(International Centre For Mechanical Sciences 270) C. M. Rodkiewicz (Eds.) - Arteries and Arterial Blood Flow-Springer-Verlag Wien (1983)
(International Centre For Mechanical Sciences 270) C. M. Rodkiewicz (Eds.) - Arteries and Arterial Blood Flow-Springer-Verlag Wien (1983)
(International Centre For Mechanical Sciences 270) C. M. Rodkiewicz (Eds.) - Arteries and Arterial Blood Flow-Springer-Verlag Wien (1983)
With the ever increasing quality and volume of human knowledge we also arrive at a
better understanding of our own health problems. This is particularly true in medical and
paramedical research. Since diseases and defects of the human cardiovascular system remain
one of the most important causes of troubles and death, researchers are expanding
considerable enerf(y to understand this complex system.
Late Professor W. Olszak recognized t~e importance of this branch of learning and was
instrumental in the organization of the International Seminar on "Engineering and Medical
Aspects of the Arterial Blood Flow" in Udine, of which this book is part of
The book contents provide an exposition of the standard concepts and their
application as well as provide some recent research and its results. The material is arranged
in five chapters.
Chapter I concerns the blood rheology and its implication in the flow of blood. This is
studied as dominated by plasma viscosity, hematocrit and red cell properties, namely
aggregability and deformability. Quantitative models of highly concentrated suspensions,
which exhibit shear-thinning, thixotropy and viscoelasticity are discussed. Annular (two
phase) flow models are developed for analyzing blood flow in narrow vessels. Some
examples in clinical application are given.
Chapter II deals with the arterial walls. The geometry and mechanical properties of
blood vessels of the cardiovascular system are discussed in detail. Mathematical descriptions
are presented and compared with experimental work. The time dependence is treated both
in terms of quasilinear elasticity, continuous relaxation spectra, and general nonlinear
viscoelasticity theory.
Chapter III briefly introduces the dynamics of fluid filled tubes. Initial value problems
are considered f~r fluid filled elastic and viscoelastic tubes. Material properties are chosen
which are appropriate for biological applications. Numerical techniques for the inversion of
integral transforms, which arise in the analysis, are discussed and numerical results are
Chapter IV concerns the .small arteries and the interaction with the cardiovascular
system. This chapter describes and defines the properties of the microcirculation: the
physical properties of the wall, the contractibility, the flow and pressure in the small vessels
and the transcappillary movement of the fluid. Special parts of the circulation (particularly
of coronary circulation) and the interaction between small arteries and the other
components of the circulation are described.
Chapter V deals with the flow in large arteries. Flow characteristics and governing
parameters for the Newtonian fluids are discussed. Basic differential equations and shear
stress expressions are set. This is followed with theoretical and experimental considerations
pertinent to the flow in straight tubes, curved passages, simple junctions, and the aortic
arch. Correlation with the atherosclerotic formations is indicated.
Czeslaw M. Rodkiewicz
4 .1 Single Integral Representations 1 59
4.2 Descriptions of Time Dependence 160
4.3 Multiple Integral Representations 166
4.4 Time Dependence in Biological Tissues 170
1.1 Introduction 179
1.2 Formulation of Problem 181
1.3 Constitutive Equations of Tube Material 183
2.1 Tube Equations 185
2.2 Fluid Equations 186
2.3 Nondimensionalization Scheme 187
2.4 Nondimensional Form of Equations 189
Prof. Olszak received Ph. D. degrees in Engineering and Mathematics at the Universities
of Paris and Vienna.
In 1952, he founded the Department of Mechanics and Continuous Media, which has
since become the most important and dynamic research center in Poland. Later he became
head of that Department. His research problems focused on the theory of elasticity and
plasticity, rheology and the theory ot structures. He was also the first in Poland to taclde
the problems of the theory of prestressed structures, and the results of his investigations
were published in two monographs.
Prof. Olszak also authored more than 300 scientific and technical papers, as well as 10
monographs, and was the editor-in-chief of several journals of the Polish Academy of
From 1936 till his death in 1980, Prof. Olszak participated in 5 international
congresses at which he presented his original research papers. In addition, he organized
several lecture tours in Canada and the United States, as well as in several countries in
His -international reputation and authority in the field of plasticity has earned him
numerous honorary degrees all over the world. Prof. Olszak had received the title of
"Doctor Honoris Causa" from the Universities of Toulouse, Liege, G~gow and New
Brunswick, from the Technical Universities of Vienna, Dresden, Warsaw and Cracow and
from the Mining College in Cracow.
In addition, he held membership at the Academies of Sciences in Toulouse, Belgrade,
Stockholm, Helsinki, Turin, Halle, Vienna, Sofia, Boulogne, Paris, Madrid, Ljubljana and
Buenos Aires, honorary memberships in Budapest and Luxemburg, and a Fellowship in New
During his career, Prof. Olszak founded many organizations all over the world. One of
his more noteworthy accomplishments has been participating in the foundation of the
International Center for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) in Udine, Italy, in 1969. The CISM is,
so far, the only institution which, on an international level, covers all domains of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. It has rapidly acquired a recognized international
reputation. To a great extent, this was due to Prof Olszak, who as CISM's rector, engaged his
scientific reputation and international experience to the benefit of this dynamic institution.
Czeslaw M. Rodkiewicz
Laboratoire de Biorheologie
et d'HYdrodynamique Physicochimique
75251 Paris Cedex 05 (FRANCE)
1.1 Introduction
Blood flow has been early considered as having a major i~po~tance ln
physio-pathology : for a long time, blood remaln as the vital fluid,
heart failure as death.
Transport of oxygen and nutrients that tissue cells need for their
metaboJic activity on the one hand and removal of carbon dioxide and
metabolic products, on the other hand, are the main functions of blood
circulation. Moreover 'J.nder 'rarying external conditions, peripheral (skin)
microcirculation maintains a statle te~perature within the body.
The rate of this exchan[e ~ainly depends on (i) red blood cell
(RBC) concentration (i.e. hematocrit::':) ln circ'J.lating blood anci (ii)
flow rate Q. It is therefore determined by the cardiac per:orEance. :or
a long time, the latter has been thought of as only related to the abili-
ty of heart to deliver the energy for blood pumping. It now appears more
and more that flow resistance dominates the cardiac performance, not
only through characteristic properties of blood vessels (non linear(visco-
elastic)mechanical properties ; geometrical factors - branching, tapering,
singularities - and vasa-control effects) but also through fluid proper-
ties. Indeed, rheological characteristics of blood (non-newtonian visco-
sity, thixotropy and visco-elasticity) and physico-chemical properties of
plasma, play a significant role in flow regulation in health and diseases.
Several authors , as S. CHIEN (1972) stressed that "hemorheological
factors were unjustly underestimated up to now, in comparison with car-
diac or vascular factors".
Indeed, it is not unreasonable to think that number of cardiovascular di-
seases-- currently attributed to some myocardiac or vascular pathologies
which would appear in response to direct action of some external factor--
could be in fact a secondary effect resulting from a primary hemorheolo-
gical disease due to this external factor acting directly on blood.
General Features of Blood Circulation 3
lume fraction) of a variety of cells, Red Cells (RBC), White Cells (WBC),
Platelets ( 0 ) suspended in a continous phase called plasma.
Plasma is an aqueous solution of electrolytes 'and organic substances
mainly proteins. Relative proportions of cell elements and concentrations
of plasma components in blood are shown on Table 1 .1. Plasma behaves as
a newtonian fluid whose viscosity np depends primarily on temperature as
water does. Strong non newtonian properties of plasma reported in some
observations had been considered as resulting from air-plasma interfacial
As RBCs compose about 97% of the total cell volume, whole blood pro-
perties are (rheologically) dominated by RBC properties (excepted in so-
me pathologic cases as leukaemia in which the large number of white cells
increases both viscosity and shear-rate dependence of blood (DINTENFASS,
1965) ),
Hematocrit is the volume fraction of red cells plus trapped plasma
obtained by centrifuge of a.volume of whole blood prevented from clot-
ting by addition of anticoagulants. Blood rheological properties have
General Features of Blood Circulation 5
been found free from any effects that would be induced by these antico-
agulants(generally hepari~ or EDTA ( 0 )). The hematocrit value His normal-
ly a little greater than the true volume fraction ¢ , since a small volu-
me of plasma is trapped between the cells and it is advisable to use a
corrected hematocrit ¢ = 0.96 H ~n normal conditions (CHIEN and USA~I,
1971). Nevertheless, this correction strongly depends on RBC deformabi-
lity and becomes very important in the case of rigid particles for which
packing volume fraction is about 0.60. Such a value for the correction
factor was found in the case of hardened cell suspensions (CHIEN and
USAMI, 1971 ).
( 0 ) EDTA = disodium-diamino-ethane-tetra-acetate.
6 D. Quemada
( ) Number of authors used the term microcirculation for circulation
both ( i) in capillaries and (ii)arteriols and venules . Hereafter we
prefer to limit the use of this t o the latter .
General Features of Blood Circulation 9
a = ny (1 •1 )
n = .
(1 .1 a)
~ro ~~---.--.---.--.
10 ~~~~-+-+~~--~
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
or ( 1 • 2)
n or n(o) ( 1 • 3)
12 D. Quemada
a b
I log~
.. ······~,e'~~~'o~e~ ...... -
\"":........:::J •
... '?r Y 1),
Fig.1 .6 Non-newtonian (Shear-Thinning) Steady Behaviour a) cr=cr(y)
variations; b) Structural viscosity n=n(y), having the two limiting
values no=n(o) and noo= n(oo)·.(on set, curve n versus .y 'in logarith-
mic coordinates, exhibits an apparent plateau for y-+ o).
sing the shear rate, that leads to increase the particle orientation in
the flow direction (the same effect is obtained with non spherical parti-
cles). Hence, an additional cause of lowering of viscosity as y increases
is found out. This discussion calls for the very important concept of
structural viscosity (first introduced in 1926 by OSTWALD and AUERBACH).
(1. 4)
a CT a
ao <To
c:r, o;
t ..
to 0 t, 'ir 0 to t
Fig.1 .7 Variations of cr(t) and n(t) for a thixotropic fluid
submitted to a step· of shear rate y , in relation with shear
rate dependence of steady shear stress and viscosity, cr(y) and
n( .y).
to t Responses for
I-- I
to t
c a; 1-r
to t
to t
• • iwt
Y = YICoswt = YIRe(e ) ( 1 • 5)
where Re(g) = real part of any complex number g, and i 2 = -1. This respon-
se in stress exhibits a phase difference with y such as:
cr = crocos ( wt + 'P) = cr1coswt ·
+ crzslnwt ·
, whlch ·
can be wrltten cr = Re ("'cre iwt)
using the complex amplitude of stress:
( 1 • 6)
( 1. 7)
2 -1
T 'V a Dtr "' (2. 7)
where Dtr = KT/6~nFa and Drot = KT/8~nFa3 are the translational and
rotational Brownian coefficients for diffusion, respectively, leads to
2.3 Viscometry
A. Tube viscometers
Fluid flows down a tube from a reservo~r. The tube diameter 2R is
precisely known (nevertheless this diameter is always larger than about
300 pm, in order to avoid phase separation effects (See §7.1). Onere-
cords the time interval during which a fixed volume of fluid flows
through the tube under a given pressure gradient P = ~p/L. As shear ra-
te varies inside the tube, decreasing from its maximum value Ym at the
tube wall to zero at the tube axis, the measurement involves the (un-
known) flow curve between 0 and Ym· In the case of a newtonian fluid,
no difficulty arises since n = cte and the pressure-flow rate relation
(Poiseuille law) give the viscosity
1T RLf
n =- - P (2.11)
8 Q
22 D. Quemada
Corrections for end effects have been taken into account using
pairs of capillary tubes of equal radii and of different lengths (COKE-
LET, 1972).
In the case of non-newtonian fluids, eq.(2.11) 1s used to define
the apparent viscosity of the suspension na, which is the viscosity of
a fictive newtonian fluid which would give the same flow rate under the
same pressure gradient. In the case of homogeneous fluid (with local y
value as a single-valued function of local a-value), the true relation-
ship between y and a can be calculated from the values at the wall,aw
and Yw :
and (2.12)
Using the local shear rate y =-dv/dr, where v(r) is the axial component
of velocity, the flow rate expression can be integrated by parts :
Q = (2.13a)
1TR4 (2.14)
Variables Governing Suspension Rheology 23
It is worth noting that (2. 14) gives the value of the true viscosi-
ty n = n( Y) for Y = Yw·;, the true shear rate at the wall. Both n and Yw
differ respectively from na (by 2.11) andy
aw = 4Q/TIR , the latter being
the (fictive) wall shear rate of a fictive newtonian fluid (with viscosi-
ty na). Eq (2.11) is recovered if the fluid is assumed to be newtonian,
i.e. if dQ/dP = Q/P.
B. Rotational viscometers
The two maln types are the coaxial cylinder and the cone-plate vls-
B.1- ~~~~~~!-~l!~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ (Fig. 2. 1)
The fluid is held between a cylindrical (inner) bob (radius = R,
height= h) and a coaxially mounted (outer) cup (radius= sR, s > 1).
The cup is rotated at constant angular speed n and the viscous drag
transmitted through the fluid is measured by the angular deflection of
the bob (suspended from a torsion wire) or by the torque 1 required to
maintain it at its original position.
When the gap between cup and bob lS small enough (s- 1 ~ 1), the
mean shear stress o and the mean shear rate Ya are defined as
0 = (2. 15)
a s 4TIR 2h
24 D. Quemada
For non newtonian fluids (restricted to the case when local shear
stress is an only function of local shear rate), the true viscosity can
be obtained from the following infinite series (KRIEGER and ELROD, 1953)
which give'3 th.e shea;· rate Yw at. the bob surface
Yw [ 1 + x ~
+ l
x2 (d2y +
) +
( 2. 18)
The fluid fills the gap between a cone of very large apex angle 26
(such as a = 90° - 6 ~ 4° for example) and a flat surface (plate) normal
to the cone axis. Cone apex just rests on the plate. One unit (cone or
plate) 1s rotated (angular speed n) and the viscous drag is measured as
a torque L on the other. If phase separation does not occur the fluid
inside the gap experiences a constant shear rate y= n/a • If R is the
"cone radius" the shear stress at the plate surface is
from which the apparent viscosity na (the true one for newtonian fluids)
can be calculted directly :
26 D. Quemada
= = ( 3. 1 )
an ra
> 0 < 0 (3.2)
ay a
that is (i) as for any suspension, blood viscosity increases when volume
fractiongrows and (ii) blood is a non-newtonian (shear-thinning) fluid.
Eq. (3.1) is in agreement with general conclusions of dimensional
analysis (See§ 2.1) for local values of the relative viscosity nr
nr(H , yr) under steady conditions. The present section 1s devoted to
the analysis of concentration effects on blood viscosity at fixed applied
shear rate, nr = nr(H) especially at very low or very high shear rates
when the suspension behaves as a newtonian fluid.
Fig. 3.1, from CHIEN et al., (1971 a) shows such variations nra(H)
for normal human RBC suspended in plasma and in Ringer solution ( 0 ) . Al-
though these viscosities are much smaller than those of suspensions of
. s-1
y T = 3'7°C T = 20°C
0,052 ...
0,52 - -- - 0
- -
.'' .. '. •
(From S. CHIEN et al.,
0 40 80 HO 40 SOH ( 1971 ) )
Fig. 3.1 Relative apparent viscosity nra of normal RBC
suspended in saline (A) or plasma (B) as a func-
tion of hema!ocrit H , at different values of
shear rate y , and at two temperatures.
rigid particles at same volume fraction (See Fig. 1.5), rapid variations
are observed near the physiological level in hematocrit. Measurements
were performed in a coaxial-cylinder viscometer, at two temperatures
(20°C (points) and 37°C (curves)). These results give proof that the es-
sential part of temperature effects are involved in the plasma viscosity
., (CP)
since points measured at 20°C are very close to the experimental curve .
drawn from measurements at 37°C, although "plasma" viscosity of the for-
mer was 1.5 times the viscosity of the latter. In fact, this temperature
dependence of plasma viscosity results in main part from the similar va-
riation of water viscosity (See Fig. 3.2 from COKELET, 1972).
