2022 EBE PG Handbook

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Postal Address: University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
Dean's & Faculty Offices: New Engineering Building
Upper Campus
Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 08h30 - 16h30

Fax: (021) 650 3782

Telephones: Dean's Office (021) 650 2702

Faculty Office (021) 650 2699
Accounts and Fees (021) 650 1704
Admissions (021) 650 2128
Internet: UCT's Home Page http://www.uct.ac.za
Engineering & the Built Environment
Home Page http://www.ebe.uct.ac.za
Dean's Office [email protected]
Faculty Office [email protected]
International Academic Programmes
Office [email protected]

The Registrar's and General Enquiries offices are located in the Bremner Building and remain open
during the lunch hour. The Admissions Office and Student Records Office are located in the
Masingene Building, Middle Campus, and are open from 08h30 to 16h30. The Cashier's Office is
located in Kramer Building, Middle Campus, and is open from 09h00 to 15h30.

This handbook is part of a series that consists of

Book 1: Undergraduate Prospectus
Book 2: Authorities and information of record
Book 3: General Rules and Policies
Book 4: Academic Calendar and Meetings
Book 5: Student Support and Services
Book 6-11: Handbooks of the Faculties of Commerce, Engineering & the Built Environment,
Health Sciences, Humanities, Law, Science
Book 12: Student Fees
Book 13: Bursary and Loan Opportunities for Undergraduate Study
Book 14: Financial assistance for Postgraduate Study and Postdoctoral Research

The University has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in its handbooks.
However, we reserve the right at any time, if circumstances dictate (for example, if there are not
sufficient students registered), to
(i) make alterations or changes to any of the published details of the opportunities on offer; or
(ii) add to or withdraw any of the opportunities on offer.
Our students are given every assurance that changes to opportunities will only be made under
compelling circumstances and students will be fully informed as soon as possible.

Guide to the usage of this Handbook ................................................................................................ 6
General Information .......................................................................................................................... 7
Officers in the Faculty ................................................................................................................... 7
Student Councils ............................................................................................................................ 9
Postgraduate Centre ....................................................................................................................... 9
Distinguished Teachers .................................................................................................................. 9
Fellows in the Faculty .................................................................................................................... 9
Minimum Requirements for Admission ........................................................................................ 9
Degrees and Diplomas Offered in the Faculty ............................................................................. 10
Term dates ................................................................................................................................... 11
Lecture periods ............................................................................................................................ 11
Lecture timetable ......................................................................................................................... 11
Course Codes ............................................................................................................................... 11
Course Codes – Explanatory Notes ............................................................................................. 12
Courses: Guide To Terminology ................................................................................................. 13
Credit System............................................................................................................................... 13
Ethics Clearance .......................................................................................................................... 13
Rules for Postgraduate Qualifications ............................................................................................ 14
Postgraduate Diplomas ................................................................................................................ 14
Postgraduate Degrees................................................................................................................... 16
Honours Degrees....................................................................................................................... 16
Master's Degrees ....................................................................................................................... 37
Doctoral Degrees ...................................................................................................................... 76
Programmes of Study ....................................................................................................................... 79
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics ........................................................................................ 79
Bachelor of Architectural Studies (Honours) ............................................................................ 79
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) ....................................................................... 80
Bachelor of City Planning (Honours) ....................................................................................... 81
BSc(Hons) in Geographical Information Systems ..................................................................... 82
Master of Architecture .............................................................................................................. 82
Master of Architecture (Professional) ....................................................................................... 82
Master of City and Regional Planning ...................................................................................... 83
Master of Urban Design ............................................................................................................ 84
Master of Landscape Architecture ............................................................................................ 85
Master of Philosophy specialising in Conservation of the Built Environment .......................... 86
Master of Philosophy in Engineering specialising in Geomatics.............................................. 87
MSc in Engineering specialising in Geomatics ......................................................................... 87
Doctor of Philosophy ................................................................................................................ 87
Chemical Engineering ................................................................................................................. 88
MSc in Engineering specialising in Bioprocess Engineering ................................................... 88
MSc in Engineering specialising in Catalysis and Catalytic Processing .................................. 88
Master of Philosophy specialising in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development ................. 89
MSc Research Master's by Dissertation .................................................................................... 90
Doctor of Philosophy ................................................................................................................ 91
Civil Engineering ......................................................................................................................... 91
MSc in Engineering specialising in Civil Engineering ............................................................. 91
MSc in Engineering specialising in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance ........ 92
Master of Engineering specialising in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance .... 92
Master of Engineering in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance ........................ 93
MSc in Engineering specialising in Geotechnical Engineering ................................................ 93
Master of Geotechnical Engineering ........................................................................................ 94

Master of Engineering specialising in Structural Engineering and Materials.......................... 95

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Structural Engineering and Materials ........ 96
Master of Structural Engineering and Materials ...................................................................... 96
Master of Engineering specialising in Transport Studies ......................................................... 97
Master of Philosophy specialising in Transport Studies ........................................................... 98
Master of Transport Studies ...................................................................................................... 99
Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education................................................... 99
Master of Engineering specialising in Water Quality Engineering......................................... 100
Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Water Quality Engineering ....................... 100
Master of Water Engineering .................................................................................................. 101
Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................... 102
Construction Economics and Management ................................................................................ 102
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Management ................................................ 102
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Quantity Surveying ............................................................ 103
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Property Studies ................................................................ 104
Master of Science in Property Studies ..................................................................................... 105
Master of Science in Project Management .............................................................................. 106
Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................... 106
Electrical Engineering ................................................................................................................ 107
Bachelor of Science (Honours) specialising in Nuclear Power .............................................. 107
Master of Engineering specialising in Nuclear Power ............................................................ 108
Master of Philosophy specialising in Nuclear Power ............................................................. 108
Master of Engineering specialising in Radar and Electrical Defence...................................... 109
Master of Engineering specialising in Telecommunications ................................................... 110
Master of Philosophy specialising in Space Studies................................................................ 111
Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education................................................. 112
Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Electrical Engineering .............................. 112
Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................... 113
Mechanical Engineering ............................................................................................................ 114
Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering ............................................................... 114
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Materials Science .............................................................. 115
MSc in Engineering specialising in Materials Engineering .................................................... 116
MSc in Engineering specialising in Mechanical Engineering................................................. 116
Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Engineering Management ......................... 117
Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Management ............................................ 117
Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education................................................. 118
Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................... 119
Departments in the Faculty and Courses Offered ....................................................................... 120
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics ....................................................................................... 120
Chemical Engineering ................................................................................................................ 144
Civil Engineering ....................................................................................................................... 156
Construction Economics and Management ................................................................................ 174
Electrical Engineering ................................................................................................................ 189
Mechanical Engineering ............................................................................................................ 208
Other courses in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment ..................................... 225
Departments in Other Faculties and Courses Offered ................................................................ 227
Departments Established in the Faculty of Commerce .............................................................. 227
College of Accounting ............................................................................................................. 227
School of Economics................................................................................................................ 228
School of Management Studies ................................................................................................ 229
Centres and Departments Established in the Faculty of Humanities ......................................... 230
African Studies and Linguistics, Department of ........................................................................ 230
Departments Established in the Faculty of Law......................................................................... 231
Commercial Law ..................................................................................................................... 231

Public Law .............................................................................................................................. 232

Departments Established in the Faculty of Health Sciences ...................................................... 233
Human Biology........................................................................................................................ 233
Departments and Units Established in the Faculty of Science................................................... 233
Environmental and Geographical Science .............................................................................. 233
Centres and other Entities Established in the Faculty ................................................................ 234
African Centre for Cities............................................................................................................ 234
Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling Research Unit (ATProM) ......................................... 235
Blast Impact & Survivability Research Unit (BISRU Centre) .................................................. 235
Catalysis Institute....................................................................................................................... 236
Catalysis Institute: Centre for Catalysis Research (Cat Centre) ................................................ 237
Catalysis Institute: DST - NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis (c*change) ......................... 238
Catalysis Institute: DST Hydrogen Catalysis Competence Centre (HySA/ Catalysis) .............. 238
Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) ............................................................ 238
Centre for Materials Engineering (CME) .................................................................................. 240
Centre for Minerals Research (CMR) ........................................................................................ 240
Centre for Research in Computational & Applied Mechanics (CERECAM)............................ 241
Centre for Research in Engineering Education (CREE) ............................................................ 242
Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS) ......................................................................................... 242
Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) .................................. 243
Crystallisation and Precipitation Research Unit (CPU) ............................................................. 243
Future Water Research Institute ................................................................................................ 244
Minerals to Metals ..................................................................................................................... 245
Urban Real Estate Research Unit (URERU) ............................................................................. 246
Continuing Professional Development ...................................................................................... 247
Geographical Information Systems Unit ................................................................................... 247
Professional Communication Studies ........................................................................................ 248
Scholarships, Prizes, Class Medals and Dean's Merit List ......................................................... 249
Scholarships/Awards ................................................................................................................. 249
Prizes ......................................................................................................................................... 251
Dean's Merit List........................................................................................................................ 260
Professional Status and Recognition of Degrees .......................................................................... 261

Guide to the usage of this Handbook

The following is a general overview of the structure of this Handbook for the guidance of users. The
contents are organised in a number of different sections (see below) each of which has a particular
focus. The sections are interlinked by cross-references where relevant.

(a) General Information: This section includes information on the professional status and
recognition of the Faculty's degrees, its links with professional bodies and the list of
qualifications offered. It also includes lists of the various prizes, medals and scholarships
awarded on academic merit and contains information on the criteria for the Dean's Merit List.
(b) Rules for degrees: This section covers the Faculty rules for each of the various degree
programmes. These rules should be read in conjunction with the general University rules in
the General Rules and Policies Handbook (Handbook 3). Students are expected to acquaint
themselves with the rules in both Handbooks and to check annually whether the rules or
curriculum requirements have changed since the last edition. Important rules: All students
must familiarise themselves with the Degree Rules in this Handbook. In addition, students
must refer to Handbook 3, General Rules and Policies and particularly take note of the
 rules relating to registration and examinations;
 rules relating to changes of curriculum;
 rules relating to leave of absence;
 rules on Academic Conduct, N.B. the rules concerning dishonest conduct and
Detailed information on the undergraduate entrance requirements can be found in the
University Prospectus. The PhD Degree rules are published in Handbook 3, General Rules
and Policies.
(c) Departments and Programmes: This section contains entries for each department in the
Faculty. Each lists members of staff, a summary of laboratory, workshop and other facilities,
the research entities, and the programmes of study administered by each department. The
curriculum for each programme (list of required courses) is set out in table form. The
curriculum tables must be read together with (cross-referenced to) the lists of courses in the
Courses Offered section which is described under (e) below.
(d) Centres/Units established in the Faculty and Centres, Departments, Schools and Units
Established in other Faculties: There are entries for the principal Faculty entities/units which
do not fall directly under academic departments e.g. the Centre for Research in Engineering
Education and the Continuing Professional Development Programme and entries for the
centres, units and departments in other faculties which offer courses for students registered in
the Faculty. This is cross referenced to the list of courses offered in section (e).
(e) Courses Offered: The full list and descriptions of courses offered by the Faculty, both
undergraduate and postgraduate, is set out in this section in alpha-numeric order (i.e. based on
the course code prefix) which identifies the department offering the course and the course
number. The courses offered by other faculties which are more commonly taken by students
in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment are also listed and described. N.B. A
key (guide) to the course code system, the credit system and terminology (definitions) is set
out at the beginning of this section.

Officers in the Faculty
Dean of the Faculty
Professor AE Lewis, PrEng BSc(Eng)Chem MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town FSAIChE FSAIMM

Personal Assistant to the Dean

M Scheepers

Deputy Deans
Undergraduate Studies: Associate Professor KA Michell, BSc(QS) MPhil Cape Town PhD

Postgraduate Studies: Professor A Windapo, BSc(Building) IfE MSc(Construction

Management) PhD Lagos FNIOB PrCPM

Research and Strategic Innovation: Professor H Beushausen, Dipl-Ing HAW Hamburg MSc(Eng)
PhD Cape Town

Transformation and Social Responsiveness: Professor M Vanderschuren, BSc(Eng) Tilburg

MScEng Delft PhD Enschede FSAICE MITSSA

Heads of Departments
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics

Chemical Engineering
Professor A Mainza, BSc(Eng)Chem UNZA PhD Cape Town

Civil Engineering
Professor P Moyo, Pr Eng BSc(Eng) Zimbabwe MSc(Eng) Newcastle-upon-Tyne PhD Nanyang

Construction Economics and Management

Associate Professor MM Mooya, BSc(Land Economy) Copperbelt MPhil(Land Economy)
Cantab PhD(Real Estate) Pret

Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor F Nicolls, MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

Mechanical Engineering
Professor BI Collier-Reed, PrEng BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town FSAIMechE

Academic Administration
Faculty Manager (Academic Administration)
G Valodia, BA Hons HDE Cape Town

Undergraduate Manager (Academic Administration)

C Wilson

Postgraduate Manager (Academic Administration)

Khanyisa Tivaringe, PGDip (Project Management) BScHons MSc (Materials Engineering) Cape

Administrative Assistants
N Hartley, NDip Bus Mgmt College of Cape Town
C Hewitson, BSocSc PGDip LIS Cape Town
R Jakoet, BSocSci Cape Town
L Johannes
Jamie-Lee Swarts, PGDip GSB Cape Town

Senior Secretary - Receptionist

I Likhoele, BSocSci Cape Town

Clinical Psychologist
N Ahmed, MA (Clinical Psychology) MA (Research Psychology) Cape Town

Communications, Marketing and Development

M Hilton

Faculty Finance Manager
S Kriel, BCom Cape Town

Assistant Faculty Finance Manager

N Daniels

Senior Finance Officer

M Sigonyela, BSocSc Cape Town

Finance Officer
A Dlamini, Advanced Diploma in Management UWC

Human Resources
Human Resources Officer
N Hendricks, Btech: Human Resources CPUT

IT and Facilities

Student Councils
The Engineering & the Built Environment Student Council in the Faculty represents the interests of
the student body. The EBESC and its counterparts in other faculties are concerned with promoting
the academic and social interests of the students they represent. A Faculty Postgraduate Student
Council represents the specific interests of postgraduate students.

Postgraduate Centre
The Postgraduate Centre is situated in the Otto Beit Building, Upper Campus. This state-of-the-art
facility houses the executive committee of the Postgraduate Students Association (PGSA) as well as
the Postgraduate Funding Office. The centre is equipped with IT facilities and includes a seminar
room. This facility is open to all Master’s and Doctoral students as well as postdoctoral research
fellows. Postgraduates are encouraged to make full use of this centre, in particular, the Funding
Office, which administers all postgraduate bursaries and scholarships. The Postgraduate Centre may
be contacted at [email protected].

Distinguished Teachers
The University has instituted a Distinguished Teacher’s Award in recognition of the importance of
excellence in teaching at all levels in the University. The following current members of the Faculty
staff have received this award.

F Carter (School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics) 2007

Professor JM Case (Chemical Engineering) 2007

Fellows in the Faculty

The Council of the University has established Fellowships for members of the permanent academic
staff in recognition of original distinguished academic work of such quality as to merit special
recognition. The following is a list of Fellows who are currently on the Faculty's staff:

Emeritus Professor MG Alexander (Civil Engineering)

Professor M Claeys (Chemical Engineering)
Emeritus Professor D Dewar (Architecture, Planning and Geomatics)
Emeritus Professor GA Ekama (Civil Engineering)
Professor STL Harrison (Chemical Engineering)
Professor AE Lewis (Chemical Engineering)
Professor A Mainza (Chemical Engineering)
Emeritus Professor G Nurick (Mechanical Engineering)
Emeritus Professor CT O’Connor (Chemical Engineering)
Professor E Pieterse (African Centre for Cities)
Emeritus Professor H Rüther (Architecture, Planning and Geomatics)
Professor V Watson (Architecture, Planning and Geomatics)
Professor E van Steen (Chemical Engineering)
Professor A Zingoni (Civil Engineering)

Minimum Requirements for Admission

Refer to rule FB 1, in the section on Degree Rules, for the minimum formal entrance requirements
for the bachelor’s degrees offered in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.
The minimum requirements for admission for Postgraduate Diploma, Honours and Master’s degree
programmes in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment are set out in the rules for the
appropriate postgraduate diplomas/degrees. The PhD requirements are set out in Handbook 3 of this

Degrees and Diplomas Offered in the Faculty

Degrees SAQA ID
Bachelor of Architectural Studies 3933
Bachelor of Science in Construction Studies 11703
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Chemical Engineering 13983
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Civil Engineering 13974
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Electrical Engineering 13979
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Electrical & Computer Engineering 66518
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering 13982
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering 13977
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Mechatronics 13980
Bachelor of Science in Geomatics 116420
Bachelor of Science in Property Studies 11693
Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours 66569
Bachelor of City Planning Honours 94845
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours 103122
Bachelor of Science Honours in Geographical Information Systems 104753
Bachelor of Science Honours in Construction Management 11701
Bachelor of Science Honours in Materials Science 21339
Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies 11699
Bachelor of Science Honours in Quantity Surveying 14435
Bachelor of Science Honours specialising in Nuclear Power TBC
Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering 101491
Master of Architecture 101991
Master of Architecture Professional 3977
Master of City and Regional Planning 94631
Master of Engineering 67426
Master of Engineering in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance 109599
Master of Geotechnical Engineering 97913
Master of Landscape Architecture 101298
Master of Philosophy TBC
Master of Science in Engineering 10681
Master of Science in Project Management 13854
Master of Science in Property Studies 11697
Master of Structural Engineering and Materials 110082
Master of Transport Studies 97727
Master of Urban Design 98987
Master of Water Engineering 111182
Doctor of Architecture 19272
Doctor of Philosophy TBC
Doctor of Science in Engineering 10687

NOTE: By virtue of inclusion on the Institution's DHET approved Programme and Qualification
Mix (PQM), all qualifications included in this Handbook are accredited by the Council on Higher
Education's permanent sub-committee - the Higher Education Quality Committee. Where a SAQA
ID has not been provided, the qualification is awaiting the SAQA ID. The higher education sector
has undergone an extensive alignment to the Higher Education Qualification sub Framework and
thus all institutions are awaiting the finalisation of the process and completion of the awarding of
SAQA ID's. Please consult Handbook 2 or the HEQsF Programme and Qualification Mix (PQM) on
the Institutional Planning Department's website, as approved by the Department of Higher
Education and Training, for a list of all UCT's accredited qualifications.

Term Dates for 2022

Please refer to the website: http://www.staff.uct.ac.za/staff/calendar/terms

Lecture periods
1 08:00 to 08:45 The meridian 13:00 to 14:00
2 09:00 to 09:45 6 14:00 to 14:45
3 10:00 to 10:45 7 15:00 to 15:45
4 11:00 to 11:45 8 16:00 to 16:45
5 12:00 to 12:45 9 17:00 to 17:45

Lecture timetable
The lecture timetables are published separately by the department concerned from where they are
obtainable at Registration.

Key to Course Abbreviations, Codes and Terminology Guide to the Credit System

Course Codes
ACC Accounting
APG Architecture, Planning and Geomatics
AST Astronomy
ASL African Studies and Linguistics
BIO Biological Sciences
BUS Management Studies
CEM Chemistry
CHE Chemical Engineering
CIV Civil Engineering
CML Commercial Law
CON Construction Economics and Management
CSC Computer Science
ECO Economics
EEE Electrical Engineering
EGS Environmental & Geographical Sciences
END Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
GEO Geological Sciences
HST Historical Studies
HUB Human Biology
INF Information Systems
MAM Mathematics & Applied Mathematics
MEC Mechanical Engineering
POL Political Studies
PBL Public Law
PHI Philosophy
PHY Physics
SOC Sociology
STA Statistical Sciences

Course Codes – Explanatory Notes

Every course described in this Handbook has a course name and a corresponding course code. The
code structure is uniform, and it gives important information about the course. The course code is an
eight character code in the format AAAnnnnB, where
AAA represents the department offering the course;
nnnn is a number, where the first digit represents the year level of the course (no change)
and the second, third and fourth digits represent a number between 000 and 999
which uniquely identifies the course at that level offered by that department
(previously this was a number between 00 and 99);
B (the course suffix) represents the position in the year in which the course is offered
(as before).
The following suffixes are used:
A 1st quarter course
B 2nd quarter course
C 3rd quarter course
D 4th quarter course
F 1st semester course
S 2nd semester course
H half course taught over whole year
W full course, year-long
L Winter Term
M Multiterm
U Summer Term Sessions 1 and 2
J Summer Term Session 1
P Summer Term Session 2
X not classified
Z other
EWA Examination without attendance at course

The following example shows how this works:

CIV2031S Structural Engineering
The code shows that this is a Civil Engineering course (CIV), of second year level (2031) and that it
is a second semester (S) course.

The first numeral in the course code (see description of the credit code system above) enables one to
distinguish between this Faculty's undergraduate and postgraduate courses as follows:
• levels 1 to 3 are all undergraduate courses;
• level 4 may be either undergraduate or postgraduate courses depending on the code prefix:
level 4 CHE, CIV, EEE and MEC courses are undergraduate and so also are level 4 APG
Geomatics courses; level 4 APG (other than Geomatics), and CON courses are
postgraduate; level 5 and above are all postgraduate.
The courses listed in the following pages are in alpha-numeric order, based on the course code
prefix and number. Thus, all the courses offered by a particular department are grouped together.

Courses: Guide To Terminology

Core courses: These courses form a central part of a Bachelor's degree programme.
Inclusion of such courses in a curriculum is compulsory.
Co-requisites: A co-requisite course is one for which a student must be registered
together with (i.e. concurrently) another specified course.
Elective core courses: This category comprises groups of courses from which the selection
of one course or more is mandatory for a Bachelor's degree
curriculum. Selection of these courses is made on the basis of
specialisation (stream) or on the basis of interest.
Elective courses: Courses required for degree purposes (e.g. to make up required
number of programme credits), but in which the choice of courses is
left to the student, except that a broad field of study may be specified
(e.g. Humanities courses), and subject to timetable constraints.
Major Course: A major course refers to the Design & Theory Studio and
Technology courses in the BAS curriculum.
Optional courses: Any approved courses other than the core courses and those selected
as elective core or electives in the curriculum of the student
concerned. Selection of these courses is made on the basis of interest,
subject to prerequisite requirements, timetable constraints and the
permission of the heads of departments concerned. Such courses will
be included in the student's credit total and in the computation of the
credit weighted average.
Prerequisites: A prerequisite course is one which a student must have completed in
order to gain admission to a specific other course.
Undergraduate course: This is a course which is required for a first qualification, e.g. a
Bachelor's degree.
Postgraduate course: This is a course which is required for a higher qualification, e.g. a
Postgraduate Diploma, Honours or a Master’s degree.
DP requirements: The classwork and test results which must be achieved in order to be
allowed to write the examination in a course (DP = duly performed).
NQF credits: The weighting a course is given in the national qualifications
framework system. Students should ignore NQF credit values, and
complete their degrees by faculty rules for number of courses.

Credit System
The Faculty has adopted the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQSF) course credit
system with effect from 2004. The Faculty's course credit ratings which were in effect prior to 2004
have been converted to HEQSF course credits. This conversion involves multiplying the pre-2004
credit values by four. The HEQSF system is based on the guideline that 10 notional hours of
learning is equal to one credit. The Faculty's previous credit system was based on the guideline that
40 notional hours of learning is equal to one credit.

Ethics Clearance
Research papers, master’s dissertations or PhD theses must have undergone an ethics review process
before submission for examination. Review generally entails approval of a research proposal by a
Research Ethics or Animal Ethics Committee, prior to commencement of evidence gathering.


Postgraduate Diplomas
Qualification Plan Code Qual Code
*Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering MEC11 EG010

*Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees, diplomas and
certificates in Handbook 3 of this series.)

Minimum Admission Requirements

FGA1 Candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma shall not be admitted unless they are
proficient in English and
(a) hold an approved three-year degree or advanced diploma of the
University or of any other university recognised for the purpose; or
(b) have passed minimum admission requirements at any university or
institution recognised for the purpose, such examinations as are, in the
opinion of the Senate, equivalent to the examinations prescribed for a
degree in terms of (a) above; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty is adequate for
the purpose of admission as a candidate for the diploma.

FGA2 Selection is based on an applicant’s academic record and experience.

FGA3 The minimum duration of the Postgraduate Diploma Programme is one academic

Registration Requirements
FGA4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FGA4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week, or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not later than the date on which the
first course starts.

FGA4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

Obtaining the Postgraduate Diploma

FGA5 Candidates shall comply with the curriculum requirements prescribed by Senate and
shall complete approved coursework of not less than 120 credits.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FGA6.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Postgraduate

Diploma shall be attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of
attendance shall not be less than one year.

FGA6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

FGA7 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the diploma, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned.
Candidates shall submit a written report to the Programme Director by 31 July each
year, setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or,
if the period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FGA8 Candidates shall complete such examinations as are prescribed for the advanced
level coursework.

Award of the Postgraduate Diploma

FGA9.1 The Postgraduate Diploma is not awarded with Distinction.

FGA9.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the
Postgraduate Diploma by any specific date.

Qualification Qual Plan
Code Code
Bachelor of Science Honours in Geographical Information Systems EH001 APG07
Bachelor of Science Honours in Construction Management EH002 CON02
Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies EH003 CON03
Bachelor of Science Honours in Quantity Surveying EH004 CON05
Bachelor of Science Honours in Materials Science EH005 MEC04
Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours EH006 APG01
Bachelor of Science Honours specialising in Nuclear Power EH007 EEE08
Bachelor of City Planning Honours EH009 APG03
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours EH008 APG06

Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours

An honours degree in architecture that provides advanced vocational and discipline-specific
knowledge, skills and competencies related to the history, theory, technology and practice of
architecture. The course of study extends the base of knowledge through graduate study with
particular emphasis on architectural design. It is focused on developing creative and critical inquiry,
reflective understanding and cultural, social and technical knowledge in preparation for self-
motivated independent learning. The qualification introduces an honours degree within a succession
of qualifications leading towards professional qualification in architecture. It is a prerequisite
qualification for admission into the Master of Architecture (Professional).

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHA1.1 Candidates for the degree may be considered if they are proficient in English and
(a) are graduates of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree of this
University; or
(b) hold any three-year bachelor's degree recognised by the Senate as
equivalent to the Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree of this
University; or
(c) have completed three years of study at this or another university or
institution which is, in the opinion of the Senate, the equivalent of the
Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree of this University.

FHA1.2 Candidates may apply for entry into the degree if they:
(a) have at least six-months practical experience in the office of the same
registered professional architect;
(b) an independently defined project of study travel;
(c) he balance of time undertaken as additional work, practical building studies
or social service experience in support of graduate studies in architecture;
(d) the balance of time between architectural work experience and additional
work may be reconsidered in relation to future adjusted COVID-19
regulations on a case by case basis.

Automatic Entry
FHA1.3 In recognizing the BAS Programme presented at UCT as the main feeder degree for
the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours Programme, all students who obtain
a credit weighted average of 70% or higher, of all the following subjects combined,
will be afforded automatic entry into the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours
programme: APG3023W (Technology III), APG3037W (Design and Theory Studio

III), APG3000F (History and Theory of Architecture V), APG3001S (History and
Theory of Architecture VI).

FHA2 Admission into the BAS(Hons) is limited and by application. Applicants must
submit an application to the University on the prescribed UCT form, by the date
stipulated by the University. In addition, applicants must prepare a submission for
the School of Architecture, the requirements of which are available from the School
of Architecture. Selection is based on an applicant's design ability, academic record,
work experience and study travel report. Selection is at the discretion of the
Admissions Committee.

Duration of Degree
FHA3.1 The minimum duration of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours is one
year of full-time study.

FHA3.2 Except with the permission of Senate, students who register for the Bachelor of
Architectural Studies Honours degree, must register for the full year’s study.

Readmission Requirements
FHA4 Except with permission of Senate, students may not renew their registration if they
fail to pass:
(a) courses to the value of 50% of the credits registered for; and
(b) a course after having been registered for it twice.

Obtaining the Degree and Validity of Credits

FHA5.1 The curriculum comprises two semesters, each consisting of a studio course and
three non-studio courses of which one in each semester is an elective course.
Candidates shall comply with the curriculum requirements prescribed by Senate,
which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses Offered section of
this Handbook.

FHA5.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

FHA5.3 Registration: Students are required to register for all courses (including second
semester elective course) in February.

Method of Assessment
FHA6.1 Satisfactory performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements
applies to all courses. Students gain entry to final assessment by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed (DP) requirements. Students may be refused
permission (DPR) to sit for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the required work
set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

FHA6.2 A DP certificate may be withheld unless: all parts of each studio work project,
tutorial or other assignment are completed to an acceptable standard submitted for
assessment at the stipulated times; there is satisfactory attendance (minimum of
80%), and a generally satisfactory participation in sections of the course.

FHA6.3 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written examination, term

paper or presentation. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed
by examination.

Degree Awarded in the First Class

FHA7 The degree will be awarded in the first class to a candidate who has obtained first
class passes in both Studio work I and II and an additional first class pass in either
History and Theory of Architecture or Advanced Building Technology and has
successfully completed all other courses required for the degree.

Bachelor of City Planning Honours

An Honours degree in City Planning which is a pre-requisite qualification for admission to the
Masters’ degree in City and Regional Planning. This degree does not provide access to professional
qualification by accrediting bodies without the additional completion of the linked Masters’ degree.
The Honours degree will equip students with core values, knowledge, methodologies and techniques
in the field of city planning. An introduction to research methodology prepares them for both the
research components of the Honours degree and the linked Masters’ Degree. It is focused on
developing creative and critical inquiry, reflective understanding and cultural, social and technical
knowledge in preparation for self-motivated independent learning.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHB1 Candidates may be considered for the degree if they are proficient in English and
(a) are graduates of the University or of another University recognized by the
Senate for the purpose; or
(b) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognized by the Senate
for the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of the Senate,
equivalent to the examinations prescribed for a degree at the University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of City
Planning Honours.

FHB2 Admission into the BCP Hons is limited and by application. Selection is based on
an applicant's academic record which for graduates of three-year undergraduate
programmes, would normally be expected to reflect marks in HEQSF Level 7
courses, which would qualify the applicant for entry into the appropriate Honours
programme i.e. in the range 65% and above, together with their responses to certain
departmental requirements set by the Programme Convenor, which may vary from
time to time. Entry into the programme is limited by the space available.

Duration of Degree
FHB3 The minimum duration of the Bachelor of City Planning Honours degree is one
year of full-time study. The curriculum for the degree could extend over a
maximum of two academic years of study.

FHB4 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate. Candidates must
register or re-register by not later than the end of Registration Week for all courses
or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

Readmission Requirements
FHB5 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, fail to complete courses to the value of not less than 50% of the total credits
for which they are registered in the year concerned. With respect to studio work, the
completion of APG4022F is a prerequisite for registration in APG4026S.

Obtaining the Degree and Validity of Credits

FHB6.1 The curriculum comprises two semesters, each consisting of a studio course and
five non-studio courses in the first semester and four non-studio courses in the
second semester. Candidates shall comply with the curriculum requirements
prescribed by Senate, which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses
Offered section of this Handbook.

FHB6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

FHB7 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written examination, term

paper or presentation. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed
by examination.

Degree Awarded in the First Class

FHB8 Candidates who obtain first class passes in at least five theory courses (constituted
as APG4020F, APG4021F, APG4028F, APG4029F and APG4035F in the first
semester and APG4023S, APG4024S, APG4025S, APG4038S in the second
semester) and two first class passes in studio work projects (constituted as
APG4022F and APG4026S) shall be awarded the degree in the first class.

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours

An honours degree in landscape architecture that provides advanced vocational and discipline-
specific knowledge, skills and competencies related to the practice of landscape architecture,
including landscape and urban design, history and theory, digital representation techniques and
constructed ecology. The course of study extends the base of knowledge through graduate study
with particular emphasis on landscape design. It is focused on developing creative and critical
inquiry, reflective understanding and cultural, social and technical knowledge in preparation for self-
motivated independent learning. The qualification introduces an honours degree within a succession
of qualifications leading towards professional qualification in landscape architecture. It is a
prerequisite qualification for admission into the Master of Landscape Architecture.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHB1 Candidates may be considered for the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours
(BLA(Hons) if they are proficient in English and
(a) are graduates of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree of this
University; or
(b) hold any three-year bachelor's degree recognised by the Senate as
equivalent to the Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree of this
University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering
and the Built Environment is adequate for the purposes of admission as a
candidate for the degree. Candidates holding non-design, but related
Bachelors’ degrees, will be required to undertake three short courses
which are offered by the Continued Professional Development Unit in

the faculty: Introduction to Design Computing, Design for Drawing and

Introduction to Spatial Design. The three courses are intensive
workshops that take place 5-days-a-week over 4 weeks. Staff teaching in
the short courses help potential applicants reach an appropriate level of
design skill to enter the BLA(Hons), though completion of the short
courses does not guarantee entry to the BLA(Hons).
FHB2 Admission into the BLA(Hons) is limited and by application. Each application is
considered on individual merit and selection is based on committee perusal of the
a. Academic record reflecting marks achieved in HEQF level 7 courses;
b. A preferable minimum average of 65%;
c. A portfolio of previous design and creative work; and
d. An interview and possible drawing test
Selection is at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.

Duration of Degree
FHB3 The minimum duration of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours is one
year of full-time study.
The BLA(Hons) can also be undertaken over two years of part-time study

FHB4 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate. Candidates must
register or re-register by not later than the end of Registration Week for all courses
or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

Readmission Requirements
FHB5 Except with permission of Senate, students may not renew their registration if they
fail to pass:
(a) courses to the value of 50% of the credits registered for; and
(b) a course after having been registered for it twice.

Obtaining the Degree and Validity of Credits

FHB6.1 The curriculum comprises two semesters, with two intensive quarter-long studio
courses in the first semester and a full semester studio course in the second,
accompanied by three additional subjects each semester. A candidate shall comply
with the curriculum requirements prescribed by Senate, which are published in the
Programmes of Study and Courses Offered section of this Handbook.

FHB6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

FHB7 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written examination, term

paper or presentation. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed
by examination.

Degree Awarded in the First Class

FHB8 The degree will be awarded in the first class to a candidate who has obtained first
class passes in either Landscape Architecture Studio I or II, and Landscape
Architecture Studio III, and an additional first class pass in a non-studio subject and
has successfully completed all other courses required for the degree in the minimum
period of one year.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Construction Management

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in
Handbook 3 of this series.)

The Bachelor of Science Honours in Construction Management degree is offered by the Faculty
through the Department of Construction Economics and Management.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHC1 Candidates for the degree shall not be admitted unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the BSc in Construction Studies degree of this University;
(b) hold a three-year bachelor’s degree of this, or any other university
recognised for the purpose by the Senate as equivalent to the BSc in
Construction Studies degree of this University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of the Senate is adequate for the purpose of admission.

FHC2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the Bachelors’ Degree in Construction Studies or equivalent with a Grade Point
Average (GPA) of at least 65% is the normal academic prerequisite for admission.
Applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance

For the purposes of FHC2, GPA is defined as the credit weighted average. This is
calculated by multiplying each course’s percentage by its credit weighting, totalling
these products, and then dividing this total by the sum of the credits used in the

The GPA of a candidate holding a BSc Construction Studies degree from this
university will be determined by taking into account all core, elective core and
elective courses completed while registered for that degree, whether required for the
degree or not.

FHC3 Candidates must be registered for a minimum of one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FHC4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FHC4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of registration week,
or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

FHC4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FHC5.1 Candidates:
(i) must comply with the curriculum and course requirements prescribed by
Senate which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses
Offered sections of this Handbook; and
(ii) must complete approved coursework of not less than 144 credits.

FHC5.2 Curriculum in each year shall be subject to the approval of the Dean and the Head
of the Department administering the Degree Programme for which the candidates
are registered.

FHC5.3 When registering for courses candidates shall be required to adhere to the
prescribed lecture timetable slots, as documented in the departmental Lecture
Timetable. Candidates shall inform the Head of the Department in writing of any
clash of courses (lectures/tutorials/practicals etc.) arising from adherence to this
rule. Except with the permission of the Head of Department, candidates may not be
permitted to register for a course which clashes with another in the lecture
timetable. In the event of such a clash precedence shall be given, for registration
purposes, to courses which are being repeated or undertaken in arrears.

FHC5.4 Except by permission of Senate candidates may not withdraw from a course which
they are repeating.

Recognition of Courses
FHC6 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Method of Assessment
FHC7.1 Courses are assessed by formal examination, by review or by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements. If a course is
assessed by formal examination or review, students may be refused permission
(DPR) to present themselves for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the work of the
class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

Formal Examination
FHC7.2 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of written and/or oral
examination, tutorials, class tests, term papers, notebooks or other course
assignments. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by

Duly Performed (DP) Certificate

FHC7.3 A DP certificate may be withheld unless (i) all parts of each project, tutorial and
other assignments are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted for
assessment at stipulated times; (ii) there is satisfactory attendance (as prescribed by
Senate) and satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Duly Performed (DP) Courses

FHC7.4 In courses where the DP certificate constitutes the final result, candidates are
required to satisfy the assessor that they have satisfactorily attended and duly
performed the work of the class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a
DP certificate. The result is published as an ungraded 'pass' (PA) or 'duly performed

certificate refused' (DPR).

FHC7.5 Assessment by review consists of a review by the internal examiner(s) of the course
work completed by means of written and/or oral class tests, tutorials, term papers,
notebooks or other course assignments.

Supplementary Examinations
Senate may permit candidates to take supplementary examinations in undergraduate
and honours courses offered by a department, subject to supplementary
examinations being offered in the department concerned, inclusive of undergraduate
service courses that have final written examinations, and subject to the following:
 Students must have DP for the course, and
 Students must have achieved at least 45% in the course.

(Note: Courses in the Department of Chemical Engineering with mandatory

reassessments do not offer supplementary examinations).

Senate may identify undergraduate or honours courses for a Tutored Reassessment
Programme (TRP). A TRP consists of a period of one to three weeks outside of
formal teaching time where students are provided with a structured tutoring
environment, after having failed the final examination for the course. Senate may
permit candidates to take a second final examination in undergraduate and honours
courses, that have final written examinations, subject to the following:
 Students must have DP for the course,
 Students must have obtained marks from 40% to 44% in the course, and
 Attended the TRP.

(Note: Students in the mark range 45-49% may apply to attend the TRP before
writing the supplementary examination in accordance with FHC8.1 above).

FHC 8.3
Senate may permit a candidate an additional assessment once, for one single
undergraduate or honours course which a candidate is registered for in the final year
that prevents graduation, subject to the following:
 The course does not qualify for a supplementary examination,
mandatory reassessment or TRP (see FHC8.1 and FHC8.2 above)
 The student achieved at least 45% in the course.

(Note: Additional assessment is not offered for courses where the candidate has
failed an official deferred or supplementary final written examination, or
mandatory reassessment. Where an additional assessment is undertaken, the
maximum mark obtainable is 50%, failing which the mark remains un-changed).

Readmission Requirements
FHC9 Except by permission of the Senate candidates may not renew their registration
(i) if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to pass courses of not
less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
(ii) if they, in courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after
having been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree in the First Class

FHC10 In order to be considered for the award of the degree in the first class, candidates
must obtain a minimum average mark of 75%.

Exemption from or Modification of Rules

FHC11 Any exemption or deviation from the rules requires the approval of Senate.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Geographical Information Systems

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in
Handbook 3 of this series.)

The Bachelor of Science Honours in Geographical Information Systems degree is offered by the
Faculty through the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHG1 Candidates shall not be admitted to the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the BSc degree of this University; or hold any three-year
bachelor’s degree of this, or any other university recognised for the purpose
by the Senate as equivalent to the BSc degree of this University; and
(b) have an approved first year (two semesters) university course in
Mathematics or an approved first year (one semester) university course in
Mathematics and a first year (one semester) university course in
Statistics; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of the Senate is adequate for the purpose of admission.

FHG2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Applicants
may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance examination.

FHG3 Candidates must be registered for a minimum of one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FHG4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FHG4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of registration week,
or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

FHG5.1 Candidates:
(i) must comply with the curriculum and course requirements prescribed by
Senate which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses
Offered sections of this Handbook; and
(ii) must complete approved coursework of not less than 144 credits.

FHG5.2 Curriculum in each year shall be subject to the approval of the Dean and the Head
of the Department administering the Degree Programme for which candidates are

FHG5.3 When registering for courses candidates shall be required to adhere to the
prescribed lecture timetable slots, as documented in the departmental Lecture
Timetable. Candidates shall inform the Head of the Department in writing of any
clash of courses (lectures/tutorials/practicals etc.) arising from adherence to this
rule. Except with the permission of the Head of Department, candidates may not be
permitted to register for a course which clashes with another in the lecture
timetable. In the event of such a clash precedence shall be given, for registration
purposes, to courses which are being repeated or undertaken in arrears.

FHG5.4 Except by permission of Senate candidates may not withdraw from a course which
they are repeating.

Method of Assessment
FHG6.1 Courses are assessed by formal examination, by review or by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements. If a course is
assessed by formal examination or review, students may be refused permission
(DPR) to present themselves for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the work of the
class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

Formal Examination
FHG6.2 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of written and/or oral
examination, tutorials, class tests, term papers, notebooks or other course
assignments. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by

Duly Performed (DP) Certificate

FHG6.3 A DP certificate may be withheld unless (i) all parts of each project, tutorial and
other assignments are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted for
assessment at stipulated times; (ii) there is satisfactory attendance (as prescribed by
Senate) and satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Readmission Requirements
FHG7 Except by permission of the Senate candidates may not renew their registration
(i) if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to pass courses of not
less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
(ii) if they, in courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after
having been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree in the First Class

FHG8 In order to be considered for the award of the degree in the first class, candidates
must complete the degree in one year and obtain at least 75% for the research
project APG4050W and an average of at least 75% for all coursework.

Exemption from or Modification of Rules

FHG9 Any exemption or deviation from the rules requires the approval of Senate.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Materials Science

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in
Handbook 3 of this series.)

The Bachelor of Science Honours in Materials Science degree is offered by the Faculty through the
Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHM1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the BSc degree of this University; or
(b) hold any three-year bachelor’s degree of this, or any other university
recognised for the purpose by the Senate as equivalent to the BSc degree of
this University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of the Senate is adequate for the purpose of admission.

FHM2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the Bachelors’ degree with a weighted average of at least 60% (supplementary
results excluded) is the normal academic prerequisite for admission. Applicants
may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance examination.

FHM3 Candidates must be registered for a minimum of one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FHM4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FHM4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of registration week,
or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

FHM5.1 Candidates:
(i) must comply with the curriculum and course requirements prescribed by
Senate which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses
Offered sections of this Handbook; and
(ii) must complete approved coursework of not less than 144 credits.

FHM5.2 Curriculum in each year shall be subject to the approval of the Dean and the Head
of the Department administering the Degree Programme for which candidates are

FHM5.3 When registering for courses candidates shall be required to adhere to the
prescribed lecture timetable slots, as documented in the departmental Lecture
Timetable. Candidates shall inform the Head of the Department in writing of any
clash of courses (lectures/tutorials/practicals etc.) arising from adherence to this
Rule immediately it becomes apparent that such a clash exists. Except with the
permission of the Head of Department, candidates may not be permitted to register
for a course which clashes with another in the lecture timetable. In the event of such

a clash precedence shall be given, for registration purposes, to courses which are
being repeated or undertaken in arrears.

FHM5.4 Except by permission of Senate candidates may not withdraw from a course which
they are repeating.

Method of Assessment
FHM6.1 Courses are assessed by formal examination, by review or by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements. If a course is
assessed by formal examination or review, students may be refused permission
(DPR) to present themselves for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the work of the
class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

Formal Examination
FHM6.2 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of written and/or oral
examination, tutorials, class tests, term papers, notebooks or other course
assignments. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by

Duly Performed (DP) Certificate

FHM6.3 A DP certificate may be withheld unless (i) all parts of each project, tutorial and
other assignments are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted for
assessment at stipulated times; (ii) there is satisfactory attendance (as prescribed by
Senate) and satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Readmission Requirements
FHM7 Except by permission of the Senate candidates may not renew their registration
(i) if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to pass courses of not
less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
(ii) if they in courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after
having been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree in the First Class

FHM8 To be considered for the award of the degree in the first class, candidates must
complete the degree in one year and obtain at least 75% for the Honours Research
Project MEC4091Z and an average of at least 75% for all coursework.

Exemption from or Modification of Rules

FHM9 Any exemption or deviation from the rules requires the approval of Senate.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Nuclear Power

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in
Handbook 3 of this series.)

The Bachelor of Science Honours specialising in Nuclear Power degree is offered by the Faculty
through the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHN1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the BSc degree of this University; or
(b) hold any three-year bachelor’s degree of this, or any other university
recognised for the purpose by the Senate as equivalent to the BSc degree of
this University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of the Senate is adequate for the purpose of admission.

FHN2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the Bachelors’ degree with a weighted average of at least 60% (supplementary
results excluded) is the normal academic prerequisite for admission. Applicants
may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance examination.

FHN3 Candidates must be registered for a minimum of one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FHN4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FHN4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of registration week,
or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

FHN5.1 Candidates:
(i) must comply with the curriculum and course requirements prescribed by
Senate which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses
Offered sections of this Handbook; and
(ii) must complete approved coursework of not less than 148 credits.

FHN5.2 Curriculum in each year shall be subject to the approval of the Dean and the Head of
the Department administering the Degree Programme for which candidates are

FHN5.3 When registering for courses candidates shall be required to adhere to the prescribed
lecture timetable slots, as documented in the departmental Lecture Timetable.
Candidate shall inform the Head of the Department in writing of any clash of
courses (lectures/tutorials/practicals etc.) arising from adherence to this Rule
immediately it becomes apparent that such a clash exists. Except with the
permission of the Head of Department, candidates may not be permitted to register
for a course which clashes with another in the lecture timetable. In the event of such
a clash precedence shall be given, for registration purposes, to courses which are

being repeated or undertaken in arrears

FHN5.4 Except by permission of Senate candidates may not withdraw from a course which
they are repeating.

Method of Assessment
FHN6.1 Courses are assessed by formal examination, by review or by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed (DP) certificate requirements. If a course is
assessed by formal examination or review, students may be refused permission
(DPR) to present themselves for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the work of the
class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

Formal Examination
FHN6.2 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of written and/or oral
examination, tutorials, class tests, term papers, notebooks or other course
assignments. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by

Duly Performed (DP) Certificate

FHN6.3 A DP certificate may be withheld unless (i) all parts of each project, tutorial and
other assignments are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted for
assessment at stipulated times; (ii) there is satisfactory attendance (as prescribed by
Senate) and satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Readmission Requirements
FHN7 Except by permission of the Senate candidates may not renew their registration
(i) if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to pass courses of not
less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
(ii) if they, in courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after
having been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree in the First Class

FHN8 To be considered for the award of the degree in the first class, candidates must
complete the degree in one year and obtain at least 75% for the Research Project
and an average of at least 75% for all coursework.

Exemption from or Modification of Rules

FHN9 Any exemption or deviation from the rules requires the approval of Senate.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in
Handbook 3 of this series.)

The Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies degree is offered by the Faculty through the
Department of Construction Economics and Management.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHP1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the BSc in Property Studies degree of this University; or
(b) hold any three-year bachelor’s degree of this, or any other university
recognised for the purpose by the Senate as equivalent to the BSc in
Property Studies degree of this University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of the Senate is adequate for the purpose of admission.

FHP2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the Bachelors’ Degree in Property Studies or equivalent with a Grade Point
Average (GPA) of at least 65% is the normal academic prerequisite for admission.
Applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance

For the purposes of FHP2, GPA is defined as the credit weighted average. This is
calculated by multiplying each course’s percentage by its credit weighting, totalling
these products, and then dividing this total by the sum of the credits used in the

The GPA of candidates holding a BSc Property Studies degree from this university
will be determined by taking into account all core, elective core and elective
courses completed while registered for that degree, whether required for the degree
or not.

FHP3 Candidates must be registered for a minimum of one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FHP4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FHP4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of registration week,
or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not later than the date on which the first
course starts.

FHP5.1 Candidates:
(i) must comply with the curriculum and course requirements prescribed by
Senate which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses
Offered sections of this Handbook;
(ii) must complete approved coursework of not less than 144 credits.

FHP5.2 Curriculum in each year shall be subject to the approval of the Dean and the Head

of the Department administering the Degree Programme for which candidates are

FHP5.3 When registering for courses candidates shall be required to adhere to the
prescribed lecture timetable slots, as documented in the departmental Lecture
Timetable. Candidates shall inform the Head of the Department in writing of any
clash of courses (lectures/tutorials/practicals, etc.) arising from adherence to this
Rule immediately it becomes apparent that such a clash exists. Except with the
permission of the Head of Department, candidates may not be permitted to register
for a course which clashes with another in the lecture timetable. In the event of such
a clash precedence shall be given, for registration purposes, to courses which are
being repeated or undertaken in arrears.

FHP5.4 Except by permission of Senate candidates may not withdraw from a course which
they are repeating.

Recognition of Courses
FHP6 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Method of Assessment
FHP7.1 Courses are assessed by formal examination, by review or by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements. If a course is
assessed by formal examination or review, students may be refused permission
(DPR) to present themselves for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the work of the
class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

Formal Examination
FHP7.2 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of written and/or oral
examination, tutorials, class tests, term papers, notebooks or other course
assignments. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by

Duly Performed (DP) Certificate

FHP7.3 A DP certificate may be withheld unless (i) all parts of each project, tutorial and
other assignments are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted for
assessment at stipulated times; (ii) there is satisfactory attendance (as prescribed by
Senate) and satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Duly Performed (DP) Courses

FHP7.4 In courses where the DP certificate constitutes the final result, candidates are
required to satisfy the assessor that they have satisfactorily attended and duly
performed the work of the class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a
DP certificate. The result is published as an ungraded 'pass' (PA) or 'duly performed
certificate refused' (DPR).

FHP7.5 Assessment by review consists of a review by the internal examiner(s) of the course
work completed by means of written and/or oral class tests, tutorials, term papers,
notebooks or other course assignments.

Supplementary Examinations
Senate may permit candidates to take supplementary examinations in undergraduate
and honours courses offered by a department, subject to supplementary
examinations being offered in the department concerned, inclusive of undergraduate
service courses that have final written examinations, and subject to the following:
 Students must have DP for the course, and
 Students must have achieved at least 45% in the course.

(Note: Courses in the Department of Chemical Engineering with mandatory

reassessments do not offer supplementary examinations).

Senate may identify undergraduate or honours courses for a Tutored Reassessment
Programme (TRP). A TRP consists of a period of one to three weeks outside of
formal teaching time where students are provided with a structured tutoring
environment, after having failed the final examination for the course. Senate may
permit candidates to take a second final examination in undergraduate and honours
courses, that have final written examinations, subject to the following:
 Students must have DP for the course,
 Students must have obtained marks from 40% to 44% in the course, and
 Attended the TRP.

(Note: Students in the mark range 45-49% may apply to attend the TRP before
writing the supplementary examination in accordance with FHP8.1 above).

Senate may permit a candidate an additional assessment once, for one single
undergraduate or honours course which a candidate is registered for in the final year
that prevents graduation, subject to the following:
 The course does not qualify for a supplementary examination,
mandatory reassessment or TRP (see FHP8.1 and FHP8.2 above)
 The student achieved at least 45% in the course.

(Note: Additional assessment is not offered for courses where the candidate has
failed an official deferred or supplementary final written examination, or
mandatory reassessment. Where an additional assessment is undertaken, the
maximum mark obtainable is 50%, failing which the mark remains un-changed).

Readmission Requirements
FHP9 Except by permission of the Senate candidates may not renew their registration
(i) if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to pass courses of not
less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
(ii) if they, in courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after
having been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree in the First Class

FHP10 To be considered for the award of the degree in the first class, candidates must
obtain a minimum average mark of 75%.

Exemption from or Modification of Rules

FHP11 Any exemption or deviation from the rules requires the approval of Senate.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Quantity Surveying

(NOTE: The rules must be read together with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in
Handbook 3 of this series.)

The Bachelor of Science Honours in Quantity Surveying degree is offered by the Faculty through
the Department of Construction Economics and Management.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FHQ1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the BSc in Construction Studies degree of this University;
(b) hold any three-year bachelor’s degree of this, or any other university
recognised for the purpose by the Senate as equivalent to the BSc in
Construction Studies degree of this University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of the Senate is adequate for the purpose of admission.

