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Routine Medical Checkup Publication

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routine medical check up publication

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2 authors:

Harrison Omokhua Adebola Ehizele

University of Benin University of Benin Teaching Hospital


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Objective To assess the knowledge and practice of routine
medical check among dental health workers in public hospitals
Routine Medical Check in Edo state.

among Dental Health Methods: This questionnaire based cross-sectional descriptive

study was carried out in four public hospitals in Edo state. Data

Workers in Edo State were collected using self-administered structured

questionnaires. The questionnaires consisted of three sections.
Information collected from the 103 respondents were entered
and analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 21.0 software. Descriptive statistics,
frequencies, and charts were used to summarize variables of
interest while association between different variables were
tested using chi-square test with p-value set at 0.05.

Results: All the dental health workers were aware of routine

medical check. There were more respondents (52.4%) in the
age group 31-40. More male (50.5%) than female (49.5) took
part in the study. Registrar cadre (23.3%) represented the
highest proportion of professional respondents with 39.8% of
*Harrison A. OMOKHUA, **Adebola O. the respondents having practiced for 6-10 years. The
EHIZELE proportion of respondents who were slightly obese was 41.7%
while one respondent each was under weight and morbidly
[*Department of Restorative Dentistry, ** Periodontics, obese. Majority, (97.1% and 97.1%) of the respondents claimed
University of Benin, Benin City]
not to smoke cigarette and alcohol respectively. Most of the
respondents knew what constituted routine medical check but
only 25.2% of the respondents undergo regular medical check.
Also, only a few of the female respondents had undergone
Correspondence cervical smear examination (28.8%) and breast examination
Dr. H. A. Omokhua (40.0%). Profession and marital status of the respondents were
found to significantly affect the frequency of routine medical
Department of Restorative Dentistry,
check (p<0.05).
University of Benin
Benin City, Edo state Conclusion: The level of awareness of routine medical check
Email: [email protected] among dental health workers was high but the practice was
poor. Therefore, measures should be put in place to increase
practice while sustaining the high level of awareness.

Keywords: Routine medical check, dental health workers

Citation: Omokhua HA, Ehizele AO. Routine medical check among dental health workers in Edo State. Nig J Dent
Res 2020; 5(1):20-29.

INTRODUCTION years mark.1 There appears to be a steady rise in the

There has been a steady increase in life expectancy life expectancy in Nigeria. According to a study
and the standard of living in the past few years and it carried out, it was observed that the average life
is likely to remain so in developed and developing expectancy at birth in Nigeria increased from 46
countries.1 It is hoped that in a few years’ time the life years in 1990 to 53 years in 2011, with more attention
expectancy in developing countries will exceed the 70 paid to prevention instead of curative medical

