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Book Name: A Series of Principles in Spiritual Life.

How to pray- The prayer response secret (2).
Preparation: Servants of the House of God's Love for
Expatriate students.
Translated by: Catherine Khalil
Cover design: Madlin Nassif
Edition: Initial 2015.

*In Christ we hope that this series will

reach the hands of every Young Christian
at the lowest cost.

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Note: To take full advantage of this series, please read the

full parts first in order, the lack of arrangement may cause
confusion and non-continuity may cause frustration.

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of all
Africa on the Holy See of St. Mark the
Apostle (18)

Why are some people’s prayers answered, while others
don’t!! as if they don’t pray, or pray to another God who
doesn’t respond?!
There is a secret in prayer's responding:
1st: Expectation.
2nd: Patience.
Patience is important not only in spiritual life, but in our
study, practical and social matters too.
So, if you want a productive prayer! learn how to be patient,
and be sure that you will eventually get what you want so be
And frankly, without prayer's responding, spiritual life
becomes a useless concern and fatigue, so The Lord Jesus
challenges us at (Joh 16:24) and says “ask to take and
The Lord Jesus gives us lasting joy and teaches us the secrets
of his love, with the intercession of our Virgin Mother and
the prayers of our Blessed Father, His Holiness Pope
Tawadros II, and to our God, glory forever.
I arrived at the place where I usually meet with my spiritual
father many months ago. He was late, so I feel bored and
started thinking about leaving without meeting him, and I
said that my father must have forgotten me today, because
of his many concerns that he has, and a lot of people that he
take care about, I think to myself and felt sadness and pain.
It wasn't long before my father came with a beautiful rosary
in his hand, and he said, "Forgive me, my son, for being late,
I was preparing this rosary for you, to help with patience in
the “Jesus or equity prayers”1. I said forgive me, Father, that
I thought you had forgotten me because of your busy, and I
was going to leave.
He said: We often also think that God forgets us, but he will
give us something better, so the second secret to the
response to prayer is:
I said: It's hard to be patient!"
He said:
Patience is the indicator of a real expectation.

Short prayers.
Examples: - Lord Jesus Christ, thine is the thanks, praise and honor.

But the man who asks and says I have faith, I have an
expectation of a response, but he isn’t patient! He doesn't
have a real expectation, it just talks. If he had, he would have
desperate in his request, and had been patient until he took
I said: Why to be patient?
He said: We are patient for three things:
First: The Bible asks us for patience.
The Bible says:
" By your patience possess your souls."(Luk 21:19).
"But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” (Matt
24:13). " keep it and bear fruit with patience" (Luk 8:15).
" And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the
promise."(Heb 6:15). " For you have need of endurance."
(Heb 10:36). " Be faithful until death, and I will give you the
crown of life."(Rev 2:10).
Also, all men of faith are being patient, our father Ibrahim
has been patience 25 years until he promised by Isaac birth.
Joseph has been patient 13 years (including one year in
prison) then became the second man in Egypt. Ayoub for 7

years until his experiment was over. Moses remained in Sinai
for 40 years until his experiment ended. John the Baptist
remained in the wilderness for 30 years until he appeared to
the people of Jerusalem.
I said: How did they manage these long periods?
He said: Three things we learn from the Bible help us to be

First: promises.
No one can wait for someone unless he was taking an
appointment, so when you go to meet someone, you must
have promised to meet him, and that's No one can tolerate
what makes you wait for him even if he's hardship sins and be
patient with them
late. without grumbling,
unless they have
Mina went to the church club and sat for honesty in God's
a long time, and time passed while people appointments, which
started going home and Mina was sitting he considers to be
more precious than
alone since his presence. The club official his body and more
went to him to say that it was late and important than his
they want to close the club, but he said health and comfort.
Mar Isaac Syriac
I'm waiting. The man said waiting!! for
whom? Mina said nervously: Am I supposed to wait for
someone?! The man said with wonder: sure!! He said with a