In order to understand and to quantify these variations we shall re-
turn in the following sections to main models which have been built to
gain a viscosity equation valid at high concentrations, after recalling
classical results on dilute suspensions.
volume v
, leading to k1 > 2.5 . On the contrary, k1 < 2.5 for a
liquid drop, which undergoes deformation and partial alignment, with ro-
tation of the internal fluid (See Fig. 4 in CHIEN's paper, 1972).
As eq. (3.3) contains only particle-fluid interactions discarding
any hydrodynamic action of one particle upon another, this equation only
holds at extremely low concentrations, that has been an important diffi-
culty in experimental verification of the Einstein's result. Above ~ ~
=1 + k 1 ~ + k 2 ~ 2 + ... (3.4)
= (3.5)
a + 1
32 D. Quemada
where '( is the Taylor's factor. With r as the drop interfacial tension,
eq. (3.5) holds in the limit S =(~Fy a/r) << 1 , that is if particles
undergo very small deformation. From eq. (3.5), Einstein's result is reco-
vered with "rigid" particles suspension (ex » 1) , while gas bubble
emulsion (ex<< 1) leads to k1 + 1 .
- 1+~ tion~ of particles, in
concentrated suspensions
Infinite viscosity is
found at packing con-
centration ~M .
= exp(kl ~) (3.6)
n(~ + d~) _ 1
= kl __M_
1 - ~
nr = (1 - A ~)-k 1 (3.8)
= exp (3.9)
which is satisfied if :
nr = (3.10)
k = k1 I (1 - Q~) (3,11a)
=I K.
that led to the viscosity equation (3,6), where k1
is changed into
the tube
~ = 21T nv~ 2 r dr (3.12)
Effect of Hematocrit 37
(where v' = dv/dr) is carried out, accounting for the flow conditions as
constraints upon v(r)
and ljl(r) . Eule.r-Lagrange's equations result
from applying the variational method to a functional which contains La-
grange multipliers associated to the above-mentioned constraints. Assu-
ming, for the sake of simplicity that the system behaves as a newtonian
fluid and that the actual concentration profile ljl(r) can be approximated
by a rectangular one, leads to decoupling of Euler-Lagrange's equations.
This gives (i) the Navier-Stokes 'equation fl5r the well-known two-fluid ve-
locity profile and (ii) a functional differential equation for the relati-
ve fluidity, F = llp I 11 , as a function o!· volume concentration tP This
equation relates values of F and its derivative F' = dF/dljl in
both the core ( 0 ~ r ~ eR , s subscript) and the marginal layer
(8 R ~ r < R , w subscript) , such as
F's - ki +- ( 1 - F s )
kl = lim (- dF w/d¢ )
w (3. 15)
= (3.17)
= 2/~
F = (1 - .lk
¢)2 ::: (1 -!
)2 (3.20a)
nr = ( 1 --
k ¢)-2 = (1 -1 )-2 (3.20)
F' (¢ - ¢ ) + 2 F = 0 ( 3. 21)
w M w w
40 D. Quemada
4>w· 2.
( 1- -!
Fw = (3.22)
which gives the fluidity of the suspension in which the core (as an infi-
nite aggregate in the flow direction) is suspended. Assuming that, at
• < 4>* , (3.17) holds
= 0,11
•* =
For spheres, for instance, one finds 4>* for close packing
for random close packing (•M = 0.637). Criti-
(•M = 0.74) and 0.26
cal values of between 0.15 and 0.25, have been observed which de-
pend on particle to pipe diameter ratio (KARNIS et al, 1966). Better esti-
mation of could be obtained using (3 .16) if K value was more preci-
sely known.
(iii) Discussion
As (3.22) is formally identical to (3.20a) this equation is believed
to have some general applicability. Furthermore, these expressions F.
(1- •/4>M) 2 , for i = s or w, verify the general equation (3.13).
Indeed, fitting (3.20) on various data using different values of k leads
to a satisfactory agreement, as shown on Fig. 3.4.
Nevertheless, more precise fittings give very interesting results.
Fig. 3.5 shows the comparison of (3.20) with the experimental data o~
")rei 100 I
.5 .9
Fig 3.4 Relative viscosity n Fig 3.5 Comparison between
versus volume fractioK Mooney eq(3.9) and
~ from different data. "Optimum Dissipation"
Curves from eq.(3.20) eq (3.20) fitting Vand's
with different k1 va- and Eiler's data.
lues.(From QUEMADA, 1977).
found in very fair agreement with the Eiler's data but not with the Vand's
one . It has been postulated (QUEMADA, 1977) that such a discrepancy
could originate from the difference between the true concentration ¢
and the effective one ¢eff , this difference resulting from trapped
fluid by transient doublets, triplets .... In polydisperse systems the
voids between large spheres are filled by smaller ones, that results
in a negligeable fluid trapping, i.e. ¢eff ~ ~ . Then a good fitting is
expected using a constant k1-value, close to kE . Morever, close pac-
king concentration can reach values higher than 0.74 (for monodisperse
spheres), up to ~M ~ 1 (in the limit of complete polydispersity). On the
contrary, monodisperse systems exhibit ¢eff larger than ~ , the ratio
¢eff/¢ depending on ~· As the model involves the actual volume of
42 D. Quemada
"particles", eq. (3.20) holds using this effective volume fraction cpeff
(with the suitable shape factor k1 for instance k1 = 2.5 for spheri-
cal aggregates). Nevertheless, cpeff is unknown and it is possible to
use cp in place of cpeff , introducing a new (concentration dependent)
coefficient (i.e. an effective intrinsic viscosity) k = k1¢eff/cp such as
such a ¢-dependence has been introduced in Vand theory (see above 3.11b)
accounting for shape factor and life-time of multiplets formed by colli-
sions. More precisely, fitting on Vand 1 s data (up to cp ~ 0.4) the k va~
lues deduced from (3.20), k = 2(1 - n-1/2)/cp
, gives k = 2.510 (1 +
0.91 ¢),where b1 = 0.91 is close to the Vand's theoretical value
1.08, and with k1 = 2.510 close to the Einstein's theoretical value for
spheres. Moreover, for cp ~ 0.4 , effect of doublets appears as the main
contribution to viscosity, since (3.23) reduces to a linear variation,
* +m:0.525
k :3.81
Fig. 3.6 displays these results.
• s The same fitting on Eiler's da-
3 ta gives k = 2.504 (1 + 0.03 cp),
• N hence with k1 very close to kE
and b1 << 1 . (i.e. negligeable
+m:0.637 trapping). Similar results have
k:2.5(1+ 0.8.) k:. 3.16 been obtained from data of
SAUNDERS (1961), including sur-
k :2.70
* factant layer effects, (QUEMADA,
1978a). On the other hand above
cp = 0.40, as shown on Fig. 3.6
the variation k(cp) changes for
4> stirred (S) or unstirred (N)
0 0.5 suspensions. The former gives
Fig, 3,6 Intrinsic viscosity vs.
k-values linearly increasing
concentration, from Vand's
data, Packing concentrations (i.e. negligeable triplet and
cp and corresponding intrin-
multiplet formation under
s~c viscosities k = 2/cpM.
Effect of Hematocrit 43
(3. 24)
nr = (1 - K ~)- 2 (3.26)
= 1 - a p
nr (1 - 1.75 a ~)2
*See eq. ( 5 . 7)
Effect of Hematocrit 45
= ( 1 _ 1. 25 a P) 2 (3.27a)
( 1 - 1. 75 a <1>) 2
1 --<I>
Eq. (3.27a) transforms to the form of (3.20), if one takes
2.5 a
k = - 0.5 a <I>
~ 2.5 a(1 + 0.5 a <1> + ... )
The models given above were extensively used to fit blood and RBC
suspension data, obtained from artificially prepared samples*, since nor-
mal hematocrit is about 40 - 45 •
As hematocrit is not the true volume concentration <1> , a difficulty
arises for applying model equations to data. In fact, as it has been
pointed out, hematocrit measurements depend not only on centrifugation
* Separating RBC and plasma from centrifugation, removing the "buffy coat":
(platelets and white cells) and mixing remaining RBC and plasma in the
desired proportions.
46 D. Quemada
duration and speed (what can be fixed once for all) but also on particle
deformabili ty (and aggregabili ty). Therefore, a "corrected hematocrit"
H' as the true volUme fraction ~ has been defined. Under normal condi-
tions, this leads to ~ = 0.97 H , but to ¢ = 0.60 H for hardened cells
(CHIEN et al., 1971). This can be understood as follows. Let N be
number of particles suspended into the total volume V . Thus ~ = N~ /V ,
~ being the particle volume. After packing by centrifugation, the pac-
king fraction is~M = N ~ /H V , leading to
cp -2
= H ¢M (1 - .J! H) (3 .27)
Data are generally given using corrected hematocrit (See Fig. 3.1 for
At moderate concentrations (up to H ~.30) MAUDE and WHITMORE (1958)
verified the Oliver and Ward's equation (3.17) with k a 1.7- 1.9.
BAYLISS (1952) found that the same equation (3,17) holds for plasma or
serum using k = 0.06 ± 0.01 (gr/100 ml)-1 .
As hematocrit in pathologic situations varies about from,25 to
~0, need of an equation which covers the total range of variations in
led several authors to use equations for highly concentrated suspensions.
The more commonly used is the Arrhemius equation (3.6) which leads to a
linear dependence of Log n vs H. However, Fig. 3.1 shows that such an
equation fails at high hematocrit and at low shear rates. Therefore, po-
lynomial fitting has been performed. As an example, CHIEN et al. (1966)
gave fifth power polynomial fitting the data shown in Fig. 3. 1•.
For hardened RBC, the Brinkman-Roscoe equation (3.8) approximative-
ly holds as shown on Fig. 3.7 (from COKELET, 1972). The curve :
n = (1 - ~ )-2.5 (3.28)
r ~
proposed by LANDEL et al. (1965) using ~ =,635 fits the data of CHIEN
et al. (1967) and (1971) on the one hand and the data of BROOKS et al.
(1970) on the other hand.
Effect of Hematocrit 47
1000 k:3.64
Fig. 3.7
Relative viscosity vs volume concentration
for hardened cells
• data of CHIEN et al. ( 1967)
..-data of BROOKS et al. ( 1970)
o data of CHIEN et al. ( 1971 )
curves--- eq. (3.20)
------- eq. (3.28a with~= 0.635 (LANDEL et al, 1965).
(1 -'rH)-2.5 (3.29)
. _,
1l !CP) (1\) ll ( g/'OOnt)
cprden (g/
0 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 11
viscosity at low shear rate and, on the contrary, a high shear viscosity
higher than the corresponding blood viscosity (NP).
Effects of RBC Aggregation and Deformation 51
(+) nevertheless small enough to avoid any hemolysis effects or the on-
set of turbulence.
Effects of RBC Aggregation and Deformation 53
creases RBC deformation, thus RBC alignment in the flow direction, that
leads to a decrease of relative viscosity. This decreasing in nr has
been observed using RBC suspended in saline, to which was added Dextran
at increasing concentrations (S.CHIEN, 1971). Raising t leads to similar
effects, i.e. increases deformation and orientation. These effects hence
constitute the major cause for shear-thinning in the moderately high
shear range (i.e. t above about 20 sec-1). In this domain, RBC membrane
exhibits a tank-tread like motion (M.FISCHER et al., 1978), i.e. a membra-
ne rotation around the internal content of the cell. One must notice that
at t higher than about 200 sec-1 , RBC deformation and alignment are "ery
close to the limits which were reached if it would be possible to arrive
at t + oo , avoiding hemolysis to occur.Therefore, a newtonian behaviour
will be recovered at high shear rate (See Fig.5.3). (MERRILL and PELLE-
TIER, 1967).
2) the hematocrit, which promotes RBC deformation by crowding effects
and RBC alignment, the higher the hematocrit the better the alig~~ent
(H.L. GOLDSMITH, 1968), therefore the greater the effective shear rate
between adjacent cells. Thus these effects are the more pronounced as
RBC has a higher degree of deformability. ,Disappearance of non-newtonian
behaviour at low hematocrit (H ~ 10%) would result from the smallness of
crowding and alignment of cells.
3) the pH of plasma, which changes the degree of cell alignment
through modifications of the RBC shape, and deformability (spherocytes
being more deformable than echinoaytes). For example in the case of
packed cells (H = 80%) at y= 60 sec-1, lowering of the pH from 7.4 to
_6.8 gives an increase in viscosity of the order of 60% (DINTENFASS at al.
4) the intrinsic deformability of RBC, which essentially depends on
the elasticity of the RBC membrane, the viscosity and the physico-chemi-
cal state of the internal fluid. The latter could be different from an
ordinary solution (a liquid crystal ?). Abnormalities of hemoglobin mole-
cules as in sickle cells (drepanocytes) containing HbSS, whose r~gidi-
54 D. Quemada
( 0 ) SS-Hemoglobin is more Vlscous than the normal one, AA-Hb; that re-
sults from Hydrogen bonding and chain cyclization.
Effects of RBC Aggregation and Deformation 55
0 ~ (sec-1)
1 10 20
Fig.4.3. Plot of the apparent viscosity vs appa-
rent mean shear rate in stationary flow for nor-
mal and unaggregated blood. (From HEALY and JOLY
low shear viscosity for blood+ Aspirin (J.C. HEALY et M. JOLY, 1975).
Evidence of this macromolecular bridging can be found in:
(i) rouleau formation in the presence of DeA~ran of different mole-
cular weight, which shows a constant interparticle distance d (between
adjacent cells) -thence which requires a cell deformation (mainly of the
concave part) - the distance d depending on M through the length of the
chain (S. CHIEN et al., 1971 c).
( ii) Adsorption isotherms of Dextrans (BROOKS, 1976) , which shows an
abrupt change in slope when aggregation starts (Fig. 4. 4.),. i.e. a factor
2 in slope.
56 D. Quemada
lar weight M: Low molecular weight Dextran (as Dx 25, i.e., with M ~
25.000) exhibits absence of aggregation owing to Dx 25 is a too short mo-
lecule to overpass electrostatic repulsion. The contrary is observed using
high molecular weight dextrans (as Dx 150).
(iv) Variation of level of RBC aggregation as a function of ionic
strength (BROOKS et al., 1974): the latter governs the spatial extent of
electrostatic forces through the ionic double layer thickness, (KD)- 1
the higher the ionic strength, the thinner the ionic layer (see Fig.
4. 5.).
( 5. 1)
K = nF ( 1 - <I>) -q (5.2)
= (a a) 2[ (1 - <P ) - ~ - (5.3)
Models and Applications 59
n = + no - noo (5.4)
'' noo F(y)
Shear-dependence of F(y)
Ref Remarks F(y)
jwiLLAMSON ( 1929) empirical,A = Canst. 1 + Ay ( 5. 5)
. . . 2 4
CROSS (1965) sem1-emp1r1cal, m = 3' 5 1 + Atm (5.6)
REE-EYRING (1955) theoretical (with 2 campo- Ty/ Sinh-1(Ty) (5.7)
nents, T = relaxation time
where Or = oa 3/ K T (5.8a)
( 0 ) very low and very high flow rates lead to newtonian behaviour
Models and Applications 61
2 4 6 8
tant k, the value of which varies with y but not with H since aggregation
does not occurs in saline.
At given concentration, the intrinsic viscosity k = k(yr) as a struc-
tural parameter will reach limiting values:
k 0 = k(o) and k 00
= k(oo) (5.10)
k - koo
where 'A and 'n are the relaxation times for formation and dissociation
of the structure.
Assuming the existence of such mean relaxation times, the steady
solution of (5.11) is again
k 0 - k IX>
k k<X> + 1 + e (5.12)
e (5.13)
In the case of dilute systems of rigid spheres (radius a), 'A can
be taken as the Browman collision frequency (SMOLUCHOWSKI, 1917) and
'n-1 as the frequency of shear induced collisions (GOLDSMITH and MASON,
1967), that leads to:
e -1 ,-1 = ~ 1 2p KT = 4nFa •
'n 1 A 1T 1T n a3
KT y (5 .13a)
( 5. 14)
( 5. 15)
necessary ( 0 ) the simple form ( 5. 9 - 5. 12) will be kept for the non-newto-
nlan viscosity:
(1 - 21 k~ ) • k =k 00
Using viscosity values at zero and infinite shear, n0 and noo, respec-
tively, transforms (5.16) to:
. ! .,
Flg. 5. 2 o vs y ror whole blood •
(H=41.9) and RBC suspended in de-
fibrinated plasma e (H=40.6).(From
MERRILL et al. 1965).