FHQ2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the Bachelors’ Degree in Construction Studies or equivalent with a Grade Point
Average (GPA) of at least 65% is the normal academic prerequisite for admission.
Applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance

For the purposes of FHQ2, GPA is defined as the credit weighted average. This is
calculated by multiplying each course’s percentage by its credit weighting, totalling
these products, and then dividing this total by the sum of the credits used in the

The GPA of a candidate holding a BSc Construction Studies degree from this
university will be determined by taking into account all core, elective core and
elective courses completed while registered for that degree, whether required for the
degree or not.

FHQ3 Candidates must be registered for a minimum of one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FHQ4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FHQ4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week, or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not later than the date on which
the first course starts.

FHQ4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than end of registration week if
taking only second semester courses.

FHQ5.1 Candidates:
(i) must comply with the curriculum and course requirements prescribed by
Senate which are published in the Programmes of Study and Courses

Offered sections of this Handbook.

(ii) must complete approved coursework of not less than 164 credits.

FHQ5.2 Curriculum in each year shall be subject to the approval of the Dean and the Head
of the Department administering the Degree Programme for which candidates are

FHQ5.3 When registering for courses candidates shall be required to adhere to the
prescribed lecture timetable slots, as documented in the departmental Lecture
Timetable. Candidates shall inform the Head of the Department in writing of any
clash of courses (lectures/tutorials/practicals etc.) arising from adherence to this
Rule immediately it becomes apparent that such a clash exists. Except with the
permission of the Head of Department, candidates may not be permitted to register
for a course which clashes with another in the lecture timetable. In the event of such
a clash precedence shall be given, for registration purposes, to courses which are
being repeated or undertaken in arrears.

FHQ5.4 Except by permission of Senate candidates may not withdraw from a course which
they are repeating

Recognition of Courses
FHQ6 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Method of Assessment
FHQ7.1 Courses are assessed by formal examination, by review or by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements. If a course is
assessed by formal examination or review, students may be refused permission
(DPR) to present themselves for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the work of the
class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

Formal Examination
FHQ7.2 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of written and/or oral
examination, tutorials, class tests, term papers, notebooks or other course
assignments. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by

Duly Performed (DP) Certificate

FHQ7.3 A DP certificate may be withheld unless (i) all parts of each project, tutorial and
other assignments are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted for
assessment at stipulated times; (ii) there is satisfactory attendance (as prescribed by
Senate) and satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Duly Performed (DP) Courses

FHQ7.4 In courses where the DP certificate constitutes the final result, candidates are
required to satisfy the assessor that they have satisfactorily attended and duly
performed the work of the class by the date set in the conditions for the award of a
DP certificate. The result is published as an ungraded 'pass' (PA) or 'duly performed
certificate refused' (DPR).

FHQ7.5 Assessment by review consists of a review by the internal examiner(s) of the course
work completed by means of written and/or oral class tests, tutorials, term papers,
notebooks or other course assignments.

Supplementary Examinations
Senate may permit candidates to take supplementary examinations in undergraduate
and honours courses offered by a department, subject to supplementary
examinations being offered in the department concerned, inclusive of undergraduate
service courses that have final written examinations, and subject to the following:
 Students must have DP for the course, and
 Students must have achieved at least 45% in the course.

(Note: Courses in the Department of Chemical Engineering with mandatory

reassessments do not offer supplementary examinations).

Senate may identify undergraduate or honours courses for a Tutored Reassessment
Programme (TRP). A TRP consists of a period of one to three weeks outside of
formal teaching time where students are provided with a structured tutoring
environment, after having failed the final examination for the course. Senate may
permit candidates to take a second final examination in undergraduate and honours
courses, that have final written examinations, subject to the following:
 Students must have DP for the course,
 Students must have obtained marks from 40% to 44% in the course, and
 Attended the TRP.

(Note: Students in the mark range 45-49% may apply to attend the TRP before
writing the supplementary examination in accordance with FHQ8.1 above).

Senate may permit a candidate an additional assessment once, for one single
undergraduate or honours course which a candidate is registered for in the final year
that prevents graduation, subject to the following:
 The course does not qualify for a supplementary examination,
mandatory reassessment or TRP (see FHQ8.1 and FHQ8.2 above)
 The student achieved at least 45% in the course.

(Note: Additional assessment is not offered for courses where the candidate has
failed an official deferred or supplementary final written examination, or
mandatory reassessment. Where an additional assessment is undertaken, the
maximum mark obtainable is 50%, failing which the mark remains un-changed).

Readmission Requirements
FHQ9 Except by permission of the Senate candidates may not renew their registration
(i) if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to pass courses of not
less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
(ii) if they, in courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after
having been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree in the First Class

FHQ10 To be considered for the award of the degree in the first class, candidates must
obtain a minimum average mark of 75%.

Exemption from or Modification of Rules

FHQ11 Any exemption or deviation from the rules requires the approval of Senate.

Master’s Degrees
Qualification Specialisation Plan Code ProgCode
Master of Architecture APG01 EM006
Master of City & City and Regional Planning APG03 EM031
Regional Planning
Master of Urban Urban Design APG12 EM030
MSc in Property Property Studies CON03 EM013
MSc in Project Project Management CON06 EM014
Master of Landscape Landscape Architecture APG06 EM015
Master of Architecture APG01 EM021
Master of Geotechnical Engineering CIV08 EM028
Master of Transport Transport Studies CIV06 EM029
Master of Engineering Civil Infrastructure CIV07 EM033
in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance
Management and
Master of Structural Structural Engineering and CIV04 EM032
Engineering and Materials
Master of Water Water Quality Engineering CIV02 EM034

Master of Engineering Water Quality Engineering CIV02 EM017

Specialising in
Structural Engineering & CIV04
Transport Studies CIV06
Civil Infrastructure CIV07
Management and Maintenance
Radar and Electrical Defence EEE06
Nuclear Power EEE08
Telecommunications EEE09

Master of Science in Geomatics APG08 EM023/

Engineering EM024
Specialising in
Chemical Engineering CHE01
Civil Engineering CIV01
Civil Infrastructure CIV07
Management & Maintenance
Geotechnical Engineering CIV08
Structural Engineering & CIV04

Structural Materials
Water Quality Engineering CIV02
Electrical Engineering EEE01

Mechanical Engineering MEC01

Materials Engineering MEC03

Master of Philosophy Architecture & Planning APG02 EM025/

Specialising in EM026/
Conservation of the Built APG05 EM027
Electrical Engineering EEE01
Sustainable Mineral Resource CHE05
Civil Engineering CIV01
Transport Studies CIV06
Construction Economics & CON01
Space Studies EEE07
Nuclear Power EEE08
Mechanical Engineering MEC01
Engineering Management MEC02

Engineering Education CIV09/EEE04/MEC09

Master of Architecture
NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MArch is offered by the Faculty through the School of Architecture, Planning and

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMAA1 Except with permission of the Senate, candidates for the degree must be a BAS
Hons graduate of this University, or as a graduate of another University, hold a
degree recognised by Senate as being equivalent to a BAS(Hons) degree in the
University, and be proficient in English.

FMAA2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and the availability of a
suitable supervisor. Submission of a satisfactory research proposal may be required.

FMAA3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for a minimum period of one academic

Registration Requirements
FMAA4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMAA4.2 Candidates registering for the first time may register at any time during the year.

FMAA4.3 Returning candidates for the degree must reregister by not later than the last Friday
of February of each year.

Obtaining the Degree

FMAA5.1 Candidates shall present a dissertation (180 credits) incorporating any or all of the
(a) a research project of a theoretical or practical nature;
(b) a critical review of a specified topic based on a comprehensive search of
literature or available data;
(c) design of all or part of an architectural project or group of projects to a
specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles;
(d) development of a technique involving novel technological features or
advanced design;
(e) any other study acceptable to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built

FMAA5.2 The candidate's supervisor shall submit written evidence to the Faculty
Examinations Committee that the candidate has, with the approval of the
supervisor, submitted a paper for presentation at a conference or for publication in a
journal recognised by Senate.

FMAA6.1 Candidates shall work under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate and
shall be required to attend at the University for a minimum period of at least one
month per annum for supervision purposes for as long as they continue to be
candidates for the degree.

FMAA6.2 A change of supervisor or a change to a candidate's field of study/research is

subject to the approval of Senate.

Progress Report
FMAA7 Candidates shall submit a written report to the supervisor by 31 July each year,
setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or, if the
period of registration is less than twelve months the period that is relevant.

FMAA8.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they fail to make progress with their research project or dissertation to the
satisfaction of Senate.

FMAA8.2 Candidates required by the Faculty Examination Committee to correct their

research dissertation shall complete the corrections within six months of the date of
the Committee's decision. Candidates required to revise their research dissertation
shall complete the revisions within one year of the date of the Committee’s
decision. Failing which they shall not be permitted to continue with or reregister for
their degrees without the special permission of Senate.

Submission of Dissertation and Paper

FMAA9.1 Candidates hoping to graduate in either April or December, must consult the EBE
website for the deadlines to submit the ‘intention to submit’ and the dissertation for

FMAA9.2 After consultation with the supervisor, candidates shall submit their dissertation via
PeopleSoft for examination.

FMAA9.3 Candidates shall submit a summary of the key aspects of the dissertation, presented
in the form of a paper which is, potentially, of publishable standard, approved by
the supervisor in order to graduate. The Paper requirement is intended to develop
skills in academic communication through exposure to the discipline of preparing a
scholarly, succinct overview of the subject of the research topic, with due attention
to structure, detail, clarity of expression and referencing. The deadline for
submission is on the EBE website.

FMAA9.4 No dissertation or part thereof which has previously been submitted for
examination for any degree at any university shall be accepted for a Masters’
degree in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.

FMAA9.5 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMAA10.1 Examination is by dissertation unless otherwise stated. The dissertation must be
satisfactory in arrangement and expression and must be typewritten or printed. Each
candidate must comply with such other requirements as the Board of the Faculty of
Engineering and the Built Environment, on the recommendation of the Director of
the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, may prescribe.

FMAA10.2 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMAA10.3 Candidates may not submit their dissertation for examination more than twice.

FMAA10.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMAA11.1 When presenting the dissertation candidates shall by so doing grant a free licence to
the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any manner or

FMAA11.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree

FMAA12.1 The degree may be awarded with distinction if both examiners recommend that the
dissertation be awarded with distinction.

FMAA12.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Upgrading to PhD
FMAA13 The Senate may on the recommendation of the Faculty and the candidate's
supervisor upgrade a candidate's registration to PhD on the grounds of the quality
and development of the candidate's work.

Master of Architecture Professional

A qualifying degree in Architecture that provides learners with the knowledge, values and skills to
enter the profession of architecture and/or to pursue further qualifications in architecture or fields
associated with the architectural profession and built environment. It is focused on developing
independent critical inquiry in preparation for practice in a diverse and changing world. Students are
given considerable freedom and support to develop a reflective, critical and speculative relationship
to their work. The qualification introduces a Masters’ degree within a succession of qualifications
leading towards professional qualification in architecture. It is a prerequisite qualification for
statutory registration as a Candidate Architect with the South African Council for the Architectural
Profession (SACAP), in terms of the Architectural Professions Act 2000 (Act No 44 of 2000). To
attain registration as Professional Architect, the candidate must complete a two-year period of
practical experience in an architectural office and pass a registration exam set by SACAP.

NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MArch(Prof) is offered by the Faculty through the School of Architecture, Planning
and Geomatics.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMAB1 Except with permission of the Senate, candidates for the degree must be a
BAS(Hons) graduate of this University, or a graduate of another University, and
hold a degree recognised by Senate as being equivalent,and be proficient in English.

FMAB2.1 Graduates of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours from this University
will be eligible to apply for the Master of Architecture Professional.

FMAB2.2 Any graduate from the Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours degree who
wishes to enter the degree after an absence of more than three years, must, apply to
Senate for entry by letter of motivation.

FMAB2.3 Any graduate wishing to enter the degree from another University must submit an
application to the University on the prescribed UCT form, by the date stipulated by
the University. Additionally applicants must prepare a submission for the School of
Architecture, the requirements of which are available from the School of
Architecture. Selection is at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.
Admission into the March (Prof) will depend on the applicant's design ability,
academic record, work experience, study travel report and student numbers.

FMAB3.1 The minimum duration of the Master of Architecture Professional is one year of
full-time study.

FMAB3.2 Except with the permission of Senate, students who register for the Master of
Architecture Professional degree, must register for the full year's study.

Obtaining the Degree

FMAB4.1 Candidates shall present a 60 credit Research Paper in the form of Theory and
Technology Studies in the first semester.

FMAB4.2 Candidates shall present a Design Dissertation (120 credits) incorporating:

(a) a self-motivated design project; and

(b) a Design Research Report of a theoretical and technical nature in support of

the Design Project.
FMAB5.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates who fail the Design Dissertation, on
repeating the course, shall be required to select a new topic.

FMAB5.2 Candidates who fail a Research Paper will be allowed to repeat that component in
the following year.

FMAB5.3 Candidates will be allowed to repeat a course only once.

Method of Assessment
FMAB6.1 Satisfactory performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements
applies to all courses. Students gain entry to final assessment by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed (DP) requirements. Students may be refused
permission (DPR) to sit for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the required work
set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

FMAB6.2 A DP certificate may be withheld unless: all parts of each studio work project,
tutorial or other assignment are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted
for assessment at the stipulated times; there is satisfactory attendance (minimum of
80%), and a generally satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

FMAB6.3 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written or oral

examination or term paper. An external examiner is appointed for each course
assessed by examination.

Degree with Distinction

FMAB7 The degree will be awarded with distinction to candidates who obtain the degree in
the first academic year of study with a first for the Design Dissertation and a
minimum of 70% for the Theory and Technology Studies course.

Ethics Clearance
FMAB8 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Master of Urban Design

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of Master of Urban Design is offered by the Faculty through the School of Architecture,
Planning and Geomatics.

The increasingly large scale, complex, and diverse nature of cities demands the expansion of
traditional architectural capabilities to embrace an understanding of the structure and functioning,
and three-dimensional design and management of, human settlements. The MUD degree curriculum
comprises one year of full-time study, open to Honours or Masters-level graduates in Architecture,
Landscape Architecture, or Planning from any recognised institution approved by Senate. However,
in terms of rule FMB6.1, BAS(Hons); MLA and BCP(Hons) graduates from the University who
have completed prescribed work in the theory of City Planning and Urban Design while registered
for that degree, may obtain exemption from courses in the first semester of the curriculum for the
MUD degree. All students entering the programme must do so in the first semester of the year.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMB1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are Honours or Masters’ graduates in Architecture, Landscape
Architecture and Planning of the University or of another University
recognised by the Senate for the purpose; or
alternatively, could be graduates from Honours or Master’s in Planning or
a similar discipline with design training evidenced in a portfolio which is
part of the application and to the satisfaction of the Selection Committee.
(b) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognised by the
Senate for the purpose, such examinations are, in the opinion of the
Senate, equivalent to the examinations prescribed for the BAS(Hons),
MArch(Prof), MLA and BCP(Hons) degrees at the University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty of Engineering
and the Built Environment is adequate for the purposes of admission as a
candidate for the degree.

FMB2 Selection is based on an applicant’s academic record and where an applicant holds a
one-year BAS(Hons); one-year M.Arch(Prof), two-year MLA degree or the
Bachelor of City Planning Honours, in order to be considered for entry into the
MUD programme. All applicants must also submit a portfolio of design work, and
other material as specified in the Application Form, for consideration by an
Admissions Committee. Entry into the programme is limited. Applicants without a
design background will be required to apply for the 'Introduction to Spatial Design
(ISD) short course (EZ002APG02), which is offered by the Continued Professional
Development Unit in the faculty in the format of a 4-week, 5-days a week intensive
workshop. Students without requisite computer skills for the IDS will also be
required to undertake the weeklong ‘Introduction to Design Computing’ (IDC),
immediately before ISD. Staff teaching in ISD both help potential applicants reach
an appropriate level of design skill to enter the MUD, though completion of the ISD
does not guarantee entry to the MUD.

FMB3 The curriculum for the degree shall extend over a minimum of one (full-time)
academic year of study or two years extended time.

Registration Requirements
FMB4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMB4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMB4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than end of registration week if
taking only second semester courses.

FMB4.4 Candidates registration for the second semester shall be provisional until they
complete the work of the first semester.

Obtaining the Degree

FMB5 Candidates shall undertake advanced study by coursework and shall comply with
the curriculum requirements prescribed by Senate. (The curriculum requirements
are obtainable on request from the Programme Co-ordinator.)

Recognition of Courses Taken at this or another Institution

FMB6.1 The Senate may grant exemption from courses in the first semester of the
curriculum to a BArch graduate of the University who has completed prescribed
work in the theory of City Planning and Urban Design while registered for the
BArch degree.

FMB6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

FMB7 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, fail to complete courses of not less than 50% of the total credits for which
they are registered in the year concerned. With respect to studio-work, the first
semester Urban Design Studio is a pre-requisite for the Urban Design Research
Project. Students may only commence with the Urban Design Research Project
once the first semester courses, Theory of Urban Design I; Urban Design Studio
and Research Methods for Urban Design have been completed.

Submission of Dissertation and Ethics Clearance

FMB8.1 Candidates must complete a dissertation on a subject approved by the Senate under
the supervision of a member of staff appointed by the Senate by due date. Detailed
procedures for the dissertation will be made available to candidates at the time of
registration. These procedures will give the dates for various stages, critically, the
final date for submission. In exceptional cases the programme convener may allow
a late submission, but in such cases candidates will at best get a pass (third class)

FMB8.2 Candidates must submit a digital copy of the dissertation to Vula by the date
determined by the department. There are dedicated examiners assigned to each
student, but the work is presented in an oral defence to a panel, which consists of
internal and external examiners.

FMB8.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMB9.1 When presenting any written work for examination, candidates shall by so doing
grant a free licence to the University to publish it in whole or in part in any format
that the University deems fit.

FMB9.2 Work produced as part of the requirements of courses prescribed for the degree
remains the property of the University.

Award of the Degree

FMB10.1 Candidates who obtain first class passes for both the Urban Design Studio and the
Urban Design Research Project as well as for either the Theory of Urban Design I
or the Urban Design Theory II courses, shall be awarded the degree with

FMB10.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Master of City and Regional Planning

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MCRP is offered by the Faculty through the School of Architecture, Planning and

In South Africa at present there exists a strong need to produce professional planners capable of
operating at both the city and regional scales. The study of city and regional planning has therefore
been integrated in a single comprehensive programme. The MCRP degree programme has been
structured to accommodate the basic differences and overlaps between the city and regional
planning stream, and the city planning and urban design stream. Coursework in the programme
includes the theoretical and practical subject matter necessary to meet the requirements of the South
African Council for Planners (SACPLAN) and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMC1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
and are graduates from the Bachelor of City Planning Honours degree at UCT.

FMC2 Graduates of the Bachelor of City Planning Honours degree from this University
will be eligible to apply for the Master of City and Regional Planning.

FMC3 The curriculum for the degree shall extend over a minimum of one academic year
of study.

Registration Requirements
FMC4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMC4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMC4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than end of registration week if
taking only second semester courses or if registering only for a thesis or

FMC4.4 Candidates registration for the second semester shall be provisional until they
complete the work of the first semester.

Obtaining the Degree

FMC5 Candidates shall undertake advanced study by coursework and shall comply with
the curriculum requirements prescribed by Senate. (The curriculum requirements
are obtainable on request from the Programme Co-ordinator.)

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMC6.1 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by

special permission of Senate.

FMC7 Except by the permission of Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they fail to complete courses not less than 50% of the total credits for which they
are registered, or if they fail to make progress with their dissertation APG5051Z to
the satisfaction of the Senate. APG5020F and APG5023F are pre-requisites for

Submission of Dissertation and Ethics Clearance

FMC8.1 Candidates must complete a dissertation on a subject approved by the Senate under
the supervision of a member of staff appointed by the Senate by due date. Detailed
procedures for the dissertation will be made available to candidates at the time of
registration. These procedures will give the dates for various stages, critically, the
final date for submission. In exceptional cases the programme convener may allow
a late submission, but in such cases a candidate will at best get a pass (third class)

FMC8.2 Candidates must submit a digital copy of the dissertation to Vula by the date
determined by the department. The work is presented in an oral defence to a panel,
which consists of external and internal examiners.

FM8.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMC9.1 When presenting any written work for examination candidates shall by so doing
grant a free licence to the University to publish it in whole or in part in any format
that the University deems fit.

FMC9.2 Work produced as part of the requirements of courses prescribed for the degree
remains the property of the University.

Award of the Degree

FMC10.1 Candidates who obtain first class passes in APG5020F; APG5023F; APG5024S as
well as APG5051Z can be awarded the degree with distinction.

FMC10.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

FMC10.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Master of Engineering
(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

This degree is offered through the Faculty for specialisations in Minerals Beneficiation (Department
of Chemical Engineering), Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance, Structural
Engineering and Materials, Transport Studies and Water Quality Engineering (Department of Civil
Engineering) Radar, Nuclear Power and Telecommunications (Department of Electrical

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMD1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the Faculty or of an engineering or geomatics programme
of any other university recognized for the purpose; or
(b) hold an appropriate BSc Hons degree; or
(c) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or (ii)
they in addition to the standard programme requirement first complete a
minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework; or
(d) have passed at any university or institution recognized for the purpose, such
examinations as are, in the opinion of the Senate, equivalent to the
examinations prescribed for the degree of BSc(Eng) or BSc(Geomatics) at
the University; or
(e) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for the
purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMD2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and the availability of a
suitable programme and research project supervisor. Submission of a satisfactory
research topic may be required.

FMD3 Candidates shall be registered for the degree for a period of not less than one year.

Registration Requirements
FMD4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMD4.2 New candidates must register by not later than the date on which their first course
starts. Continuing candidates must reregister by no later than February.

Obtaining the Degree

FMD5 Candidates shall undertake advanced study by coursework of a minimum of 120
credits and a project of 60 credits.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMD6.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be

attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMD6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMD7.1 Candidates for the degree shall complete prescribed courses to the value of 120
credits and a project report on the subject of the minor dissertation to a value of 60

FMD7.2 Candidates shall not be permitted to submit their minor dissertations for
examination more than twice.

FMD7.3 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMD7.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMD8.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their dissertations to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMD8.2 Except by permission of the Senate, MEng (in Transport Studies) candidates may
not renew their registration if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to
complete a course after having been registered for it twice.

Submission of Minor Dissertation

FMD9.1 Candidates hoping to graduate in either April or December, must consult the EBE
website for the deadlines to submit the ‘intention to submit’ and the dissertation for

FMD9.2 After consultation with the supervisor, candidates shall submit their dissertation via
PeopleSoft for examination.

FMD9.3 No minor dissertation or part thereof which has previously been submitted for
examination for any degree at any university shall be accepted for a Masters’
degree in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.

FMD9.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMD10 When presenting a dissertation, candidates shall by so doing grant a free licence to
the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any manner or format
that the University deems fit.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMD11.1 For 120 or 60 credit dissertations, distinctions can be awarded in three categories:

degree with distinction

requires an average of at least 75% in the coursework and a final mark greater than
or equal to 75% for the dissertation.

dissertation with distinction

requires a final mark greater than or equal to 75% for the dissertation component.

coursework with distinction

requires an average of at least 75% in the coursework component.

FMD11.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Changing to MSc(Eng)
FMD12 The Senate may on the recommendation of the Faculty and the candidate's
supervisor upgrade a candidate's registration to MSc(Eng) on the grounds of the
quality and development of the candidate's work. Upgrading an MEng to PhD is not

Master of Landscape Architecture

The Degree of MLA is offered by the Faculty through the School of Architecture, Planning and

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

A qualifying degree in landscape architecture provides learners with the knowledge, values and
skills to enter the profession of landscape architecture. It is focused on developing independent
critical inquiry in preparation for practice in a diverse and changing world. Students are given
considerable freedom and support to develop a reflective, critical and speculative relationship to
their work. The qualification is a pre-requisite for statutory registration as a Candidate Landscape
Architect with the South African Council for the Landscape Architecture Profession (SACLAP), in
terms of the Landscape Architectural Profession Act, Act 45 of 2000.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMG1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)
unless they are proficient in English and
(a) are graduates holding the degree of Bachelor of Landscape
Architecture Honours from the University, or;
(b) have passed at any university or at any Institution recognized by the
Senate for the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of the
Senate, equivalent to the examination prescribed for the Bachelor of
Landscape Architecture Honours degree at the University; or
(c) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty of
Engineering and the Built Environment is adequate for the purposes of
admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMG2 Each application is considered on individual merit, and selection is based on
committee perusal of the following:
a. A portfolio of design and creative work from previous BLA(Hons) studies;
b. Academic record reflecting marks achieved in HEQF level 8 courses;
c. A preferable minimum average of 65%;
d. An interview.

FMG3 The degree programme shall extend over a minimum of one academic year of

Registration Requirements
FMG4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMG4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMG4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses or if registering only for a thesis or dissertation.

FMG4.4 Registration for the second semester shall be provisional until candidates complete
the work of the first semester.

Obtaining the Degree

FMG5 A candidate shall successfully complete the curriculum which comprises of two
semesters, with:

a. Two intensive quarter-long studio courses in the first semester accompanied

by two advanced course work and a number of research based subjects, that
help prepare for;

b. The 120-credit design dissertation in second semester during which a

candidate shall develop and present a design project, and develop it
technically in an associated technology subject.

Recognition of Courses Taken at this or another Institution

FMG6.1 The Senate may accept periods of attendance at this or another University or
Institution recognised by the Senate for the purpose as part of the attendance of
candidates qualifying them for admission to the degree , and may further accept
examinations passed at this or another University or Institution approved by the
Senate as exempting candidates from examinations in and for the purpose of
granting them credit for such courses prescribed for the degree as Senate may
consider equivalent, provided that candidates for the degree attend the University as
candidates for the full degree for at least one year.

FMG6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Method of Assessment
Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written examination, term paper or
presentation. An external examiner is appointed for each course assessed by examination.

FMG7 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they were registered in the year concerned.

A candidate who fails the design Dissertation, on repeating the course, shall be required to select a
new topic.
A candidate will be allowed to repeat a course only once.

FMG8.1 When presenting any written work for examination, candidates shall by so doing
grant a free licence to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in
any manner or format that the University deems fit.

FMG8.2 Work produced as part of the requirements of courses prescribed for the degree
remains the property of the University.

Award of the Degree and Ethics Clearance

FMG9.1 A candidate who obtains first class passes in at least one studio course and in the
design dissertation, as well as in one other coursework subject, and who completes
the programme in minimum prescribed time period, shall be awarded the degree
with distinction.

FMG9.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

FMG9.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Master of Philosophy
(NOTE: The degree of MPhil will normally be awarded for a dissertation or for a combination of
coursework and dissertation.)

The Degree of MPhil is offered by the Faculty for work of an inter-disciplinary nature.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMH1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) hold a four-year bachelors' degree, or honours degree of the University or
of any other university recognised by the Senate for the purpose; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) have a minimum of five years’
experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or (ii) they
in addition to the standard programme requirement first complete a
minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework; or
(c) have passed at any university or institution recognized for the purpose, such
examinations as are, in the opinion of the Senate, equivalent to the
examinations prescribed for an approved degree in terms of (a) above; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for the

purpose of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMH2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and the availability of a
suitable supervisor. Submission of a 100- word statement of research interest and a
letter of motivation are required. Submission of a satisfactory research proposal
may be required.

FMH3 The degree programme shall extend over not less than one year.

Registration Requirements
FMH4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMH4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMH4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMH4.4 Candidates, other than one registering for the first time, must reregister by no later
than February if registering only for the dissertation. Candidates registering for the
degree for the first time and only for the dissertation, may register at any time
during the year, but must register by May if the year is to be counted towards the
minimum time for registration before submission for examination.

Obtaining the Degree

FMH5.1 Candidates may obtain the degree in one of the three following ways:
(i) by completing a dissertation (180 credits) which may incorporate any or all
the following:
• design of all or part of an engineering or built environment project to a
specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles;
• a theoretical and/or practical research project of an inter-disciplinary
• a critical review of a specified topic based on a comprehensive search of
the literature or available data of an inter-disciplinary nature; and
• any other study acceptable to the Faculty; or
(ii) by completing advanced study by coursework (as prescribed) of a
minimum of 60 credits (some programmes may require more) and a
dissertation (120 credits) which may incorporate any or all of the elements
referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above; or
(iii) by completing coursework of a minimum of 120 credits and a minor
dissertation of 60 credits.

NOTE: Option (ii) may not be offered by all Departments.

FMH5.2 The candidate's supervisor shall submit written evidence to the Faculty's
Examinations Committee that the candidate has, with the approval of the
supervisor, submitted a paper for presentation at a conference or for publication in a
journal recognised by Senate, provided that this requirement shall not apply to a
candidate who undertakes a structured programme of coursework of 120 credits and
a minor dissertation of 60 credits. The deadline for submission is on the EBE


Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMH6.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMH6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMH7.1 A candidate shall complete
(a) a dissertation (180 credits); or
(b) if proceeding by research and coursework, prescribed courses of a
minimum of 60 credits and a dissertation (120 credits);
(c) if proceeding by coursework and research, prescribed courses of a
minimum of 120 credits and a minor dissertation of 60 credits.

FMH7.2 Candidates shall not be permitted to submit their dissertation for examination more
than twice.

FMH7.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Progress Report
FMH8 Candidates shall submit written reports to the supervisor by 31 July each year,
setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or, if the
period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FMH9.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their dissertation to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMH9.2 Candidates required by the Faculty Examination Committee to correct their

research dissertation shall complete the corrections within six months of the date of
the Committee's decision. Candidates required to revise their research dissertation
shall complete the revisions within one year of the date of the Committee’s
decision. Failing which they shall not be permitted to continue with or reregister for
their degrees without the special permission of Senate.

Submission of Dissertation and Paper

FMH10.1 Candidates intending to submit a 120 or 180 credit dissertation in the hope of the
award of the degree in either April or December, must, submit the ‘intention to
submit’ and the dissertation for examination by the deadlines specified on the EBE

FMH10.2 After consultation with the supervisor, candidates shall submit their dissertation via

PeopleSoft for examination.

FMH10.3 Candidates of a 120 or 180 credit research dissertation shall submit a summary of
the key aspects of the dissertation, presented in the form of a paper which is,
potentially, of publishable standard, approved by the supervisor, to graduate. The
Paper requirement is intended to develop a candidate's skills in academic
communication through exposure to the discipline of preparing a scholarly, succinct
overview of the subject of the research topic, with due attention to structure, detail,
clarity of expression and referencing. The submission deadlines are on the EBE

FMH10.4 No dissertation or part thereof, which has previously been submitted for
examination for any degree at any university shall be accepted for a master’s degree
in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment.

FMH10.5 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMH11.1 When presenting their dissertations candidates shall by so doing grant a free licence
to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any manner or
format that the University deems fit.

FMH11.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMH12.1 Distinctions are awarded as follows for the Master of Philosophy:

1. 180 credit dissertations: the degree with distinction is awarded for a final
mark greater than or equal to 75% in the dissertation.
2. 120 or 60 credit dissertations, distinctions can be awarded in three categories:

a. degree with distinction requires an average of at least 75% in the

coursework and a final mark greater than or equal to 75% for the
b. dissertation with distinction requires a final mark greater than or equal
to 75% for the dissertation component.
c. coursework with distinction requires an average of at least 75% in the
coursework component.

FMH12.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Upgrading to PhD
FMH13 The Senate may on the recommendation of the Faculty and the candidate's
supervisor upgrade a candidate's registration to PhD on the grounds of the quality
and development of the candidate's work.

Master of Philosophy specialising in Conservation of the Built Environment

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

This programme is offered by the Faculty through the School of Architecture, Planning &

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMHA1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a four-year bachelor level or honours
degree in a field related to the built environment; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or
(ii) they in addition to the standard programme requirement first
complete a minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework; or
(c) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognised by Senate
for the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate,
equivalent to a degree in terms of (a) above; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMHA2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience.

FMHA3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for at least two academic years.

Registration Requirements
FMHA4.1 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMHA4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMHA4.3 Except with the permission of the Senate, candidates may not withdraw from a
course which they are repeating.

FMHA4.4 Candidates, other than those registering for the first time for the degree must
reregister by no later than February if registering only for a dissertation or only for
a project. Candidates who are registering for the degree for the first time and, only
for a dissertation, may register at any time during the year, or by May if the year is
to count towards the minimum time for registration before graduation.

Minimum Number of Courses

FMHA5 Candidates must register for at least two courses, other than the dissertation, per
year except where only one course is required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMHA6 Candidates shall be required to complete advanced study by coursework (as
prescribed) of a minimum value of 120 credits and a minor dissertation of a

minimum of 60 credits.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMHA7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMHA7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMHA8.1 Candidates shall complete prescribed courses of 120 credits and a minor
dissertation of 60 credits.

FMHA8.2 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMHA8.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMHA8.4 Candidates intending to submit a 60-credit dissertation in the hope of the award of
the degree in either April or December, must, submit and ‘intention to submit’ and
the dissertation for examination by the deadline on the EBE website.

Progress Report
FMHA9 Candidates shall submit a written report to the Head of Department by 31 July each
year, setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or,
if the period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FMHA10.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their dissertation and/or research project to the
satisfaction of Senate).

FMHA10.2 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after having
been registered for it twice.

Method of Assessment
FMHA11.1 Satisfactory performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements
applies to all courses. Students gain entry to final assessment by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed (DP) requirements. Students may be refused
permission (DPR) to sit for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the required work
set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

FMHA11.2 A DP certificate may be withheld unless: all parts of each studio work project,
tutorial or other assignment are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted

for assessment at the stipulated times; there is satisfactory attendance (minimum of

80%), and a generally satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

Method of Assessment
FMHA11.3 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written or oral
examination or term paper. An external examiner is appointed for each course
assessed by examination.

FMHA12.1 When presenting their dissertations candidates shall by so doing grant a free licence
to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any manner or
format that the University deems fit.

FMHA12.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMHA13.1 The degree may be awarded with distinction if the candidate obtains an average of
at least 75% for all coursework and the examiners all recommend that the 60-credit
dissertation be awarded with distinction.

FMHA13.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Management

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

This programme is offered by the Faculty through the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMHB1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a four-year bachelor level or honours
degree in a related field; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or (ii)
they in addition to the standard programme requirement first complete a
minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework; or
(c) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognised by Senate for
the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate, equivalent
to a degree in terms of (a) above; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMHB2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience.

FMHB3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for at least two academic years.

Registration Requirements
FMHB4.1 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMHB4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMHB4.3 Except with the permission of the Senate, candidates may not withdraw from a
course which they are repeating.

FMHB4.4 Candidates, other than one registering for the first time for the degree must
reregister by no later than February if registering only for a dissertation or only for
a project. Candidates registering for the degree for the first time and, only for a
dissertation, may register at any time during the year, or by May for the year to
count towards the minimum time for registration before graduation.

Minimum Number of Courses

FMHB5 Candidates must register for at least two courses, other than the dissertation, per
year except where only one course is required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMHB6 Candidates shall be required to complete advanced study by coursework (as
prescribed) of a minimum of 120 credits and a minor dissertation of a minimum of
60 credits.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMHB7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMHB7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMHB8.1 Candidates shall complete prescribed courses of 120 credits and a minor
dissertation of 60 credits.

FMHB8.2 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMHB8.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMHB8.4 Candidates intending to submit a 60-credit dissertation in the hope of the award of
the degree in either April or December, must, in the year in which the dissertation is
to be submitted, must submit the ‘intention to submit’ and the dissertation for
examination by the deadlines on the EBE website.

Progress Report
FMHB9 Candidates shall submit a written report to the Head of Department by 31 July each
year, setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or,
if the period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FMHB10.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their dissertation to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMHB10.2 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after having
been registered for it twice.

Method of Assessment
FMHB11.1 Satisfactory performance of the duly performed certificate (DP) requirements
applies to all courses. Students gain entry to final assessment by satisfactory
performance of the duly performed (DP) requirements. Students may be refused
permission (DPR) to sit for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the
Senate that they have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the required work
set in the conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

FMHB11.2 A DP certificate may be withheld unless: all parts of each studio work project,
tutorial or other assignment are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted
for assessment at the stipulated times; there is satisfactory attendance (minimum of
80%), and a generally satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

FMHB11.3 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written or oral

examination or term paper. An external examiner is appointed for each course
assessed by examination.

FMHB12.1 When presenting their project reports candidates shall by so doing grant a free
licence to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any
manner or format that the University deems fit.

FMHB12.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMHB13.1 To be awarded the degree with distinction requires an average of 75% in the
coursework and a distinction in the dissertation. To be awarded the dissertation
with distinction requires a distinction in the dissertation only. To be awarded
coursework with distinction requires the candidate obtaining an average of at least
75% for all coursework only.

FMHB13.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Master of Philosophy specialising in Nuclear Power

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

This programme is offered by the Faculty through the Department of Electrical Engineering

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMP1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a four-year bachelor level or honours
degree in a related field; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or
(ii) they in addition to the standard programme requirement first
complete a minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework; or
(c) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognised by Senate
for the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate,
equivalent to a degree in terms of (a) above; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMP2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience.

Registration Requirements
FMP3.1 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMP3.2 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMP3.3 Except with the permission of the Senate, candidates may not withdraw from a
course which they are repeating.

Minimum Number of Courses

FMP4 Candidates must register for at least two courses, other than the dissertation, per
year except where only one course is required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMP5 Candidates shall be required to complete advanced study by coursework (as
prescribed) of a minimum of 120 credits and a minor dissertation of a minimum of
60 credits.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMP6.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMP6.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMP7.1 Candidates shall complete prescribed courses of 120 credits and a minor
dissertation of 60 credits.

FMP7.2 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMP7.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMP7.4 Candidates intending to submit a 60-credit dissertation in the hope of the award of
the degree in either April or December, must, in the year in which the dissertation is
to be submitted, inform the Hod in writing of such intention by the deadlines on the
EBE website.

Progress Report
FMP8 Candidates shall submit a written report to the Head of Department by 31 July each
year, setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or,
if the period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FMP9.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of a value of
not less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
concerned (or if they fail to make progress with their dissertation and/or research
project to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMP9.2 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after having
been registered for it twice.

Method of Assessment
FMP10.1 Satisfactory performance of the duly performed DP certificate requirements applies
to all courses. Students gain entry to final assessment by satisfactory performance
of the duly performed (DP) requirements. Students may be refused permission
(DPR) to sit for the examination or review if they fail to satisfy the Senate that they
have satisfactorily attended and duly performed the required work set in the
conditions for the award of a DP certificate.

FMP10.2 A DP certificate may be withheld unless: all parts of each studio work project,
tutorial or other assignment are completed to an acceptable standard and submitted
for assessment at the stipulated times; there is satisfactory attendance (minimum of
80%), and a generally satisfactory participation in all sections of the course.

FMHA10.3 Assessment by formal examination may be by means of a written or oral

examination or term paper. An external examiner is appointed for each course
assessed by examination.

FMP11.1 When presenting their minor dissertations candidates shall by so doing grant a free
licence to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any
manner or format that the University deems fit.

FMP11.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMP12.1 To be awarded the degree with distinction requires an average of 75% in the
coursework and a distinction in the dissertation. To be awarded the dissertation
with distinction requires a distinction in the dissertation only. To be awarded
coursework with distinction requires the candidate obtaining an average of at least
75% for all coursework only.

FMP12.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Master of Philosophy specialising in Transport Studies

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MPhil specialising in Transport Studies is offered by the Faculty through the
Department of Civil Engineering.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMI1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a four-year bachelor level or honours
degree and have achieved a level of numeracy satisfactory to the Senate*;
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or (ii)
they in addition to the standard programme requirement first complete a
minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework and have achieved a level
of numeracy satisfactory to Senate*; or
(c) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognised by Senate for
the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate, equivalent
to a degree in terms of (a) above and have achieved a level of numeracy
satisfactory to the Senate*; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.
(i) a first year (one semester) University course in Mathematics (pure or
applied) or Statistics
(ii) Mathematics at Senior Certificate level with level 4 or better, or
equivalent; or
(iii) applicants without the required level of numeracy specified in (i) and (ii)
above will be required to demonstrate a satisfactory level of numeracy in a

FMI2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience.

FMI3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for at least two academic years.

Registration Requirements
FMI4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMI4.2 New candidates must register by no later than the date on which their first course

FMI4.3 Continuing candidates must reregister by no later than February.

Minimum Courses
FMI5 Candidates must register for at least two courses, other than the 120-credit
dissertation or the 60-credit minor dissertation, per year, except where only one
course is required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMI6.1 Candidates may obtain the degree in one of the following ways:
(a) by completing advanced coursework (as prescribed) of a minimum of 120
credits and a minor dissertation of a minimum of 60 credits; or
(b) by completing advanced study by coursework of a minimum of 60 credits
and a dissertation (120 credits); or
(c) by completing a dissertation (180 credits).

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMI7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMI7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMI8.1 Candidates shall complete
(a) prescribed courses of 60 credits and a dissertation (120 credits), or
(b) prescribed courses of 120 credits and a minor dissertation of 60 credits, or
(c) a dissertation of 180 credits.

FMI8.2 Candidates shall not be permitted to submit their dissertation for examination more
than twice.

FMI8.3 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMI8.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMI9.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their dissertation to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMI9.2 Candidates required by the Faculty Examination Committee to correct their

research dissertation shall complete the corrections within six months of the date of
the Committee's decision. Candidates required to revise their research dissertation
shall complete the revisions within one year of the date of the Committee’s
decision. Failing which they shall not be permitted to continue with or reregister for
their degrees without the special permission of Senate.

FMI9.3 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after having
been registered for it twice.

Submission of Minor Dissertation

FMI10.1 After consultation with the supervisor, candidates shall submit their dissertation via
PeopleSoft for examination.

FMI10.2 No dissertation or part thereof which has previously been submitted for
examination for any degree at any university shall be accepted for a Masters' degree
in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.

FMI10.3 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Submission of Dissertation and Paper

FMI11.1 Candidates intending to submit a dissertation in the hope of the award of the degree
in either April or December, must submit their ‘intention to submit’ and the
dissertation for examination by the deadlines on the EBE website.

FMI11.2 After consultation with the supervisor, candidates shall submit their dissertation via
PeopleSoft for examination.

FMI11.3 Candidates shall submit a summary of the key aspects of the dissertation, presented
in the form of a paper which is, potentially, of publishable standard, approved by
the supervisor by the deadline on the EBE website, to graduate. The Paper
requirement is intended to develop a candidate's skills in academic communication
through exposure to the discipline of preparing a scholarly, succinct overview of the
subject of the research topic, with due attention to structure, detail, clarity of
expression and referencing.

FMI11.4 No dissertation or part thereof which has previously been submitted for
examination for any degree at any university shall be accepted for a Masters' degree
in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.

FMI11.5 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMI12.1 When presenting their dissertations candidates shall by so doing grant a free licence
to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any manner or
format that the University deems fit.

FMI12.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMI13.1 To be awarded the degree with distinction requires an average of 75% in the
coursework and a distinction in the dissertation. To be awarded the dissertation
with distinction requires a distinction in the dissertation only. To be awarded
coursework with distinction requires the candidate obtaining an average of at least
75% for all coursework only.

FMI13.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Master of Science in Engineering

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MSc(Eng) is offered by the Faculty through the Departments of Chemical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering; and the School of
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics (Geomatics Division).

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMM1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the Faculty or of an engineering or geomatics programme
of any other university recognized for the purpose; or
(b) hold an appropriate BSc(Hons) degree; or
(c) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or (ii)
they in addition to the standard programme requirement first complete a
minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework; or
(d) have passed at any university or institution recognized for the purpose, such
examinations as are, in the opinion of the Senate, equivalent to the
examinations prescribed for the degree of BSc(Eng) or BSc(Geomatics) at
the University; or
(e) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which in the
opinion of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for the
purpose of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMM2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and the availability of a
suitable supervisor. Submission of a 100- word statement of research interest and a
letter of motivation are required. Submission of a satisfactory research proposal
may be required.

FMM3 The degree programme shall extend over not less than one year.

Registration Requirements
FMM4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMM4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMM4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMM4.4 Candidates, other than one registering for the first time for the degree must
reregister by no later than February if registering only for the dissertation.
Candidates registering for the degree for the first time and, only for the dissertation,
may register at any time during the year, or by May if the year is to be counted
towards the minimum time for registration before graduation.

FMM5 Candidates shall work under the guidance of a supervisor appointed by Senate and
shall typically be required to attend at the University for a minimum period of at
least one month per annum for supervision purposes for as long as they continue to
be candidates for the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMM6.1 Candidates may obtain the degree in one of the following ways:
(i) by completing a dissertation (180 credits) which may incorporate any or
all the following:
• design of all or part of an engineering project to a specification involving
advanced concepts and theoretical principles;
• a research project of a theoretical and/or practical nature on an advanced
topic belonging to the Engineering Sciences;
• a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search
of the literature or available data, pertinent to an advanced topic
belonging to the Engineering Sciences;
• development of an item of equipment or a technique involving novel
features or advanced design; and
• any other study acceptable to the Faculty; or
(ii) by completing advanced study by coursework (as prescribed) of a
minimum of 60 credits (some programmes require more) and a
dissertation (120 credits) which may incorporate any or all of the
elements referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above.

FMM6.2 The candidate's supervisor shall submit written evidence to the Faculty's
Examinations Committee that the candidate has, with the approval of the
supervisor, submitted a paper for presentation at a conference or for publication in a
journal recognised by Senate.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMM7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMM7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMM8.1 Candidates for the degree shall complete
(a) a dissertation (180 credits) indicating an advanced study of applications,
methods or theories, in some branch of engineering or geomatics; or,
(b) if proceeding by research and coursework, prescribed courses of a
minimum of 60 credits (some programmes may require more) and a
dissertation of 120 credits.

FMM8.2 Candidates may be required to attend an oral examination.

FMM8.3 Candidates shall not be permitted to submit their dissertation for examination more
than twice.

FMM8.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Progress Report
FMM9 Candidates shall submit a written report to the supervisor by 31 July each year,
setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or, if the
period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FMM10.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their dissertation to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMM10.2 Candidates required by the Faculty Examination Committee to correct their

research dissertation shall complete the corrections within six months of the date of
the Committee's decision. Candidates required to revise their research dissertation
shall complete the revisions within one year of the date of the Committee’s
decision. Failing which they shall not be permitted to continue with or reregister for
their degrees without the special permission of Senate.

Submission of Dissertation and Paper

FMM11.1 Candidates intending to submit a dissertation in the hope of the award of the degree
in either April or December must, submit the ‘intention to submit’ and the
dissertation for examination by the deadlines on the EBE website.

FMM11.2 After consultation with the supervisor, candidates shall submit their dissertation via
PeopleSoft for examination.

FMM11.3 Candidates shall submit a summary of the key aspects of the dissertation, presented
in the form of a paper which is, potentially, of publishable standard, approved by
the supervisor, to graduate. The Paper requirement is intended to develop a
candidate's skills in academic communication through exposure to the discipline of
preparing a scholarly, succinct overview of the subject of the research topic, with
due attention to structure, detail, clarity of expression and referencing. The deadline
for submission is on the EBE website.

FMM11.4 No dissertation or part thereof which has previously been submitted for
examination for any degree at any university shall be accepted for a Masters' degree
in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment.

FMM11.5 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMM12.1 When presenting their dissertations candidates shall by so doing grant a free licence
to the University to publish it in whole or part at any time and in any manner or
format that the University deems fit.

FMM12.2 No publication may, without the prior permission of the University, contain a
statement that the published material was or is to be submitted in part or in full for
this degree.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMM13.1 A distinction is awarded as follows for the Master of Science:
1. 180 credit dissertations: the degree with distinction is awarded for a final
mark greater than or equal to 75% in the dissertation.
2. 120 or 60 credit dissertations, distinctions can be awarded in three categories:

a. degree with distinction requires an average of at least 75% in the

coursework and a final mark greater than or equal to 75% for the
b. dissertation with distinction requires a final mark greater than or equal to
75% for the dissertation component.
c. coursework with distinction requires an average of at least 75% in the
coursework component.

FMM13.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Upgrading to PhD
FMM14.1 The Senate may on the recommendation of the Faculty and the candidate's
supervisor upgrade a candidate's registration to PhD on the grounds of the quality
and development of the candidate's work.

FMM14.2 Except with the permission of the Senate, candidates may not withdraw from a
course which they are repeating.

Master of Science in Project Management

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MSc in Project Management is offered by the Faculty through the Department of
Construction Economics & Management.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMN1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a bachelor’s degree of a minimum
duration of four years, or, an honours degree; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years of senior managerial experience relevant to the field in which they
propose to study, or (ii) they in addition to the standard programme
requirement first complete a minimum of 144 credits of approved

coursework; or
(c) have passed at any university or at any institution recognised by Senate for
the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate, equivalent
to a degree in terms of (a) above; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMN2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the four-year bachelor’s or honours degree with a weighted average of at least 65%
(supplementary results excluded) is the normal academic prerequisite for admission.
Applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance

FMN3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for at least two academic years.

Registration Requirements
FMN4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rule on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMN4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begin earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMN4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMN4.4 Except with the permission of the Senate, candidates may not withdraw from a
course which they are repeating.

FMN4.5 Candidates, other than one registering for the first time for the degree must
reregister by no later than February if registering only for a project.

Minimum Number of Courses

FMN5 Candidates must register for at least two courses, other than the dissertation, per
year except where only one course is required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMN6.1 Candidates may obtain the degree in one of the following ways:
i. By completing advanced study by coursework (as prescribed and
aligned with the topic of the dissertation) of a minimum of 80 credits
AND a dissertation (120 credits) which may incorporate any or all the
 design of all or part of a project to a specification involving
advanced concepts and theoretical principles applicable to some
branch of project management
 a research project of a theoretical or practical nature
 a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive
search of the literature or available data
 development of an item of equipment or a technique involving
novel features or advanced design

 any other study acceptable to the Faculty; or

ii. By completing advanced study by coursework (as prescribed) of a
minimum of 140 credits and a minor dissertation of 60 credits.

FMN6.2 The candidates supervisor shall submit written evidence to the Faculty
Examinations Committee that the candidate has, with the approval of the
supervisor, submitted a paper for presentation at a conference or for publication in a
journal recognised by Senate, provided that this requirement shall not apply to a
candidate who undertakes a structured programme of coursework to a value of 140
credits and a dissertation of 60 credits. The deadline is on the EBE website.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMN7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMN7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMN8.1 Candidates shall complete prescribed courses to the value of 140 credits and a
minor dissertation of 60 credits.

FMN8.2 Candidates can only submit a dissertation twice for examination.

FMN8.3 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMN8.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMN8.5 Candidates intending to submit a 60-credit dissertation in the hope of the award of
the degree in either April or December, must, submit the ‘intention to submit’ and
the dissertation by the deadlines on the EBE website.

Progress Report
FMN9 Candidates shall submit a written report to the Head of Department by 31 July each
year, setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve months or,
if the period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is relevant.

FMN10.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of not less
than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year concerned (or
if they fail to make progress with their research project to the satisfaction of

FMN10.2 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after having
been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMN11.1 For 120 or 60 credit dissertations, distinctions can be awarded in three categories:

degree with distinction

requires an average of at least 75% in the coursework and a final mark greater than
or equal to 75% for the dissertation.

dissertation with distinction

requires a final mark greater than or equal to 75% for the dissertation component.

coursework with distinction

requires an average of at least 75% in the coursework component.

FMN11.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Master of Science in Property Studies

(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of MSc in Property Studies is offered by the Faculty through the Department of
Construction Economics & Management.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMO1 Candidates shall not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a bachelor’s degree of a minimum
duration of four year’s, or an honours degree, in a field related to the built
environment; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years of senior managerial experience relevant to the field in which they
propose to study, or (ii) who in addition to the standard programme
requirement first complete a minimum of 144 credits of approved
coursework; or
(c) have passed at any university or at any institution recognised by Senate for
the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate, equivalent
to a degree in terms of (a) above; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

FMO2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience. Completion of
the four-year bachelor’s or honours degree with a weighted average of at least 65%
(supplementary results excluded) is the normal academic prerequisite for admission.
Applicants may be required to attend an interview and/or write an entrance

FMO3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for at least two academic years.

Registration Requirements
FMO4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rules on Readmission, below, candidates must

register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMO4.2 Candidates must register or reregister by not later than the end of Registration
Week if taking first semester courses or, if any of the courses begins earlier, by not
later than the date on which the first course starts.

FMO4.3 Candidates must register or reregister by no later than February if taking only
second semester courses.

FMO4.4 Except with the permission of the Senate, candidates may not withdraw from a
course which they are repeating.

FMO4.5 Candidates, other than one registering for the first time for the degree must
reregister by no later than February if registering only for a dissertation.