little nervous waiting for the Priest. The man said, "Did you
take an appointment with him?"
Before they finished the conversation, Mina's father came
looking for him and apologized to the club official, that Mina
was suffering from psychological fatigue due to the exams.
And that's where father head to me and say;
So, we, my son, if we do not have a promise from God, our
wait will be meaningless, just psychological feelings. We
think that we wait for God, but we really don't, and in the
nearest experience we will collapse.
I said: What is the meaning of a promise from God, will God
appear to me and give me a promise or send me an angel
with a promise?!
He said: The promise we take from the Bible is written, “For
the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who
are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call." (Act
I said: You mean that the promises in the Bible aren’t only
for fathers and saints?!
He said: There are promises of events for certain people,
such as the birth of Isaac and the exodus of Israelis. While

there are promises to all when God says "Don't be afraid
because I’m with you", he didn’t say that only to Isaiah, Or
When he tells the disciples " And whatever things you ask in
prayer, believing, you will receive.", didn’t say it just for the
disciples. Keep on promises so you can wait, and so waiting
for you makes sense.
I said: What's the second thing we learn from the Bible and
help us to be patient, Father?

He said: The second thing is

It’s written that "Hope doesn’t disappoint” (Rom 5:5). And
The secret word
To continue in the spiritual life as general is
Therefore, Satan works with all his power to kidnap your
hope, to enter you into despair and frustration in every way,
sometimes by reminding you of your sins “you are a sinner”,
“you are impure", or to make you forget God's promises to

you, the promises of acceptance, the promises of
forgiveness, the promises of his attention and his cover.

Please, son, hold on “hope” to the death, so that

you may have hope without limits to the end, this is
what helps you to be patient and wait.
Joseph in prison waiting with hope for 11 years. Imagine if
he lost his hope, after 5 years, what would be his fate?!
I said: He would have lost everything.
He said: If he had lost his hope, after 10 years, or even the
day before they took him out of prison just by 24 hours?
I said: All the tiredness of the years of patience would have
been lost.
He said: So, hold onto Things from the Bible help us to be
hope till death. This is the patient.
secret of the prayer Dealings
response. The Canaanite of the
Promises Hope Lord
woman didn’t give up, but Jesus
held onto hope until the
end, and she got her daughter's recovery. The one who
prays to receive a response must have this principle “will be
a killer or a murdered.” The Apostle Peter said to The Lord

Jesus "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of
eternal life.” He meant; we're sitting and waiting.
Back In the days of War World 2, a warplane downed over
the North Sea, but when the pilot felt an engine malfunction,
he threw himself out with a parachute before exploding, but
he fell in the middle of the sea and it was winter. And when
the military command learned of the crash, it sent teams
search for the pilot and they found him after 11 hours,
struggling with the waves amid the ice, they rescued him
quickly and after he recovered, in the hospital, they had a
conversation with him and they told him “how strong you
are” 11 hours amid the ice what’s your secret or motivation?
He said "Because I was sure you were looking for me!”. If
you suffer from an evil habit that dominates you, from a
certain weakness and sin that tire you, be patient, and you
must be free, be patient like saints and you will be like
saints, and the Lord will make up for your years of tiredness
twice (i.e. four times) (Isa 61:7).
And the joy of one day after you get freedom is equal to all
the years of tiredness and fought, don’t give up, don’t leave
yourself to despair and fall in the hands of Satan, hold onto
hope then you will be in the hands of Jesus, and he will
accept you no matter what your sins and impure. He didn’t

prevent the Sinner woman to touch his feet or the bleeding
woman (impure according to the law of the Jews) to touch
his clothes but he accepted and forgiven them without
Blamed, without knowing the details or reminding them of
their painful past. Enough hurting from the past, hurting
people, and the humiliation of sin, he is freeing, healing the
wounds and if you fall, he says, "Fight hard, the friend falls
seven times and wakes up."
I said: Your words are condolence, Father, and gives hope. I
imagine as if spiritual life is a road that I want to run in it
now, but I fear that my faith will be weakened, Father, while
I’m waiting for a response, And God gets bored of me?
He said: This is the third point that helps your faith grow and
helps you wait and is
The Lord Jesus' dealings with the disciples.
I said: What does that mean, Father?
He said: The Lord Jesus was patient with the disciples
despite their constant weakness, Peter denied, and Thomas
doubted, and everyone escaped and doubt about the
Resurrection, and while they were with Christ they were
fighting for positions, and two of them asked that a fire

come down and burn people, one of whom became the
messenger of love.

