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Household chores

Jackie: For this week's we're talking about urghh

household chores.

Richard: Yes, not very nice.

Jackie: Well, some are nicer than others but some are very unpleasant. Um…
the laundry, Richard.

Richard: Yes, washing the clothes.

Jackie: Not too bad.

Richard: Very easy, we have a washing machine.

Jackie: So, actually we’re not really doing that, are we?

Richard: No [Jackie laughs] put it in the washing machine and then… but then,

Jackie: Yes, we don’t have a tumble dryer so…

Richard: We have to hang the laundry out.

Jackie: Yes

Richard: Um… and then [laughs] ironing.

Jackie: Well, we have an ironing board and we have an iron but in fact,
Richard, neither of us do the ironing, do we?

Richard: No, now I don’t have an office job I don’t need to iron my shirts.

Jackie: Yes. Er… and another rather boring chore, Richard, is that’s the
dusting, isn’t it?

Richard: Yes, I don’t like the dusting.

Jackie: We have a nice feather duster. [both laugh] It’s just a bit boring. I
think I do that more than you.

Richard: Yes, you do the dusting and I do the hoovering.


Jackie: Yes, I don’t know why I don’t like the hoovering. I think it’s because
of the noise.

Richard: It’s very, very noisy. Yes, I don’t mind that. And the other thing I
don’t really mind doing too much is the washing-up. As you do all the
cooking I feel I have to do the washing-up.

Jackie: Yes, we um… we don’t have a dishwasher, do we?

Richard: No dishwasher.

Jackie: So you… you do it all by hand.

Richard: Exactly

Jackie: But that’s not too bad.

Richard: No, not at all. I don’t find it too bad, after a good meal.

Jackie: [laughs] And then there actually… there are some things we have to
do every day, some chores that we have to do every day, but
actually are quite nice.

Richard: [laughs] With our animals.

Jackie: Yes, one of those is taking the dog for a walk.

Richard: I take the dog for a walk, er… well actually the dog takes me for a
walk, um… and often I just throw the ball just to make sure she gets
lots of exercise.

Jackie: But you do that quite a few times during the day.

Richard. Yes, two or three times a day.

Jackie: Mmm, and the thing that I do um… usually, and that’s feeding the

Richard: [laughs] Yes, I do that occasionally as well. So, those are our daily
chores and I think, Jackie, it’s your turn to get out and feed those


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