S.Y.B.Sc. (Microbiology) - 05092022
S.Y.B.Sc. (Microbiology) - 05092022
S.Y.B.Sc. (Microbiology) - 05092022
S. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology)
MB: 222 Air and Water Microbiology MB 242 Air, Water and Soil Microbiology
MB: 223 Practical Course based on MB 233 Practical based on Theory papers
Annual MB:211, MB:212, MB:221, MB 231 and MB 232
Practical MB:222 MB 243 Practical based on Theory papers
MB 241 and MB 242
1 Definitions 2
Incubation period, Viability, Susceptibility, Pathogenicity,
Virulence, Pathogenesis, Lab diagnosis, Epidemic, Sporadic,
Endemic, Pandemic
2 Study of following pathogens with respect to 10
Classification, Morphological, Cultural and Biochemical
characters, Antigenic structure, Viability characteristics,
Pathogenicity, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, Laboratory diagnosis,
Epidemiology, Prophylaxis and Chemotherapy:
Bacteria: a) Escherichia coli b) Staphylococcus aureus
Fungi: a) Candida b) Dermatophytes
4 Immunity 2
Definition, Types (Innate and acquired, active and passive, humoral
and cell mediated)
5 Formation of blood cells (Hematopoiesis) 4
Myeloid and lymphoid lineages and differentiation process
Lymphocyte types
6 Antigens and antibodies: Definition and Concept 2
7 Immunohematology 7
i. ABO and Rh blood group systems
ii. Bombay blood group
iii. Biochemistry of blood group substances
iv. Inheritance of ABH antigens
v. Medico legal applications of blood groups
1. Kanungo Reba. (2017). Ananthanarayan and Paniker's Textbook of Microbiology.
Tenth edition. The Orient Blackswan Publisher. ISBN-13: 978-9386235251
2. Collins C. H., Lyne P. M., Grange J. M. and Falkinham J. O. III. (Editors). (2004).
Collins and Lyne's Microbiological Methods. 8th edition. Arnold, London; Oxford
3. Finch R., Greenwood D., Whitley R. and Norrby S. R. (2010) Antibiotic and
Chemotherapy. 9th Edition. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780702040641
4. Dulbecco R., Eisen H. N. and Davis B. D. (1990). Microbiology. United States:
Publisher -Lippincott. ISBN: 9780608072432
5. Dey N. C., Dey T. K. and Sinha D. (2013). Medical Bacteriology Including Medical
Mycology and AIDS. 17th Edition. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd (Publisher). India
6. Kindt T. J., Goldsby R. A. and Osborne B. A. (2007). Kuby Immunology. 6th Ed.
W. H. Freeman and Co., New York.
7. MacFaddin J. F. (1985). Media for Isolation-Cultivation-Identification –Maintenance of
Medical Bacteria. Vol. I. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore
8. MacFaddin J. F. (2000). Oxidation- Fermentation Test. Biochemical Tests for Identification of
Medical Bacteria. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wilkins and Williams. 379-387. B, III
9. Mukherjee K. L. and Ghosh S. (2010). Medical Laboratory Technology, Volume III: Procedure
Manual for Routine Diagnostic Tests. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private
Limited. ISBN-13: 978-1259061257
10. Mukred A. M., Hamid A. A., Hamzah A. and Wan Mohtar Wan Yusoff W. M. W. (2008).
Growth Enhancement of Effective Microorganisms for Bioremediation of Crude Oil
Contaminated Waters. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.11: 1708-1712.