Jesus is kind and affectionate, who was able to patience with

them and teach them and change them, he can be patient
with you and he will teach you and change your nature, too.
I said: Really wonderful examples, Father, it gives me hope
and joy, not just patience, but desperate for patience.
He said: Look to the Lord for his tenderness, his love, his
fatherhood, so you take a power to be patient before the
world and its troubles, don’t look at your weaknesses alone,
the Lord said my strength to the weak, and he chose them to
do wonders and miracles and change the whole world with
(1cor 1:27) and he still the same yesterday and today, still
patient and changing people. Be patient until he completes
his work with you and transforms your nature and makes
you his image and likeness, while he uses you as he used
them and works for you wonders as he did for them, if you
are patient you will gain, but if you don’t you will lose.
I said: You reminded me, Father, that we are patient for
three things, the first of which was the Bible asking us for

What's the second thing?

He said: The second thing that makes us so patient is that

Nature itself teaches us patience
When we grow watercress, we eat it after 3 weeks, while the
tomatoes are 3 months later and the apples are 3 years
later. So, what kind of fruit you like to be with God? you like
to be watercress or apples?!
I said: I like to be apples.
He said: Then, be patient and wait until there is fruit in your
life. Also, so that this fruit lasts and continues, the
watercress grows in three weeks and ends, while apples
bear fruit this year and continue to grow for many years. The
Lord Jesus says I sent you to come with a fruit that your fruit
should remain (Joh 15:16).
Also, in the study in order to get 2 years of literacy, and
average education is 12 years of study, higher education 16
years, a master's and a PhD 25 years or more. But the harder
and patient a person is, the more impact and longer it lasts.
In the California desert of America, a three oil companies
began to dig for oil in three areas of the desert, they spent a
long time searching, but They found nothing, after three
months the first company withdrew, two months later
The second company withdrew, the third company remained
six months, but didn’t find anything, also the four partners of
the last company differed and three of them withdrew and
only one remained with his equipment alone, after a while
his employees began to get bored and complain, he told
them “wait only one week”, and a week later he said “wait
for three days”, and after three days they said “the big
companies pulled out, we are sorry we will go, he said “we
will only dig 50 meters and go, they said “okay, 50 meters,
just for your sake” and they dug and at the forty-fifth meter
they stopped the work, so he went by himself upon the
excavator and started digging and in the meter 48 he
discovered The largest oil well in America, and has become
one of the richest.
I said: Patience is clearly necessary, but be patient for how
long? When will the oil come out?!
He said: Patience is very necessary to get fruit, and every
fruit has time. For example, when you ask to find a lost pen,
is different than asking that God be with you on the exam.
Or a mother when she asks for her son or daughter back to

Christ and repent, or when you ask that all of Egypt is
changing and coming to Christ, it must take time.
Frankly, time will pass, so, pass while we are waiting for a
response, better than waiting without hope.
In America, they made a test for children who have ten
years, that they distributed to them in the class, each one
chocolate, and told them, whoever wants to eat, so eat, but
whoever is patiently for a 15
Why to be patient?
minutes, he will take one more,
and the one who is patiently
for a 20 minutes, he will take Saints
The Nature were
two more. Most of the class ate Bible teaches patient,
quickly and a few waited for 15 asks us us and they
for patience got
minutes, and fewer waited for patience promises
20 minutes. .

The institution that did the

research followed the children after their studies, and found
that those who were patient are those who worked in
leadership positions, including scientists and leaders, while
others had their lives normal without distinction.
I said: What's the third thing that makes us patient?

He said: First thing, the Bible asks us to be patient.
The second thing nature itself has taught us patience.

The third thing is the patience of the saints

For example, Saint Monica kept asking with tears from God
to look after her son, and God responded to her nine years
I said: Isn’t that too much?
He said: Much!!

But nine years is not much for St. Augustine to

become a symbol of repentance and an example of
change for all generations, while many mothers
didn't pray for their children, or they pray for a day
or a year and then despaired and lost sons in
addiction, in atheism, in recklessness, and lost girls
in apostasy. And mothers of these children had no
mention but that they had failed to raise their
I said: Really not much, not much at all.

He said: Now I’ll whisper in parents' ear.