Minimum Number of Courses

FMO5 Candidates must register for at least two courses, other than the dissertation, per
year except where only one course is required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMO6.1 Candidates may obtain the degree in one of the following ways:
i. By completing advanced study by coursework (as prescribed and
aligned with the topic of the dissertation) of a minimum of 80 credits
AND a dissertation (120 credits) which may incorporate any or all the
 design of all or part of a project to a specification involving
advanced concepts and theoretical principles applicable to some
branch of property studies
 a research project of a theoretical or practical nature
 a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive
search of the literature or available data
 development of an item of equipment or a technique involving
novel features or advanced design
 any other study acceptable to the Faculty; or
ii. By completing advanced study by coursework (as prescribed) of a
minimum of 140 credits and a dissertation of a minimum of 60 credits.

FMO6.2 The candidates supervisor shall submit written evidence to the Faculty
Examinations Committee that the candidate has, with the approval of the
supervisor, submitted a paper for presentation at a conference or for publication in a
journal recognised by Senate, provided that this requirement shall not apply to a
candidate who undertakes a structured programme of coursework to a value of 140
credits and a research project to a value of 60 credits. The deadline is on the EBE

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMO7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMO7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMO8.1 Candidates shall complete prescribed courses of 140 credits and a minor
dissertation of 60 credits.

FMO8.2 Candidates can only submit the dissertation for examination twice.

FMO8.3 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMO8.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMO8.5 Candidates intending to submit a 60-credit dissertation in the hope of the award of
the degree in either April or December, must, submit the ‘intention to submit’ and
the dissertation by the deadlines on the EBE website.

Progress Report
FMO9 A candidate shall submit a written report to the Head of Department by 31 July
each year, setting out, briefly, the progress made during the preceding twelve
months or, if the period of registration is less than twelve months, the period that is

FMO10.1 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree, fail to complete courses of a value of
not less than 50% of the total credits for which they are registered in the year
concerned (or if they fail to make progress with their dissertation to the satisfaction
of Senate).

FMO10.2 Except by permission of the Senate, candidates may not renew their registration if
they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a course after having
been registered for it twice.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMN11.1 For 120 or 60 credit dissertations, distinctions can be awarded in three categories:

degree with distinction

requires an average of at least 75% in the coursework and a final mark greater than
or equal to 75% for the dissertation.

dissertation with distinction

requires a final mark greater than or equal to 75% for the dissertation component.

coursework with distinction

requires an average of at least 75% in the coursework component.

FMN11.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Professional Masters
(NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Masters’ degrees in Handbook 3 of this

The Professional Masters is offered by the Faculty through the Department of Civil Engineering
with specialisations in Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Infrastructure Management and
Maintenance, Structural Engineering and Materials, Transport Studies and Water Engineering.

Minimum Admission Requirements

FMP1 Candidates will not be admitted for the degree unless they are proficient in English
(a) are graduates of the University with a four-year bachelor level or honours
degree and has achieved a level of numeracy satisfactory to the Senate*; or
(b) hold an approved three-year degree and (i) they have a minimum of five
years’ experience relevant to the field in which they propose to study, or (ii)
they in addition to the standard programme requirement first complete a
minimum of 144 credits of approved coursework and have achieved a level
of numeracy satisfactory to Senate*; or
(c) have passed at any University or at any Institution recognised by Senate for
the purpose, such examinations as are, in the opinion of Senate, equivalent
to a degree in terms of (a) above and have achieved a level of numeracy
satisfactory to the Senate*; or
(d) have in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the
opinion of Senate, on the recommendation of the Faculty, is adequate for
the purposes of admission as a candidate for the degree.

*Note: Applicable to the Master of Transport Studies

(i) a first year (one semester) University course in Mathematics (pure or
applied) or Statistics
(ii) Mathematics at National Senior Certificate level with a level 4 or better, or
equivalent; or
(iii) applicants without the required level of numeracy specified in (i) and (ii)
above will be required to demonstrate a satisfactory level of numeracy in a
FMP2 Selection is based on an applicant's academic record and experience.

FMP3 Candidates must be registered for the degree for at least one academic year.

Registration Requirements
FMP4.1 Subject to the provisions of the rules on Readmission, below, candidates must
register annually unless granted leave of absence by Senate.

FMP4.2 New candidates must register by no later than the date on which his or her first
course starts.

FMP4.3 Continuing candidates must reregister by no later than February.

Minimum Number of Courses

FMP5 An MTrans candidate must register for at least three course modules (inclusive of
the two research project module) per year, except where only one course module is
required to complete the degree.

Obtaining the Degree

FMP6 A candidate shall be required to complete advanced study by coursework (as
prescribed) of 135 credits and a research project to the value of 45 credits, or in the
case of the MTrans degree, a minimum value of 140 credits and research project
reports of a minimum value of 50 credits.

Courses Completed at this or another University/Institution

FMP7.1 For the purpose of granting credit for and/or exemption from a course prescribed as
a curriculum requirement, the Senate may recognise a course or courses completed
at this or another university or institution recognised for the purpose, provided that
(i) such courses have not been counted for a qualification at the University or at any
other institution and (ii) at least half the courses prescribed for the Degree shall be
attended and passed at the University and (iii) the total period of attendance shall
not be less than one year.

FMP7.2 Course credits of more than 10 years standing, whether obtained in this Faculty,
other faculties or other universities, shall not be carried forward for credit except by
special permission of Senate.

Examination and Ethics Clearance

FMP8.1 A candidate shall complete prescribed courses to the value of 140 or 135 credits and
research project reports to a value of 50 or 45 credits.

FMP8.2 Candidates shall not be permitted to submit their research project reports for
examination more than twice.

FMP8.3 Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.

FMP8.4 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

FMP9.1 Except by permission of the Senate, a candidate may not renew his or her
registration if he or she, in the courses recognised for the degree, fails to complete
courses of a value of not less than 50% of the total credits for which he or she is
registered in the year concerned (or if he or she fails to make progress with his or
her project report to the satisfaction of Senate).

FMP9.2 Except by permission of the Senate, a ProfM candidate may not renew their
registration if they, in the courses recognised for the degree fail to complete a
course after having been registered for it twice or, in the case of the research project
reports, submits a report for re-examination and fails the examination.

Award of the Degree with Distinction

FMP10.1 The degree may be awarded with distinction if the candidate obtains an average of
at least 75% for all coursework and an average of at least 75% for all research
project reports.

FMP10.2 The University does not undertake to reach a decision on the award of the degree by
any specific date.

Doctor of Architecture
Note: Details of the preliminary screening, registration and examination procedures are obtainable
on request from the Faculty Manager (Academic Administration).

The degree of Doctor of Architecture is the highest and most prestigious degree awarded in the
fields of architecture, planning, urban design and construction economics and management by the
University of Cape Town. It is awarded rarely, for substantial, original and scholarly contributions
to knowledge, which would normally be the result of work carried out, built and/or published over a
period of years.

FDA1 The degree of Doctor of Architecture may be conferred upon:
(a) holders of Bachelors’ degrees in Architecture, and Honours degrees in
Property Studies, Construction Management and Quantity Surveying of the
University, of not less than five year’s standing;
(b) holders of Masters’ degrees in City and Regional Planning or City Planning
and Urban Design of the University, of not less than five year’s standing; or
(c) holders of equivalent degrees from other universities recognised by the
Senate for the purpose, of not less than five year’s standing, provided a
close and on-going association with this University can be demonstrated.

Application for Admission

FDA2.1 Before candidates for the Degree can be registered, they must submit a provisional
application for admission, in confidence, to the Dean. The provisional application
shall be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, six copies of the work to be submitted
for the degree and six copies of a brief summary of its contents and a statement as
to how the work contributes to learning. A person submitting a provisional
application shall also submit a written statement affirming
(a) that the work submitted is the original work of the applicant as sole author,
and/or indicating the extent to which joint work is the original work of the
applicant; and
(b) that the work submitted has not been accepted for a degree at this or any
other university.

FDA2.2 Senate may decide, having received the advice of a Committee of Assessors
appointed for the purpose, either to accept or to refuse the application. If accepted,
the Dean shall invite the applicant to formally apply and register as a candidate and
examination of the work will proceed. If refused, the Dean shall inform the
candidate in confidence and return the submitted material.

Requirements for the Award of the Degree

FDA3.1 The work submitted shall comprise documentation of built and/or published work
which shall constitute a substantial, original and important contribution to learning
in the field of either architecture, planning, urban design or construction economics
and management. A candidate may, in addition, submit any supporting collateral
evidence. The work must be satisfactory in arrangement and expression.

FDA3.2 No work will be accepted which has been accepted by another university for the
purpose of obtaining a degree.

FDA3.3 If, at the date of its presentation, any portion of the work submitted has not been

published, or is not being published, in a manner satisfactory to the University, the

candidate must grant the University in writing a free licence to reproduce the work
in whole or in part for the purposes of research. The University may be prepared to
waive the right so granted if the candidate subsequently arranges for publication in
a manner satisfactory to the University.

FDA3.4 The examination shall consist primarily of an assessment of the published work
submitted by the candidate, but a candidate shall, if required by Senate, attend for
written or oral examination on the subject of the work presented, and on any work
undertaken under supervision.

FDA3.5 Research papers or dissertations may not be submitted for examination unless they
have undergone an ethics review process.

Doctor of Science in Engineering

NOTE: Details of the preliminary screening, registration and examination procedures are obtainable
on request from the Faculty Manager (Academic Administration).

These rules must be read with the general rules for degrees and diplomas in Handbook 3 of this

The Degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering is a senior doctorate and is awarded for substantial
and original contributions to knowledge in one or more fields of Engineering or Geomatics. Such
contributions will normally be the result of work carried out and published over a period of years,
and will normally be such as to have established the candidate's position as an authority in the field
on the subject of the research project.

FDC1 The degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering may be conferred upon:
(a) bachelors’ of science in engineering or geomatics of the University of not
less than four year’s standing: and
(b) graduates in engineering or geomatics of any other university recognised by
Senate for the purpose, of not less than five year’s standing.

Application for Admission

FDC2.1 Before candidates may be registered for the degree, they must submit a provisional
application for admission, in confidence, to the Dean. The provisional application
shall be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, six copies of the work to be submitted
for the degree, and a detailed synopsis of the contents of the work including a
statement as to how the work contributes to learning. A person applying for
admission shall also submit written statements affirming
(i) that the work submitted is the original work of the applicant as sole author,
and/or indicating the extent to which joint work is the original work of the
applicant; and
(ii) that the work submitted has not been accepted for a degree at this or any
other university.

FDC2.2 Senate may decide, having received the advice of a Committee of Assessors
appointed for the purpose, either to accept or to refuse the application. If accepted,
the Dean shall invite the applicant to formally apply and register as a candidate. If
refused, the Dean shall inform the candidate in confidence and return the submitted

Requirements for the Award of the Degree

FDC3.1 The work submitted shall comprise published papers or other documents which
shall constitute a substantial, original and important contribution to learning in one
or more fields of engineering or geomatics. A candidate may submit other
published and unpublished work as collateral testimony of fitness for the degree.

FDC3.2 No work will be accepted which has been accepted by another university for the
purposes of obtaining a degree.

FDC3.3 The examination shall consist primarily of an assessment of the published work
submitted by the candidate, but a candidate shall, if required by Senate, attend for
written or oral examination on the subject of the work presented, and on any work
undertaken under supervision.

Doctor of Philosophy
Qualification Specialisation Plan Code ProgCode
Doctor of Philosophy Architecture APG01 ED001
Architecture & Planning APG02
Geomatics APG08
Chemical Engineering CHE01
Engineering Education CIV09/EEE04/MEC09
Civil Engineering CIV01

Construction Economics & CON01

Electrical Engineering EEE01
Mechanical Engineering MEC01
Engineering Management MEC02
Materials Engineering MEC03

NOTE: The rules for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are published in Handbook No.3
General Rules and Policy. Prospective candidates should consult the Head of the Department in
which they propose to study/carry out their research, before making formal application. PhD
candidates are asked to note that there is a limitation of 80 000 words for PhD theses. The special
approval of the Dean is required if this limit is to be exceeded. Applications to exceed the limit must
be addressed to the Dean and must have the endorsement of the supervisor and the Head of
Department concerned.

Architecture, Planning and Geomatics Postgraduate Programmes

Honours Programmes
Bachelor of Architectural Studies Honours
Programme Convener:
Convened by Postgraduate Architecture Programme Convenor Group

An honours degree in architecture that provides students with advanced vocational and discipline
specific knowledge, skills and competencies related to the history, theory, technology and practice
of architecture. The course of study extends the base of knowledge of the student through graduate
study with particular emphasis on architectural design. It is focused on developing creative and
critical inquiry, reflective understanding and cultural, social and technical knowledge in preparation
for self-motivated independent learning. The qualification introduces an honours degree within a
succession of qualifications leading towards professional qualification in architecture. It is a
prerequisite qualification for admission into the Master of Architecture (Professional).

Studio work Courses

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4042F Architectural Design Studio I ........................................................ 48 8
APG4043S Architectural Design Studio II ...................................................... 48 8

Non-Studio Courses
The following courses are compulsory:
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4039F Contemporary Critical Theory and the City ......................... 12 8
APG4041S Advanced Building Technology .................................................... 12 8
APG4044F Professional Practice ..................................................................... 12 8
APG4048S Critical Research Methods and the City ........................................ 12 8
Elective core courses ..................................................................... 24 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 168

Elective Core Courses (select 24 credits)

Select two 12-credit elective for the First Semester from the following: (see note below)*
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4021F Urban Infrastructure ...................................................................... 12 8
APG4028F Aspects of City Design .................................................................. 12 8
APG4029F Natural Systems............................................................................. 12 8
APG4059F Advanced Landscape Architecture History & Theory Seminar .... 12 8
APG4049S Aspects of History & Theory I ...................................................... 12 8
APG4056F Aspects of History & Theory II ..................................................... 12 8
APG4058Z Special Topics in Architecture and Urban Studies ........................ 12 8
*Approved elective........................................................................ 12 0

*Or any 12 credit course presented at honours level, approved by the Programme Co-ordinator.
*Note: APG4042F Architectural Design Studio I is a pre-requisite for APG4043S Architectural
Design Studio II in the second semester.

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Honours

Programme Convener:
C Hindes, BLA Pretoria MLArch

An Honours degree in Landscape Architecture that provides students with advanced vocational and
discipline-specific knowledge, skills and competencies related to the practice of landscape
architecture, including landscape and urban design, history and theory, digital representation
techniques and constructed ecology. The course of study extends the base of knowledge of the
student through graduate study with particular emphasis on landscape design. It is focused on
developing creative and critical inquiry, reflective understanding and cultural, social and technical
knowledge in preparation for self-motivated independent learning. The qualification introduces an
honours degree within a succession of qualifications leading towards professional qualification in
landscape architecture. It is a pre-requisite qualification for admission into the Master of Landscape

Studio work Courses

Studio work, the central activity of the degree programme, requires students to exercise considerable
initiative and undertake research, and consumes up to two-thirds of the students time allocation to
the Programme. Projects are selected for both academic and professional relevance and will start at
the smaller scale and work steadily towards the comprehension of larger and larger natural and
urban systems. Fieldwork is an indispensable component of each project and involves trips into
Metropolitan Cape Town and selected parts of the Western Cape region.

Lecture Courses
Lecture courses focus on imparting values, knowledge, and skills of relevance to landscape
architecture. Landscape skills and techniques are developed progressively throughout the duration of
the study programme. Theory courses are accompanied by extensive reading lists and students are
expected to undertake extensive structured reading. The courses are assessed through term papers,
practicals, seminars and other forms of examination.

This curriculum must be read together with the Degree Rules in the General Information section of
this Handbook. Each student must complete all of the courses.

First Semester
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4028F Aspects of City Design…………………………………………. 12 8
APG4054F Landscape Systems Analysis…………………………………… 20 8
APG4031F Landscape Representation……………………………………… 12 8
APG4036F Landscape Architecture Studio I……………………………….. 16 8
APG4053F Landscape Architecture Practice……………………………….. 8 8
APG4057F Landscape Architecture Studio II………………………………. 16 8

Second Semester
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4030S History & Theory of Landscape Architecture ............................... 12 8
APG4032S Constructing Landscape Systems .................................................. 20 8
APG4037S Landscape Architecture Studio III ................................................. 32 8
APG4047S Plants & Design ............................................................................. 12 8
Total first year credits .................................................................. 160

Students who do not have a design background must apply for the Introduction to Spatial Design
short course (EZ002APG02), which is offered by the Continued Professional Development unit in
the faculty. It is a 4-week, 5-days–a-week intensive workshop that provides an experiential snapshot
of the design studio and its thinking, while developing core skills required for studying landscape
architecture and urban design at a post-graduate level. The programme is run in an intense and
immersive 4-week block before the start of the academic year. Each week will be run by a different
design teacher and will have a different approach.

Bachelor of City Planning Honours

Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
T Winkler, BSc(TRP) MUD Witwatersrand PhD British Columbia

The BCP(Hons) degree consist of either one year of full-time study or a two- year extended
programme. The extended programme is not 'part-time' in the usual meaning of the term. Rather, it
enables candidates to undertake the Honours degree first year of study over two years, by attending
theory only in the first year and studio work only in the second year. The material covered in the one
year full-time and the two-year extended programme is precisely the same. The curriculum
comprises of courses in theory and project work. However, because a great deal of both project and
theory work is self- or group-initiated, and is innovative in form, more than half of the content of the
BCP(Hons) and MCRP degree programmes can be described as research related.
Projects are selected for both academic utility and professional relevance and are carried out by
students under staff supervision. The studio is a vehicle for exploration into development and
planning in real situations. The programmes require considerable field work in the Cape Town area
and in some cases field trips to other parts of the country are arranged. Each project culminates in
the submission of a document and the oral presentation of project work. Assessment is based on
project products. Theory courses are concerned with procedural and substantive theory. Planning
skills are imparted and honed throughout the duration of the programmes.

Studio work Courses

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4022F Planning Project A ........................................................................ 32 8
APG4026S Planning Project B ......................................................................... 32 8

Non-Studio Courses
The following courses are compulsory:
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4020F Planning Theory & Practice ............................................................ 8 8
APG4021F Urban Infrastructure ...................................................................... 12 8
APG4028F Aspects of City Design .................................................................. 12 8
APG4029F Natural Systems............................................................................. 12 8
APG4035F Planning Techniques I ................................................................... 12 8
APG4023S Urban Economic Development Processes ..................................... 12 8
APG4024S Planning & Governmental Systems............................................... 12 8
APG4025S Regulatory & Legal Framework .................................................... 12 8
APG4038S Planning Techniques II .................................................................. 12 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 168

BSc(Hons) in Geographical Information Systems

Programme Convener:
M Shoko, BSc(Hons) (Surv & Geomatics) Zimbabwe MBA Zimbabwe Masters (Geo-Information &
Earth Observation) Netherlands PhD Cape Town

The curriculum of the BSc(Hons) in Geographic Information Systems programme is aimed at

graduates intending to work in disciplines associated with the natural, geographical and computer
sciences. The degree is intended to equip graduates with the practical skills and theoretical
knowledge they need to incorporate GIS techniques in their every day work routine.
A candidate shall complete approved courses of a value required to bring the total to a minimum of
144 credits and shall comply with all the prescribed curriculum requirements.

Core Courses

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level

APG4018X Geographical Information Systems Camp ....................................... 4 8
APG4014C Remote Sensing for Geographic Information Science................... 12 8
APG4050W Geo-Informatics Project ................................................................ 40 8
APG4007F Introductory GIS ............................................................................ 24 8
APG4012B Advanced Spatial Data Infrastructures .......................................... 12 8
APG4013C Advanced Spatial Data Analysis ................................................... 12 8
APG4009F Computing for GIS ........................................................................ 18 8
APG4012S Geomatics Management & Professionalism .................................. 24 8
Total Credits ............................................................................... 146

Master's Programmes
Master of Architecture
The Master of Architecture degree may be awarded to a candidate who shall present a dissertation
incorporating any or all of the following:
a) a research project of a theoretical or practical nature;
b) a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of literature or
available data;
c) design of all or part of an architectural project or group of projects to a specification
involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles;
d) design of all or part of an architectural project or group of projects to a specification
involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles;
e) any other study acceptable to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment.

Master of Architecture (Professional)

Programme Convener:
Convened by Postgraduate Architecture Programme Convenor Group

A qualifying degree in architecture that provides students with the knowledge, values and skills to
enter the profession of architecture and/or to pursue further qualifications in architecture or fields
associated with the architectural profession and built environment. It is focused on developing
independent critical enquiry in preparation for practice in a diverse and changing world. Students are
given considerable freedom and support to develop a reflective, critical and speculative relationship
to their work. The qualification introduces a master's degree within a succession of qualifications
leading towards professional qualification in architecture. It is a prerequisite qualification for
statutory registration as a Candidate Architect with the South African Council for the Architectural
Profession (SACAP), in terms of the Architectural Professions Act 2000 (Act No 44 of 2000). To
attain registration as Professional Architect, the candidate must complete a two-year period of
practical experience in an architectural office and pass a registration exam set by SACAP.

NOTE: These rules must be read with the general rules for Master’s degrees in Handbook 3 of this

Design Dissertation - Year Course

Studio work Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5079W Design Dissertation .................................................................... 120 9

Non-Studio Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5088Z Theory and Technology Studies .................................................... 60 9
Total credits per year ................................................................... 180

Master of City and Regional Planning

Programme Convener:
T Winkler, BSc(TRP) MUD Witwatersrand PhD British Columbia

City and Regional Planning is a recognised profession under the Planning Professions Act of 2003.
It is a designated scarce skill in terms of the South African Government’s Joint Initiative for Priority
Skills Acquisition (JIPSA). It responds to environmental, infrastructural and socio-economic
priorities at national, provincial and local levels of governance.

The primary purpose of the Master’s degree is to build on the Bachelor of City Planning Honours by
expanding the learners’ conceptual knowledge and skills to regional planning, to advanced
environmental assessment, and to do in-depth research in the form of a 120 credit dissertation. It
comprises theory courses, project work and a dissertation.

This is the degree necessary to enable professional qualification as a city and regional planner.

This curriculum must be read together with the Degree Rules in the General Information section of
this Handbook. Candidates for the MCRP degree are required to complete the core courses listed
below, totalling 184 credits.

First Semester
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5020F Regional Planning Project ........................................................ 32 9
APG5023F Regional Planning Theory ............................................................. 20 9
APG5024F Planning Techniques III ................................................................ 12 9

Second Semester
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5051Z MCRP Minor Dissertation .......................................................... 120 9
Total credits per year ................................................................... 184

Master of Urban Design

Programme Convener:
K Ewing, BAS BArch Cape Town PhD Glasgow

This curriculum must be read together with the Degree Rules in the General Information section of
this Handbook. Each student must complete all of the courses. (The curriculum may be taken over a
period of two years by candidates who are employed.) For the completion of this degree students are
required to complete a minimum of 156 credits at level 9 and 24 credits at level 8, as this degree
consists of both level 8 and 9 courses.

First Semester
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5082F Urban Design Theory I .................................................................. 12 9
APG5083F Urban Design Studio ..................................................................... 48 9
APG4052F Urban Design Representation ........................................................ 12 8
APG5084F Research Methods for Urban Design ............................................. 20 9
*Approved Elective ....................................................................... 12 8

Second Semester
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5085S Urban Design Theory II ................................................................. 20 9
APG5086S Urban Design Research Project ..................................................... 60 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 184

*Approved Elective
Select elective courses to the value of 12 credits for the First Semester from the following:
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG4021F Urban Infrastructure ...................................................................... 12 8
APG4054F Landscape Systems Analysis ......................................................... 20 8
EGS5062F The Urban Everyday ...................................................................... 23 9

*Or any 12-credit course at Honours or Masters level that has been approved by the MUD
Programme Convenor

Master of Landscape Architecture

Programme Convener:
C Hindes, BLA Pretoria MLArch

Studio work Courses

Studio work, the central activity of the degree programme, requires students to exercise considerable
initiative and undertake research, and consumes up to two-thirds of the students time allocation to
the Programme. Projects are selected for both academic and professional relevance and will start at
the smaller scale and work steadily towards the comprehension of larger and larger natural and
urban systems. Fieldwork is an indispensable component of each project and involves trips into
Metropolitan Cape Town and selected parts of the Western Cape region. Each project culminates in
the submission of a document and an oral presentation. Assessment is based on a variety of project
products and a Studio work examination held at the end of each semester.

Lecture courses
Lecture courses focus on imparting values, knowledge, and skills of relevance to landscape
architecture. Landscape skills and techniques are developed progressively throughout the duration of
the study programme. Theory courses are accompanied by extensive reading lists and students are
expected to undertake extensive structured reading. The courses are assessed through term papers,
practicals, seminars and other forms of examination.

This curriculum must be read together with the Degree Rules in the General Information section of
this Handbook. Each student must complete all of the courses.

First Year: First Semester

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5025F History & Theory of Landscape Architecture II ........................... 12 9
APG5029F Landscape Architecture Studio IV ................................................ 16 9
APG5091F Landscape Architecture Studio V .................................................. 16 9
APG5092F Landscape Innovation Seminar ....................................................... 8 9
APG5087F Landscape Research Methodology ................................................ 12 9

First Year: Second Semester

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5052S MLA Design Dissertation ........................................................... 120 9
APG5026S MLA Dissertation Technology ...................................................... 24 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 208

Master of Philosophy specialising in Conservation of the Built Environment

Programme Convener:
N Roux BFA Rhodes MA Witwatersrand PhD Birkbeck

Note: The Master of Philosophy specialising in Conservation of the Built Environment is offered
over two years.
The primary aim of the M Phil specialising in Conservation of the Built Environment is to produce
graduates with the necessary knowledge, values and skills to engage effectively with the challenges
arising in the very diverse multi-disciplinary intellectual, cultural and physical environments where
heritage and heritage resources are present. The emphasis of the programme is on developing
competence in the professional and practical fields of conservation of and in the built environment
and of heritage resource management. The Programme curriculum is cross-disciplinary in
orientation and exposes students to the very broad range of research, analytical, evaluative, planning
and management issues and challenges that they are likely to encounter in the field. While this
Programme is focused on the built environment and on practical and technical aspects of
conservation and heritage resource management, it does also introduce students to critical issues in
heritage arenas and, in particular, public history and shares several courses with a related
Programme offered in the Centre for African Studies which is more theoretically and critically
oriented. The Programme is, therefore, designed to produce professional training for professionals
working in or wishing to enter the fields of conservation of the built environment and heritage
resource management and to produce research that is practically oriented and that is publishable.

First Year: first semester

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5074F Conservation in Transformative Contexts ..................................... 20 9
APG5080F Introduction to Conservation ......................................................... 20 9

First Year: second semester

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5081S Working with Heritage Resources ................................................. 20 9
ASL5203S Critical Issues in Heritage.............................................................. 24 9
Total first year credits .................................................................... 84

Second Year: first semester

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5077F Conservation and Development in Practice ................................... 20 9
APG5078Z Research Methodologies................................................................ 20 9

Second Year: second semester

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5071S Research Project ............................................................................ 60 9
Total second year credits ............................................................. 100
Total credits ................................................................................. 184

Master of Philosophy in Engineering specialising in Geomatics

EM025 MPhil in Engineering specialising in Geomatics is a Research Degree.

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5000W Masters Dissertation Geomatics .................................................. 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9

MSc in Engineering specialising in Geomatics

EM023 MSc in Engineering specialising in Geomatics is a Research Degree.

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG5000W Masters Dissertation Geomatics .................................................. 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9

Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
ED001 Doctor of Philosophy is a Research Degree

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG6000W Thesis (Geomatics) ...................................................................... 360 10
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
APG8000W Thesis (Architecture & Planning) ................................................ 360 10

Course descriptions are set out in the section Courses Offered. The course code abbreviation for
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics is APG.

Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Programmes

Master's Programmes
MSc in Engineering specialising in Bioprocess Engineering
Professor and Convener:
STL Harrison, BSc(Hons) Cape Town PhD Cantab MSAIChE SASM FSAIMM FSAAE ASSAf

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CHE5082Z Dissertation Preparation (in 1st year) .............................................. 0 9
CHE5002Z Dissertation Chemical Engineering ............................................. 120 9
CHE5051Z Microbial Physiology & Dynamics ................................................. 8 9
CHE5070Z Advanced Bioprocess Engineering ................................................ 16 9
CHE5049Z Chemical Engineering Topics for Scientists .................................. 16 9
CHE5054Z Biotechnology Laboratory ............................................................... 8 9
CHE5055Z Research Communication & Methodology ................................... 16 9
END5050X Master’s Journal Paper .................................................................... 0 9
Minimum total credits ................................................................. 184

CHE5051Z is a core course for engineering graduates.
CHE5049Z is a core courses for life science graduates, but may be replaced by an equivalent course.
Physical Science graduates will complete CHE5051Z and/or CHE5049Z or equivalent courses,
dependent on their previous studies.
Elective or optional courses: 4 – 12 credits

MSc in Engineering specialising in Catalysis and Catalytic Processing

Associate Professor and Convener:
N Fischer Diplom Ingenieur Karlsruhe PhD Cape Town

Core Courses for Chemical Engineering Graduates (students who have completed CHE4067F)
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CHE5002Z Dissertation Chemical Engineering ............................................. 120 9
CHE5088Z Introduction to Heterogeneous Catalysis Research ......................... 8 9
CHE5089Z Characterisation Techniques for Catalysis Research ..................... 12 9
CHE5055Z Research Communication & Methodology ................................... 16 9
CHE5082Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Optional courses ............................................................................ 24 9
Minimum total credits ................................................................. 180

Core Courses for Science Graduates (students who have not completed CHE4067F)
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CHE5002Z Dissertation Chemical Engineering ............................................. 120 9
CHE4067F Heterogeneous Catalysis ............................................................... 16 8
CHE5088Z Introduction to Heterogeneous Catalysis Research ......................... 8 9
CHE5089Z Characterisation Techniques for Catalysis Research..................... 12 9
CHE5055Z Research Communication & Methodology ................................... 16 9
CHE5082Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Optional courses .............................................................................. 8 9
Minimum total credits ................................................................. 180

Master of Philosophy specialising in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development

Professor and Co-convener:
JL Broadhurst, BSc(Hons) MSc Port Elizabeth PhD Cape Town

Mining in Africa, as in the rest of the world, has changed from simply balancing production targets
with cost control to a complex set of interrelationships including safety, health, the environment,
sustainable development and proactive stakeholder management. This programme is aimed at
providing an interdisciplinary postgraduate qualification that highlights the critical factors of
sustainable development in the context of mining and minerals processing in Africa; including an
understanding of, and a sensitivity and progressive approach to, managing and interacting with
communities, environmental challenges, safety cultures, health-related issues and regulatory

This trans-disciplinary Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Degree is offered through the Minerals to
Metals Research Initiative within the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCT.

Students will complete the research component of the degree at UCT under supervision, and
complete course work at UCT (including the UCT Graduate School of Business), the University of
Stellenbosch and the University of Zambia. Credit and exemption will be granted for courses taken
at other institutions, as shown below.

A candidate for the Master’s specialising in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development shall
complete coursework to the minimum of 60 credits, which includes all core courses listed below,
and a 120 credit dissertation.

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level

CHE5002Z Dissertation Chemical Engineering .............................................120 9
CHE5087Z Research Methodology ..................................................................16 9
CHE5082Z Dissertation Preparation ...................................................................0 9
END5050X Master’s Journal Paper.....................................................................0 9
CHE4054Z* Environmental Stewardship in Mining & Minerals Beneficiation 12 8
CHE4055X Practical Training in Sustainable Development ...............................0 8
CHE4056Z* Mineral Resources and Sustainable Development ........................16 8
CHE4071Z Strategic Social Engagement Practice............................................16 8
Total credits per year ...................................................................180

*indicates core courses offered elsewhere for which credit and exemption will be granted.

University of Zambia (School of Mines)

‘Environmental Stewardship in Mining & Minerals Beneficiation’ (credit and exemption

University of Stellenbosch (Sustainability Institute)

‘Advanced Introduction to Sustainable Development’ (credit and exemption CHE4056Z)

Master of Philosophy specialising in Energy & Development Studies

Professor and Co-convener:
HB von Blottnitz, PrEng BSc(Eng)Chem Cape Town BSc(Hons) UNISA MSc Cape Town Dr Ing

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level

CHE5002Z Dissertation Chemical Engineering………………. ………...120 9
CHE5055Z Research Communication & Methodology………. ………….16 9
CHE5082Z Dissertation Preparation………………………….. …………...0 9
CHE5091Z Energy and Climate Policy for Sustainable
Development……………………………………… ………….30 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper……………………………. ………….14 9
Total credits per year……………………………... ………...180

MSc Research Master's by Dissertation

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CHE5000W Master's Dissertation in Chemical Engineering ........................... 180 9
END5050X Master's Journal Paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Minimum total credits ................................................................. 180

Optional Courses for all Postgraduate Programmes

In addition to the courses listed below, the core courses of the three programmes above may be used
as optional courses in the other programmes.

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level

CHE4057F Industrial Ecology for Chemical Engineers ..................................... 8 8
CHE4067F Heterogeneous Catalysis ............................................................... 16 8
CHE4070F Numerical Optimisation for Chemical Engineers .......................... 16 8
CHE5054Z Biotechnology Laboratory ............................................................... 8 9
CHE5070Z Advanced Bioprocess Engineering ................................................ 16 9
CHE5086Z Electrochemical Characterisation Techniques for Fuel Cells .......... 4 9
END5049Z Research Communication & Methods ........................................... 16 9
MEC5035Z Project Management ...................................................................... 20 9

Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
ED001 Doctor of Philosophy is a Research Degree

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CHE6000W PhD in Chemical Engineering ..................................................... 360 10

Course descriptions are set out in the section Courses Offered. The course code abbreviation for
Chemical Engineering is CHE.

Civil Engineering Postgraduate Programmes

Master's Programmes
Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Civil Engineering
The Department of Civil Engineering prepares candidates for the Master of Science in Engineering.
Masters degree programmes are offered which comprise different levels of research versus course
work, thus allowing students to educate themselves according to their particular strengths and career
choices. The majority of courses are block week and cover a variety of topics
The Master of Science in Engineering can be either by dissertation only [EM023] or by coursework
(approved by your supervisor) and dissertation [EM024].

EM023 Research Master’s by dissertation

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000W Civil Engineering Dissertation .................................................... 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

EM024 Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000Z Dissertation Civil Engineering .................................................... 120 9
Elective courses approved by supervisor ...................................... 60 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance [CIV07]

Professor and Programme Convener:
H Beushausen, Dipl-Ing HAW Hamburg MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

The primary aim of the MEng and MSc(Eng) specialising in Civil Infrastructure Management &
Maintenance is to produce graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage effectively
in structural and materials engineering with respect to maintenance, rehabilitation and management
of civil infrastructure. The broad areas of interest are deterioration science, assessment technologies,
renewal engineering and project management.

EM017CIV07 and EM024CIV07 can be completed in a minimum of one year full-time or may be
taken over an extended period of a maximum of five years.

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Civil Infrastructure Management

and Maintenance
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000Z Dissertation .................................................................................. 120 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
CIV5067Z Advanced Infrastructure Management .......................................... 20 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures.. 20 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Elective courses from the list below .............................................. 20 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 20 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5139Z Repair & Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ............................ 20 9
CIV5140Z Strengthening and Retrofitting of Concrete Structures .................. 20 9
Approved elective as an alternative to the above .......................... 20 9

Master of Engineering specialising in Civil Infrastructure Management and

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5017Z Minor Dissertation ......................................................................... 60 9
CIV5067Z Advanced Infrastructure Management .......................................... 20 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures.. 20 9
Elective courses from the list below .............................................. 80 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 80 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5113Z Structural Dynamics with Applications ......................................... 16 9
CIV5115Z Bridge Management & Maintenance ............................................. 10 9
CIV5118Z Safety of Special Structures ........................................................... 10 9
CIV5119Z Structural Performance Assessment & Monitoring ....................... 20 9

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level

CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology for Civil Engineers ............... 16 9
CIV5139Z Repair & Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ............................ 20 9
CIV5140Z Strengthening and Retrofitting of Concrete Structures ................. 20 9
CIV5141Z Condition Assessment and Remedial Action on Steel Structures . 20 9
CON5016Z Project Planning & Implementation .............................................. 20 9
CIV5151Z Non-Destructive Concrete Testing ................................................ 10 9
CIV5152Z Special Topics in Infrastructure Management ............................... 10 9
Approved electives alternative to the above list ...............................

Master of Engineering in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance

A candidate for the Master of Engineering in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance is
required to complete core courses totalling 56 credits, a research project totalling 45 credits, and
approved elective courses totalling a minimum of 79 credits, and to comply with the prescribed

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5067Z Advanced Infrastructure Management .......................................... 20 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures . 20 9
CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology for Civil Engineers ............... 16 9
CIV5136Z CIMM Project ............................................................................... 45 9
Elective courses from the list below .............................................. 79 9
TOTAL ........................................................................................ 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 79 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5113Z Structural Dynamics with Applications......................................... 16 9
CIV5115Z Bridge Management & Maintenance............................................. 10 9
CIV5118Z Safety of Special Structures .......................................................... 10 9
CIV5119Z Structural Performance Assessment & Monitoring ....................... 20 9
CIV5139Z Repair & Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ............................ 20 9
CIV5140Z Strengthening and Retrofitting of Concrete Structures ................. 20 9
CIV5141Z Condition Assessment and Remedial Action on Steel Structures . 20 9
CON5016Z Project Planning & Implementation .............................................. 20 9
CIV5151Z Non-Destructive Concrete Testing ................................................ 10 9
CIV5152Z Special Topics in Infrastructure Management ............................... 10 9

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Geotechnical Engineering

Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
D Kalumba, BSc(Eng) Makerere MSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD Newcastle-upon-Tyne

The master’s programme with a specialisation in Geotechnical Engineering is intended to support

high level training and enhance both the technical skills of recent graduates or experienced
personnel who work in, or aspire to a career in geotechnical engineering, civil engineering
construction, consulting, geo-environmental and related industries. The primary purpose of the
programme is to provide advanced conceptual understanding, detailed factual geotechnical
knowledge and specialist technical skills appropriate for postgraduates who wish to widen their
professional scope and work towards a career in the field of geotechnical engineering.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000Z Dissertation .................................................................................. 120 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
CIV5110Z Laboratory and Field Techniques .................................................. 16 9
CIV5114Z Foundation Design ......................................................................... 16 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Core Elective Courses ................................................................... 16 9
Elective courses ............................................................................. 12 9
Minimum total credits ................................................................. 180

Core Elective Courses (minimum of 16 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5122Z Advanced Soil Mechanics OR ....................................................... 16 9
CIV5143Z Rock Mechanics ............................................................................ 16 9

Elective Courses (minimum of 12 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5111Z Ground Improvement Techniques ................................................. 20 9
CIV5124Z Geosynthetics Engineering ............................................................ 16 9
CIV5149Z Slope Stability and Lateral Earth Supports .................................... 20 9
CIV5150Z Soil Modelling and Numerical Methods........................................ 16 9
CIV5153Z Groundwater .................................................................................. 20 9

Enrichment courses (compulsory for MScEng)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CHE5055Z Research Communication and Methodology OR .......................... 16 9
CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology ............................................... 16 9

Master of Geotechnical Engineering

Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
D Kalumba, BSc(Eng) Makerere MSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD Newcastle-upon-Tyne

The Master of Geotechnical Engineering (MGeotech) programme is a coursework and project

oriented degree that is intended to provide graduate civil engineers and technical professionals an
opportunity to acquire specialised expertise that is essential in the rapidly changing business,
government, and industrial environment. This professional master’s degree programme is designed
to aid in the development of graduates in their careers as geotechnical engineers through courses that
offer in-depth understanding of the principles of geotechnical engineering as well as the necessary
knowledge and skills to engage effectively in providing solutions to engineering challenges
involving the ground control and ground stability in civil engineering construction projects.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5129W Geotechnical Engineering Project ................................................. 45 9
CIV5110Z Laboratory and Field Techniques .................................................. 16 9
CIV5114Z Foundation Design ......................................................................... 16 9
CIV5149Z Slope Stability and Lateral Earth Supports .................................... 20 9
Elective courses ............................................................................. 83 9
Minimum total credits ................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 83 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5111Z Ground Improvement Techniques ................................................. 20 9
CIV5122Z Advanced Soil Mechanics ............................................................. 16 9
CIV5124Z Geosynthetics Engineering ............................................................ 16 9
CIV5143Z Rock Mechanics ............................................................................ 16 9
CIV5150Z Soil Modelling and Numerical Soil Methods ................................ 16 9
CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology ............................................... 16 9
CIV5153Z Groundwater .................................................................................. 20 9

Structural Engineering and Materials

Professor and Programme Convener:
S Skatulla Dipl-Ing Karlsruhe PhD Adelaide

The programme offers high level training in structural design, structural analysis and structural
materials by providing sound theoretical background and encouraging critical and innovative
thinking. Students benefit from expertise in concrete technology, concrete durability, structural
performance and design, computational mechanics and finite element analysis. The programme is
supported by excellent laboratory and computing facilities and draws from cutting edge research
including the in-house developed structural analysis software SESKA.

All programmes can be completed in a minimum of two years full-time or may be taken over an
extended period of a maximum of five years.

Master of Engineering specialising in Structural Engineering and Materials

A candidate for the MEng in Structural Engineering and Materials [EM017CIV04] is required to
complete 120 credits coursework and a 60 credit minor dissertation.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5017Z Minor Dissertation......................................................................... 60 9
CIV5113Z Structural Dynamics with Applications......................................... 16 9
CIV5100Z Plate and Shell Structures .............................................................. 16 9
CIV5142Z Introduction to Finite Element Modelling in Structural Analysis . 16 9
Elective courses from the list below .............................................. 72 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective courses (minimum of 72 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5002Z Structural Concrete Properties and Practice .................................. 16 9
CIV5006Z Advanced Structural Concrete Engineering .................................. 16 9
CIV5041Z Bridge Analysis and Design .......................................................... 16 9
CIV5108Z Advanced Mechanics of Materials ................................................ 16 9
CIV5112Z Stability and Design of Steel Structures ........................................ 16 9
CIV5119Z Structural Performance Assessment & Monitoring ....................... 20 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures . 20 9
CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology ............................................... 16 9
CIV5139Z Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ......................... 20 9

Additional courses can be selected from the postgraduate programme of Geotechnical Engineering.
However, at least 80 credits of the course work done must comprise of courses listed above.

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Structural Engineering and

A candidate for the MSc Eng [EM024] is required to complete prescribed courses of a minimum
value of 60 credits and a 120 credit dissertation.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000Z Dissertation .................................................................................. 120 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9

Select at least two of the following courses:

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5108Z Advanced Mechanics of Materials ................................................ 16 9
CIV5113Z Structural Dynamics with Applications ......................................... 16 9
CIV5142Z Introduction to Finite Element Modelling in Structural Analysis . 16 9
Elective courses from the list below ................................................ 0 0
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 28 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5112Z Stability and Design of Steel Structures ........................................ 16 9
CIV5002Z Structural Concrete Properties and Practice .................................. 16 9
CIV5100Z Plate and Shell Structures .............................................................. 16 9
CIV5119Z Structural Performance Assessment & Monitoring ....................... 20 9
MEC5064Z Finite Element Analysis................................................................. 12 9
CIV5139Z Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ......................... 20 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures.. 20 9
CIV5041Z Bridge Analysis and Design .......................................................... 16 9
MEC5063Z An introduction to Finite Elements................................................ 12 9
CIV5006Z Advanced Structural Concrete Engineering .................................. 16 9

Master of Structural Engineering and Materials

A candidate for the Master of Structural Engineering and Materials is required to complete core
courses totalling 96 credits, a research project totalling 45 credits, and approved elective courses
totalling a minimum of 39 credits, and to comply with the prescribed curriculum.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5002Z Structural Concrete Properties and Practice .................................. 16 9
CIV5006Z Advanced Structural Concrete Engineering .................................. 16 9
CIV5112Z Stability and Design of Steel Structures ........................................ 16 9
CIV5100Z Plate and Shell Structures .............................................................. 16 9
CIV5113Z Structural Dynamics with Applications ......................................... 16 9
CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology ............................................... 16 9
CIV5137Z MSEM Project ............................................................................... 45 9
Elective courses from the list below .............................................. 39 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 39 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5108Z Advanced Mechanics of Materials ................................................ 16 9
CIV5118Z Safety of Special Structures .......................................................... 10 9
CIV5115Z Bridge Management and Maintenance .......................................... 10 9
CIV5041Z Bridge Analysis and Design .......................................................... 16 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures . 20 9
CIV5119Z Structural Performance Assessment of Concrete Structures ......... 20 9
CIV5139Z Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ......................... 20 9
MEC5064Z Introduction to Finite Elements ..................................................... 12 9
MEC5063Z Finite Element Analysis ................................................................ 12 9
CIV5142Z Introduction to Finite Element Modelling in Structural Analysis . 16 9

Transport Studies
Professor and Programme Convener:
R Behrens, Pr Pln BA MCRP PhD Cape Town

The programme offers degrees specialising in transport studies, with a specific focus on the planning
and management of urban passenger transport systems. The primary aim is to produce graduates
from a range of postgraduate disciplines with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage
effectively with the challenge of creating affordable, efficient, sustainable, safe, equitable and
environmentally sound urban transport systems, and to contribute to the implementation of new and
demanding policy directives. Curriculum content is cross-disciplinary in orientation and exposes
students to a broad range of the analytical, evaluative, planning and management issues they are
likely to encounter in the field.

Master of Engineering specialising in Transport Studies

A candidate for the MEng in Transport Studies is required to complete core courses totalling 120
credits (including a 60 credit minor dissertation) plus approved elective courses totalling a minimum
of 60 credits, and to comply with the prescribed curriculum. Candidate elective courses may be
selected from within the Transport Studies programme and from other programmes of study.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5017Z Minor Dissertation......................................................................... 60 9
CIV5132Z Transport Demand Analysis and Project Assessment ................... 20 9
CIV5133Z Transport Modelling ...................................................................... 20 9
CIV5071Z Public Transport System Design and Operations Management .... 20 9
Approved elective courses below .................................................. 60 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 60 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5035Z Management of Transport Supply and Demand ............................ 20 9
CIV5038Z Integrated Land Use Transportation Planning ............................... 20 9
CIV5036Z Local Area Transport Planning Management and Design............. 20 9
CIV5039Z Non-motorised Transportation ...................................................... 20 9
CIV5070Z Public Transport Policy and Regulation ........................................ 20 9
CIV5127Z Discrete Choice Modelling and Stated Choice Survey Design ..... 20 9

Master of Philosophy specialising in Transport Studies

A candidate for the MPhil degree is required to complete prescribed courses of a minimum value of
60 credits and a 120 credit dissertation.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5134W Dissertation .................................................................................. 120 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9

Select three of the following courses:

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5035Z Management of Transport Supply and Demand ............................ 20 9
CIV5038Z Integrated Land Use Transportation Planning ............................... 20 9
CIV5132Z Transport Demand Analysis and Project Assessment ................... 20 9
CIV5036Z Local Area Transport Planning Management and Design ............. 20 9
CIV5039Z Non-motorised Transportation....................................................... 20 9
CIV5133Z Transport Modelling ...................................................................... 20 9
CIV5070Z Public Transport Policy and Regulation ........................................ 20 9
CIV5071Z Public Transport System Design and Operations Management .... 20 9
CIV5127Z Discrete Choice Modelling and Stated Choice Survey Design ..... 20 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Students are also eligible to complete the MPhil degree as a 180 credit dissertation.

Master of Philosophy specialising in Transport Studies

A candidate for the MPhil in Transport Studies is required to complete core courses totalling 120
credits (including a 60 credit minor dissertation) plus approved elective courses totalling a minimum
of 60 credits, and to comply with the prescribed curriculum.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5037Z Minor Dissertation ......................................................................... 60 9
CIV5035Z Management of Transport Supply and Demand ............................ 20 9
CIV5038Z Integrated Land Use-Transport Planning ....................................... 20 9
CIV5132Z Transport Demand Analysis and Project Assessment ................... 20 9
Approved elective courses ............................................................. 60 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 60 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5036Z Local Area Transport Planning Management and Design ............. 20 9
CIV5039Z Non-motorised Transportation....................................................... 20 9
CIV5133Z Transport Modelling ...................................................................... 20 9
CIV5070Z Public Transport Policy and Regulation ........................................ 20 9
CIV5071Z Public Transport System Design and Operations Management .... 20 9
CIV5127Z Discrete Choice Modelling and Stated Choice Survey Design ..... 20 9

Master of Transport Studies

A candidate for the Master of Transport Studies is required to complete core courses totalling not
less than 60 credits, approved elective courses totalling a minimum of 80 credits, research projects
totalling a minimum of 50 credits, and to comply with the prescribed curriculum.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5135W Research Project 1: Transport planning and engineering methods 25 9
CIV5073W Research Project 2: Transport policy and planning case study ..... 25 9
CIV5035Z Management of Transport Supply and Demand ............................ 20 9
CIV5038Z Integrated Land Use-Transport Planning ...................................... 20 9
CIV5132Z Transport Demand Analysis and Project Assessment ................... 20 9
Approved elective courses............................................................. 80 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 190

Elective Courses (minimum of 80 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5036Z Local Area Transport Planning, Management and Design............ 20 9
CIV5039Z Non-motorised Transportation ...................................................... 20 9
CIV5133Z Transport Modelling ...................................................................... 20 9
CIV5070Z Public Transport Policy and Regulation ........................................ 20 9
CIV5071Z Public Transport System Design and Operations Management .... 20 9
CIV5127Z Discrete Choice Modelling and Stated Choice Survey Design ..... 20 9

Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education

Doctor and Programme Convener:
CB Shaw, BSc HDE MPhil(EngMan) PhD Cape Town

The Faculty of Engineering and the Built environment offers a structured MPhil programme in
Engineering Education. Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 credits of coursework,
45 credits of which are core to the programme. The additional credits will include an elective course
approved by the supervisor. To qualify for the MPhil degree specialising in Engineering Education
candidates are required to complete a supervised dissertation equivalent to a further 120 credits. The
dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of an engineering education
research project involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles located in the engineering
education research field; a research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a
specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data, a rigorous
analysis of empirical data, and the development of a coherent discussion of the analysis, or any other
study acceptable to the Faculty. Students will register for the dissertation in the home department of
their supervisor.

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5102Z Knowledge and Practices in Engineering Education ..................... 20 9
EEE5148Z Theoretical Foundations in Engineering Education Research ....... 20 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
CIV5147Z Methodologies in Engineering Education Research ...................... 20 9
CIV5148W Dissertation Engineering Education ............................................ 120 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Water Quality Engineering

Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
DS Ikumi, PhD Cape Town

The primary aim of the MEng and MScEng specialising in Water Quality Engineering is to produce
graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage effectively in theory, design, modelling
and operation Waste Water Treatment, Urban Water and Water Distribution.