11. Pathak S. S. and Palan V. (1997). Immunology-Essential and Fundamental, Pareen Publications
12. Public Health England. (2019). Oxidation/fermentation of glucose test. UK Standards for
Microbiology Investigations. TP 27 Issue 4. https://www.gov.uk/uk-standards-
13. Roitt Evan, Brostoff J., Male D. (1993) Immunology. 6th Edition. Mosby and Co. London.
14. Roitt I. M. (1988). Essentials of Immunology, ELBS, London.
15. Roitt M. (1984). Essentials of Immunology. P. G. Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi.
16. Roth J. A., Bolin C., Brogden K. A., Chris Minion K. F. and Wannemuehler M. J. (1995).
Virulence mechanisms of bacterial pathogens. Second edition. American Society for
Microbiology. ISBN-13: 978-1555810856
Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune 5 |22
CBCS: 2019 Pattern S. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology
17. Schuenke S. (1997). Medical Microbiology. Fourth edition. University of Texas Medical
Branch of Galvesion. Samuel Baron (Editor). ASIN: B008UYPLIO
18. Champoux J. J., Neidhardt F. C., Drew W. L. and Plorde J. J. (2004). Sherris Medical
Microbiology: An Introduction to infectious diseases. 4th edition. Ryan K. J. and Ray C.
19. G. (Editors). McGraw-Hill Companies. DOI: 10.1036/0838585299
20. Shrivastava M., Navaid S., Peethambarakshan A., Agrawal K. and Khan A. (2015). Detection
of rare blood group, Bombay (Oh) phenotype patients and management by acute normovolemic
hemodilution. Asian journal of transfusion science. 9(1):74–77
21. Standards Unit. National Infection Service. PHE Bacteriology – Test Procedures.TP. 27(4):
Issue date: 16.01.19. 1-14
22. Stites D. P., Stobo J. D., Fudenberg H. H. and Wells J. V. (1982). Basic and Clinical
Immunology. 4th Edition. Lange Medical Publications, Maruzen Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore.
23. Gangal S. and Sontakke S. (2013). Textbook of Basic and Clinical Immunology. Universities
Press Private limited. Available also at Orientblackswan, India. ISBN: 9788173718298
24. Talwar G. P. (1983). Handbook of Immunology. Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi.
25. Paul W. E. (2003): Fundamental Immunology. 5th edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Publishers. ISBN: 9780781735148
26. Joklik W. K., Willett H. P., Amos D. B. and Wilfert C. M. 1995). Zinsser's Microbiology. 20th
Edition. Appleton and Lange Publisher. ISBN-13: 978- 0838599839
27. Zajic J. E. and Supplisson B. (1972). Emulsification and degradation of “Bunker C” fuel oil by
microorganisms. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 14: 331-343.
i. Introduction to Enzymes: Properties of enzymes, Nature of active 2
site, Structure of active site, commonly occurring amino acids at
active site. Ribozymes, coenzymes, apoenzymes, prosthetic group
and cofactors.
ii. Nomenclature and classification as per IUB (up to class level). 2
1 iii. Models for catalysis– 1
a) Lock and key
b) Induced fit
c) Transition state.
iv. Effect of pH and temperature, substrate concentration and enzyme 3
concentration, activators and inhibitors of enzyme
Bacterial Physiology
i. Definitions of Metabolism, catabolism, anabolism, respiration and 1
a. BIOTOL Series. (1993). Biotechnology by open learning series. Defense
Mechanisms.Butterworth and Heinemann Ltd., Oxford
b. Casida L. E. J. R. (2016). Industrial Microbiology. New Age International Private
Limited. ISBN- 9788122438024
3 Blood grouping: ABO, Rh and Bombay blood group (anti H Lectin test) 1
Total 12
Experiment 1. Measurements of cell dimension by micrometry:
1. Dubey R. C. and Maheshwari D. K. (2002). Practical Microbiology. S. Chand and Company
Limited, New Delhi, India
2. Gunasekaran P. (2007). Laboratory Manual In Microbiology. New Age International (P)
Limited New Delhi, India
3. Muskan K. and Patil U. K. (2009). Essentials of Biotechnology. I. K. International Publishing
House Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
4. Saxena J., Baunthiyal M. and Ravi I. (2015). Laboratory Manual of Microbiology,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Scientific Publishers, New Delhi, India
Course Outcomes:
Understanding the different experimental evidence for nucleic acid as genetic material
Comprehend the different types of nucleic acids, Structure of DNA and Prokaryotic DNA replication.
