Green Building Contoh Tesis

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In the business of building green:

The value of low-energy residential buildings from customer and

developer perspectives

Agnieszka Zalejska-Jonsson

Doctoral Thesis
Building and Real Estate Economics
Department of Real Estate and Construction Management
Royal Institute of Technology
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan

Stockholm 2013
©Agnieszka Zalejska-Jonsson

Royal Institute of Technology

Building and Real Estate Economics
Department of Real Estate and Construction Management
SE-100 44 Stockholm

Printed by US-AB, Stockholm, September, 2013

ISBN 978-91-85783-32-8


An overarching aim of this research was to investigate the comprehensive value of green residential
buildings as seen from two perspectives: that of the developer and that of the occupant (the
customer). The dissertation consists of studies presented in seven papers. The studies conducted to
investigate the developer’s perspective focused on construction cost and potential profit (papers I
and VII). The customer’s perspective was examined with three approaches: the impact that energy
and environment have on the decision to purchase (or rent) an apartment (paper V), willingness to
pay for a green apartment (paper VI) and finally, the occupants’ satisfaction with the dwelling and
indoor environment (papers II, III and IV).

The first paper examines whether increased investment costs are profitable, taking into account the
reduction in operating costs. The investment viability is approached by comparing investment in
conventional and green residential building, particularly passive houses, using real construction and
post-occupancy conditions. The increased investment costs in energy-efficient building were also the
focus of paper VII. In this paper, the aim was to study how technologies used in energy-efficient
residential building construction affect the available saleable floor area and how this impacts on the
profitability of the investment. Potential losses and gains of saleable floor area in energy-efficient
buildings were assessed using a modelled building and analysed with the help of the average
construction cost.

Papers II and IV present results from a study of occupants’ satisfaction and indoor environmental
qualities. Both papers aim at comparing and analysing responses from occupants living in green and
conventional buildings. Paper III focuses on a similar subject, but investigates occupants’ satisfaction
among all adults living in multi-family buildings in Sweden, providing a national context for the
results presented in papers II and IV. The results indicate that occupants are generally satisfied with
their dwellings, but indoor environment proved to have a statistically significant effect on overall

The results in paper V indicate that energy and environmental factors have a minor impact on
customers’ decision to purchase or rent an apartment. However, availability of information on
building energy and environmental performance may have an effect on the likelihood of the buyers’
being interested in environmental qualities and consequently an impact on their decision. The study
presented in paper VI shows that customer interest in energy and environmental factors has a
significant impact on stated willingness to pay for green dwellings. The paper discusses the stated
willingness to pay for low-energy buildings and buildings with an environmental certificate and
attempts to assess the rationale of the stated willingness to pay for low-energy dwellings given
potential energy savings.

Keywords: sustainability, green buildings, residential buildings, low-energy, energy-efficiency,

construction cost, profitability, occupant satisfaction, indoor environment quality (IEQ)


Fokus i detta forskningsprojekt har legat på att undersöka värdet av gröna bostäder ur ett brett
perspektiv, dvs både genom att studera byggherrens och de boendes (kundens) synpunkter. I
avhandlingen ingår sju uppsatser. Undersökningen av byggherrens synpunkter fokuserades på
kostnader och potentiella inkomster (uppsats I och VII). Kundernas åsikter undersöktes på tre olika
sätt: vilken effekt energi och miljö faktorer hade på beslut att köpa eller hyra en lägenhet (uppsats
V), betalningsvilja för gröna bostäder (uppsats VI) och slutligen de boendes trivsel samt nöjdhet med
inomhusmiljön (uppsats II,III och IV).

Den första uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om ökningen av investeringskostnader vid byggande av
gröna byggnader kan täckas av framtida energibesparingar och minskning av driftkostnad.
Investeringens lönsamhet undersöktes genom att jämföra skillnader i byggkostnader mellan
konventionella och gröna bostäder med skillnader i driftskostnader givet olika antaganden om
energipriser och räntekrav. Huvudfokus i uppsats VII var också byggkostnader, men denna gång
undersöktes hur nya tekniska lösningar påverkar boarea och lönsamhet av energieffektiva bostäder.
Genom att konstruera en modell av ett typhus analyserades potentiella ökningar i boarea med nya
lösningar och hur detta påverkade lönsamheten i olika geografiska lägen (prisnivåer).

Uppsatserna II och IV presenterar resultat från boendeundersökningar. Båda uppsatserna syftar till
att undersöka boendes trivsel och nöjdhet med inomhusmiljö samt att testa skillnaden i svar från
boende i gröna och konventionella bostäder. Uppsats III fokuserar också på inomhusmiljön, men
analysen gjordes på svaren som samlades in under Boverkets projekt BETSI och resultaten är därmed
representativa för alla vuxna som bor i flerfamiljshus i Sverige. Uppsats III ger därmed en national
kontext för uppsatserna II och IV. Resultaten visar att boende trivs i sina bostäder, men
inomhusmiljön har en statistiks signifikanta effekt på allmän nöjdhet faktor..

Resultaten i uppsats V tyder på att energi- och miljöaspekter spelar mindre roll i beslutet att köpa
eller hyra en lägenhet. Den synliga informationens tillgänglighet angående byggnadens energi- och
miljöprestanda, påverkar kundens intresse för dessa faktorer och därmed indirekt hushållets beslut.
Resultaten i uppsats VI pekar på att kunderna, som är intresserade av byggnaders energi och miljö
prestanda, är villiga att betala mer för gröna bostäder. I uppsats 6 diskuteras betalningsvilja för låg-
energi byggnader och för byggnader med miljöcertifikat samt utvärderas om den angivna
betalningsviljan är rationell beslut när man tar hänsyn till nuvärdet av framtida energibesparingar.

Nyckelord: hållbarhet, gröna byggnader, bostäder, låg-energi, energieffektivitet, byggkostnad,

lönsamhet, boende nöjdhet, inomhusmiljö


It is undeniable that this work is based on knowledge and experienced that many agreed to share
with me. Special words of appreciation are therefore directed to all the people who participated in
the surveys, to those I have had the pleasure to interview on environmental issues related to building
construction and operation.

