Sample Question Paper Class VIII

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1. The Question Paper is divided into four sections-
Section – A Reading (1X5X4=20 Marks)
Section – B Writing (1x5=5) (2x2 =4) (09 Marks)
Section – C Grammar (1X5X3=15 Marks)
Section - D Literature (1x4x2=8),( 2x10=20),((4x2=8) (36 Marks)
2. All the questions are compulsory.
3. Marks have been awarded against each question.


Q1 Read the following passage and answer the questions 1x5=5
Insurance industry in India has seen a major growth in the last decade along with an introduction of
a huge number of advanced products. This has led to a tough competition with a positive and
healthy outcome. Insurance sector in India plays a dynamic role in the wellbeing of its economy. It
substantially increases the opportunities for savings amongst the individuals, safeguards their future
and helps the insurance sector form a massive pool of funds.

With the help of these funds, the insurance sector highly contributes to the capital markets, thereby
increasing large infrastructure developments in India.

The Indian Insurance Sector

The Indian Insurance Sector is basically divided into two categories – Life Insurance and Non-life
Insurance. The Non-life Insurance sector is also termed as General Insurance. Both the Life Insurance
and the Non-life Insurance are governed by the IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India).
The role of IRDA is to thoroughly monitor the entire insurance sector in India and also act like a
custodian of all the insurance consumer rights. This is the reason all the insurers have to abide by the
rules and regulations of the IRDAI.

The Insurance sector in India consists of total 57 insurance companies. Out of which 24 companies
are the life insurance providers and the remaining 33 are non-life insurers. Outof which there are
seven public sector companies.

Life insurance companies offer coverage to the life of the individuals, whereas the non-life insurance
companies offer coverage with our day-to-day living like travel, health insurance, our car and bikes,
and home insurance. Not only this, but the non-life insurance companies provide coverage for our
industrial equipment’s as well. Crop insurance for our farmers, gadget insurance for mobiles, pet
insurance etc. are some more insurance products being made available by the general insurance
companies in India.

The life insurance companies have gained an investment prospectus in the recent times with an idea
of providing insurance along with a growth of your savings. But, the general insurance companies
remain reluctant to offer pure risk cover to the individuals.

1. Competition in any field leads to ------------- --.

a) A healthy and positive outcome.
b) An unhealthy and negative outcome.
c) A healthy and negative outcome.
d) An unhealthy and positive outcome.

2. Insurance Sector contributes to ----------------

a) An economic growth of the state

b) An economic growth of the country.
c) An economic growth of a person.
d) An infrastructure growth of the country.

3. You purchased a car from Maruti Showroom and decided to do your own and the car insurance.
Under which category it would fall.

a) Life-Insurance
b) Non-life insurance.
c) Life Insurance and None-life insurance.
d) None of the above.

4. Non-life insurance companies cover-

5. Choose an appropriate preposition that does not go with the word Abide
a) a) Abide by b) Abide in c) Abide with d) Abide off
Q.2 Study the salient features of monsoon 2020 and answer the following questions-1x5= 5
1. After studying Long Period Average rainfall and an actual rainfall what is your conclusion?
a) Actual rainfall has increased.
b) Actual rainfall has decreased.
c) Actual rainfall and Long Period Rainfall is same.
d) None of the above.

2. What is an average deficiency of rainfall in Himachal and Uttarakhand.

a) 20% b) 23% c) 26% d) 46%

3. Which region of the country has recorded the highest Long Period Average rainfall?
a) Central India
b) South India
c) North-west India
d) East & North-east India

4. What is an average rainfall of four months from June to September in 2020?

a) 100% b) 105% c) 110% d) 115%

5. Name the state which does not fall in Normal Rainfall?

a) Chhattisgarh b)Uttar Pradesh c)Jammu & Kashmir d)Bihar.
Q.3 Study the following visual inputs and answer the questions- 1x5=5

1. What is the meaning of the term-“farm to fork?”

a) Traditional farming
b) Advanced farming
c) Latest farming
d) The oldest farming.

2. Mohan is a farmer and produced a bumper crop of potatoes. Right now the cost of potato is
10 rupees per kg in the market and he doesn’t get good profit. In the given situation what
efforts should he make to get good price of potatoes?
a) Store in cold storage and wait for right time.
b) Register himself on e-NAM and sell the potatoes.
c) Visit the nearby cities and sell the potatoes.
d) Either a) or b)

3. Organic farming increases ---------------

a) Fertility of soil.
b) Production of crops.
c) Infertility of soil.
d) Selling price of crops.
i) a) & b) are correct.
ii) a) & c) are correct.
iii) b) & d) are correct.
iv) a),b) & d) are correct.
4. When will the farmer get the crops insurance?
a) If his crops are affected by the floods.
b) If his crops are affected by diseases.
c) If his crops are affected by pests.
d) All the above.