Understand the different models and modes of DNA replication with its basic rules of DNA replication
Get knowledge of Gene expressions, Mutations and reversions
Acquainted with Plasmid genetics
Understanding DNA: 7
i. Experimental evidence for nucleic acid as genetic material.
a. Discovery of transforming material (hereditary material):
b. Griffith’s experiment
c. Avery and MacLeod experiment
d. Gierer and Schramm
e. Fraenkel-Conrat and Singer experiment (TMV virus)
f. Hershay and Chase experiment
i. Gene expression 2
3 a. Concept of Genetic code and its properties
b. Concept of transcription and translation
ii. Mutations and reversions 10
Concept of Mutation and Types of mutations: Nonsense,
Missense, Silent, Conditional lethal-temperature sensitive,
Amber, Reverse, suppressor
a. Spontaneous Mutation
1. Brooker R. J. (2012). Genetics: Analysis and Principles. 4 th edition. McGraw- Hill-
2. Alberts B., Johnson A., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K. and Walter P. (2008). Molecular
Biology of the Cell. 5th Edition. Garland Science. Taylor and Francis. ISBN: 978-0-8153-
4105-5. .
3. Malacinski G. M. (2005). Freidfelder’s Essentials of Molecular Biology. 4th Edition. Jones
and Bartlett Publishers, Inc
4. Gardner E. J., Simmons M. J. and Snustad D. P. (2006). Principles of Genetics. 8 th edition.
John Wiley and Sons Publication. ISBN-13: 9788126510436
5. Hayes W. (2nd Edition). (1968). Genetics of Bacteria and their Viruses. Oxford-Edinburgh:
Blackwcll Scientific Publications.
6. Watson J.D., Baker, T.A., Bell, S.P., Gann A., Levine M. and Losick R. (2014). Molecular
Biology of the gene. 7th edition. Pearson. ISBN: 9780321762436
7. Krebs J., Kilpatrick S. T., Goldstein E. S. (Editors). Lewin's GENES X (2011). 10 th
Edition.Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett, c2011
8. Lodish H., Berk A., Kaiser C. A., Krieger M., Bretscher A., Ploegh H., Martin K. C., Yaffe
M. and Amon A. (2021). Molecular Cell Biology, 9th Edn. Macmillan Learning.ISBN:
9. Pawar and Daginawala. General Microbiology. Vol. I and vol II. 1st Edition.
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
10. Primrose S. B. (2002) .Principles of Gene Manipulation. 6 th Edition. Oxford: Blackwell
Scientific Publications
11. Russel P. J. (2000). Fundamentals of Genetics. Publisher:
Benjamin/Cummings. ISBN:9780321036261
12. Russel P. J. (2010). iGenetics: A Molecular Approach. 3rd Edition. Benjamin Cummings.
ISBN: 9780321569769
13. Stanier R. Y. (2003). General Microbiology. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
14. Strickberger M. W. (2012). Genetics. 3rdEdition. New Delhi: PHI Learning Gardner
a. Air flora 1
Transient nature of air flora
Droplet, droplet nuclei and aerosols
b. Methods of Air sampling and types of air samplers
1 Impaction on solids
Impingement in liquid
Sedimentation 3
c. Air sanitation: Physical and chemical methods 2
d. Airborne infections 1
ii. Water Microbiology
1. Aithal S. C. and Kulkarni N. S. (2015). Water microbiology ~ an Indian perspective.
Published by Himalaya Publishing House, IstEdition. ISBN: No.: 978-93-5202-129-1.
2. Dube H. C. and Bilgrami K. S. (1976). Textbook of modern pathology. Vikas publishing
house. New Delhi.
3. Dubey R. C. and Maheswari D.K. Textbook of Microbiology. S. Chand Publishing. ISBN:
Experiment 1. Staining Techniques
1. Robert Cruickshank, Duguid J.P., Marmilon B.P. and Swain R.H.A. (1975). Medical
Microbiology, The Practice of Medical Microbiology. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh London
And New York.