I believe that doctoral education should be a challenge, a search and re-search for answers. I wish to
thank my supervisor Professor Hans Lind who has graciously lent support and has always been ready
to show the roadmap where potential solutions could be found. Words of gratitude go to Professor
Staffan Hintze my other supervisor, without whom this research would never have taken place.
Thank you for support and guidance. I wish to thank Mats Wilhelmsson for his time, comments and
humour, which makes statistics and econometrics discussions so much more fun.

I am most grateful for the time, discussions and inspiring thoughts I have been given by the reference
group for the research project: Professor Stellan Lundström (KTH), Allan Leveau (Svenska Bostäder),
Svante Wijk (NCC), Johnny Kellner (Veidekke), Folke Björk (KTH), Jonas Gräslund (Skanska), Anna
Forsberg (Skanska), Tove Malmqvist (KTH), Ulrika Lindmark (NCC), Jenny Winblad (NCC) and Mats
Björs (Byggherreföreningen).

We never know when we come across people who change our lives, who make a mark. I have been
lucky to meet a few, but in this particular situation I think it is important to mention Simone, Jasenka,
Tommy and Karin.

I wish to thank the Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (Svenska
Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond, SBUF) for their trust and financial support.

Thank you, colleagues at BYFA, the department of Real Estate Economics at KTH, for help and
support. Special thanks to Lena, who has always kindly invited me in and never (?) officially
complained about disturbance. To Kerstin, Desiree, Rosane, Tina and Sigrid – having it all: science,
philosophy of life and motherhood wisdom. To Fredrik, Abukar, Lovisa and Sam for discussions and
an energy kick when it was really needed.

I would like to thank my mum and my brother for always being on stand-by and just a call away. To
my dad, who always said that I can do what I want and that I will surely do it well.

First and finally, light gives us everything. Without it there is no joy, no development no life. I would
like to thank the light of my life: Per, Daniel, Nicholas and Bönan. There is nothing before you, and
long, long after – nothing either.

Tyresö, September 2013



Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 7
Aim and research questions …………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Definitions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Method ………………………………………………………..………………………………………………….. 16
Summary of the papers ………………………..………………………………………………………….. 18
Results and contributions ………………………..………………………………………………………. 23
Further study ………………………..…………………………………………………………………………. 24
References ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………. 25
Paper I
Zalejska-Jonsson A., Lind H. and Hintze S., (2012) “Low-energy versus conventional
residential buildings: cost and profit.” Journal of European Real Estate Research, vol. 5
issue 3, pp: 211-228

Paper II
Zalejska-Jonsson A. (2012), “Evaluation of low-energy and conventional residential
buildings from occupants’ perspective.” Building and Environment Vol. 58, pp: 135-144

Paper III
Zalejska-Jonsson A. and Wilhelmsson M. (2013) “Impact of perceived indoor
environment quality on overall satisfaction in Swedish dwellings.” Building and
Environment Vol. 63, pp: 134-144

Paper IV
Zalejska-Jonsson A. “Parameters contributing to occupants’ satisfaction: Occupants’
insights into green and conventional residential buildings”; Facilities (forthcoming)

Paper V
Zalejska-Jonsson A. (2013) “Impact of energy and environmental factors in the decision
to purchase or rent an apartment: The case of Sweden.” Journal of Sustainable Real
Estate vol. 5 (forthcoming)
Paper VI
Zalejska-Jonsson A. (2013) ”Stated WTP and rational WTP: willingness to pay for green
apartments in Sweden” Submitted to Sustainable Cities and Society

Paper VII
Zalejska-Jonsson A.; Lind H. and Hintze S. (2013). "Energy-Efficient Technologies and
the Building’s Saleable Floor Area: Bust or Boost for Highly-Efficient Green
Construction?" Buildings 3, no. 3, pp: 570-587.

1. Introduction

The existing policies and regulations are directing companies towards adopting a more
environmentally conscious path for business operation. One example is the European Directive for
Building Performance from 2002 (directive 2002/91/EC) and later re-cast in 2010 (directive
2010/31/EU), which has sculptured the future of the building industry for many Europeans countries.
From a developer perspective, it might be wise to add a “green element" to the company strategy, as
it might be a way to adapt to the future market conditions.

However, the fact that regulations propel applications of energy-efficient solutions in building
construction does not demonstrate the investment feasibility of green buildings. Would developers
lose or benefit by building green? Do customers care? Do customers value the environmental
elements while purchasing an apartment? This thesis attempts to answer these questions and assess
a comprehensive value for green buildings.

1.1. Aim and research questions

Considering climate change policies, high emission (Co2) levels, energy prices and financial market
crises, the pressure on the construction industry has never been greater. However, as part of
adjusting to change, a company must keep stakeholders satisfied and make a satisfactory profit.

The profit, however, should not be considered as an ultimate goal; it is rather a consequence of
delivering a value to customers and therefore defined as the difference between a price that
customers are willing to pay and the cost of performing activities involved in creating the product
(Porter, 2008). From the long term perspective, high profit is achieved if the value delivered to the
customer is the same as the value perceived by the customer (Aaker, 2001; Porter, 2008).

The intention of this thesis was to investigate comprehensive value of “green” residential buildings as
seen from two perspectives: that of the developer (the company) and of the occupant (the
customer). I believe that the focus in any business should be on the customer. It is the customer who
allows the company to generate the income. It is the customer who is willing to purchase a dwelling
for the price that allows the company to make a profit. It is the customer who makes the final
judgement of whether the goods have attained the level of satisfaction. In the case of apartment
purchase, satisfaction may be impacted by various factors, for example the perceived quality of the
apartment (building), satisfaction with indoor and outdoor environment (even neighbourhood) or a
profit made at the point of sale of the apartment.