5. Being a farmer you want to avail the scheme of drip irrigation. Under which scheme you will
register yourself?
a) Pradhan Mantri Bima Fasal Yojana
b) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sanchayee Yojana.
c) Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana
d) Pradhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yogjana.

Q.4 Study the information about sparrow given below and answer the questions. 1x5=5

Q1. The sparrow is found in---------------

a) Antarctica b)China c)Japan d)India

Q2. What is an average life span of a sparrow?

a) 5-6 Years b)4-5 Years c)3-4 Years d)6-7 Years

Q3. The sparrow is --------------

a) Friendly bird b) Unfriendly bird c) Indifferent bird d) none of the above.

Q4. What is required for roosting of a sparrow?

a) A pot b)A tree c)Seeds d)A nest

Q5. Which among the following is not a correct statement?

Sparrows are fast disappearing due to--------------
a) Radiation
b) Pollution
c) Change in farming practices
d) Afforestation
Q.5 Attempt any one question from given below by filling up the blanks with appropriate
answers :(1x5=5)

(i) Letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times, complaining about the bad condition of water supplyin the
locality. You are Manav / Manavi living at H-19 Dayal Bagh Colony, New Delhi.

5th January 2008


Sub :( c)…………………….


I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities through the column of your
esteemed newspaper towards the problem of bad condition of water supply in Dayal Bagh colony.
Most of the time the taps remain dry. The supply is made only two hours in the morning and one hour
in th evening. Besides the water is muddy and polluted. Many residents fall sick. There are complaints
of jaundice and loose motions after drinking this water.

In this connection we have complained to the local authorities but in vain. I, therefore, request the
higher authorities to look into this matter and take necessary action immediately.

Thanking you.


Manav / Manavi
(ii) Letter to your friend telling him about your recent visit to a hill station, giving him all the details
like: How did you go? Who were there with you? What did you buy? About the scenic beauty of the
place, historical importance, and your overall experience about the visit. You are Kartik / Kritika living
at 21, Kushal Street,MTC Nagar,New Delhi – 4.





I am writing this letter to tell you about my recent visit to Ooty. Ooty ……………
(d) ................ sightseeing unlike other hillstations. The botanical garden was an amazing place to visit
and it had lush green areas.
I was thrilled to see the hill train in Ooty (also known as Nilgiris). The weather was very cool being a
hill station and we went during the peak winter.
The food was really good in the places we dined. Overall, it was a fun trip and (e) …………… once
whenever it is possible.

Your best friend

Kartik / Kritika

Q.6 You are Neeraj / Neerija of Kendriya Vidyalaya Akhnoor, CCA Captain of Raman House. Write a
notice for the students of your house, not more than 50 words, about a painting competition on
the topic ‘Mountains and Rivers’ on the occasion of Van-Mahotsava. Interested students may
give their names to the undersigned and bring required items such as colours, painting sheet,
brush and hard board etc. from home. For any other assistance and information you may contact
the Art & Drawingteacher. Put the notice in a box.(2)

Q.7 Look at the pictures below and write the story in your own words. Give it a title.(2)
SECTION C Grammar (15)
Q.8 Select the correct answers from the given options to change the narration :(1x5=5)
(Applies the rules to change dialogues from direct to indirect speech.)
 Do any five.
i Sarita said to Arun, “ You are not my best friend.”
a. Sarita told Arun that she is not his best friend.
b. Sarita told Arun that he is not her best friend.
c. Sarita told Arun that he was not his best friend.
d. Sarita told Arun that he was not her best friend.

ii Arun replied, “I still respect you.”

a. Arun replied that I still respect you.
b. Arun replied that he still respect you.
c. Arun replied that he still respected her.
d. Arun replied that I still respect her.

iii. Sarita said, “you have lost my trust.”

a. Sarita said that he has lost her trust.
b. Sarita said that he had lost her trust.
c. Sarita said that you had lost her trust.
e. Sarita said that he has lost my trust.

iv. The guard asked, “Who are you?”

a. The guard asked who he was.
b. The guard asked me who he was.
c. The guard asks me who he was.
d. The guard asked me who I was.

v. Ravi said, “The concert ended yesterday.”

a. Ravi said that the concert had ended yesterday.
b. Ravi said that the concert ended the day before.
c. Ravi said that the concert had ended the previous day.
d. Ravi said that the concert ended already.

vi. She said, “Bring a glass of water, please.”

a. She commands me to bring a glass of water.
b. She requested me to bring a glass of water.
c. She asked me to brought a glass of water.
d. She ordered me to bring her a glass of water.

