Doksologi Pagi

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We worship the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hail to the Church, the house of
the angels.
Hail to the Virgin who gave birth to our Savior. Hail to Gabriel, who announced the good
Hail to Michael, the archangel, Hail to the twenty four presbyters.
Hail to the Cherubim, Hail to the Seraphim, Hail to all the hosts, of the Heavens.
Hail to John, the great forerunner, Hail to the twelve Apostles.
Hail to our Father Mark, the Evangelist, the destroyer of the Idols.
Hail to Stephen, the first martyr, Hail to George, the morning star.
Hail to the whole choir, of the martyrs, Hail to Abba Anthony, and the three Macarii.
Hail to the whole choir, of the cross bearers, hail to all the saints, who have pleased the
Through their prayers, O Christ our King, have mercy upon us, in Your kingdom.

O True Light, that gives light, to every man, that comes into the world.
You came into the world, through your love for mankind, and all the creation rejoiced, at
Your coming.
You have saved Adam, from deception, and delivered Eve, from the pangs of death.

You gave unto us, the spirit of Sonship, we praise and bless You, with your angels.
When the morning hour, comes upon us, O Christ our God, the True Light.
Let the thought of light, shine within us, and let not the darkness, of pain cover us.
That we may praise You, with understanding, proclaiming and saying, with David.
My eyes have reached, the morning watch, that I might meditate, upon all Your words.
Hear our voices, according to Your great mercy, save us O Lord our God, according to
Your compassion.
O Caring God, the Maker of all good things, who governs well, with His chosen ones.
The strong governor for those, who take refuge in Him, who longs for the salvation, and
deliverance of everyone.
Through Your goodness, You provided for us, the night, grant us to pass, this day without
That we may be worthy, to lift up our hands, before You without anger, or evil thoughts.
At this dawn, make straight our coming in, and our going out, in the joy of Your
That we may proclaim, Your righteousness daily, and praise Your power, with David the
Saying "In Your Peace, O Christ our Savior, we slept and arose, for we have hoped in
Behold how beneficent, and how pleasant, It is for brethren, to dwell together in unity"
United, in the true, evangelic love, like the Apostles.
It is like the fragrant oil, on the head of Christ, running down the beard, down to the feet.
That anoints every day, the elders, the children and young men, and the Deacons.
Those whom the Holy Spirit, has attuned together as a stringed instrument, Always
Blessing God.
By psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, by day and by night, with an incessant heart.
You are the Mother of Light, the honored Mother of God, you have carried, the
uncircumscript Logos.
After you gave birth to Him, you remained a virgin, with praises and blessings, we
magnify you.
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, he came and
saved us.
And we too, Hope to win mercy, through your intercessions, with the Lover of Mankind.

The select incense, of your virginity, ascended to the throne, of the Father.
Better then the incense, of the cherubim, and the seraphim, O Virgin Mary.
Hail to the new Heaven, whom the Father has created and made a place for rest, for His
beloved Son.

Hail to the royal throne, of him who is, carried by, the Cherubim.

Hail to the advocate, of our souls, you are indeed, the pride of our race.
Intercede on our behalf, O full of Grace, before our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
That he may confirm us, in the upright faith, and grant us the forgiveness, of our sins.
Through the intercessions, of the Theotokos Saint Mary, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness
of our sins.
Thousands of thousands, and myriads of myriads, of archangels, and Holy angels.
They stand before, the throne of the pantocrator, proclaiming, and saying.
Holy Holy, Holy in truth, the glory and the honor, befit the trinity.
Through the intercessions of the whole choir of angels, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness
of our sins.
Our fathers the apostles, preached to the nations, the Gospel, of Jesus Christ.
Their voices went forth, unto all the earth, and their words have reached, the ends of the
Through the prayers, of my Lords and Fathers the Apostles, O Lord grant us, the
forgiveness of our sins.
Unfading crowns, the Lord has placed, upon the whole choir, of the martyrs.
He saved and delivered them, because they took refuge in Him, they celebrated with
Him, in His kingdom.
Through the prayers, of the whole choir of the Martyrs, O Lord grant us, the forgiveness
of our sins.
Your saints bless You, and they speak, of the glory, of Your kingdom.
Your Kingdom O My God, is an eternal kingdom, and Your Lordship, is unto all ages.
Through the prayers, of the whole choir of the cross bearers, the righteous and the just, O
Lord grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