If we simplify, the developer’s profit depends on the income and the construction costs. The
company may decide to differentiate from its competitors, for example, by building green instead of
conventional building, if this strategy contributes to higher value. There are reasons to believe that
green building has the potential to present better living quality for occupants in the form of better
indoor environment, reduced requirement for energy and low environmental impact. The choice of
building green may be profitable if the above-mentioned qualities are perceived as important by the
customers, and if they are willing to pay more for green dwellings.

Following this reasoning, the objectives and research questions in this thesis were to:

 Discuss potential barriers to and opportunities for high-performance green building

 Explore the cost difference between construction of conventional and low-energy green
 Investigate investment potential and factors contributing to the profitability of green
residential buildings
 Investigate the importance of environmental factors in customers’ decision to purchase or
rent an apartment
 Study occupants’ willingness to pay for green buildings
 Explore customers’ perceived product value by investigating occupants’ overall satisfaction
 Study the delivered value of products as perceived by customers by investigating occupants’
perceived satisfaction with indoor environment quality

In the further part of this chapter, I discuss different terms describing buildings designed and
constructed with environmental goals, notions that often appear in the literature and practice
(section 2). In this section, I attempt to array concepts and lay out the relationship between them. I
also specify the practical definition of “green” buildings used in this research. The third section I
devote to the general research method applied in this thesis and discuss some limitations and
potential bias. In the fourth section, I briefly summarize the papers included in this thesis and the
chapter ends with overarching conclusions and suggestions for further research (section 5 and 6

2. Definitions

Buildings that are designed and constructed to minimize environmental impact are often referred to
as “sustainable buildings”, “green buildings”, “low-energy”, “energy-efficient” or “high-
performance”, “passive house “ and “(nearly) zero energy buildings”. Sometimes it is safe to use
them as synonyms, but sometimes similarities are vague. This section aims to review definitions
proposed in the literature and attempts to capture differences and similarities between the above-
mentioned notions.

2.1. Sustainable building

Sustainable development (sustainability) in its core focuses on the importance of responsibility for
present actions and for future generations (WCED, 1987). The goal is to combine best practice from
economic, social and environmental aspects. The strategies for defining and achieving sustainability
goals may vary depending on people’s beliefs and expectations, political aspirations and even
economic status. Consequently, contextualizing sustainability in buildings has proved to be

The sustainability goals may be defined at a specific point in time, hence making the aims reachable,
but in the long term perspective sustainability changes, evolves, is adapted to the new status and

therefore achieving sustainability goals should be seen as a continuous process of transformation
(Bagheri and Hjorth, 2007; Berardi, 2013). This “metamorphosis” and the three-dimensional
(economic, social and environmental) nature of sustainability (Kohler, 1999) are fundamental for
sustainable development, and separation of these domains can lead to mistaken conclusions. Kohler
(1999) explains that sustainability, if applied in the built environment, must still be described in three
unbreakable frameworks, where ecological sustainability aims to protect resources and ecosystems,
economic sustainability is divided into investment and running costs, and social and cultural aspects
refer to comfort, wellbeing and the protection of human health.

The multi-dimensionality of sustainability, the variation in goals depending on time, location,

circumstances and actors involved contributed to the many ways in which the concept of
sustainability could be defined. Berardi (2013) recaptured discussions on sustainability and used CIB’s
ten redefined principles for sustainable building and principles reported in the Sustainable by Design
Declaration of the International Union of Architects to define sustainable building as:

“A healthy facility designed and built in a cradle-to-grave resource-efficient manner,

using ecological principles, social equity, and life-cycle quality value, and which
promotes a sense of sustainable community. (..) a sustainable building should increase:
 demand for safe building, flexibility, market and economic value;
 neutralization of environmental impacts by including its context and its
 human wellbeing, occupants’ satisfaction and stakeholders’ rights;
 social equity, aesthetics improvements, and preservation of cultural values”
(Berardi, 2013)

However, the multi-dimensionality of sustainability and the complexity of building systems created a
trap which many sustainability assessment systems have fallen into (see for example Reed et al.,
2009; DeLisle et al., 2013). Capturing all the aspects of sustainability and setting measurable goals
might be impossible to achieve or could result in an assessment tool that was far too complex to use.
This may explain why assessment systems focused on environmental aspects evaluated during the
time-limited designing and construction phase, and rarely considered the whole life-cycle stretching
to operation and in-use assessment. There have also been voices that questioned the possibility of
fulfilling all sustainability aspects (Goodland and Daly, 1996; Williams and Millington, 2004; Cooper,
1999; Pearce, 2006).

2.2. Green Building

A Google search for “green building” gives over 1,740,000,000 hits and “green building definition”
appears on 65,800,000 sites. Generally, the term is often used in relation to buildings constructed
with more ambitious environmental goals than in conventional buildings.

Kibert (2008) defines a “green building” as: “a healthy facility that is designed, built, operated and
disposed of in a resource-efficient manner using an ecologically sound approach“. The term “green
building” gained its popularity mostly due to the efforts of various agencies, organizations and
councils that are successfully promoting this concept. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

( states that “green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built
environment on human health and the natural environment”. This is achieved by efficient use of
resources, occupant health protection and reduction of waste and pollution. Nowadays, there are
many organizations and programmes which aim to promote ”green” or “sustainable” building
concepts, e.g., the World Green Building Council (, the U.S. Green Building
Council (, the Swedish Green Building Council ( and the GreenBuilding
Programme (GBP) initiated by the European Commission (

A “green” building may have different levels of “environmental involvement” or “shades of green”
from so-called “light green” to “deep green” (Cole, 1999). The “light” level includes highly efficient
choices like energy-efficient lighting, whereas “deep green” refers to more demanding commitments
(e.g. regarding design or financial inputs) such as choice of environmentally accepted materials or
implementation of solar energy collectors.

The fundamental objective of a “green” environmental assessment method is to promote designing,

constructing and owning buildings with improved environmental performance (Cole, 1999). There
are differences between the “green” assessment method, which is based on relating the building to
a “typical” practice without defining an ultimate goal, and the “sustainable” method, which should
assess the building against declared (locally and globally) sustainable conditions (Cole, 1999). The
difference between concepts of green and sustainable building was discussed by Berardi (2013).