"Don't be bored, of praying for your children, and

don't shut up until God responds to you and save
your children even after many years, instead of
being caught by Satan and destroyed by sin and
remain in eternal shame, because you could have
done something and not done it, cry and grieve for
your children, don't stop. Until you die or see the
salvation of your children, trust that your tears are
precious before God. Just be patient and he will
come and save them and save you too."
Also, we have St. Moses the Black.
I said: And how he was patient or who was patient to ask for
He said: Although he was pagan, brutal, barbaric, he did
much evil and odd things.
But he continued to seek God and didn’t stop until God
responded, and his strength and intensity didn’t distract him
from being satisfied with it, but he heard the inner voice,

and he continued to seek God, and God revealed himself to
A whisper in the ear of any person who
goes through a period of confusion, not If you don’t have the
virtue of
to be silent or bored until he hears a
perseverance, don’t
voice inside him to reassure him. Anyone wait for real
who goes through periods of doubt about consolation in your
the existence of God or doubt in his love prayers, because
or will, may he continue to ask and never perseverance is equal
be silent until he rests, and as long as to the work.
Mar Isaac Syriac
you are faithful in your request and your
search, God must respond to you, this is
his responsibility, only you have not to shut up, hear the
inner voice when he comes to you, search and search, ask
God himself and he will announce himself That's his
I said: Why do you call the war of atheism is a war of
confusion, Father?
He said: As we will mention in detail when we talk about the
real causes of atheism, it is a natural war we fight with, it
doesn’t mean that man has questions that he has become an
atheist, or that when he has doubts, then God has rejected
him, so The Lord Jesus appeared specifically for the doubt of

Thomas and he didn’t leave him in doubt and didn’t abandon
him in his weakness until he become a great saint.
But when we say that this man an atheist, we close the door
of hope in front of him and he has just ideas of confusion
that fit him, like someone walking in the street and people
running after him and saying to him, "Crazy, crazy” and he
says to them, "Shut up, boys and girl, " but they keep
running after him, until he seriously become crazy, when
someone fights with ideas of confusion, but he likes to come
back, the ideas of pride tell him it’s a shame that all the
people know that you are an atheist, how you will look like
in front of them?? But when we say these are ideas of
confusion, but they are a period of time and will ends, and
during this period the person needs to be accepted and
loved more than controversy and philosophy.
I said: Really, Father, acceptance and love change a lot. I
hope all fathers and servants deal like that with us, as we are
young men, Father, because love, acceptance,
encouragement and talk of forgiveness constantly break our
stubborn and crazy nature. But, Father, you talked to me
about atheism a long time ago, before it was known, what
do you think of the war that comes to the youth, Father, in
the coming period?

He said: Remember, my son, there will be a war of
I said: Oh!
He said: What the West is fighting with is passed on to us
some time later (and we note that now in the media and
even clothes). Atheism is to deny God, but this war makes us
hate God.
I said: How?
He said: They give the youth the illusion that this is their
nature and that God created them like this and then say to
them that it is forbidden, and they will going to put in hell,
so they say what is this hard and cruel God who creates
something in us, and deprives us of it then delivers us to hell
for it!! So, they hate God.
I said: It's a really demonic war.
He said: By the grace of Christ, we will talk about its causes
and how to overcome it, by the grace of God. And also, we
should know that not because I have been fighting with
these evil thoughts (homosexuality) that I became like that!!
so we must distinguish between war by sin, and
contentment it (as we mentioned about atheism), and the

servants must be aware of what will come, and they get one
step ahead of the young people, prevention is better than
the cure, and true prevention is in the relationship of true
love with The Lord Jesus and the constant emphasis on
forgiveness, hope and acceptance, whatever the fall is,
waiting for freedom and compensation for the years of
We return again to Saint Moses the Black after he repented,
the past didn’t leave him easily, evil thoughts and ugly
scenes remained haunted him for a long time didn’t calm
down quickly, but he didn’t give up, he was striving, asking
and screaming more than 12 years, but then he rested and
became a great saint an example of repentance for all times,
and every weakness became a point of strength, and God
used him to testify.
You too, my dear, that when your spiritual life begins, you
will fight by the past and try to bring you back, but strive,
continue, scream and ask for help. And if you fell, rise and
do not despair.
Even if a million times
And make sure that this day will come, when the Lord will
relieve you of all your troubles. (Isa 14:3), and every point of

