Grade 6 Summative Test in Science Modules 1-3

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Written Work No. 1 Quarter 1

Name: _________________________________ Date: ______Score: _________

School:_____________________________Parent’s Signature:_____________
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of these statements correctly describes a mixture? A mixture is ____

A. composed of different substances.

B. made up of different elements and compounds.

C. a combination of two or more substances that are chemically combined.
D. consists of two or more substances that are physically combined.
2. What type of mixture is a solution?
A. heterogeneous C. immiscible
B. homogeneous D. miscible
3. which is not an example of a solution?
A. coffee and water C. soil and water
B. Sugar and water D. salt and water
4. Which of these is a homogeneous mixture?
A. vinegar B. Blood C. paints D. insecticides
5. Which of these do not belong to the group?
A. Cornstarch B. Flour C. Sugar D. Water
6. You mix the oil and water. Which statement best describes heterogeneous
A. The mixture is completely mixed.
B. You cannot see the oil in the mixture.
C. The liquids did not mix but formed two layers.
D. The mixture became a solution.
7. Which is NOT a heterogeneous mixture?
A. Fruit Salad C. Marbles and Pebbles
B. Pencils and Pens D. Vinegar
8. Why is a freshly squeezed orange juice called heterogeneous mixture?
A. No change can be observed.
B. The components were completely dissolved.
C. The components cannot be separated completely.
D. The pulp component floats in a juice component.
9. Which is the example of heterogeneous mixture?
A. Halo-halo C. Sugar solution
B. Seawater D. Pineapple juice
10. Which of the following will dissolve in water?
A. oil B. salt C. gasoline D. sand
11. Which is the universal solvent?
A. Gas B. Oil C. Alcohol D. Water
12. In a solution, what substance dissolves?
A. Emulsion C. Solution
B. Solute D. Solvent

13. Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures. Which of these mixtures is not a

A. Soft drink B. Shampoo C. Mayonnaise D. Shaving
14. What is the phenomenon in particles in a colloid scatter the beams of light
that are directed at them?
A. Tyndall Effect C. Concentrated
B. Dispersion D. Absorption
15. Which of the following is heterogeneous?
A. Salt and sugar dissolves in water
B. 3 in 1 coffee dissolves in hot water
C. Vegetable salad with dressing
D. Vinegar and soy sauce
16. What is formed when two or more substances are combined?
A. Pure Substance B. Mixture C. Matter D.
Solid Matter
17. What mixture has a uniform composition and exist in single form?
A. Homogeneous Mixture C. Matter
B. Heterogeneous Mixture D. Pure Substance
18. What mixture has NO uniform composition and exist in two or more
A. Matter C. Homogeneous Mixture
B. Pure Substance B. Heterogeneous Mixture
19. Which is NOT a heterogeneous mixture?
A. Cement B. Salad C. Halo-Halo D. soy
20. What does NOT belong the group?
A. mayonaise C.butter

B. cheese D. jellies

21. Which of the following is NOT a sol?

A. jellies C. paints
B. gel D. whipped cream
22. Which of the following liquids do not mix with water?
A. Liquid soap C. Soy sauce
B. Oil D. Vinegar
23. which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. ice cream C. pearl
B. glue D. paint
24. it tells how hot or cold are the solvents mixed in a mixture..
A. how much solute is dissolved in the solvent
B. how much solvent is dissolved in the solute
C. how much solute can be dissolved in a fixed amount of solvent
D. how much solvent can be dissolved in a fixed amount of solute

25. A gram of salt can be dissolved in 100 ml water. What factors affect the
A. Amount of solute
B. Amount of Solvent
C. size of solute
D. Manner of stirring
26. A greater amount of sugar will dissolve in warm water than in cold water.
What is the factor affecting solubility?
A. temperature of solvent.
B. Amount of solute.
C. nature of solute.
D. manner of stirring.
27. Why should medicines prepared as suspensions be shaken well before
A. to mix in the powder drug that may have settled at the bottom
B. to make sure the flavors are mixed in so the dose will not taste bitter
C. to make the suspension turn into a colloid first before getting a dose
D. to make the suspension turn into a solution first before getting a dose
28. What kind of mixture is formed when larger particles settle out when left
A. colloid.
B. suspension.
C. solution.
D. solvent.
29. what kind of mixture is formed when oil is mixed with water?
A. solution
B. water
C. colloid
D. suspension
30. Colloids are ________.
A. homogeneous mixtures that seem to be heterogeneous
B. heterogeneous mixtures that seem to be homogeneous
C. suspensions that look like solutions
D. solutions that look like colloids

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