In practice, the general rule is that in order to be labelled a “green” or “sustainable” building, it must
comply with specific standards and their environmental impact must be assessed. Numerous
assessment methods have been developed all over the world. The most known and commonly used
are: LEED (origin US), BREEAM (origin UK), Green Star (origin Australia), and CASABEE (Japan). To-
date, almost every country has introduced an environmental assessment method, either newly
created methods, or modified or adjusted versions of earlier established systems (e.g. LEED India).
Building assessment and certification is a process. Assessment is carried out against specified criteria
and points are awarded for complying with specified standards. Finally, the total number of points
indicates the level of building performance.

Environmental assessments promote environmental awareness, but also provide a framework for
the work of professionals and opportunities for certification and labelling of buildings even in in
compliance with governmental policies (Reed et al., 2009). Each rating system has certain
advantages but also some shortfalls. The greatest problems are lack of transparency and the
difficulty in rating comparisons (Reed et al., 2009). The reasons for this are that each assessment
method is more or less tailored to the country of origin with reference to general rules, construction
standards or climate conditions. Moreover, various assessment methods address different criteria or
assign to them different weight.

Some building environmental assessment methods try to capture the complexity of a building and
therefore tools include rather a long list of criteria, making the assessment quite complex. This
complexity is another criticism against rating tools. Since there are quite a number of factors where
building may score points, some of the areas (sometimes important ones like energy or material)
may be left aside, but the final score may still be high.

2.3. Energy-efficient building

Building life cycle is counted as 50-100 years and during this time the total energy associated with a
building may be divided into energy that is directly connected with the building itself-- energy
needed for the building’s construction, operation, rehabilitation and demolition, and embodied
energy, which is the sum of all energy needed to manufacture and transport goods (all material and
technical installations) (Sartori and Hestnes, 2007). The question of how embodied energy and
operating energy influence the total energy used in a building’s life cycle is the subject of discussion
in the literature. Results differ depending on building type, production year, climate zone and finally
energy measures used to analyse a building’s performance. Energy used in buildings can be
expressed in end-user energy or primary energy. The primary energy measures energy at the natural
source level, and indicates energy needed to obtain the end-use energy, including extraction,
transformation and distribution losses (Sartori and Hestnes, 2007) focusing on energy resources and
the process in the supplying system. Hence, two different buildings may indicate the same end-
energy performance but differ significantly in performance measured in primary energy, due to
different energy sources (Gustavsson and Joelsson, 2010).

2.4. Low-energy building and the passive house concept

Low energy and the passive house concept essentially build on the same idea, that the heating
energy in the building can be minimized through an airtight and well insulated building shell.
However, whereas the former is rather a guideline and rarely specified in practical values (e.g. heat
load or space heating minimum), passive house is a standard and gives specific recommendations
with regard to the achievement of heating energy savings.

2.4.1. Low-energy building

It is generally understood that a low-energy building should achieve better or significantly better
performance values than those specified in the Building Regulations. The supply of energy needed for
heating/ cooling can be decreased only if the energy losses can be minimized. The energy leakage
can be reduced by minimizing thermal bridges, including very good thermal insulation for the whole
building envelope (very low heat transfer coefficient values for walls, foundations and roof), and
energy efficient windows. In order to achieve good indoor comfort, an appropriate ventilation
system should be installed (Krope and Goricanec, 2009).

There are some definitions of low energy buildings. In Switzerland, for example, low energy buildings
are promoted by the non-profit organization MINERGI®. MINERGI® is registered as a “quality label for
new and refurbished buildings”.” MINERGI-Standard” requires that buildings “do not exceed more
than 75% of the average building energy consumption and that fossil fuel consumption must not be
higher than 50% of the consumption of such a buildings” (

The Forum for Energy-efficient Buildings (Forum för energieffektiva byggnader - FEBY), the
organization that promotes building and renovation to energy-efficient standards in Sweden
(, was the first in Sweden to officially recognize two types of low-
energy houses: passive house and mini-energy house (Forum för energieffektiva byggnader, 2009a,
Forum för energieffektiva byggnader, 2009b). A passive house was recognised as a low-energy house,
which aims at “significantly better performance than required by Swedish Building Regulations BBR

16 (BFS 2008:20)” (Forum för energieffektiva byggnader, 2009a). A mini-energy house, like the low-
energy house, was expected to have “better building performance than defined in Swedish Building
regulations BBR 16 (BFS 2008:20)” (Forum för energieffektiva byggnader, 2009b).

The latest changes in Swedish Building Regulations (BBR2012) introduced a definition of low-energy
and very low-energy buildings. Definitions included in BBR2012 describe low-energy buildings as
buildings in which the space heating energy requirement1 is lower than 75% of the requirements
specified by current Building Regulations (9:8); space heating for very low-energy building should not
exceed 50% of this requirement.

2.4.2. The passive house concept

The passive house concept as known today is the result of experience from many years of low-energy
house construction. Among the many who have contributed to expanding knowledge and
development of the passive house concept are: Professor Bo Adamson, architect Hans Eek, Robert
Borsch Laaks, and Wolfgang Feist (Passive House Institute, Darmstadt, Germany;

There are two definitions of “passive house” in Sweden: one international definition, promoted by
the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt, Germany and a second, which has been formulated by the
Forum for Energy-efficient Buildings (FEBY)(PHPP, 2007). The latter description of “passive house” is
based on the same concept; however, adjustments to generally used standards in Sweden may
slightly influence energy calculation results.