weakness will turn into a strength (Isa 61:7), The shadow of
death, morning (Am 5:8) and the Lord will use you to be a
testimony to his name, and for all your tiredness, you will be
compensated twice, and you will be one of those who work
With God in the salvation of souls and condolences of the
tired (Heb 2:18). And this point will be a great cause of joy
for your soul, comfort for your spirit, and Compensation for
years of fatigue and hard work (Joel 2:25). When you
encourage those, who go through your same circumstances,
and sense, comforting those who strive for your same
struggle, you will rejoice with joy that can't be uttered. (1pet
I said: Your words are comforting, Father, and help with
patience, whatever the cost or time.
He said: This is the words of the Bible, my son, and God's
promises to us.
It is important, son, to be patient in praying for others.
There was a young man who was reckless and learned to
steal and cheat from a young age, but repented, and became
famous for the love of prayer and believers in its
effectiveness, and founded many orphanages in England and
took four of his old friends, to pray for them. One person
changed and repented after a year, the other after 4 years

and the third after 25 years, and the fourth after about 40
years, he didn't calm down and didn't tire, but he continued
to pray for them forty years.
I said: Forty years!
He said: To save a soul from death, it worth forty years or
I said: You deserve, really, we don’t realize the importance of
the salvation of our souls or the salvation of the souls of
others as it should!!
He said: This we will discuss in the motives of work or service
(when we talk about the union).
(I will tell you an important training, but don’t start it now,
but after we take the indicators of the true Christian).
I said: What is it, Father?
He said: A training name is "The Prayer of The
Evangelization". My request to you and to every Christian to
take three or four who don’t know Christ and continue to
pray for them. And just remind them every morning while he
washes his face. If we were serious about this work, I say to
you, my son, Egypt would have changed in a few years, only
every Christian person would focus on three of his friends

and ask every day that God looking after them and that God
shines with his light in their hearts, and this is a request
according to the heart and the pleasure of God.
(Because he wants everyone to be saved) just every day
when you wash your face, remember three unbelievers,
even if you didn't see them in this life, you will meet them in
the happy eternity and there will be joy.
I said: How fall short we are, but will my prayers, I’m the
weak, will affect and rid the souls?!
He said: This is what we say that the subject doesn’t depend
on you, not on your feelings or your faith or your actions.
Only God said.
Then he will do.
I said: What did he say at this point?
He said: In the Book of Isaiah (45:11) "Thus says the LORD,
The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: "Ask Me of things to
come concerning My sons; And concerning the work of My
hands, you command Me." He said a lot about the power of
prayer as we mentioned.
I said: Will a small prayer like this have a great impact and
change in people's lives?
He said: As we mentioned, the subject doesn’t depend on
too much talk, but as St. Isaac the Syrian says:

"The power of prayer is not in its quantity, but in its

I said: Why don't I start the evangelization prayer from now
on, Father?
He said: It will be effective when we take the indicators of
the true Christian.
I said: (Spontaneously) You mean when I know I'm A
Christian!! Every day with you, Father, I know what's new, as
if I wasn't really Christian. Please don't be late, Father, to tell
me about these indicators until I'm sure. I think there will be
a shock to me in these indicators.
He said (without commenting as if he agreed with my
words): We will take it with the grace of Christ.
But now I'm going to say a term that you can start with now,
which is:
Blessing prayer
I said: What is this prayer of blessing?
He said: In the book of number 6:27, God says:

"So, they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I
will bless them."
Lord bless “So and so…”
God will bless him
Say this word with the expectation of a response, and the
Lord will respond according to your words. Bless everyone
you meet. Bless as you walk down the street, bless your
brothers and family (Not by voice but in the heart). And as
the Bible says "Bless and don't curse" (Rom 12:14)
When someone asks to pray for him, say "Lord blesses you"
and "Lord is with you" and make sure that God will respond
and bless him and be with him. We don’t want to say words
without waiting for a response , "As we pray the routine of
blessing in eating as blessed in the five breads", but real
words for a real God who loves and waits to respond, only
we say with anticipation of the response, the purpose for
which you pray will receive it. Those who pray for the
people will be rewarded for the praise of the people, and
those who pray for complement the ritual, will get their
reward and silence their conscience, and those who wait
for a response must be answered by God.