~ 1/2(sec-1/2)
0 1 2
a tr 1/2(clynestcm2)112 H: •. 674
10 20
stress at low shear rate. At high shear rate, transition towards newto-
nian behaviour (which slightly appears on Fig. 5.3 for H = 67.4) has been
observed (MERRILL et al., 1967).
68 D. Quemada
and then it can be inserted 1n (5.12), written as a linear function of
logy :
As an example, taking k(y) from the data of BROOKS and SEAMAN (1971)
for RBC suspension in saline, one obtains variatjons of Z =(k 0 -k)/(k-k00 )
against y, in logarithm coordinates, using koo = 1.80 and different k0
values (See Fig. 5.4). The linear variation is seen when k 0 = 3.60 with a
1 10
slope p close to 0.5 . More precisely, the best fit linear regression
eq.(5.19) is found for the following values:
aligned with the flow than normal to it. (Alignment of particles means
alignment of faces for simple RBC as a disc, or alignment of axis for a
rouleau as a rod; notice that suspended discs and rods exhibit same pe-
riod of rotation under shear if their equivalent axis ratios are recipro-
cal (GOLDSMITH and MASON, 1967)).Furthermore, as we will see later(§ 8),
such a non linearity could also originate from the smaller value of the
shear rate in the core (where blunting of the velocity profile occurs)
than the value of the applied shear rate (that is the value which enters
ln data fitting equations).
As an example, result from fitting (5.16), with p =~,on the data
of MERRILL et al. (1965), is shown on Fig.5.5 (See Fig.5.2 for compari-
son). It must be stressed that the lack of any yield stress for blood
(1"2 I
t (dynes/cm 2)2 Fig.5.5 Non newtonian behaviour of
blood (D) and r~d cells in defibrinated
plasma ( •): Data from MERRILL et al.,
1965. (See Fig.5.2). Theoretical varia-
tions, according to eq. (5.17) with the
fitted parameters.
does not mean that some true yield stress would not exist, but that if
it existed, it would be very smaller than the cr 0 value given by the Casson
The Casson equation can be recovered from (5.16) with p =~in two
limiting cases (QUEMADA, 1978 b):
a) In the "high shear rate" limit, TY » 1, (See Fig.5;6},if volume
70 D. Quemada
cr 112
fraction ~ is less than the packing value for particles .at rest .~M0=2/k0
Eq. (5o16) then turns into (5o1), written with a "Casson" viscosity K'
and a pseudo-yield stress a~ such as :
which are closely related to eqo (5o2) and (5.3) respectively. In fact
both eq. (5.2) and (5.3) apply to concentrated suspensions of deforma-
ble particles, like RBC suspensions or Blood, whose close packing con-
centration of disperse particles ~Moo= 2/kco is close tounity, i.e. koo"'2.
Moreover, MERRILL et al. (1965 a) found the exponent q in (5.2) and (5.3)
close to q = 2 (average value q = 1.97), which agrees to the exponent
value in (5.20) but that leads to a~~ ~ 2 (1-~)- 2 instead of ao ~ ~2(1-~)-4
in ( 5. 21) o
ched. In this· limit, the medium at rest forms a three dimensional network
like a (physical) gel, for which n0 -+ co (Fig. 5. 7. ), which still leads to
(5.1) with the same Casson viscosity (5.20), i.e.:
= nooYc (5.23)
ko "'Jr keD
4.21 NP
1()-2 1 t 102
.2, .• 4 ~-~
j ------~----
Fig.5.9 Red cells suspended in plasma.
Effect of RBC deformability, Data from
SCHlv!ID-SCHON"<EPI ( 1975) . Curves for
fitted values e£' rheological parameters
as follows.
Values about 0.2 sec can be obtained from the data of SKALAK (1976) for
shear and dilatation deformations of the RBC membrane. Although single
cell deformability probably dominates the rouleau one, the agreement with
TNP seems non conclusive, unless the lower value TNA could be explained
through membrane property modifications associated to albumin molecules
adsorbed in the membrane.
The above discussion shows that close correlations can be expected
between the values of the rheological parameters and the fundamental
Models and Applications 75
which results from the development of a cell free layer,close to the cup
(and bob) walls (COKELET et al., 1963), for instance.
Since these processes involve characteristic times (as relaxation
times) , s·..:.ch systems will exhibit time dependent properties unrJer unstea-
dy conditions i.e. they are thixotropic materials. However, instantaneous
(reversible) deformation can be supported by the structure, the properties
of which are purely elastic before to be broken. Therefore under steady
conditions, the material possesses both stored energy (by deformation)
and dissipated energy (by creeping flow), what is the general feature
of viscoelastic materials . Additional viscoelastic effects may arise from
elongational deformation and elongational flow. Such effects, which have
been commonly observed in viscoelastic fluid flows through pipes presen-
ting an abrupt reduction in their circular section, can be expected to oc-
cur at the branching of two arterioles (compressible flow) or of two
venules (extensional flow), but seem not studied yet.
O'"(arbitrary '-lnits)
d t Time
. -2 -1 -1)
At low values of mean rate ( Y~10 -10 sec a relatively slow increase
1n a is observed, that ressembles to what results from retarted elastici-
ty. After stopping the viscometer, stress relaxation occurs (Fig. 6.1a).
Increasing the shear rate ( y~ 1o-1-1sec-1) leads to a well-known shape
of curve, called an "overshoot", a general behaviour which can be belie-
ved as resulting from superposition of thixotropy and elasticity (i.e.
non-linear visco-elasticity). (See Fig. 6.1b and Fig. 1.5e). At higher
shear rates (y ~ 1-10sec-1) thixotropy dominates with, at t = 0, an
abrupt rising of a up to a peak value, then immediately followed by a
78 D. Quemada
slow decay down to a lower steady value (Fig.6.1c). Finally, at very high
shear rates (above 10-50 sec-1), the stress a rapidly rises to some equi-
librium value and remains there until stopping the viscometer, and then
quickly drops to zero, what is the common behaviour of pure liquids and
Comparison of transient behaviour of normal blood (NB) with that of
disaggregated blood (DB); with sodium acetylsalicylate to disrupt rouleaux,
is shown on Fig. 6.2 a and Fig.6.2 b, (From HEALY and JOLY, 1975). At low
y , the curve shapes are similar, but with an important lowering in stea-
dy apparent viscosity. As expected, thixotropy completely disappears from
(DB), at intermediate y, and newtonian behaviour is recovered at higher
shear rates. (Comparison of steady viscosities of (NB) and (DB) samples
have been shown on Fig. 4.4). Such experiment seem to demonstrate that
RBC aggregation would be the main factor responsible of thixotropic be-
haviour of blood, through the formation of rouleau and of tridimensional
network of rouleaux. Nevertheless, since RBC deformation and orientation
are also responsible of shear-thinning at high hematocrits (See Fig.4.2),
one can expect that some thixotropic e~~ects should result ~rom these pro-
Furthermore, several authors (COKELET et al., 1963; CHIEN et al.,
1966: COKELET, 1972) claimed that the interpretation of shear-time curves
would require to ·account for plasma layer formation near the walls of the
viscometer gap (and perhaps cell orientation). Such requirement cannot be
completely discarded noticely in pathological blood when plasma layer ta-
kes shorter times to be formed than in normal blood. Indeed as COKELET
( 1972) pointed out,.many factors are involved in recording the torque-
time curve, namely (1) effects due to acceleration of blood from rest,(2)
changes in fluid structure as the blood is sheared, i.e. thixotropy and
elasticity.(3) dynamic response of the instrument and (4) radial migration
of RBC. Moreover, at low shear rates, sedimentation effects can also oc-
cur (COPLEY et al., 1976; VINCENT and OLIVER, 1976,). Therefore,a complete
interpretation of these time curves, in order to get the relevant flow
properties, still rema1ns an open question.
Blood as a Thixotropic-Viscoelastic Fluid 79
f (Hz)
Fig.6.4 Variations of viscous and elastic components of the
complex viscosity, ny (--)and nE (---),versus the frequency
f of oscillatory tests, for normal RBC suspended in plasma and
in Ringer (From CHIEN, 1979).
- I
10-2 ---------;~ !~
- \1.
Aggregation Dilatancy
cr = cr 0 +
y ( 6. 1)
cr = n(X,y) • .Y (6.2a)
dA •
- = g(A, y) (6.2b)
a =( n 1+ CA.) y (6.3a)
dA. = A - (A + By) A. (6. 3b)
A.eq = A + Bt = + TY (T = B/A) (6.4a)
( 6. 4b)
transforms (5.11) to
dA. (6.6)
- = A- A (1 + 8) A.
where A= 'A 1 and e = TA/TD = (<y)p has been defined in (5.12- 14).
For p = 1, (5.6) is identical to (6.3b) from the Moore model. Time be-
haviour of the system can be deduced from (6.6) and (5.16). For instance
if the suspension starts from rest (A.(o) = 1), the shear stress response
to a shear rate step (0 + y 1 ) will be a= n(t)•yl, where n(t) is rela-
ted, through k(t) in (5.16) or A.(t) in (6.5) such as :
84 D. Quemada
-A( 1+8 )t
A(t) =A 00
+ (1-A 00 ) e (6.7)
A00 (6.7a)
+ e
'R = A-1 ( 1+ 8)
da + Q y (6.9)
G dt n
nv (6.11)
TM- + a = n(t )y• (6.12)
( 6. 13)
+ WT &
kp kN I
-------- --------- . I
'Y), ")pi "~·I :2,'"
JEFFREY's model
change with state of dynamic equilibrium", Thurston assumed that each mo-
del element changes with shear rate according to:
( 6. 14)
involving ci.e srt!:le "degradation function" F( y T Q,) which keep each rela-
xation tir:~.e T 2. ill changed. In ( 6. 14), n 0 Q, and GoQ, are values at rest.
Further, Thr~ston proposed to take F in the form!
(6. 15)
~P) 10
10-1 f= 2Hz • .
10-2 '( 'Ys
10- 2 10° (sec-1}
Fig.6.8 Theoretical variations of n8 , ny
and n from the Thurston's model (1979b)
thixotropy of blood. Adding sodium salicylate to a blood sample at normal
hematocrit (i) reduces the viscosity at any y , (ii) suppresses complete-
ly the thixotropic behaviour.
b) Fig.6.9, from CHIEN et al. (1975), shows variations of viscoelas-
tic properties in dynamic experiments at f = 0.1 Hz. Differences in vis-
coelastic behaviour of normal blood (NP) and RBC suspended in albumin
ringer (NA) can be correlated with RBC aggregation, observed by micropho-
tography (COPLEY et al., 1975). As hematocrit is increased, the viscoelas-
tic behaviour of NP tends towards those of NA. They mainly result from
superposition of many factors, noticely mechanical properties of the RBC
membrane and viscosities of intra and extra cellular fluids.
Blood as a Thixotropic-Viscoelastic Fluid 89
10 2 "" 100
"' "'
, , "'
" "' I
"' "' "' 10 /
"' "'
"' /
... .,
f =0,1 Hz 1
f =0,1 Hz
10-1 10-1
40 60 80 100 40 60 80 100
;As=::::---__ t'f)y
Properties of Osmotically Modified Cell
Suspensions in Plasma
Sample Osmolality Hematocrit
A.Hypotonic (cells
215 0.43
(a) B.Normal 310 0.33
C.Hypertonic 946 0. 19
(cells shrunken)
Terminal 4-20
500-2000 60-250
Sr'tall 10-60
70-500 4
Arteriol., 10-70 1-10 05
---- - - ·-·- -~------
Capilla. 4-10 2-1 01
Venules 10-11 0 -t--1=-14--r----o4~
Veins 110-50~~-6;- r--;;- I
e ~m Terminal
500-5000 6o-6oo 2-10
0 100 200
( 0 ) Average peak values
Fig.7. 1. Velocity profiles in a
narrow slit (lxe=200]Jmx1. 1.cm).
Normal blood at H = .20 and .40
(From DUFAUX et al., 1980)
Doppler velocimetry).
Such results, accounting fer the fact that higher flow rates Q va-
lues are obtained under the same pressure gradient P, are comparable with
similar results on flow of rigid sphere suspensions through tubes (KARNIS
et al., 1966). Nevertheless, the independence of velocity profile against
flow rate (i.e. linearity of the pressure-flow rate relation) observed
by these authors seems to result from a too short range of flow rate va-
riations. Conversely, Fig. 7.2 shows these non-linearity in the P-Q rela-
tion, i.e. non-newtonian effects in the apparent viscosity.
( ii) In very narrow tubes ( 3 ~ ~ < 50) , the existence of a marginal
(plasma) layer near the wall is currently accepted, leading to consider
the flow as a two phase one, with a particle rich axial core surrounded
by a particle depleted (or a particleless)
~-;all layer. Such (much debated)
is now well-established after Bloch's photographic records
Blood Flow in Narrow Vessels 93
~a (s-1)
100 200
Fig.7.2 Pressure-Flow rate relation of blood flow in a narrow slit
(£xe = 1.1 em x 350 ~m) at various hematocrits. o = Pe/2 and
y = 4Q/£e 3 ( P =pressure gradient= P/10 em; Q =wflow rate). (From
DfiFAUX et al., 1980).
(BLOCH, 1962) of blood flow in var1ous animals. COPLEY and STAPLE (1962)
observed similar features. BUGLIARELLO et al., (1965) carried out measure-
ments in glass capillaries, using anticoagulated normal human blood at dif-
ferent hematocrits, changing the pressure gradient. They found that the
relative layer thickness, c/R, decreases increasing the hematocrit H and
/or decreasing the wall shear stress ow, whatever the radius may be excep-
ted at low hematocrit (H = 28%) for which o/R appears as very sensitive to
the R value. Values of o/R are found of about 0.05-0.1 at normal hemato-
Direct studies of single particle motions in Poiseuille flow
(GOLDSMITH and MASON, 1967) showed that rigid particle does not experien-
ce any radial motion if the flow is low enough, unless the particle
R¢ynolds number (see eq.(2.4)) is higher than about 10-4, then giving a
94 D. Quemada
(7 .1)
11 H, 2211-1 ---------·-------·-----
.9 1541-1 ----~L--·------
128 1-1
•• .
* .-:.*--*:....----· *
*----r _J...----~r--·-
*• .J
591-1 ____.._-~·-----1- :» ·.
.5 ::----~ -------:;-L----.---1--------oL-------L-------J
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig.7.3 Relative hematocrit Hr = Ht/Hf versus Hf for
different tube diameter D. (From BARBEE and
COKELET, 197 1 ) .
(iv) the apparent viscosity lowers as the tube diameter decreases (Fah-
raeus-Lindqvist Effect) (FAHRAEUS and LINDQVIST, 1931).
Number of studies of this effect have been carried out. We shall li-
mit here to display the results of HAYNES and BURTON (1959) in long tubes
(to avoid any entrance effects (L/R "' 90) with 67 1-1m~ R ~ 750 pm. They
observed that the higher the hematocrit, the stronger the na lowering.
(Fig. 7.4).
96 D. Quemada
H =80% ·
8 60
4 40
---------~~-- .
- - - - - - _h_\,J __ ....,.
that is
a (U (7.2)
(Jw (dynejcm 2}
611~ TUBE
Ht= 0.559 • ~
10 ~·
~:~ Hf Ht
U (sec-1)
j ~~--~~~U-----------~----------~
1 10 100 tJOO
Figure 7.5 Relationship between wall shear stress and average
blood velocity divided by the tube diameter. The points are ex-
perimental data obtained with 29~m tubes : the curves represent
data obtained with an 811 ~m tube. (From BARBEE and COKELET (1971)
98 D. Quemada
where Ht = Ht (Hf,R) is given 1n (7.1). For example (Fig. 7.5) the curve
crw vs U for large tube (~bout 800 ~m) at hematocrit H = 0.358 fits remar-
kably well the small tube data with feed hematocrit Hf = 0.559. Therefore
one can assert that, empirically, the main part of the Fahraeus-Lindqvist
effect results from the Fahraeus effect, i.e. the wall shear stress, as
function of U, Hf and R, must (at least approximatively) verify (7.2).