The Passive House Institute (PHI) defines a passive house as: “a building for which thermal comfort
(ISO 7730) can be achieved solely by post-heating or post-cooling of the fresh air mass, which is
required to achieve sufficient indoor air quality conditions – without the need for additional
recirculation of air.” (Passive House Institute, Darmstadt, Germany,

Wolfgang Feist, the founder of PHI, explains that fundamental to the passive house concept is
thermal comfort, which is achieved by very good insulation of the airtight building envelope and by
minimization of thermal bridges; hence overall heat losses are very small. Airtight building
construction and good thermal insulation allow the building to retain warm air better during the
winter season and leakage of cold outdoor air is minimized. Due to those attributes, the requirement
for heating is significantly reduced and therefore the heating system may be simplified to
complementary heating (e.g. heating with fresh air via an adequate ventilation system) or even be
unnecessary. Even though the specific space heating (15 kWh/m2) and/or heat load (10W/m2) values
for passive house must not be exceeded (Feist, et al., 2005), Feist explains that these measures are a
consequence of concepts and energy-efficient design and not an aim in itself and that the difference
in climate conditions calls for specific system solutions with regard to design, construction,
ventilation and heating/cooling installation systems (Feist, First Step; What can be a Passive House in
your region with your climate?, Passive House Institute, Darmstadt, Germany). Criteria for passive
houses are briefly described in table 1.

Space heating is understood as the sum of the energy distributed to the building and required for its general
operation, heating, cooling and warm water.

Table 1. Passive house criteria PHI (Passive House Institute, PHPP 2007)
Space heating demand* ≤15kWh/m (reference area) annually
Heat load* ≤10 W/ m (reference area)
Primary energy
(including domestic electricity, 2
≤120 kWh/ m (reference area)annually
heating/cooling, building operation
n50-leakage rate (Pa50) ≤0,6 h
Ventilation, with heat recovery
*PHI certification requires that specific space heating or heating load values must be fulfilled

In order to minimize heat and electricity demand, the Passive House standard requires that the
annual demand of primary energy (sum of heating, hot water, auxiliary and household electricity)
must not exceed 120 kWh/m2a (per net floor area within the thermal envelope). By referring to
primary energy, Passive House standard marks the importance of the energy source.

The airtight house requires a ventilation system which can also be used for heating. The supplied air
is fresh and unpolluted; however, in order to achieve a very low heating energy demand, heat
recovery from exhaust air must be utilized (Waltjen, et al., 2009). PHI recommends that ventilation
aggregate units should have a minimum of 75% heat recovery efficiency. It is absolutely fundamental
that a hygienic requirement (minimum fresh air volume of 30 m3/h per person) is fulfilled.

2.4.3. Swedish passive house standard

Even though development of the industrial construction of passive houses in Sweden is relatively
slow, the first passive house that fulfils PHI standards was built as early as 2001. Designed by Hans
Eek, 20 terrace houses in Göteborg (Lindås) became a milestone in low- energy building construction
and showed that the Passive House concept can be successfully realised in the Scandinavian climate.

In 2007, the Forum for energy efficient buildings (FEBY) published the first Swedish passive house
standard, which was replaced by new version in 2009, and later updated in 2012. According to a
market report (Forum för energieffektiva byggnader, 2009c), 400 dwellings had been built to Swedish
passive house standard in Sweden by March 2009, and it was calculated that in 2011 the Swedish
passive house market would reach 3000 dwellings (Passivhuscentrum,

It is specified that passive houses should achieve thermal comfort with minimum heating energy and
maintain it by rational heat distribution of a hygienic air flow (Forum för Energieffektiva Byggnader,
2009a). Air heating is possible but not necessary as it is possible that heating can be delivered via a
conventional heating system.

2.5. Zero-energy building

In the recast of the European Council Directive regarding Building Performance (2010/31/EU), yet
another description of energy-efficient and environmentally conscious building was introduced:

(nearly) Zero Energy Buildings. A zero energy building might be generally described as a building that
should be able to achieve a neutral life cycle, securing its low energy requirements from renewable
energy sources. The literature shows that there are many different ways to specifically define what
constitutes zero energy building (Hernandez and Kenny, 2010; Lund et al., 2011; Marszal and
Heiselberg, 2011; Marszal et al., 2011; Sartori et al., 2012).

2.6. Conventional building (benchmark)

In order to be able to assess building performance, it is necessary to determine the benchmark, in

other words, the standard that allows evaluation and objective interpretation of results. In the
building industry, the construction standards can be used for benchmarking; hence, buildings which
fulfil valid Swedish Building Regulations are considered here as the benchmark for new building
construction and referred to as conventional buildings.

2.7. Overview of definitions

The aim of this chapter is to present different concepts related to environmental qualities of
buildings and discuss the intentions behind those descriptions. Sustainable, green and energy-
efficient buildings aim at adopting resource-efficient solutions, although these terms cannot always
be safely used as synonyms. The sensible question is then how those different terms relate to each

Can energy-efficient building be “green”? Energy performance is only one of many assessment fields
in environmental assessment methods (BREEAM, LEED or Green Star) and therefore if building
environmental performance can be demonstrated in other assessment areas (e.g. material, water,
waste) then the energy-efficient building can be named “green”. On the other hand, it is possible to
reverse the question: is green building energy-efficient? A report prepared by the National Building
Institute for the U.S. Green Building Council (Turner and Frankel, 2008) indicates that, on average,
the energy performance of LEED buildings is better than the national average; however, in some
cases, the predicted performance of the LEED buildings and the measured values differ significantly.
Moreover, studies by Newsham et al. (2009) showed that there is “no statistically significant
relationship between LEED certification level and energy use intensity”. Additionally, the report from
BREEAM Consultation (2010) suggested shortcomings in energy efficiency assessment, indicating that
BREEAM credits for energy efficiency in buildings should be strengthened and BREEAM certificated
buildings performance monitored. A pitfall of building assessment tools might be the complexity of
evaluation and the fact that the weight of individual parameters may only to some extent affect the
final result. On the other hand, assessment methods allow the comprehensive environmental value
of buildings to be highlighted.

It is possible to approach building evaluation using a three-dimensional framework: environmental,

social and economic. Schnieders and Hermelink (2006) argued for sustainable value for passive
houses, contending that “user-oriented design” and a focus on high quality in indoor environment
contribute to the social component and that very low energy demand helps on the road to fulfilling
environmental end economic conditions. Considering that the success of zero-energy building
depends on successfully foreseeing future (energy) needs and securing them with renewable energy

sources, this means that success in zero-energy building could fit into the definition of sustainable
buildings. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between different concepts related to environmental
qualities of buildings.