I said: This prayer is truly strange and very powerful, but we
were raised on the routine, and we didn’t realize its power.
He said: Who realizes that, doesn’t waste time, because at
all the free time, he says instead of wasting time:
"I Pray a little"
And every time you're alone in the transportation waiting for
the metro
"Say I’ll pray a little and move the hand of God."
I said: No one has taught me that before and I wasted so
much time on trivial things, or in nothing, just waiting for
transportation or on the way.
He said: If we know the power of prayer, how it's easy, and
the delight of God! fathers and mothers wouldn’t stop
praying for their children- at transportation, at work, at
leisure, during waiting- so that God would save them from
the evils of the world, the wars of Satan, pornography and
atheism, and that the Lord gives them wisdom in studying.
Children also pray for their fathers and mothers to be
brought to peace and joy from God. Shepherds and servants
pray for the parish and service. If we knew the power of
prayer, every house would have a family altar instead of the

tiredness of families and the suffering of the children.
A cry from the heart to every Christian house for the return
of the family altar.
I said: What's the family altar, Father?
He said: It is a family meeting together to pray, even if for
five minutes each day. But we're ashamed. but we are
ashamed because we don’t know the value of prayer, that
the family altar was gone from the houses of Christians and
became a shame that we pray together, and we will take a
long topic about the family altar soon it is the first wall of
repel against the wars of Satan.
I said: And does the small prayer in transportation, have
substantial or effective at all, as I have learned that the
answered prayer is the prayers of the saints, the prayers of
tears, candles and vigil?!
He said: God is very kind and affectionate and will not ask
you more than your power, because what the young man
does can’t be done by the little child, So, what can be done
by St. Anthony is not requested by God to someone in the
world who has his circumstances and his works.
Once, a thought came to St. Anthony in the wilderness, and
told him “who would be like me in heaven?”.

I said: Even the saints are being fought with these
He said: Everyone is being fought. But St. Anthony didn’t
accept the thought, but revealed it to God and said to him,
"Indeed, Lord, who's like me in heaven??", God said to him
there is a doctor like him in heaven.
I said: A doctor like St. Anthony in heaven!! All that has come
to me is that the heavens are degrees, and martyrs, then the
confessors, then the monks and the virgins, or some things
like that.
He said: This story is in "The Orchard of the Monks" page 23.
As for the order of the ranks only to arrange and organize
the prayer here on the earth, but there is a different
situation, the Lord Jesus says that "But many who are first
will be last, and the last first." (Matt 19:30).
I said: Every day I discover what's new in the spiritual life, I
guess, I have to be patient.
He said: We go back to the story. God told St. Anthony that a
doctor like him and a tailor is better than him in heaven.
I said (with astonishment): A tailor is better than St.
Anthony!! All that we have reached is that the monks are

better than the people of the world, they are the saints and
we are the sinners, their prayers answered and our prayers
are not, because we are the people of the world!
(I smiled and said) I think if people knew the story of the
tailor and St. Anthony, all the people would still want to be
tailors. Also, people will not stop praying and be encouraged
because their prayers are answered and accepted.
He said:

The thing that helps us to be patient in prayer is

that there is a purpose and there is meaning to
wait, if we realize that our prayers have meaning,
we will be patient and wait even if die in prayer.
It is also necessary to teach this to our children in Sunday
schools, what is more beautiful and strongest than the
prayers of the children, and when they realize from their
young age the power of prayer and the proximity of God to
them, they are rooted in love and the world can no longer
tire them with its evils and desires.
When our young people realize that God is close and that
every word at any time for God is a prayer and has its
effectiveness, they will not be distracted by the world's
false things, and the hours are lost in front of the internet

and they don’t even have minutes for the Gospel and to
pray. When they realize that God is close and that what they
say god cares about and change in their lives, and they see a
response that the ideas of confusion (atheism) will not be
able to tire them or the wars of pornography make them
despair, but they will rejoice in their father Participate
who responds to them and appreciates "Oh Lord"
their words. In work with
your slaves.
Also, those who are in their work and The Holy Mass
don’t have much time to spend in the
prayer chamber, when they realize that they can pray in the
street, at work, and in transportation, they will be
encouraged and their lives will become a prayer and they
will not feel the fault and guilt, but God will be on every
minute of the day and participate in their actions.
God demands everyone, according to their potential, that
those who live in the world will not be asked to spend the
long hours to respond to them.
And when he realizes the power of prayer those whose lives
are close to the sunset (those in old age) and years pass, and
find their children growing up and their grandchildren busy,
they find in Christ a close friend and by their prayers they
can do a lot while they are in their places.

