Earth&LifeScience Q1 Assignment #4 Vergara Marinelle

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Assignment #4

Complete the table below. Search for the names, pictures and descriptions of igneous
rocks based on its textures.
Picture Name Description
It is a dark-
colored, fine-
grained, igneous
1. rock composed mainly
of plagioclase and
pyroxene minerals.
It most commonly
forms as an
extrusive rock, such
BASALT as a lava flow, but
can also form in
small intrusive
bodies, such as an
igneous dike or a
thin sill.
Rhyolite is an
extrusive igneous
rock with a very
high silica content.
2. It is usually pink
or gray in color
with grains so small
that they are
difficult to observe
RHYOLITE without a hand lens.
Rhyolite is made up
of quartz,
plagioclase, and
sanidine, with minor
amounts of
hornblende and

Picture Name Description
It is a large group of
1. dark, often phaneritic
(coarse-grained), mafic
intrusive igneous rocks
chemically equivalent
to basalt. It forms
GABBRO when molten magma is
trapped beneath the
Earth’s surface and
slowly cools into a
holocrystalline mass.

Granite is a light-
colored igneous rock
2. with grains large
enough to be visible
with the unaided
eye. It forms from
the slow
crystallization of
magma below Earth's
surface. Granite is
GRANITE composed mainly of
quartz and feldspar
with minor amounts
of mica, amphiboles,
and other minerals

Picture Name Description
4. Porphyritic Andesite
is the name used for
a family of fine-
grained, extrusive
igneous rocks that
are usually light to
dark gray in color.
They often weather
to various shades of
brown, and these
specimens must be
broken for proper
PORPHYRITIC Andesite is rich in
plagioclase feldspar
minerals and may
ANDESITE contain biotite,
pyroxenes, or
amphiboles. Andesite
usually does not
contain quartz or
Rhyolites are often
light gray to
pinkish to somewhat
reddish in color.
When erupted,
2. rhyolite lavas are
highly viscous
PORPHYRITIC (thick & slow-
moving) and often
RHYOLITE appear as if they
have flowed like
OR oozing toothpaste.
Porphyritic rhyolite
referred to by the
horrid term
"rhyolite porphyry".

Picture Name Description
4. Obsidian, igneous
rock occurring as a
natural glass formed
by the rapid cooling
of viscous lava from
volcanoes. Obsidian
is extremely rich in
silica (about 65 to
OBSIDIAN 80 percent), is low
in water, and has a
chemical composition
similar to rhyolite.
Obsidian has a
glassy lustre and is
slightly harder than
window glass.
Pumice is a light-
colored, extremely
porous igneous rock
that forms during
explosive volcanic
2. eruptions. It is
used as aggregate in
concrete, as
aggregate, and as an
PUMICE abrasive in a
variety of
industrial and
consumer products.
Many specimens have
a high enough
porosity that they
can float on water
until they slowly
become waterlogged.

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