Again similar results hold in smaller tubes, down to 2R = 8.1 ~m (COKELET
All the above properties have been observed in other systems, as rl-
gid sphere or disc suspensions. They call for some general model able to
explain them simultaneously.
Explanation of the blunted velocity profiles can be easily found in
the non-newtonian behaviour of blood since an/ay < o implies an enhan-
ced viscosity near the axis, n ~ n(y=O}=~and, on the contrary, a decrea-
sed viscosit~ near the wall, n~n(y==)<< no that results to a blunted
velocity profile. In terminal arteries such a non-newtonian one phase
flow model will be sufficient. Notice that, to some extent, such a flow
can be considered as a two phase flow, the plugged region ae a rigid co-
re, surrounded by a fluid annulus. Formation of the plug has been treated
as a percolation transition (de GENNES, 1979).
In narrow vessels anomalous properties of blood flow were believed
as resulting from the failure of the classical boundary condition for
fluid velocity, assuming the fluid studied had a slip velocity at the
wall (See for ex. JONES, 1966). Another explanation, as the non validity
of continuous description, 1s found in the so-called sigma-effect, where
the flow through the tube lS considered as the summation of contributions
from a finite number of coaxial layers of finite thickness (DIX and SCOTT
BLAIR, 1940) .
Blood Flow in Narrow Vessels 99
7.3.1 -The simplest model is formed by two newtonian fluids, with cons-
tant viscosities ns = n {Hg) and nw = np
With appropriate boundary conditions (no slip velocity at the wall,
v (R) = 0 ; continuity of' shear stress at r= i3R ,cr (i3R) =cr (i3R); f'inite
w w s
velocity gradient on the axis, ( avs/ar) 0 =0 ),solving Navier-Stokes equa-
tions for the two-phases, allows to calculate the total volume flow rate
(BAYliSS, 1952 ; HAYNES, 1960 ; THOMAS, 1962) as the sum of core and wall
layer ones
2s (7.3a)
100 D. Quemada
na =
[1-4.§_ ns - 1) 1 (7.5)
R np
( j.8)
102 D. Quemada
7.3.4. A non-newtonian behaviour for the core has been taken into ac-
count by CHARM and KURLAND (1962) and by CHARM et al. (1968), using a
power law fluid and later a Casson fluid eq.(5.1 ). They calculated the
pressure-flow rate relation, that reduces in our notations to the appa-
rent relative fluidity such as :
=1 - alt ( 1 - F ) + G (
a, £!J_
aR {7.9)
( 0
) In the limit of x = ao/aR < 1, 4 3
one has G(a,x)"' 3 Ga! ]
ax [ l-7(~)
Blood Flow in Narrow Vessels 103
Fluidity - ._.... ........ --
•1 Wall Layer
)lm 3
0 2
''- .... _
....... 1
i 1b 100
Wall Shear Stress dynes;an2
Fig.7.7(a)Apparen t fluidity F~ and (b) Wall layer thickness o vs.
wall shear stress aR . Normal Human Blood Flow ( ¢a= .57) through a
slit (350 ~m x 1. 1cm x 10cm).T=23°C. Rheological variables of the
same blood sample (from Couette Viscometry) :ko=3.24, k =1.68,
T=.135sec.(Points 0: from fitted curve on F~ data; Points o:from
106 D.Quemada
Table 8.1
Viscosity of blood in poises
X 11.9 9.9 57.5
X ± SD 4.9-28.6 4.4-22.1 21.7-157
X ± 2SD 2.0-75 1 .9-49.4 7.8-428
0. 1
X 2.22 2. 10 7.23
x ::t SD 1.23-3.94 1.13-3.93 3.15-16.70
x ± 2SD 0.69-1.00 0.60-1.35 1. 36-38.3
1. 0
X 0.41 0.45 1 .00
x ± SD 0.28-0.59 0.27-0.82 0.60-2.00
x ± 2SD o. 19-D.87 0.15-1.41 0.24-4.00
X 0.13 0.15 0.22
x ± SD 0.09-0.18 0.11-0.22 o. 16-o. 32
x ± 2SD 0.06-0.26 0.08-0.31 0.11-0.45
x 0.01 0.095 o. 106
x ::t SD o.o6-o.o8 0. 01-0. 13 o.o8-o. 14
x ± 2SD 0.05-0.09 o.o6-o.n 0.06-0.19
x 0.048 0.056 0.065
x ± SD 0.045-0.051 0.048-0.065 0.041-0.101
x ± 2SD 0.043-0.054 0.041-0.076 0.026-0.158
Retinopathy ·"
./ ,'
/'No Relinopathy
> ~::::::>~..,.,
~ ----ss
Shear Rate o.ns-1 10 ~SAYAAO
20 AAY
200 400 600 ~ (s-1)
Plasma Fibrinogen (mg%)
0 10 20 30
Fig. 8.1 Relationship between Fig. 8.2 Comparison of viscosities
viscosity and plasma fibrino- of different bloods.
gen (from HOARE et al, 1970) SS - Sickle cell anemia
SAO - Sickle cell trait-old
SAY - Sickle cell trait-young
AAO - Normal old ,AAY Nor~al young.
(from CERNY et al., 1974).
110 D. Quemada
Moreover, at low shear rates, the latter exhibits a variation very close
to the SS one.
SCHMID-SCHONBEIN and WELLS (1971) claimed that viscosity cannot be
sufficient for relevant clinical studies since "even the most sophistica-
ted rotational viscometers, while capable of measuring bulk viscosity
near stasis, are subject to artefacts introduced by the material under
study and present the net effect of several different mechanisms". There-
fore, one needs to employ simultaneously different tools and methods a-
mong them these authors proposed the "Rheoscope", a transparent counter-
rotating chamber, which can be used to quantify the kinetics of RBC aggre-
gation from light transmission analysis.
The rheoscope has been used in an extensive study of pathological
RBC aggregation (blood sludge) (SCHMID-SCHONEBEIN et al., 1973). Such a
method allowed photometric quantification of the kinetics of the RBC
Aggregation, in relation with changes in viscosity, according to values
given in Table 8.2.
While normal RBCs physiologically aggregate to form rouleaux, with end-
to-site attachment, RBCs, under pathological conditions, exhibit an in-
tensified aggregation, with side-to-side attachement of rouleaux, i.e.
both more compact and more shear stress resistant aggregates. Globulin
responsible of this pathological aggregation were identified.
A similar method, but using the back-scattered light (by multiple
reflexion) from a sheared blood sample, is believed to give more informa-
tion about the structure of aggregates and the degree of RBC orientation
at a given shear rate (MILLS et al, 1980). Fig. 8.3 shows a sketch of the
apparatus and Fig. 8.4 an example of time curves of reflectivity (as the
ratio of reflected flux in presence of aggregates to the one in the disa~
gregated state). Under steady shear, RBC are dissociated and oriented
(Fig. 8.4, part (a) which exhibits a constant value of reflectivity~
XY !....._ ___.
Fig. 8.3. Sketch of the apparatus for measurement of intensity of the
light back-scattered by the suspension (from MILLS et al,
to aggregation times about 5 sec. for normal blood and much higher values
for pathological blood.
rJr· 4.511% DxiO
I •
Fig. 8.4. Variations of the reflectivity of the suspension versus time.
(N) Normal blood. (P) Pathological blood. (from MILLS et al,
112 D. Quemada
n (cP) nr n (cP) nr
a a
!Hematocrit 40 ± 1 % n = 22 n = 15
0.1 se.c -1
1 .0 sec -1
42.6 ± 11.4
13.8 ± 3.3
I 35.5 ± 9.5
11.5 ± 2.7
17.8 ± 3.6
38.8 ± 6.2
12. 1 ± 1.9
20.0 sec 5.0 ± 0.66 4. 15 ± 0.55 5.2 ± 0.5 3.59 ± 0.5
!Hematocrit 45 ± 1 % n = 20 n = 12
0.1 sec_ 1
1 .0 sec _ 1
67.7 ± 12.5
17.3 ± 3.2
I 56.5 ±10.4
14.4 ± 2.6
71.76 ± 13.22149.02 ± 6.41
23.10±4.69 15.39 ± 2.13
20.0 sec 5.8 ± 0.74 4.8 ± 0.062 6.42 ± 0.88 4.3 ± 0.43
to reflect variations of RBCA and RBCD, respectively. Tables 8.3 and 8.4
I cp nf
k 00 ~ sec
Packed cells
+ 0.88 1. 2 1.83 2.26 2.16
( 0 ) Such an assumption means that the form 3.17 for the relative viscosi-
ty holds again for pathological blood.
114 D. Quemada
Packed cells
at y = 2.30 sec
8.61 0.86
apparent fluidity (Pois·~ 1)
at y = 230 sec
1. 51 2.64
(observed at ~ = o.95%)
% In the third case, RP-values are not known at ~ = 0.95 used in observa-
tions. Then, calculated values of fluidity, for~ = 0.88 are somewhat
higher than the observed ones.
Clinical Hemorheology 115
Large increases in RBCA have been found by fitting_ the data of SCHOLZ
et al (1975) for two groups of critically ill patients Group I = pa-
tients suffered from violent trauma or operative i:·.jury; Group II = pa-
tients with generalized septis.Table 8.5 shows significant increases in
k 0 (from enhanced RBCA) and slight increases 1n k 00 (which can be related
to RBCD lowering as a consequence of effects of transfusion of stored
blood to several patients). Dramatic increase in values of yield stress
a 0 = noo T, close to the values of the Casson's one (See eq.(5.1) ),i.e~lo
se to packing in the core; have been interpreted as increase in cohesion
of RBC Aggregates that could traduce prethrombotic situation for these
patients (QUEMADA, 1976a).
ted to exist. Therefore simple models for these general properties can
be developed in terms of a small number of variables and must be avai-
lable for blood characterizat ion. Conversely, although Blood and RBC sus-
pensions appear as very complex systems, they present under normal con-
ditions many advantages for the study of non-newtonian behaviour. Indeed,
the particles they contain have precise properties (in the sense of
small deviations from mean values) and are suspended in a fluid (the
plasma) having a well defined physico-chem ical state. The most important
features are the following :
(i) the size of RBC corresponds to a very narrow-calib ration
(ii)their extreme deformability (however associated to a large resistan-
ce to area changes) allows strong orientation effects by flow, dis-
carding too high y values
to avoid any inertial effect or hemolysis.
(iii)Aggregat es of RBC possess a characteristi c shape, the so-called
"rouleau-shap e", and the aggregation mechanism does not seem to de-
pend on the number of RBC in the rouleau, but mainly on RBC-RBC in-
teraction, the latter varying with physico-chem ical properties of
suspending fluid.
(iv)Relaxatio n times associated with Brownian motion are very large and
the observed characteristi c time should be either the Maxwell rela-
xation time of the collective (aggregated) structure or the one as-
sociated with the single RBC deformation (and the resulting orienta-
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J.C. Barbenel,
Bioengineering Unit
University of Strathclyde,
Wolfson Centre,
1.1. Introduction
tubes was Poissuille, who was both physicist and physician. He modelled
was unable to prevent the blood from clotting, and he was fortunate ~n
This section will discuss the arterial wall, both geometry and
and dead animals. The blood vessels are highly deformable and flaccid
may be open to some doubt as the methods used to measure these variables
measuring instruments. During life the large vessels are under a state
Further retraction will occur if they are dissected free of the surrounding
the vessels are filled with blood at a varying pressure, and it 1s often
terms of large and small arteries and arterioles. The dividing line is
Ud (1)
In the larger vessels Re is large and inertial forces more important than
important. The red blood cell has a diameter of 7-8 ~m and the 0.1 mm
testing has been carried out on the larger vessels and the results
The aorta is the major artery carrying the blood from the left
the direction of the head, where it gives r~se to branches suppiying the
head and upper limbs. The aorta then curves to run caudally (Figure 1.1).
Arteries to Head
and Upper Limbs
Intercostal Arteries
Arteries to
Abdominal Orga~
Arteries to
Lower Limbs
into two major vessels supplying the lower limbs. In the dog, and
has been derived from dogs. This is the most reliable data, but great
The aorta tapers along its length, and in dogs it can be described
A A (2)
. h 1'~es b etween 2 - 5
wh ~c X l0- 5 (C aro et al, 1978 2 ). Details of the
cross sectional area of the arteries of dogs, at· selected sites, will
the distance from the heart, but because of the presence of branches,
The angle between the arterial branches and the vessel from which
they arise is usually called the branching angle. There is a very wide
relationship between the branching angle and the relative size of branches
(d'Arcy Thompson, 1945 ):
(i) if the artery branches into two equal branches (e.g. the
Cfl (!)
0 0
(ii) if the branches are of unequal s1ze the smaller vessel has a
(iii) branches very much smaller than the parent artery have a
(1930 6 ).
components in the blood vessel wall is similar in all arteries and they
the innermost layer and surrounded by the tunica media and surrounding
and the external elastic lamina marking the junction between the media
system. The cells are mechanically fragile but damaged or lost cells
dense layer of elastic fibres, which has also been described as an elastic
The tunica media ~s usually the thickest layer of the arterial wall,
136 ].C. Barbenel
C Tunica Adventia.
and contains elastin and collagen fibres, and smooth muscle cells. There
the two types of arteries but the major vessels nearer the heart are
The Geometry an<l Structure of Arteries 137
relatively constant and they appear in the large arteries of all mammals
proportional to the wall thickness. The elastic fibres in the layers are
derived from the blood flowing through the vessels, but arteries greater
Internal Wall
Diameter Thickness
Aorta 25 mm 2mm
4mm 1 mm
30 11m 20 11m
The wall thickness of the larger arteries varies with the size of
the animal. The results of Wolinsky and Glagov (1967) indicate a rapid
increase in thickness with body weight for small animals, but for large
animals, those which weigh more than 60 Kg, the thickness is relatively
being-:!= 0.1.
In the smaller peripheral arteries the wall becomes thinner, but the
The size of the arteries also change with age, and during growth
both wall thickness and diameter increase, but the ratio remains
lamellae of the tunica media. After maturity has been reached there is
1966 10 ).
both in quasistatic and dynamic test modes. Tests have been made on
the living experimental animal but the majority of results have been
addition there are numerous results which have been obtained from strips
deformation response of the walls of the larger vessels have been clearly
connective tissues and this reflects the fact that the behaviour of these
(Figure 2 .1) . The vessel becomes stiffer as the load (or deformation)
1 1.5
Extension Ratio, A
(198t~ has pointed out, the specimen is preconditioned only for the
1st cycle
5th cycle
only at high rates (Collins and Hu, 1972 13 ). This feature is found in
experiments made with strips and rings of tissue. The response is typical
usually obtained.