Green Buildings

Passive energy Sustainable
houses building buildings

Energy-efficient Buildings

Figure 1. Overview of relationship between different concepts related to environmental qualities of


Sustainable, green or energy-efficient buildings define concepts that ultimately aim at promoting
better construction and responsible use of resources. However, it is the choices made in the course
of design, production, management, operation and demolition which ultimatelly determine the
resource-efficiency and total environmental impact of the building.

2.8. Practical definition used this thesis

Buildings designed and constructed with the goal of minimizing impact on the environment are
expected to perform better than conventional buildings. In this study, buildings that fulfilled or
nearly fulfilled passive house standard or/and buildings which were certified according to one of the
environmental schemes for buildings were considered as buildings that have the potential to achieve
sustainability goals. In this thesis, I refer to these buildings as green, energy-efficient and low-energy
buildings. These terms are often used as synonyms, though I am aware of limitations within each

The benchmark, to which we can relate construction costs, building performance, perceived
satisfaction and indoor quality, is a conventional building, designed and constructed according to
current Swedish Building Regulations (BBR).

3. Method

3.1. The quasi-experimental approach

In this thesis, the assessment of energy-efficient green buildings has been generally made by
comparison to conventional buildings, based on the premise that evaluation can only be achieved by
referring to an acceptable base line, providing a benchmark for performance. One of the methods
that builds on the concept of comparing similar groups is the quasi-experimental study. In this
approach, objects are selected and grouped in such a way that all the relevant independent variables
match except for the variable whose effect the researcher attempts to study (Nyström 2008). A
quasi-experimental method has been applied in various studies from medical experiments and
psychology to analysis of policies, industries and services (Bussing, 1999; Fagan and Iglesias, 1999;
Reed and Rogers, 2003; Eliopoulos et al., 2004; Atterhög 2005).

The advantage of the quasi-experimental method is the possibility of controlling variables that may
have a potential impact on measured variables. The buildings selected in this research were paired as
closely as was possible, considering the location of buildings, their size, production year and potential
customer segment. Firstly, I have searched for multi-family buildings that fulfill the research
definition of green building. After selecting the green buildings, I have looked for controlled objects,
conventional buildings that fulfill in the best manner the above-mentioned objectives. During the
course of this research, a total of ten energy-efficient green and ten conventional multi-family
buildings have been carefully selected.

The quasi-experimental approach was used to investigate whether there is a difference between the
opinions of occupants living in green and conventional building occupants focusing on investigating
occupants’ overall satisfaction, perceived quality of indoor environment and potential problems
appearing in the building. The results were described in papers II and IV. In papers V and VI, the same
method was applied; however, the focal points were the importance of environmental factors from a
customer perspective and occupants’ willingness to pay for green buildings, respectively.

The papers are included in the thesis chronologically, i.e. according to the time when the papers
were written, rather that ordered according to method used or (developer or customer) perspective
investigated. Figure 2 presents design and methods applied in the thesis.

Comparison between green and conventional buildings

Quasi-experimental method

Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Paper VI Paper VII

Construction Indoor Overall Overall Factors Willingness Cost and
cost environment satisfaction satisfaction impacting to pay technological
quality (IEQ) and IEQ in and IEQ apartment development
Sweden purchase/

Survey: Surveys: Modelling

BETSI project Designed and conducted by Cost simulation
the author

Figure 2. Design and methods applied in the thesis.

3.2. Limitations

Unfortunately, in reality we are unable to control all the factors and we must accept nearly-perfect
solutions. Each property is unique in form, design and exposure to local climate conditions. These
elements may have an effect on building performance, but also on occupants’ opinion. Secondly,
certain limitations come from the approach itself. The buildings were specifically chosen due to their
characteristics and not randomly selected. Even though the buildings described in this thesis
represent the majority of multi-family energy-efficient buildings constructed in Sweden, they may
not be representative of the total population.

In this thesis, both a quantitative and a qualitative approach were applied. The number of
observations (papers II,III,IV, V and VI) allows for a quantitative approach in data analysis; on the
other hand, the approach employed in data collection (quasi-experimental study, survey
questionnaire, interviews) is often used in qualitative research and therefore subject to criticism for
being subjective, difficult to replicate and posing problems of generalization (Bryman, 2012).

Since I was unable to triangulate data collected via the survey with real construction costs (paper I)
or prices (paper VI) or in-use measurements such as energy consumption (papers II,III and IV), the
present study is largely based on experience and the personal opinion of respondents. Consequently,

the analysis may include errors related to the formulation of the questions, respondents’ subjective
opinion and their selective memory (Schwarz and Oyserman, 2001).

Finally, challenges may emerge while constructing, estimating and interpreting regression models
when the data set has a paired structure, as in the case of data based on observation of twins. Carlin
et al. (2005) suggested that the pairing characteristics of data should be taken into consideration
when fitting it to a regression model. The authors indicated that the assumption of a difference
between outcome values for a given difference between covariate values being equal when
comparing two unrelated individuals and two twins may be untrue. After discussion, the authors
suggest that more adequate results are computed if the general model includes a coefficient for pair

Since certain characteristics of green building are not as directly explanatory of conventional building
characteristics as is the case in twin studies, it is possible that concerns regarding statistical models
indicated in Carlin et al. (2005) may not apply in our case. However, considering limitations of
research design, data collection and analysis, the results should be interpreted with caution.

3.3. Theory and tested hypothesis

It is my conscious choice not to include a theory chapter in this part of the thesis. The reason is that
the scientific theories which underpin this research are eclectic: selected and used as was considered
most relevant in regard to the objective and framework of the particular study. Consequently, the
theoretical background and the literature review are presented in the respective papers included in
the thesis.

The reader might also be surprised by how rarely I have used the word “hypothesis” in the thesis.
This, however, does not mean that no hypotheses are put forward or tested. The propositions are
indeed stated silently and the results of various statistical tests aim to help find the answer to and
explain the studied phenomena as indicated in the objectives.