For their children and relatives and for the whole world only
pray and ask for blessings, Lord Bless “So and so... ". And it
helps you, the group of “Everything is good”.
I said: Prayer is a consolation for every sad, a power to every
weak, and beautiful meaning of life for all human beings, but
you have never told me before, Father, about “Everything is
good” group!
He said: We mentioned it briefly when we talked about the
Bible, but in the replay benefits. The whole group of
“Everything is good” is to organize your prayers and activate
the link so that you don’t forget, "We shouldn't get
and get busy with your life. bored in our prayers."
... Even if it's been
I said: How do we organize it, years.
Father? Even if our requests
are impossible in the
He said: The group of “Everything is eyes of all people. The
good”, a request to go out and things which are
request to go back. impossible with men
are possible with God.
I said: What do you mean, going out Saint Basil the Great
and going back requests?

He said: The requests for going out, from home to school,
university, work, or anywhere and these spiritual requests
are 7 requests:
1. Fullness with the Holy Spirit: "Lord, fill me with your holy
spirit as you filled the Apostles in the past, make your holy
spirit lead me in all my affairs, you said, "The Heavenly
Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask him, I ask you,
Lord, give me the fullness of your holy spirit."
2. Love: "Give me, Lord, to love you with all my heart, from
all my thoughts and all my abilities, to love you as you loved
me, to love you more than anything or anyone in my life”,
you said “you love the Lord your God with all your heart."
Let me fulfill your will, Lord, and you said "that the love with
which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them." Come,
Lord, live in me and make the divine love within me.
3. Prayer: "Teach me, Lord, how to pray, you said "Always
ought to pray and not lose heart", Don't let worries of the
world make me busy with, but all time, let me ask you and
remember you, let me not feel bored of prayer, know what I
pray for, and what words I say to you, the saints were sitting
all night praying and saying leave me a little and let me pray
to you, Lord.

4. Humility: "Give me, Lord of true humility, you said learn
from me because I am meek and humble hearted." Give me
to be like you, print your image in me, Jesus, give me
humility that is not smallness or humiliation, you were
humble and yet you were strong, save me Lord from pride,
ego and condemnation, and make me As meek and humble
as you are, Jesus.
5. Faith: "Give me a true and strong faith in you, Lord, you
said if you have faith like a mustard seed, give me, Lord, a
mustard seed, you said ," And this is the victory that has
overcome the world, our faith.", Give me the faith in which I
overcome the world and triumph over the worries and fears
of life, believing that you are with me to embrace and
defend me.
6. Wisdom: "Give me, God, wisdom in everything, you said
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to
all liberally and without reproach", give me wisdom, Lord, in
dealing with people, organizing time, knowing the tricks of
Satan, so I don’t deviate right or left. Lord, please give me a
true wisdom.
7. Holiness: Sanctify me, Lord, sanctify my senses, my heart,
my thought and my body. You said this is the will of God,
your Holiness. Sanctify me fully, Lord, you said be saints, but

the world is full of evils and sins, and I'm weak alone, I can't,
but you can, Lord, sanctify me.
I said: These are requests I ask when I’m out of the house
going anywhere, I notice, Father, that in all the requests you
focus on “You said Lord”.
He said: I like the power of your observation and your focus,
son. Yes, I will tell you a very important principle in spiritual
life, my son.
I said (with all the attention): And what is it, Father?
He said:

The power of prayer in the use of Bible verses.

And the power of the Bible to turn it into a prayer.
I said: Why, Father?
He said: When you stick to the promises and demand God
with, first expresses your lack of reliance on your feelings or
actions, and secondly God is faithful in his promises, so he
must respond, and thirdly your requests will be according to
God's will, so that you will also ensure the response.
So be in all your requests like a child and say
“Didn't You promise me, Daddy, and said…".