Q.9 Arrange the following jumbled words to make meaningful sentences. Do any five (1X5=5)
i. fourth/ world/ the/ the/ country/ USA/ in/ is/ largest.
ii. Once/my/more/can/sister/you/help?
iii. doctor/ should/ the/ how/ visit/ month/ a/ often/ we/in?
iv. to/ lovely/ is/him/ always/ meet/ it.
v. are not/ citizens/ respected/senior/ or cared for
vi. animal/matters/our vision/a world/should be/where/welfare
Q.10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives (1X5=5)
i. She does not want ______________ coffee (some, any)

ii. Did you see _____________girl there? (some, any)

iii. Will you give me _____________ sugar ( some, any)

iv. There is _________ coffee in the kitchen, but there isn’t __________ milk. ( some, any)

v. How ____________ girls are there in VIII class. (many, much)

Section-D Literature (36)

Read the following extract taken from your textbook 'Honeydew' and answer the questions that
follow.(1×4=4 marks)
When we had got over the surprise, some of us shouted back. “Same to you, Fritz! Same to you!” I
thought that would be that. We all did. But then one of them was up there in his grey greatcoat and
waving a white flag.
Q.11 ‘We’ in the first line refers to
a) French soldiers b) the British soldiers
c) Jim and Connie d) the narrator and his friend.
Q.12 . ‘Same to you’ here means
a) Happy Christmas b) good feelings c). we are same d). we are fine.
Q.13 ‘I thought that would be that’. It means that I thought that
a) it was all b). it was a mistake c). it was a joy d). it was dangerous.
Q.14 The phrase ‘got over’ means
a) passed b). overcame c) excited d) got out.
Read the following extract taken from your textbook 'Honeydew' and answer the questions that
follow: (1x4=4)

When the jet reached ten thousand feet,

it was clear why the country
had cities where the rivers ran
and why the valleys were populated.
Q.15 From the height of ten thousand feet the poet was observing
a) His city b). His country c). The earth d). The sky.
Q.16 The cities are developed
a) in the open space b). on the hill-side c). by the river-side d). in the deserts.
Q.17 The valleys populated because
a). the climate is good b) people love the hills
c). the life is safe there d) the water is easily available.
Q.18 The word ‘valley’means the same as
a) Vale b) valet c) velour d) value.
Attempt any five questions from given below (Short Answer Type Question) ( Text BOOK-
Honeydew ) (2x5=10)

Q.19 What is Connie’s Christmas Present? Why is it “the best Christmas Present in The World”?

Q.20 How Meghna’s and Almas’s stories are are similar?

Describe the reasons for the discontentment that led to the 1857 War of Independence.
What facts and evidences in the story can describe Bepin Choudhury as a serious and hard working
What were the ‘symbols of reverence’ left by the members of the team on the Everest?

Why did the ant tell the cricket ‘dance winter away.’

Attempt any five questions from given below (Short Answer Type Question) (Supplementary
Reader - Its So Happened ) (2x5=10)
Q.24 What basic issue does the story “Children at Work” deal with? Discuss.
Q.25. On one occasion the children said. “How happy we are here!” Later they said; “How happy we
were there!” What are they referring to in both the cases?
Q.26. Under the circumstances it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.
Elaborate the italicized parts of the sentence above.
What did the Principal say to Hafeez Contractor, which influenced him deeply?
The Giant saw the most wonderful sight. What was it?
How did the Djinn punish the camel? Describe.
How can child labor be stopped? Elaborate.
Q.29. Attempt question given below in about 60 words(Long Answer Type Question):
(i). What do you think happened after Bepin Babu came to know the truth? Was he angry with his
friend for playing such a trick on him? Or do you think he decided to help a friend in need?
(ii) Do you agree that endurance, persistence and will power contribute in success of any person? Describe it
with reference to The Summit Within.
Q.30. Attempt any one question from given below in about 60 words(Long Answer Type Question):
(i). What is Hafeez contractor’s definition of mathematics? How would you want to define
mathematics? Do you like the subject?
(ii). What evidence do you find in the story about the Giant’s selfishness and wicked nature? Did he
stick to this? How do you know?
Note: More Internal choices wherever required may be given.

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