Nigerian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 5 issue 1 20

Routine medical check among dental health workers

practice.2 Carrying out intermittent check-up is a check-ups among dental health workers. This is in
form of preventive medicine and it includes taking spite of the steady rise in the burden of the non-
detailed history, general examination and communicable/chronic diseases. This study is aimed
investigation of individuals presenting without at assessing the knowledge and practice of routine
symptoms by medical doctors on a regular basis. 3 In medical examination among dental health workers in
order to avoid illness, reduce morbidity and mortality Edo state, South-South Nigeria.
and to enhance good health, routine medical check-
up should be carried out.4 MATERIALS AND METHODS
Several studies5-12 have shown that medical checkups This questionnaire based cross-sectional descriptive
should begin even with the unborn child for early study was carried out in four public hospitals in Edo
detection of certain childhood conditions in order to state. The study population was the entire dental
recognize and correct the conditions. Other studies health workers in the hospitals. All data were
have equally concluded that there should regular collected after obtaining consent from the
health check during childhood and adolescence. respondents.
Conditions such as heart diseases, cancers,
hypertension, diabetes and others can be detected Data were collected using self-administered
early with regular check-ups.5-12 structured questionnaires. The questionnaires
Routine medical check is important since some comprised three sections. Section A elicited
prolonged disease conditions can have a profound information on sociodemographic factors, cadre and
socioeconomic problem on people and these chronic years of practice. Section B consisted of questions
diseases are responsible for over 60% of the total about knowledge of routine medical checks and
worldwide burden of diseases.13 The type of Section C, included questions regarding practice of
examination one needs is determined to a large routine medical check-ups and life style practices of
extent by age and whether there is a family history of physical exercises, alcohol consumption and
certain disease conditions. Similarly, certain risk smoking.
factors like alcohol consumption, smoking,
unhealthy diet and physical inactivity can also Data obtained from the respondents were entered
influence the rate of routine check–up.14 and analyzed with Statistical Package for Social
It has been shown by some studies that these risk Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 software. Descriptive
factors are found more in people with poor standard statistics and frequencies, and charts were used to
of living and are more likely to come down with heart summarize variables of interest while association
diseases and diabetes.15-20 Some other studies have between different variables were tested using chi-
revealed that routine medical check lowers the square test with p-value set at 0.05.
hazard of invasive cancers and mortality. 20-23.
A periodic health checkup is important for health RESULTS
care workers, including dental health care providers, A total of one hundred and twenty questionnaires
since it can lead to improved health and reduction in were distributed with 103 filled and returned,
morbidity and mortality which can lead to reduction representing a response rate of 85.83%. Majority
in man hours and economic drain caused by diseases. (52.4%) of the respondents were in the age group 31-
It is important to sustain health of healthcare 30 years followed by the age group 21-30 years
providers to ensure continued efficient health care representing 23.3% of the respondents (Table 1).
delivery. It is assumed that prolonged working hours There were slightly more male respondents (50.5%)
can increase the danger of sudden death from stress than female respondents (49.5%). Majority of the
associated occupation. [11] respondents who participated in this study were
Practice of routine examination has been shown to Dentists in the Registrar cadre (23,3%), closely
be almost non-existent in several under- followed by Senior Registrar (20.4%) while
industrialized countries and less than ideal in Consultant cadre recorded the least number of
countries like the USA and Britain despite its dentists (6.8%) (Table1). The other dental health
importance and possible benefits [24]. The practice workers were dental nurses (10.7%), dental
of periodic checkups has been widely considered in technologists (2.9%), dental therapists (5.8%) and
several countries in Europe and in the United States laboratory attendants (4.9%). The highest
of America.26,27. In not so developed countries like proportion of respondents (39.8%) had practiced
Nigeria, there is paucity of studies on routine medical between 6 and 10 years followed by 30.1% who had
Nigerian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 5 issue 1 21
Routine medical check among dental health workers

worked between 0-5 years. Those who had practiced examination in the last 6 months while 40.4/% of the
for 16-20 years were the lowest (6.8%). More than female respondents had breast examination done in
half (67.0%) of the respondents were married (Table the last 6 months (Table 4). Concerning prostate
1). specific antigen (PSA) test, which is an investigation
Figure 1 shows the Ethnic group of the respondents carried out only in males, more than two-thirds, of
where Bini had the highest percentage (40.8), Esan the male respondents had not carried out PSA test in
(16.5%), Etsako (4.9%), Akoko Edo (2.9%) and others the last 6 months. Only 6(5.8%) males claimed they
(35.0%). had PSA test performed in the last 6 months.
More than two-third (41.7%) of the respondents had Generally, visual check, blood sugar check and
a BMI score of between 25-29.9 (slightly obsessed) cholesterol check recorded the worst response in the
the proportion of the respondents who were practice of routine medical checkup by the
morbidly obese was 1.9%. Only one respondent 1.0% respondents with 35.0%, 36.6% and 17.5%
was underweight while 35.0% recorded normal respectively. Over 75% of the respondents claimed
weight. they had Dental check, BP and Body Weight checks
in the last 6 months (Table 4).
Table 2 shows respondents’ knowledge of routine
medical checkup. All the respondents knew what Table 5 reports the association between socio-
routine medical checkup is. When asked what demographics of the respondents and frequency of
constituted routine medical check, the response practice of routine checkup. There was statistically
showed that 94.1% of the respondents agreed that significant association between cadre of the work
blood pressure check is part of routine medical check. force, marital status and frequency of checkups,
Similarly, majority believed that the following were implying that cadre and marital status affected
part of routine check; sugar check (89.3%), frequency of checkups (P=0.040). Majority of the
cholesterol (93.2%), dental check (94.1%), eye check respondents belonged to the age group 31-40 years
(91.3%) and body weight (86.4%) (Table 2). On how out of which 60.9% believed routine medical checkup
often routine medical check should be done, majority should be done once in 6 months.
(44.7%) of the respondents felt routine medical check There were more males (63.9%) than females (37.0%)
should be done once in 6 months while a few (10.7%) who believed medical checkup should be carried out
believed it should be done once a month. A few of once in 6 months. More than two-thirds of those who
respondents claimed to have gone for routine had practiced for between 6-10 years also believed
medical check 7 times in the last 5 years while 23.3% checkup should be done once in 6 months (Table 6).
of the respondents went for routine medical check
only once in the last 5 years (Table 2).