.u 0
(/) .._,
•.4 .u
.u .._,
1 10 100
Time, s,
Creep behaviour has also been reported both 1n excised strips and in
pressurised arterial segments (e.g. Wiederhielm, 1965 14 ). As with stress
The phase angle, which is commonly about 10°, also shows little
2.3. Anisotropy
produced were very much smaller than the direct strains. The results
suggest that the wall shows elastic symmetry and that it is cylindrically
The results have been confirmed by other workers and by other means,
and there is general agreement that the vessel walls show cylindrical
The arterial wall has a high water content and it has been thought
saline and showed only a small change in volume, and concluded that the
that the relative volume change on straining was less than 1%, and
fail to demonstrate a volume change due to loss of fluid from the arterial
within the wall is unlikely. Such a change in volume due to fluid loss
does, however, appear to occur during in vitro tests on skin, and has
been reported for eat's skin (Veranda and Westmann, 1970 ), also for
of human and canine arteries and reported a change in volume. For the
146 J.C. Barbenel
material must be 1.5, and the data of Tickner and Sacks show that this is
not the case. The use of radiography to determine wall thickness may
lead to considerable errors. It has also been suggested that the results
were due to water loss and drying during the inflation process. In order
for the volume to decrease, the sum of two of the Poisson's ratios should
convincing than much of the literature suggests, the wall can usefully be
considered incompressible.
components of the arterial wall are the elastin and collagen fibres and
pressures, the components are well oriented and form a series of well
More recent work (Jenkins and Little, 1974 25 ) showed the material to
be more linear with a tensile modulus of c.0.5 M Pa. All results show,
Experimental Mechanics 14 7
however) that the material is highly extensible and almost elastic, with
the fibres may undergo considerable extensions. The nature of the crimp,
Haut and Little, 1972 27 ). The fibres show considerable time dependence.
of the muscle cells in the wall, but it appears that the active
Between the muscle cells and the elastin and collagen fibres, there
of the arterial wall, and may be extruded on straining, thus making the
suggest that when elastin is stretched, the material absorbs water, which
is then desorbed on releasing the fibres. This implies that there must
be some mobile water present. The authors suggest that this also means
there is about three times as much collagen as elastin, and this ratio
The geometry and properties of the elastin and collagen fibres has
led to the suggestion that the former is stretched during the initial
phase of extension of the wall and that during this period, the crimps are
lost from the collagen which is important at the stiffer, high extension
phase. Evidence to support this has been obtained from studies in which
non-linear relationship between stress and strain, and are time dependent.
suitable test methods are used. The favourite methods are the application
~~ = a(T + 8) a,S constants
hence T = ce -a
The exponential formulation was incorporated into a stored energy function
study by Tanaka and Fung (1974) showed that the linearity was confined
to the large strain region, and did not describe the total stress-strain
being as large as 70%. The strain variations about this resting state
are very much smaller (Patel et al, 1969). This suggests that
strain relations are evaluated has relied heavily on the stored energy
incremental approach.
2 2
lip 2(1-v )R. R
1 0 (4)
where lip 1s the change in internal pressure, liR the change in external
(R 3 - R 1 )(R 2 - R~)
0 0 0 1
Even if the vessel was isotropic 1n tqe re~ting state, the strains
was made by Patel et al (1969). The wall was once again treated as incom-
pressible but orthotropic. Tests were made on dogs in viva, with in vitna
comparisons corrected for arterial tethering affects (Patel and Fry, 1966 38 ).
!1h 0
e (6a)
r h h
l1R R-R
0 0
ee (6b)
0 0
152 J.C. Barbenel
e (6c)
pR/h (7)
a f/21TRh
matrix equation
Young's moduli (E 6 , Ez and Er) and Poisson's ratios (vez' vzr' vre) by:
1 1 1 (9)
Ee = - - E =c- E = --
cee z r c rr
vze vez
c = --
z.e Ee E
v zr v rz
czr = --
r z
vre ver
ere = -Ee- E
The values of the Young's moduli were evaluated for the thoracic
aorta of dogs. The vessel was maintained at one of three chosen initial
Stress-Strain Relations 153
20 em H2o (1.9k Pa). Each was maintained for 1 minute to allow creep,
were small compared to the average strains, thus justifying the use of
incremental theory.
?:: ?::
...."' "'
~ ~Er
;; 0.4
and Bergel and Schultz (19714 ~used the results to show that there was good
The use of the incremental stresses and strains follows the Cauchy
assume that there exists a function, the strain energy density, W, which
Stress-Strain Relations 155
I1 Ai + A; + A;
~ aAi
aw ail aw ai2 +3\~- ai3
ail oA.
ar2 oA.~ ai3 oA.~
is discussed by Tickner and Sacks (1964), but as we have seen the vessel
study (Patel et al 1969, See Section 3.1) that it was incompressible and
2 = ~ (>, 2
e = ! (A. e
£ £ - 1); £ - 1) (16)
r z z
extension was considered. Under such tests the principal strains are
very much smaller than the shear strains and Ere' e: 6z and e:zr were put
series of second, third and fourth degree were proposed. These are
2 2
w Al£6 + Ble:6ez + Cle:z (18)
2 2
w A2£8 + B2e:eez + C2£z
3 2 2 3
+ D2£6 + E2e:6ez + F2e:6ez + G2e:z 1
2 2 3
w A3£6 + B3£6£z + C3£z + D3£6
2 2+G 3 4
+ E3e:6ez + F3£6£z 3£z + H3e:e (20)
3 2 2 3 4
+ 1 3e:6e:z + J3e:6e:z + k3e:ee:z + L3e:z
The vessel was precycled and elongated by a weight while the internal
increment the dimensions were recorded. The experimental data was used
than longitudinally.
The authors concluded that the seven constant theory was the most useful.
45 ) proposed an alternative exponential function
Fung et al (1979
W= ~ exp [al (e:~8 - e::~) + a2 (e:~z - e::~) + 2a4 (e:8ae:zz - e::8S:z)] (22)
the exponential strain energy function and the experimental data was
reasonably good. The fit obtained from the seven constant polynomial
The major difference between the two forms of the stored energy
are very much greater than the radial stress a . The principal stresses,
and strains, are also in the direction of the axes of elastic symmetry of
the vessel wall. The elimination of the radial strain, E , from the
three dimensional functions depend on the assumption that the vessel walls
are incompressible. Th€ walls of the large arteries are thin compared to
their radius, and it is possible (Green and Adkins, 1960) to develop two
dimensional stored energy functions for the two dimensional loading which
Roy (188o 47 ) who compared the behaviour with that found in rubbers.
There are two views of the non-linearity of the tissue. The first
reduces to
the time dependent extension and the applied step stress. In addition
That is
or G(t) E C. exp(-t/T.)
i ~ ~
Time Dependence 161
constant characterisation.
and the same data can give rise to quite different exponential terms if
point at some length, with examples, and concluded that the difficulty
The second drawback is the tendency for those deriving the time
which were used as conceptual aids by Kelvin and Maxwell and to identify
the simplest model showing these features is the three parameter (or
162 J.C. Barbenel
is given by
where Gi and Ge are the instantaneous and equilibrium moduli. Using the
moduli G' (w) and G" (w) which the material will display in response to a
2 2
G' (w) G + (G 1 - G )
e e 1 + w2 T2
G"(w) = (G - G )wT/1 +
I e
2 2
} (29)
G(t) G
+ J+oo H(T) exp(-t/T)d2nT (31)
Time Dependence 163
H(T) = - 2.303
1 IdG(t)
I (32)
1 ldo(t)
H(T) = - 2.303 A(o) d~nt
I (33)
with the log of time for several decades. This means both that the
of constant value over the time region for which the relaxation is linear
and zero outside this. This spectrum is usually known as a box spectrum,
and its properties have been investigated both for polymers and for
tissues (Fung, 1972; Barbenel et al, 1973 ).
H(T) = H(o)
= 0
G(t) = Ge + H(o) J exp(-t/T) d~nT (35)
G(t) (36)
164 J.C. Barbenel
for T2 < t
G(t) = G (39)
and in the middle range where Tl < t < T2
The upper limit T2 of the spectrum can be obtained from the time,
t 2 , at which the extrapolated linear central por·tion of the relaxation
T2 = t2 exp y
1.781 t2
and similarly
T1 =1.781 tl (42)
In the time region of the non zero portion of the spectrum the phase
angle, o, is given by
tan -1,1T - G +
-1 1T H(o)
and that the values of T2 varied from 94 s to 2480 s, with a major site
dependence. The values of Tl were all less than 1 s. These values also
time produced by both the discrete time constant and continuous spectrum
preconditioning has been made, but the nature of the experimental stress
cr(t) J:.c 1(t-T 1 H<T 1 )dT 1 + Jl: c2 (t-Tl't-T 2 )i(T 1 );(T 2 )dT 1 dT 2 }
t (46)
+ JJJ G3 (t-T 1 ,t-T 2 ,t-T 3 )E(T 1 )€(T 2 )E(T 3 )dTl dT 2 dT 3+ •••
where G1 , G2 and G3 ••• are first, second, third ... order kernels; it
can be assumed without any loss of generality that the kernels are
strain measure.
Time Dependence 167
Mt) 1 t > 0
Mt) 0 t < 0
equation and it is clear that the response to a single step test is not
repeated with two additional strain values £(l)~t and £(2)~t and from
The second order kernel G2 can be evaluated using two step tests
+ 2£(3)£(4)G 2 (t, t-t 1 )+ £ (4)G 3 (t-t 1 , t-t 1 , t-t 1 ) (48)
168 J.C. Barbenel
The first six terms are known from the single step tests and can be
carry out two additional two step tests in which t 1 is kept constant.
Thus G2 has been determined for unequal arguments, but only for one
the form of G2 (t, t-k). This can only be determined by experiment, and
of third order kernel are known when two of the arguments are equal. In
order to determine the value when all three are unequal, G3 (t, t-k, t-~)
range of values for k and ~. Lockett (1972) has calculated the number
based on the assumption that the artery wall was transversely isotropic,
Time Dependence 169
for this case orthotropy required the evaluation of ten kernel functions.
measure chosen. The lack of second order terms, and therefore the
·.and before testing the vessel was returned to its in vivo length and
for lOOs. The results suggest that each step was considered in
The experimental data from which the parameters were obtained were,
strain to the specimen may influence the current state of stress as much
London, 1974.
2. Caro, C.G., Pedley, T.J., Schroter, R.C. and Seed, W.A., The
Oxford, 1978.
Philadelphia, 1975.
p.l-225, 1930.
99-111, 1967.
8. Burton, A.C., Physical principles of circulatory phenomena.
London, 1971.
172 J.C. Barbenel
10. Learoyd, B.M. and Taylor, M.G., Alteration with age in the
12. Tanaka, T.T. and Fung, Y.C., Elastic and inelastic properties of
the canine aorta and their variation along the aortic tree.
15. Patel, D.J. and Fry, D.L., The elastic symmetry of arterial
21. Stark, H.L. and Al-Haboubi, A., The relationship of width, thickness,
22. Tickner, E.G. and Sacks, A.H., A theory for the static elastic
23. Wolinsky, H. ahd Glagov, S., Structural basis for the static
400-413, 1964.
27. Haut, R.C. and Little, R.W., A constitutive equation for collagen
28. Dobrin, P.B. and Rovick, A.A., Influence of vascular smooth muscle
29. Harkness, M.L.R., Harkness, R.D. and MacDonald, D.A., The collagen
31. Roach, M.R. and Burton, A.C., The reason for the shape of the
681-690, 1957.
32. Hoffman, A.S., Grande, L.A., Gibson, P., Park, J.B., Daly, C.H.,
33. Patel, D.J., Janicki, J.S. and Carew, T.E., Static anisotropic
37. Bergel, D.H., The static elastic properties of the arterial wall.
40. Hardung, V., Die bedeutung der anisotropie and inhomogenitat bei
41. Bergel, D.H. and Schultz, D.L., Arterial elasticity and fluid
3-36, 1971.
42. Green, A.E. and Adkins, J.E., Large elastic deformations and
43. Green, A.E. and Zerna, W., Theoretical Elasticity. Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1954.
44. Vaishnav, R.N., Young, J.T., Janicki, J.S. and Patel, D.J.,
l· 125-159, 1880.
55. Green, A.E. and Rivlin, R.S., The mechanics of non-linear materials
56. Green, A.E. and Rivlin, R.S., The mechanics of non-linear materials
London, 1972.
59. Young, J.T., Vaishnav, R.N. and Patel D.J., Non-linear anisotropic
J.B. Haddow
Department of Mechanical Engineering
T.B. Moodie, R.J. Tait
Department of Mathematics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1 .1 Introduction
Models for describing pressure pulse propagation in arteries can,
with few exceptions, be separated into two categories depending upon
the emphasis placed on the fluid mechanics or the solid mechanics.
Models in the first category employ ideas first put forward by Euler
(1844) who proposed combining the equation of motion for an inviscid
fluid together with the continuity equation and a third equation relat-
ing the pressure in the tube to its cross-sectional area. Euler's
include outflow through porous walls (Rudinger, 1966), and study the
development of shocks (Rudinger, 1970), (Teipel, 1973), (Forbes, 1979).
The second category, and the one we are concerned with is comprised
of those models employing a version of the shell equations for the tube
wall together with equations of motion for the fluid. An excellent re-
view of these models up to 1966 is included in the survey article by
Skalak (1966). Significant contributions in this category have been
made by Lamb (1898), Witzig (1914), Klip (1962), Rubinow and Keller (1968),
(1971 ), (1978), and many others. All of the models in this category are
analyzed in essentially the same way although the amount of detailed in-
formation obtained varies greatly from author to author. Solutions are
assumed in the form of travelling periodic waves and frequency equations
are obtained and plotted together with plots for the various mode shapes.
In no instance are either initial or boundary value problems solved for
models in this category.
It is our aim to outline a method of solution for an initial value
problem for fluid-filled tube models in this second category. We do not
make the claim that our results in their present form are directly ap-
plicable to the propagation of pressure pulses in arteries but rather
that these methods do indicate a viable means of analyzing the transient
response of various models in this category. The information so ob-
tained can then be compared with experimental results to test the
ability of such models to explain observed phenomena.
The first model considered is a straight, uniform, thin walled,
tethered, cylindrical, elastic tube filled with an incompressible in~
Introduction 181
place of the mean radius R + h/2. The distinction between the mean
radius and inside radius of the tube could be incorporated in the
analysis with some extra complication but the effect on the results was
found to be negligible for h/R < 0.1.
It is assumed that an axially symmetric perturbation of the system
results in axial and radial perturbation displacements ux(r,x,t) and
u (r,x,t), respectively, of the fluid. Corresponding velocity perturba-
tions are aux/at and aur/at. It is further assumed that the pressure
on the outside of the tube is uniform and that the pressure perturba-
tion is small enough that a linear theory is valid. Since a tethered
tube is considered, there is no axial displacement of the tube wall.
It is well known that blood vessels in situ operate under considerable
axial constraint. We include shear deformation in the analysis and in-
corporate it along with rotatory inertia into a simple shell theory for
the fluid-filled tube.
In order to illustrate the method of solution of initial value
problems we will consider an unbounded tube to be perturbed by an
initial distribution of external pressure pe(x) which is suddenly re-
moved at time t = 0. For definiteness we consider the external loading
where H(t) is the unit step function and o(x) is the Delta function.
This is a concentrated circumferential loading of intensity q per unit
length of circumference as shown in Fig. 1.2.1.
Introduction 183
Pe = q8(x)
Fig. 1 .2.1 Concentrated circumferential loading
of intensity q per unit length of circumference
where ~and ~are the stress deviator and strain tensors, respectively,
and~ is the shear modulus. The assumption of incompressibility is
appropriate for tubes in biological systems.
The viscoelastic model considered is the so-called standard visco-
elastic material. A spring-damper analogue model for this material is
shown in Fig. 1.3.1. In Fig. 1.3.1 the stiffness ).1 is analogous to
the impact or unrelaxed modulus of rigidity, n represents the viscosity,
and 0 < m < 1. The relaxation time T is given by
184 J.B. Haddow
T - --,.-;;11;<--T
and the relaxed modulus by m~. Since the material is assumed to be in-
compressible the constitutive equation is given in differential form by
where tis the time. Eq. (1.3.3) can be obtained from eq. (1.3.1) by
replacing ~ by the operator
at+ m)/(T at+ 1)
a (1.3.4)
(1- m)J.t
Fig. 1.3.1 Spring-damper analogue for
standard viscoelastic material
Governing Equations 185
2.1 Tube Equations
When shear deformation and rotatory inertia of the tube wall are
taken into account, the equations of motion of the tube wall for a
tethered elastic tube, as obtained from a simplified shell theory, are:
2 3 2
D cOP + JlQh(aw _ 1/J) _ :r.b_ .DI!_ = o, (2.1.1)
~ ax 12 at2
a,,, a2 a2
kw + ]lQh(~- ~) + yh w - Pw = 0 , (2.1.2)
oX ax ~
Eh 3
D= 2
where E is Young's modulus. Except for notation, eqs. (2.1 .1) and
(2.1 .2) are the same as those used by Forrestal and Herrmann (1965).
Since it is assumed that the tube wall is incompressible, Poisson's
ratio v = 0.5, and E = 3]l. The shear coefficient Q is taken as Q = 0.91
which is the value suggested by Herrmann and Mirsky (1956) for v = 0.5.