Master of Engineering specialising in Water Quality Engineering

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5017Z Minor Dissertation ......................................................................... 60 9
CIV5032Z Introduction to Wastewater Treatment ............................................ 4 9
CIV5045Z The Activated Sludge System ........................................................ 10 9
CIV5046Z Solid/Liquid Separation in Water & Wastewater Treatment ......... 12 9
CIV5047Z Sewage Sludge Treatment and Biosolids Handling ...................... 12 9
CIV5048Z Steady State Design of Biological Nutrient Removal Systems ..... 20 9
CIV5156Z Integrated Wastewater Treatment Plant Design ............................ 20 9
Pre-approved elective credits ......................................................... 50 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 188

Elective Courses (minimum 50 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5049Z Modelling & Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Systems ........ 16 9
CIV5052Z Aquatic Chemistry for Water Engineers ....................................... 20 9
CIV5054Z Advanced Chemical, Physical & Biological Processes
Modelling ...................................................................................... 14 9

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Water Quality Engineering

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000W Civil Engineering Dissertation .................................................... 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Water Quality Engineering

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5000Z Dissertation .................................................................................. 120 9
CIV5109Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
CIV5032Z Introduction to Wastewater Treatment ............................................ 4 9
CIV5045Z The Activated Sludge System ........................................................ 10 9
CIV5046Z Solid/Liquid Separation in Water & Wastewater Treatment ......... 12 9

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level

CIV5047Z Sewage Sludge Treatment and Biosolids Handling ...................... 12 9
CIV5048Z Steady State Design of Biological Nutrient Removal Systems ..... 20 9
CIV5050Z Integrated Wastewater Treatment Plant Design ............................ 20 9

Elective Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5049Z Modelling & Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Systems ........ 16 9
CIV5052Z Aquatic Chemistry for Water Engineers ....................................... 20 9
CIV5054Z Advanced Chemical, Physical & Biological Processes
Modelling ...................................................................................... 14 9

Master of Water Engineering

A candidate for the Master of Water Engineering is required to complete core courses totalling 50
credits, a research project totalling 45 credits, and approved elective courses totalling a minimum of
85 credits, and to comply with the prescribed curriculum.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
END5129S Sustainable Water Management .................................................... 20 9
CIV5144Z Advanced Introduction to Wastewater Treatment ......................... 10 9
CIV5158Z Urban Hydrology & Modelling Urban Drainage Systems ............ 20 9
CIV5145Z Master of Water Engineering Project ............................................ 45 9
Approved elective credits .............................................................. 85
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses (minimum of 85 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV5045Z The Activated Sludge System ....................................................... 10 9
CIV5046Z Solid/Liquid Separation in Water and Wastewater Treatment ...... 12 9
CIV5047Z Sewage Sludge Treatment and Biosolids Handling ...................... 12 9
CIV5048Z Steady State Design of Biological Nutrient Removal Systems ..... 20 9
CIV5049Z Modelling & Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Systems ........ 16 9
CIV5052Z Aquatic Chemistry for Water Engineers ...................................... 20 9
CIV5054Z Advanced Chemical, Physical & Biological Processes Modelling 14 9
CIV5067Z Advanced Infrastructure Management ......................................... 20 9
CIV5131Z Research Design and Methodology ............................................... 16 9
CIV5138Z Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures . 20 9
CIV5139Z Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ......................... 20 9
CIV5154Z Hydrological measurements-application of internet of things....... 16 9
CIV5155Z Innovative Design and Intellectual Property for Engineers ........... 12 9
CIV5156Z Integrated Water Treatment Plant Design ..................................... 20 9
CIV5157Z Non-Sewered Sanitation Systems.................................................. 10 9
CIV5158Z Urban Hydrology & Modelling Urban Drainage Systems ............ 20 9
CIV5159Z Conventional Water Treatment Processes ..................................... 20 9
CIV5160Z Water Treatment Technologies ..................................................... 20 9

At least 40 credits of the elective credits must be in the water related courses.

Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
[ED001CIV01, CIV09]
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CIV6000W Thesis ........................................................................................... 360 10
or ...........................................................................................................
CIV6001W Thesis (Engineering Education) .................................................. 360 10

Course descriptions are set out in the section Courses Offered. The course code abbreviation for
Civil Engineering is CIV.

Construction Economics and Management Postgraduate

Honours Programmes
Bachelor of Science Honours in Construction Management
Programme Convener::
Ms K Le Jeune, BSc(QS) MSc(Property Studies) Cape Town PrQS PMAQS MRICS

The curriculum of the BSc(Hons) in Construction Management programme equips graduates to:
identify, analyse and solve problems in the field of construction assembly and management of the
process; perform a number of managerial roles within a constructor organisation, after an
appropriate period of practical experience; work effectively in teams; and undertake research and
produce reports. The aims of the degree are to provide employable management graduates to the
construction industry; to fully satisfy the criteria for accreditation in terms of the requirements of the
Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), the South African Council for the Project and Construction
Management Professions (SACPCMP), and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

A candidate shall complete approved courses to a total of at least 160 credits and shall comply with
all the prescribed curriculum requirements.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
ACC2022H Management Accounting I ............................................................ 18 6
CON4030F Property Studies II ......................................................................... 16 8
CON4033W Applied Contract Law II ................................................................ 16 8
CON4038F Advanced Construction Management............................................ 16 8
CON4039S Integrated Management Project ..................................................... 16 8
CON4047W Research Project ............................................................................ 32 8
CON4049S Construction Innovation ................................................................ 16 8
STA1000F Statistics 1000 ................................................................................ 18 5
CON4035X Practical training .............................................................................. 0 8
Approved elective .......................................................................... 12 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 160

Elective Courses
Courses totalling a minimum of 12 credits must be taken, of which at least 8 credits should be at
HEQSF level 8.
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON4056F Housing Markets Policy and Practice............................................ 16 8
BUS4103F Effective People Practices ............................................................. 18 8

Or any 12 credit course presented at Honours level which has been approved by the Programme

Bachelor of Science Honours in Quantity Surveying

Programme Convener::
Ms K Le Jeune, BSc(QS) MSc(Property Studies) Cape Town PrQS PMAQS MRICS

The curriculum of the BSc(Hons) in Quantity Surveying programme equips graduates to: undertake
financial planning and control of new and existing facilities; undertake property development and
property portfolio management; value property; apply appropriate quantity surveying techniques to
building and civil engineering projects; perform appropriate professional quantity surveying
management functions; work effectively in teams; and undertake research and produce reports. The
aims of the degree are to provide employable professional graduates to the Quantity Surveying
Profession; to fully satisfy the criteria for accreditation in terms of the requirements of the Chartered
Institute of Building (CIOB), the South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession
(SACQSP); and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

A candidate shall complete approved courses to a total of at least 164 credits and shall comply with
all the prescribed curriculum requirements.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
ACC2022H Management Accounting I ............................................................ 18 6
CON4030F Property Studies II ......................................................................... 16 8
CON4032S Measurement & Design Appraisal III ........................................... 12 8
CON4033W Applied Contract Law II ............................................................... 16 8
CON4034W Professional Practice ..................................................................... 20 8
CON4047W Research Project ............................................................................ 32 8
CON4037S Civil Engineering Measurement .................................................... 16 8
STA1000F Statistics 1000 ............................................................................... 18 5
CON4035X Practical Training ............................................................................ 0 8
Approved elective ......................................................................... 16
Total credits ................................................................................. 164

Elective Courses
Courses totalling a minimum of 16 credits must be taken, of which at least 8 credits should be at
HEQSF level 8.
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON4038F Advanced Construction Management ........................................... 16 8
CON4056F Housing Markets Policy and Practice............................................ 16 8
CON4049S Construction Innovation ................................................................ 16 8

Or any 16 credit course presented at Honours level which has been approved by the Programme

Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies

Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
SD Nurick, BCom BSc(Hons)(Property Studies), MPhil Cape Town MRICS

The curriculum of the BSc(Hons) in Property Studies programme equips graduates to: apply
advanced methods of valuation and value special properties; manage property and buildings; plan,
control and report costs associated with property management; know and apply legislation and case
law relevant to the valuation of fixed property; define a research problem, undertake empirical
research, analyse data and report research findings; and apply skills in an elective area of speciality
in statistics, management, economics or law.

The aim of the degree is to fully satisfy the criteria for accreditation in terms of the requirements of
the South African Council for the Property Valuers’ Profession (SACPVP) and the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). A candidate shall complete approved courses to a total of at least
160 credits and shall comply with all the prescribed curriculum requirements.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON4051F Advanced Property Investment and Finance ................................. 16 8
CON4052F Advanced Property and Facilities Management ............................ 16 8
CON4053S Applied Property Law ................................................................... 16 8
CON4054S Advanced Property Valuation ....................................................... 16 8
CON4055S Advanced Property Development .................................................. 16 8
CON4056F Housing Markets Policy and Practice ............................................ 16 8
CON4047W Research Project ............................................................................ 32 8
Approved electives ........................................................................ 32 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 160

Elective Courses
Courses totalling a minimum of 32 credits must be taken, of which at least 16 credits should be at
HESQF level 8.
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON4057F Comparative Land Policy and Management .................................. 16 8
CON4058F Valuation of Mineral Property ....................................................... 16 8
CON4059F Corporate Real Estate Management ............................................. 16 8
CON4060S Automated Valuation Modelling ................................................... 16 8
CON4061F Valuation of Agricultural Property ................................................ 16 8
CON4062S Property Investment and Development in Africa .......................... 16 8
CON4063S Valuation of Natural Resources ..................................................... 16 8
CSC1016S Computer Science 1016 ................................................................. 18 5

Or any 32 credit course presented at Honours level which has been approved by the Programme

Master's Programmes
Master of Science in Property Studies
Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
F Viruly, BA(Hons) Witwatersrand MA(Dev Econ) Kent FRICS

The primary aim of the MSc in Property Studies programme is to produce graduates with the
necessary skills to enter the field of property at a professional managerial level. Students are
exposed to the full spectrum of property related disciplines and issues, including: urban land
economics; property law; property finance; property development; property valuation; property
portfolio management; and facilities management. In addressing each of these areas, a strong
emphasis is placed on the development of decision-making skills. The purpose of the research
report, only undertaken by candidates for the MSc in Property Studies programme, is to develop
advanced research skills. The aims of the degree are to provide employable professional graduates to
Property Profession and to fully satisfy the criteria for accreditation in terms of the requirements of
the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

A candidate for the MSc in Property Studies shall complete approved courses to a total of at least
200 credits and shall comply with all the prescribed curriculum requirements.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON5010Z Minor Dissertation Property Studies ............................................. 60 9
CON5006Z Property Development ................................................................... 20 9
CON5007Z Property Law ................................................................................. 20 9
CON5008Z Urban Land Economics ................................................................. 20 9
CON5009Z Property Finance ........................................................................... 20 9
CON5021Z Property Portfolio Management .................................................... 20 9
CON5043Z Property Valuation Theory & Practice .......................................... 20 9
CON5046Z Research Methodology .................................................................. 20 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 200

Elective Courses
To achieve registration with SACPVP (South African Council for Property Valuers’ Profession) a
student, in addition to the core courses, will have to complete the following core elective:
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON5044Z Advanced Property Valuation ....................................................... 20 9

Master of Science in Project Management

Senior Lecturer and Programme Convenor :
Dr N-T Tuan, BSc(Eng) Chung Cheng Institute of Technology MEng Pret PhD Cape Town
INFORMS Taiwan Chapter

The primary aim of the MSc in Project Management programme is to produce graduates with the
necessary skills to enter the field of project management, the form of management considered most
appropriate for the handling of multi-disciplinary projects in a rapidly changing business
environment. A further aim of the degree is to provide employable professional graduates to Project
Management Profession and to fully satisfy the criteria for accreditation in terms of the requirements
of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

A candidate for the MSc in Project Management programme shall complete approved courses to a
total of at least 200 credits and shall comply with all the prescribed curriculum requirements.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON5023Z Minor Dissertation Project Management ....................................... 60 9
CON5014Z Project Management & Systems Theory ....................................... 20 9
CON5016Z Project Planning & Implementation .............................................. 20 9
CON5018Z Human Resource Management and Interpersonal
Communication ............................................................................. 20 9
CON5022Z Total Quality Management in a Project Environment ................... 20 9
CON5029Z Project Risk Management .............................................................. 20 9
CON5046Z Research Methodology .................................................................. 20 9
Approved elective .......................................................................... 20 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 200

Elective Courses
One approved 20-credit course at HESQF level 9 must be taken, or a combination of courses
totalling 20 credits, offered by the University.

Elective Course (select 20 credits)

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON5030Z Project Finance & Procurement ..................................................... 20 9
Other approved elective ................................................................. 20 9

Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
ED001 Doctor of Philosophy is a Research Degree

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
CON6009W Thesis........................................................................................... 360 10

Course descriptions are set out in the section Courses Offered. The course code abbreviation for
Construction Economics and Management is CON.

Electrical Engineering Postgraduate Programmes

Honours Programmes
Bachelor of Science Honours specialising in Nuclear Power
There will be no new intake of students onto this programme

Senior Lecturer and Programme Convener::

K Awodele, Reg Eng, BSc(Eng) Ife MSc(Eng) Abu PGDM MNSE MIEEE

Nuclear power stations operating in over 30 countries provide approximately 10% of the world’s
electricity. Nuclear energy is a part of the existing and planned energy and electricity policy of
South Africa.
This Bachelor of Science Honours programme provides an interdisciplinary postgraduate
qualification in the key aspects of nuclear power for societal benefit. The programme provides a
balance of the scientific, engineering and applications aspects of nuclear power, including the
policy, operating, safety and regulatory aspects.
The degree comprises coursework to the minimum of 108 credits and a 40-credit final year project.

The programme can be completed as a one-year full-time programme, or over an extended period
for students who are employed. It is designed to accommodate students who cannot be resident in
Cape Town for the full duration of the degree. The courses will be offered in intensive one-week
blocks, with pre-contact reading and post-contact assignments and various distance learning
activities. Students will be required to be in Cape Town for the intensive course periods.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE4106Z Introductory nuclear physics and radiation for power supply ....... 16 8
EEE4108Z Electrical and mechanical equipment in nuclear power stations ... 16 8
EEE4109Z Theory and design of nuclear reactors........................................... 16 8
EEE4110Z Operation and safety of nuclear reactors ....................................... 16 8
EEE4111Z Regulatory standards for nuclear power ........................................ 16 8
MEC4116Z Power Plant Systems Analysis ...................................................... 15 8
MEC4120Z Leadership in a Technical Environment ........................................ 15 8
EEE4112Z Honours Nuclear Project ............................................................... 40 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 150

Master's Programmes
Master of Engineering specialising in Nuclear Power
There will be no new intake of students onto this programme

Senior Lecturer and Programme Convener:

K Awodele, Reg Eng, BSc(Eng) Ife MSc(Eng) Abu PGDM MNSE MIEEE

Nuclear power stations operating in over 30 countries provide over 10% of the world’s electricity.
Nuclear energy is a part of the existing and planned energy and electricity policy of South Africa.
This Master of Engineering (MEng) programme provides a postgraduate qualification in the key
aspects of nuclear power for societal benefit. The programme provides a balance of the scientific,
engineering and applications aspects of nuclear power, including the policy, operating, safety and
regulatory aspects.
The degree comprises coursework to the minimum of 120 credits and a 60-credit dissertation.
The programme can be completed as a one-year full-time programme, or over an extended period
for students who are employed. It is designed to accommodate students who cannot be resident in
Cape Town for the full duration of the degree. The courses will be offered in intensive one-week or
two-week blocks, with pre-contact reading and post-contact assignments and various distance
learning activities. Students will be required to be in Cape Town for the intensive course periods.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5004Z Minor Dissertation: M(Eng) .......................................................... 60 9
EEE4106Z Introductory nuclear physics and radiation for power supply ....... 16 8
EEE4108Z Electrical and mechanical equipment in nuclear power stations ... 16 8
EEE5128Z Nuclear reactor theory and design ................................................. 20 9
EEE5129Z Nuclear reactor operations and safety............................................ 20 9
EEE5130Z Regulatory requirements for nuclear power .................................. 20 9
MEC4116Z Power Plant Systems Analysis....................................................... 15 8
MEC4120Z Leadership in a Technical Environment ........................................ 15 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 182

Master of Philosophy specialising in Nuclear Power

There will be no new intake of students onto this programme

Senior Lecturer and Programme Convener:

K Awodele, Reg Eng, BSc(Eng) Ife MSc(Eng) Abu PGDM MNSE MIEEE

Nuclear power stations operating in over 30 countries provide over 10% of the world’s electricity.
Nuclear energy is a part of the existing and planned energy and electricity policy of South Africa.
This Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programme provides an interdisciplinary postgraduate
qualification in the key aspects of nuclear power for societal benefit. The programme provides a
balance of the scientific, engineering and applications aspects of nuclear power, including the
policy, operating, safety and regulatory aspects.
The degree comprises coursework to the minimum of 120 credits and a 60-credit dissertation.
Candidates deemed to have completed equivalent coursework, or deemed to have equivalent work
experience in nuclear science, power or regulation may exceptionally be permitted to register for
this degree by only 60 credits of coursework, in which case the dissertation must be to the value of
120 credits.

The programme can be completed as a one-year full-time programme, or over an extended period
for students who are employed. It is designed to accommodate students who cannot be resident in
Cape Town for the full duration of the degree. The courses will be offered in intensive one-week or
two-week blocks, with pre-contact reading and post-contact assignments and various distance
learning activities. Students will be required to be in Cape Town for the intensive course periods.

Core courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5145W Minor Dissertation: MPhil............................................................. 60 9
EEE4106Z Introductory nuclear physics and radiation for power supply ....... 16 8
EEE4108Z Electrical and mechanical equipment in nuclear power stations ... 16 8
EEE5128Z Nuclear reactor theory and design ................................................. 20 9
EEE5129Z Nuclear reactor operations and safety ........................................... 20 9
EEE5130Z Regulatory requirements for nuclear power .................................. 20 9
MEC4116Z Power Plant Systems Analysis ...................................................... 15 8
MEC4120Z Leadership in a Technical Environment ........................................ 15 8
Total credits ................................................................................. 182

Master of Engineering specialising in Radar and Electrical Defence

Professor and Programme Convener:
A Mishra, BE RECIndia PhD Edinburgh SMIEEE

A candidate for the MEng in Radar is required to complete core courses totalling 120 credits and a
60 credit minor dissertation.
Each course will typically contain a lecture component of five full days, followed by weekly
seminars, tasks and a written examination, over a five week period after the first, intensive lecture
session. The programme is designed to support students that cannot be resident in Cape Town for
the full duration to complete all courses, by using distance learning techniques during the follow up
period after each course (after the one week intensive lecture period). All students will, however,
have to be present in Cape Town for the one week lecture period for each course. Elements of
continuous assessment (problem sets, short projects) and a written examination are utilised to assess
the course.

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5004Z Minor Dissertation: M(Eng) .......................................................... 60 9
Elective courses: select courses to the value of 120 credits
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5105Z Fundamentals of Radar Signal and Data Processing ..................... 20 9
EEE5108Z Advanced Engineering Mathematics ............................................. 20 9
EEE5111Z High Resolution & Imaging Radar ................................................ 20 9
EEE5112Z Radar System Modelling ............................................................... 20 9
EEE5114Z Special Topics in Radar A ............................................................... 5 9
EEE5115Z Special Topics in Radar B ............................................................... 5 9
EEE5116Z Special Topics in Radar C ............................................................... 5 9
EEE5117Z Special Topics in Radar D ............................................................. 10 9
EEE5118Z Special Topics in Radar E ............................................................. 10 9
EEE5119Z Introduction to Radar Systems ...................................................... 20 9
EEE5120Z Introduction to Electronic Defence ............................................... 20 9
EEE5121Z Microwave Components & Antennas ........................................... 20 9
EEE5132Z Special Topics in Radar F ............................................................. 20 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

*Please note that certain courses run every alternate year and courses will only run if there are
sufficient students registered for the course*

Master of Engineering specialising in Telecommunications

Associate Professor and Programme Convener:
OE Falowo, BEng MEng Akure, PhD Cape Town SMIEEE

A candidate for the MEng in specializing Telecommunications is required to complete elective

courses of 120 credits and a 60 credit minor dissertation.

This programme aims to provide knowledge, skills and aptitudes for practising engineers to adapt to
the rapidly changing technological landscape, turning products of research into practical solutions of
developing world problems within international standards. The programme offers a selection of
courses that span broad fundamental concepts that find applications in a wide range of disciplines.
The approach enables students to be agile in response to new knowledge and novel developments.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5004Z Minor Dissertation: M(Eng) .......................................................... 60 9

Elective courses: select courses to the value of 120 credits

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5027Z Network & Internet Security ......................................................... 20 9
EEE5032Z Digital Communication Systems ................................................... 20 9
EEE5121Z Microwave Components and Antennas ......................................... 20 9
EEE5138Z Broadband Communication Networks .......................................... 20 9
EEE5108Z Advanced Engineering Mathematics ............................................. 20 9
EEE5135Z Information Theory and Error-Control Coding ............................. 20 9
EEE5136Z Statistical Signal Theory ................................................................ 20 9
EEE5139Z Wireless Data Network Convergence ............................................ 20 9
EEE5140Z Software Defined Radio ................................................................ 20 9
EEE5150Z Advanced Topics in Communication and Network ....................... 20 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

*Please note that certain courses run every alternate year and courses will only run if there are
sufficient students registered for the course*

Master of Philosophy specialising in Space Studies

There will be no new intake of students onto this programme

Space technology and space applications are used to such an extent that they are now part of the
critical infrastructure of the modern information society. Space applications are also a key
contributor to sustainable development in areas such as food and water security, weather prediction,
climate change monitoring, environmental resource management, disaster management, search-and-
rescue, financial transactions, telemedicine and tele-education. This Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
programme is aimed at providing an interdisciplinary postgraduate qualification in the key aspects
of space science and technology and space applications for societal benefit. The programme
provides a balance of the scientific, engineering and applications aspects of space technology, as
well as the policy, financial, commercial and regulatory aspects. The degree comprises coursework
to the minimum of 60 credits and a 120-credit dissertation. The coursework comprises 45 credits of
compulsory core courses in: Space mission analysis and design; Space applications for sustainable
development; and Space and society. The candidate is required to complete a further minimum of 15
credits of approved elective courses to make up a minimum of 60 credits of coursework. Candidates
deemed to have completed equivalent coursework, or deemed to have equivalent work experience in
the space arena, may exceptionally be permitted to register for this degree by dissertation only, in
which case the dissertation must be to the value of 180 credits [EM025EEE07].
The programme is designed to accommodate students who cannot be resident in Cape Town for the
full duration of the degree. The courses will be offered in intensive course periods with pre-contact
reading and post-contact assignments and various distance learning activities. Students will be
required to be in Cape Town for the intensive course periods.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5146W Partial Dissertation: MPhil .......................................................... 120 9
EEE5103Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
EEE5124Z Space and Society.......................................................................... 15 9
EEE5125Z Space Applications for Sustainable Development......................... 15 9
EEE5126Z Space Mission Analysis and Design.............................................. 15 9
Elective courses ............................................................................ 15 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Elective Courses: select courses to value of at least 15 credits

Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5127Z Special Topics in Space Technology A ........................................... 5 9
EEE5133Z Special Topics in Space Technology B ........................................... 5 9
EEE5134Z Special Topics in Space Technology C ........................................... 5 9
EEE5141Z Special Topics in Space Technology D ........................................... 5 9
EEE5142Z Special Topics in Space Technology E ........................................... 5 9

Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education

Programme Convener:
R Smit, MSc(ScEd) Witwatersrand PhD Cape Town

The Faculty of Engineering and the Built environment offers a structured MPhil programme in
Engineering Education. Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 credits of coursework.
To qualify for the MPhil degree specialising in Engineering Education candidates are required to
complete a supervised dissertation equivalent to a further 120 credits. The dissertation should
incorporate any or all of the following: design of an engineering education research project
involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles located in the engineering education research
field; a research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic
based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data, a rigorous analysis of
empirical data, and the development of a coherent discussion of the analysis, or any other study
acceptable to the Faculty.

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5102Z Knowledge and Practices in Engineering Education ..................... 20 9
EEE5148Z Theoretical Foundations in Engineering Education Research ....... 20 9
EEE5103Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
CIV5147Z Methodologies in Engineering Education Research ...................... 20 9
EEE5149W Dissertation Engineering Education ............................................ 120 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

*Please note that certain courses run every alternate year *

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Electrical Engineering

The Department prepares candidates for the Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical
Engineering and for the Doctor of Philosophy. The Department offers a number of special
postgraduate courses each year some of which are scheduled to facilitate attendance by practising
engineers from industry. The majority of courses are full-time and cover a variety of topics.

The Master of Science in Engineering can be either by dissertation only [EM023] or by coursework
(approved by your supervisor) and dissertation [EM024].

Research Master’s by dissertation

EM023 Research Master’s by dissertation

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5000W Full Dissertation: MSc(Eng) ........................................................ 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

EM024 Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE5002W Partial Dissertation: MSc(Eng) ................................................... 120 9
EEE5103Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Elective courses approved by supervisor ...................................... 60 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
[ED001EEE01, EEE04]
ED001 Doctor of Philosophy is a Research Degree

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
EEE6000W Thesis .......................................................................................... 360 10
or ...........................................................................................................
EEE6001W Thesis (Engineering Education) .................................................. 360 10

It is advisable before making an online application

(http://www.ebe.uct.ac.za/ebe/apply/postgradstudies/apply) for Masters or PhD, that you make
contact via email with one of the Academic staff members listed below to discuss your research

Bio-Inspired Robotics and Biomechanics [email protected]
Control Systems and Mechatronics [email protected]
Electronics [email protected]
Engineering Education [email protected]
Image Processing & Vision Systems [email protected]
Cognitive Robotics: Machine Learning [email protected]
Computer Vision & Robotic Perception [email protected]
Future Internet Technologies [email protected]
Internet of Things Sensing & Edge Computing [email protected]
Machines & Power Electronics [email protected]
Power Systems & Renewable Energy [email protected]
Mobile Robotics, Marine Systems [email protected]
Power Systems Protection, Renewable Distributed [email protected]
Generation & Microgrids
Power Electronics, Drives & Machines [email protected]
Power System Network Studies and Distributed [email protected]
Power Network Optimization, Control and Stability [email protected]
Radar Signal Processing [email protected]
Passive Radar [email protected]
Signal Processing [email protected]

Embedded Systems, FPGAs & Smart Sensors [email protected]

Security & Machine Learning in the Internet of Things [email protected]
Telecommunications Networks [email protected]
Power Electronics & Drives [email protected]
Radar and Remote Sensing [email protected]

Course descriptions are set out in the section on Courses Offered. The course code abbreviation for
Electrical Engineering is EEE.

Mechanical Engineering Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Diplomas
Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering
Programme Convenor:
A/Prof WF Fuls, BEng(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD(Eng) NWU

The department offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering. The aim is to provide
growth and development opportunities for engineers, scientists and technologists employed by, or
interested in, the power generation and distribution industry. The diploma allows students to further
develop the high-level specialist skills required to deal with specific technical challenges faced by
those working in, or entering, the power plant industry. The programme is specifically designed to
run over two years to accommodate employed students, with students taking a structured programme
of 120 credits of coursework, as follows:

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC4115Z Overview of the Power Plant Industry........................................... 15 8
MEC4116Z Power Plant Systems Analysis....................................................... 15 8
MEC4118Z Systems Engineering in the Power Industry .................................. 15 8
MEC4119Z Mechanical Behaviour of Materials............................................... 15 8
MEC4120Z Leadership in a Technical Environment ........................................ 15 8
Approved Electives........................................................................ 45 8/9
Total credits ................................................................................. 120

Note: Certain courses run every other year. Contact the course convener for more information.

Elective Courses
Select courses to the value of 45 credits from the following:
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC4122Z Turbine Plant Engineering ............................................................. 15 8
MEC4117Z Power Plant Boilers: Thermofluid Processes & Controls .............. 15 8
MEC4129Z Power Industry Engineering I ........................................................ 15 8
MEC4130Z Power Industry Engineering II....................................................... 15 8
MEC4131Z Power System Flexible Operations ................................................ 15 8
Other approved electives* ............................................................. 15 8-9

*Other MEC or EEE courses at HEQSF level 8 or 9 may be taken as electives, subject to approval
by the programme convenor. It is also possible to take relevant courses at other universities as an
occasional student, upon approval by the programme convenor.

Honours Programmes
Bachelor of Science Honours in Materials Science
Programme Convener:

The Department offers a BSc(Hons) in Materials Science to graduates with a three-year Bachelor of
Science degree. The aim is to provide one year of intensive training in Materials Science and
Technology. The broad-based instructional approach prepares graduates for careers in a wide range
of industrial settings, from small manufacturing companies to large corporations producing bulk
commodity products, and R&D laboratories. In addition the BSc(Hons) in Materials Science
programme prepares students for registration for research degrees in Materials Engineering at the
Master’s and ultimately Doctoral levels.

The programme runs over one year, with students taking a structured programme of 144 credits of
coursework, including a project, as follows.

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC4091Z Materials Science Honours Research Project ................................ 40 8
MEC4096Z Manufacture & Properties of Composites ..................................... 12 8
MEC4097Z Manufacture & Properties of Ceramics ........................................... 8 8
MEC4098Z Properties & Manufacture of Metallic Materials ........................... 16 8
MEC4100Z Manufacture & Properties of Polymers ......................................... 12 8
MEC4114Z Experimental Techniques in Materials Science............................. 16 8
Approved Electives ....................................................................... 40 8
Total credits ................................................................................ 144

Elective Courses
Select courses to the value of 40 credits from the following:
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC3060F Materials under Stress ..................................................................... 8 7
MEC3081S Manufacturing Sciences ................................................................ 12 7
MEC4099Z Phase Transformations in Materials ................................................ 8 8
END5044F Professional Communication Studies ............................................ 16 8

Master's Programmes
MSc in Engineering specialising in Materials Engineering [MEC03]
The Centre for Materials Engineering prepares candidates for the Master of Science in Engineering
in Materials Engineering and for the Doctor of Philosophy.

The Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Materials Engineering can be either by

dissertation only [EM023] or by coursework (approved by your supervisor) and dissertation

Research Master’s by dissertation

EM023 Research Master’s by dissertation

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5070W Dissertation Materials Engineering ............................................. 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits................................................................................. 180

Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

EM024 Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5071Z Dissertation Materials Engineering ............................................. 120 9
Elective courses approved by supervisor ....................................... 60 9
MEC5097Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits ................................................................................ 180

MSc in Engineering specialising in Mechanical Engineering [MEC01]

Research Master’s by dissertation
EM023 Research Master’s by dissertation

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5000W Dissertation Mechanical Engineering ......................................... 180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper..................................................................... 0 9
Total credits ................................................................................ 180

Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

EM024 Research Master’s by coursework and dissertation

Core Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5010Z Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Part Dissertation 120 9
MEC5097Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper ..................................................................... 0 9
Elective Elective courses approved by supervisor ..................................... 60 8/9
OR select courses to the value of 60 credits ....................................
MEC5063Z An Introduction to Finite Elements ............................................... 12 9
MEC5064Z Finite Element Analysis ................................................................ 12 9
MEC5065Z Programming for Scientists and Engineers ................................... 12 9
MEC5066Z Continuum Mechanics ................................................................... 12 9
MEC5067Z Nonlinear Material Behaviour ....................................................... 12 9
MEC5068Z Topics in Computational & Applied Mechanics ........................... 12 9
Total credits ................................................................................. 180

Research Masters in Engineering Management [MEC02]

The Department offers a Master of Science specialising in Engineering Management and a Master of
Philosophy specialising in Engineering Management as research only master’s programmes. The
nature of the research project could either be of a strongly interdisciplinary nature, in which case the
candidate will register for a Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Management.
Alternatively, if the research project is strongly focussed on the scientific method or an appropriate
engineering method, then the candidate will register for a Master of Science specialising in
Engineering Management.

Master of Science in Engineering specialising in Engineering Management

Programme Convener:
Dr CB Shaw, BSc HDE MPhil(EngMan) PhD Cape Town

Compulsory Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5047W Dissertation: Engineering Management .......................................180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper .....................................................................0 9
Total credits ................................................................................180

Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Management

Programme Convener:
Dr CB Shaw, BSc HDE MPhil(EngMan) PhD Cape Town

Compulsory Courses
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5047W Dissertation: Engineering Management .......................................180 9
END5050X Master’s journal paper .....................................................................0 9
Total credits .................................................................................180

Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education

Programme Convener:
Dr CB Shaw, BSc HDE MPhil(EngMan) PhD Cape Town

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5104Z Dissertation: Engineering Education ........................................... 180 9
END5050X Master's journal paper ...................................................................... 0 9
Total Credits ................................................................................ 180

Master of Philosophy specialising in Engineering Education

Programme Convener:
Dr CB Shaw, BSc HDE MPhil(EngMan) PhD Cape Town

The Faculty of Engineering and the Built environment offers a structured MPhil programme in
Engineering Education. Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 credits of coursework,
45 credits of which are core to the programme. The additional credits will include an elective course
approved by the supervisor. To qualify for the MPhil degree specialising in Engineering Education
candidates are required to complete a supervised dissertation equivalent to a further 120 credits. The
dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of an engineering education
research project involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles located in the engineering
education research field; a research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a
specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data, a rigorous
analysis of empirical data, and the development of a coherent discussion of the analysis, or any other
study acceptable to the Faculty. Students will register for the dissertation in the home department of
their supervisor.

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC5102Z Knowledge and Practices in Engineering Education .................... 20 9
EEE5148Z Theoretical Foundations in Engineering Education Research ...... 20 9
MEC5097Z Dissertation Preparation .................................................................. 0 9
CIV5147Z Methodologies in Engineering Education Research ..................... 20 9
MEC5103W Dissertation Engineering Education ............................................ 120 9
Total credits................................................................................. 180

Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy
ED001 Doctor of Philosophy is a Research Degree

Core Course
Code Course NQF Credits NQF Level
MEC6000W Thesis (Mechanical Engineering) ................................................360 10
or ...........................................................................................................
MEC6002W Thesis (Engineering Management) ..............................................360 10
or ...........................................................................................................
MEC6004W Thesis (Materials Engineering) ....................................................360 10
or ...........................................................................................................
MEC6006W Thesis (Engineering Education) ...................................................360 10

Course descriptions are set out in the section Courses Offered. The course code abbreviation for
Mechanical Engineering is MEC.


The School offers the following Postgraduate Degree Programmes:

Landscape Architecture
City and Regional Planning
Urban Design

The Architecture and Planning division of the School is situated in the Centlivres Building on the
Upper Campus, fronting onto University Avenue. The Geomatics division is located on level 5 of
the Menzies Building.

P Tumubweinee, BSc(Arch) Witwatersrand Honors Witwatersrand M.Arch Pretoria PhD

T Berlanda, Dipl Arch, USI, PhD (Arch & Design) Turin
N Odendaal, NDip(TRP) ML Sultan BA UNISA MTRP UND PhD Witwatersrand RTPI
E Pieterse, BA(Hons) UWC MA Development Studies ISS PhD LSE
JF Whittal, BSc(Surv) MSc(Eng) Cape Town, PhD Calgary PrL(SA) MSAGI

Emeritus Professors
D Dewar, BA(Hons) MURP PhD Cape Town TRP(SA) MSAPI BP Chair of Urban and Regional
I Low, BArch Cape Town MArch(Urban Design) Penn PrArch MIArch CIA
H Rüther, Dipl-Ing Bonn PhD Cape Town PrS(SA) FRSSAf FSAAE

Associate Professors
JL Smit, BSc(Surv) PhD Cape Town, PS PS(ph) PGP (SA)
W Smit, BSc MCRP PhD Cape Town
A Steenkamp, BArch MArch Pretoria PhD Delft PrArch
T Winkler, BSc(TRP) MUD Witwatersrand PhD British Columbia

Emeritus Associate Professor

CL Merry, BSc(Surv) Cape Town PhD New Brunswick FAIG

Senior Lecturers
F Carter, BAS BArch MPhil Cape Town PrArch PRCPM MIA RIBA
K Ewing, BAS BArch Cape Town PhD Glasgow
K Fellingham, BArch Witwatersrand SM ArchS MIT PrArch (SA) ARB (UK) RIBA (UK)
C Hindes, BLA Pretoria MLArch
S Hull, BSc(Surv) Kwazulu Natal MSc(Eng) Cape Town PGCE UNISA PrL(SA) PhD Cape Town
F Isaacs, BArch Cape Town MIP Stuttgart
T Katzschner, BSocSc MCRP Cape Town
M Louw, BArch Pretoria MPhil Stellenbosch PrArch(SA) MIArch

C Madell, BA(Hons) UWC, MCRP UCT, MScLED) University of Glasgow, PhD Cape Town
SS Papanicolaou, BArch MPhil Cape Town
T Sanya, BArch Makerere MIP Stuttgart PhD Oslo
M Shoko, BSc(Hons) (Surv & Geomatics) Zimbabwe MBA Zimbabwe Masters (Geo-Information &
Earth Observation) Netherlands PhD CapeTown

Senior Research Officer

G Haysom MPhil Stellenbosch PhD CapeTown

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

N Roux, BFA Rhodes MA Witwatersrand PhD Birkbeck

C Abrahams, ND Arch PTech BTech(Architecture) CPUT MArch(Prof) Cape Town
H Boulanger, BSc.Arch Pret, B.Arch (Hons) Pret, M(Arch)(Prof) Pret
S Le Grange, BArch Cape Town M Urban Design UC Berkeley
K Singh, BSc Land Surveying, MSc Land Surveying, Kwazulu Natal
S Spamer, BAS Cape Town, B.Arch Cape Town
M Toffa, BAS BArch Cape Town MSc Architecture Leuven
B Mathole, BAS Cape Town, MArch UP
C Price BAS Cape Town, MLA Cape Town

Part-Time Lecturers
R Cronwright, BA MC & RP MBA Cape Town TRP(SA) MSA/TRP
T Klitzner, BArch Cape Town MLA Penn

Honorary Researcher
H Wolff, BSc(Arch) Pretoria BArch Cape Town

Principal Technical Officer

J Coetzee, NHD (Building Tech)
D Matthee, NHD (Mechanical Eng) ND (Surveying)
M Wells

Departmental Manager
J Meyer

Administrative Officers
F Bennett
N Davids
M Joubert

Administrative Assistants
N Gihwala
N Pickover
M Waglay
J Abrahams
M Mduli

Print Room Manager

T Swarts

Departmental Assistant
C Ohlson

Laboratory Assistant
S Schroeder

Technical Officer
S Matthews
N Stanley

IT Liaison
L Coetzee

Course Outlines
24 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr S Hull
Co-requisites: APG4050W, APG4012B, APG4009F
Course outline:
This course aims to provide the knowledge and skills in the fundamental concepts of Geographical
Information Systems for scientists, especially in the fields of natural, earth and computer sciences.
Instruction will take the form of formal lectures, seminars, practicals, assignments and self-study
using internet resources and GIS software. Course content: GIS concepts, spatial relationships,
topology, spatial and non-spatial data structures and algorithms, vector databases, raster data
structures, data capture for raster GIS, spatial analysis using the raster data model, relational
database management systems, data modelling, data display and presentation, theory of map
Lecture times: 4th period Mon-Fri. Practicals once a week Fri 14h00-17h00
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


18 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr M Shoko
Co-requisites: APG4007F, APG4050W
Course outline:
This course aims to provide students with the fundamental scripting and programming skills they
will need to enhance GIS software and develop stand-alone GIS applications using general software
environments. It also aims to provide students with the skills needed to interface between GIS
applications and other software applications. Course Content: Structure and Syntax of Visual
Programming Language, development of GIS functionality in general programming environments,
customisation of GIS using scripting languages, extension of attribute management through external
DB links and SQL
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor J Smit
Co-requisites: APG4007F and APG4009F
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of spatial information systems analysis and design,
spatial data infrastructures and metadata, distributed Geographical Information Systems (GIS), GIS
project management, digital cartography, copyright and privacy issues, and SDI legislation.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor J Smit
Course entry requirements: APG4007F and APG4009F
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce advanced students to geostatistics, trend surface analysis, spatial
interpolation, geostatistical models and generalised least squares, Kriging, and regression analysis.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor J Smit
Course entry requirements: APG4007F, APG4009F, APG4018X
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the nature and concept of satellite and airborne
remote sensing: the nature of remote sensing, optical radiation models, sensor models, data models,
spectral transforms, spatial transforms, thematic image classification and remote sensing for
decision support.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


4 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Course entry requirements: DP for APG4007F.
Course outline:
This course aims to consolidate knowledge and skills learnt in the course GIS I, to further teach
problem solving skills in relation to practical GIS problems, and to equip the student with group
work skills and engender tolerance of diversity. This 1-week camp is structured to teach problem
solving skills in relation to practical spatial data management challenges in the GIS environment.
Groups are made up of students who will work together in a simulated project environment. The
camp covers the basic steps of GIS project planning with a focus in project layout, data acquisition,
needs analysis, user requirements, and system implementation and maintenance. The successful

team will present a GIS solution to a spatial project, showing the project layout, data acquisition,
needs analysis, user requirements.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Assoc Prof T Winkler
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the evolution of the planning discipline; and
changing values, concerns, methods, outcomes and plan forms over the last century.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Elective for students in BAS(Hons)
12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor N Odendaal
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The focus of this course is infrastructure and human settlements as structuring elements in the on-
going development and evolution of cities. The central purpose of the course is to introduce students
to a range of factors which effect the growth and development of settlement space. The spatial scope
ranges from regional systems of settlements to the organisation or structure of individual
settlements. The emphasis is on breadth rather than the depth. Students examine how different actors
influence urban systems and the role of infrastructure in enabling urban transition.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


32 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor N Odendaal and Associate Professor T Winkler
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course focuses on urban planning at the local and metropolitan scales and involves the
development of descriptive, explanatory and, evaluative skills at both these scales. An introduction
to visual and verbal communication techniques forms part of the course. Fieldwork is an integral
requirement of the course.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.

Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Madell
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the economic (formal and informal) drives of
contemporary urban development processes; relevant actors and institutions, the role of planning in
the urban economic growth and change. Land/property-related factors shaping urban development
are also covered.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor N Odendaal
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the political and institutional context of planning;
systems of representation and administration; local government financing and budgeting; integrated
development planning; negotiation and public participation; "package of plans" approaches; public-
private partnerships; and plan monitoring and evaluation.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms. F Ogle
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the regulatory and legal framework. Topics
include: planning law; introduction to South African law; administrative law; environmental law;
current legislative framework for planning; development control; and options for a new planning
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


32 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor N Odendaal and Associate Professor T Winkler
Course entry requirements: APG4022F
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The project focuses on urban planning intervention at both local and metropolitan scales and on plan
implementation. Fieldwork is an integral requirement of the course.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Elective for students in BAS(Hons)
12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The course focuses on historically conceptualised concepts of urban structure and performance at
the local area scale. It includes an introduction to city planning: conceptual framework; role of the
planner; issues of planning; approach of the programme. Aspects of city design: the need for design
and a design approach to planning; the process of design; exploration of fundamental ideas.
Historical case studies: framework of evaluation; overseas case studies; local case studies.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Elective for students BAS(Hons).
12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms T Katzschner
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to explore the relationships between nature and settlements and thinking deeply
about environment humanity relationships. Central issues are substantive knowledge relating to land
systems, water systems, air systems, life systems and the related design and planning implications.
Ecology, holism and a systems understanding are powerful tools for understanding ourselves and
our world which are fundamental to the course. It is an attempt to teach the basics about living Earth
communities and to cultivate a living understanding of the natural world.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an overview of major design paradigms in landscape architecture
through history, and forms the vehicle through which ideas in landscape architectural design are
discussed. Iconic designers, gardens and landscapes are identified, and the principles, approaches
and ideas characteristic of these are studied.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Price
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to explore the way that different landscape materials, such as plants and
topography, are represented differently from their architectural counterparts,
as well as exploring drawing as a method for design inquiry. The course includes hand drawing as
well as digital drawing and mapping methods.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable for further detail.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The course aims to follow on from Landscape Systems Analysis and focusses on the design of an
intervention in the form of ecosystem design, comprising both soft and hard landscape elements. An
ecosystem analysis is undertaken in the chosen study area concluding with an understanding of
ecosystems performance. An urban ecosystem is then designed to maximise the ecological, social
and economic opportunities inherent in ecological systems. Standard landscape construction
materials and systems are also introduced as part of a suite of constructed landscape elements.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course covers map work and cartographic/aerial photography interpretation; techniques of
graphic presentation and communication, introduction to geographical information systems, and
report writing.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable for further detail.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Price
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
In this first quarter studio, students undertake an analysis-focused urban design project in teams with
planning and urban design students. All urban systems (including informal settlements) comprise
consciously designed or organically developed spatial ordering systems. The focus of this studio is
on thinking about these ordering systems by applying and testing relevant theoretical concepts to the
analysis of the spatial performance of an urban precinct.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


32 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Price
Course entry requirements: APG4036F, APG4057F, or permission of course convenor.
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
In landscape design studios, students respond to a brief to develop speculative individual design
projects that can range from the highly speculative to the pragmatic, and are assessed on a
combination of factors including design ideas and outcome quality, representational aspects,
theoretical underpinning and technical resolution. Second semester studio undertakes a more
developed studio project that lasts for the whole semester and involves a comprehensive
professional process to design a local site with a social aspect, resulting in a technically-developed
final package, using studio to develop skills in design development and documentation to meet
SACLAP core competency requirements.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Assoc Prof T Winkler and Mr A Rhodes
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course covers quantitative methods, topics include: Scales of measurement, descriptive
statistical methods, data summaries, introduction to statistical inference, tests of association,
measures of correlation, simple linear regression. Qualitative methods: introduction to qualitative
research methods (including case study methods; ethnographic methods; participatory action
research (PAR); and oral histories and other qualitative methods).
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable for further detail.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr S Toffa
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to examine critical readings in the colonial and postcolonial city through categories
of social difference, including race, gender, memory, design, publics, religion, and the environment.
Its approaches draw from visual, historical, and urban anthropology, as well as the history and
theory of architecture and metropolitan design. Course methods include ethnographic and
documentary film and city case studies in local and global perspective.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: F Carter
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to prepare students to understand the structural, constructional and material
consequences and constraints on design decision-making. It investigates how the interaction of
systems of structure, enclosure, environment, materials, and detailing informs spatial and formal
expression in architecture. The course focuses on contemporary building and environmental
technologies in relation to programmatic requirements and innovation.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


48 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: F Carter
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course covers a range of complex design problems involving issues of the public and private
nature of the urban and suburban context that calls for appropriate analysis and creative invention in
the making of architecture. The topic, focus, requirements and duration of projects will be
determined by the studio convener.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


48 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: APG4042F
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course covers a range of complex design problems involving issues of the public and private
nature of the urban and suburban context that calls for appropriate analysis and creative invention in
the making of architecture. The topic, focus, requirements and duration of projects will be
determined by the studio convener.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr A Nimmo
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course is an introduction to the knowledge and skills required to procure, administer and
manage an architectural project. The course offers an opportunity to explore the essential elements
of professional practice related to the role and function of the architect, differing modes of practice
in the public and private sectors, the client-architect relationship, critical legislation influencing the
role and conduct of architects, building procurement systems and conflict resolution. The course will
also investigate the challenges facing the architectural profession, the meaning of professionalism
and ethical and social problems within current architectural practice.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Price
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of plants and design. It covers vegetation types of
Southern Africa and its limiting factors, and includes identification and utilisation of plant material,
principles of permaculture and horticulture; planting plans, schedules and specifications.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr S Toffa
Course entry requirements: Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Course outline:
This course aims to provide methodical approaches to researching the urban political economy of
architecture and urbanism. It engages the nexus of theory, method, and ethics in researching the city.
Foundational topics of epistemology, methodology, and design research are introduced. Attention is
paid to methods prominent in city research, such as case study methods, visual methods, as well as
research ethics. The course also covers specialised topics in critical research methods, such as
feminist, queer, and indigenous approaches to city research.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBC
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
Within the broad area of History and Theory of Architecture an architectural elective is offered each
year of which the content and the coordinators vary depending on visiting lectures, research interests
of staff and topical issues. Detailed contents will be published each year.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


40 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr M Shoko
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None

Course outline:
This project aims to provide an opportunity to demonstrate ability to design, execute and report on a
Geo-Information Science (GISc) problem. Students will start a GISc project at the beginning of the
year, and will submit a planning and proposal document before the end of the first term. Students
shall then perform their project plan and report their results and conclusions in a main project report,
poster and oral presentation of their work in the second semester. Course Content: Presentation of
the project plan and proposal, execution of the project, presentation of the results in written, poster
and oral form.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Course outline:
Only for students who have been granted credit and exemption for courses taken elsewhere.
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop analytical and presentation skills (both manual/hand drawn and
computer based) for use in the urban design studio. An innovative slant is necessitated by the
dynamic nature of graphic software evolution and the breadth of communication options available to
designers. Instruction is through both demonstration and the use of tutorials for independent
development/combination of techniques to suit different design problems. It also an introduction to
Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
The portfolio developed during the course of the semester needs to demonstrate an ability to
successfully select and master appropriate communication/representation techniques in the context
of presenting urban design work in a legible, graphic format.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to prepare students for the professional practice requirements of the South African
Council for the Landscape Architectural Professions (SACLAP) candidate examination, and
introduces different contractual arrangements and scenarios encountered in professional landscape
architecture practice. It also introduces various legal, legislative and policy frameworks that form

part of professional practice, notably environmental and planning laws and policies, at different
levels of government.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
The course focuses on developing an understanding of the composition and functioning of the urban
landscape. Landscape ecology is initially used as the conceptual lens with which to identify and
analyse the nature and performance of the landscape. The ideas of urban ecology and ecological
urbanism are thereafter explored in order to understand the relationship between urban and
ecological systems, with the purpose of identifying opportunities for ecosystem services and the
development of productive and sustainable green infrastructure systems.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims within the broad area of history and theory of architecture to provide an
architectural elective course each year on a special topic.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
In landscape design studios, students respond to a brief to develop speculative individual design
projects that can range from the highly speculative to the pragmatic, and are assessed on a
combination of factors including design ideas and outcome quality, representational aspects,
theoretical underpinning and technical resolution. The design process can be liberating for landscape
designers, and in this second quarter studio, a series of art-inspired short exercises are used to
represent the potentially invisible character of sites and thereby engage with them better through
design, which is developed from abstract representations to resolved site designs in an intensive
studio experience.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable.

DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course explores a range of themes that charaterise contemporary landscape architectural theory
and practice, including the post-industrial, ecological urbanism, and landscape infrastructure,
exploring the similarities and differences between international and African readings of such
themes. Comprising heavily illustrated lectures, the course aims to both provide precedents for
students' studio projects as well as develop a critical theoretical position than can inform their
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr M Shoko
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
A research project of a theoretical or practical nature, a critical review of a specified topic based on a
comprehensive search of the literature or available data, development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design, any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Dissertation 100%


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
A research project of a theoretical or practical nature, a critical review of a specified topic based on a
comprehensive search of the literature or available data, development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design, any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Dissertation 100%


32 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Madell
Co-requisites: APG5023F
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to focus on regional and ecological planning issues at a regional scale
and involves the development of descriptive, explanatory, evaluative and interventive skills, using a
particular local region as a project site.

Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable

DP requirements: None
Assessment: The final result is based on several phases of project work, 50% individual and 50%
group work.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Madell
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: APG5020F
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to develop an understanding of the natural landscape framework of
regional planning. Topics include: conceptual exploration of landscape processes and patterns;
methods of regional landscape analysis and synthesis; and landscape management frameworks. The
course then explores the regional economic development framework. Topics include: models of
regional economic development; issues and debates; and SA national and regional economic
development policies. The course concludes with the settlement and services framework of regional
planning: processes of settlement formation. Topics include: resultant settlement patterns (size and
spatial); major issues and debates relating to service provision.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% of the final result is based on the submission and assessment of two term papers.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Ms T Katzschner
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to provide students with experience in evaluating the environmental
consequences of policies, programmes, plans and projects. Topics includes: the need and desirability
for evaluating the environmental consequences of policies, plans and programmes, current and
future environmental assessment tools, environmental impact assessment (EIA), strategic
environmental assessment, sustainability assessment, public participation in environmental
governance, biodiversity in impact assessment, social impact assessment, and environmental
management plans.
Lecture times: Runs as a block week in the second week of the second semester.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Based on a paper submission of assessment which counts 55% and a group work
assignment which counts 45%.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None.
Co-requisites: None.
Course outline:
This course explores a range of themes that characterise contemporary landscape architectural
theory and practice, including the post-industrial, ecological urbanism and landscape infrastructure,
exploring the similarities and differences between international and African readings of such
themes. Comprising heavily illustrated lectures, this course aims to both provide precedents for
students studio projects as well as develop a critical theoretical position that can inform their

Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable

DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% of the final result is based on a series of assignments.


