PT Science Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SS Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Gerona South District
Salapungan, Gerona, Tarlac


Name : ____________________________________________ Date :_________________
Section: ___________________________ Score:
I. Direction: Read and understand the statements very well. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
_______1. Which of the following is a mixture?

a. b. c. d.
______2. Sahaya likes to eat banana cue during recess time together with her friend Akmad. Can you name the
components of mixtures used in making a banana cue?
a. Banana, sugar and oil b. banana and salt
b. Banana and oil d. banana

_____3. Which of the following mixtures is heterogeneous?

a. salt and sugar dissolved in water
b. powdered detergent in a pail of water
c. 3 in 1 coffee dissolved in hot water
d. vegetable salad with dressing

_____4. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

I. salt dissolve with water III. Clothes in the basin
II. blood IV. Books in the shelves
A. I and III C. II and IV
B. I and IV D. I and II

_____5. Which of the following ingredients produce a heterogenous mixture when mixed together?
a. Oil and water c. salt and vinegar
b. Sugar and water c. salt and water

_____6. A vinegar mixed with soy sauce is a homogeneous mixture because:

a. you can easily identify its components
b. you can only see the dark color of soy sauce
c. the mixture appears one or uniform
d. the mixtures did not mix well

_____7. What is the best description of a heterogenous mixture?

a. It could break down easily.
b. We could easily see the particles.
c. We could not easily see the particles
d. It could transfer the particles to another place.

_____8. All of these metals are solid uniform mixtures except:

a.Brassb. bronze c. steel d. gold

_____9. Which is true about heterogeneous mixtures?

a. Composition of mixtures are the same all throughout.
b. Composition of mixtures are visible
c. Composition of mixtures can be easily identified
d. Both B and C

____10. Which of the following is a homogenous mixture?

a. Salt solution b. spaghetti c. buko salad d. mayonnaise

____11. What is the substance that is being dissolved in a solution?

a. Concentrator b. Solute c. Solvent d. Mixture

____ 12. In a saltwater solution, what substance is considered the solute?

a. Salt b. water
c. both are solute d. neither substance is a solute

____ 13. What do we call the substance that dissolves the other substance in
a. Solute b. mixture c. solvent d. concentrator

____14. What happens when you put a small amount of solute in a large amount of solvent?
a. The solution will be concentrated. C. The solution will be uniform.
b. The solution will be diluted. D. The solution will be immiscible.

____15. Which of the following liquids is immiscible with water?

a. Kerosene b. liquid soap c. soy sauce d. vinegar

II. Direction: Identify the factors that affect solubility for each sentence. Choose your answer inside the.
Write the letter only.
A. Temperature B. .Manner of Stirring
C. Nature of Solute D. Amount of Solvent

_________16. It tells about whether the solvent is in liquid, solid or in gas form.
_________17. It depends on how fast or slow mixture was stirred.
_________18. It tells whether the solute is soft or hard, powder or a whole piece.
_________19. It tells how hot or cold is the solvent mixed in a mixture.
_________20. It tells how much solvent is mixed in a mixture.

III. Direction: Describe the appearance and uses of solution. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

______21. What is solubility?

a. It is how the solute is actually dissolved in the solvent.
b. It is how much solvent is actually dissolved in the solute.
c. It is how much solute be dissolved in a fixed amount of solvent at a given temperature.
d. It is how much solvent be dissolved in a fixed amount of solute at a given temperature.
______22. What type of mixture is a solution?
a. Heterogeneous b. Immiscible c. Homogeneous d. Miscible
______23. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a solution?
a. It is a uniform mixture
b. It will scatter a beam of light
c. It is stable over time
______24. Which of the following is an example of a solid solution?
a. Carbonated water b. Oil and water c. Alloys d. toothpaste

______25. Which of the following is an example of a gas solution?

a. Air b. carbon dioxide c. Oxygen d. brass

IV. Direction: Identify the types of colloids. Match your answer with the column A with column B. Write
the letter only on the space provided.

A B.
________26. Paint A. Aerosol
________27. Mayonnaise B. Emulsion
________28. Whipped cream C. Foam
________29. Gelatin D. Sol
________30. Insecticide spray E. Gel

V. Direction: Answer it with TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

________31. Sand is insoluble to water.

________32. A suspension consists of two or more substances that will mix together, but do not dissolve into
each other to form new particles or compounds.
________33.The mixture of a sugar and water is an example of a suspension.
________34.Suspensions are insoluble mixture.
________35. Suspensions are mixtures composed of materials that are
visible to the naked eyes

VI. Directions: Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using magnet. Choose you’re the letter of the correct answer.

______36. What method is used to separate solid impurities from water using filter in the faucets?
A. sieving B. magnetism C. filtering D. distillation

______ 37. Iron fillings in sawdust can be separated by means of ______________.

a. decantation b. filtration c. magnetic separation d. sifting

______38. This kind of technique in separating mixtures is used in separating fine sand from rocks in the
mixtures of sand and gravel.
A. picking B. sieving C. filtering D. evaporation

______39. Divine wants to separate mixtures of cornstarch from small stones that she will be using in making
maja blanca. What kind of material will she use to separate it?
A. filter cloth B. towel C. filter paper D. strainer with small holes

______40. Which of the following examples undergo evaporation process?

A. a pail of water under the heat of the sun
B. brushing your teeth after meal
C. ironing clothes every weekend
D. listening to the radio

VII. Direction: Match column A with column B with the correct benefits of separating mixtures.

Column A Column B
____41. Segregating garbage through a. To refine the sand before
handpicking mixing it with cement in
constructing a house
____42. Sieving of gravel and sand b. Easy to plant
____43. Separating needles and buttons c. Prevent discoloration
in the sewing kit using magnet
____44. Separating avocado, watermelon d. Help us separate these things
seeds without getting hurt
____45. Separating white and colored e. Biodegradable and non-
clothes biodegradable waste will be
separated for proper disposal

VIII. Direction: Tell whether the following prepared mixture is beneficial or not beneficial.
_________46. _________47. __________48.

_______________ 49. ______________50.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Gerona South District
Salapungan, Gerona, Tarlac

OBJECTIVES NO. OF Easy (60%) Average (30%) Difficult (10%) PLACEME PERCENTAG
ITEMS Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating NT E

Describe mixtures /
1-2 1-2 4%
Identify the kinds of /
3-5 3-5 6%
Describe homogeneous /
and heterogeneous 5 6-10 10%
Differentiate a solute /
from solvent 5 11-15 10%
Identify factors /
affecting solubility 5 16-20 10%
Describe the appearance / /
and uses of solutions 5 21-25 10%
Identify the types of /
colloids 5 26-30 10%
Describe the appearance /
and uses of suspensions 5 31-35 10%
Describe techniques in /
separating mixtures 5 36-40 10%
such as decantation,
evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using
Identify the benefits of 5 / 41-45 10%
separating mixtures
Value the importance of 5 / 10%
separating mixtures in 46-50
addressing important
environmental issues
15 15 5 10 5
TOTAL 50 1-50 100%

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:


Master Teacher I
Noted by:


Principall III


1.A 26.D
2.A 27.B
3.D 28.C
4.D 29. E
5.A 30. A
6.C 31. TRUE
7.B 32. TRUE
8.C 33.FALSE
9.D 34.TRUE
10.A 35.TRUE
11.B 36.C
12.A 37.C
13.C 38.B
14.B 39.D
15.A 40.A
16.C 41. E
17.B 42. A
18.E 43.D
19.A 44. B
20.D 45. C

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