I said: Great thing, Father, I'm not going to ask for anything
unless I'm going to say "Didn't You promise me, Daddy, and
said…", But this needs me to keep the promises and study
them well.
He said: Exactly, take this training and make a pamphlet and
write in it the promises of God in the Bible, and try to pray
with it and save it by signs.
I said: Ok, Father, is there a complement to the group
“Everything is good”?
He said: We have said the going out requests, remains:
The requests for going back: Are material requests and for
others: Material requests such as (study, work, future, Time
Management, dealings with people) and don’t forget to pray
in detail and not in vague and general words.
And requests for others such as (your family, your friends,
church, service, and also as we mentioned three of your
non-Christian friends). But don't forget to link requests to
places you're constantly passing through.
I said: How, Father?

He said: "At the door of the house, ask to be filled by the
Holy Spirit. - when you ride the transportation, ask for
holiness- when entering school or work, ask for wisdom."
And so everywhere linked it with something, even over time,
it becomes an automatic reaction, and once you pass
through this place you find yourself asking for this request.
I said: A beautiful and practical way, Father, because in the
beginning of interrupted fasting I was persistent and
cheerful, but over time I got busy and forgot, but this
method helps me to remember and not forget.
He said: This method has been experienced by many, and it
was a blessing in the way they testified after many years.
The one who is patient in the request, this expresses the
expectation of a response to this must be answered, but the
one who comes knocking and running will most likely leave
before the door opens for him.
I said: How?
He said: Many say, in frustration, I prayed and our Lord
didn’t respond, so, who will respond? the neighbors! the
devil! or am I going to respond to myself?!! Whoever comes
to God must have this principle.

I said: What is this, Father?
"Either an assassin, or a slain"
I don't want to try and leave, I will die in front of your door,
Lord, you will open, I know, so David the Prophet did and
said " I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
Than dwell in the tents of wickedness." (Psa 84:10). And
Peter the Apostle said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You
have the words of eternal life.” So, we sitting down and wait
“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run
and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isa 40:31),
and in psalms, " I waited patiently for the LORD; And He
inclined to me, and heard my cry."(Psa 40:1).
The Canaanite woman screamed, waited and told him she
will sitting down and wait!! If as a human being or as a dog,
you'll respond anyway.
Be patient, son, and you'll get.
I said:

I'll be patient, even to death, life goes on anyway.
So, I'll let it go while I'm waiting for something
better to happen, rather than waiting for nothing.
But I have a question, why patience and fatigue in prayer!!
Why God doesn’t respond from the first time we ask for
something, especially if it’s things for service, the church and
for the glory of his name?!
He said: God is kind, affectionate and pleased to respond
and compassion, but we are not alone in this world, but we
have an enemy named Satan and his soldiers, and they are
obstructing us(1Thes2:18), and disrupting the response of
our prayers (Daniel 9), The Apostle Paul tells the people of
Thessalonians that he wanted to come to them, but Satan
obstructed us, And Daniel the Prophet prayed and became
patient in prayer for 21 days until Gabriel the Angel came
and told him that on the day you prayed, God responded.
But when I came to you with the respondent, the devil
stopped me. But because Daniel remained persistent in
prayer until Gabriel the Angel came to respond, he found
him waiting for the response to his request, so he received

But if he had prayed, forgotten, lost, and lost his hope in the
response, the angel would have come to him with the
response, and when he did not find him waiting, he would
return without giving Daniel anything.
I said: You mean, if I asked for something and forgot it, can
God respond and I don't take the response?
He said: Keeping up with ask and patience waiting for the
response is the eye in which we see the response, the hand
with which we take the response, and the ear with which we
hear God's response to us.
Now we sum up what we have said so that we don’t forget:
Three things that help us to be patient:
*The Bible (promises- hope - the patience of the Lord to the
*Nature itself and everyday life teaches us patience.
*The saints have been patient and have been given.
We also talked about:
*Evangelization prayer.
*Prayer of blessing and the use of the time killed.

*The whole set is perfect.
And will continue this when we talk about the prayer's
power secret.


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