24 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course runs in parallel to the design dissertation and requires students to develop the
technological aspects of their design project with specific attention to the physical manifestation of
their design intervention. The course aims to provide an advanced exploration into the materiality
and making of an aspect of the proposed landscape architectural intervention, as developed in the
design dissertation.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment is based on 40% coursework and 60% of the exam.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This semester turns to the regional scale to analyse and formulate a spatially-based interventive
framework for natural resources, landscape elements, economy and settlement. Theory and practice
are closely linked together with the project providing an opportunity to consider how theory can be
mobilised in a particular context in the Western Cape.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment is based on 100% of the final project.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Madell and Ms T Katzschner
Course entry requirements: APG5020F
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course consists of a supervised dissertation on an approved subject usually chosen by the
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 80% of the final result is based on the submission and examination of a thesis
document and 20% is based on a presentation of the final dissertation to a review panel.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: APG5025F; APG5029F; APG5078F; APG5091F or permission of
course convenor
Co-requisites: APG5026S, or permission of course convenor

Course outline:
Utilising a design research methodology, the landscape architecture design dissertation is the
culmination of students studies and allows them to develop a project of their own, derived from their
particular interests and on a site of their choosing. The project typically comprises a research ‘study’
in support of their project and involves site analysis, design generation, representation and resolution
components, culminating in an exhibition and presentation.
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% of the final result is based on the final dissertation review.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to allow the student to undertake preparatory work for the master’s
dissertation. Work required includes literature searches and reviews; identification of the research
problem, objectives and hypothesis; consideration of research methodology; planning for the active
research phase; and ensuring that research infrastructure (e.g. apparatus etc.) is or will be in place.
The student should maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor in order to show evidence of
suitable progress towards these aims. The supervisor must indicate satisfactory fulfilment of the
course aims prior to the student proceeding to the dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: None


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
Students undertake a supervised research project on a conservation-related topic of their choice,
resulting in a 25000-30000 word minor dissertation.
DP requirements: Satisfactory completion of all coursework
Assessment: 100% by examination of the dissertation


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to place the practice and theory of conservation in the context of transforming
contemporary environments. It explores the relationships and tensions between conservation and
future-oriented spatial and social change, through a variety of discourses and disciplines that are
central to the study and practice of conservation. These may include, among others: historical
archaeology, architectural history, landscape studies, urban conservation, adaptive design and re-
use, and public engagement practices.
Lecture times: Course runs on a block release system
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and seminars and 100% submission of assignments.
Assessment: The year mark counts 100% of the final grade.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course builds on and brings together previous material covered in the degree, particularly the
research strategies developed in APG5078F (Research Methodologies) and the hands-on research
and assessment skills developed in APG5081S (Working With Heritage Resources). Students are
required to select a case study site related to their dissertation topic, and to unpack the implications
of an imagined proposed development project on this site. The course equips students with an
understanding of the technical and pragmatic constraints on development, familiarity with legal
frameworks, as well as an ability to recognise and critically assess the power structures and
ideological discourses that underlie these frameworks and institutions. It provides an opportunity to
work on primary research and technical analysis related to the dissertation project.
Lecture times: Course runs on a block release system
DP requirements: 90% attendance of lectures and seminars and 100% submission of assignments.
Assessment: The year mark counts 100% of the final grade.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr N Roux
Course outline:
This course aims to equip students to develop a research proposal for the minor dissertation to be
written in the course of the second year. It includes input on academic research skills and methods,
as well as an opportunity to develop and refine the research questions and methodological strategies
for students’ individual dissertations.
Lecture times: Course runs on a block release system
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lecturers and seminars and 100% submission of assignments
Assessment: The year mark counts 100% of the final grade.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: BAS(Hons)
Co-requisites: APG5088Z
Course outline:
A design dissertation which integrates self-initiated, self-motivated architectural major design
project produced under supervision of an individual design research inquiry, grounded in a sound
methodological base that supports the production of a research document as a basis for informal
design discussion in the major design project.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% on presentation and examination of design dissertation


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an introduction to the intellectual, historical and legal frameworks that
define the practice of conservation of the built environment. It provides a regional and global

overview of the history of conservation; introduces students to some of the complexities of the
politics of heritage and conservation in postcolonial and decolonial contexts; and discusses some of
the major policies and legislative frameworks that shape current conservation practice.
Lecture times: Course runs on a block release system
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and seminars and 100% submission of assignments
Assessment: 50% of the examination result plus 50% of the year mark would make up the final


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to bring together the theoretical, historical and legal frameworks covered in the
previous three modules to develop a hands-on understanding of how these shape conservation
practice. It introduces the basic primary research and interpretive skills required to understand and
critically assess heritage resources, and equips students to apply the ideas encountered in previous
courses to practical examples.
Lecture times: Course runs on a block release system
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and 100% completion of assignments.
Assessment: By examination of an assignment (100%).


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
The interdisciplinary course aims to focus on historical and contemporary concepts of urban space
design. It aims to investigate the value of urban design through considering perfrmance at a local
area/precinct scale. This includes: Introduction urban design, key moments in the history of urban
design, the role of urban design relative to other professions of the built environment; the value of
theory and conceptual frameworks; the value of morphological and typological anlysis, the role of
urban design in the global South. The role of urban design is animated via case study analysis (both
international and local) and reflection on urban design practice.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment of this course is based on the submission of a final/theme paper that
counts 100% of the examination mark.


48 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This interdisciplinary studio-based course aims to focus on strategic urban design intervention at a
sub-regional to local scale. Sites are selected for a simulated projects, which then becomes the
subject of focused urban design exercises. Urban design intervention is considered at both a catalytic
and responsive level. Exploration is initially via engagement in groups and then proceeds to
individual exploration and presentation of design ideas. Physical place making is considered in the
context of social, political and economic constraints. Refinement and synthesis of ideas requires

continual review of strategies and ideas presented in the studio. Parallel studios aimed at
synchronised overlap with studios in architecture, planning and landscape architecture is
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment of this course is based on 40% group work analysis (Part A) and 60%
individual project work (Part B). In the first quarter of this studio students undertake an analysis-
focused urban design project in teams with planning and landscape architecture students.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to equip the students with the tools to develop a research proposal for the Urban
Design Research Project which is to be completed during the second semester. This research
proposal will include a problem statement, the design of the research, the methodologies to be
adopted, the sources to be consulted, interview strategies, a bibliography and the relation of the
proposed research project to urban design discourse.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment of this course is based on the submission of a final paper that counts
100% of the examination mark.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This praxis-oriented, seminar-based course aims to offer students the opportunity to each identify
appropriate urban design theories via a literature review and to relate theory to topical themes within
the current urban design discourse, with a focus on African Cities. Learning happens both through
independent reading and through engaging and interactive co-design workshops with lecturers and
fellow students in discussing the relevance of the theories and application of theory into practice.
Where appropriate, the relevance of theory is investigated and communicated via case study
analysis. The widely recognized importance of reflective practice and the weak theoretical base of
urban design is considered via selective engagement of interdisciplinary part time tutors involved in
practice and who engage in debate on theory whilst reflecting on the realities of contemporary
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment of this course is based on 30% seminar presentations and 70% for the
submission and assessment of a term paper.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ewing
Course entry requirements: APG5082F; APG5083F; APG4052F; APG5084F and one approved
elective course.
Co-requisites: None

Course outline:
The research project aims to utilise the skills developed in the preceding course Research Methods
for Urban Design. The aim of the research project is to develop and demonstrate integrated research
and urban design skills, identify and address a well-defined urban design issue or question in the
context of a selected site, develop an ability to evaluate and analyse design orientated research
findings according to explicit and well-defined criteria and to develop and defend a design response
to the issue/question raised.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment of this course is based 100% on the submission of a final research
project and assessment by final portfolio presentation.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
Landscape architecture practice uses very diverse methods to suit different briefs, including some
that are scientific, others social and more novel methods like design research. This course introduces
general theories and models of methodology, examines how they are used in landscape architecture
and encourages students to treat methodology design as a creative process. This provides the basis
for students to begin developing their dissertation brief and methods to suit their interests, a
dissertation proposal and its presentation a key outcome of the course.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% of the final result is based on the final project submission.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: APG5079W
Course outline:
This course is a self-initiated and self-motivated research project on architectural theory and
technology, produced under supervision.
DP requirements: 80% attendance and 100% submission of assignments
Assessment: Research paper (100%)


23 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr A Selmeczi
Co-requisites: EGS5065W; EGS5062F or EGS5063F
Course outline:
This course aims to build on the practical and conceptual work focused on the challenges and
urgencies of southern urbanism that students undertake in the first semester in the City Research
Studio, Urban Everyday and/or Urban Theory, and zeroes in on the problem of adapting these
lessons for the realm of urban governance and regulation. The central question then is this: What
does critical policy look like from the vantage point of African cities? The course will seek to offer
answers to this question primarily by adopting a design perspective: byapplying a design lens to
think about space and politics and what alternative modes of regulation are possible (given, for
instance, constant technological innovation) and necessary (given the multipleand intersecting crises
of accesstowater, food, housing and other basic needs). The central aim of the course is to facilitate
students' process to map, interpret and devise regulatory modes and practices of urban intervention

that are capable of meaningfully addressing the most pressing problems of our cities and transform
the places where people live.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable
DP requirements: Written course work and participation.
Assessment: 3 short 'response' papers to engage literature and visual materials brought into the class
(30%), one long paper (40%), weekly journal reflecting on literature and new learning (20%), course
participation and seminar presentation (10%).


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr C Hindes
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
In landscape design studios, students respond to a brief to develop speculative individual design
projects that can range from the highly speculative to the pragmatic, and are assessed on a
combination of factors including design ideas and outcome quality, representational aspects,
theoretical underpinning and technical resolution.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment is based on 100% of the final project.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Price
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an opportunity for staff and local or international guests to explore
innovative and exciting theories, techniques or technologies that are topical or informed by the
convenors own advanced research or professional interests. Topics might range from participation
processes, digital technology, to environmental theory to landscape art, for example.
Lecture times: Refer to departmental timetable.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The assessment is based 100% on assignments.


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Convener: Dr M Shoko
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: Hons


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: Hons
Co-requisites: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% submission of dissertation


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
Lecture times: None
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%

The Department offers the following Postgraduate programmes in coursework, in addition to MSc
and PhD programmes:

Bioprocess Engineering
Catalysis and Catalytic Processing
Minerals Beneficiation

Research Entities:
Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research
Catalysis Institute
Centre for Minerals Research
Crystallisation and Precipitation Research Unit
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis
Minerals to Metals
National Hydrogen Catalysis Competence Centre Environmental & process systems engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering is situated in the Chemical Engineering Building, which
is on Upper Campus. Access to the Building is from South Lane, off Mandela Circle.

Website: www.chemeng.uct.ac.za

Professor and Head of Department
A Mainza, BMinSC UNZA PhD Cape Town

M Claeys, Dipl Ing(Eng) Chem Dr Ing Karlsruhe
DA Deglon, BSc(Eng) Witwatersrand MBA PhD Cape Town MSAIMM FSAAE
JCQ Fletcher, BSc(Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town MACS FSAAE
STL Harrison, BSc(Hons) Cape Town PhD Cantab MSAIChE SASM FSAIMM FSAAE ASSAf
PJ Kooyman, Drs Chemie MSc Leiden PhD ChemE Delft University of Technology MSAIChE
AE Lewis, PrEng BSc(Eng)Chem MSc PhD Cape Town FSAIChE FSAIMM MASSAf FSAAE
KP Möller, BSc(Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town
J Petersen, BSc(Eng)Chem Witwatersrand PhD Cape Town MSAIMM
E van Steen, MSc(Eng) Eindhoven Dr.-Ing. Karlsruhe FSAIChE FSAAE AFIChemE
HB von Blottnitz, BSc(Eng)Chem Cape Town BSc(Hons) UNISA MSc (Eng) Cape Town Dr- Ing.

Associate Professors
M Becker, BSc(Hons) Geology MSc Cape Town PhD Pretoria
JL Broadhurst, BSc(Hons) MSc Port Elizabeth PhD Cape Town
KC Corin, BSc(Hons) PhD Cape Town
NF Fischer, Dipl.-Ing.(Eng) Chem Karlsruhe PhD Cape Town
A Isafiade, BSc(Hons) Ilorin MSc Ife PhD Cape Town AMIChemE
BJ McFadzean, BSc(Hons) MSc Port Elizabeth PhD NMMU

Emeritus Professors
J-P Franzidis, BSc(Eng) MSc Cape Town PhD Open MSAIChE MSAIMM
CT O'Connor, PrEng BSc UNISA STD Natal BSc(Hons) PhD Cape Town DEng Stellenbosch

Honorary Professors
JE Burgess, BSc (Hons) University of Wales, Swansea MRes PhD Cranfield University MIWA
JM Case, BSc(Hons) Stellenbosch HDE MSc Cape Town MEd Leeds PhD Monash MASSAf
PW Cleary BSc(Hons) Monash PhD Monash
I Govender, BSc UDW BSc(Hons)Physics PhD Cape Town HDE UNISA
C Hebling Dipl.(Phys) PhD (Phys) Konstanz
GJ Hutchings BSc(Eng) Chem PhD UCL DSC (Heterogeneous Catalysis) London FIChemE FRS
MJ Nicol, BSc(Hons), PhD Witwatersrand
JW Niemantsverdriet, BSc (Phys+Math) MSc Amsterdam PhD Delft (TechSciences)
JG Petrie, BSc (Chem Eng), UCT, MSc Houston, PhD UCT, C. Eng FIChemE
ND Plint BSc(Hon), MDP, MBA (distinction), PhD, GAICD
MS Powell, BSc(hons) Natal PhD Cape Town FSAIMM FAusIMM

Honorary Associate Professor

B Cohen, BSc(Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town

Adjunct Professors
B J Chicksen, MBChB Harare FCP (SA) Durban MBA Johannesburg
JW Mann, BSc(Eng) Extractive Metallurgy Witwatersrand MBL UNISA
R Schouwstra, BSc(Hons) NWU MSc Johannesburg DSc NWU
MH Solomon, BSc(Eng)Mining, Witwatersrand, FSAIMM, FIQ, Mine Manager’s Certificate of
Competency (Metalliferous), MDP(Mining) South Africa
DW Wright BSc(Eng) Natal PrEng FSAAE FIChemE MSAIChE M.Inst.D

Adjunct Associate Professor


Senior Lecturers
L Bbosa, BSc(Eng)Elec-Mech MSc PhD Cape Town MSAIMM
MA Fagan-Endres, BSc(Eng)Chem Cape Town PhD Cantab (Director of Undergraduate Studies)
E Govender-Opitz, BSc(Eng) Chem PhD Cape Town
HR Heydenrych, BSc(Eng)Chem MSc Cape Town
TP Mokone BSc (Hons) Chem UFS MSc UFS PhD(Chem Eng) Cape Town
MS Manono, BSc(Eng )Chem MSc Cape Town PGDip Business Management Regenesys PhD Cape
T Rampai, BSc(Hons) MSc Cape Town

Contract Lecturers
S Bremner, BSc (Physics) Cape Town, BSc(Hons) NASSP Cape Town, MSc (Physics) KwaZulu-
Natal PhD (Physics) Cape Town
CJ Edwards, BSc(Eng)Chem Cape Town
R Manenzhe BSc(Eng)Chem MSc Cape Town
D Mogashana, BSc(Eng)Chem Cape Town, MPhil (Engineering Education) Cape Town, PhD
(Engineering Education) Cape Town
L Motsepe, BSc(Microbiology and Biochemistry) Wits, BSc(Eng)Chem Johannesburg, MSc (Eng)
Chem Cape Town
L October, BSc(Eng) Chem Cape Town

T van Heerden, BSc(Eng)Chem MSc Cape Town

Honorary Research Associates

M Johnstone Robertson, BSc(Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town
SM Jones, BSc(Biochemistry) BSc(Hons) Biotechnology MSc(Biochemistry) Rhodes PhD
Bioprocess Engineering Cape Town
MA Petersen, BSc(Physics) MSc Cape Town PhD Cantab

Chief Research Officer

MC Harris, BSc(Eng)Chem MSc Cape Town

Senior Research Officers

AG Hughes, BIng Stellenbosch, MSc(Eng) Cape Town
A Kotsiopoulos, BSc(Eng) MSc PhD Cape Town
A Marquard, BA Cape Town, MA Rhodes, PhD Cape Town
B Merven, BScEng , ScEng, MScFinMaths Cape Town
R Mohamed, BSc(Hons) (Chemistry) MSc NMMU PhD(Chem Eng) Cape Town
M Smart, BSc(Hons) MSc Stellenbosch PhD Cape Town
APP van der Westhuizen, BEng Stellenbosch MSc Cape Town

Research Officers
F Ahjum, BSc(Hons) Perth, MSc(Eng) Cape Town
PA Bepswa, BSc(Eng)Metallurgical Zimbabwe PhD Cape Town
M Fadlalla, BSc(Chem) MSc PhD Durban-University of KwaZulu-Natal
AS Geldenhuys, BEng (Chem) Stellenbosch, MSc (Chem Eng) UCT
NTJ Luchters, BTech Leiden MSc Cape Town
B McCall, BSc(Hons), MScEng Cape Town
T Moyo, BEng(Hnrs) (Eng) NUST Zimbabwe, PhD, (Eng) Cape Town
MC Richter,BSc(Physics) Cape Town, BSc (Hons) Cape Town, MSC(Physics) Cape Town,
PhD(Physics) Cape Town
M Smart, BSc(Hons) MSc Stellenbosch PhD Cape Town
J Waters, BTech(Chem Eng) Cape Technikon MSc Cape Town

Principal Technical Officer


Chief Technical Officers

MA Jakoet, BSc(Eng) Mechatronics Cape Town
P Johnston, BSc Cape Town
T Samkanga, NITC NTC NH(Eng)Elec Harare Polytechnic MBA Rhodes

Senior Technical Officers

RB Cupido, NDip(Analytical Chemistry) BTech(Chemistry) MTech(Chem) CPUT
WP Koorts BTech(Chem Eng) MTech CPUT
CA Le Roux, NDip CPUT BTech(Chem) UNISA

Technical Officers
DJ Bramble
GV Groenmeyer

Principal Scientific Officer

S Govender, ND Analytical Chemistry Peninsula Technikon BTech Chemistry CPUT MPhil Env
Mngmnt Stell Univ

Chief Scientific Officer

J Chivavava, B(Eng) NUST MSc(Eng) Cape Town
K Pillay, BSc (Hons) UKZN MSc Cape Town Pr. Sci. Nat.

Department Laboratory Manager

A Mentoor, BSc(Hons) MSc Stellenbosch

Analytical Laboratory Manager

S Govender, BSc(AppChem) Hons(Chem) MSc UKZN

Technical Assistant-Analytical Lab

R Geland

Laboratory Assistant - Analytical Lab

S Klink

Department Manager
SI Pillay

Building Supervisor
E Matthews

Workshop Assistant-Electronic Workshop

CF Nomdoe

Administrative Staff
B Cloete (Undergraduate Administrator)
B Davids (Postgraduate Administrator)
N Dili (Receptionist)
D Lesch (Finance Assistant)
K Mfundisi (Administrative Assistant)
F Silwana (Purchaser)

The Department offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Chemical Engineering.
The undergraduate programme draws top school leavers from South Africa and further afield, with
an annual intake of approximately 140 students. Graduates from this programme are highly sought-
after in a wide variety of industries. The Department has dynamic research programmes and students
who have obtained satisfactory results in their undergraduate courses are encouraged to return for
postgraduate study. The Department's research activities are at present centered on:

 Biological leaching of mineral ores, with work concentrated on the fundamental

processes involved
 Bioprocess engineering focused on biotransformation, process design, process kinetics,
novel bioprocesses and the recovery of biological product;
 Catalysis research aimed at synthesis, characterisation and modelling of heterogeneous
catalysts and their application in a variety of reactions and reactor types
 Crystallization and precipitation research focusing on metal recovery in mineral
processing and metal removal for environmental protection and crystallization for water
 Educational research aimed at improving the quality of undergraduate teaching and
 Environmental process engineering, both at a conceptual and a practical level
 Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies focusing on fuel processing catalysis and devices,
electrodes development and fuel cell and stack development

 Hydrometallurgy for metal extraction

 Minerals processing research focused on milling, classification and flotation of ores;
 Process modelling and optimization
 Process synthesis featuring the application of pinch technology to heat and mass transfer
systems as well as the control of process systems
 Value recovery from waste, contributing to industrial ecology and the circular economy
 Water remediation, treatment, recovery and footprinting

Course Outlines
12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor H von Blottnitz
Course outline:
Mining in Africa, as in the rest of the world has an adverse impact on the environment.
Understanding environmental challenges relevant to the mineral industry, with emphasis on the
relationship between mining and minerals beneficiation activities and environmental impact
categories is cardinal. In this course students will be introduced to environmental issues related to
mining industries as well as environmental legislation, guidelines and best practices. It will provide
exposure to the mining world and will offer students the opportunity to conduct case studies on real
mine sites.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor J Broadhurst
Course outline:
This course is grounded in the realizations that sustainable development requires professionals to be
able to negotiate disciplinary truth boundaries so as to minimize externalization of costs and
damages to 3rd parties or future generations; and requires an understanding of the complexity of
coupled social-ecological systems, which can only partly be learnt in the classroom. This course
aims to ground learning not just in theory but also in the evolving practice of sustainable
development in Africa. Students are requested to register for a practical training period of two weeks
or more, with an accredited host, resulting in a reflective report.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Course outline:
This course focuses on the rise to global prominence of the challenge of sustainability in general and
sustainable development in particular. Course topics include: the meaning of sustainability and
sustainable development; key elements of the environmental crisis; key elements of the global
economy and the nature of inequality; an introduction to deep ecology; fault lines and application.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.

Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor H von Blottnitz
Course entry requirements: CHE3006F, CHE3007S, CHE3008S
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This elective course aims to introduce 4th year chemical engineering students to the field of
industrial ecology, its main topics of enquiry, the associated analysis tools, as well as the emerging
practise resulting from it. Topics covered start from the biological metaphor and the systems
dimension of biomimicry: interplays of producers, consumers, degraders; metabolism; symbiosis;
young vs. mature eco-systems; signalling in nature. Applications covered include industrial
symbiosis, material flow analysis, the circular economy, resource efficiency. Assessment is by
means of one term-time assignment (40%), applying learnings to a current topic, and by a final
written examination (60%).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor H von Blottnitz
Course entry requirements: 3 years of engineering or science studies at university level
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to familiarise students with the environmental assessment tool known as Life
Cycle Assessment, the history of its development, its diverse uses, the ISO norms, the science
behind some of its key impact categories (beyond carbon and water), its use to support decision-
making in product systems, process systems or in policy-making. Furthermore, to develop skills and
insights in the important steps of goal and scope definition, inventory modelling, data quality
assessment, choice of impact assessment categories, interpretation and uncertainty propagation,
partly by working with LCA software and databases. Assessment is by project 50% and written final
examination 50%.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor P Kooyman
Course entry requirements: CHE2005W or CEM2005W
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce advanced students to basic principles in heterogeneous catalysis:
diffusion and adsorption; catalyst performance evaluation (reactions, product analysis); catalyst
preparation (metal-based catalysts; metal-oxide based catalysts; supported catalysts); catalyst
characterisation; catalysed reactions: acid catalysed reactions, metal catalysed reactions, bi-
functional catalysis, oxidation catalysis; important industrial chemical processes based on
heterogeneous catalysis.

DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor K Möller
Course entry requirements: CHE3006F, CHE3007S, CHE3008S
Course outline:
This course aims to develop students’ knowledge of rigorous optimisation techniques and tools with
application to chemical engineering problems and processes. The course content consists of :
convex, concave, quadratic function interpretation, objective functions, single variable optimisation:
bracketing, newtons and secant methods, quadratic interpolation, multivariable optimisation:
simplex, conjugate gradient concepts, indirect methods of first and second order, conjugate gradient
method, newtons methods, quasi-newton, secant methods, BFGS,secant updates, non-linear
programming: lagrange multipliers, conditions for a minimum(max), quadratic programming (QP),
generalised reduced gradient (GRG), penalty functions, sequential quadratic programming (SQP),
linear programming (LP), integer constraints (MINLP), formulating objective functions of processes
with constraints, linearisation of models, and optimal control.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor J Broadhurst
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the business activities of extractive industries and
the impact on communities and other social partners. This course introduces a range of systems
methodologies that are integrated into frameworks which are designed to build and maintain
productive relationships with these communities and social partners. The course topics include:
community and social partner assessment; community and social partners and the communication
process; and engaging communities and social partners.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: None
Co-requisites: CHE5055Z
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: None
Course entry requirements: CHE5055Z, DP in CHE5082Z.
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor K Möller
Course entry requirements: BSc (Engineering) (Chemical Engineering)
Course outline:
This course covers advanced engineering statistics. Topics include: Conducting a physical
experiment, random variables and variation, making inference on random variables, normal
distribution, confidence intervals. Design and analysis of experiments: sequential design, factorial
designs, fractional factorial designs, response surface designs, mixture designs, optimal design.
Nonlinear model fitting, nonlinear optimal design, application to laboratory and industrial data.
DP requirements: Submission of all projects and/or assignments with all questions/sections duly
Assessment: 50% weighted average of all projects and assignments


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
This course develops an advanced understanding of molecular modelling of solids and fluid-phase
components of interest to catalysis and other fields. The course provides background theoretical
understanding of molecular modelling as well as subject specific experience with the use of the
leading commercial modelling software. Included are the building of molecular structures ab initio,
the use of data libraries as well as the use of various force-field energy minimisation techniques.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 2 hours.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr R Huddy
Course entry requirements: BSc(Eng) or equivalent four year BSc(Hons) degree.
Course outline:
This course in microbial physiology and dynamics covers fundamentals of microbiology,
macromolecules and metabolism; metabolic engineering; microbial media and culture maintenance;
and gene expression and control.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 3 hours, assignments.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: BSc (Eng) or BSc (Hons) degree or equivalent
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of basic microbiology, bioreactor technology,
brewing, protein extraction and electrophoresis, DNA extraction, PCR, fluorescence microscopy,
enzyme kinetics, and biotransformations.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Assignments and practical examination.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 1 Final report.
Convener: Dr E Optitz
Course entry requirements: BSc (Eng) or BSc (Hons)degree or equivalent
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to provide postgraduate students with the competency to execute
meaningful research in a structured way, to critically analyse the results of this research and to
communicate these results effectively. The course topics include: research philosophy, research
planning, hypothesis development and research methodology; literature review skills; research
ethics; research communication and related technical skills; experimental practice; structuring,
writing and presentation of scientific outputs. The assignments include: oral presentation of
seminars, scientific and technical writing tasks, experimental design tasks and literature review. The
final examination comprises the compilation and presentation of the final report which is a complete
research proposal.
DP requirements: Completion of all assignments and the final report (100%).
Assessment: Assignments and final report.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: BSc (Eng) or BSc (Hons) degree or equivalent
Course outline:
Sustainability is fast becoming a major factor in decision making in most industries employing
chemical engineering graduates. Since the IChemE and its sister associations signed the London
Communiqué in 1997, sustainability has become understood as a key design and operation criterion
for chemical engineers to consider. This course seeks to provide graduate students with an
awareness of the issues surrounding a sustainable process industry and an appreciation for its
importance. The course will examine the central role of chemical engineering in achieving balance
amongst economic, environmental, and social benefits and impacts for projects conducted by
companies operating in the oil, chemicals, minerals and energy sectors, and will address related
challenges of intensive agriculture and provision of water. It seeks to go further to provide a
framework and a set of tools which will assist the process engineer in providing rational input in
terms of sustainability into decision making, with quantification wherever possible.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination and assignments.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: BSc(Eng).
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of advanced thermodynamics & separation processes.
Topics include: multiphase equilibria: equations of state, activity coefficient models, gas-solid and
liquid-solid systems, Gibbs free energy minimisation. Separations technology: azeotropes, residue

curve/distillation curve analysis, complex separations, membranes, adsorption, reactive separations.

Multi-component mass transfer: application of Maxwell-Stefan theory to separation systems.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Projects and assignments (50% for each project and assignment to pass course).


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr A Kotsiopoulos
Course entry requirements: BSc(Eng) or equivalent four year BSc(Hons) degree.
Course outline:
This course is an advanced introduction to bioprocess design. Topics include: Stoichiometry of
microbial growth and product formation. Mixing and oxygen transfer. Bioreactor design and scale
up. Sterilisation. Material and energy balances for microbial systems. Biokinetic analysis of batch,
fed-batch and continuous systems. Mixed cultures and mixed culture kinetics. Downstream
processing. Bioprocess analysis. Environmental impact of bioprocesses.
DP requirements: Satisfactory completion of all projects and assignments.
Assessment: Examination 3 hours, projects and assignments.


4 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
This advanced course covers the fundamentals of process modelling. Topics include: micro-, meso-,
macro-scale modelling; population balance modelling; dynamics and stability of chemical systems.
DP requirements: Attendance 70%.
Assessment: Project and/or examination.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: BSc(Eng), BSc(Hons) with applied mathematics major.
Course outline:
This course in advanced numerical methods for engineers covers: computer arithmetic, linear
equations (transformations, SVD), non-linear equations (quasi-newton’s methods, continuation),
ODEs (explicit, implicit, BDF, implicit Runge-Kutta), BVPs (collocation, finite differences,
shooting method, finite elements), DAEs (index, implicit solvers), PDEs (collocation, finite
differences, finite elements, iterative methods), model regression (leasts squares, variance, boostrap,
parameter estimation), and parametric sensitivity analysis (transient, steady state).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Projects and assignments (50% for each project and assignment to pass course).


DP requirement for entry to CHE5002Z.
0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Co-requisites: CHE5055Z
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to allow a student to undertake preparatory work for the 120 credit
dissertation (CHE5002Z). Work required may include ensuring that research infrastructure (e.g.
apparatus etc.) is or will be in place, setting up of models, collection of data. The student should
maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor in order to show evidence of suitable progress
towards these aims. The supervisor must indicate satisfactory fulfilment of the course aims prior to
the student proceeding to the dissertation.
DP requirements: None


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: BSc (Eng) or BSc (Hons) or equivalent
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of how to translate technology from the laboratory to
the marketplace. Topics covered include technology commercialisation; intellectual property; start-
up companies (structure, resourcing); entrepreneurial resources; introduction to entrepreneurial
finance and funding; business models specific to biotechnology; understanding the components of a
business plan; and market research.
DP requirements: Satisfactory completion of 80% assignments
Assessment: Year mark.


4 NQF credits at NQF level 9; block release.
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: BSc (Eng) or equivalent four years BSc (Hons)
Course outline:
Basics of electrochemistry: electrode reactions, electron transfer, double layer, design of experiment.
Platinum as electrocatalyst: behaviour in bulk and as nanoparticle. The role of carbon and other
supports for fuel cell catalysts. Theoretical and practical aspects of cyclic voltammetry,
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, rotation disk electrode, polarisation curve, current
interrupt and linear sweep voltammetry. Overview of selected physical/chemical characterisation
techniques and their application in fuel cell research.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 30%, Examination 70%


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9; block release.
Convener: Associate Professor J Broadhurst
Course outline:
This course aims to provide postgraduate students with competency to execute meaningful research
in a structured way, to critically analyse the results of this research and to communicate these results
effectively. To achieve this, the course topics include research philosophy; research planning,
hypothesis development and research methodology; literature review skills; research ethics; research
communication and related technical skills; structuring, writing and presentation of research outputs.
Entrance is limited to students registered for the M Phil specialising in Sustainable Mineral
Resource Development offered by the University of Cape Town and the equivalent Master of
Mineral Science Degree in Sustainable Mineral Resources Development, offered by the University
of Zambia.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 100%.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor N Fischer
Course entry requirements: BSc Honours in Science or BSc (Eng) or equivalent.
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to facilitate the connection between high level theory and practical application, for
new MSc students in the field of heterogeneous catalysis research. Included are safety aspects
specific to laboratories in the Catalysis Institute, the design of test units (including material section,

valve design, and temperature/pressure control), and the preparation of various types of
heterogeneous catalysts.
DP requirements: Pass presentation on experimental plan for heterogeneous catalysis preparation
practical (pass/fail principle, no grades). A minimum average of 50% for written assignments.
Assessment: Written report on heterogeneous catalyst preparation practical (40%); Written exam on
course including safety aspects, planning/design/operation of rigs and heterogeneous catalysis
preparation (60%).


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor N Fischer
Course entry requirements: BSc Honours in Science or BSc (Eng) or equivalent.
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to facilitate the connection between high level theory and practical application for
new MSc students in the field of heterogeneous catalysis characterization techniques. It includes
common techniques available in or associated with the laboratories in the Catalysis Institute such as
temperature programmed techniques, elemental analysis methods, electron microscopy, X-ray and
light based techniques (i.e. Raman and infra-red spectroscopy), gas chromatography and the
introduction of more specialized methods such as X-ray absorption, solid state NMR and surface
science techniques.
DP requirements: A minimum average of 50% for written assignments.
Assessment: Written reports on different practicals (each 10%, total 40%); Written exam on course
covering all introduced characterization techniques, both in theoretical background as well as data
collection and analysis (60%).


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 0

The Department offers the following Postgraduate Degree Programmes:

Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance

Geotechnical Engineering
Structural Engineering and Materials
Transport Studies
Water Quality Engineering

Research Entities:
Centre for Transport Studies
Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit
Geotechnical Engineering
Structural Engineering and Mechanics
Future Water Research Institute
Water Quality Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering is housed in the New Engineering Building, situated on the top
terrace of the Upper Campus. This facility is shared with the Department of Chemical Engineering
and the Faculty Office.

Professor and Head of Department
P Moyo, PrEng BSc(Eng) Zimbabwe MSc(Eng) Newcastle-upon-Tyne PhD Nanyang FSAAE

NP Armitage, PrEng BSc(Eng) Natal MSc(Eng) CapeTown PhD Stell FSAAE FSAICE FWISA
R Behrens, Pr Pln BA MCRP PhD Cape Town
H Beushausen, Dipl-Ing HAW Hamburg MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town
S Skatulla, Dipl-Ing Karlsruhe PhD Adelaide
M Vanderschuren, BSc(Eng) Tilburg MScEng Delft PhD Enschede FSAICE MITSSA
A Zingoni, PrEng BSc(Eng) Zimbabwe MSc(Eng) London DIC PhD London CEng FIStructE
MHP Zuidgeest, MSc(Eng) PhD(Eng) Twente

Associate Professors
KJ Carden, BSc MSc(Appl Sci) PhD Cape Town
DS Ikumi, PhD Cape Town
D Kalumba, BSc(Eng) Makerere MSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD Newcastle-upon-Tyne
DG Randall, PrEng BSc(Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town MSAIChE MWISA MIMWA

Emeritus Professors
MG Alexander, PrEng BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Witwatersrand FSAICE FSAAE, MASSAf MICT

Emeritus Associate Professors

R Del Mistro, PrEng TRP(SA) BSc(Eng) Diploma TE(IHE) MURP Cape Town PhD Pretoria
RO Heckroodt, MSc DSc Pretoria Dip Ceram Leeds FSAIMM FI Ceram (UK)
FA Kilner, PrEng MA Oxon MSc(Eng) London DIC

Senior Lecturers
K Mudenda, PrEng BEng Zambia MSc(Eng) Cape Town
J Okedi, BSc(Eng) Makerere MSc(Eng) Leuven PhD Cape Town AMSAICE MWISA MIWA

Academic Development Senior Lecturers

S Motala, PrLS BSc(Land Surveying) UKZN MSc(Eng) UCT HDHET CPUT PhD (Education)
NS Wolmarans, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

FC Chebet, BSc(Eng) Makerere MSc(Eng) Manchester
T Harding BTech (Chem Eng) CPUT BSc Hons (Environ Eng) Pretoria MSc (Eng) PhD Cape
GV Maswime BSc (Eng) BSocSc Hons (Public Policy) UZKN MPA Pretoria
T Mofokeng, PrEng BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) Cape Town
L Nolutshungu, MSc(Eng) Cape Town

Honorary Professor
S Hess, BSc Manchester MPhil Cambridge PhD London

Honorary Research Associates

E Beukes, PhD Cape Town
LA Kane, BEng Cardiff MSc(Eng) Cape Town
K MacHutchon, PhD Stellenbosch
P Mguni, BSc Zimbabwe MSc Aalborg PhD Copenhagen
S Phayane, PrEng MEng Cape Town
M Santhanam, BTech IIT Madras MS PhD Purdue
I Tchetgnia Ngassam, PhD Paris-Est

Principal Technical Officer


Laboratory Manager/Principal Scientific Officer

N Hassen

Water Quality Laboratory Manager

N Thela, NDip Chem Eng MUT BTech Chem Eng DUT BSc Hon(Appl Sci) Pretoria

Chief Technical Officers

A Rule

Departmental Manager
AB Dalwai, BSocSc Cape Town

Administrative Officer - Postgraduate

R Geswindt

Administrative Officer – Undergraduate


Research Administrative Staff

G Verster

Finance Assistant
A Courie

B Adams

Z Mcoteli

Laboratory Technical Staff

L Adams
C Ceasar
H Mafungwa
C May
E Witbooi

Workshop Assistant
M Swayiza

Course Outlines
180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


Not offered in 2022
16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor H Beushausen
Course entry requirements: BScEng
Course outline:
The aims of the course are to provide structural engineers with fundamental and practical knowledge
in concrete materials technology, to establish an understanding on modelling and designing concrete
properties relevant to structural design, and to create awareness on chemical and physical material
characteristics of cementitious construction materials. The topics covered in this course include:
constituent materials (cements, admixtures, cement extenders, aggregates); desirable properties for
concrete (plastic and hardened properties, including strength, creep, shrinkage, elastic modulus,
durability); concrete mix design; prediction and modelling of concrete structural properties; concrete
failure and fracture; concrete quality control; deterioration mechanisms; special concretes such as
high strength concrete, self compacting concrete and fibre reinforced concrete. The course includes
lectures, industrial visits, seminars, projects, and laboratory sessions.
Lecture times: 40 hours (1 week block lectures)
DP requirements: Attendance of lectures and practicals; submission of assignments and project
Assessment: Research paper 15%, research oral presentation 10%, laboratory report 15%, final
examination 60% (closed book).


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr K. Mudenda
Course entry requirements: BScEng; CIV3049S (or equivalent), CIV4045F (or equivalent)
Course outline:
The aims of this course are to provide structural engineers with an understanding of concrete
behaviour and design that builds upon knowledge from the undergraduate curriculum. This includes
some specialist topics. Topics included elastic theory, crack mechanism and liquid retaining
structures. Flexural, shear behaviour and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete deep beams.
Design of shear walls for reinforced concrete buildings as well as the design of concrete slabs with
application to irregular shaped slabs.
DP requirements: Attendance of lectures, an average assignment mark of 50%.
Assessment: Assignments 40%, final exam 60%


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: As per programme requirement
Course entry requirements: Core MEng courses to be completed
Course outline:
Candidates will undertake a project of a development, review, or practical nature on a prescribed
Civil Engineering topic. The project may be undertaken individually or as a group project and a
project report must be written. The project will require approximately 600 hours of work.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work 100%.


4 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course outline:
This advanced course on the principles of wastewater treatment and wastewater characterisation
includes: objectives of wastewater treatment; wastewater chemical and physical characterization;
measurement of energy, nitrogen and phosphorus in municipal wastewater; effect of settlement and
filtration. Also covered are: characterisation of primary sludge for anaerobic digestion, and an
overview of unit operations in wastewater treatment.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor R Behrens
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of transport systems management. Topics
include: the rationale for the management of transport systems through alternatives to large scale
infrastructure provision; transport impact assessment and access management as a means of
managing the impacts of new land use development on transport systems; ’road space management’
as a means of prioritising public transport vehicles; 'transport system management' as a means of
managing transport supply; 'travel demand management' as a means of managing travel behaviour;
and the use of 'intelligent transport systems' in supply and demand management.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
This minor dissertation course includes the selection of an approved research problem/topic; the
preparation of research project/proposal; conducting a literature review; conducting research,
including information/data acquisition and analysis, and the preparation of minor dissertation for
examination (a word length of 15 000 words should not normally be exceeded). The project will
require approximately 600 hours of work.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor R Behrens
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the integration of land use planning and
transport planning process. Topics include: theoretical perspectives on the relationship between
transport systems and urban activity systems; co-evolution of transport systems and urban form;
sustainable transport and the problem of 'automobile dependent' cities; planning paradigms and
rationales for public intervention into land use and transport systems; legislative, institutional and
financial frameworks for land use and transport planning in South Africa; conceptual framing and
practical application of approaches to integrated land use-transport planning in the South African
context and local and international case studies and experiences.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor M Vanderschuren
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of planning and design of non-motorised
transportation infrastructure. Topics include: current South African realities and the importance of
non-motorised travel modes; planning frameworks for non-motorised transportation infrastructure
improvements and network management; methods of site and network analysis, and approaches to
modelling and simulation; footway and pathway design; the design of pedestrian precincts; low-cost
bicycle supply and promotion; cycleway and bicycle parking design and pedestrian and bicycle
crossing facilities.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: As per programme requirement.
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: a research project of a theoretical or
practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the
literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a technique involving novel
features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 100% written work.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr T Harding
Course entry requirements: CIV5032Z or CIV5144Z
Course outline:
This advanced course in solid/liquid separation in water and wastewater treatment includes: classes
of solids settling; factors affecting settling tanks; column test for water-treatment solids settling
characterization; application to sizing settling tanks (classes 1 and 2 settling); effect of flocculation;
flux theory and application to sizing wastewater treatment plant settling tanks (classes 3 and 4);
measures of activated sludge settleability and relationships between them; comparison of flux theory
with other design procedures; computational fluid dynamics modelling of settling tanks;
introduction to membrane technology for solid/liquid separation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course entry requirements: CIV5032Z, CIV5046Z or CIV5144Z
Course outline:
This advanced course in sewage sludge treatment includes: an introduction to sewage sludge reuse
and disposal guidelines in South Africa; characterization of primary and waste activated sludge in
the context of mass balances over the entire wastewater treatment plant; sludge thickening with
gravity sedimentation and flotation; development and validation of steady state aerobic digestion
model for primary and waste activated sludge stabilisation and application to design and analysis
including oxygen transfer and sludge thickening considerations; kinetics, stoichiometry and weak
acid/base chemistry of anaerobic digestion; development, validation and application of steady state
anaerobic digestion model, generation of sludge treatment liquors and the impact of their
recirculation on effluent quality, and nutrient (N and P) reduction in sludge treatment liquors;
biosolids handling and design principles (conditioning, dewatering, composting, conveyance,
storage); resource recovery from sludge and biosolids.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course entry requirements: CIV5045Z or CIV5144Z
Course outline:
This advanced course in steady state design of biological nutrient removal systems includes:
denitrification, development of the steady state nitrification denitrification (ND) model; effect of ND
on reactor volume, effluent alkalinity and oxygen demand; the role of readily biodegradable (RB)
and slowly biodegradable (SB) organics; denitrification potential; effect of the influent TKN/COD
ratio on unaerated mass fraction, N removal and effluent quality; calculation of inter-reactor recycles
ratios for design and analysis of pre-, post- and combined denitrification systems. Characteristics of
polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs); development and use of biological excess
phosphorus removal (BEPR) steady state model; design and analysis of NDBEPR of systems,
chemical P precipitation and its effect on BEPR; new developments and novel applications; the
impact of membrane solid/liquid separation and external nitrification on NDBEPR system design.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course entry requirements: CIV5045Z, CIV5046Z, CIV5047Z
Course outline:
This advanced course in integrated wastewater treatment plant design includes: calculating daily
composite average flow and loads from diurnal data; influent flow balancing; integrated wastewater
treatment plant modelling and design; major project brief; economic evaluation of different
wastewater treatment plant layouts to achieve different technical, and environmental and economic
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Major project 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr T Harding
Course outline:
This advanced course in aquatic chemistry covers chemical thermodynamics; acids and bases,
activity, pH equilibria of weak acid base systems, titration of acids and bases, reference species;
alkalinity acidity and pH, buffering intensity, detailed treatment of the carbonate system;
precipitation and dissolution, mixed weak acid systems; application to pH control in anaerobic
digester; the nitrogen and sulphur systems; redox equilibrium systems; Pourbaix (pe-pH) diagrams;
kinetics of redox reactions.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor H Beushausen
Course entry requirements: Any suitable four-year degree
Course outline:
The aim of this module is to expose students to the concepts of municipal infrastructure
management. These concepts include the context for Infrastructure Management Planning, the
process of Infrastructure Management Planning and the techniques required to prepare an
Infrastructure Management Plan.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Assignments 40%; take home examination 60%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor R Behrens
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of public passenger transport system policy analysis
and regulation. Topics include: Legislative and planning frameworks: institutional, legislative,
financing and planning frameworks for integrated public transport infrastructure provision and
service operation. Public transport policy: policy debates on subsidisation and competition
regulation; mode alternatives analysis; international case studies of public transport system reform.
Paratransit reform: operator consolidation and transition; fleet renewal; service upgrade; integration
with scheduled services. Public transport system regulation and competition: industry structures;
approaches to regulation and competition; licensing and contracting. Quality of service: quality-of-
service measurement; passenger satisfaction measurement; passenger information systems and

DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor M Zuidgeest
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of public passenger transport system design
and operations management. Topics include: Public transport system concepts: basic bus and rail
system concepts; alternative technologies and operating characteristics. Public transport system
design: route network planning; service planning; road and rail right-of-way design and vehicle
prioritisation; signalling systems; station and interchange design; demand estimation; passenger
capacity analysis. Public transport system operations management: service quality assessment,
scheduling and rostering; train movement control systems; reliability, disruption and incident
management; performance assessment; ridership measurement. Integrated fare structures: integrated
ticketing systems; fare structures; fare setting. System maintenance: asset management; vehicle fleet
and rolling stock maintenance and refurbishment. DP requirements: Students are required to pass
class exercises during the course week.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


25 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor R Behrens
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to offer students an opportunity to undertake a case study research project
in which they are able to develop or deepen skills in transport policy and planning processes. The
research would involve undertaking a critical investigation of the requirement for, the process of
preparing and implementing, the content and the impacts of a selected transport policy, plan,
strategy or project.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project report 100%.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor A Zingoni
Course entry requirements: BScEng
Course outline:
This course aims to be a comprehensive treatment of plate and shell theories, and their application to
the solution of various problems in structural engineering. Plate and Shell Structures Part A will
cover plates subjected to bending and twisting (slope, curvature, twist, bending moments, transverse
shears and twisting moments); the derivation of the bending equation for transversally loaded plates
(rectangular and polar co-ordinates); solutions for rectangular plates and circular plates; practical
applications; introduction to shell structures; the membrane hypothesis for shells; the membrane
theory of axisymmetrically loaded shells of revolution; applications to the analysis of pressure
vessels, liquid-containment vessels, domes and cooling towers.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor S Skatulla
Course entry requirements: BScEng or equivalent
Course outline:
This advanced course in the mechanics of materials aims to introduce students to the following
topics: physical mechanisms of deformation of common construction materials; continuum
mechanics and its main mathematical tool, tensor analysis; non-linear continuum material
behaviour, including visco-elasticity, plasticity, and modelling; failure and fracture characteristics
and modelling of these effects. An introduction to computational mechanics is also included.
DP requirements: 40% Subminimum in class tests.
Assessment: Examination 60%, coursework 40%.


Prerequisite for CIV5000Z and CIV5134W
0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: As per programme requirement.
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to allow a student to undertake preparatory work for the master’s
dissertation. Work required includes literature searches and reviews; identification of the research
problem, objectives and hypothesis; consideration of research methodology; planning for the active
research phase; and ensuring that research infrastructure (e.g. apparatus etc.) is or will be in place.
The student should maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor in order to show evidence of
suitable progress towards these aims. The supervisor must indicate satisfactory fulfilment of the
course aims prior to the student proceeding to the dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: None


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor P Moyo
Course entry requirements: BScEng
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce the concepts of structural dynamics and its applications in structural
engineering. Topics covered include dynamic equilibrium of structures. Response of a single degree
of freedom system to dynamic excitation: free vibration, harmonic loads, impulse loading and
general loading. Response of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Free vibrations: mass, damping, and
stiffness matrices. Rayleigh damping. Forced vibrations: modal superposition and step by step
methods. Continuous systems. Applications to seismic design of structures, blast and impact effects
on structures and wind engineering
Lecture times: 40 hours (1 week block lectures).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50%, examination 50%.


10 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor P Moyo
Course entry requirements: BScEng
Course outline:
The course introduces students to the governance and management of special structures. The
procedures employed for safety evaluation are generally not specified in codes of practice.
Probabilistic based risk analysis and surveillance techniques for the evaluation of loading and
consequences of failure will be introduced. Case studies are used to demonstrate the principles.

Lecture times: 40 hours (1 week block lectures).

DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50%, examination 50%.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Ms FC Chebet
Course entry requirements: Suitable undergraduate degree qualification in an engineering,
geosciences or geological field.
Course outline:
This course aims to provide extensive insight and depth to students’ understanding of the theoretical
background involved in the design of geotechnical systems in order to facilitate critical thinking in
geotechnical analyses. It covers advanced concepts and theories in soil mechanics fundamental to
geotechnical engineering such as; shear strength of soils; stress-strain behaviour; drained and
undrained shear strength; stress paths; critical state soil mechanics, failure criteria; constitutive
models soil deformation analysis; stress distribution in soil; settlement of soil; and consolidation
Lecture times: 40 hours (1 week block lectures).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Project 50%


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Kalumba
Course entry requirements: Suitable undergraduate degree qualification in an engineering,
geosciences or geological field.
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce advanced students to geosynthetics and their applications in the built
environment and covers important considerations in the use of geosynthetics to solve civil
engineering problems. It includes methods of analysis, design, construction and field monitoring of
structures constructed with geosynthetics. Topics include the behaviour and interaction of these
materials in filtration, drainage, separation, reinforcement, erosion control and barrier functions.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Project 50%


45 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Kalumba
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
The aim of the course is to offer students an opportunity to undertake a case study project in which
they are able to develop skills in analysing and providing solutions to typical geotechnical
engineering problems encountered in the field. The project is intended to provide a platform for the
students to put into practice the methodological and technical competencies acquired during the
taught course work component of the programme. A statement of objectives of the geotechnical
engineering project will be agreed upon, and the course of study will be guided by the supervisor.
The programme will involve the student in about 450 hours of work, and a written output in the
form of a report is submitted.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project report 100%.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr S Motala
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop conceptual skills for conducting research at the master’s level. Topics
include: the scientific method, induction and deduction, inference, statistical thinking and ethics, as
well as technical skills which include technical writing, searching and interpretation of scientific
literature, proper use of citations, and communication of research outputs.
Lecture times: 40 hours (1 week block lectures).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor M Vanderschuren
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of transport demand analysis and project assessment.
Topics include: travel data collection and survey design; data processing and analysis; the link
between methodological approaches to transport analysis and the analytical questions raised by
different policy environments; theoretical and philosophical backgrounds of assessment and
evaluation methods; and techniques for the assessment and evaluation of urban transport proposals.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor M Zuidgeest
Course entry requirements: First year course in statistical methods or mathematics.
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of transport modelling principles and skills
in working with these models. Topics include: transport modelling types and scales; theory of travel
demand modelling, including the four-step transport model (i.e. trip generation, trip distribution,
mode choice and traffic assignment); output analysis; land use – transport interaction models, as
well as theory of traffic flow dynamics, including capacity assessment, LOS assessment, shockwave
analysis, dynamic traffic management and elementary traffic control design. The course ends with a
discussion about the link between models and the analytical questions raised by different policy
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Preparatory Assignments 15%; group assignment 10%; major assignment 50% and
course test 25%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: As per programme requirement.
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: a research project of a theoretical or
practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the
literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a technique involving novel
features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.

Assessment: 100% written work


25 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor M Zuidgeest
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to offer students an opportunity to undertake a research project in which students
are able to develop and enhance skills in a selected area of professional practice. The research would
involve undertaking a critical investigation of the origins, rationale, and debates surrounding the
particular professional practice, and the necessary activities associated with applying the practice
and reflecting on how it might be improved.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project report 100%


45 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The purpose of the research project is to conduct an investigation relevant to professional practice in
civil engineering. The project is intended to provide a platform to put into practice the
methodological and technical competencies acquired during the taught coursework component.
Assessment: Project report 100%.


45 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The course is intended to be an independent study component for the MSEM professional master
programme through an individual project that will demonstrate innovation and or professional
Assessment: Project report 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor H Beushausen
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to develop an understanding of durability aspects, service life design,
and non-destructive testing of concrete structures. Topics include: concrete deterioration
mechanisms (physical, mechanical and chemical deterioration); reinforcement corrosion (principles,
mechanisms, modelling, assessment, prevention); Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR); chemical attack;
cracking of concrete structures; fire damage to structures; prevention of concrete deterioration
thorough material selection, mix design and construction; service-life modelling (principles,
deterioration models, service life models, normative guidelines); impact of loads on concrete
structures; on-site evaluation techniques; visual assessment of concrete structrures; principles,
planning and execution of assessments; test methods (types, application and limitations,
interpretation of results, case studies); non-destructive test methods (NDT): classical NDT (rebound
hammer, cover depth, half-cell potential), advanced NDT (radar, sonic methods, impact echo),
imaging and intrpretation of results; diagnostic investigations and laboratory testing. The course is
based on lectures and projects and may include case studies, laboratory sessions, and site visits.

