particles Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons 3 5.660 3 3 34,35,36 1 1 1 3
in a particular atom. (S8MT-IIIe-f-10)

Use the periodic table to predict the chemical behavior of 37,38

The E-Arrangement an element. (S8MT-IIIi-j-12) 4 7.547 4 4 ,39,40 1 1 1 1 4
Write the electron configuration of elements in a given
group and relate it to their classification in the Periodic
Table (metals, non_x0002_metals, metalloids)

Digestive System Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion 2 3.774 2 2 41,42 1 1 2

1.Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell

Meiosis and Mitosis division cycle. (S8LT-lVd-16) 2 3.774 2 2 43,44 1 1 2
2. Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the
chromosome number.(S8LT-lVe-17

Predict phenotyphic expressions of traits following simple

Mendelinian Genetic patterns of inheritance(SL8T-IVF-18) 2 3.774 2 2 45,46 1 1 2

Hierarchical Taxonomic Classify the organism according to Hierarchical Taxonomic 2 3.774 2 2 47,48 1 1 2
System of Classification System (S8LT-Ivh-20)

Transfer of Energy in trophic Describe the transfer of Energy through Trophic level (S8LT- 2 3.774 2 2 49,50 1 1 2
levels Ivi-22)

Total 53 100.00 50 50 50
In order to insert a suggestion that uses a PivotTable or formula, your data was organized in columns with a single h

Field1 Field2
TOPICS Laws of Motion
No. of Days Taught
No. of Items
Item Placement
EASY Knowledge
ed in columns with a single header row.
Field2 Count of Field2
Demonstrate 1
Laws of Motion 1
Total Result 2

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