Hail to Elijah, the prophet, of temperance, and Elisha, his elect disciple.
The great Evangelist, of the land of Egypt, Mark the Apostle, the first prelate.
You are the Mother of God, O Virgin Mary, ask Him on our behalf, to have mercy on our

The great patriarch, our father Abba Severus, whose holy teachings, enlightened our
Our father the confessor, Abba Dioscorus, defended the faith, against the heretics.
And all of our fathers, who have pleased the Lord, may their holy blessings, be a guard to
Through their prayers, O God grant us, the forgiveness of our sins, and give us peace.
Doksologi Pagi
Kami menyembah Bapa dan Putera, dan Roh Kudus. Salam bagi Gereja, rumah para malaikat.

Salam bagi Perawan yang melahirkan Juruselamat. Salam bagi Gabriel, Pembawa Kabar Baik.

Salam bagi Mikael, malaikat agung, Salam bagi dua puluh empat tua-tua.

Salam bagi Kerubim, Salam bagi Serafim, Salam bagi semua penghuni Surga.

Salam bagi Yohanes, sang pelopor besar, Salam bagi dua belas Rasul.

Salam bagi Bapa kita Markus, sang Penginjil, sang Penghancur Berhala.

Salam bagi Stefanus, sang martir pertama, Salam bagi George, sang bintang pagi.

Salam bagi seluruh pasukan para martir, Salam bagi Anba Antonius, dan tiga Makarius.

Salam bagi seluruh pasukan para pembawa salib, salam bagi semua orang kudus, yang berkenan kepada

Dengan doa-doa mereka, ya Kristus Raja kami, kasihanilah kami, dalam kerajaan-Mu.

Ya Cahaya Sejati, yang memberi terang, kepada setiap orang, yang datang ke dunia.

Engkau datang ke dunia, melalui kasih-Mu kepada umat manusia, dan semua ciptaan bersukacita, pada

Engkau telah menyelamatkan Adam, dari penipuan, dan membebaskan Hawa, dari pedih kematian.

Engkau memberi kepada kami, roh Keputraan, kami memuji dan memberkati-Mu, dengan para malaikat-

Ketika pagi datang kepada kami, ya Kristus, Allah kami, sang Terang Sejati.

Biarkan pikiran terang, bersinar dalam diri kami, dan jangan biarkan kegelapan, rasa sakit menutupi

Agar kami dapat memuji-Mu, dengan pengertian, pemberitaan dan perkataan, bersama Daud.

Mataku telah mencapai, jaga pagi, agar aku dapat merenungkan semua firman-Mu.

Dengarlah suara kami, sesuai dengan rahmat-Mu yang besar, selamatkan kami ya Tuhan, Allah kami,
sesuai dengan belas kasihan-Mu.
Ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih, Pencipta segala hal yang baik, yang mengatur dengan baik, dengan orang-
orang pilihan-Nya.

Penguasa yang kuat bagi mereka, yang berlindung kepada-Nya, yang merindukan keselamatan, dan
pembebasan semua orang.

Melalui kebaikan-Mu, Engkau menyediakan bagi kami, malam, izinkan kami melewati, hari ini tanpa

Agar kami layak, untuk mengangkat tangan kami, di hadapan-Mu tanpa kemarahan, atau pikiran jahat.

Pada fajar ini, luruskanlah masuk keluar kami, dalam sukacita perlindungan-Mu.

Agar kami dapat menyatakan, kebenaran-Mu setiap hari, dan memuji kuasa-Mu, bersama Nabi Daud.

Mengatakan "Dalam Damai-Mu, ya Kristus Juru Selamat kami, kami tidur dan bangun, karena kami
berharap kepada-Mu"

Sungguh alangkah baiknya, dan betapa indahnya, bila saudara-saudara seiman, tinggal bersama dalam

Bersatu, dalam kasih penginjilan yang sejati, seperti para Rasul.

Seperti minyak wangi, di kepala Kristus, mengalir di janggut, turun ke kaki.