On how many sticks of cigar respondents smoked

daily, majority (97.1%) claimed they did not smoke
cigarette. Only 1.9% of the respondents smoked 6
sticks per day while 1.0% smoked 3 sticks per day
(Table 3). Respondents who claimed not consume
alcohol were 91.3% while 5.8% consume average of 2
bottles a day (Table 3). On how often respondents
exercised, 25.2% said they exercised once a week,
while 17.5% claimed to exercise more than three
times a week. A large number of respondents, 25.2%
do not exercise at all (Table 3).

Regarding the practice of routine medical checkup

and if the respondents have had routine medical
checkup in the last 6 months, 28.8% of female Figure 1: Ethnic Group of the Respondents
respondents claimed to have had cervical smear

Nigerian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 5 issue 1 22

Routine medical check among dental health workers

Table 1: Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Characteristics Frequency Percentage
Age Group
<20yrs 1 1.0
21-30 24 23.3
31-40 54 52.4
41-40 20 19.4
51-60 2 1.9
>60 2 1.9
Male 52 50.5
Female 51 49.5
Years of practice
0-5yrs 31 30.1
6-10 41 39.8
11-15 15 14.6
16-20 7 6.8
>20 9 8.7
Consultants 7 6.8
Senior registrar 21 20.4
Registrar 24 23.3
Dental officer 11 10.7
House officer 15 14.6
Dental nurse 11 10.7
Dental technologist 3 2.9
Dental therapist 6 5.8
Dental lab attendant 5 4.9
Marital status
Single 34 33.0
Married 69 67.0
Total 103 100.0

Nigerian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 5 issue 1 23

Routine medical check among dental health workers

Table 2: Respondents Knowledge of Routine Medical Check


Questions Yes n (%) No n (%) Total n (%)

What constitute routine medical check?
Blood pressure 97(94.1) 6(5.9) 103(100.0)
Sugar check 92(89.3) 11(10.7) 103(100.0)
Cholesterol check 96(93.2) 7(6.8) 103(100.0)
Dental check 97(94.1) 6(5.9) 103(100.0)
Eye check 94(91.3) 9(8.7) 103(100.0)
Body weight 89(86.4) 14(13.6) 103(100.0)
How often should routine medical checkup
be done?
Once a month 11(10.7) 92(89.3) 103(100.0)
Once in 3 months 15 (14.6) 88(85.4) 103(100.0)
Once in 6 months 46(44.7) 57(55.3) 103(100.0)
Once in a year 23(22.3) 80(77.7) 103(100.0)
How many times have you had routine
medical check in 5 years?
Once 24(23.3) 79(76.7) 103(100.0)
Twice 15(14.6) 88(85.4) 103(100.0)
3 times 4(3.9) 99(96.1) 103(100.0)
4 times 11(10.7) 92(89.3) 103(100.0)
5 times 9(8.7) 94(91.3) 103(100.0)
6 times 14(13.6) 89(86.4) 103(100.0)
7 times 26(25.2) 77(74.8) 103(100.0)

Table 3: Health Modifying lifestyle among respondents

Lifestyle Frequency Percentage
Cigarette smoking
3 sticks/day 1 1.0
6 sticks day 2 1.9
None 100 97.1
Alcohol consumption
I bottle/day 1 1.0
2 bottles/day 6 5.8
>2 bottles/day 2 1.9
None 94 91.3
Once a week 26 25.2
Twice a week 16 15.5
Thrice a week 18 17.5
>Thrice a week 17 16.5
I don’t exercise 26 25.2
Total 103 100.0

