specific region.
Airline Business Reviewer
c. International airlines – provide air transportation
SESSION TOPIC: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT services to passengers or cargo on regular schedules
AIRLINE INDUSTRY within and outside the continent of airline’s registered
Air transport is an aircraft design for transporting country.
passengers and freight from one location to another in
Scheduled airlines
the air using airplanes, jets, rockets helicopters, and
drones. Scheduled airlines provide fixed-schedule services.
Passengers may select the most suitable flights offered
Air transport is the newest means of transport; this
by the airline and air tickets may be purchased through
means of transport was introduced in 1903 but
authorized travel agencies or directly to airline’s own
developed into full means of transporting people and
reservation systems. This kind of airlines require
freights in the 1930s. The greatest of air transportation
intensive planning based on passengers’ demand,
started after the Second World War (WW11). This
operations ability and pricing and marketing strategies.
means of transportation can be used for both domestic
and international flights. The following are the characteristics of scheduled
What is an Airline?
• The schedule is fixed for departure and arrival
According to ICAO atleast, airline refers only to
international operations. From the Convention on • The flights cannot be canceled in case there is a low
International civil Aviation: revenue or few passengers
a) "Air service" means any scheduled air service • Bounded by International Air Transport Association
performed by aircraft for the public transport of (IATA) rules
passengers, mail or cargo.
• Route planning, service frequency, and hub and spoke
b) "International air service" means an air service are complex
which passes through the air space over the territory of
more than one State. Charter Airlines
c) "Airline" means any air transport enterprise offering A charter flight is an unscheduled flight that is not part
or operating an international air service. of a regular airline routing. With a charter flight, you
rent the entire aircraft and can determine
Air Carrier — a person who undertakes directly by departure/arrival locations and times.
lease, or other arrangement, to engage in air
transportation. This includes an individual, firm, Because a charter flight is not part of a scheduled
partnership, corporation, company, association, joint- service, the flight will depart when you want it to. You
stock association, governmental entity, and a trustee, are also able to choose which cities you fly to and from.
receiver, assignee, or similar representative of such Charter Flights are particularly convenient when you
entities. need to travel to a city where scheduled airline service
may require multiple connections or layovers before
Passenger Airlines are categorized into domestic, you reach your destination.
regional, and international depending on their
destinations Characteristics of charter airlines:
a. Domestic airlines – provide air transportation • The passengers or tour operators may decide on
services to passengers and for cargo on regular routing and departing time
schedules within a country. Domestic air transportation • It can easily determine their own budget
include any flight that begins and ends in the same
country. • They do not operate a flight until the desired amount
of profit is earned. The airline will provide charter
b. Regional airlines – provide air transportation services services only if the desired amount of income will be
to passengers and for cargo on regular schedules within generated.
the same continent; regional airlines may be providing
• They are not bounded by IATA rules and therefore, A hub is a central airport that flights are routed through,
are more able to set their own regulations and spokes are the routes that planes take out of the
hub airport. Most major airlines have multiple hubs.
Ad hoc charters They claim that hubs allow them to offer more flights
Ad hoc charters operate flights not indicated by a set for passengers.
schedule due to the increased demand for travel during The components of the hub-and-spoke system are as
peak travel seasons or a sudden need for an individual follows:
to fly on business. Insurance companies are known to
book charter flights to repatriate a customer in need of • Line station – also referred to as a spoke, is any city
medical care abroad or within a country. Governments served by a hub. A line station feeds Passengers into the
also charter these flights to repatriate citizens because hub in an effort to maximize service and increase
of political instability or disaster in another country. passenger loads.
The following are the characteristics of ad hoc charters: • Hub - a city is chosen to be a hub because of its
location, resources, and facilities available.
• Operated for a specific purpose
• Gateway- the last city or the first city in a country
• Customers state the routing and timing of the flight from which the passenger departs to or arrives from an
• Often booked in a “last minute” or “emergency” international destination. A gateway city can also serve
situation as hub.
• Since the aircraft travel directly to their destinations • With an increased frequency, airlines are able to
from the original point, the travel time for the provide more flight operations to their passengers
passengers is minimized. • Airlines can purchase more aircraft and serve a
• There is less chance of losing baggage on a non-stop greater number of cities more efficiently with the hub-
flight and-spoke system
• Travelers do not have long layover times in a transit Disadvantages of a hub-and-spoke system
airport. • The fixed timetable of the network means that an
Disadvantages of a point-to-point system: interruption at one station can have repercussions
through the entire network
• If the airline does not serve a desired origin-and-
destination pair, the passenger will not choose to fly • Airlines are not allowed to take advantage of
with the airline. increased demand between two cities because aircraft
are previously earmarked
• Requires a large fleet size. Therefore, the airline needs
to invest more capital in purchasing aircraft so that • Delays at the hub for any reason cause congestion to
more routes can be offered. the entire network of flights
Hub and spoke • Passengers and cargo suffer longer times to reach
their destination
A (pure) hub-and-spoke network connects every
location through a single intermediary location called a • Inconvenient for passengers who are required to
hub. Hub-and-spoke, as a network structure, allows for deplane, locate their new departure gate and board the
greater flexibility within the transport system through a next aircraft
concentration of flows.