If shear deformation of the tube wall is neglected the single
equation of motion of the tube wall for an elastic tube is
186 J.B. Haddow
The last term on the right hand side of eq. (2.1 .3) represents the
rotatory inertia. Actually, the effect of rotatory inertia is less
than that of shear deformation, however, it can be incorporated without
involving an additional equation of motion.
When the tube wall is composed of incompressible standard material,
the shear modulus ]..1 in eqs. (2.1.1); (2.1.2) and (2.1.3) is replaced by
the differential operator (1 .3 .4).
2.2 Fluid Equations
The effect of fluid viscosity is neglected since it is assumed
that damping arises mainly from the viscoelastic properties of the
tube wall. Consequently the equations of motion of the fluid are the
linearized Euler equations,
lr j_
( ru )
+ ---!. = 0
ax ' (2.2.3)
and then eliminating ux from eq. (2.2.4) and the continuity equation
(2.2.3) gives
(2 .2 .6)
188 J.B. Haddow
Eh ) 1/2
c = [
2 R(l-})
T = TC/R (2.3.3)
In eq. (1 .2 .1) the nondimensional forms of q and the Delta function are
q= + ,
pc R
o(x) = o(x) R , (2.3.4)
Two additional quantities arise later, w, the circular frequency,
and k, the wave number, and the nondimensional forms are
k = kR , w= wR/c
( 2 2 p
w + Q 1-v) (Et _ ~) + 11_ l.JL _ ...!i = 0 (2.4.2)
2 ax al 2p at2 2
where f3 =a 2/12.
Nondimensional forms of the viscoelastic shell equations corres-
ponding to eqs. (2.4.1) and (2.4.2) are not given since shear deforma-
tion is neglected in the analysis of the viscoelastic tube. The non-
dimensional form of the viscoelastic tube equation, with shear neglected,
4 2 4
2{1_+ !!!_)(Sa w2 + w) =(,at+ l)(p - Y£4+ yaf3 a2w 2) (2.4.4)
at T at a T W p at.:; p ax at
190 J.B. Haddow
41(r) = GI 1 (kr), 0 ~r ~ 1,
Substituting eqs. (3.1.1), (2.5.9) and (2.5.10) into eqs. (2.4.1) and
(2.4.2), and employing the relation (2.5.8) gives
2 2
[1 +Q(l-v) k2 ~-~I] G+iQ(l-v) kF=O, (3.1.3)
~ - 2p 2k 2
determinant of F(k) and G(k) in eqs. (3.1.2) and (3.1.3) to zero and
solving the resulting biquadratic equation in w, which is
+ Sk 3 + Q(1-v) Sk 5] = 0 . (3.1.4)
The roots of eq. (3.1.4), whicha--e real, are w = .!_ w1 (k), w = .!_ w2(k),
where w1 = (L-M) 112 , w
2 = (L+M) 112 and Land Mare easily obtained from
eq. (3.1.4). The contributions to the wave motion due to w1 (k) and
w2(k) are described as the first and second modes respectively. If the
shear deformation is neglected, $ = aw/ax, and there is only a single
mode of propagation, the single shell equation in nondimensional form
is given by eq. (2.4.3) and the corresponding dispersion relation is
a= 0.1
a= 0.05
The phase.speeds for the first and second modes are given by
4 a= 0.05
10 20 30 40 50 60
These are shown in Figs. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 along with phase and group
speeds obtained from eq. (3.1.5). The results shown in Figs. (3.1.1),
(3.1.2) and (3.1.3) indicate that the dispersion relations and group
and phase speeds obtained by neglecting shear are good approximations
to those of the first mode for low wave numbers and, as expected, that
the lower the value of a = h/R, the greater the justification for
neglecting shear deformation of the tube wall. When an initial value
196 J.B. Haddow
a= 0.1
3 /c
/ c1
10 20 30 40 50 60
___!!_=iS ,n=l,2 (3.2.1)
Gn n
Solution of Initial Value Problem 197
where sn-
[ 2(J3k -Wn ~)
J-1 (3 .2 .2)
The functions f(x) and g(x) can also be expressed in the form
00 00
Eqs. (3.2.9) are used to obtain G(k) and F(k) and eqs. (3.2.1), (3.2.10)
and (3.2.11) provide four equations which can readily be solved to
obtain the four unknowns Gn(k) and Fn(k), n = 1,2, which are in turn
substituted in eqs. (3.2.5) and (3.2.6) to obtain a formal solution
to the initial value problem. The integrals in eqs. (3.2.5) and
(3.2.6) can be evaluated numerically or otherwise.
In order to obtain the functions w(x,O) and ~(x,O) given by
initial conditions (3.2.3) the static form of eqs. (2.4.1) and (2.4.2)
with Pw = - Pe•
S 4+
Q(~-v) (~~- ~) = 0, (3.2.12)
], (3.2.14)
Solution of Initial Value Problem 199
where G(k) and F(k) are the functions defined by eq. (3.2.4) and
K = Q(l-v)/2. The Fourier transforms (3.2.14) and (3.2.15) can be in-
verted according to eqs. (3.2.7) to give
w(x,O) = g{x) = 31 29 114 exp{-2 112 s- 114 1xl ){cos(2- 112s-l/ 4 1xl)
2 B
0.75 1.00
Eqs. (3.2.1), (3.2.2), (3.2.10) and (3.2.ll) are used along with
G1 (k) and G2 (k), of the first and second modes, respectively, to the
tube wall displacement w, for a given wave number k, are shown graphi-.
cally in Figs. 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 along with G(k)/2 given by equation
G(k)/2 "'G(k)/2 for the range of k outside of which G1 (k) and G2 (k)
are negligible. The results shown in the figures indicate that for
a= 0.05
10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 3.2.2 Contributions G1 (k) and G2(k) to the
radial displacement w for a = 0.05 and q = 1
tion is more significant but still small enough that its neglect may
be justified. If a> 0.1 then shear deformation of the tube wall
should be included in the analysis. In the following sections it is
assumed that neglect of shear deformation is justified in the analysis.
3.3 Solution for Viscoelastic Tube
In this section the solution, for a viscoelastic tube composed of
the incompressible standard material, is obtained. The constitutive
equation is given by eq. (1.3.3) and the nondimensional governing
equation is eq. (2.4.4). Shear deformation is neglected and the elastic
202 J.B. Haddow
a= 0.1
0 o~--~10--~W._.__3~0~-4~0----S•O--~~
Fig. 3.2.3 Contributions G1 (k) and G2 (k) to the
radial displacement w for a = 0.1 and q = 1
(x,O) + w(x,O) = - in o(x) . (3.3.2)
Solution of Initial Value Problem 203
Eq. (3.3.2) is the same as that for an elastic tube with shear modulus
equal to the relaxed modulus of the viscoelastic tube. The deflected
form w(x,O) at t = 0, obtained from eq. (3.3.2) is given by
q - - 2
3;2sl/4 m w
. +
w(x,O ) = 0
Eqs. (3.3.4) and (3.3.5) are consistent with eqs. (3.2.8) and (3.2.9).
Henceforth a superposed tilde denotes the Fourier transform as defined
by eq. (3.3.4).
204 J.B. Haddow
2 -
~ + !_ ~ - k 2- = 0 (3.3.8~
-:----z r dr
dr P '
so that
p(r,k,t) = P0(k,t)I 0(kr) . (3.3.9)
aw= - 'P 0 ( k, t) kI 1 ( k) (3.3 .11)
at 2
Solution of Initial Value Problem 205
+ l_ [I 0 ( k) + Y9:. ( Sk2+1.) kI l ( k) ]
1 P
2 k 4 ~ p Clp
+ ~ I1 (k)(Sk+l)w=-ki 1 (k)[-f+ate], (3.3.14)
3~ 1 "2~ "~ ~
Cl w + - ~ + A ~ + !!!. Aw = 0 (3.3.16)
~ 1 at2 at 1
~3 + lT ¢2 + A¢ + ~ A = 0
When 0 < m < 1 it is easily shown that the real parts of the roots
will be negative for all real k as they must be from purely physical
considerations. The condition for one real root and two complex con-
jugate roots is
1 1
where a = 3 (3A - 2 ),
1 2
and b = 27T ( 27mA - 9A + "2)
It may then be shown that if~~ m < 1, eq. (3.3.19) has precisely
Solution of Initial Value Problem 207
one real negative root and two complex conjugate roots for all real k
and' > 0 and we consider this case. The real root of (3.3.19) is then
b b2 31/21/3 b b2 a31/21/3 1
'h = [{~2+ (T+IT) } + {~2- (4+27) } ] - 3c ( 3 · 3 · 20 )
w(x,t)/w 0
-X t -X t
w(x,t)/w 0 2 J [A 1e 1 + e 2 (A 2coswt+A 3sinwt)] coskxdk.
~ 0.50
0.25 t = 0.5
- 0.50
.:s. 0. 25 t = 1.0
~ 0.50
C\1 t 2.0
0.25 =
-x 0.25 t = 0.5
- x 0.25 t = 1.0
x- t = 2.0
Fig. 3.3.3 w(x,t);w 0 form= 0.5, T = 10, a= 0.05
212 J.B. Haddow
d 0.25 t = 0.5
t = 1.0
0 0.25
C\1 t = 2.0
0 0.25 t = 0.5
0 0.25
0 0.25
Fig. 3.3.5 w(x,t)/w 0 form= 0.9, < = 1, a= 0.05
214 J.B. Haddow
The authors are indebted to Helen Wozniuk (Mechanical Engineering
Department Secretary) for preparing the manuscript.
Physiologisches Institut
Universitat Graz
Graz, Austria
Kenner (1968). More recent work from our group has been re-
laries and thence the venoles and the venous part of the
Introduction 219
ture and points to the quite important fact that "Malls data
good data are missing, particularly for the most basic and
AI i .........,.. ART[RilS ..-z.--" +
141 lSI Ill
~ lw
SMALL ARTIRY 2 "• "' .., 5 z
c 12 111 ALL.
c"' >
is shown in fig.2
velocity v by
q v r 'II" (I)
(r. is the radius at the vessel wall), we find the following
vascular endothelium.
Llx equals
R (8)
and, therefore
R (9)
ce R. is
Rtotal Ri/n (I 0)
n (15.4) 2 ( 4)
D 2 (0.376) 2 ( 5)
1 =59 (0.475) 2 ( 6)
with z = 0,1,2, . . . . . 8.
lary bed alone makes 37% of the total. The small rest of 15%
tional to
assumption leads to
't"s ._., ( 1 • 2 4 ) z ( 9)
Re ......, ( 0 . I 7 5) 2
( I I )
branching ratio
( 2)
r I . 26 r I ( 4)
2 2
d = 2r 1 /r 0 = I. 2 6 ( 5)
result. Since
( 6)
3 3
r0 = 2r 1 (8)
tic impedance (for definition see section 2.3 and 3.2) and
d 1 • 15 ( 1 0)
2.1 Introduction
shown in fig.S.
in the arterioles .
of the segment was adjusted between 1.4 and 2,6 em. The larger
length 1 is
r 1 p ( 1)
tion area is
p r/ (2h) + F2
I (2r 1T' h) (4)
236 T. l(enner
a length (mm)
1.40 2.02 2.64
Fig. 8 Longitudinal force F 2 ext versus length,
pressure range 0 to 200 mm Hg, pressure
steps 20 mm Hg.Wei~sacker and Pascale,I982
as zero:
F2ext = 0
II 2 (6)
crossing point.
z .lip I Aq (I)
Provided viscosity can be neglected, the eharacteristic im-
z c e 1A ( 2)
where A = r ~ is the cross section area of the vessel. The
( 4)
to these magnitudes by
c = JIMC ( 5)
( 6A), the velocity pu ls~ amplitude ( Llv), and the wave velo-
p 0
'5'5 p (mm Hg)100
0 t (sec) 0.5
25 /
10 \ C(xJ
,~y rcrr?J c(x)
50 100 150cm
350 //--_/ ,/
,, .---?-~- --~--
i ~'""'""""
II Papaver~ne
1 Hz
7 1Hz
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
P lkPa] P lkPa]
tractile element.
E = dl/1 ( I )
+ 'l')w d€ Idt ( 2)
E + j W~w (3)
246 T. Kenner
(1982) right.
E + 6 (4)
The problem which has been solved in a paper by Kenner
direction index 2, flij are the Poisson numbers which are de-
CI = ~ ( r d pI d r + 2 p) I ( I - fU I 2 fU 2 I ) ( 9)
the Poisson number and 'f is the phase angle between sinu-
force per unit length does not take into account that the
but not for the analysis of blood vessels with finite wall
dius of the tunica media never can become zero even in the
tracted vessel may extend conically into the next larger open
te closure.
252 T. Kenner
collal"e ~
Fi g . I 6 Co n s t r i c t i on and c o 11 a p se o f a s ma 11 v e s s e 1
with the slope 1/Rd and the pressure intercept pc.With some
Fig.18 Pressure-flow relation
1 Q~
___T...J--_ __,T Pc;
C = C (I
- k p) (6)
During each diastole the input into the system equals the
pump flow qp • The first term on the right side of the wind-
into the aorta; 270° indicates the maximum volume in the pump.
180° :270° QO
and (I O)
where the indices A and B relate to the two pulses. From the
Q mt/sec
20 A
: I
o I
,./Pet 1
1/ ~I
50 TOO 150 mmHg
Fig.Zl Pressure-flow relation (Wetterer a.Pieper 1955)
Pressure-Flow Relation 257
3.1 Introduction
each other and to the cube root of the body mass. Therefore,
rywe;~· (I )
20 -- --
Ox •
--- -
ex =15v"f
15 .,.. 1 .... .,.. Man
/ Dog
10 ~Rhesu~monkey
--~ abbit
/ t.Cat
t.Guinea Pig
0 0·5 1·0 J.5 2·0 2-5 em
part of the article will extend the view and include reacti-
(::) (::l A
( 1)
A ( (2)
1 I zt
A (3)
B + jk (6)
velocity c by
c W/k (7)
its end: P
= P
e- tL (8)
+ (Z/R)sinhfL (I 0)
+ (R/Z) sinh f L ( I I )
R + jwM ( 13)
R ( 14)
M (I 5)
where A = r
11' and eis the density of blood. By introduci ng
c 1/(1/Cd + . WR
J w
) ( 17)
tg ~ (19)
( 2 1)
13 Z G/2
+ ktg 1 /2 (23)
B + jk = Vj w RC' (24)
264 T. Kenner
k VwRC/2 (26)
c = ~2 w/Rc' ( 2 7)
noted that only one solution of the square root which permits
l ' 6 1 10 11 14 f tHrl
1 4 6 I tO 11 14 f IHal
0 0.6
Fig. 27 Decay of pulsatile
pressure amplitude in a net- Arterioles Venule
dance extends between the points Rdiff and the heart rate.
266 T. Kenner
O~Rourke (1982).
r~, c.L :\
Fig. 29Left: "improved windkessel" by Broemser and
Ranke (1930). Right: manometer model by
Broemser (1932)
There are two possibilities to plot the frequency depen-
tion for the construction of the locus plot from the modulus
60° ----+---+
I. oo 1----1--f
t ·200
~ 0 ~--~--++--+-~-+-+--+--.H-~
+ -20°~,-~~--+~-~-+-;--+--r~-~
0 ,_
+40 I
fig. 33. In this figure the
indicated. The harmonics of the
liN I
t' ) .
t~, ---~
input impedance are arranged in
5 '0 15 20 clsec
,.!~]k [~1
is negative and almost constant
in the frequency region up to
30 Hz. The pattern resembles to
• o+-'"'"""T,-T"IO-f-1111--il
''"• + - - - - - - - i the characteristic impedance
·&P. ....-.--~--
shown in fig. 26 , and is simi-
along the tube system, both pressure and flow waves show
The chosen reflection factors are 0.2,0.5 and 0.3; the re-
k = (Z I - Z )/(Z I + Z ) (I)
n n+ n n+ n
In our example the index n = I,2,3,4,5 indicates the number
cy. The phase shift entirely depends on the local wave velo-
5 oo•
t oo• / ---
3oo• ~ I>"'
~2 2oo•
/ --
0,8 '' r\
\ I L~ I'-
\ J v
0 ,_ 2 3 5 6Hz
F Z/R (4)
Therefore the pressure transmission function between~the en-
3 oo•
2oo• /
0 ,_ I 2 3 ~ 5 6Hz
P IP ( 5)
Fig. 39 Pressure transmission ascending aorta to
femoral artery in a cat {Kenner 1979)
pect (2)
40 amplification. We assume
This result shows that we are still far away from fully under•
figure the absolute va-
ther method.
q c dp/dt (5)
3) Wall thickness
rn elastic tubes with large extensibility we have to use
Wave Velocity 281
v e><
\ I< I I 2 Et h
2 - p> (3)
be c (4)
1000 or---,---_,~sro.---_,---,~~~oo~~---r---~~~~m~m~Hg
I •••J
metic drug.