DP requirements: Minimum average mark of 50% for Assignments 1 and 2, attendance at lab and
practical sessions (80% attendance required).
Assessment: Assignments 50%; Exam 50% (50% sub-minimum in exam)


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor H Beushausen
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course deals with the repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures and covers the following
topics: introduction to the assessment of deterioration of concrete structures; repair materials and
strategies; compatibility aspects; durability and repair audits; service life predictions for repaired
structures; economics of repair and life-cycle costing; practical and contractual aspects; repair
methods and materials; reinforcement corrosion repair; repair of ASR-damaged structures; crack
injection; bonded overlays and patch repairs; electrochemical repair techniques; surface coatings and
durability extension; repair of fire damaged structures; repair materials for chemical resistance
against acid and sulphate attack; maintenance planning.
DP requirements: Minimum average mark of 50% for Assignments 1 and 2, attendance at lab and
practical sessions (80% attendance required).
Assessment: Assignments 50%; Exam 50% (50% sub-minimum in exam)


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor P Moyo
Course outline:
The course aims to develop an understanding of durability aspects, service life design, condition
assessment and non-destructive testing of steel structures. Topics include: basics of steel material
science; material characteristics and properties; structural behaviour of steel; advantages of steel
structures in industrial application; fire resistance of steel structures; deterioration of steel structures;
fundamentals of steel corrosion; corrosion detection techniques; in-situ assessment of steel
structures; protection of steel structures; coatings; cathodic protection; fatique behaviour;
strengthening and repair of steel structures.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor S Skatulla
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
The course aims to introduce advanced students to finite element modelling theory, typical
applications in structural engineering and recommendations. The topics include fundamental
approaches and solution strategies in finite element modelling; linear and non-linear structural
problems; different types of non-linearity in structural engineering; implication of the various mesh
types including truss, beam, plate and shell elements; the effects of h and p mesh refinements and
mesh quality; different types of structural supports including rigid supports, elastic bedding,
kinematic constraint supports, the influence on stress distribution and recommendations of suitable
application; different treatment of concentrated loads and distributed loads and the effect of mesh
DP requirements: Submission and satisfactory performance in all assignments.
Assessment: 50% take-home major assignment and 50% final written examination.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Kalumba
Course entry requirements: Suitable undergraduate degree qualification in an engineering, geo-
sciences or geological field.
Course outline:
This course provides an introduction to the theory of rock mechanics and its applications in
construction and mine operations. Students are presented with the fundamental concepts of stress
and strain in isotropic and anisotropic rocks and conduct stress analyses using data collected in the
laboratory and the field. Rock mass structures and classification schemes are introduced, and
students learn how these govern rock slope stability and underground rock excavation methods in a
given stress environment. Rock control and support systems utilized in underground and surface
excavations and their related safety requirements are discussed. Rock mechanics topics surrounding
blasting and the stability of impoundment dams and tailings dumps are also presented.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Project 50%.


10 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce master's level students to modern municipal wastewater treatment
from the perspective of it being a water and resource recovery facility (WRRF). Technical but non-
specialist, it can be taken by any postgraduate science and engineering graduate who is admitted to
master's level (NQF9). It aims to give instruction on the tests and measurement methods used for
design and operation of WWTPs. By following a virtual tour of a modern WWTP, the purpose,
principles, processes (physical, chemical and biological) and performance of the different unit
operations involved in primary, secondary and sludge treatment that make up a WRRF are
described. This will give qualitative insight into the implications of primary settling, biological N
and P removal and different sludge treatment options on WWTP size, power consumption, effluent
water quality, energy and phosphorus recovery and operational complexity.


45 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The statement of objectives for the MWE project will be agreed upon between the supervisor and
student. To successfully complete the 45cr research project, it is necessary to undertake in the region
of 450 hours of study. The hours are made up of research and contact time between the student and
Assessment: Project report 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr N Wolmarans
Course outline:
This course aims to provide Masters students with an introduction to methodologies appropriate for
research and scholarly work in engineering education. Students will engage with philosophy for
understanding the world of engineering education, methodologies that can be applied to problems in
engineering education, and methods and techniques for engaging with those problems in order to
understand, critique, explain and possibly intervene. Students should be able to: understand selected
methodological approaches in engineering education; understand the philosophical underpinnings of
selected methodologies; critically evaluate methodological choices; select appropriate methods and

techniques aligned with selected methodologies; and understand the ethical implications of
methodological choices.
DP requirements: None


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
This course fulfils the requirements for the partial dissertation (120 credits) of the qualification of
MPhil specialising in Engineering Education. The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the
following: design of an engineering education research project involving advanced concepts and
theoretical principles located in the engineering education research field; a research project of a
theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive
search of the literature or available data, a rigorous analysis of empirical data, and the development
of a coherent discussion of the analysis, or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Kalumba
Course outline:
This course focuses on stability of natural slopes and stability considerations related to man-made
cuts and fills. Participants will be introduced to the different slide mechanisms, the conditions of
their occurrence, the theories and principles governing stability of slopes. It will also cover the
selection, design and performance of earth retention structures, consequently equiping participants
with fundamentals and working tools needed for the design and analyses of earth retaining structures
and systems.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Field Report 10%, Assignment 40%, Project 50%.


10 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor H Beushausen
Course entry requirements: Suitable undergraduate degree qualification in an engineering,
geosciences or geological field.
Course outline:
The course aims to address concrete durability issues which have gained importance throughout the
world. Reinforced concrete deterioration is commonly related to the adequacy of the protection to
steel offered by the concrete cover layer, which is subjected to the action of aggressive agents from
the surrounding environment. A number of test methods for the quality assessment of hardened
concrete cover have been developed world-wide. In future, these methods will increasingly be used
for design and quality assurance of concrete and concrete structures. The course deals with non-
destructive testing methods (NDT) in civil engineering for quality control and condition assessment.
Condition assessment contributes to the choice of appropriate methods for concrete repair projects.
Quality control helps to assure a high quality standard for concrete members or concrete repair.
NDT methods for new constructions as well as methods to assess existing structures are discussed.
State-of-the art methods are presented as well as methods ready for use in the near future.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 100%


Not offered in 2022
16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr J Okedi
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This elective course aims to develop an understanding of: the capabilities of IoT-enabled sensor
networks. Participants will be trained on how to collect hydrological data with IoT at an affordable
cost even through citizen-science projects. The course provides training in the use of IoT
technologies for monitoring water resources, setup a network to collect and share data, develop
sensor monitoring scripts, apply information on hardware (sensors, IoT devices), and best practices
on how to involve stakeholders in water monitoring.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Assignments 20%; Projects 80%


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: design and innovation; engineering problem
identification and innovative approach to problem solving; guiding tools that promote innovating
thinking and execution of innovative strategies; introduction to intellectual property for engineers
and scientists; basics of intellectual property rights; the relationship between innovation and
intellectual property; and fundamentals of patent application.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Exam 100%


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course teaches the physical processes that control the flow of water below the subsurface,
surface-water groundwater interactions, transport of solutes, groundwater hydraulics and aspects of
drilling and well completion. It aims to give participants a sound understanding of flow in porous
media, including soil and groundwater. It prepares students on topics related to Groundwater supply,
Groundwater Recharge, Aquifer Characterisation, and Contamination of the subsurface.
Furthermore, the application of these principles of Hydrogeology to Dewatering, Mining, Petroleum
and Remediation will also be outlined.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Design Project 100%


Not offered in 2022
10 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor D Ikumi
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: the description of common technological options
for non-sewerage sanitation, including the processes for collection, storage and treatment of wastes;
the principles behind the selection, design, operation and maintenance of the various non-sewerage
sanitation options.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Exam 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr J Okedi
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop and understanding of and includes: an introduction to urban hydrology,
modelling urban drainage systems, Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) and Stormwater
harvesting (SWH).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Assignments 40%; Projects 60%


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr T Harding
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop and undertstanding of: water rights in South Africa, characteristics of
effluents, water treatment objectives, overview of water treatment processes and technologies,
removal of suspended solids and colour through coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and
filtration, disinfection processes, stabilization, water quality standards, interface between the
environmental regulation and water use and waste water discharge, and design principles for water
treatment and water re-use.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Exam 100%


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr T Harding
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: the various kinds of emerging contaminants
present in treated wastewater effluents requiring tertiary treatment for water re-use; the common
technologies used in tertiary treatment of wastewater to remove the contaminants prior to water re-

use; the principles behind the alternative water treatment technologies, including the design
considerations and process selection to ensure that water quality criteria are met.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Exam 100%


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


0 NQF credits at NQF level 0


0 NQF credits at NQF level 0


0 NQF credits at NQF level 0


0 NQF credits at NQF level 0


0 NQF credits at NQF level 0


The Department offers the following Postgraduate degree programmes:

Construction Management
Quantity Surveying
Property Studies
Project Management

Research Entity:
Urban Real Estate Research Unit

The Department is housed on Level 5 of the Snape Building, opposite Engineering Mall, off Madiba
Circle, Upper Campus.

Associate Professor and Head of Department
MM Mooya, BSc(Land Economy) Copperbelt MPhil(Land Economy) Cantab PhD(Real Estate)

A Windapo, BSc(Building) IfE MSc(Construction Management) PhD Lagos FNIOB PrCPM

Associate Professors
KA Michell, BSc(QS) MPhil Cape Town PhD Salford PrQS PMAQS MRICS
F Viruly, BA(Hons) Witwatersrand MA(Dev Econ) Kent FRICS

Emeritus Professors
BG Boaden, BSc(QS) Witwatersrand MBA British Columbia PhD Witwatersrand
PA Bowen, BSc(QS) BCom Natal MSc(Construction Management) Heriot-Watt PhD UPE
AJ Stevens, MSc(Building) Cape Town PhD UPE

Senior Lecturers
F Ametefe, BSc (Admin) Ghana, M Phil (Finance) Ghana PhD (Real Estate and Finance) Reading E
Edwardes, BSc BSc(QS) MSc(Project Management) Pret PrQS PMAQS
K Le Jeune, BSc(QS) MSc(Property Studies) Cape Town PrQS PMAQS MRICS
MW Massyn, BSc(Building) UPE FCIOB
SD Nurick, BCom BSc(Hons)(Property Studies), MPhil Cape Town MRICS
N-T Tuan, BSc(Eng) Chung Cheng Institute of Technology MEng Pret PhD Cape Town INFORMS
Taiwan Chapter
L van Schalkwyk, LLB LLM,PhD Cape Town Researcher at the SARChI Research Chair: Mineral
Law in Africa, Cape Town

A Mtya,BSc Hons (CM) Cape Town Candidate CPM SACPCMP
U Ordor BSc(Architecture) Jos MSc (Architecture) Jos MNIA MSc (Property Studies) Cape Town M
Lefoka, BSc (CS), Cape Town, BSc (Hons) (CM) Cape Town

Academic Development Senior Lecturer

K Ontong BEd (SS) cum laude BEd.Hons (LS) cum laude MEd (Sustainability Education)
cum laude PhD (Curriculum Studies) Stellenbosch SACE

Contract Lecturer
A Ellmann, BAS Cape Town

Honorary Research Associate

C Kariuki, BA (Land Economics) MA (Housing Administration) Nairobi

Departmental Manager
JM Thompsett

Administrative Officers
M Fagodien (Postgraduate)
W Samaai BA Cape Town (Undergraduate and Honours)

Administrative Assistants
J Breda (Finance)

Reception and General Administration

V Daries

Departmental Assistant
M Neutt

Postgraduate Programmes
Please note that the offering of all postgraduate programmes is subject to a minimum student
A subminimum of 40% applies to the examination and coursework components of all Honours level
courses with a CON course code.
A subminimum of 50% applies to the examination and coursework components of all Postgraduate
Diploma and Master’s level courses with a CON course code.

Course Outlines
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: CON3033F
Course outline:
This course in property studies aims to develop an understanding of feasibility studies; risk
assessment techniques; capital budgeting and sources of finance; the property development process;
whole life appraisal; maintenance management; and property valuation methods.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


This course is not eligible for additional assessment.
12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms K Le Jeune
Course entry requirements: CON3012W, CON3031W
Course outline:
This course in measurement and design appraisal covers: Design appraisal, measurement and
preparation of tender documentation for complex buildings and specialist installations (electrical and
mechanical). The theoretical component involves a study of: (i) critical design appraisal and the
improvement of constructability and cost-efficiency; (ii) compiling the Preliminaries Bill; and (iii)
descriptive clauses in the Standard System of Measuring of Building Work. The practical
component involves the application of the principles of measurement to advanced/unconventional
forms of building construction and specialist installations by means of elemental quantification,
covering: Bulk Earthworks; Planking, Strutting and Shoring; Piling; Underpinning; Basements;
Electrical Installations; and Mechanical Installations. The practicals require computerised
documentation using measurement software.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: CML1001F or CML1004S, CON3032W
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of applied contract law. Topics include: the
Insolvency Act; case studies of construction and building disputes; alternative dispute resolution;
government and new engineering forms of contract; and common international contracts.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


This course is not eligible for additional assessment.
20 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms K Le Jeune
Course entry requirements: CON3031W
Co-requisites: CON4032S
Course outline:
This course in professional practice covers: The Quantity Surveying Profession Act (No. 49 of
2000), Rules promulgated under the Act, and the implications of the Code of Conduct for registered
practitioners; the commission; the Quantity Surveyor-Client Agreement; professional liability and
professional indemnity insurance; fee scales; PROCAP; the Quantity Surveying function during the
pre-contract, tender, post-contract, and final account stages: preparation and presentation of cost
plans and Bills of Quantities, administration and adjudication of competitive bids, valuation for
interim payment certificates, recovery statements, valuation of and payment for materials on and
off-site; escalation; preparation and presentation of Final Accounts. Simulated Office project.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms K Le Jeune
Course outline:
This opportunity to gain practical experience includes 160 hours (4 weeks) of approved experience
employed in any of the built environment disciplines: construction; engineering; housing; property
development and management; quantity surveying; relevant local authority, provincial and national
government departments.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms K Le Jeune
Course entry requirements: CON3012W, CON4032S
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of measurement and scheduling of civil engineering
construction. The theoretical aspects of the course cover the clauses in the Civil Engineering
Standard Methods of Measurement (Southern African Edition) CESMM3 for: Site Clearance;
Earthworks; and Concrete (Structural). The practical component involves the application of the
principles of measurement to the elements: Site Clearance; Earthworks; and Concrete (Structural).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr M Lefoka
Course entry requirements: CON3012W, CON3038W
Course outline:
This advanced course in construction management covers: The concept of project management
compared with the management of construction enterprises. Organisational theory and management,
organisation structures for enterprises and a major projects. Leadership and motivation on projects.
Precontract planning. Production and logistics management. Contractual risk management and
contracting strategies. Human relations management including: industrial relations practice; and
health and safety requirements.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


This course is not eligible for additional assessment.
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms A Mtya
Course entry requirements: CON4038F, CON3031W
Course outline:
This integrated management project uses the documents for an actual construction project to,
simulate all activities performed during the pre-tender and construction phases of a project such as
obtaining bids from suppliers and subcontractors, preparing the estimate, preparing the site layout,

preparing all planning activities required; analysing production requirements such as concrete cycles
and formwork selection, plant and material management; health and safety risk assessment; financial
management such as interim certificate and final account preparation and reconciliation.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


This course is not eligible for additional assessment.
32 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor A Windapo/Professor K Cattell
Course entry requirements: CON1019F/S, STA1000F/S
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an understanding of the research process. Topics include: selection of
research problem; preparation of the research proposal; conducting empirical research; analysis of
findings; drawing conclusions; making recommendations; and presentation of a research report.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor A Windapo/ Mr M Lefoka
Course entry requirements: CON3038W, CON3012W
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of innovation in construction. Topics include: cycles
of innovation; dissemination of technology; relationship between technology, economic practice and
structures of the industry using examples such as lean production, intelligent buildings,
standardisation and pre-assembly, design management and sustainable construction, and
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr F Ametefe
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Equity capital markets (REITs); debt capital
markets (asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, collateralised debt obligations);
portfolio theory; capital asset pricing model; relationship between the direct and indirect property
markets; property derivatives (swaps, options, futures and forwards, certificates), pricing of options
(Black-Scholes model, Samuelson-McKean model; and asset (fund) management.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor K Michell
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Synergistic linkage between organisations and
effective management of real asset resources; importance of a proactive alignment of property and
facilities strategies with the larger organisational goals and objectives of the firm; advanced property
and facilities management frameworks (incl. urban management); diagnostic frameworks for
enabling competitive advantage; strategic planning models and development of property and
facilities strategies; user requirements evaluation and space management; life cycle costing and
budgeting; property and facilities standard and performance benchmarking; computer-aided property
and facilities management systems; and sustainable property and facilities management practices.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr L van Schalkwyk
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Law on property valuation: Key legislation and
current case law dealing with the substance of, and the procedures for determining, the valuation of
immovable property. Law on property development: Legislation governing property development is
wide-ranging, from the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act to municipal restrictions on
construction. This part of the course engages the student with the key elements of planning law and
offers a route map for permissions and compliance.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
The course aims to develop an understanding of: Valuation for land reform and expropriation;
valuation of agricultural property; valuation of forest plantations; valuation of mineral property;
valuation of air rights; valuation of filling stations; valuation of hotels and leisure property;
valuation of theatres and restaurants; valuation of care/nursing homes; valuation of hospitals;
valuation of telecommunication infrastructure; plant and machinery valuation; valuation of
specialised commercial and (heavy) industrial property.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor F Viruly
Course outline:
Capstone Property Development Project

DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Definition of housing and why it is different to
other property types; conceptualisation of a housing market; analysis of both the demand and
supply-side elements of a market; overview of housing finance markets; defining market failure and
its causes; application of key economic and financial concepts to critically review policies that have
been used to date in general to intervene in housing markets; and critically review the South African
Housing Programme.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not offered in 2022
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: The South African land ‘question’; South
African’s land reform programme; land problems around the world; comparative land tenure
systems; land policy instruments, land development instruments; instruments for land
administration (land registration and cadastral systems, land banking, land markets, land and
property tax); instruments for urban management (squatter settlement regularisation, land titling).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Types and characteristics of mineral property;
mineral resource and reserve estimation; legislative framework for mineral asset valuation in South
Africa; methods and techniques for the valuation of mineral assets; interpretation and analysis of
mining industry financial statements; IFRS 6 and financial reporting in the mining industry;
interpretation and application of SAMCODES – the South African Code for Mineral Asset
Valuation (SAMVAL) and the South African Code for the reporting of Exploration Results, mineral
Resources and Mineral Reserves (SAMREC).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not offered in 2022
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Strategy and strategic alignment; understanding
property/real estate strategy drivers and their alignment to organizational strategy; risk management
and contingency planning; relationship between the property life cycle and other strategic cycles
characteristic of a variety of organisations; corporate real estate management tools (outsourcing,
database management, property performance feedback mechanisms, monitoring of property
performance); understanding the relationship between and integration into coherent property
strategy (of physical – level of individual building, finance – level of the portfolio, organisational –
level of building-cluster, urban precinct, meso and macro).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: AVMs in theory and practice; model specification;
model calibration; model testing and quality assurance; data management and quality assurance;
implementing city-wide AVM systems, integration with technology (AVM software, artificial
intelligence & machine-learning, virtual reality, GIS/LIS).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Determinants of agricultural property values;
technological aids and information sources; pastures and grasses; valuation of cultivated land;
valuation of permanent crops; valuation of biological assets; valuation of timber plantations;
valuation of farm improvements; valuation of irrigation infrastructure; valuation of game farms; and
valuation of specialised farming types (animals and plants).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not offered in 2022
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: Property markets in an emerging country context;
property markets and economic development; the demand for housing and commercial properties in
Africa; Institutions in an Emerging country context, financial markets in emerging countries;

property development in an emerging country/Africa context; the property research agenda; and
African country case studies.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not offered in 2022
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: the concept of total economic value; economic
characteristics of non-market goods and natural resources; market failure; contingent valuation
method; hedonic pricing method; travel cost method; and the cost benefit analysis of public sector
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor F Viruly
Course outline:
This course in property development covers: investment evaluations; property development
evaluation, incorporating: environmental impact assessments; land assembly and servicing;
economic viability analysis; management and marketing of property developments; risk assessment;
and whole life appraisal.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr L van Schalkwyk
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of property law. Topics include: the meaning and
function of law and legal rules; the main divisions of the law; the structure of the courts, officers of
the courts and different court procedures; sources of South African law; basic concepts of Private
Law; an outline of South Africa's Constitution; the Bill of Rights and Land Use; the Expropriation
Act; the impact of the environmental clause and environmental legislation on land use; sectional title
and share block schemes; general principles of the law of contract; specific or applied contracts: sale
and lease; forms of security: contractual and property rights; Insolvency law: the effect of
insolvency on property and uncompleted contracts; commercial agency: estate agents; alternative
dispute resolution; and case studies.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor F Viruly
Course outline:
This course in urban land economics covers: urban economics and urban problems; the urbanization
process; the urban hierarchy; urban rent; theories of urban spatial structure; location theory; and
problems in developing countries.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course in property finance is an application of business finance theory to property. Topics
include: mathematics of finance; property investment decision-making; capital budgeting; financing
decision and capital structure; capital markets; sources and flows of capital for property investments;
and types of financial instruments.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ontong
Course entry requirements: CON5046Z
Course outline:
Students select a research topic, prepare a proposal, undertake empirical research, analyse the
findings, draw conclusions and present a minor dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr M Massyn
Course outline:
This course is an overview of the project management knowledge areas, project management
processes, and the relationship of project management to other management disciplines. The project
management body of knowledge and its place in the trans-disciplinary study of the abstract
organisation of projects, investigation of both the principles common to all complex projects; and
the models which can be used to describe them are investigated. Emphasis is placed on real systems
that are open to, and interact with, their environment. The relationship between the business
environment and the project environment is also covered.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mr M Massyn
Course outline:
This course in project planning and implementation covers: the need for planning which includes the
rules for planning and control; scope management, project strategy, project methodology; project
scheduling techniques; and change management and project integration.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of the human resource management needs of project
management, changes in employment practice, interfacing with stakeholders, group dynamics,
leadership, motivation methods of achieving objectives through others in a people intensive
environment, communication, conflict resolution, negotiation, ethics and culture and the
management organisation structures used in project teams.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr F Ametefe
Course outline:
This course in property portfolio management covers: Portfolio Management: the property cycle; the
economic cycle; modern portfolio theory; the property portfolio. Operational Property/Asset
Management: introduction to property management; legal aspects/tenant issues;
maintenance/services; investment strategy and value; current trends; case studies. Strategic
property/asset management; shopping centre management: management; leasing; financial control.
Facilities Management: space planning and management; relocation; maintenance management and
life cycle costing; energy management; environmental issues; and outsourcing.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr N Tuan
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of total quality management in a project environment
and includes: Total Quality Management as a set of management processes and systems and the
application of TQM in project environments; new product development, value engineering, safety,
and health and welfare.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.

Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ontong
Course entry requirements: CON5046Z
Course outline:
Students select a research topic, prepare a proposal, undertake empirical research, analyse the
findings, draw conclusions and present a minor dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
Students select a research topic, prepare a proposal, undertake empirical research, analyse the
findings, draw conclusions and present a dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: CON5040Z DP
Course outline:
Students select a research topic, prepare a proposal, undertake empirical research, analyse the
findings, draw conclusions and present a dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr N Tuan
Course outline:
This course in project risk management covers: the nature of risks and the nature of projects; risk
perceptions and the communication of risk; systematic risk management; creating a project risk
management framework; establishing risk registers and reviewing risk management performance.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor A Windapo
Course outline:
This course in project finance and procurement covers:Principles of cost, and financial models,
including the use of net present value, the capital asset pricing model, and real options. The

development of a cost benefit analysis, and business case. Procurement, tendering, cost control,
project contracts and project marketing are also included.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ontong
Course entry requirements: CON5040Z
Course outline:
Students select a research topic, prepare a proposal, undertake empirical research, analyse the
findings, draw conclusions and present a dissertation.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ontong
Course entry requirements: CON5040Z
Course outline:
Students select a research topic, prepare a proposal, undertake empirical research, analyse the
findings, draw conclusions and present a dissertation.
DP requirements: None.
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ontong
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to allow a student to undertake preparatory work for the master’s
dissertation. Work required includes literature searches and reviews; identification of the research
problem, objectives and hypothesis; consideration of research methodology; planning for the active
research phase; and ensuring that research infrastructure (e.g. apparatus etc.) is or will be in place.
The student should maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor in order to show evidence of
suitable progress towards these aims. The supervisor must indicate satisfactory fulfilment of the
course aims prior to the student proceeding to the dissertation.
DP requirements: None


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor M Mooya
Course outline:
This course in property valuation theory and practice covers: The Valuer; Valuation Theory -
concepts and historical development; Accuracy of Valuations; The Surveyor General; Register of
Deeds; Local Authorities; Town Planning Schemes; the Valuer's Records; Factors Affecting Supply
and Demand in the Property Market; Different Types of Fixed Property; Factors Influencing the
Value of Property; Approaches to the Valuation of Property; the Valuation Report.
Potential and its Influence on Value: Legal Concept of Potential; Economic Concept of Potential;
Potential for an Alternative Use; Redevelopment Potential; Quantifying the Influence of Potential on
Value; Highest and Best Use of a Property; Under-improved Property; Over-improved Property;
"Wrong" or Inappropriate Development; Influence of Re-zoning on Value. Methods of Valuation I:

Sales, Cost and Income Methods of Valuation. Valuation of Residential Properties: Definition of a
Residential Property; Valuation Approach; Sources of Information; the Valuation Process;
Limitations on Use and Development; Unimproved Properties; Improved Properties; Valuation of
Township Developments including Developers' Interests. Valuation of Income Producing Properties
I: Influence of Leases on Value; Valuation of Leasehold Interests; Valuation of Income Producing
Properties; Overview of Capitalisation Rates and their Use in the Valuation of Income Producing
Properties. South African Legislative Environment: Relevant legislation and its application to the
Valuation Process. Case Law: Relevant Case Law as it pertains to the Valuation of Property.
Expropriation: Legislation; Valuation for Expropriation; Valuation of Servitudes. ARGUS -
Valuation DCF Software: Use of the ARGUS software for the valuation of property.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: CON5043Z
Course outline:
This advanced course in property evaluation covers: Valuation of Income Producing Properties II:
Valuation of Residential, Commercial and Industrial Properties; Capitalisation Rates - Detailed
Discussion of Capitalisation Rates; Usage and Derivation from Market; Pitfalls.
Methods of Valuation II: Residual and Accounts Methods of Valuation. Valuation of Special
Properties: Valuation of Sectional Titles; Valuation for Fractional Ownership; Valuation of Farms
and Agricultural Land; Valuation of Shopping Centres; Valuation of Special Properties, including
Petrol Stations, Air Space, Mining Rights and Minerals, Industrial Plant and Machinery; Non-
Negotiable Properties, and Properties Subject to Particular Legislation. Introduction to Non-Market
Valuation Methods: Travel Cost Method; Contingent Valuation Method; and Hedonic Pricing
Method. Valuations for Rating Purposes (Municipal / Mass Valuations): Fiscal Requirements;
Legislative Framework; Valuation Process; Appeals Process. South African Legislative
Environment: Relevant Legislation and its application to the Valuation Process. Case Law: Relevant
Case Law as it pertains to the Valuation of Property. Issues in Valuation Theory and Practice:
Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Valuation Theory and Practice; Developing World Issues.
Valuation for Insurance Purposes: Types of Property Insurance; Purpose of Insurance; Insurance
Cover; Methods of Estimating and Sources of Cost Data; Inclusions in a Cost Estimate; Location;
Professional Fees; Demolition Costs and Site Clearance. GIS: Type of GIS systems; Application of
GIS systems to property. Valuation and Listed Property: Understand the relationship between
property valuation and listed property.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr K Ontong
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of academic research design. This includes: research
methodology, the research experience; knowledge and problems; the proposal chapter; designing the
research; theoretical frameworks; overview of research methods - from qualitative to quantitative;
case studies; writing the literature review; data presentation and analysis; and concluding the
DP requirements: None

Assessment: Proposal Submission

360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.

The Department of Electrical Engineering is located on the 4th floor of the Menzies Building,
Library Road, Upper Campus, Rondebosch.

Website: www.ee.uct.ac.za
Email address: [email protected]
Telephone no.: 021 650 2811

Associate Professor and Head of Department
F Nicolls, MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

P Barendse, MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town MIEEE
ES Boje, PrEng BSc(Eng) Wits MSc(Eng) PhD Natal FSAAE SMSAIMC MIEEE
KA Folly, MSc(Eng) Beijing PhD Hiroshima MIEEJ, SMSAIEE SMIEEE
MA Khan, MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town SMIEEE
AK Mishra, BE REC India PhD Edinburgh SMIEEE

Emeritus Professors
A Baghai-Wadji, MSc(Eng) PhD DSc Vienna FEMA SMIEEE
M Braae, MSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD UMIST LMIEEE
BJ Downing, MSc Bradford PhD Sheffield
G de Jager, MSc Rhodes PhD Manchester MBL SA MIEEE
CT Gaunt, BSc(Eng) Natal MBL SA PhD Cape Town FSAIEE
MR Inggs, BSc(Hons) Rhodes PhD London SMIEEE
A Petroianu, Dipl Ing USSR Dr Ing Bucharest FIEEE VDE CIGRÉ
KM Reineck, CEng Dip Eng Cologne DipEIEng Dunelm PhD Newcastle VDE FIET

Honorary Professors
P Martinez, BScHons(Mat Eng) MSc PhD Cape Town IAA, IISL, FRAS, MSAIP
P Pillay, CEng BSEng UDW MSc(Eng) Natal PhD Virginia Tech FIET FIEEE

Associate Professors
S Chowdhury, PrEng BEE(Hons) PhD (Eng) Kolkata MIET SMIEEE MIE SMSAIEE
OE Falowo, BEng MEng Akure PhD Cape Town SMIEEE
A Patel, MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town MIEEE
AJ Wilkinson, BSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD London

Emeritus Associate Professors

ME Dlodlo, BSEE Geneva MSEE Kansas State PhD Delft MIEEE F'ZweIE Pr.Eng.(ECZ)
JR Greene, MSc(Eng) Cape Town MIEEE
M Malengret, MSc(Eng), PhD Cape Town

Honorary Associate Professor

D O’Hagan, BEng (Hons) MSc Ulster PhD UCL

Adjunct Associate Professor

AA Lysko, MSc Russia PhD Norway FSAIEE SMIEEE

Senior Lecturers
KO Awodele, Reg Eng (COREN), BSc(Eng) Ife MSc(Eng) Abu PGDM MNSE MIEEE
MY Abdul Gaffar, PrEng BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Natal PhD Cape Town
JB Mwangama, MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town MIEEE
DTO Oyedokun, BSc (Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town SMIEEE SAIEE
D Ramotsoela BEng MEng PhD Pretoria MIEEE
RA Verrinder, MSc(Eng) Cape Town MIEEE
S Winberg, BSc(Hons) Cape Town MSc UTK PhD Cape Town MIEEE

Academic Development Senior Lecturer

R Smit, BSc, HDE MSc(ScEd) Witwatersrand PhD Cape Town

P Amayo, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town DPhil Oxford MIEEE
S Jayalath, BEng(Hons) Sheffield MSc(Eng) Cape Town
S Paine, BSc(Eng), MSc(Eng), PhD Cape Town
WPF Schonken BEng MSc(Eng) PhD Stellenbosch SMIEEE
J Son, BSc(Eng) Cape Town
J Wyngaard, BSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

Senior Scholar
MJE Ventura, PrEng BSc(Maths, Physics) BSc(Eng) Cape Town BSc(Hons) Pretoria MIEEE

Senior Research Officer

MFC Moorlach, MSc(Eng), Eindhoven NL

Research Officer
R Larmour, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng), Cape Town

Principal Technical Officer

J Pead, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town

Chief Technical Officers

D De Maar, BEd(Hons) Cape Town
M Soltanian, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Iran

Senior Technical Officer

P Bizimana
B Daniels

Technical Officer

Departmental Manager
J Buxey

Finance Officer
C Koonin

Administrative Officer (Undergraduate)

V Langenhoven

Administrative Assistant (Postgraduate)

N Moodley

Administrative Assistants
R Harris (General)
S Sabodien (AMES Research Group)


The Department offers the following postgraduate specialisations:

Control Engineering
Computational Electronics
Engineering Education
High Performance Computing
Image Processing and Vision Systems
Power Systems
Radar and Remote Sensing, Antennas, IoT and Robotics
Renewable & Energy Efficient Systems; Electric Mobility; Energy Storage Systems

Course Outlines
Offered on Demand
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to develop strong concepts of nuclear physics and radiation in the
context of nuclear power reactors. Topics include: nuclear physics and radiation in the context of
nuclear power reactors: atomic nature of matter; binding energy; radioactive decay; nuclear fission;
neutron efficiency; ionising radiation; radiation detection and measurement; and effects of radiation
on matter and biological systems.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Offered on Demand
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor MA Khan
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the role of electrical and mechanical
equipment in nuclear power stations, including a working knowledge of the different types,
applications and operating mechanisms where applicable. Topics include: electrical and mechanical
equipment used in nuclear power stations: pumps and valves; heat exchangers; compressors;

transformers, motors, generators; sensors, detectors and protection systems; battery chargers,
inverters and back-up supplies.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Offered on Demand
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This course aims to develop strong concepts of engineering theory and design as applied in the
context of nuclear power reactors. Topics include: nuclear reactor engineering theory and design,
with an emphasis on pressurised water reactors: types and generations of power reactors; neutron
life cycle; reactor operation theory; reactor core design; thermal-hydraulic analysis; core power
density and effect on reactor size, control and shielding; corrosion and materials properties.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Offered on Demand
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to develop strong concepts in the operation and safety of complex
systems and the application in the context of nuclear power stations. Topics include: functional
description and design of main components of primary, secondary, auxiliary and safety systems:
physical phenomena determining order of magnitude of key parameters of reactor operation; system
modelling, normal operating transients, accident scenarios and extreme event identification;
shutdown and restart; reactor coolant system; reactor protection; electricity supplies needed for
production and safety; and simulators.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Offered on Demand
16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This course aims to understand the principles of regulatory processes, including safety,
environmental and operating regulations, and their application in the context of nuclear power.
Topics will include the safety requirements and licencing processes for nuclear plants: nuclear
regulation; design philosophy; radiation protection management; emergency preparedness;
verification and assurance; learning from incidents; international peer review. Energy regulation:
energy regulator, integrated energy planning. Environmental regulation: environmental impact
analysis; environmental management plans; and monitoring.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.

Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Offered on Demand
40 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
An engineering project involves the creative application of scientific principles to the solution of a
technical problem. It involves a problem description or research hypothesis developed in
consultation with a supervisor, reviewing the topic in detail and defining the boundaries (scope)
carefully, confirming an understanding of the requirements of the supervisor, searching for,
selecting and justifying the most appropriate approaches to solving the problem or testing the
hypothesis. It also requires a student to be able to analyse, design, build, integrate and test as is
appropriate for the specific project. This could include the use of hardware, software and simulation.
A student is required also to evaluate the project against the success criteria and design objectives,
and to write a report about the project, the findings, and any recommendations. The report shall not
exceed 18000 words. In addition a student must make an oral presentation and prepare a poster.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Report 95%, Poster 5%


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr R Lamour
Course outline:
This course introduces students to a range of practical and technical tools related to the planning and
managing of entrepreneurial ventures. This includes the skills and knowledge to communicate
professionally and ethically, manage a new business and to work in diverse teams. The business
aspects of the course include feasibility studies; product conception and description; market
assessment; industrial analysis; regulatory aspects; marketing plans; operations, development plans
and management; staffing and labour issues; financial projections; and intellectual property. The
communication aspect develops professional identity alongside ethical responsibility and exposes
students to a variety of persuasive professional communication formats including business
proposals, posters and eportfolios culminating in a group presentation to industry professionals.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles: a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature in engineering science or design; a critical review
of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data;
development of an item of equipment or a technique involving novel features or advanced design; or
any other study acceptable to the Faculty. The written report shall demonstrate the candidate’s
understanding and application of the scientific method or engineering method as appropriate. The
report shall not exceed 40 000 words without the Head of Department’s approval of the candidate’s
written application and justification.

DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: EEE5103Z
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles: a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature in engineering science or design; a critical review
of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data;
development of an item of equipment or a technique involving novel features or advanced design; or
any other study acceptable to the Faculty. The written report shall demonstrate the candidate’s
understanding and application of the scientific method or engineering method as appropriate. The
report shall not exceed 30 000 words without the Head of Department’s approval of the candidate’s
written application and justification.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The minor dissertation shall be on an engineering science or design topic consistent with the
specialisation of the degree. The project should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all
or part of an engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical
principles: research of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based
upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of
equipment or a technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable
to the Faculty. The written report shall demonstrate the candidate’s understanding and application of
the scientific method or engineering method as appropriate. The report shall not exceed 20 000
words without the Head of Department’s approval of the candidate’s written application and
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


Offered on Demand
16 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor E Boje
Course entry requirements: EEE3069W or equivalent
Course outline:
This course in multivariable control system design will cover selected topics in: Structure of large-
scale systems, system decomposition. Frequency domain design methods: inverse nyquist arrays,
characteristic loci, direct nyquist arrays. State Space design methods: pole placement control, state
observers. Adaptive control methods: parameter estimators, minimum variance, pole placement
designs in self-tuning regulators, and model reference adaptive controllers.
DP requirements: Satisfactory completion of coursework.
Assessment: Examination 3 hours.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9; tutorials, practicals, and project as required.
Convener: Dr D Ramotsoela
Course entry requirements: EEE3093S or equivalent
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce students to fundamental network security concepts with an emphasis
on the three key pillars of network security: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.
Cryptography as a countermeasure against potential threats will be explored within this context.
Symmetric encryption to protect message confidentiality and asymmetric encryption to protect
message integrity will be a key focus. Other concepts to be covered include malicious software,
intrusion detection systems and an introduction to basic penetration testing tools.
DP requirements: 80% attendance and satisfactory completion of coursework.
Assessment: Examination 50%, year mark 50%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9; tutorials and 8 practical exercises as required and a project.
Convener: TBC
Course entry requirements: EEE3084W, EEE3086F or equivalent .and Postgraduates standing in
Telecommunications or Radar
Course outline:
This advanced course in digital communications includes: Digital Communication Systems Theory:
probability, random variables and random signal principles, modelling of digital communication
signals and systems; modelling of information sources; optimum receivers, channel and system
performance in the presence of Gaussian noise, synchronisation; channel models, channel capacity,
and equalisation, resource allocation, multichannel and multicarrier systems, spread-spectrum
signalling, optical communication signalling principles, and software-defined radios. Practical
Applications: selected topics from baseband and bandpass signalling; technical standards for
wireless / optical / satellite-based communication systems; multiplexing and multiple access
standards; next generation communication systems.
DP requirements: 80% attendance and satisfactory completion of coursework.
Assessment: Examination 60%, year mark 40%.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to allow a student to undertake preparatory work for the master’s
dissertation. Work required includes literature searches and reviews; identification of the research
problem, objectives and hypothesis; consideration of research methodology; planning for the active
research phase; and ensuring that research infrastructure (e.g. apparatus etc.) is or will be in place.
The student should maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor in order to show evidence of
suitable progress towards these aims. The supervisor must indicate satisfactory fulfilment of the
course aims prior to the student proceeding to the dissertation.
DP requirements: None


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: BSc in Electrical Engineering, Honours in Science, including final
year students
Course outline:
This course in the fundamentals of radar signal and data processing includes selected topics in:signal
processing in radar systems (history of radar; basic radar functions; elements of pulsed radar; signal
processing concepts in radar e.g. spatial resolution, sampling theory, correlation, interference

suppression, phenomenology, imaging, detection). Signal models and processing in radar (radar
cross section; radar equation; swerling models; clutter modelling; noise modelling and signal-to-
noise ratio; jamming; doppler shift; cross-range; multipath; sampling in doppler and angle domains;
quantization; I/Q modulation; radar; matched filtering; compression filtering; ambiguity function;
pulse burst waveforms; frequency-modulated waveforms; phase modulated waveforms; doppler
spectrum; moving target indication; pulse doppler processing; pulse pair processing) data
processing; topics in radar (radar detection and hypothesis testing; threshold detection; binary
integration; constant false alarm rate; cell-averaging CFAR; order statistic CFAR; spatial filtering;
beam forming; space-time adaptive processing; and cognitive radar).
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and completion of tutorials/projects.
Assessment: Project 25%, tutorials 20% and examination 55%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: All undergraduate calculus, algebra and numerical methods required
by a typical BSc Engineering (Electronics) degree.
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of radar, electronic protection and
telecommunications mathematics.Selected topics include: statistics and random processes:
probability and induction; causality versus randomness; distribution and density functions; mean and
variance; moments; characteristic functions; probability space; conditional distributions and
probability; Bernoulli’s theorem and games of chance; bivariate distributions; joint moments; joint
characteristic functions; conditional expected values; ergodicity detection and estimation: systems
with stochastic inputs; the power spectrum; parameter estimation; hypothesis testing; mean square
estimation; Cramer-Rao bounds; stochastic convergence and limit theorems; finite-order systems
and state variables; spectral representation of random processes; spectrum estimation; bandlimited
processes and sampling theory; deterministic signals in noise; bispectra and system identification;
filtering and prediction; Kalman filters. linear algebra: system of linear equations; Cramer's rule;
Gaussian elimination; Gauss-Jordan elimination; vectors and vector spaces; least squares; Gram-
Schmidt process; vector differential calculus; vector integral calculus. Matrix algebra: matrix
addition, multiplication, dot product, transpose; eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace; Jordan
normal form; matrix rank, determinants and inversion; matrix congruence and congruence relation;
conjugate transpose and hermitian matrices; matrix orthogonality; matrix decomposition methods;
specific types of matrices e.g. Toeplitz matrices. Numerical methods: numerical linear algebra, e.g.
solving systems of linear equations and eigenvalue algorithms; Interpolation, e.g. polynomial
interpolation, spline interpolation and trigonometric interpolation; finding roots of nonlinear
equations; optimization, e.g. linear programming and nonlinear programming; numerical quadrature
(i.e. integration); numerical differential equation solutions; and the Monte Carlo analysis.
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and completion of tutorials/projects.
Assessment: Coursework 20%, examination 55% and project 25%.


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: BSc in Electrical Engineering, Honours in Science, including final
year students.
Course outline:
Part 1: High Resolution Radar (selection of) Application of the Radar Range Equation to High-
Resolution Radar, High-Resolution Radar Design; High-Range-Resolution Waveforms and
Processing; Synthetic High-Range-Resolution Radar.

Part 2: Synthetic Aperture Radar (selection of) Synthetic Aperture Concepts; SAR Signal
Properties; SAR Processing Algorithms (Range Doppler Algorithm; Chirp Scaling Algorithm;
Omega-K Algorithm; SPECAN Algorithm) Comparison of Algorithms; Doppler Centroid
Estimation; Automatic Focusing; Advanced concepts (Polarimetric SAR; Interferometric SAR;
GMTI); Applications of SAR (Military, Earth Observation, Digital Terrain Elevation Models).
Part 3: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (selection of) Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Concepts;
ISAR Geometry and Signal Modeling; ISAR image formation (RF Front-End and Signal
demodulation; Radial motion compensation (Autofocusing); Image formation (Range-Doppler
(RD), Joint Time-Frequency Analysis (JTFA), Back-projection); Interpretation of ISAR Images
Image Autofocusing techniques (Parametric and non-parametric techniques; Hot Spot Processing
(Prominent Point Processing); Phase Gradient Autofocus (PGA); Image Contrast Based Autofocus
(ICBA); Image Entropy Based Autofocus (IEBA); Comparison of methods Time-window selection;
Cross range scaling; ISAR imaging using CLEAN techniques; Polarimetric ISAR; Recent advances
(Bistatic and multi-static ISAR, 3D ISAR).
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and completion of tutorials/projects.
Assessment: Projects 25%, tutorials 20% and examinations 55%.


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: BSc in Electrical Engineering, Honours in Science, including final
year students
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of radar system modelling. Topics include:
modelling & simulation to assess radar systems; the complexities of radar cross section of a target;
propagation and clutter and application of techniques to integrate propagation, radar cross section
and clutter models into the radar model.
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and completion of tutorials/projects.
Assessment: Projects 25%, tutorials 20% and examinations 55%.


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course outline:
This short course is a presentation and study of a specialist topic in the field of radar and electronic
defence. A student will participate in 16 hours of lectures, and a post cost seminar, which will
discuss a problem, set by the course convener. Assessment is by means of a written examination.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 2 hour examination 100%.


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course outline:
This short course is a presentation and study of a specialist topic in the field of radar and electronic
defence. A student will participate in 16 hours of lectures, and a post course seminar, which will
discuss a problem, set by the course convener. Assessment is by means of a written examination.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 3 hour examination 100%


Offered on Demand
10 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course outline:
This short course is a presentation and study of a specialist topic in the field of radar and electronic
defence. A student will participate in 16 hours of lectures, and a post course seminar, which will
discuss a problem, set by the course convener. Assessment is by means of a written examination.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 3 hour examination 100%


Offered on Demand
10 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course outline:
This short course is a presentation and study of a specialist topic in the field of radar and electronic
defence. A student will participate in 16 hours of lectures, and a post course seminar, which will
discuss a problem, set by the course convener. Assessment is by means of a written examination.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: 3 hour examination 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: BSc in Electrical Engineering, Honours in Science, including final
year students
Course outline:
This advanced course in radar systems includes: Introduction to Signal Processing in Radar Systems
(basic radar functions; elements of pulsed radar; signal processing concepts in radar e.g. spatial
resolution, sampling theory, correlation, interference suppression, phenomenology, imaging,
detection). Signal Models and Processing in Radar (radar cross section; radar equation; swerling
models; clutter modelling; noise modelling and signal-to-noise ratio; jamming; doppler shift; cross-
range; multipath; sampling in doppler and angle domains; quantization; I/Q modulation; radar;
matched filtering; compression filtering; ambiguity function; pulse burst waveforms; frequency-
modulated waveforms; phase modulated waveforms; Doppler spectrum; moving target indication;
pulse doppler processing; pulse pair processing). Data Processing Topics in Radar (radar detection
and hypothesis testing; threshold detection; binary integration; constant false alarm rate; CFAR
forms, {Cell-averaging CFAR; Order statistic CFAR}; spatial filtering; temporal filtering, beam
forming; space-time adaptive processing; concepts of cognitive radar). Introduction to Radar Target
Recognition Information available in radar signals; extracting features from radar signals, signal
processing for target recognition, pattern recognition techniques, secondary radar, over the horizon
radar, and subsurface radar.
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and completion of tutorials/projects.
Assessment: Coursework 40% and examination 60%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: BSc in Electrical Engineering, Honours in Science, including final
year students.
Course outline:
This course is an advanced introduction to electronic defence. Selected topics include: Electronic
Warfare: threats, requirements and principles (information warfare, intelligence, electronic attack
against radar & communication systems). Advanced Radar Threat (low-intensity threat, air defence
radar, phased array radars, airborne radar, EP techniques for surveillance and tracking radar).
Modern EA Systems: architecture, types, and technology (onboard/offboard architectures,
operational EA systems architecture, EA radar jamming waveforms, transponder jamming, support
jamming). EA Against Modern Radar Systems (pulse compression, pulsed doppler radar,
monopulse, coherent sidelobe cancelers). Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM architectures,
DRFM fundamentals, DRFM sampling techniques, direct digital synthesizer, advanced DRFM
architecture, voltage controlled oscillators). Electronic Warfare Support (signal and threat
environment, parameters measured by the ES system, advanced ES systems, direction finding,
probability of intercept). Expendables and Decoy Systems (design of expendable EA systems, chaff,
infrared missile attack). Directed Energy Weapons and Stealth Technology (directed energy
weapons, stealth). Applications of EW-Surveillance (search for, intercept, identify, and locate or
localize sources of intentional and un-intentional radiated electromagnetic energy for immediate
threat recognition, targeting, planning). Jamming (use of electromagnetic energy, directed energy, or
anti-radiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading,
neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability). Protection (passive and active means to
protect personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy use of the
electromagnetic spectrum that could degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly combat capability).
DP requirements: 80% attendance of lectures and completion of tutorials/projects.
Assessment: Coursework 40% and examination 60%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9; block release.
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of: the operation and design of microwave
components used in radar and telecommunication systems including: transmission lines; microstrip,
coaxial and waveguide circuits. Power sources/oscillators, amplifiers, noise in receivers and mixers,
PIN diode switches and limiters. Along with microwave components, this course also covers
antenna fundamentals, dipole and monopole antennas, microstrip and patch antennas, yagi-antennas,
dish antennas as well as phased arrays.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50% and examination 50%


Offered on Demand
15 NQF credits at NQF level 9; block release.
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
This advanced course will focus on the societal dimensions of space science and technology. The
course will cover the scientific, military, economic and political rationales for space activities. The
various international and national regulatory frameworks for space activities will be covered as well
as the rationales for and salient aspects of international space cooperation. Space activities are often
thought of in terms of their scientific and technological attributes. Yet, the successful
implementation of both public and private sector space programmes relies on a wide variety of non-

space factors. This course will cover: the historical and current economic, political, military and
regulatory drivers for space activities. The drivers for international cooperation in space activities
and the changing geopolitics of space cooperation. An overview of regulation of space activities at
national and international level and the financing of space projects. A further important aim will be
to train students in the communication of space activities to the media and to non-specialist
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 45% and examination 55%


Offered on Demand
15 NQF credits at NQF level 9; block release.
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
Space systems play a critical role in the modern information society. The course will focus on the
applications of space technology to address sustainable development challenges from a local and
global perspective. The three main pillars of space applications are: Earth observation,
communications and satellite-aided positioning, timing and navigation. These technologies may be
applied to a wide variety of problems in food, water and human security, climate change,
environmental management, disaster management and telemedicine and tele-education. The course
will provide an overview of the main applications of space systems to support sustainable
development. The course content will be supplemented by hands-on workshops in which students
will have the opportunity to work with satellite data to solve real-world problems.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 45% and examination 55%


Offered on Demand
15 NQF credits at NQF level 9; block release.
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
Spacecraft are considered to be part of a space system that comprises both a space segment and a
ground segment. This requires an understanding of the space environment and its effects on
spacecraft, as well as the basic principles of astronautics to describe satellite orbits and spacecraft
trajectories. This course aims to provide a systematic introduction to all the aspects and processes
involved in the definition, design, development, testing and operation of space systems. Students are
introduced to analysis tools that can be used to explore different mission architectures from the point
of view of the space environment, Earth coverage, orbit selection, mission operations and
data/information flow and analysis. The course will also address access to space and space
transportation from a mission design perspective.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 45% and examination 55%


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
This course provides an introduction to a highly specialized or cutting-edge topic in space studies.
The course will cover an important topic in space studies that is not covered by other courses. The
topic will be presented by a leading practitioner in the field. The course will be delivered through
lectures and supplemented by the use of online resources. The course convener and/or presenter will

set goals for structured self-learning to complement the classroom learning and deepen the students’
knowledge of the special topic.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50% and examination 50%


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to develop strong concepts of engineering theory and design as applied
in the context of nuclear power reactors. Topics include: nuclear reactor engineering theory and
design, with an emphasis on pressurised water reactors: types and generations of power reactors;
neutron life cycle; reactor operation theory; reactor core design; thermal-hydraulic analysis; core
power density and effect on reactor size, control and shielding; corrosion and materials properties.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 30%, examination 70%


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This advanced course aims to establish strong concepts of the operation and safety of complex
systems and the application in the context of nuclear power stations. Topics include: functional
description and design of main components of primary, secondary, auxiliary and safety systems:
physical phenomena determining order of magnitude of key parameters of reactor operation; system
modelling, normal operating transients, accident scenarios and extreme event identification;
shutdown and restart; reactor coolant system; reactor protection; electricity supplies needed for
production and safety; and simulators.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 30%, examination 70%


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Mrs K Awodele
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of nuclear facility licencing, assess the
integration of nuclear energy into large power systems, and understand environmental impact
assessment and management. Topics include: safety requirements and licencing processes for
nuclear plants: nuclear regulation; design philosophy; radiation protection management; emergency
preparedness; verification and assurance; learning from incidents; international peer review. Energy
regulation: energy regulator, integrated energy planning; independent system operators; market
systems. Environmental regulation: environmental impact analysis; environmental management
plans; and monitoring.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 30%, examination 70%


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AK Mishra
Course entry requirements: An Engineering Honours Degree or equivalent.
Course outline:
This course is a presentation and study of a specialist topic in the field of Radar and Electronic
Defence. A student will attend 35 hours of lectures in block release format in 1 week. This will be
followed by about 5 weeks of tutorials and projects. Assessment is by means of coursework 30%
and a final examination 30%.
DP requirements: 80% attendance and submission of seminars and tutorial assignments
Assessment: Coursework 30%, Examination 70%


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
This course provides an introduction to a highly specialised or cutting-edge topic in space studies.
The topic will be presented by a leading practitioner in the field. The course will be delivered
through lectures, supplemented by the use of online resources and distance-learning methods. The
course convener and/or presenter will set goals for structured self-learning to complement the
classroom learning and hence deepen the course participant’s knowledge of the special topic in
DP requirements: 80% attendance at all lectures and learning events and submission of all
Assessment: Coursework 45%, Examination 55%


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course entry requirements: An Engineering degree or equivalent four-year degree.
Course outline:
This course provides an introduction to a highly specialized or cutting-edge topic in space studies.
The topic will be presented by a leading practitioner in the field. The course will be delivered
through lectures, supplemented by the use of online resources and distance-learning methods. The
course convener and/or presenter will set goals for structured self-learning to complement the
classroom learning and hence deepen the course participant’s knowledge of the special topic in
DP requirements: 80% attendance at all lectures and learning events and submission of all
Assessment: Coursework 45%, Examination 55%


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Co-requisites: Postgraduate standing in Electrical Engineering and exposure to undergraduate
telecommunications content
Course outline:
This course explains the basic ideas of information theory and the correspondences between the
elements of this theory and certain natural concepts of importance in a wide number of fields, such

as transmission, storage, authoring and protection of data. On the basis of simple concepts from
probability calculus, models are developed for a discrete information source and a discrete
communication channel. Further, the theoretical basics for developing source coding algorithms is
provided, as well as the basics of optimal data transmission through a discrete communication
channel. Introduction to error-correcting codes; mathematical basics; block codes fundamentals;
cyclic codes; co-operating codes; soft-decision decoding; convolutional codes; iterative decoding
(turbo codes, LDPC codes); applications.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Examination 50%


Offered on Demand
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course entry requirements: MAM2083F/S, EEE2036S, EEE3086F, or equivalents.
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course originates in the realm of causal uncertainty over observed phenomena due to
incomplete information from the real world. The theory of probability seeks to mathematically
verify whether or not predictions about these phenomena are justifiable and pragmatic. The course
challenges the participants to assume the probabilistic model of events where some of the possible
determining factors may be unavailable. Mathematical statistical theory then enables us to examine
the concepts and measure the likelihood of the relevance of those predictions to the physical world
and our engineering applications within it. The development will include topics such as: probability
theory, random variables, functions of a random variable, two or more random variables, sequences
of a random variable, introduction to stochastic processes, second-order processes, and applications
of random processes in communication systems. elements of DSP; estimation filtering and detection
of random signals; information pattern retrieval.
DP requirements: Assignment mark of at least 40%
Assessment: Coursework 40%, Examination 60%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr J Mwangama
Course entry requirements: Postgraduate standing in Electrical Engineering or background in
undergraduate communication engineering course work.
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
Enterprises are faced with demands that focus their attention on the need to design, evaluate,
manage and maintain networks infrastructures to process large amounts of data, move portions of
the information technology operation to a cloud, edge/fog computing infrastructure, have large
number of objects providing services to end users and have mobile devices as an indispensable part
of an enterprise generating unique demands on network planning and management.
The course aims to develop an understanding of key innovation areas in Modern Networking, which
are closely related but nevertheless represent different research domains, namely:
1. Network of the Future (NoF) driven by Mobile Broadband evolution towards high bandwidth
heterogenous access networks, single core network architectures, and the notion of Software
Defined Networks (SDN) and the Openflow protocol;
2. Traditional concepts of virtual networks and the modern approach to network virtualization; the
concept of software defined infrastructure;
3. Cloud-based Networks and Service Delivery Platforms (SDP), enabling much more scalable and
cost efficient realizations and rollouts of networks and innovative applications;
4. Internet of Things (IoT) and unified Machine to Machine (M2M) communications enabling the
convergence of a broad spectrum of monitoring and control applications;

5. The 5G infrastructure which is expected to become the core of the digital society and economy.
Anything as a service (XaaS) everywhere is envisioned as among the primary drivers for global
adoption. 5G will support mission-critical machine communications and massive machine type of
DP requirements: 80% attendance and handing in of tutorials
Assessment: Coursework 10%, Project 30% and Examination 60%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor OE Falowo
Course entry requirements: Postgraduate standing in Electrical Engineering or EEE3084W or
EEE3083F and EEE3085S or equivalent.
Co-requisites: Postgraduate standing in Electrical Engineering and prior exposure to undergraduate
telecommunications content.
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce students to advanced wireless networks with an emphasis on
architecture, components, and protocols, as well as the latest developments in 4G towards 5G
wireless standards. New concepts of mobility management, software defined network and new
developments will be covered together with 3GPP standards and Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) standard protocols. These examples will enable student engagement with the theoretical
material and the related practical issues. Students will be able to understand the challenges
associated with the latest generation of wireless networks and gain insight into new techniques under
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework 40%, Examination 60%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr S Winberg
Course outline:
This course aims to provide advanced students with an overview of a software-defined radio systems
and the technologies necessary for successful implementation, as well as exposure to significant
computer and hands-on project work necessary to implement working SDR systems. Students will
be able to: understand the fundamentals of the communication link, modulation and demodulation,
digital filters, dealing with uncertainty and errors in the channel, error detection and correction
mechanisms, characteristics of wireless network protocols, and be able to discuss the allocation of
radio resources and technologies. Understand the systems required by a software-defined radio to
function and the trade-offs, benefits and limitations encountered in choosing a software-defined
radio system design. Understand elementary antenna design to accommodate the needs of a
particular software-radio system. Calculate an accurate link budget for a software-defined radio
system or other wireless communications link. Understand how analogue and digital technologies
are used for software-defined radios and the topologies and applications of those networks.
DP requirements: Minimum 45% for project
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Examination 50%


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
This course provides an introduction to a highly specialized or cutting-edge topic in space studies.
The course will cover an important topic in space studies that is not yet covered by other courses.
The topic will be presented by a leading practitioner in the field. The course will be delivered

through lectures, supplemented by the use of online resources and methods. The course will set
goals for structured self-learning to complement the classroom learning and deepen knowledge of
the special topic.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework (45%), Examination (55%)


Offered on Demand
5 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
This course provides an introduction to a highly specialized or cutting-edge topic in space studies.
The course will cover an important topic in space studies that is not yet covered by other courses.
The topic will be presented by a leading practitioner in the field. The course will be delivered
through lectures, supplemented by online resources and methods. The course will set goals for
structured self-learning to complement the classroom learning and deepen knowledge of the special
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Coursework (45%) Examination (55%)


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
The minor dissertation shall be on a multi- or inter-disciplinary topic associated with electrical
engineering and on an topic consistent with the taught courses and/or the specialisation of the
degree. The project should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles:
research of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon a
comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
The written report shall demonstrate the candidate’s understanding and application of the scientific
method or engineering method or rigorous investigation by deductive or inductive reasoning or
rhetoric, as appropriate. The report shall not exceed 20 000 words without the Head of Department’s
approval of the candidate’s written application and justification.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: EEE5103Z
Course outline:
The research dissertation in partial fulfilment of a degree shall be on a multi- or inter-disciplinary
topic associated with electrical engineering and on an topic consistent with the taught courses and/or
the specialisation of the degree. The project should incorporate any or all of the following: design of
all or part of an engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical
principles: research of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based
upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of
equipment or a technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable
to the Faculty. The written report shall demonstrate the candidate’s understanding and application of
the scientific method or engineering method or rigorous investigation by deductive or inductive
reasoning or rhetoric, as appropriate. The report shall not exceed 30 000 words without the Head of
Department’s approval of the candidate’s written application and justification.

DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation shall be on a multi- or inter-disciplinary topic associated with electrical engineering
and should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an engineering project to a
specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles: research of a theoretical or
practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the
literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a technique involving novel
features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty. The written report shall
demonstrate the candidate’s understanding and application of the scientific method or engineering
method or rigorous investigation by deductive or inductive reasoning or rhetoric, as appropriate. The
report shall not exceed 40 000 words without the Head of Department’s approval of the candidate’s
written application and justification.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an introduction to substantive theories that address key educational
concepts. These broad concepts revolve around the notions of identity, discourse, knowledge,
student experience, and social structure. Students should be able to: demonstrate understanding of
key theoretical concepts for framing engineering education in the higher education context; evaluate
the utility of theories introduced to describe and explain engineering education phenomena;
critically evaluate engineering education research literature (from a theoretical perspective);and
construct a theoretical argument.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of an engineering education
research project involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles located in the engineering
education research field; a research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a
specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data, a rigorous
analysis of empirical data, and the development of a coherent discussion of the analysis, or any other
study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr D. Ramotsoela
Course outline:
This course aims to introduce advanced and emerging topics in communications and networks not
yet covered in other courses. The course lectures will be delivered in block release format in one
week. This will be followed by about six weeks of projects and tutorials.
DP requirements: None

Assessment: Lab, Project & Tutorial (40%), Exam (60%)


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.

The Department offers the following Postgraduate Degree Programmes:

Research projects and courses are offered through which suitably qualified graduates may enter the
PGDip in Power Plant Engineering, BSc Honours in Materials Science, MSc(Eng), MPhil(Eng),
MEng and PhD.
These areas of specialisation include:
Computational Mechanics
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Engineering Education
Engineering Management
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Research Entities
Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU)
Centre for Materials Engineering (CME)
Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics (CERECAM)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is situated in the Electrical & Mechanical Engineering,
McMillan and Menzies Buildings on the Upper campus, fronting onto University Avenue. It can be
accessed via University Avenue and Library Road.

Professor and Head of Department
Professor BI Collier-Reed, PrEng BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town FSAIMechE

Deputy Heads of Department

Research: Associate Professor MN Ngoepe, BSc(Eng) Cape Town, DPhil Oxon
Teaching: Associate Professor CJ von Klemperer, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Natal

Professor T Bello-Ochende, PrEng BEng MEng Ilorin PhD Duke MASME
Professor PG Rousseau, PrEng BEng (Mech) MEng (Mech) PhD Pretoria OPM HBS

Emeritus Professors
GN Nurick, PrEng MSc(Eng) Natal PhD Cape Town FSAIMechE MASME FSAAE
BD Reddy, OMB, BSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD Cantab,DSc(hc) Stellenbosch FSAAE,MASSAf

Emeritus Associate Professor

HD Mouton, BSc Eng Pret BSc Unisa BEng Hons MEng Pretoria PhD Eng NWU

Honorary Professors
Professor GS Langdon, BEng, PhD Liverpool MIMechE CEng, MASSAf
Professor JM Nordstrom, MSc(Aeronautics) KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, PhD Uppsala

SARChI South African Research Chair in Industrial CFD

Professor AG Malan, PrEng BEng(Mech) MEng(Mech) Pretoria PhD Swansea

Associate Professors
T Becker BSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town
S Chung Kim Yuen, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town
WF Fuls, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD(Eng) NWU
R Kuppuswamy, BEng(Hons) MTech PhD Singapore SMSME

Senior Lecturers
TJ Cloete, BIng MIng Stellenbosch
C Findeis, NHD(Mech Eng) Pretoria
D Findeis, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town MSAIMechE
SL George, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town
R Govender, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town
EB Ismail, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
BC Kloot, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town (Academic Development Lecturer)
S Parker, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
CB Shaw, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) HDE MPhil(EngMan) DPhil(EngMan) PhD Cape Town

JH Hepworth, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
LC Raw, BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
SC Mashau, BSc (Areonautical Eng) MSc (Eng) Wits
CF du Sart,PrEng BCom(Hons) BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
A Pretorius, BSc(Eng) Cape Town
P Gosai, BSc(Eng) GradDip Wits MSc(Eng) Cape Town

Principal Technical Officers

P Smith
W Swart, BIng MScIng, Stellenbosch

Chief Technical Officer

D Jacobs

Senior Technical Officer


Technical Officer

Technical Assistant
TT Mobo

Departmental Manager
CMC Jonker, BCom(Hon) UWC

Administrative Officer (Undergraduate)

R Maree

Administrative Assistant (Postgraduate)

DJ Botha, BPrimEd Wits

Administrative Officer (Finance)

B Glass

Senior Secretary
S van Sensie-Fisher

Department Assistant
G Doolings

Postgraduate Programmes
 Bachelor of Science Honours in Materials Science
 Postgraduate Diploma in Power Plant Engineering
 Master of Engineering by 120 credits coursework and a 60 credit dissertation
 Master of Science in Engineering by 180 credit dissertation
 Master of Science in Engineering by 60 credits coursework and a 120 credit dissertation
 Master of Philosophy by coursework and dissertation
 Doctor of Philosophy

Course Outlines
8 NQF credits at NQF level 7
Convener: Dr SL George
Course entry requirements: MEC2042F or MEC2046F
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course in materials under stress aims to develop an advanced understanding of elasticity and
the importance of modulus in engineering design. Topics include: the influence of bond strength and
crystal structure; plastic flow in crystals and polycrystals by dislocation movement; strengthening
mechanism in metals and alloys; annealing and heat treatment procedures; design for safety; stress
concentration and residual stress considerations; failure in metals; ductile and brittle fractures;
critical flaw size for crack propagation; fracture toughness of materials; stress conditions for fatigue
and creep deformation; fracture mechanics; and failure analysis and failure case studies.
Lecture times: 2 Lectures per week.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


This course starts in semester 1 and finishes in semester 2
40 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr SL George
Course entry requirements: Completion of BSc degree.
Course outline:
Students are required to attend a series of lectures and practicals on experimental techniques. Each
student will be given an individual laboratory project on a problem relating to materials. A period of
twelve weeks is allocated for the project and on completion a treatise must be submitted for
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr J Dicks
Course entry requirements: MEC2042F or BSc (Hons) MatSc candidate
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the manufacture and properties of
composites. Topics include: history of composites; carbon, glass and aramid fibres; functions of the
reinforcement and matrix, polymer-, metal- and ceramic-matrix composites; manufacture of
composites; thermal properties, elastic properties of fibre composites; fracture and toughness, the
fibre/matrix interface; geometric aspects; laminate theory and the strength of laminates; testing of
composites and environmental effects; selection, and modification and design of composites.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBC
Course entry requirements: MEC2042F or BSc (Hons) MatSc candidate
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the manufacture and properties of
ceramics. Topics include: history of ceramics; traditional ceramics; glasses and glass ceramics;
advanced ceramics; chemical bonding in ceramics; physical, mechanical and chemical properties of
ceramics, nucleation and growth phenomena; production and properties of engineering ceramics,
refractories; fracture and reliability of ceramics; powder technologies; and selection and design of
ceramic components.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor RD Knutsen
Course entry requirements: MEC2042F or BSc(Hons) MatSc candidate
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the properties and manufacture of
metallic materials. The course covers four main topics, namely, the solidification process; the
metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and light metal alloys; the relationship between manufacturing
processes, mechanical properties and microstructures of metallic materials; and an introduction to
metallic corrosion. The course also includes a week-long intensive module on wrought aluminium
Lecture times: This course is presented in the first semester
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


8 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Ms S Von Willingh
Course entry requirements: MEC3060F
Course outline:
This course aims to give an understanding of the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transitions.
The course covers the following topics: the application of thermodynamics in kinematics in
materials science and engineering; thermodynamic states of variables; the first law of
thermodynamics (energy conservation law); phase transitions (liquid/solid and solid state matter);
single component and binary systems; equilibrium phase diagrams; and diffusion in liquid and solid
state matter.
Lecture times: This course is presented in the first quarter of the year
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr J Dicks
Course entry requirements: MEC2042F or BSc(Hons) MatSc candidate
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the manufacture and properties of
polymers. Topics include: polymer nomenclature; morphology; bonding; molecular weight,
polymerization, crystallisation; polymer types; rheology; manufacturing methods; applications;
polymer identification; polymer modification, additives; analytical techniques; biodegradability; and
selection and design.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course outline:
This course covers: Application of appropriate tools, techniques and theories for management
problem solving; an overview of how construction projects are initiated and driven forward; roles
and responsibilities of the various human resources involved in construction projects; knowledge of
forms of regulations, contract and of law relevant to construction projects; health and safety; costing
and financial implications in construction projects; processes and conversion of activities into
processes in a nuclear power plant; value chain for identifying improvements; understanding of the
origins of “wastes” in an organisation.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr J Dicks
Course entry requirements: Registration for BSc(Hons) in MatSc
Course outline:
This course aims to provide detailed insight into the experimental techniques for manipulating and
investigating the properties and the microstructure of engineering materials. Techniques include:
heat treatment (furnace construction, temperature control, furnace environment); mechanical testing
(hardness, tensile/compression/bending, impact, work-hardening, fatigue and creep); corrosion
resistance (exposure and potentiostatic/dynamic tests); thermal analysis including thermo-
dilatometry, thermo-gravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry; quantitative microstructure
characterization (X-ray diffraction, light microscopy, electron microcopy including SEM, TEM,
EDS and EBSD).
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr P Gosai
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to establish a balanced understanding of the global energy domain, by
enhancing the contextual understanding of content in other courses. Topics include: world energy
outlook; integrated energy planning; types of power generation plants; environmental impact and
sustainability; renewable energy resources; nuclear power generation; energy efficiency and demand
side management; energy industry and economics; power generation mix and the IRP (integrated
resource plan); and the economics of power generation.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr L Malan
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to lay the theoretical foundations of thermofluid process modelling applied
to power plants, based on the fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
Topics include: Introduction to thermofluid systems analysis. Overview of fundamental concepts.
Conservation laws for fluid control volumes. Component characteristics: Pipe and duct flows,
Pumps, fans and turbomachinery and furnaces, boilers and heat exchangers. Also covered are simple
analyses of important thermofluid processes, integrated systems analysis and modelling.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Assessment of the assignments: the average mark obtained for the assignments will
contribute 30% to the final course mark. Assessment of the final examination: the mark obtained for
the final examination will contribute 70% to the final course mark.


Not offered in 2022
15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBC
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to lay the theoretical foundation for modelling and analysing the
performance of boilers in a typical coal- fired power plant. The focus is on combustion,
thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics in the boiler, and how these processes are
controlled. Also included are boiler types and configurations, fuels and combustion, furnace heat
transfer, two-phase flow heat transfer and hydraulics, superheater and reheater heat transfer, draft
system hydraulics and air pre-heaters, furnace controls, fouling and slagging, erosion and corrosion,
and the commissioning and acceptance testing of boilers.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor W Fuls
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to enable students to structure and plan a high level system design and to generate
system and sub-system development specifications as well as comprehend and apply the various
technical management processes involved in Systems Engineering.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Professor R Knutsen
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an understanding of the relationship between structure of materials and
responses to applied stress. This understanding is in turn used for problem solutions such as
materials selection for design (with particular emphasis on meeting the requirements for power
plant) and failure analysis case studies. Topics include: crystallography and bonding, elastic and
plastic deformation, deformation and annealing mechanisms, strengthening mechanisms, steel
metallurgy and heat treatment, welding metallurgy, time-dependent microstructure/property
evolution (high temperature/high stress exposure), corrosion and oxidation, wear mechanisms
(abrasion, erosion, slurry erosion), stress concentration and fracture mechanisms, crack propagation,
factors affecting fracture toughness, fatigue, creep, LEFM approach, methods to improve toughness,
fracture toughness testing, fracture surface feature identification, failure analysis investigation, as
well as failure case studies.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Only offered to repeaters, no new registrations for 2022
15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop the abilities required to influence a group of people towards a goal and
to maximise their performance. The focus is on cultivating a personal leadership philosophy and
managing technical professionals and technical projects in a diverse environment. Topics include:
organisational theory and culture, strategic thinking, resource and supply chain management, ethics
and the roles of managers, and maintenance management and the ability to lead change are also
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not offered in 2022
15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor W Fuls
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
This course aims to provide theoretical and practical foundations for modelling and analysing
performance of power plant equipment associated with the steam turbine, including condensers and
feed heaters. In addition, this course aims to develop methodologies for the commissioning,
acceptance testing and condition monitoring of such equipment.
Topics include: Regenerative Rankine cycle overview, Steam turbines (types, function,
thermodynamics, operation, control, condition monitoring), Condensers, Feedwater heaters (open
and closed, shell and header types), Auxiliary equipment (ejectors, gland seals, oil system), and
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not physically offered. Available only for credit exemption for courses done at other institutions
15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor W Fuls
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course offers the opportunity for students studying in the field of power plant engineering to
diversify and gain knowledge in the numerous specializations that exist in the power industry. This
my include, but is not limited to nuclear engineering, renewables, coal fired and gas power plants,
grid and distribution networks, advanced analytics or maintenance management.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


Not physically offered. Available only for credit exemption for courses done at other institutions
15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Associate Professor W Fuls
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course offers the opportunity for students studying in the field of power plant engineering to
diversify and gain knowledge in the numerous specializations that exist in the power industry. This
may include, but is not limited to nuclear engineering, renewables, coal fired and gas power plants,
grid and distribution networks, advanced analytics or maintenance management.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


15 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mr P Gosai
Course outline:
The power system of the future is expected to shift from the present structure dominated by based
load fossil fuel plants to intermittent renewable energy sources. To mitigate intermittency power
systems need to be spacially diverse made up of a range of generation technologies. Operating such
a system will need a shift in the way power systems are structured. The course covers: An overview
of the present power system; The various technologies available for the future power system,
Options for managing the energy transition and how to utilise existing plants to enable flexibility;
and Market structures and policies which support flexible power systems.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: MEC5097Z DP
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon

a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a

technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor S Chung Kim Yuen
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of the importance of structural impact.
Topics include: Static plastic behaviour of beams; plates and shells; dynamic plastic behaviour of
beams, plates and shells; influence of transverse shear and rotary inertia; influence of finite
displacements; strain rate sensitive behaviour of materials; dynamic progressive buckling; dynamic
loading effects; plastic buckling; and scaling laws and experimental techniques.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project(s)


Not offered in 2022
120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course entry requirements: Completion of 60 credits of approved postgraduate coursework.
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of project management. Topics include: The
need for and objectives of project management. Organising for project management. Project
manager qualities and competency. Planning and implementing a human resource management,
team motivation, planning, feasibility studies. Managing project time, cost and quality. Estimating
budgeting cost control. Procurement and expediting. Contractual arrangements and legal aspects.
Communications, controlling meetings, handling contractors. Project commissioning. Risk analysis
and hazard assessment. Conflict management. Time value of money and use of discounted cash
flows for project appraisal and decision making. The perspective is managerial, with emphasis on
the use of the techniques to aid project decision making. Information systems, and projects in
developing countries.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project report(s), assignments, examination.


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of managing for performance improvement.
Topics include: Productivity: definition and importance. Productivity models, measurement and
quality. People and productivity. The nature of quality, costs of quality and Kaizen, and 14000;
organising and managing for quality, quality engineering, quality assurance and control; ISO9000
series, techniques of quality control, vendor rating; process capability, precontrol and advanced
techniques; total quality management, quality friction development. Just-in-Time; human factors in
quality, the zero defects approach; computer use in quality systems. Job design, BPR and work
improvement. Value analysis and simultaneous/concurrent engineering. Theory of constraints. Total
productive maintenance. Continuous productivity; and improvement programmes.


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course outline:
On the recommendation of the supervisor and the programme convenor, a student may be permitted
to enter into a programme of individual study on a specialised topic. A statement of objectives must
be agreed upon, and the course of study will be guided by the supervisor. The programme will
involve the student in about 180 hours of work, and a written report must be submitted. The written
report will be examined, and a further oral examination may be held.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project(s).


Not offered in 2022
40 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of systems thinking and systems practice.
Topics include: management and organisational concepts; qualitative mapping and modelling; and a
system's approach to problem solving.
Lecture times: Block release (two contact modules).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Position papers 50%, portfolio of projects and reflective papers 50%.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 24 lectures, 5 tutorials / assignments.
Convener: Mr D Findeis
Course entry requirements: BSc(Eng) degree
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of non-destructive testing and evaluation.
Topics include: Methods and guidance to non-destructive techniques. Selected topics in: Principles
of Ultrasonic inspection and methods and their applicability. Electronic Speckle Pattern
Interferometry as applied to flaw detection. Shearography as a novel optical non-contacting defect
detection method. Eddy current versatility for the measurement of thickness of coatings, the
detection of seams, creaks, voids and inclusions. Testing for flaws in composite materials by
mechanical impedance and Infrared Thermography.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project, November examination 3 hours


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBC
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an understanding of advanced refrigeration. Topics include: Aspects of
compression refrigeration. Effects that degrade vapour compression refrigeration; multiple
compression; multiple evaporators; flash chambers; and cascade systems. Aspects of absorption
refrigeration. Theory of mixtures; absorption continuous cycle; mathematical and graphical analysis
of the cycle; intermittent systems; lithium-bromide water system; water-ammonia-hydrogen system;
and aspects of combined compression/absorption cycle: comparison of performance.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination 3 hours.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: Completion of appropriate postgraduate courses.
Course outline:
On the recommendation of the supervisor and with the agreement of the Head of Department, a
student registered for a Master’s degree may be permitted to enter into a programme of individual
study on a specialised topic. A statement of objectives and/or a syllabus must be agreed upon, and
the course of study will be guided by a member of the department, usually the supervisor. The
programme will involve the student in about 180 hours of work. This can include assignments and
projects of an appropriate nature. The course will be assessed by examination or project or both and
an oral examination may be held thereafter, if required.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Examination and/or project.


Not offered in 2022
40 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course entry requirements: Registration for postgraduate qualification.
Course outline:
This course aims to provide an advanced introduction to business administration. Topics include:
Introduction to business and the business environment; marketing management; finance

management; human resources management; operations management; general management;

quantitative methods in management economics, accounting, business and society.
Lecture times: Block release (two contact modules).
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Position papers 50%, portfolio of projects and reflective papers 50%.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 36 lectures, 12 tutorials / lab sessions.
Convener: CERECAM Director
Course outline:
The finite element method (FEM) is a mathematical and numerical technique for finding solutions to
boundary value problems for differential equations. FEM techniques are central to multiple
engineering disciplines (eg Aeronautics, Biomechanics, Civil and many others) as they are
particularly useful for solving differential equations over complex geometries. Topics covered in the
course include: weak formulations of boundary value problems; the finite element method for one-
and two-dimensional problems; coding the finite element method using Matlab; applications
problems concerning heat conduction and electricity.
DP requirements: An average of 50% in all class tests. Submission of all assignments and projects.
Assessment: June examination


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 36 lectures, 12 tutorials / lab sessions.
Convener: CERECAM Director
Course entry requirements: MEC5063Z.
Course outline:
This course is an extension of MEC5063Z into advanced topics. The course aims to provide students
with an advanced understanding of finite element techniques and enable them to perform finite
element analysis on a wider range of problems. Topics covered in the course include:
incompressibility and mixed-methods; time-dependant problems; non-linear problems.
DP requirements: An average of 50% in all class tests. Submission of all projects and assignments.
Assessment: November examination.


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 36 lectures, 12 tutorials / lab sessions.
Convener: CERECAM Director
Course outline:
This course aims to prepare students for the development, implementation and management of
engineering software for research and/or professional purposes. Such software is characterised by
reliable, efficient and user-friendly programmes. Topics include: fundamentals of C++; program
design and implementation; project management strategies; and algorithms and data structures. C++
will be used to demonstrate features and usage of modern object-oriented programming languages.
A substantial project component is included.
DP requirements: A course mark (combined tests and projects) of at least 50%.
Assessment: June examination


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 36 lectures, 12 tutorials / lab sessions.
Convener: CERECAM Director
Course outline:
This course aims to present a general introduction to continuum mechanics. Topics include: tensors;
kinematics of continuous media; balance of mass, linear and angular momentum, and energy; stress;
constitutive theory; linear elasticity; ideal fluids and Newtonian fluids.

DP requirements: An average of 40% in all class tests.

Assessment: June examination.


12 NQF credits at NQF level 9; 36 lectures, 12 tutorials.
Convener: CERECAM Director
Course entry requirements: MEC5066Z
Course outline:
This course aims to develop an advanced understanding of nonlinear material behaviour. Topics in
nonlinear mechanics; nonlinear elasticity; behaviour of elastic-plastic solids and non-Newtonian
fluids are included.
DP requirements: An average of 40% in all class tests.
Assessment: November examination


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: CERECAM Director
Course entry requirements: MEC5063Z, MEC5066Z.
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to introduce advanced computational aspects of the finite element method
using the modern, open-source finite element library deal.II. The topics covered include: non-linear
problems, time-dependent problems, parallelisation and adaptivity. The course is project based.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Project


Not offered in 2022
12 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor AG Malan
Course entry requirements: MEC4045F
Course outline:
This course provides a postgraduate level foundation to computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It
entails mastering the fundamentals of a number of aspects of modern CFD. These include edge-
based discretization, incompressible and compressible flow modelling, advanced solvers, turbulence
modelling and selected aspects of free-surface flow modelling. To consolidate understanding,
programming assignments make out an important part of the course. You will be writing your own
solver and CFD codes, which will include both incompressible and compressible flow. Due to the
modern nature of the course, recent journal publications will also be used for course material.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Assignments and Examination.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course entry requirements: MEC5097Z DP
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of all or part of an
engineering project to a specification involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles; a
research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a specified topic based upon
a comprehensive search of the literature or available data; development of an item of equipment or a
technique involving novel features or advanced design; or any other study acceptable to the Faculty.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%


Not offered in 2022
20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course entry requirements: Registration for a postgraduate qualification
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to assist students prepare a business plan for launching a high potential new
business. Students will work in teams and be given the opportunity to pool skills and experience and
apply these to a practical hands-on project, focused on developing a comprehensive plan for a new
Lecture times: 1 week of full time lectures with additional lectures as per schedule.
Assessment: Project, presentations and Learning Log.


60 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course entry requirements: Completion of appropriate postgraduate courses.
Course outline:
In agreement with a suitable supervisor, a research topic will be selected, a research proposal agreed,
research will be undertaken and a research report prepared. This will represent at least 600 hours of
DP requirements: None
Assessment: The written report will be examined, and a further oral examination may be held.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The aim of this course is to allow a student to undertake preparatory work for the master’s
dissertation. Work required includes literature searches and reviews; identification of the research
problem, objectives and hypothesis; consideration of research methodology; planning for the active
research phase; and ensuring that research infrastructure (e.g. apparatus etc.) is or will be in place.
The student should maintain regular contact with his/her supervisor in order to show evidence of
suitable progress towards these aims. The supervisor must indicate satisfactory fulfilment of the
course aims prior to the student proceeding to the dissertation.
DP requirements: None


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr C Shaw
Course outline:
This course aims to provide Master's students with an introduction to conceptual frameworks in
teaching and learning appropriate to engineering education. The aim is to provide conceptual tools
to enable a critical approach to engineering knowledge and to enable reflection on higher education
practice. Students should be able to: apply theoretical frameworks to engineering education practice;
reflect critically on their own practices with reference to theoretical frameworks; identify and
describe the principles behind curriculum design decisions; and understand the different forms of
knowledge effective engineering educators draw on.


120 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The dissertation should incorporate any or all of the following: design of an engineering education
research project involving advanced concepts and theoretical principles located in the engineering
education research field; a research project of a theoretical or practical nature; a critical review of a
specified topic based upon a comprehensive search of the literature or available data, a rigorous
analysis of empirical data, and the development of a coherent discussion of the analysis, or any other
study acceptable to the Faculty.


180 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr Corrinne Shaw
Course entry requirements: Appropriate undergraduate degree equivalent to 4 years.
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course fulfils the requirements for the full dissertation (180 credits) for the qualification of
MPhil specialising in Engineering Education.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Dissertation - full research report.


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


360 NQF credits at NQF level 10
Course outline:
A PhD thesis is required to be an original, coherent and consistent body of work which reflects the
candidate’s own efforts. The thesis may not be more than 80 000 words. A candidate will undertake
research, and such advanced coursework as may be required, under the guidance of a supervisor or
supervisors appointed by Senate.
DP requirements: None
Assessment: Written work counts 100%.


Other courses in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment

Course Outlines
60 NQF credits at NQF level 9


16 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: Mrs. A Gwynne-Evans
Course entry requirements: None
Co-requisites: None
Course outline:
This course aims to develop students’ skills and understanding of the importance of effective
communication within the professional environment. It provides the opportunity to consolidate
practical experience and knowledge of a variety of communication formats including reports,
business proposals and online platforms, applying these to the context of academic writing,
including referencing. Students learn the requirements for written and oral communication in terms
of planning, organisation and selection of information, as well as in terms of linguistic and oral style
and final presentation. Students will have to demonstrate proficiency in both written and oral
Lecture times: Online and Tuesdays 10:00-12:00.
DP requirements: Please refer to the official course handout document for detailed information
regarding the DP requirements for this course.
Assessment: Please refer to the official course handout document regarding the assessment criteria
for this course.


0 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Course outline:
The aim of submitting a research paper for the masters’ degree is to develop an understanding of
what is required for the publication of research findings. To this end a candidate shall submit a
summary of the key aspects of the dissertation, presented in the form of a paper which is,
potentially, of publishable standard, approved by a Panel of Assessors. This is a requirement for
candidates submitting either a 180 or 120 credit dissertation for the following degrees: MSc in
Construction Economics and Management, MSc(Eng), MSc(ProjMan), MPhil, MSc in Property
Studies. Refer to the appropriate degree rules.
DP requirements: None


90 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: TBA
Course outline:
The minor dissertation is based on a three- to six-month supervised research project, to be submitted
at the end of January, with the possibility of extension to June the following year.
Assessment: The minor dissertation must be presented for formal examination. The coursework and
minor dissertation each count 50% towards the degree; each must be passed separately for the award
of the degree.


90 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor S Oldfield
Course entry requirements: None
Course outline:
Students will complete a suitable research proposal in consultation with an appropriate supervisor.
After approval of the proposal, students will undertake a research project demonstrating the
application of theory to empirical issues in the research area of urban studies.
DP requirements: Passing the coursework component of the MPhil specialising in Urban Studies.
Assessment: Dissertation 100%.


20 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Associate Professor KJ Carden
Course entry requirements: Any suitable four-year degree
Course outline:
This course adopts an interdisciplinary approach to examine the complexity of current water crises,
trends and conditions on the African continent. The course provides the necessary contextual
information to allow people from any background to participate meaningfully, and students from the
African continent as well as South Africa are encouraged to apply. It engages with the technical,
social, cultural, economic, political and environmental challenges of water demand, supply,
treatment and reuse together with building an understanding of the role of water in society and in
sustaining livelihoods. Topics include: integrated urban water management and water sensitive
urban design, social impacts and health concerns, wastewater treatment and remediation practices,
water quality monitoring, social science engagement around water, legislative aspects, water-food-
energy nexus, resource recovery and the circular economy.
Lecture times: 64 hours in lectures, 16 hours on field trip (2 week module).
DP requirements: Attendance at least 80%, submit all assignments.
Assessment: Research paper (35%), group project (15%), field trip assignment (20%), review paper


Departments Established in the Faculty of Commerce

Associate Professor and Head of Department:
G Modack, BCom PGDip Tax Law Cape Town MCom Cape Town CA(SA)


This course is a terminating course and does not lead to a 2000 level Accounting course.
18 NQF credits at NQF level 5
Convener: J Kew
Course entry requirements: A minimum 40% final mark for ACC1006.
Course outline:
This course builds on the foundation developed in Financial Accounting and is geared towards
students who will not continue with financial reporting after first year. The course is designed to
focus on analysing and interpreting financial statements as well as expose students to the remaining
accounting disciplines namely taxation, management accounting and corporate governance.
Lecture times: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 14:00 – 15:00
DP requirements: 75% course participation (details will be provided in course documentation) and
a weighted average of 38% for class tests.
Assessment: Coursework: 35%-50% Exam: 50%-65% (final weightings will be provided in the
course documentation, and will be determined by the modes of delivery and assessment permissible
in terms of the public health restrictions in place)


18 NQF credits at NQF level 6
Convener: J Dean
Course entry requirements: ACC1006
Course outline:
An introduction to the discipline of Management Accounting; the analysis of cost systems, cost
classification, and cost behaviour; product costing including job costing and process costing; the
allocation of costs from service departments; absorption and variable costing; activity based costing;
cost-volume-profit relationships, relevant costing and cost benefit analyses; budgeting systems;
standard costing and flexible budgeting; financial performance measurement in business segments.
Lecture times: TBA
DP requirements: Attendance at and submission of a minimum of 75% of tutorials AND a
weighted average of 40% for class tests (excluding objective tests).
Assessment: Course work 40% Exam 60%.

Director of the School:
L Edwards, BA Cape Town BA(Hons) Rhodes MA MSc LSE PhD Cape Town

18 NQF credits at NQF level 6
Convener: L Edwards
Course entry requirements: ECO1010 and MAM1010 (or an equivalent). Students will be allowed
to register for ECO2003 if they obtained at least 40% for MAM1000W. No concessions will be
granted to students who obtained less than 40% for MAM1000W.
Course outline:
The course formalises consumer and producer optimisation, and explores markets under perfect and
imperfect competition. The course introduces the concept of uncertainty and how different agents
respond to uncertainty. The course also considers industrial organisation, looking at models that
relax the critical assumptions of perfect competition. All sections of the course incorporate
Lecture times: 09h00 – 10h00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,12h00 – 13h00
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,13h00 – 14h00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday
DP requirements: All class tests and essays/projects to be completed, and a weighted average mark
of 30% for the tests, essays/projects and tutorials homework must be achieved. Only students who
have obtained DP certificates may write the final examination.
Assessment: Coursework: 50%; Exam: 50%. The course outline will detail the breakdown for
submission weightings and variation for exemptions and absences. Note: The ECO2003F
supplementary/deferred exam will be scheduled during the last week of the mid-year vacation. If
students do not write this exam they will be marked as AB and will have to retake the course.

18 NQF credits at NQF level 6
Convener: R Lepelle
Course entry requirements: ECO1010, ECO1011, and MAM1010 (or an equivalent). A student
will be permitted to take ECO2004S without having passed ECO2003F, although it is desirable to
pass ECO2003F prior to taking ECO2004S. If a student gets at least 40% for MAM1000W they will
be allowed to register for ECO2004.
Course outline:
The course builds upon ECO1011S and aims to provide students with the analytical tools and formal
models to explain the behaviour of output, inflation, employment, interest rates, and other economic
aggregates. These tools are used to understand current economic issues, forecast the behaviour of the
economy, and assess the impact of policy choices. Specifically, the course starts with analysing the
short run behaviour of the economy through the IS-LM model before it moves on to consider the
medium run through the AS-AD model. Finally, it looks at the factors that influence long run growth
using the Solow growth model. Analysis of the open economy, such as trade and exchange rate
regimes, is also undertaken.
Lecture times: 09h00 – 10h00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,12h00 – 13h00 Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,13h00 – 14h00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
DP requirements: Students must write the 2 tests and the essay and must obtain a weighted average
mark of 30% for the 2 tests and the essay. Only students who have obtained DP certificates may
write the final examination.
Assessment: Coursework: 50%; Exam: 50%. The course outline will detail the breakdown for
submission weighting and variation for exemptions and absences.


Head of Department:
S Goodman, BSocSc(Hons) MBusSc PhD Cape Town

0 credits if taken as part of a Postgraduate Diploma in Management offered by the School of
Management Studies
18 NQF credits at NQF level 6
Convener: N Madinga
Course entry requirements: Students should be in their second AYOS or above
Objective: To give an overview of the Marketing Process considering current trends in the South
African context. The course will stress the importance of the Marketing Concept, Target Marketing
and the Marketing Mix as a means of formulating a Marketing Strategy with the view to achieving
the strategic objectives of an organisation.
Course outline:
The marketing concept, the marketing environment, consumer markets and industrial markets, buyer
behaviour, marketing research, the use and importance of differentiation, market segmentation and
target marketing, the marketing mix, product policy, pricing policy, distribution policy, promotion
policy, marketing strategy, marketing organisation and implementation, measurement and control of
marketing effectiveness including the marketing audit.
DP requirements: 40% class mark and the completion of all required assignments.
Assessment: Essays, case studies, project and test 50%; June / October examinations (2 hours) 50%


Will not be offered in 2022
18 NQF credits at NQF level 8
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: Students must be registered for the PG Diploma in Management in
Entrepreneurship; PG Diploma in Management in Marketing; or PG Diploma in Management in
Sport Management.
Objective: The aim of the course is to introduce students to human resource management from the
perspective of the line manager.
Course outline:
This course will focus on the four areas of human resource management performed mainly by line
managers, namely recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management,
and employee relations.
DP requirements: BUS4103F; Completion of all tests. Minimum of 40% for coursework.
Lecture/Workshop attendance is compulsory. BUS4103Q; Completion of all tests. Minimum of 40%
for coursework. Tutorial/Discussion attendance as per the course outline.
Assessment: BUS4103F; Coursework: 60% Final examination: 40% BUS4103Q; Coursework:
50% Final examination: 50%

Centres and Departments Established in the Faculty of



The Department of African Studies and Linguistics is housed in TBA and can be contacted by email
at: TBA, or telephone at: TBA.

The letter code for all courses offered in the Department is ASL.
Departmental website: TBA

Head of Department:

Emeritus Professors:
B Cooper, MA Birmingham PhD Sussex
R Lass, PhD Yale
N Love, DPhil Oxon
K McCormick, PhD Cape Town
R Mesthrie, DST/NRF Chair in Migration, Language and Social Change, BPaed UDW BA(Hons)
Cape Town BA(Hons) Unisa MA Texas PhD Cape Town
L Ntsebeza MA Natal PhD Rhodes

Honorary Professor:
A Bogues, PhD West Indies

H Chitonge, MA PhD UKZN
A Deumert, MA Freiburg PhD Cape Town

Associate Professor:
C Ouma, BA(Hons) Moi University Eldoret MA PhD Witwatersrand

J Brown, BA(Hons) MA Cape Town
S Mpendukana, BA(Hons) MA UWC
Z Msomi, MPhil Rhodes PhD Cape Town
T Thipe, MSocSc Cape Town MA MPhil PhD Yale
M Thompson, BA(Hons) MA UWC PhD Stell

Administrative Assistants:
F Steffenson


(May not be offered in 2022)
24 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor S Vawda
Course entry requirements: Acceptance for a master’s programme.
Course outline:
In this course we examine a set of critical issues in the field of heritage studies, as they are currently
unfolding. We take a case study approach to look at currently breaking issues in heritage theory,
policy and practice. In particular, we are interested in those points at which heritage forms a cutting
edge in broader contestations around culture, identity and history. In addition, as a way of making
sense of heritage management discourses, we examine some of the intellectual histories and
genealogies of formulations of heritage in South Africa.
DP requirements: Attendance at seminars is compulsory, failing which students’ papers may not be
Assessment: One major project 100%.

Departments Established in the Faculty of Law

Professor and Head of Department:
R le Roux, BJuris LLB UPE LLM Stell PG Dip (Employment Law and Social Security Law) Cape
Town LLM Anglia Polytechnic PhD Cape Town Attorney and Conveyancer of the High Court


18 NQF credits at NQF level 6
Convener: R Bradstreet
Course entry requirements: Business Law 1 and no undergraduate student in his/her first year of
study may register for Company Law.
Course outline:
The course offers an overview of the laws that govern the nature, formation, and management of
partnerships, trusts, companies and close corporations with the main focus being on companies.
Students are encouraged to apply the analytical abilities acquired in previous law courses and these
skills are further developed. After the course students will be able to, amongst others, navigate the
Companies Act 71 of 2008 and will be familiar with its core provisions and their practical impact.
Lecture times: The course is an intensive one with 5 contact periods per week for the full semester.
DP requirements: Coursework is compulsory. If the student does not submit hand-ins or write a
test the student will receive a mark of 0 for that assessment (unless granted an exemption). But the
student will be able to write the exam.
Assessment: Coursework 40%; final examination 60%.


18 NQF credits at NQF level 6
Convener: TBA
Course entry requirements: No undergraduate student in his/her first year of study may take
Labour Law. It is recommended that students have passed a foundation course in law, e.g.
Business Law I.
Course outline:
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the common law contract of
employment and labour law statutes; including the Labour Relations Act; Basic Conditions of the
Employment Act; and the Employment Equity Act. The course will specifically focus on the
following issues that commonly arise in the workplace: the legal definition of ‘employee’; discipline

and dismissals; unfair labour practices; unfair discrimination in employment and recruitment and
selection; employment equity issues; collective bargaining; strikes and lock-outs; and dispute
Lecture times: This course is an intensive one, with 3 lectures per week for the full semester.
DP requirements: Coursework is compulsory. If the student does not submit hand-ins or write a
test the student will receive a mark of 0 for that assessment (unless granted an exemption). But the
student will be able to write the exam.
Assessment: Coursework 40%; final examination 60%.

Professor and Head of Department:

The courses offered by the department for students registered in the Faculty of Engineering & the
Built Environment are described in the Courses Offered section of this Handbook under the course
code PBL.


(Not offered in 2022) Higher postgraduate course, second semester.
15 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Professor A Paterson
Course entry requirements: Successful completion of any undergraduate degree. Not available to
students undertaking an LLB or LLM degree or Postgraduate Diploma.
Course outline:
The inclusion of an environmental right in South Africa's Constitution has led to the emergence of
many environmental laws and court decisions in the past 15 years. These developments are of key
relevance to those working in the environmental sector including developers, consultants, biologists,
zoologists, planners, sociologists and anthropologists. This course provides students undertaking
postgraduate studies relevant to the environment with an insight into relevant principles of
international and domestic environmental law. Key content covered in the course includes: an
introduction to basic legal principles and resources; constitutional aspects (environmental rights,
access to information, administrative justice and access to courts); framework environmental laws;
land-use planning laws (planning law, environmental impact assessment and protected areas);
natural resource laws (biodiversity, water and marine living resources); and pollution laws (fresh
water, land and air pollution).
DP requirements: Satisfactory attendance of lectures and completion of essay.
Assessment: Coursework 50% (Short assignment 10%, Long assignment 40%), Examination 50%.

Departments Established in the Faculty of Health Sciences

Associate Professor and Head of Department:
M R Collins, BSc(Hons) Stell PhD Cape Town FECSS

The programme in Biomedical Engineering is offered in the Faculty of Health Sciences Its activities
are concentrated at postgraduate level and students may pursue the following qualifications:
Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Technology Management
MSc(Med) Biomedical Engineering

The Department of Human Biology also collaborates at an undergraduate level with departments in
the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment, particularly Electrical Engineering and
Mechanical and Materials Engineering.

Departments and Units Established in the Faculty of Science


Associate Professor and Head of Department:
M R Sowman, MSc PhD Cape Town


23 NQF credits at NQF level 9
Convener: Dr L Nkula-Wenz
Co-requisites: The City Research Studio (EGS5065W); and, either Urban Theory (EGS5063F)
or Curating Urban Regulation (APG5089S).
Course outline:
Cities in the African and broader global southern context have come to the fore as crucial sites for
the analysis of everyday forms of agency central to contemporary urban life. This body of work
makes visible economic, political and social practices that far exceed formal state-driven and
sanctioned development processes. This seminar course draws on a social science and humanities
inspired literature on southern cities to reflect on everyday urban practice and diverse subjectivities
and agencies that constitute contemporary everyday African and southern city life.
DP requirements: Written coursework.
Assessment: Three 'reaction' papers to engage literature and field-based work (30%); long paper
(40%); course participation and seminar presentation (10%); weekly journal reflecting on literature
and new learning (20%)


Centres and Units Accredited by the University Research
African Centre for Cities
The African Centre for Cities (ACC) was established in 2007 as a UCT signature research theme
cutting across three Faculties (Engineering & the Built Environment, Science and Humanities). The
mission of ACC is to facilitate critical urban research and policy discourse for the promotion of
vibrant, democratic and sustainable urban development in the global South. ACC researchers
undertake research and policy work on a wide range of urban issues in Cape Town, South Africa,
Africa and the global South, and collaborate with a number of other institutions across the globe (for
example, as part of the Mistra Urban Futures network). Over the past decade, ACC has established
an impressive international profile and reputation as a dynamic home for analysis of urban issues
and policies. ACC also runs a new urban studies teaching programme (M.Phil in Urban Studies –
Southern Urbanism) to help build a new generation of urbanists who are able to deal with the
challenges faced by cities in the global South.

Professor and Director:

E Pieterse, BA (Hons) UWC MA Development Studies ISS PhD LSE

Associate Professor and Deputy Director:

A Tucker, BA (Hons) MPhil PhD Cambridge

Research and Academic Staff:

J Battersby, BSc (Hons) London MA Newcastle-upon-Tyne DPhil Oxford
M Brown-Luthango, BSocSc (Hons) MSocSc Cape Town DPhil Stellenbosch
LR Cirolia, BA UCBerkeley MCRP PhD Cape Town
S Croese, BA MA Groningen PhD Stellenbosch
NR Hassan, BA (Hons) MA Stellenbosch
G Haysom, MPhil Stellenbosch PhD CapeTown
B Knemeyer, BAFA (Hons) Cape Town MLA Edinburgh
N Marrengane, BA Earlham MA Clark Atlanta
N Ngwenya, BA (Hons) MPhil MCRP Cape Town
L Nkula-Wenz, Dipl (MA equivalent) DPhil Münster
S Oldfield, BA (Hons) MA Syracuse PhD Minnesota
A Pulker, BSocSci MCRP Cape Town
A Selmeczi, MA PhD Central European
R Sitas, BA Cape Town BA (Hons) UKZN MA DUT PhD Cape Town
C Skinner, BSocSci Cape Town MSc Natal
W Smit, BSc MCRP PhD Cape Town
A Weimann, BSocSci (Hons) MSocSci Cape Town

Finance and Operations Manager:

I Najaar, BCom UWC

Administrative Officers:
M Joubert

Administrative Assistants:
S Jeppie
M Waglay, BSocSc Cape Town BA (Hons) UNISA

Communications Officer:
A Viviers, BSc (Architecture) Pretoria

Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling Research Unit (ATProM)

Thermofluid process modelling applies the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics,
thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer to model industrial processes. The
governing balance equations of mass, energy and momentum are solved for steady-state and
transient operating modes using a combination of detail 3D computational fluid dynamics and 1D
network-based models. These are often combined with data driven machine learning techniques to
enable the development of accurate and computationally inexpensive numerical tools to address
industry needs.. By having access to representative models engineers can:

• Analyse the operation and performance of individual components, sub-systems or complete

integrated plants to improve the design and operation to meet changing consumer demands.
• Detect changes that might indicate impending equipment or process degradation, thereby enabling
pro-active and preventative planned maintenance outages.

The ATProM Research Unit offers students the opportunity to do applied research on projects
related to industry.

Professor and Director

PG Rousseau, PrEng BEng (Mech) MEng (Mech) PhD Pretoria OPM HBS

Associate Professor and Deputy Director

WF Fuls, BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) PhD NWU

Associated Academic and Research Staff

R Laubscher BEng (Mech) MEng (Mech) PhD Stellenbosch
P Gosai BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) UCT GDE (Mech) Witwatersrand
CF du Sart, PrEng BCom(Hons) BSc(Eng) MSc(Eng) UCT
AG Malan, PrEng BEng (Mech) MEng (Mech) PhD Swansea
ES Boje, PrEng BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) PhD Natal SMSAIMC MIEEE
AK Mishra, BE (REC India) PhD Edinburgh SMIEEE

Administrative Officer
S Ferguson

Website: www.atprom.uct.ac.za

Blast Impact & Survivability Research Unit (BISRU Centre)

There is an ever-increasing potential for injuries and fatalities from extreme loading events such as
explosions, transportation accidents and subsequent equipment failures. The objective of the
research work during the past 30 years has been, and continues to be, to strive to reduce the risks of
life-changing injuries and save lives by using the fundamental principles of science and engineering.
This involves using experimental, analytical and computational tools and techniques to understand
the mechanics and dynamics of extreme loading events and structural response. BISRU is located
within the Department of Mechanical Engineering and has developed collaborative links with
industry and academia at both national and international levels. The research work, though
interlinked, is categorised into the following areas:

• Blast characterisation and structural response

• Impact: energy absorbers
• Survivability: human response, injury criteria, and structural survivability
• Material characterisation: at elevated strain rates, “soft” materials, constitutive modelling.

Associate Professor and Director

S Chung Kim Yuen, BSc (Eng) MSc PhD Cape Town

Associated Academic Staff

TJ Cloete, BIng Stell MIng Stell
RA Govender, BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) PhD Cape Town
GN Nurick, PrEng MSc (Eng) Natal PhD Cape Town Hon FSAIMechE MASME FSAAE

Website: www.bisru.uct.ac.za

Catalysis Institute
The Catalysis Institute, proclaimed by the University Research Committee in 2016, concerns itself
with catalytic technologies, principally for fuels and energy production, and is comprised of three
centres, viz. the Centre for Catalysis Research (CatCentre), the DST–NRF Centre of Excellence in
Catalysis (c*change) and the DST Hydrogen Catalysis Competence Centre (HySA/Catalysis) - see
elsewhere for detailed entries concerning the associated centres.

The Institute's beginnings stem from a long history in heterogeneous catalysis within the Department
of Chemical Engineering and dating back to 1980. Currently, the activities of some 30 staff and 70
postgraduate/postdoctoral researchers fall within the ambit of the Institute at UCT, ranging from
theoretical computational studies, catalyst synthesis & characterisation, to device (reactor) and
technology development across a range of applications from liquid transportation fuels and
petrochemicals to hydrogen production and low temperature fuel cells.