Mengurapi setiap hari, para imam penatua, anak-anak dan remaja putra, dan para Diaken.

Mereka yang telah diselaraskan oleh Roh Kudus sebagai alat musik petik, Selalu Memberkati Tuhan.

Dengan mazmur dan himne, dan lagu rohani, siang dan malam, dengan hati yang tak henti-hentinya.

Engkau adalah Bunda Terang, Bunda Allah yang terhormat, Engkau telah membawa, Logos yang tak

Setelah engkau melahirkan Dia, engkau tetap perawan, dengan pujian dan berkat, kami mengagungkan-

Karena kehendak-Nya sendiri, dan kesenangan Bapa-Nya, dan Roh Kudus, Dia datang dan
menyelamatkan kami.

Dan kami juga, Berharap untuk memenangkan belas kasihan, melalui syafaatmu, bersama Kekasih Umat

Dupa pilihan, keperawanan-Mu, naik ke takhta, sang Bapa.

Lebih baik daripada, dupa kerubim dan serafim, ya Perawan Maria.

Salam bagi Surga yang baru, yang telah Bapa ciptakan dan jadikan tempat peristirahatan, bagi Putra-Nya
yang terkasih.

Salam bagi takhta kerajaan, dari dia yang, dibawa oleh Kerubim.
Salam bagi pembela, jiwa kami, Engkau sepantasnya, kebanggaan ras manusia.

Bersyafaat atas nama kami, wahai penuh Rahmat, di hadapan Juruselamat kami, Tuhan kami Yesus

Agar dia meneguhkan kami, dalam iman yang lurus, dan memberi kami pengampunan, dari dosa-dosa

Dengan syafaat, Santa Maria Theotokos, ya Tuhan, berilah kami pengampunan atas dosa-dosa kami.

Beribu ribu, dan berjuta-juta, malaikat agung, dan malaikat Suci.

Mereka berdiri di depan, tahta Pantokrator, menyatakan, dan berkata.

Kudus Kudus, Kudus dalam kebenaran, kemuliaan dan kehormatan, sesuai dengan Tritunggal.

Dengan syafaat seluruh pasukan malaikat, ya Tuhan, berilah kami pengampunan atas dosa-dosa kami.

Para Rasul, pendahulu kami, memberitakan Injil kepada bangsa-bangsa, Injil Yesus Kristus.

Suara mereka keluar, ke seluruh bumi, dan kata-kata mereka telah mencapai, ujung dunia.

Dengan doa-doa Tuhan dan Bapaku para Rasul, ya Tuhan, berilah kami pengampunan atas dosa-dosa

Mahkota yang tidak pudar, Tuhan telah tempatkan, di atas seluruh pasukan, para martir.

Dia menyelamatkan dan membebaskan mereka, karena mereka berlindung di dalam Dia, mereka
merayakan dengan Dia, di kerajaan-Nya.

Dengan doa, dari seluruh pasukan para Martir, ya Tuhan, berilah kami pengampunan atas dosa-dosa

Orang-orang kudus-Mu memberkati-Mu, dan mereka berbicara, tentang kemuliaan, tentang kerajaan-

Kerajaan-Mu ya Allahku, adalah kerajaan yang kekal, dan Yang Mulia, untuk segala zaman.

Dengan doa-doa seluruh pasukan pembawa salib, orang benar dan orang benar, ya Tuhan, berilah kami
pengampunan atas dosa-dosa kami.

Salam bagi Elia, sang nabi, dari kesederhanaan, dan Elisa, murid pilihannya.

Penginjil besar, dari tanah Mesir, Rasul Markus, uskup pertama.

Engkau adalah Bunda Allah, Ya Perawan Maria, mohon kepada-Nya atas nama kami, untuk mengasihani
ras kami.

Patriark agung, bapa kami Anba Severus, yang ajaran sucinya, mencerahkan pikiran kami.

Bapa kami bapa pengaku, Abba Dioskorus, membela iman, melawan bidat.

Dan semua bapa-bapa kami yang dianugerahi Tuhan semoga berkah sucinya menjadi penjaga kami.

Dengan doa-doa mereka, ya Tuhan berikan kami, pengampunan dosa-dosa kami, dan beri kami

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