.. . . ••
1 1
/ • ....•"i-:••..-::cr---t
800t----r-------t--- ' •
I ·+··i~. "i
600 r-- ·-- - 00
_i __. ·+~t:~<.j-1"!:.-;+----t----t----t------i
I ++ I
ttl ~ ;:, ,
400 id?J J
dlo I I I •R
~or I
0 so 100 ··1~so:;----'----::z~oo;;-;·1"'o·r'
p dyn I cm 2
Fig. 43 Relation between arterial pressure and wave velocity
in the aorta of a dog. R control, Vk vagus cooling
Sy Sympatol injection, VkSy same during vagus cooling
(Wetterer and Pieper 1953)
ler than the phase velocity of the first harmonic. The phase
( W ~~ ) X (5)
mission times and the phase angles increase - and the corres-
from those of higher harmonics the more the higher the blood
c = W/k (6)
c dW /dk (7)
Due to the rather unique skewed distribution of harmonics in
locity ( 8)
286 T. Kenner
c wdx/df (9)
The signal velocity is influenced by the flow velocity in a
as a function of age and blood
--+--+-t--+--+-t--Aa• Years
25 35 45 55 65 75
Fig. 46 Aortic wave velocity
as a function of age and mean
arterial pressure. Data from
2500 persons. After Schimmler
Low Frequency Impedance 287
dynamics. The low frequency part - below the heart rate - re-
fig. 47 after Folkow and Neil 1971. Here also the interacti~
ma et al. 1982).
3 RE
RA mmHg/ml/stk
Trying to explain in
tant role.
the local £low decreases the supply with oxygen and the trans-
p q R (I)
dp = q dR + R dq (3)
292 T. Kenner
the pressure dilates the vessel and thus decreases the re-
Cl(1 + ST ) (8)
and Dl(1 + ST ) (9)
Here we write the Laplace frequency operator s instead of
Low Frequency Imped:mce 293
+ C/(1 + s 't )
R (10)
+ D/(1 + sr )
C and D are dimensionless constant values of the gains. Tq
out the values Rabs and Rd and about the high frequency part
00' 001
6) 001 fern
C) 1 .
= R ( 1 + A/(1 + s "C )
- B/(1 + s "t'.))
( 1 I)
Fig. 52 Calculated responses
using eq. 13. Upper part pres-
sure response (dp) to a flow
(di) step. Lower part: flow
resonse to a pressure step.
Kenner and Ono(I971) dp
0 3 min
4.3 Humoral autoregulation
cay rate is fast compared with the flow rate the concentra-
R(X) = p/q (I )
Differentiation leads to
(aR/cX)dX dp/q - p dq/q (2)
dX = - k dq (3)
cX = c ( I + s '["" ) (5)
bed increases immediately after the flow step and then de-
vasodilating. Then the solution in the time domain is
dq(t) = (dp /R) (I D (I - e )) (7)
step + D
The equation describes the following phenomenon: if, under
wi,.= yi /rc rd ( 2)
tance falls to about 1/2 after such a procedure (by the way
l~ml ~ , 1
pressure is increased the fre-
lmm Hgl I JO
J ..
l ' ,
0 lI
quency of the oscillations
r. 470 rises. At the same time the
hJml 1 •
1o]4 J rrVVVt-~ radius of the vessel under-
5.1 Introduction
We know that the pressure decay from its arterial mean va-
fluid exchange.
les which cannot pass the pores of the wall are reflected
hematocrit in comparison to
de similar observations as
10 eo 'IO •o lO Jo •o 1 to 10 10 •o so 6o 10
summarized by Lee and Kenner
Fig. 56 Microvessel hematocrit 1982. - Thus, the microvessel
as a function of the vessel di-
ameter. Lipowsky et al. 1980 hematocrit may be as low as
the microcirculation.
3) Decrease of hematcilcrit
Fig. 57 The branch with the fas- that acell free plasma
ter stream gets the red blood
cells. Fung (1981) layer is generated.
effect. The red cells in the core stream of the small vessels
Downstream Effects 307
the stream tubes) for the arterial, capillary and venous seg-
308 T. Kenner
I (t - t
) is the unit step function starting at appearance
5.5 A new method and its application for the study of the
( 1)
dilution transients.
L1 ee"p(t)
.I k---~
----DI~UR~CE 1
.I v~
0.5 1.0 1.5
L'1eosmot(t) TIME. min.
the total mass of the solutes in the lung tissue does not
mm Hg
1 046l
1044 1 mon
other hand.
rna is concerned.
a personal one and I hope the reader will excuse the empha-
Bioengineering. 2, 7.
Press, N.Y.-London-Toronto.
Biol. 71,255.
et al. (l.c.)
p p . 3 3 7 . from Kenner e t a 1. ( 1. c . )
Springerverlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
66, 399.
320 T. Kenner
et al. (l.c.)
Angiology 5,345.
7' 7 3.
322 T. Kenner
Med. 3 7 6, 6 6 I .
laufforschung. 21,127.
Butterworths, London.
Ser.A. 219,186.
Biorheology, 14,181.
J. Biomechanics 2,121.
dynamics,Vol.71 ,pp.17.
Biol. 106,23.
Press, Oxford-London-N.Y.
Dissertation, Bern.
Czeslaw M. Rodkiewicz
Faculty of Engineering
The University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1.1 Introduction
For centuries, the world within himself fascinated man as much as
his near and distant environment. In particular the cardiovascular sys-
tern was the object of attention of scientific observers like Aristotle
and Leonardo da Vinci. However, the concept of the Circulation of the
Blood was clearly presented by W. Harvey in 1628, in his famous De Motu
Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus. The evidence provided was almost com-
plete and reached into the present day understanding, except that Harvey
could not see the passage of blood from the peripheral arteries to the
veins. He speculated that there must be "pores" at these locations.
These "pores" were in 1661 identified by Malpighi as the capillaries
(K.D. Keele, 1978). Later in 1733 Stephen Hales, the Vicar of Teddington,
328 C.M. Rodkiewicz
downstream direction, may increase significantly and the flow next to the
wall may become reversed. In such cases the decelerated fluid stream be-
comes separated from the wall as indicated in Fig. 1.3.1. This is as-
sociated with additional energy losses. The boundary layer separation
line segment, St. Along the streamline which leads to the stagnation
point the pressure increases in the direction of flow. On each side of
that point the shear stresses are finite and act in the direction away
from the point St (diverging).
1/2 I
Re = UD/v, a= a(n/v) , A= U /U (1.4.1,1.4.2,1.4.3)
Introduction 333
2.1 The Governing Equations
The differential form of the law of conservation of mass can be
written in the form
¥t-+v·(pV)=O (2.1.1)
v·v = o (2.1.2)
av av av
_!+_y+-z=O (2.2.1)
ax ay az
av av av av
-2.+v -2.+v -2.+v x_g _.!_~
at x ax y ay z az x p ax
Basic Equations 335
av z av av av z _ 1 an
+V x -ax 2 +Vy -ay 2 +V z az- -
gz - p ..:::.J:.
2 2
a 1a 1- a ve 2 avr a ve
+ v [ - ( - - ( rV ) ) + -2- -...,.- + -2 - + -...,.-]
ar r ar e r aeL r ae azL ·
2 2
1 a avz 1 a vz a vz
+ v [ - . , (r - ) + - 2 -...,.- + ~]
r or ar r aeL dZ
In the above, the term V~/r when multiplied by p, yields the centrifugal
force. Similarly, expression p VrV 6 /r is the Coriolis force.
avx ~
'xy = 'yx = ~ <ay + ax ) (2.4.la)
Basic Equations 337
av av
Tzx = Txz = ~ (ax 2 + azx) (2.4. lc)
for every passage section the decrease in the volume of flow near the wall,
which is due to friction, must be compensated by a corresponding increase
near the axis. Consequently, the boundary layer is formed under the in-
fluence of an accelerating external stream. Such a steady state flow will
never separate from a regular wall and the shear stress at the wall will
tend to transform asymptotically to the value which would exist if
Poiseuille flow could be established. In the pulsatile case adverse pres-
sure gradients may be present and, depending on the fluctuation frequency
and amplitude, reversed flow at the wall could appear. The associated
minimum wall shear stress would be equal to zero and the wall drag would
keep changing its direction.
For the steady state flow in the converging and diverging passages
the incompressible fluid accelerates and decelerates, respectively. In
the latter case, when channel divergence is sufficiently significant, the
boundary layer may not be able to cope with the adverse pressure gradient
and the flow may separate from the wall. In a closed circuit it will re-
attach further downstream, and will enclose a separation region. At the
locus of separation points the shear stress at the wall is equal to zero.
The wall shear stresses within the separation region, which generates
vortices shed into the main stream (not to be identified·with the onset
of turbulence), are in the direction opposite to the direction of the
swifter main stream.
In general the separation region should not vanish in the pulsatile
flow. It should, however, change its shape and shift back and forth in
accord with the pulsation frequency.
Flow in Straight Passages 339
~+ ~= 0 (3.2.1)
ax ay
2 2
u av + v ~ = - .!_ .££. + \) (a v + a v) (3.2.3)
ax ay P ay ~ a/
2 2
u aw + v aw = _.!_EE.+v (~+a w) (3.2.4)
ax ay p az
ai ai
340 C.M. Rodkiewicz
Let us now introduce the stream function~ (x,y), so that Equation (3.2.1)
is satisfied automatically by the following expressions
u - d~
- ay'
v =
- ax
d~ (3.2.6)
Now, with the aid of (3.2.6), Equation (3.2.5) can be written in terms of
the stream function, namely
(3.2. 7)
2 2
a w +a w = l~ =CONSTANT
;;! al1l dz
w = -------.2..-- ('2 x2 + Y2 - ,2 a2) ~
I\ dzI\ (3.2.9}
2 11 (1 + A )
where A = b/a, and 2a and 2b are the major and minor axes of a cross-
Flow in Straight Passages 341
f =-
Re (3.2.13)
w L
Re = mean L = K Aa (1 +A),
v ' (1 + A2)
1- A
. . . ' m=m
1 2 2 dn
w = - (r
4 ~
- a )=-
R- v2
h =f --
D 2g
f = 64 (3.3.3)
where Re = VD/v.
Flow in Straight Passages 343
aw = _ .!_ EB. + v (~ + .!_ aw) (3.4.1)
at p az ar~ r ar
- l~ ~
p az = po +n=l (P en cosn t + Psn sin nt) (3.4.2)
+ I ~ [ ~ sin nt - 8( 1 - A) cos nt ] (3.4.4)
n=l Po (ka)2 (ka)2
and where Wis the mean velocity of the W0 distribution. The associdted
pressure gradient becomes
where Re = 2aW/v.
In conclusion if a pressure gradient is presented as a Fourier
series, then the corresponding velocity can be computed from equation
(3.4.4). It will be noted that the periodic part of the velocity distri-
bution is governed by the parameter (ka).
Uchida (1956) also obtained velocity distributions for the limiting
cases of a very small and a very large magnitude of the parameter (ka).
In the latter case the motions near the center of the tube and ·near the
wall of the tube were discussed.
For the case when (ka) < < 1 expression (3.4.4) reduces to the
velocity distribution given by a paraboloid of revolution as is the case
for the steady Hagen-Poiseuille flow, namely
1 2 2 1 an (3.4. 7)
w = - (a - r ) (- - =-)
4v p az
It is seen that the magnitude of velocity varies in phase with the pres-
sure gradient.
When the parameter (ka) > 10 the motion near the center of the tube
346 C.M. Rodkiewicz
was given as
r2 00 Pen 8
~ = 2 (1 - 2 ) + L --cos (nt - ~)
w a n=l ~ (ka) 2
Psn 8
+L sin (nt - ~) (3.4.8)
n=l ~ ~
w= 2(1 - ;-)
psn 8 a -k(a-r)/2 k
+ L: -p- ~ {-cosnt + 1- e cos[nt --(a - r)] }
o (ka) r ~
( ~W )/(...&t..)
(a) Fluctuating Velocity
cos nt
( ~W )/( _fg)
P 1 a
=ot~~ rr nt 2rr
(c) Fluctuating Velocity Component
(a) Fluctuat;ng VelocHy
1~ ~
cos nt -~~~ nt 2rr
(b) Pressure Grad;ent Wave
( ~)/( Pen)
W P0
(a) Fluctuating Velocity
(b) Pressure Gradient Wave
Fig. 3.4.4 Velocity Profile for (ka) = 10. After S. Uchida, 1956.
With permission.
Flow in Straight Passages 351
The volume of flow must be the same for every cross-section of the
rigid tube. Consequently, within the entrance length, the decrease in
the rate of flow near the wall which is due to viscous effects must be
352 C.M. Rodkiewicz
which are so defined as to ensure that, on the macrosopic level, the be-
havior of the model duplicates that of the real fluid. The mean proper-
ties of the fluid element are in the limit assigned to a point so that
we may ultimately adopt a field representation for the continuum proper-
ties. This is not necessarily always the case in arterial blood flow.
However, at least in the large vessels the assumption of a pure liquid
is a sufficiently close approximation. The continuum assumption is made
particularly inaccurate by the presence of a cell-depleted or cell-free
layer at the wall of blood vessel.
In essence there exists a mechanism which causes radial migration of
suspended corpuscles. This migration is predominantly in the direction
away from the wall. However, migration out from the tube axis has been
also observed. It has been attributed to the fact that a cell may possess
a degree of rigidity. In such circumstances, depending on the magnitude
of the Reynolds number, there appears to exist an equilibrium radial
position at which migration across lines of flow ceases (tubular "pinch
According to Goldsmith (1972) there are three main effects which
may be noted at high particle concentrations: (a) the velocity distri-
bution is no longer parabolic (the profile becomes blunted in the tube
center where there is a region in which particles move with the same
speed); (b) the particle path has an erratic component in the direction
normal to the flow; (c) particle deformation in blood occurs to a degree
which cannot be attributed to shear alone.
There are indications that similar flow characteristics are present
354 C.M. Rodkiewicz
3.7.1 reproduces a volume flow curve and the pulse pressure in the femoral
artery of a dog. The femoral artery was chosen because more reports were
available on the flow pattern in this artery of the dog than on any other.
Pressure was measured by the use of capacitance manometers, recording
through a tube inserted into branches of the femoral artery and adjusted
so that the ends lay flush with the wall of the main vessel. Direct
measurements of flow have been made by following the movement of injected
bubbles of oxygen recorded by high-speed cinematography. The bubble fills
the tube and travels at the mean velocity.
It is shown in Fig. 3.7.1 that the maximum favorable pressure gra-
dient is reached during the rising phase of the pulse wave at point a.
Flow in Straight Passages 355
~ ....
u:: a..
Fig. 3.7.1 The pulse pressure and the volume flow curves in the femoral
artery of a dog. After McDonald, 1955. With permission.
However, due to fluid inertia and possibly wall effects the. maximum for-
ward rate of flow appears a little later. From point a to point b the
favorable pressure gradient decreases from its maximum value to zero,
which sets demand on the fluid to decelerate. Between points band d the
adverse pressure gradient goes from zero to zero with its maximum value
at point c. This pressure gradient is present for a sufficiently long
time to reverse the flow. Here again, the maximum negative flow is de-
layed with respect to the maximum point of adverse pressure gradient.
Similar response of the flow curve to the pulse pressure curve is for the
d-e-f secondary diastolic pressure hill.