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Routine medical check among dental health workers

Table 4: Practice of routine medical checkup in the last 6 months by respondents

Type of checkup YES n(%) N0 n(%) TOTAL
Cervical smear (female only) 15(28.8) 37(71.2) 52(100.0)
Breast (female only) 21(40.4) 31(59.6) 52(100.0)
PSA (male only) 6(5.8) 46(44.7) 51(100.0)
Dental check 76(73.8) 27(26.2) 103(100.0)
Visual check 36(35.0) 67(65.0) 103(100.0)
BP check 77(74.8) 26(25.2) 103(100.0)
Blood sugar 38(36.9) 65(63.1) 103(100.0)
Cholesterol check 18(17.5) 85(82.5) 103(100.0)
Body weight 90(87.4) 13(12.6) 103(100.0)

Table 5: Association between sociodemographic and frequency of routine medical checkup

Socio-demographic Once a month Once in 3 Once in 6 Once in a P value
characteristics n (%) months months year
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age group (years)
<20 0(0.0) 1(6.7) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0.194
21-30 2(18.2) 2(13.3) 14(30.4) 5(21.7)
31-40 5(33.3) 5(33.3) 28(60.9) 12(52.2)
41-50 4(26.7) 6(40.0) 3(6.5) 5(21.7)
51-60 0(0.0) 1(6.7) 1(2.2) 0(0.0)
>60 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 1(4.3)
Male 3(27.3) 7(46.7) 29(63.0) 12(52.2) 0.180
Female 8(72.7) 8(53.3) 17(37.0) 11(47.8)
Consultant 1(8.3) 0(0.0) 2(4.3) 2(8.7) 0.040
Senior registrar 1(8.3) 6(40.0) 3(6.5) 9(39.1)
Registrar 1(8.3) 1(6.7) 17(37.0) 3(13.0)
Dental officer 0(0.0) 2(13.3) 7(15.2) 1(4.3)
House officer 3(27.3) 1(6.7) 6(13.0) 5(21.7)
Dental nurse 4(36.4) 0(0.0) 5(10.9) 2(8.7)
Dental technologist 0(0.0) 1(6.7) 1(2.2) 1(4.3)
Dental therapist 1(8.3) 2(13.3) 1(2.2) 0(0.0)
Lab attendant 1(8.3) 2(13.3) 2(4.3) 0(0.0)
Years of practice
0-5 3(27.3) 3(20.0) 16(34.8) 7(30.4) 0.052
6-10 2(18.2) 5(33.3) 24(52.2 8(34.8)
11-15 3(27.3) 2(13.3) 4(8.7) 5(21.7)
16-20 0(0.0) 3(20.0) 2(4.3) 2(8.7)
>20 3(27.3) 2(13.3) 0(0.0) 1(4.3)
Marital status
Single 4(36.4) 1(6.7) 20(43.5) 7(30.4) 0.040
Married 7(63.6) 14(93.3) 26(56.5) 16(69.6)
Total 11(100.0) 15(100.0) 46(100.0) 23(100.0)

DISCUSSION can assist in early diagnosis of illness and save cost of

Regular medical check is an important aspect of healthcare services.28 The present study evaluated
preventive medical practice which results in reduced the respondents’ knowledge and practice of routine
morbidity and mortality and when well-practiced it

