Lesson 7. Odd Jobs. All in A Day's Work

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A. Discuss.

- What is your ideal job? What are the reasons for your choice?
- Can you think of any unusual jobs?
- Do you know any people with strange jobs?

B. Vocabulary

lawyer ['lɔ:jə] юрист, адвокат

obvious ['ɒbvıəs] явний, очевидний

to consider [kən'sıdə] вважати

rush [rʌʃ] приплив

to compete [kəm'pi:t] змагатися

fascinated ['fæsə,neıtıd] зачарований

essential [ə'senʃəl] неодмінний

bull [bʋl] бик

baggy ['bægı] мішкуватий

to throw [θrəʋ] кидати

to entertain [,entə'teın] розважати

crowd [kraʋd] натовп

fingerprint ['fıŋgə,prınt] відбиток пальця

analyst ['ænəlıst] аналітик

responsible [rı'spɒnsəbəl] відповідальний

though [ðəʋ] все-таки, хоч

to identify [aı'dentə,faı] ідентифікувати,


employer [ım'plɔıə] роботодавець

to require [rı'kwaıə] вимагати,


patience ['peıʃəns] терпіння,


to add [æd] додавати

exhausting [ıg'zɔ:stıŋ] стомлений

to convict ['kɒnvıkt] визнати винним,


commercial [kə'mɜ:ʃəl] реклама

to provide [prə'vaıd] постачати

to hire ['haıə] наймати

sketch [sketʃ] ескіз, замальовка

script [skrıpt] кіносценарій,


mike [maık] мікрофон

silliness ['sılınıs] дурість

to compare [kəm'peə] порівнювати

audition [ɔ:'dıʃən] прослуховування

concussion [kən'kʌʃən] струс, контузія

to stitch [stıtʃ] накладати шви

to distract [dı'strækt] відволікати


Read the text quickly without paying any attention to the missing
sentences. What are the three jobs described in it?


Doctor, police officer, lawyer, teacher … Everybody has heard of these

jobs, but the most interesting jobs are not always the most obvious. Here are a
few people who they some of best jobs in the world – and it is possible that you
have even considered them.

Brad Charandoff has enjoyed an adrenaline rush since he was a child.

Growing up on a ranch, he had plenty of opportunity for adventure. 1. E. When
he was thirteen, he started competing in rodeos. He was immediately fascinated
by the rodeo clowns.

Rodeo clowns are an essential part of the sport of bull riding. During the
competition, a cowboy gets onto a bull, which does its best to buck him off. The
cowboy who can stay on the longest is the winner. But sooner or later, all of
them fall or jump off the bull. 2. G. To do this, they wear colourful, baggy
clothes, and may run in front of the bull or throw something at it.

Naturally, playing with half-wild bulls is a dangeroi job. 3. F. So why

does he do it? 'I put myself in danger to help others,' he says, 'I also love
entertaining the crowd. I've always bee the kid who could make people laugh.'

Gus Wong is a fingerprint analyst at a police station. His job is

responsible, though less dangerous than Brad's. Analysts use fingerprints to
identify criminals. 'Criminals can move away, change their; hair colour, even
their names,' says Gus. 'But they can't change their fingerprints.' 4.A. That way,
even if a criminal has changed his name, he can be identified.

5.D. Many employers also require them to have a post-secondary degree.

'You need good computer skills, an eye for detail and a lot of 30 patience,' adds
Gus. 'I have analysed thousands of individual fingerprints over my career. It is
often exhausting, but I have seen many criminals convicted because of evidence
that I found.'

Richard Beamish also works behind the scenes. He's a professional actor,
but you won't ever see his face. Richard is a voice actor - one of the people who
give their voices to characters in cartoons, video games and commercials. Voice
40 actors use their voices to help create a unique and interesting character.

For the past three years, Richard has provided the voice of the character
Twinkle in the children's television show Space Club. 6.C. Most voice actors
don't get hired to do cartoons right away - they need to get experience doing less
glamorous work such as recordings for commercials. However, this isn't the
case with Richard. 'The director gave me a description of 50 the character, a
sketch of how he looked, and a piece of script. I created his voice from that and
they liked what they heard!'
Richard loves the experience of recording the shows. 'We start at nine in
the morning. I try 55 to read the script quickly before we start, but I have been
playing Twinkle for so long I know exactly how he should sound. We sit in a
circle with our mikes, and then the silliness begins.'


Six sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the
sentences A-G the one which best fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

A. He compares the prints found at a crime scene with those in the police

B. That gives him a sense of satisfaction because he is helping make the

world a better place.

C. He got his present job through an audition.

D. Fingerprint analysts need to take a special course to learn the skills

needed for their job, which they may do at a college or through the police

E. He learnt to ride a horse when he was about two years old.

F. He has received twenty broken bones, four concussions, and has

needed stitches more times than he can count.

G. The rodeo clowns distract the bull long enough so that the cowboy can
get away safely.

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