Curves such as those shown in Fig. 3.7. 1 may be represented mathema-
356 C.M. Rodkiewicz
1 \
\ Pressure Gradient
Fig. 3.7.2 The sum of the first four harmonics of the pressure gradient
and the flow. After McDonald, 1955. With permission.
sine wave form but lagging in phase. Qualitative comparison of Fig. 3.7. 1
and Fig. 3.7.2 indicates some disagreement in the latter part of the cycle.
However, inclusion of the fifth and sixth harmonics would move the two
Flow in Straight Passages 357
Upper Wall
OuterWall lnnerWall
1+--..,.....:;._-1 /K-----l)J;~I
Lower Wall
+ + + +2
+ ~ + y_~ _ Kaw (4.2.2)
u ax A ay 1 + Kax
+ +
+ Ka (~ _ l ~)
1 + Kax ax A ay
+ + + + + '"\ + ... 2 +
+ + '!___ + KaU +
u ax
A ay
~ W
1 + KaX
__ ...----:--'---- ~
+ KaX az ;;z-
a W
2 + + 2 2 +
+-1 aw + Ka aw Ka W
A2 7 + KaX ax - (l + KaX)2
Re = - A2 ~
+ A2 az
where p and ware the pressure and axial velocity as indicated in Section
3.2 (flow through a straight elliptic pipe), respectively; and where Re
is the Reynolds number for the flow also through a straight pipe. Equat-
ing coefficients of the zero and first power in K, one obtains
I 2 I 2 I
= ap av 1 a u
- I ay
1 +
7 -I axay (4.2.6)
4) x + !_·w
,, II II _
0 = _ 2 (1 + + 1 a w + aw
A.. ax2 "'17 ax
~ + .!_~v- = 0 (4.2.9)
ax A ay
U =~
(1 - x2 - Y2 ) [ (1 - X2 - y 2) ( C1 + C2 X2 + 3 C3Y 2 )
2 2
(1 - x - y ) [2(c 1 + c2 x + c3y )
2 2
- C2 ( 1 - X 2 - y2 ) ] xy
c1 = A4(375 + 820A 2 + l,ll4A 4 + 212A 6 + 39)._8 )/360(5 + 2A 2 + A4 ) G(A)
Outer Inner
Wall Wall
motions in the top and bottom halves of the tube. In addition it has
been found that the pressure along the minor axis is equal to the arith-
metic mean of the pressures at x = 1 and x = -1. Furthermore, it has been
demonstrated that for large and small magnitudes of the A ratio the sec-
ondary flow diminishes from its maximum value at A = 2.2. Variation of
the velocity component u across the central plane (-1 ~ x ~ 1, y = 0) for
various A ratios is shown in Fig. 4.2.4.
Ka = 0.2
Re = 100
feet associated with flow in a curved pipe); the second term w has re-
versed influence (effect associated with the flow in a curved channel).
For values of A around unity the influence of the first term is predomi-
nant. However, with increasing A the second term begins to dominate.
The associated results are shown in Fig. 4.2.5. It can be seen that as A
increases the point of maximum axial velocity shifts from the outside of
the bend over to the inside of the bend. For the special case when A
ratio is unity we obtain the solution for the flow through a curved pipe
of circular section.
The above solution represents the first order modification to the
zero order approximation which is the same as the flow in a straight tube.
Ito (1950) obtained the second order modification which is presented in
Fig. 4.2.6. In practice the secondary flow of this order is added to
the secondary flow of the type shown in Fiq. 4.2.3.
S2 = 2v/(na 2) (4.3.1)
Outer Inner
Wall Wall
fig. 4. 3.1 The Stream1 ines for Small s. After Lyne, 1970. With
366 C.M. Rodkiewicz
the center of curvature. This shift is opposite to that for the steady
flow in curved tubes (see Fig. 4.2.5).
It may be noted that, for example, in the human aortic arch the en-
trance arc, most of the time, will be in excess of the angular distance
from the aortic root to the branching site at the upper surface of the
aortic arch. It will be also recognized that in our arterial system
there are present numerous successive branching sites. In addition the
axis of curvature of practically any arterial tube is not necessarily in
the same plane. Consequently, it is most unlikely that in the arterial
tree of the human the fully developed flow could exist.
o oo Plane
oo •30° Plane
esoo Plane
t:..90° Plane
b. b. b. b. b.'
b. •••
• 10
b. • e
b. .• e
• ee b.
•e 1.00
• e !
0.50 •e
b. b.
0 0
[ r/R]
t 1.0
~ 10.8
-1.0 L-..---o=:::::....:...-oc::--O::::..__--o-::,__--cF--
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
[ x/D] = 0 2·0
o Experiment
e Predictions
Fig. 4.6.3 Flow Development in the Bend Plane. After Gosman et al.,
1975. With permission.
Flow in Curved Passages 371
where 'o is the shear stress evaluated at the wall and A is the wall area.
To overcome such a flow resisting drag a driving force in the form of a
corresponding pressure gradient must be applied.
5.1 Simple Btfurcatton
The manner in which the flow divides at a simple arterial junction
(where a si:ngle branch leaves the straight-through parent tank) was
studi.ed in terms of the si.'gni.fi,cant di:mensionless parameters by Rodkiewicz
and Howell (1971). They found that, for certai,n values of these para-
meters, more flutd goes into the si,de branch than straight through. In
order to have a better understanding of this phenomenon and in order to
fi.'nd wh.y and when the mass flow ratio y (the ratio of the rate of flow in
372 C.M. Rodkiewicz
~~_ __._j_
~~ e
----r- D
__,~_ __._l
he side branch to the flow rate in the main branch} becomes greater than
ne, the study of the steady-state flow characteristics in an arterial
unction has been undertaken by Rodkiewicz and Roussel (1973}. Their
ange of study was: 1000 ~ Re ~ 5000 and 0.40 ~ B ~ 1 (B = d/D; see Fig .
. 1.1}. In order to enable observations and photography, the bifurcations
ere made of acrylic. Sixteen junctions were tested; e= 8/90 = l/3,
/9, 7/9, 1, and S = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0. The isolated basic geometry
epresents the usual idealization of the actual arterial flow problem.
lthough the bifurcations inside the body generally have a tapered main
essel and a possibly more gradual curvature to the side branch, these
dditional variables were not considered. Hydrogen bubble technique was
sed to visualize the flow distribution within the bifurcation. The
lectrolysis direct current was brought to the electrodes from the gener-
tion unit which allowed the operator to have control of the frequency and
he duration of the pulses producing the bubbles.
The dependence of the mass flow ratio y on the pertinent dimension-
ess parameters is reproduced in Fig. 5.1.2 through 5.1.5. These graphs
ndicate that the y ratio decreases when the Reynolds number increases.
t could be attributed to the inability of the fluid to negotiate the
urn, due to an increase in its momentum in the mainline direction. The
raphs also give the variations of y with diameter ratio B and the angle
atio e.
It has been established that, for the equal resistance discharge, a
hange in the y ratio is due to a variation in size and location of two
ndependent (one in the main branch and one in the side branch) separation
374 C.M. Rodkiewicz
... • p = 1.0
• ...• •p=O.B
o p = 1.0 Reproducibility Test
\ ~
'' A...
0 1.2 ~.
...... ·~~~
a: • ........ ... ......
~ ••••cf'll...
•• ...... ...
... ...o-•
• •• ••
0.8 • •• ••
'.. \._. . ......._
•• "'4
... ...............:
... • •
JttliiiA ...... •-r·~c-
- -
• {3 = 1.0
0.2 •P=0.6
'Y p = 0.4
. ,....•'"""" . .•...
..... ····-····· ....
• •fll.llf• ....,
• ......
~ ...
>-- 0.6
~~~~ .....~~~
~~~ ~
~ ~
•P= 1.0
0.2 •P=0.6
~ p=0.4
Top View
Separated Region
1.8 ...
•• Bifurcation
.tJ • {3 = 1.0 0
1.6 I}
Round .& {3 = 0.8 a Sharp
@> 4:1
Edged •
{3=0.6 0 Edged
{3 = 0.4 v
ce ...
1.4 ai
0" ... ~
~ aa~i
-0 1.2 ... \ +.a.&·~ i~
as 0~ ~
a: oo• ~ t!t'il•u~
%• ...~
""'" 1.0 ... 0~~ ~!a~
.... C)~
' ~
Vv ......
0.6 Vv~..-
...... v
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Reynolds Number
1.4 Bifurcation
• f3 = 1.0 D
0 0.8
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Reynolds Number
their junctions, i.e. adding resistance to the main flow. It was found
that though there was significant shift in the pressure magnitude, the
basic character of the curves remained the same. Also, the separation
regions did not vanish. It is unfortunate that the available data was
for a Reynolds number which is much higher than the upper limit of the
desired range. However, in principle, arterial pressure distribution
within the junction should be analogous.
It was mentioned in the Introduction that atherosclerosis has been
observed to occur predominantly at specific sites in the arterial system.
Wesolowski et al (1962, 1965) point out that the atherosclerotic lesions
are in the regions of the turbulent eddies which are in the vicinity of
arterial bends and junctions. It is thought by Rodboard (1956),
Downie et al (1963), and Fry (1968) that deposition of blood particles
occurs at these sites, which locations have large variations in the local
turbulent flow shearing stresses. Particularly the work of Fry (1968,
1969) shows the damage done to the endothelial cells by the high turbu-
lent flow, which was generated by insertion of a plug channel into the
descending thoracic aorta of a dog. Lynn et al. (1970) describe the
velocity and shear fields in the arterial bifurcation. Fox and Hugh
(1966) made steady state observations based on the open channel water
table models: the right angle branch, the "Y" junction, the divergent
channel, and the curved channel segments. Lee and Fung (1970) examined
the steady laminar flow through a tube with an axisymmetric constriction.
Just downstream of the constriction they reported a region of reverse
flow. This region was thought to be a significant factor in the deposi-
Flow inJunctions 385
tion process which has been studied by Friedlander and Johnstone (1957).
One of the good examples associating fluid flow distribution with the
atherosclerotic plaques distal to orifices of the intercostal arteries in
dogs was presented by Texan (1972}.
furcation angle the greater the shear stress) and decreases to a value
386 C.M. Rodkiewicz
Separation Region
Reynolds No.
-1.0 ---1050
- - - - 525
CiJIN -0.5
Distance em
Fig. 5.2.2 Variation of wall shear stress with Reynolds number along
outer (a) and inner (b) walls. After Kandarpa & Davids, 1976.
With the permission of Pergamon Press Ltd.
Flow in Junctions 387
which is attained along both walls. Modelling was made so that branch
dimensions were approximating those of the iliac of a dog. Prediction of
the leading edge shear stress was around 55 dyne/cm 2 for an entrance Rey-
nolds number of 1050.
6.1 Aortic Arch Flow Field
Meisner and Rushmer (1962) reported steady state flow patterns ob~
served in a flat rectangular model of the outflow tract of the left ven-
tricle with rigid 11 0pen valves 11 • The flow was essenttally two-dimensional.
Existence of some separation regions was indicated. The knowledge of the
Aortic Arch 389
separation and stagnation regions within the aortic arch, the site which
according to Spain (1966) is among those positions which are favored by
the atherosclerotic plaque, appeared to be important. Rodkiewicz (1975)
determined where such regions can be expected in the system with specific
conditions and configuration of the aortic arch of the human, and fol-
lowed it with the experimental localization of the early atherosclerotic
lesions in the rabbit. The shape of the open channel model of the aortic
arch used (AA = Ascending aorta, BA = Brachiocephalic artery, LA Lower
aortic arch, LC = Left common carotid, LS = Left subclavian, LTA Lower
thoracic aorta, RC = Right common carotid, RS = Right subclavian, UA =
Upper aortic arch, UTA= Upper thoracic aorta) is shown in Fig. 6.1 .1.
Research into the detailed flow patterns in the human aortic arch is
difficult to perform in vivo. Similarly, due to the complexity of the
390 C.M. Rodkiewicz
geometry, the flow through the region does not lend itself easily to
theoretical studies. Thus it appears fruitful to gain the basic knowledge
of the flow in such a branching system by using physical models. Several
studies have followed this course. In the Rodkiewicz (1975) study, the
model has a geometry based on the physiological measurements, even though
it is two-dimensional. Furthermore, the flow parameters could be con-
trolled independently. Thus, it is believed that this model simulated
some of the flow phenomena which occur in the aortic arch region.
At this point it is convenient to present the average shape of the
aortic arch of a rabbit which is shown in Fig. 6.1.2. It has been deter-
mined by superimposing enlarged photographic transparencies of a number of
rabbits studied in the project (Rodkiewicz, 1975). A comparison of Fig.
6.1.1 and Fig. 6. 1.2 indicates a great similarity in the geometry of the
dark areas indicate fluid that is free of the suspended particles which
here are in the process of evacuation. The white areas represent the
separation regions. One should study Fig. 6.1.4 in conjunction with
Fig. 6. 1.3 where all the regions are indicated graphically.
In the 2-dimensional model an additional very shallow separation
region, Se-2, has been observed on the outer wall and at the end of AA.
Furthermore, there is a stagnation region St-1 at the junction of RS and
RC. It is interesting to note that the generation and shedding of vor-
tices is present at all the separation regions. These are vividly de-
picted in Fig. 6. 1.4 but not indicated in Fig. 6.1.3.
Opposite to the upper branching sites, at the maximum curvature of
the main trunk of the aortic arch, no separation should be present when
there are no branches. On the other hand, sufficiently significant
branching should generate this separation.
This hypothesis has recently been supported by steady and pulsatile
flow tests in a 3~0 model (Pelot and Rodkiewicz, 1982). For steady flow,
there is evidence of separation at the point of maximum curvature when
the Reynolds number exceeds 1000. The separation is dependent on the
presence of the branches which act as diffusers, lowering the velocity in
the arch and causing the adverse pressure gradient required for separation.
For pulsatile flow, the backflow in the separation zone persists through-
out the period. The 3-D model experiments also confirmed the existence
of Se-2, Se-3, St-2, St-3 and St-4 (the other points not being considered).
• . . . .,
• .,.Ol 0 - IHICl
o ·~- IHIO<
aortic arch and the rather long and narrow area at the aorta's maximum
curvature. However, at the locations where the shadows originated thicker
layers appear and grow as the time progresses. This can be seen in Fig.
6.2.4, 6.2.5, and 6.2.6 which represent rabbits after 6, 7 and 8 weeks on
the diet, respectively.
One notes that the atherosclero tic formations did not appear at the
sites where separation or stagnation regions were not expected. Further-
more, surprisingly the traces very closely reflect the flow distribution
reported in Fig. 6.1 .4.
In summary the experimental evidence verified that atherosclero tic
formations in the aortic arch of the rabbit commence and develop at the
398 C.M. Rodkiewicz
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same year and apart from a year at Norman, Oklahoma, and another at the
Mathematics Institute at Warwick is, at present, still there.
Thomas Kenner of the Physiologisches Institut der Universitat Graz
contributed chapter IV. He is full professor and chairman of the phys-
iological institute in Graz. He received his M.D. in 1956 at the Uni-
versity of Vienna, Austria, and has since that time performed clinical
studies and experimental and theoretical research on various aspects of
applied and theoretical hemodynamics. Together with E. Wetterer he pub-
lished a monography on the arterial pulse in 1968. From 1968 to 1971
he performed research on circulatory control at the division of biomed-
ical engineering of the University of Virginia. In 1972, he was appo-
inted full professor and chairman at the position he still holds in
Graz. His int~rest is currently directed towards the relation between
dynamics and conti·ol of blood flow, towards the analysis of stochastic
phenomena in the circulation, and towards the application of a new
method for the continuous measurement of blood density for the analysis
of fluid exchange in the microcirculation.
Czelaw M. Rodkiewicz of the University of Alberta, Canada, contrib-
uted Chapter V. He is a full professor in the Mechanical Engineering
Department and has conducted research on various aspects of blood flow.
He received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at the Polish Univer-
sity College in London, Great Britain, and his M.Sc. degree at the
University of Illinois, U.S.A. He earned his Ph.D. degree at the Case
Institute of Technology in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
Dr. Rodkiewicz has done extensive research into fluid mechanics
Contributors 417