Code share • CANSO – The Civil Air Navigation Services
Business arrangements where two or more airlines
agree to market and publish a particular flight as part of a representative body of companies that provide air
their own schedule or timetable. Only one carrier traffic control. It represents the interests of Air
actually operates the flight, however the other airlines Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs). CANSO members
marketing the flight can all add their own unique flight are responsible for supporting over 85% of world air
number to the flight for marketing purposes. traffic, and through its workgroups, members share
information and develop new policies, with the aim of
Advantages of code sharing improving air navigation services on the ground and in
• The operating airline increases the number of the air.
passengers flying on its planes thereby increasing the • ANSP – Air Navigation Service Providers
efficiency of each flight.
an organization that provides the service of managing
• Airline provide more destinations without extra the aircraft in flight or on the maneuvering area of an
investments. and which is the legitimate holder of that responsibility.
• Passengers benefit from greater number of A body that manages flight traffic on behalf of a
destinations and flight choices on multiple airlines company, region or country.
which can be conveniently booked through a single Airline Codes
source such as the airline’s website.
IATA airline designators, sometimes called IATA
• Code sharing also allows passengers to earn more reservation codes, are two-character codes assigned by
mileage points when they are traveling on different the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to
airlines. the world's airlines.
Disadvantages of code sharing
• Ticket prices are often higher due to reduction of SESSION TOPIC: AIR TRAVEL PROCESS
flight frequencies and diminished competition between
airlines. The Pre-Travel Process
• Often passengers are confused about the operating The pre-travel process is the first stage when the
carrier and the marketing carrier. This is especially passenger makes plans for trip. There are
problematic if the passenger has a strong preference for
different reasons for passengers to travel and these
an airline’s aircraft and crew
purposes can be divided mainly into business
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was
officially established in May 1945 with its headquarters and leisure.
located in Montreal, Canada. • Business Travel. Business travel, otherwise known as
corporate travel, is a term used to describe travel that is
As of 2019, there are 193 member states in the ICAO.
carried out on behalf of a business, or for the purposes
There are four bodies established to govern the various of doing business with someone else.
aspects of such a diverse industry:
• Leisure Travel. Leisure travel is travel in which the
• ICAO – The International Civil Aviation Organization primary motivation is to take a vacation from everyday
a UN specialized agency, established by States in 1944
to manage the administration and governance of the Airline Reservation Department
Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago
Convention). Conventions 193 member states. Reservation and ticket agents are employed by airlines,
bus companies, railroads, and cruise lines to help
• IATA – The International Air Transport Association customers in several ways. Reservation agents make
and confirm travel arrangements for passengers by
the trade association for the world’s airlines, using computers and manuals to determine timetables,
representing some 290 airlines or 82% of total air traffic. taxes, and other information.
They support many areas of aviation activity and help
formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues. Airport City office
These offices are usually full-service offices offering SESSION TOPIC: PASSENGER TERMINAL ENVIRONMENT
reservations services, ticketing purchase, resolution of
ticketing issues, disposition of lost or broken baggage Airport
etc. Airport, also called air terminal, aerodrome, or airfield,
Airport ticket counter site and installation for the takeoff and landing of
aircraft. An airport usually has paved runways and
Airport ticket counters are usually located in the airport maintenance facilities and serves as a terminal for
terminal nearby the check-in Counter passengers and cargo.
Travel agents Airport Ground Services
A travel agency is a retail business engaged in selling Check-in counter
and arranging transportation, accommodations, tours, Airport Ticketing
and trips for travelers. Also known as “travel bureau”. A Boarding gate
travel agency's main function is to act as an agent, Waiting Area
selling travel products and services on behalf of a Airline and Airport Lounge
supplier or in this case are the airline companies. Arrival
Transfer desk
Airline Tickets
Lost and Found
After a reservation has been made and paid for, air Weight and Balance
tickets are issued to the passengers.
Airport Partner Services
There are two types of ticket formats: paper and
electronic. Airport Authority
Paper Tickets- It is a conventional airline ticket, Customs
consisting of a coupon for each flight together with Airport Security
other administration coupons. Paper tickets are rarely Law enforcement
required nowadays. Port health
Electronic tickets- An e-ticket carries the same Airport Clinic
information as a paper ticket. The major difference is an Tax refund office
eticket is located in an airline's computer database, Embassy and consulates
instead of the passenger's suitcase. It is an electronic
record of the traveler's airline reservation.
Departure Process
On the day of the departure, passengers are required to
arrive at the airline's check-in counter one to three
hours prior to the flight to obtain their boarding passes.
Arrival Process
After the aircraft lands at the destination, passengers
disembark from the aircraft. Arrival passengers may be
categorized into three groups: transit, transfer, and
There are two types of interline agreements: interline
check-in or baggage only. With interline check-in
agreements, the airlines may issue boarding passes on
each other's flights and transfer baggage between their
respective flights.