Nigerian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 5 issue 1 25

Routine medical check among dental health workers

medical checkup among dental health workers in Edo to the fact that as health workers they are more
state. aware of the health risks associated with the above-
There appears to be a paucity of isolated studies mentioned habits. The number of respondents in the
assessing dental health workers knowledge and present study who took part in regular exercise was
practice of routine medical checkup. However, poor compared to those who either did not exercise
available studies have assessed the knowledge and or were not regular in exercising This is poor
practice of periodic checkup by the general considering the important role regular exercise plays
population in a particular public hospital. Such in maintaining optimal health. Furthermore, one
studies also included dental health workers in the would have expected that as healthcare providers
general population.28-30 who are better informed of the implications of not
All the respondents in this study knew what routine having regular exercise, there should have been more
medical check was. This is similar to other studies 29-31 people having regular exercise. Regular exercise
which also recorded 100% awareness of routine reduces the risk of dying.33 A study found that men
medical checkup. The reason for this in the present who engaged in moderately vigorous sports had a 23
study could be attributed to the fact that all the percent lower risk of death than men who were less
respondents had attained tertiary level of education active.34 Other benefits of regular exercise include
and also could be due to the fact that the study was lowering the risk of death in men with coronary
carried out among health workers who are supposed artery disease.35
to be more informed about healthcare issues. Practice of routine medical checkup in the present
All the respondents in the present study have had study was poor among the respondents. Apart from
routine medical checkup in the past with majority dental check-up, blood pressure and body weight
claiming to have done so more than two times in the check, other aspects of routine medical checkup
last 5 years. The reason for this may also be due to recorded abysmally low figures especially PSA,
the fact that the study population are health workers cervical smear and breast examination. This is
who are more knowledgeable in healthcare. This is probably because there are no policies by the
consistent with another study by Oguntoye and co- hospital on routine medical checkup for its workers.
worker, perception and practice of routine medical Also there seems to be a lot of apathy generally
check-up by health workers at a tertiary health among people in the developing countries towards
facility in South-West Nigeria.30 Akande et al.29 in a subjecting themselves to routine medical checkup.
study in 2004 at the University of Ilorin Teaching Healthcare providers are expected to display better
Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria on 274 hospital workers on practice of routine medical check when compared to
the practice of periodic medical examination, the general populace who do not have adequate
reported that 82.8% of them had had a medical knowledge of the benefits of undergoing routine
examination done since being employed in the medical examination. This result is consistent with
hospital. This is in agreement with the present study. other studies which reported similar findings. 32
In another study32 in 2014 at the University College Many workplaces in the country have no routine
Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria on 110 members of staff in medical checkup policies in place with the attendant
the dental clinic on the practice of comprehensive risks of not detecting diseases early enough to
medical check-ups, 58.1% of the respondents had institute appropriate management. The result is
their medical check-up done as part of a mandatory increased morbidity and mortality.
pre-employment requirement while 27.6% had it On the association between socio-demographics and
done as a result of personal concern for their health. frequency of routine check, there was no significant
There was high level of awareness of what difference between age group and the frequency of
constituted routine medical checkup with blood routine medical check-up in the present study.
pressure and dental checkups recording the highest However, the highest proportion of workers who
among the respondents. This is in agreement with a attended routine medical check-ups was observed to
study by Oguntoye and co-workers.30 The reason for be in the age range 31-40 years. Gender was found
the high level of awareness of what constituted not to significantly affect the frequency of routine
routine checkup can be associated with the fact that medical check-up despite the fact that in the present
the respondents worked in the hospital environment study more males than females attended more
and are knowledgeable. In the present study, more regular check-up. These findings were found to be in
than two-thirds of the respondents claimed they agreement with another study on the awareness and
neither smoked nor took alcohol. This might be due attitudes of hospital employees towards routine
Nigerian Journal of Dental Research | Volume 5 issue 1 26
Routine medical check among dental health workers

medical check-ups in a public hospital in Port Awareness about the importance of routine medical
Harcourt, Nigeria.31 Similarly, years of practice was check-up amongst oral healthcare providers was
also not found to significantly affect the frequency of found to be very high in this study but this may not
routine medical check-ups in this study though the be the same with the general population, there is
highest proportion of respondents who attended therefore the need to carry out studies involving
routine check-ups had practiced for between 6- larger communities to assess the awareness and
10years. practice of medical check-ups by the general
Category of professionals and marital status of the population. Measures should be put in place to
workers were found to significantly affect the ensure that there is increased practice of routine
frequency of routine medical check-ups in the medical check-ups by everyone. Finally, facilities for
presents study. With those in the registrar cadre and routine medical check should be made available at
married respondents recording the highest every level of healthcare delivery.
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Routine medical check among dental health workers

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