4. Summary of the papers

The results of this research are presented in seven papers (the structure is presented in figure 3).
Paper I focused on the developers’ perspective and investigated the cost and investment viability of
green and conventional buildings. Papers II-VI focused on the occupants’ perspective, investigating
how the perceived indoor environment affects occupants’ satisfaction. Papers II and IV aimed at
comparing responses from occupants living in green and conventional residential buildings and
focused on differences in occupants’ satisfaction, operation and management between those two
types of buildings. Paper III presents a more general picture of residential buildings in Sweden by
analysing overall satisfaction and the perceived indoor environment quality on a national level. Paper
III uses data from a survey commissioned by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and
Planning (Boverket), with results being representative of all adults living in multi-family apartments in
Sweden. Papers V and VI aimed at investigating the importance of environmental factors in

customers’ purchasing decisions and analysing stated willingness to pay for green buildings,
respectively. Results presented in the latter paper are also interesting from a developers’
perspective, as willingness to pay represents potential income for the developer. Finally, paper VII
looked at profit and construction costs of energy-efficient buildings considering gains and losses of
saleable floor area. This paper explored the effect that new energy-efficient products may have on
the profitability of energy-efficient building construction.

Customer’s perspective

satisfaction and perceived quality perceived value willingness to pay

Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Paper VI Paper VII

Construction Indoor Overall Overall Factors Willingness Cost and
cost environment satisfaction satisfaction impacting to pay technological
quality (IEQ) and IEQ in and IEQ apartment development
Sweden purchase/

cost potential income

Developer’s perspective

Figure 3. Structure of the thesis.

Paper I

Zalejska-Jonsson A., Lind H. and Hintze S., (2012) “Low-energy versus conventional residential
buildings: cost and profit.” Journal of European Real Estate Research, vol. 5 issue 3, pp: 211-228

The aim of this paper was to investigate the cost and investment potential of low-energy and
conventional residential buildings, considering reduction in operating cost. The profitability of
investment in “green” and conventional residential building was evaluated using an equity
investment model: net present value. The assessment of the difference in construction cost was
based on responses received from a survey addressed to chief executives and project managers of
construction companies that had experience of construction of low-energy multi-family buildings in
Sweden. The estimate for operating cost was based on the difference in energy requirement
between low-energy and conventional buildings and on responses received from a survey and
interviews conducted with housing managers.

The responses received from private and public construction companies implied that labour and
material cost varied most between “green” and conventional construction. Interestingly,
respondents stated that the labour cost decreased with increasing experience of low-energy
construction and the development of construction technologies may constitute the greatest
contribution to the development of low-energy building construction.

The results indicate that at 5 per cent higher construction costs for low-energy buildings and at the
assumed energy prices, considering a holding period of 20 years, the energy savings are sufficient to
defray the extra investment cost.

Paper II

Zalejska-Jonsson A. (2012), “Evaluation of low-energy and conventional residential buildings from

occupants’ perspective.” Building and Environment Vol. 58, pp: 135-144

The paper aimed at assessing building performance through investigating occupants’ satisfaction
with indoor environment in residential buildings. The paper focused on differences that may occur
between operation, management and satisfaction of tenants living in low-energy and conventional
buildings. The study was limited to multi-family buildings with rental apartments. Survey responses
received from 256 tenants living in low-energy and conventional multi-family buildings were used to
create a data set.

The results indicated that satisfied and dissatisfied tenants live in both low-energy and conventional
buildings. Tenants living in low-energy buildings showed high satisfaction with air quality and sound
insulation in their dwellings, but were more prone to experience colder temperatures and chose to
use supplementary heating. However, concerns about heating and ventilation were reported in both
types of buildings.

Interestingly, occupants living in green buildings indicated that they were proud to live in an
environmentally conscious building. Occupants indicated that their environmental awareness
increased and affected their behaviour.

Feedback received from housing managers indicated that there is relatively little difference in
operating low-energy and conventional buildings; however, adjustment of HVCA insulation and
heating could be challenging. It seemed that housing managers and occupants experienced problems
particularly with the efficiency and effective operation of the HVAC system.

Paper III

Zalejska-Jonsson A. and Wilhelmsson M. (2013) “Impact of perceived indoor environment quality

on overall satisfaction in Swedish dwellings.” Building and Environment Vol. 63, pp. 134-144

The ambition of this paper was to investigate the impact that aspects of indoor environment quality
may have on occupants’ satisfaction. The analysis is based on survey responses collected during the
project BETSI commissioned by Boverket (The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and
Planning). The results are representative for all adults living in multi-family apartments in Sweden.

The results indicate that perception of indoor air quality has the greatest effect on occupants’ overall
satisfaction. It was found that experiencing problems with draught, dust and too low temperature
negatively affects overall satisfaction.

Occupants’ satisfaction may also be affected by both building and individual characteristics. It was
found that the relative importance of factors impacting overall satisfaction may differ depending on
location, building construction year, occupant gender and lifestyle.

Paper IV

Zalejska-Jonsson A. “Parameters contributing to occupants’ satisfaction: Occupants’ insights into

green and conventional residential buildings”; paper accepted for publication in Facilities

The goal of this paper was to study the impact of perceived indoor environment quality on
occupants’ satisfaction, and by investigating buildings with both rental and owned apartments, we
aimed to explore whether apartment tenure may have an effect on the difference between green
and conventional buildings.

The findings showed that occupants are very satisfied with their apartments. The analysis indicated
no statistically significant difference in the opinion of occupants living in green and conventional
buildings; however, a statistically significant difference was found between occupants living in rental
and owned apartments.

The lowest satisfaction scores were given to thermal comfort. Findings imply that satisfaction with
thermal comfort varies between occupants depending on the time of year. Generally, occupants in
green buildings found indoor temperature too low in the winter, but more satisfactory in the
summer than those living in conventional buildings. The opinion of owners of green and conventional
dwellings differed at a statistical level. Occupants living in green apartments indicated they were
more pleased with sound quality than those living in conventional dwellings. With regard to
acceptance of air and light quality, the difference in occupants’ opinion was significant depending on

apartment tenure, but not on the environmental profile of the buildings. It was found that
perception of thermal quality and of air quality have a significant effect on occupants’ overall

The findings also indicated that building performance and occupants’ satisfaction can be affected by
the owner’s ability to ensure that the HVAC system works effectively. The findings indicate that
buildings with owned apartments are more vulnerable to this kind of problem, often because of the
owner’s limited technical competence, failure or lack of communication with installation or
construction companies. In the case of buildings with rental apartments, the responsibility of housing
managers is to secure effective system operation.

Paper V

Zalejska-Jonsson A. (2013) “Impact of energy and environmental factors in the decision to purchase
or rent an apartment: The case of Sweden” Paper accepted for publication in Journal of
Sustainable Real Estate vol. 5

The focus of this paper is on examining how the impact of energy and environmental building
features are being factored into decisions to rent or buy apartments. The paper demonstrates that
energy and environmental building performance environmental factors have rather a minor impact
on the purchasing or renting decision. Our findings indicate that when discussing the impact of
energy and environmental factors on a customer purchase decision, information availability should
be considered. Moreover, the results suggest that availability of information on building
environmental features increases the likelihood of the buyers’ interest in this information.

Paper VI
Zalejska-Jonsson A. (2013) ” Stated WTP and rational WTP: willingness to pay for green apartments
in Sweden” Submitted to Sustainable Cities and Society

Considering that green buildings are expected to require lower operating costs, provide better indoor
environment and have a lower impact on the environment than conventional buildings, it is rational
to believe that a customer is willing to pay extra if perceived benefits from renting or buying green
property are more beneficial than those from conventional buildings.

The aim of this paper was to study stated and rational willingness to pay for green apartments in
Sweden. A database of responses from occupants living in green and conventional multi-family
buildings was used to investigate the existence of WTP and to test differences in opinion between
respondents living in green or conventional buildings and condominiums or rental apartments.

The responses indicate that people are prepared to pay more for very low-energy buildings but not
as willing to pay for a building with an environmental certificate. It was found that interest in and the
perceived importance of energy and environmental factors affect the stated WTP. The results
indicate that a stated willingness to pay for low-energy buildings of 5% can be considered a rational
investment decision.

Paper VII

Zalejska-Jonsson, Agnieszka; Lind, Hans; Hintze, Staffan. 2013. "Energy-Efficient Technologies and
the Building’s Saleable Floor Area: Bust or Boost for Highly-Efficient Green Construction?" Buildings
3, no. 3: 570-587.

The paper explored floor area losses that developers encounter when constructing energy-efficient
buildings and investigated the possible effect of new technologies on construction cost and floor area

The results show that the profitability of constructing energy-efficient buildings can be significantly
reduced due to floor area losses. The paper shows that construction of energy-efficient buildings and
introducing very energy-efficient technologies may be energy- and cost-effective even when
compared with conventional buildings. This result indicates that policies aiming at high energy-
efficient construction should actively promote and support the implementation of the newest

5. Results and contribution

The ambition of this thesis was to investigate the comprehensive value and assess the investment
potential of green residential buildings. The research showed that building highly energy-efficient
green buildings can be an attractive investment from both the developer and the customer
perspective. New technologies and experience can contribute significantly to decreasing construction
costs and consequently improve profitability. Moreover, the improved transparency and
comparability of information may influence customers’ interest in energy and environmental factors.
Environmental education is also a significant factor, particularly in assessing the price that the
customer is willing to pay.

The research results imply that constructing green residential buildings is a rational strategy for a
developer. However, there is a probable risk that a company may see the potential in green strategy,
but yet not be willing to deliver the product. Kirchhoff showed (2000) that the strategy of
overcompensating is rational if there is a very low risk of a company being exposed if it fails to apply
to the green standards. Unfortunately, this issue may apply to the building industry. Building
regulations really require developers to present evidence of complying with the building standards,
and research has shown (e.g. Bordass et al., 2001; Leaman and Bordass, 2001) that the gap between
designed and constructed buildings is significant.

In the case of building construction in Sweden, the latest Swedish Building Regulations (BBR2012)
indicate that developers should verify through calculation and measurement those buildings whose
energy requirements are fulfilled (9:2). It is suggested that the validation of energy requirements
should be carried out over a 12-month period and results should be disclosed two years after
occupancy of the building. Disclosure of energy consumption values, which may be adjusted by
taking into account outdoor temperature and users’ behaviour, may not be sufficient to secure good
quality low-energy building construction. The message of this thesis is that building energy

consumption values may not tell the whole story. Developer responsibility needs to extend to the
post-occupation phase. It is imperative that developers not only design, build and sell highly energy-
efficient green buildings, but also ensure that the building is energy-efficient during the operation
phase. This thesis shows that post-occupancy assessment, feedback from occupants and improved
commissioning strategies are the methods that developers should consider. Failing to validate
energy-efficiency and quality of indoor environment calls into question the value of the product
delivered to the customer.

Finally, the results presented in the thesis indicate the customers’ high level of overall satisfaction
with purchased or rental apartments. On the other hand, the delivered quality indicated by level of
acceptance of indoor environment was satisfactory, but showed a potential for improvement.
Particularly, greater value can be delivered in the case of perceived thermal quality. Considering that
perceived quality of indoor environment has an effect on occupants’ satisfaction and that occupants’
behaviour may have an effect on building performance, it is very important to further examine and
attend to these issues.

This thesis makes a humble contribution to better understanding occupants’ needs and expectations;
it contributes to knowledge of low-energy residential buildings and takes a small step towards
understanding factors that affect green building development.

6. Future studies

The results presented in this thesis indicated a few issues that need further attention and
investigation. First, future study should focus on how responsibility for securing efficient building
operation can be applied in a business model. The gap between building construction and operation
has been discussed for many years now; however, the need to find the most appropriate solution has
never been more urgent.

Secondly, global warming requires change that is the responsibility of all of us, as a group and as
individuals. Future research could explore further how communication can improve environmental
awareness, education and affect customers’ behaviour and the decision-making process.


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