Professor and Director of the Institute:

JCQ Fletcher, BSc (Eng) Chem PhD Cape Town MACS FSAAE

Associated Academic & Research Staff

S Blair, PhD Materials Chemistry Simon Fraser University (Canada)
J Chamier, PhD (Chem), Stell
M Claeys, Dipl.Ing Dr-Ing (Chem Eng) Karlsruhe, FRSC
MI Fadlalla, BSc (Hons), MSc and PhD (Heterogeneous catalysis) UKZN
N Fischer, Chem MSc (Eng) Chem PhD (Eng) Cape Town
JV Fletcher MSc (Applied Science) Cape Town South Africa, PhD (Chemical Engineering and
Chemistry) Eindhoven, Netherlands
P Kooyman, PhD (Eng), TU-Delft
N Luchters, BSc (Eng) Leiden Chem MSc(Eng) Cape Town
R Mohamed, BSc (Eng), Chem MSc (Eng), Chem PhD (Eng) Cape Town
Thulani M. Nyathi, BSc, BSc (Hons) Chemistry, MSc (Eng) and PhD (Chemical Engineering) Cape
CT O'Connor, PrEng BSc Unisa STD Natal BSc (Hons) PhD Cape Town DEng Stell FSAIMM
D. Susac, PhD Physical Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Canada
E van Steen, MSc (Eng) Eindhoven PhD Karlsruhe FSAIChE FSAAE

Technical & Scientific Staff

R Cupido, NDip (Analytical Chemistry), BTech (Chemistry), MTech (Chem) CPUT
Z Jabe, NDip (Anal Chem) BTech (Chemistry) CPUT
P Johnston, BSc (UCT) Cape Town

B Kaine Tawa, NDip (Chem Eng), CPUT

W Koorts, BTech (Chem Eng) CPT, MTech (Chem) NMMU Cape Town
C Le Roux, NDip CPUT, BTech (Chem) Unisa
K U Nyambi, NDip (Chem Eng) CPUT
E Oldman, NDip (Chem Eng) CPUT

Postdoctoral Researchers
Qiang Chang, PhD (Heterogeneous catalysis) Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
MI. Fadlalla, BSc (Hons), MSc and PhD (Heterogeneous catalysis) UKZN
JV Fletcher MSc (Applied Science) Cape Town South Africa, PhD (Chemical Engineering and
Chemistry) Eindhoven, Netherlands
GM Leteba BSc (Hons) MSc (Materials Science) Cape Town PhD Cape Town & Macquarie,
L Solà-Hernández, BSc (Chemistry) and MSc (Chemical research) UAB, Barcelona, Spain, PhD
(Materials for Energy), Université PSL, Sophia Antipolis, France
Tayyibah Tahier, BSc (Hons) and MSc (Chemistry) Cape Town PhD (Chemistry, Heterogeneous
catalysis), UWC

Honorary Professors
GJ Hutchings BSc (Chem) UCL PhD (Chem) UCL DSC (Heterogeneous Catalysis) London
JW Niemantsverdriet, BSc (Phys+Math) Amsterdam MSc (Exp Phys) Amsterdam PhD
Delft (TechSciences)
C Hebling Dipl.(Phys) PhD (Phys) Konstanz

Management Staff
LK. Kallam, NDip Accounting & Computers Protea College, BCom (IS) Unisa, PGDip Cape Town
SJ Roberts, PrEng BSc (Eng) Chem MSc (Eng) Chem Cape Town
RW Weber, BSc (Eng) Chem MSc (Eng) Chem PhD (Eng) MBA Cape Town

Finance & Administrative Officers

S Heugh, Dip Bookkeeping Institute of Certified bookkeepers Cape Town

Catalysis Institute: Centre for Catalysis Research (Cat Centre)

Industrial catalysis research was initiated in the Department of Chemical Engineering in 1980 and
was formally recognised as a Research Unit (1990) and subsequently as a Research Centre (2005)
by the University. Funding comes from a variety of sources including the University, the National
Research Foundation (NRF), Technology & Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP),
and several industrial sponsors. Industrial contract research from both domestic and international
companies contributes substantially to the Centre's financial base.

The Centre concerns itself with both fundamental and industrial research and development in the
general field of heterogeneous catalysis, encompassing all of catalyst synthesis, physico-chemical
characterisation and performance testing for industrially interesting chemical conversions. Although
engaged in topics of international interest, the Centre has a strong commitment to addressing issues
of direct importance to the South African Chemical Process Industry.

The main fields of investigation within the Centre cover Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, zeolites and
molecular sieves, hydrocracking, phenolics conversion, and hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
The Centre offers a MSc (Eng) degree involving coursework, and research degrees at PhD level.

Deputy and Acting Director

SJ Roberts, PrEng BSc (Eng) Chem MSc (Eng) Chem Cape Town

Website: www.catcentre.uct.ac.za

Catalysis Institute: DST - NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis (c*change)

The DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis (c*change), established in 2004 and hosted by the
Centre for Catalysis Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, has as its focus the field
of catalysis and catalytic processing, and is to be seen as a large yet focused virtual research
programme of a national scope and significance, with multi-disciplinary participants from ten higher
education institutions. It is fundamentally about directed research themes conducted by national
teams to support the nation's international competitiveness. In South Africa, the principal application
of catalysts is within the chemical and petrochemical industries, where catalysis lies at the heart of
90% of all chemical transformation processes. With the manufacturing sector being the largest
contributor to national GDP and with chemical manufacturing being the largest single contributor to
the South African manufacturing sector, chemical processing and catalysis are recognized as a
distinct field for targeted initiatives as emphasized in the National Research and Development

Professor and Director

M Claeys, Dipl.Ing Dr-Ing (Chem Eng) Karlsruhe, FRSC

Website: www.cchange.ac.za

Catalysis Institute: DST Hydrogen Catalysis Competence Centre (HySA/ Catalysis)

The Centre for Catalysis Research, together with Mintek, hosts the Department of Science and
Technology's (DST) Hydrogen Catalysis Competence Centre. This Centre, established in 2007, is
one of three Competence Centres that develop hydrogen-based technologies as part of the National
Flagship Project in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies. Platinum-group metals are key catalytic
materials in hydrogen fuel cells and South Africa has the unique driver in that it possesses 75% of
the world's platinum reserves. The strategic goal is for South Africa to supply 25% of the future
global fuel-cell market with novel, locally developed and fabricated platinum-group metal catalysts
and platinum-based fuel cell components by 2020, thereby diversifying the applications of the
nation's platinum group metal resources.

S Blair, PhD Materials Chemistry Simon Fraser University (Canada)

Website: www.hysacatalysis.uct.ac.za

Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER)

CeBER was formally constituted as a Unit in 2001 and upgraded to a Centre in 2008 cementing a
long history of bioprocess engineering research at UCT. CeBER aims to underpin the growth and
exploitation of the biotechnology, chemical and minerals sectors in South Africa through a national
centre of expertise in bioprocess engineering. As such, the Centre has the following objectives:

 the education of engineers and scientists to the postgraduate level with key expertise to
excel in careers in the bioprocess arena, both in research and in industry,
 the provision of research expertise in key aspects of bioprocess engineering relevant to
South Africa through contract research,
 the contribution to fundamental insights in bioprocess engineering and related processes,
 the transfer and application of knowledge across disciplines in which bioprocesses play a
role, contributing to the South African bioeconomy and process industries.

CeBER maintains a productive balance between research centred on the application of biological
principles through process development, on the fundamental understanding of biological processes
at the mechanistic level, and on the interaction of these processes with their environment. Our key
foci include biohydrometallurgy for the extraction of metals in tank and heap bioleaching processes;
ARD prevention and remediation of metal rich effluents; production of fine chemicals through
bacterial and fungal processes; algal biotechnology for bioenergy products, commodities and fine
chemicals; biotransformation for value addition; biorefineries, including the wastewater biorefinery,
product liberation and recovery; bioprocess integration and optimisation through modelling; and
design and development of bioprocesses for environmental sustainability. In addressing these
research areas, the Centre brings together key skills in chemical engineering science, mathematical
modelling, hydrometallurgy, environmental engineering, biochemistry, microbiology and molecular
biology. CeBER hosts the DST/NRF SARChI Research Chair in Bioprocess Engineering.

Professor and Director

STL Harrison, BSc (Hons) Cape Town PhD Cantab MSAIChE FSAMM SASM FSAAE ASSAf

Deputy Director
A Kotsiopoulos, BSc (Eng)Chem MSc (Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town

Associated Academic and Research Staff

JR Amaral Filho, BSc (Eng) Environmental PhD Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil
C Edward, BSc (Eng)Chem Cape Town
MA Fagan-Endres, BSc (Eng)Chem Cape Town PhD Cantab
E Govender-Opitz, BSc (Eng)Chem PhD Cape Town
MN Naidoo, BSc (Eng)Chem UKZN
M Smart, BSc (Hons) MSc Stellenbosch PhD Cape Town
SL Tai, BSc (Eng) UMIST MSc (Biochemical Engineering) PhD (Industrial Microbiology) TU Delft
NN Zulu NDip DUT BSc (Hons) UJ MSc UCT PhD UGöttingen

Technical Staff
S Rumjeet, BSc (Eng) Chem MSc (Eng) Chem Cape Town
S Rademeyer, NDip BTech (Chem Eng) MEng CPUT
T Samkange, NITC NTC NHD(Eng)Elec Harare Polytechnic MBA Rhodes

Postdoctoral Researchers
C Horn, BSc (Eng)Chem PhD University of Cape Town
DX Makaula, BSc (Hons) MSc University of the Western Cape PhD University of Cape Town
TS Marais, BSc (Biotech) University of Western Cape PhD University of Cape Town
D Wilbers, BSc (Chem) (Hons) MSc (Chem) PhD Stellenbosch University

Research Associates
C Bryan, BSc (Hons) Nottingham PhD Bangor
MJ Griffiths, BSc (Hons) Cape Town MPhil Cambridge PhD Cape Town
RP van Hille, BSc (Hons) PhD Rhodes

Administrative Staff
R Ederies, Dip (Bookkeeping) Damelin HR Cert CPUT
SH Jobson, BA Rhodes HDE Cape Town
LD Mostert, BSc (Eng)Chem Cape Town MTh Stellenbosch

Website: www.ceber.uct.ac.za Instagram: ceber_uct Facebook: CeBER UCT


Centre for Materials Engineering (CME)

The Centre has the objectives of educating and training students in the techniques and fundamentals
in the broad field of Materials Engineering. We are concerned with the physical, chemical, electrical
and mechanical properties of ceramic, polymeric, metallic and composite materials. The Centre is
supported by the NRF, DST and materials processing, producing, manufacturing and user industries
and undertakes extensive research programmes, which prepare candidates for the degrees of
MSc(Eng) in Materials Engineering and PhD. Of particular significance is the BSc(Hons) in
Materials Science that is specifically designed for graduates with degrees in Physics, Chemistry or
Geology and related sciences. We promote quality research by maintaining international liaisons and
publication in reputable journals. The Centre also aims to support and assist both large and
developing industries through research projects, practical solutions and human resource

Associate Professor and Director

T Becker, BSc (Eng) MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

Associated Academic staff

RD Knutsen, BSc PhD Cape Town

Deputy Director
SL George, BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) PhD Cape Town

Visiting Lecturers
P Evans, BA (Nat Sci) Cambridge PhD Cambridge
RA Ricks, BSc (Hons) Leeds PhD Cambridge
CI Lang, BSc PhD Cape Town

Emeritus Professor
RB Tait, PrEng BSc (Hons) Rhodes MA Oxon BSc (Eng) PhD Cape Town MSAIMechE

Senior Technical Officer

P Louw, NHD (Metallurgy)Wits Tech, BSC Hons (Mat Sci) Cape Town

Scientific Officer
S von Willingh, BSc (Hons) MSc (Eng) Cape Town

Website: www.mateng.uct.ac.za

Centre for Minerals Research (CMR)

The Centre for Minerals Research at the University of Cape Town is a multi-disciplinary, inter-
departmental research centre based in the Department of Chemical Engineering with close associate
activities in Mechanical Engineering; geology and physics. The main focus of research is on the
processes of froth flotation and comminution, arguably two of the most important unit operations in
mineral beneficiation. Research is conducted through industrial, laboratory and computational
studies. The Centre enjoys extensive support from local and international mining companies as well
as statutory funding agencies. The Centre has an excellent reputation in its field and has strong links
with a number of international research institutes. The Centre is a research partner in a highly
successful collaborative venture with the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of

Professor and Director:

DA Deglon, BSc (Eng) Wits MBA PhD Cape Town MSAIMM

Associated Academic and Research Staff:

L Bbosa, BSc (Hons) MSc PhD Cape Town MSAIMM
M Becker, BSc (Hons) MSc Cape Town PhD Pretoria MSAIMM FGSSA
P Bepswa, BSc (Eng)UZ PhD Cape Town
S Bremner, BSc (Applied Maths, Astrophysics, Physics), BSc (Hons) Cape Town (NASSP) Cape
Town, MSc (Physics) UKZN, PhD (Physics) Cape Town
K Corin, BSc (Hons) PhD Cape Town MSAIMM
S Geldenhuys, BEng (Chem) Stell MSc Cape Town
MC Harris,BSc (Hons) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
R Manenzhe, BSc (Hons) Cape Town
J Mann, BSc (Eng) Wits MBL UNISA
M Manono, BSc (Hons) PhD Cape Town
B McFadzean, BSc PhD NMMU
K Pillay, BSc (Hons) UKZN MSc Cape Town Pr. Sci. Nat.
M Richter, BSc (Physics), BSc (Hons), MSc (Physics), PhD (Physics) Cape Town
A van der Westhuizen, BIng Stell MSc (Eng) Cape Town MSAIMM
J Waters, BTech (Chem Eng) Cape Technikon MSc Cape Town MSAIMM

Honorary Professor:
I Govender, BSc UDW HDE UNISA BSc (Hons) PhD Cape Town

Honorary Adjunct Professors:

S Lambert, BSc (Eng) BSc (Hons) Strathclyde
J Mann, BSc (Eng) Wits MBL UNISA

Administrative Staff:
H Sundström PGDip BA Cape Town
N Davies
C Pomario

Centre for Research in Computational & Applied Mechanics (CERECAM)

The Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics (CERECAM) is a multi-faculty
and inter-disciplinary research grouping which concerns itself with basic and applied research and
postgraduate education in computational and applied mechanics. Its members are drawn from
chemical, civil, mechanical engineering, and applied mathematics. Research in the area of solid and
structural mechanics focuses on modelling and simulation of inelastic material behaviour and of
various structural systems, while work in computational fluid and particulate dynamics includes
activities in milling and comminution processes, and various aspects of non-Newtonian flows. Work
in biomechanics straddles the two broad areas of solid and fluid mechanics, with a focus on
cardiovascular mechanics and aspects of cerebral aneurysms.

Director and Associate Professor

M Ngoepe, BSc (Eng) Cape Town PhD Oxon

T Chinyoka, MSc Zimbabwe PhD Virginia Tech
F Ebobisse Bille, BSc (Hons) Yaounde’ l Cameroon PhD Pisa
EB Ismail, BSc (Eng) MSc(Eng) Cape Town
S Skatulla, Dipl Ing Karlsruhe PhD Adelaide
A Mainza, BSc( Eng)Chem UNZA PhD Cape Town
BD Reddy, OMB, BSc(Eng) Cape Town PhD Cantab,DSc(hc) Stellenbosch FSAAE,MASSAf

Associate members
TJ Cloete, MIng Stell

DA Deglon, BSc (Eng) Wits MBA PhD Cape Town MSAIMM

Research Officer

Administrative Assistant
N Bent

Website: www.cerecam.uct.ac.za

Centre for Research in Engineering Education (CREE)

CREE is an interdisciplinary research centre established to promote engineering education. The
work of the CREE community focuses on establishing and promoting engineering education
research to improve teaching and learning and further our understanding of the educational
environment more broadly. This work has strong links with the fields of academic development and
higher education studies, as well as being influenced by other discipline-based education research
areas such as physics and mathematics education. As such, the CREE community values an
interdisciplinary approach, and seeks to develop theoretically-informed and research-based ways of
understanding the education process and the tertiary learning environment. Given our location in
South Africa, we have a particular interest in student success in relation to issues of race, gender and
disadvantage. We are actively involved in building the capacity of academic staff at UCT and at
other universities in South Africa to meaningfully engage in engineering education research and its
application in teaching contexts. We are also involved in co-operation between various national and
international bodies involved in supporting engineering education in order to move the field of
engineering education forward as it continues to grow. CREE researchers offer supervision of post
graduate qualifications specializing in engineering education including structured MPhil and PhD
programmes. Contact the relevant departmental staff members for details.

R Smit, BSc HDE MSc (ScEd) PhD Cape Town

Administrative Staff

Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS)

The Centre for Transport Studies is a multidisciplinary research and postgraduate teaching body.
The Centre's primary aim is to develop into an internationally recognised research and teaching body
that produces relevant research, develops skilled professionals, and advocates innovative practices
and institutional arrangements for the management of complex transport systems in the dynamic
cities of South Africa and other African countries.

The purpose of the Centre is to stimulate debate and undertake research that focuses on the equity,
sustainability and efficiency problems associated with urban passenger transport systems in South
African cities, and on the development of practices and skills that are consistent with the goals and
objectives of contemporary and progressive policies. The Centre’s priorities in curriculum
development, and in undertaking research, are to contribute to the equitable, efficient and safe
accommodation of the travel needs of poorer households within urban passenger transport systems,
and to the promotion of more efficient and sustainable travel behaviour patterns and transport
system operations.

Professor and Director

R Behrens, Pr Pln BA MCRP PhD Cape Town

Associated Academic Staff

M Vanderschuren, BSc (Eng) Tilburg MSc (Eng) Delft PhD Enschede FSAICE MITSSA
M Zuidgeest, MSc PhD Twente

Website: www.cfts.uct.ac.za

Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU)

The Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) became an accredited
UCT Research Unit in 2010. The unit’s research is focused on quality, durability and sustainability
of concrete construction, structural health monitoring, structural integrity assessment, and repair and
rehabilitation strategies for concrete structures. The guiding principle for CoMSIRU is developing
high-level manpower for industry, research and academia, while engaging in innovative and
impactful research. The unit maintains healthy and active links with industry through an advisory
board, involvement in professional bodies and continuing professional development courses, as well
as postgraduate training. CoMSIRU’s well-established international links provide opportunities for
collaborative research and benchmarking, which enables the research unit to continuously evolve
and strengthen its niche research focus. The Research Programme is closely integrated with the
postgraduate teaching programmes in Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance and
Structural Engineering and Materials in the Department of Civil Engineering.

Professor and Director

P Moyo, Pr Eng BSc (Eng) Zimbabwe MSc (Eng) Newcastle-upon-Tyne PhD Nanyang FSAAE

Professor and Co-Director

H Beushausen, Dipl-Ing HAW Hamburg MSc(Eng) PhD Cape Town

Emeritus Professor & Senior Research Scholar

MG Alexander, PrEng BSc (Eng) MSc (Eng) PhD Witwatersrand FSAICE FSAAE, MASSAf

Honorary Research Associates

V Collis, PrEng PrArch BSc (Eng) Cape Town
M Santhanam, BTech IIT Madras MS PhD Purdue

Administrative Staff
G Verster

Laboratory Assistant
L Adams

Crystallisation and Precipitation Research Unit (CPU)

Although industrial applications of precipitation have a long history and precipitation has been
studied scientifically since the 1930s, understanding of these processes is still very limited.
Industrially, precipitation reactions are generally carried out in very simple reactor systems.
Probably over 90% of industrial precipitation processes are carried out in ordinary stirred tank
reactors operated in a batch-wise mode. Major problems, however, often occur in control of
precipitation processes, specifically in understanding the effect of processing conditions on reactor
performance and product characteristics such as precipitate morphology, purity and particle size
distribution. Consequently, there is a need to develop a deeper scientific understanding of
precipitation processes that are currently based on empirical knowledge. The specific objective of
furthering this scientific understanding is in order to be able to optimise and control precipitation
processes in extractive metallurgical processes as well as in treatment of effluent streams.

The Crystallisation and Precipitation Research Unit has national recognition as the only facility in
the country for concerted research in the area of precipitation and crystallisation. In addition, the
particular research thrust is unique internationally. Industrial support for the programme is on-going,
as seen by active funding for and interest in research projects. Presentation of Continuing
Professional Development courses to industry; such as the Industrial Crystallisation course (in
collaboration with Prof GM van Rosmalen of TU Delft) and specific courses given to industrial
partners are an on-going activity.

Professor and Director

AE Lewis, PrEng BSc (Eng) Chem MSc (Eng) PhD Cape Town FSAIChE FSAIMM MASSAf

Associated Academic and Technical Staff

J Chivavava, BEng (Chem) NUST MSc (Chem) Cape Town AMIChemE
HR Heydenrych, BSc (Eng) Chem MSc (Eng) Cape Town

Administrative Staff

Website: www.crystal.uct.ac.za

Future Water Research Institute

Future Water was established in 2016 as a transdisciplinary research institute at UCT, with the main
aim of providing the intellectual framework and knowledge base to address issues of water scarcity
and to underpin improved quality of life and sustainable development in South Africa. Future Water
seeks to integrate technical, environmental and socio-economic aspects of water management
through the adoption of inter- and trans-disciplinary (IDTD) approaches and scholarship as well as
multi-stakeholder and/or user perspectives. It is hosted in the EBE faculty but includes discipline
specialists as well as generalists from nine departments across six faculties, such that research is
based within an over-arching systems framework supported by strong sociological, technical and
environmental expertise. The research programme comprises environmental (protection of natural
water resources), industrial (technical options and uses of water, water as part of the process, water
as a waste resource), economic (cost benefits and viability) and people-focused (addressing social-
cultural and institutional challenges and resistance) aspects of water management and includes a
clear focus on the interactions between all of these. Future Water understands the need for strong
collaboration in grappling with complex issues, in partnership with government at all levels,
industry, communities, and other academic partners both locally and internationally.

Acting Director
K Carden, BSc MSc PhD Cape Town FWISA

Professor and Deputy Director

NP Armitage, PrEng BSc (Eng) Natal MSc (Eng) CapeTown PhD Stell FSAAE FSAICE FWISA

Key Academic Staff

J Broadhurst, BSc MSc Port Elizabeth PhD Cape Town MIMWA SACNASP
H Chitonge, BA Zimbabwe MA PhD Natal
A Dalvie, BSc Med Cape Town MSc Cape Town PhD Cape Town
D Ikumi, BSc Cape Town PhD Cape Town
A Mkhonza, LLB Free State LLM Witwatersrand
J Okedi, BSc Makerere MSc Leuven PhD Cape Town
D Randall, BSc (ChemEng) Cape Town PhD Cape Town
T Sanya, BArch Makerere MPlan Stuttgart PhD Oslo

N Solomon, BSocSci Cape Town MSocSci Cape Town

K Winter, BA HDE Cape Town MA London PhD Cape Town

Key Research Staff and Postdoctoral Fellows

A Abrams, BA Columbia MPhil Cape Town
C Teta, BSc NUST Zimbabwe PhD NUST Zimbabwe
M Cole, BSc Cape Town MSc Witwatersrand PhD Oxford

Finance Manager
S Jobson

Administrative Officer
G Verster

Minerals to Metals
The Minerals to Metals Signature Theme (MtM) was established in 2007 to integrate existing
capacity in minerals beneficiation research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and address
the challenges facing the minerals industry in an integrated, comprehensive and holistic manner.
Technology choices are developed and evaluated not only in terms of the conventional economic
returns, but also with regard to their impact on the natural and human environments, which allows
stakeholders to make more holistically informed decisions. Thus solutions are developed that focus
on enhanced value addition and resource productivity through the conversion of minerals to metals
in a manner congruent with providing a sustainable future for African people and their environment.
This is achieved through three inter-connected activity areas, viz., research, education and
engagement, which are aligned with UCT’s mission ‘to be an outstanding teaching and research
university, educating for life and addressing the challenges facing our society’. The United Nations’
Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), accepted in September 2015 provide the structure
by which to understand, frame and address these challenges. The Master of Philosophy program
specialising in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development, inaugurated in 2014, was established as
part of the Education for Sustainable Development in Africa project of the United Nations
University Institute for Sustainability and Peace. The programme is delivered jointly with the
University of Zambia and includes courses at the UCT Graduate School of Business and the
Sustainability Institute at the University of Stellenbosch. Strong collaborative partnerships exist
within UCT, particularly with Mineral Law in Africa, the Development Policy Research Unit,
Future Water and others, with other universities, organisations and institutions in South Africa,
Africa and globally.

Professor and Director

J Petersen, BSc (Eng) Wits PhD Cape Town MSAIMM

Associate Professor and Co-Director

JL Broadhurst, BSc (Hons) MSc Port Elizabeth PhD Cape Town

Associated Academic Staff

M Becker, BSc (Hons) MSc Geology Cape Town PhD Pret
DA Deglon, BSc (Eng) Wits MBA PhD Cape Town MSAIMM
STL Harrison, BSc (Hons) Cape Town PhD Cantab MSAIChE SASM FSAIMM FSAAE ASSAf
A Mainza, BSc (Eng) UNZA PhD Cape Town
T Moyo, BSc (Eng) NUST Zimbabwe PhD Cape Town
HB von Blottnitz, BSc (Eng)Chem Cape Town BSc(Hons) UNISA MSc (Eng) Cape Town Dr.-Ing.

Honorary Professor
MJ Nicol, BSc (Hons) PhD Witwatersrand

Adjunct Professors
B J Chicksen, MBChB Harare FCP (SA) Durban MBA Johannesburg
CM Digby, BA Hons(Econ) Trinity College Dublin MA(Econ) British Columbia
MSc(Environment) London School of Economics and Political Science
R Schouwstra, BSc(Hons) NWU MSc Johannesburg DSc NWU
MH Solomon, BSc(Eng)Mining, Witwatersrand, FSAIMM, FIQ, Mine Manager’s Certificate of
Competency (Metalliferous), MDP(Mining) South Africa

Junior Research Fellows

CT Mangunda, BSc(Eng) MSc NUST Zimbabwe PhD Cape Town
M Cole, BSc Cape Town MSc Witwatersrand PhD Oxford

Finance and Administrative Officer

M Shaik

Urban Real Estate Research Unit (URERU)

The research unit was approved by the UCT Council in June 2015 under the directorship of
Associate Professor Francois Viruly. The aim of the unit is to provide an inter-disciplinary platform
that promotes the identification of issues and seeks solutions to Urban Real estate investment,
Finance, Economics and management problems in Africa. It offers an opportunity to initiate a
unique research alliance in the built environment between UCT, universities across the continent, as
well as Industry and society at large. It also provides an opportunity to further define and enhance
the existing research thrusts of the department of Construction Economics & Management.
URERU is driven by four broad thrusts:
 Urban Real Estate markets dynamics and Trends
 Urban Real Estate Investment and Finance,
 Urban Real Estate land economics and management
 African Urban Real estate markets

URERU promotes academic research and disseminates research and data to the private and public
sectors based on a research agenda for the period 2015-2020.

The intention of the unit is to raise further funding from a variety of sources. These are likely to
• Private sector funding
• Public sector funding
• Professional bodies (RICS)
• International bodies

Associate Professor and Director

F Viruly, BA (Hons) Witwatersrand MA (Dev Econ) Kent FRICS

Associated Academic and Research staff

KA Michell, BSc (QS) MPhil Cape Town PhD Salford PrQS PMAQS MRICS
F Ametefe, BSc (Admin) Ghana, M Phil (Finance) Ghana PhD (Real Estate and Finance) Reading
MM Mooya, BSc (Land Economy) Copperbelt MPhil (Land Economy) Cantab PhD (Real Estate)
LD Boyle BSc (QS) Cape Town MPhil (Urban Sustainability) Cape Town
C Madell, BA UWC, BA Hons (Geography) UWC, MCRP, UCT, MSc (LED)
SD Nurick, BCom BSc(Hons)(Property Studies), MPhil Cape Town MRICS
U Ordor BSc(Architecture) Jos MSc (Architecture) Jos MNIA MSc (Property Studies) Cape Town

Honorary Research Affiliate

C Kariuki, BA (Land Economics), Nairobi MA (Housing) Nairobi

Other entities
Continuing Professional Development
H Tait, BHE Stell

S Jemaar
G Williams

The CPD programme offers short courses, workshops and small conferences. These provide a means
for the on-going education of engineers and other technical staff, outside of the formal academic
courses offered at UCT for degree purposes. Generally there are no formal academic qualification
entrance requirements to CPD courses. In some cases, some prerequisite knowledge may be
required. A certificate of attendance or of successful completion (where an examination is passed) is
normally issued. Some courses may be undertaken outside of working hours, while others may
require attendance for a number of days on a full-time basis. The mode of delivery for each course
differs, some are offered face to face only, and others are offered online. Courses may also be run on
an in-house basis for companies, if requested.

In terms of the agreements between the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) and other
international engineering bodies, South African registered professionals are obliged to keep abreast
of developments and knowledge in their fields of expertise in order to maintain and demonstrate
their competence. All ECSA registered persons are required to undertake and record CPD activities
as a prerequisite to renewal of their professional registration. Most of the courses offered by the
CPD Programme are registered with ECSA for CPD points.

Website: www.cpd.uct.ac.za

Geographical Information Systems Unit

N Lindenberg, BSc(Hons) Cape Town
T Slingsby, MSc(Eng) Cape Town

The UCT GIS Lab acts as a consulting and resource centre for researchers and postgraduate
students. We administer the ESRI site license for Campus, act as a central data warehouse, offer
support for GIS-related queries and provide a consulting service for project planning, course design
and lecturing. You can book a virtual consultation on our website.

Website: www.gis.uct.ac.za

Professional Communication Studies

Head of Department
Professor M Vanderschuren, BSc(Eng) Tilburg MScEng Delft PhD Enschede FSAICE MITSSA

Professional Communication Studies (PCS) courses aim to equip students with essential theory and
skills in the areas of oral, written and interpersonal communication, as recommended by
professional bodies such as ECSA, (SA)IMechE and IEEE.

Outcomes of the courses are knowledge and ability in:

 research methods using academic sources, referencing, citation, academic writing and
professional ethics;
 report writing, business proposals, executive summaries, letters of application,
eportfolios and CV's;
 visual literacy, graphics and posters;
 presentation skills.

Website: www.pcs.uct.ac.za


Details of scholarships and awards available are given in the Financial Assistance for Postgraduate
Studies and Financial Assistance for Undergraduate Studies Handbooks available from the
Registrar. The following is a selected list of scholarships and awards. Note that the scholarships on
offer and the values are subject to change without notice.

Architecture, Planning and Geomatics

Architecture and Planning
Hugh and Win Walker Scholarships: Awarded with preference for degrees in Architecture and,
thereafter, Planning undertaken at UCT. Applications to the Postgraduate Scholarships
Office/Undergraduate Funding Office.

National Development Fund for the Building Industry Postgraduate Scholarship: Applications
to the Director, National Development fund for the Building Industry, Box 1619, Halfway House,
1685, by 2 January.

Twamley Undergraduate Scholarship: Awarded on the basis of the most outstanding academic
performance at the end of the First Year of study, provided that the nominee shall have met the
requirements for inclusion in the Dean's Merit List.

Twamley Postgraduate Scholarship: Awarded on the recommendation of the Chair of Surveying

on the basis of academic achievement and other appropriate experience for postgraduate study in

Construction Economics and Management

Association of Construction Project Management (ACPM) Scholarship: R2500 for a South African
holder of UCT's Department of Construction Economics & Management's BSc Hons in Quantity
Surveying or BSc Hons in Construction Management degree at UCT who meets the entrance
requirements for the MSc(Project Management) programme and has financial need. Applications to the
Admin Officer, Need-based Bursaries, Post-graduate Funding Office, Otto Beit building, Upper
Campus, UCT. ACPM must be kept appropriately informed. (This is not a prize but an award to a
worthy student in need on financial aid and must, therefore, be administered by UCT's Funding Office.)

Construction Education Sector Training Authority (CETA) Bursaries: Awarded to students

entering full-time postgraduate studies. Applications to be submitted by 31 August to CETA, PO
Box 644, Bedfordview 2008.

JT Ross (Pty) Ltd scholarships: Full tuition fees for a BSC Property Studies student during their
3rd year and Honours year. Preference will be given to a student from Kwa Zulu Natal or Gauteng
due to availability for holiday work during July and December over these two years. On completion
of their studies the student will be required to do a compulsory one year internship/work experience
with JT Ross. Students will be interviewed and a decision on the award will be made at the sole
discretion of JT Ross.

National Research Foundation: Awarded on merit for Honours, full/part-time Master’s and
Doctoral Study. Applications to be submitted to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office by 15 August
for Honours and 31 December for Master’s study and 30 April for Doctoral study.

National Research Foundation: NRF Prestigious Awards: Awarded on merit for full-time
registered Master’s or Doctoral Studies. Applications to be submitted by 30 June (internal) or 31
July (agency).
NRF Grantholder Bursaries: Applications to be submitted by 28 February (internal) or 31 March

Tobie Louw Bursary - BSc(Hons)(QS) Students: Awarded for Postgraduate study in Quantity
Surveying. Applications to be submitted to the Prizes and Awards Committee, Association of South
African Quantity Surveyors, PO Box 3527, Halfway House, 1685 by, 31 January

Quantity Surveyor's Research Award - BSc(Hons)(QS) Students: Prestige award for research
work into technical and managerial problems in the building industry. Applications to be submitted
to the Prizes and Awards Committee, Association of South African Quantity Surveyors, PO Box
3527, Halfway House, 1685, by 15 June.

Council Postgraduate Scholarship): Awarded on the results of the examinations for the degree of
BSc(Eng) or BSc(Geomatics), based on honours points. Candidates should have obtained First Class
Honours and intend to continue with the study of engineering or geomatics.

E D Steytler Memorial Scholarship (Undergraduate): Awarded to the student obtaining the

highest weighted average in the First Year examinations.

Klaus-Jürgen Bathe Scholarships: Awarded to students in the final 2 years of study who show
evidence of high intellectual power and commitment to the achievement of excellence in the field of

Twamley Undergraduate Scholarship: Awarded on the basis of the most outstanding academic
performance at the end of the First Year of study.

Civil Engineering
Christopher Robertson Scholarship (Undergraduate): Awarded to the student in Civil
Engineering who has made the most progress in the Third Year of studies. (Where there is a choice
between candidates of equal merit, preference is for those with fewer scholarships and to whom the
value of the award would be advantageous).

Chris van Breda Scholarship (Postgraduate): Awarded on final examination results for the
BSc(Eng) Civil degree. The candidate should have obtained Honours and intend to undertake further

Ninham Shand Scholarship (Postgraduate): Awarded on examination results for the BSc(Eng)
Civil degree. The candidate should have obtained Honours and intend to undertake further study.

Mechanical Engineering
Duncan McMillan Scholarship (Undergraduate): Awarded annually to the First Year Mechanical
Engineering student gaining the highest weighted average, subject to the holder maintaining
satisfactory progress and conduct.

Class Medals
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics
Class medals may be awarded to students who have shown special ability in the course. They are
only awarded where special merit should be recognised. Only one medal may be awarded in a
course. Any student who repeats a course will be ineligible for a medal in that course. Class medals
may be awarded in the following courses:

APG1016H Geomatics
APG2039W Design and Theory Studio II
APG3037W Design and Theory Studio III

Construction Economics and Management and Engineering

Class medals may be awarded to the best students in each of the following first year core courses:
CHE1005W, CIV1005W, CON1004W, CON1011F, CON1012S, CON1018W, CON1019F/S,
EEE1006F, EEE1007S, MEC1002W and MEC1005W.
Class medals are also awarded to each of the second, third and (where applicable) fourth years of
study to students with the best weighted average in core, core-elective, elective and optional courses
in the following programmes:

Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Construction Management
Construction Studies
Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Property Studies
Quantity Surveying

The following prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the Faculty. The prize offerings and values
are subject to change without notice.

David Haddon Prize: R300 for the purchase of books for the best Architecture or Quantity
Surveying student in the subject Professional Practice (APG4044S or CON4034W).

Joseph Arenow Prizes: (two x R3000) (i) for the best Master’s dissertation in the Faculty of
Engineering & the Built Environment (ii) for the best PhD thesis in the Faculty of Engineering & the
Built Environment.

Architecture, Planning and Geomatics

Aluminium Federation of South Africa Award: R1000 for the best project in the final year of
BAS or BAS(Hons) entailing the use of aluminium.

Cape Institute for Architecture Measured Drawing Prize: R500 for Measured Drawings of old
works in the Cape Province.

Cape Institute for Architecture Prize: R750 for the best student graduating in the MArch(Prof)

Cape Institute for Architecture Prize: R2000 for the best student in Design and Theory Studio II.

Cape Institute for Architecture Prize: R2000 for the best student in Design and Theory Studio III.

Cape Institute for Architects Prize: Certificate of Excellence for Teamwork in the BAS(Hons)
Simulated Office Studio, including a two-year free membership with the Institute.

Cape Institute for Architecture Prize: R2000 for the best student graduating in the postgraduate
Architecture degree programmes.

The Carl Borckenhagen Memorial Prize: R3000 to be awarded to the best student over the two
years of study in the MCRP programme.

Clay Brick Association Prize: R250 for the purchase of books to the student of Architecture who
has made best use of bricks in his or her design work.

Corobrik Prize: R500 for the best project entailing the innovative use of clay bricks from work
done in 2nd year.

Corobrik Prize: R500 for the best project entailing the innovative use of clay bricks from work
done in 3rd year.

CNdV Landscape Architects’ Prize: R1000 for the best student in Landscape Construction in the
second year of the Master of Landscape Architecture programme.

CNdV Landscape Architects’ Prize: R1000 for the best student in History and Theory of
Landscape Architecture in the Master of Landscape Architecture programme.

Essay Prize: R300 awarded to the BAS(Hons) student who produces the best essay.

General JBM Hertzog Prize: R1250 awarded annually to the best final year student in the
MArch(Prof) programme.

George Menzies Prize: R2000 awarded on the results of the final examinations to the best student
in Geomatics.

Helen Gardner Travel Prize: Two prizes of R20 000 each awarded by UCT to students who have
completed the third year of the BAS degree but who have not yet been admitted to the BAS(Hons)
degree. Applications to the Director, School of Architecture and Planning.

Newurban Architects and Urban Designers Prize: R1500 gift voucher for a Project of Merit that
deals with sustainability and/or environmental issues in BAS.

Newurban Architects and Urban Designers Prize: R1500 gift voucher for a Project of Merit that
deals with sustainability and/or environmental issues in BAS(Hons).

Institute of Landscape Architects of South Africa Prize: R500 book prize for the best Landscape
Design Studio Portfolio in the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) Programme.

Institute of Landscape Architects of South Africa Prize: R1000 and certificate for the best
student in the Master of Landscape Architecture Programme.

Institute of Landscape Architects of South Africa Prize: R500 book prize for the best Landscape
Architecture dissertation in the Master of Landscape Architecture Programme.

Ivor Prinsloo Prize: R450 for the best essay in Architectural Theory in the BAS(Hons) programme.

Ivor West Memorial Prize: R4000 for the best second or third year Geomatics student.

John Perry Prize: R2000 for the best work done in the third year of study of the BAS degree.

Lisa Blane Memorial Prize: R1000 for the best student in the Technology II course.

Lisa Blane Memorial Prize: R1000 for the most improved student in the Technology II course.

Lisa Blane Memorial Prize: R2000 for the best student in the Technology III course.

Lisa Blane Memorial Prize: R2000 for the student who displays the most innovative use of
technology in 3rd year.

Molly Gohl Memorial Prize: R3000 for books or instruments to the best woman student
completing the third year of study of the BAS degree.

New World Associates Prize: R300 voucher for the student with the best use of plants in
Landscape Design.

OVP Associates Prize: R500 book voucher and certificate for the best student in the Bachelor of
Landscape Architecture (Honours) programme.

Patrick McAuslan Prize: R1000 prize to the best student in the Regulatory & Legal Framework
course in the Planning programme.

Reuben Stubbs Award: A certificate for any project exhibiting an expression of structural integrity,
economy of materials, and considered a worthwhile contribution to the integration of Structure and

South African Association of Consulting Professional Planners (SAACPP) Prize: R2000 and
certificate for the best dissertation in the MCRP programme.

South African Geomatics Institute (WC) prize: for the best final year student in cadastral
surveying, land tenure and town planning.

South African Institute of Architects prize: R500 for the best student in the MArch (Professional)

SACAP (South African Council for the Architectural Profession): Medal for the best
Architecture student: for work done over five years.

South African Planning Institute (Western Cape) Prize: R1000 and certificate for the
best student in the Bachelor of City Planning (Honours) programme.

South African Planning Institute (Western Cape) Prize: R1000 and certificate for the best
overall student work in the Master of City and Regional Planning programmes.

South African Planning Institute Prize: R1000 and certificate for the most improved student over
the 2 year Planning curricula.

Urban Design Institute of South Africa (Western Cape) Prize: R1000 awarded to the top student
in a Master of Urban Design Programme.

The Vanessa Watson Prize for Planning Theory and Practice: R1500. This prize is to be
awarded annually to the best student in the Planning Theory and Practice course registered on the
Bachelor of City Planning Honours programme.

The Vanessa Watson Prize for Urban Economic Development Processes: R1500. This prize is to
be awarded annually to the best student in the Urban Economic Development Processes course
registered on the Bachelor of City Planning Honours programme.

The Western Cape Government Prize for the best Local Area Planning Project (Project A):
Certificate and six-month internship prize for the best Local Area Planning Project.

The Western Cape Government Prize for the best Metropolitan Planning Project (Project B):
Certificate and six-month internship prize for the best Metropolitan Planning Project.

The Western Cape Government Prize for the best Regional Planning Project (Project C):
Certificate and six-month internship prize for the best Regional Planning Project.

Construction Economics and Management

Association of Construction Project Management Book Prize: R2500 for the best overall student
currently involved in the Built Environment and in the first year of the MSc(Project Management)
programme based on the grade point average after one year of registration on a full curriculum load
of four modules.

Association of South African Quantity Surveyors Gold Medal: The department nominates a
candidate for this national award for the best quantity surveying graduate at any accredited South
African university offering a degree in quantity surveying. Awards are not necessarily made each

Association of South African Quantity Surveyors Prizes: R900, R1100, R1300 and R1600 for the
best student in each year of study, respectively, for the BSc(Construction Studies) and the
BSc(Hons) in Quantity Surveying.

Association of South African Quantity Surveyors Western Cape Chapter Committee Prize:
R3000 to the best all-round student in the final year of study of the BSc(Hons) in Quantity

Bell-John Prize: R1600 for the best all-round student registered for BSc(Construction Studies) or
BSc(Hons) in Quantity Surveying in any year of study.

CEM Departmental Prize: R1000 for the BSc(Hons) in Quantity Surveying student (or team)
obtaining the highest award (Minimum First Class Pass) in Research Project (CON4047W).

Capital Land Asset Management Prize: R1500 for the best student collectively in the subjects of
Property Investment, Finance and Portfolio Management (CON2024S, CON3034F and CON4051F).

Clay Brick Association Prizes: Two prizes of R2000 and R1500 respectively for the best and
second best students collectively in the Construction Technology subjects CON1004W, CON2006W
and CON3012W.

DVPM Prize: R1500 academic book voucher for the best overall student in the second year of study
while registered on a full curriculum load who has completed all the coursework requirements for the
degree of MSc Project Management.

George Strachan Prize: R200 for the best final year student in the BSc(Hons) in Construction

CEM Departmental Prizes: R1000 for the best student registered for the BSc(Hons) in
Construction Management (CON4038F, CON4039S and CON4049S) (Minimum First Class Pass);
R1000 for the best student registered for the BSc(Hons) in Quantity Surveying in the subject of
Measurement and Design Appraisal III (CON4032F and CON4037S) (Minimum First Class Pass).

Master Builders Association of the Western Cape Prize (for South African Students): R1000
for the best BSc(Construction Studies) in the second year of study; R1500 for the best
BSc(Construction Studies) in the third year of study; R2000 plus floating shield for the best
BSc(Hons) student in Construction Management.

Mbata, Walters and Simpson Prize: R1000 for the best all round student in third year of study for
the BSc(Construction Studies) degree.

The Nedbank Corporate and Investment Bank Property Finance Division Academic
Achievement Award: R10 000 for the MSc in Property Studies graduating student who has
achieved the highest cumulative grade point average in the taught courses of the degree.

The Nedbank Corporate and Investment Bank Property Finance Division Academic
Achievement Award: R10 000 for the BSc Honours in Property Studies graduating student who has
achieved the highest cumulative grade point average in the degree.

The Nedbank Corporate and Investment Bank Property Finance Division Academic
Achievement Award: R10 000 for the BSc in Property Studies graduating student who has
achieved the highest cumulative grade point average in the degree (to be assessed over the three
years of the degree.

CEM Departmental Prize: R1000 voucher for the best all round student in the second year of
study for the BSc(Property Studies) degree.

Paragon Lending Solutions Prizes: R2500 plus job-shadow opportunity with the Paragon Lending
Solutions CEO for the best student in the subject of Property Finance (CON3034F). R2500 for the
best postgraduate student in the course Property Finance (CON5009Z).

PMSA (WC) Prize: R2000 academic book voucher for the dissertation in MSc (project
management) which in the opinion of a select committee of PMSA (WC), is highly relevant to the
project management profession. The winner will be awarded a certificate recognising their
achievement at the department prize giving event. PMSA will award the prize itself at a branch
meeting convenient for the winning student. At the branch meeting the student will be required to
present their research to the PMSA membership. The decision of the award will be made at the sole

discretion of PMSA (WC) based on an assessment from a pool of three dissertations submitted for
consideration by UCT.

Robin Marten Prize: (value to be announced) for the student with the highest average final year
examination results for the third (final) year of the BSc(Property Studies) and the BSc(Hons)
Property Studies degrees, taken together, subject to a minimum average of 75% having been
achieved each year. In the event of a tie, the student with the higher average for the Property
Valuation courses within the two year period should be selected.

Tower Property Fund Academic Book Prize: R5000 for the Honours Research Report which best
encapsulates Green Building technologies and/or initiatives.

Women’s Property Network prize: to top female student achiever in BSc Property Studies, BSc in
Construction Studies or Bachelor of Architectural Studies: Certificate and R1500 book voucher for
SA female student with Term GPA of 65% or more in good financial standing with the university –
endorsed by HOD and Programme Convenor, BSc Property Studies.

The CIOB Certificate of Excellence: for BSc Honours in Construction Management based on the
following: Highest Term GPA mark in degree and should be a Student member of the CIOB.
Prize will be in the form of an electronic voucher for ₤50


Bain Merit Awards: A first prize of R5000 and a second prize of R3000 to the best third-year
students in Engineering, and a first prize of R5000 and a second prize of R3000 to the best second-
year students in Engineering.

Bain Celebrating Women in Engineering Award: Awards of R3000 each to the top woman
academic achiever in second and third year in the Engineering Departments.

ECSA Medal of Merit: for the best student graduating with the degree of BSc(Eng).

ESKOM Award (R500) and entry into the ESKOM National Awards Competition: for the best
Engineering BSc(Eng) graduate over the four-year degree curriculum.

John Martin Prize: R1500 for the best first year student in the ASPECT Programme.

Sammy Sacks Memorial Prize: Two prizes of R4000 each for the best classwork in MEC1002W
Engineering Drawing.

Chemical Engineering

4th Year Book Prize for South African Institute for Mineral & Metalurgy: Text book for best
student in Mineral Processing for CHE4069F.

Astron Energy Prize for Chemical Engineering Design: R7000 for the student with the best
overall performance in the course CHE4036Z.

Malan Chemical Engineering Medals: for the best students in each of the Second (bronze), Third
(silver) and Final (gold) Years.

Malan Prize: Engineering Textbook for the most promising First Year student.

Omnia Prize: R2000 for the student pair completing the final year reasearch project (CHE4045Z)
of the highest standard.

SA Institution of Chemical Engineers' Silver Medal: for outstanding performance over the four
year curriculum, based on best overall year and credit-weighted GPA, including a fourth year credit-
weighted GPA of above 75%.

Sasol Prize for CHE3006F: Certificate and R1000 for the best student in the course CHE3006F
(Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering III).

Sasol Prize for CHE3007S: Certificate and R1000 for the best student in the course CHE3007S
(Non-ideal systems in Chemical Engineering).

Sasol Prize for CHE3008S: Certificate and R1000 for the best student in the course CHE3008S
(Chemical Engineering Project Management and Unit Operation Design).

Civil Engineering

Adina Award for Excellence in Computational Engineering Mechanics: R3000 for the best
undergraduate final year project on any aspect of computational engineering mechanics by a student
in Civil Engineering.

Concrete Society of SA (WP Branch) Award: R1000 and a book for outstanding work in the area
of concrete technology.

D C Robertson Memorial Prize (donated by the Western Cape Branch of the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering): R1000 for the student submitting the best work in the final year
design project.

George Menzies Prize: R2000 awarded on the results of the final examinations to the best student
in Civil Engineering.

Gibb Student Contribution Prize: R2000, for the student with the greatest all-round contribution
to the undergraduate programme.

Gibb Prize for Transport Engineering: R2000, for the student showing the most promise in the
field of transportation and traffic engineering.

IStructE SA and SAICE Prize: R2000, awarded for best overall academic achievement in
structural engineering.

JG Afrika: R2000 for the fourth year civil engineering student with the highest overall achievement
in professional communication.

Mariswe (Pty) Ltd Health and Safety Prize: R1500 for the best performing student in the Health
and Safety module in Professional Practice (CIV4041F).

Mariswe (Pty) Ltd Prize: R1500 for the student with the best result for the Urban Water Services
course (CIV3047S).

MPAMOT Africa Prize: R3500 (to be shared by members of the winning team) for the design
team that delivers the best design project in the final year design project.

Paterson & Cooke Prize: R2000 for the best work in the final year research project.

PPC Cement Prize: R2500 and a book for the best undergraduate project on concrete technology.

PRDW Prize:R3500 for the best Water/Coastal Engineering final year project.

Professor Derrick Sparks Geotechnical Engineering Prize (donated by the South African
Institution of Civil Engineering, Western Cape Branch): R1000 for the best final year project in
Geotechnical Engineering.

SA Institute of Steel Construction Prize: R1500 for the best structural steel design project
submitted by an undergraduate student.

South African Institution of Civil Engineering Professional Practice Prize: R1000 for the best
performance in Professional Practice (CIV4041F)

Thesis Poster/e-Portfolio Prize: R1000

Thesis Talk Prize: R1000

Zutari Best Overall Achievement Prizes: R2500, R1500, R1000 for the three best performing

Zutari Prize for Water Engineering: R2000 to the student achieving the highest aggregate score in
Water Engineering courses (CIV2040S, CIV3043F, CIV3044F, CIV3046S, CIV3047S, CIV4042F).

Electrical Engineering

Peralex Electronics prize: R1500 for the best student in EEE3096S.

Peralex Electronics prize: R1500 for the best student in EEE4114F.

Peralex Electronics prize: R1500 for the best student in EEE4120F.

Siemens Prize: R2500 for the final year Electrical Engineering student submitting the best thesis

Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

AAT Composites Award: R1000 for best project for MEC4128S Final Year Engineering Project
involving use or application of composite materials.

Albert Wessels Prize for Best First Year Student in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering: R5000 plus a certificate for the first year student with the highest grade point average.

Albert Wessels Prize for Best Second Year Student in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering: R5000 plus a certificate for the second year student with the highest grade point

Albert Wessels Prize for Best Third Year Student in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering: R5000 plus a certificate for the third year student with the highest grade point

Albert Wessels Prize for Best Fourth Year Student in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering: R5000 plus a certificate for the fourth year student with the highest grade point

Aluminium Federation of South Africa Prize: R1000 for the best report in MEC4128S Final Year
Engineering Project or MEC4091Z Honours Research Project involving the use or application of

Best Student in Engineering Dynamics: R500 awarded to the student with the top mark in
MEC2047F/S Engineering Dynamics.

Best Student in Dynamics I1: R500 awarded to the student with the top mark in MEC3078S
Mechanics of Machines.

Best Student in Solid Mechanics I: R500 awarded to the student with the top mark in MEC2049F
Solid Mechanics I.

Best Student in Solid Mechanics II: R500 awarded to the student with the top mark in MEC3076F
Stress Analysis and Materials.

Best Final-Year BScEng Project or BSc (Hons) Project: R1000 awarded for the top mark in the
final-year BScEng project or BSc (Hons) project in an Impact-Related topic.

The Gerald Nurick Prize for Excellence in Impact-Related Postgraduate Research: R1500
awarded to either an MSc student (the dissertation must be awarded with distinction) or PhD student
(the thesis must have excellent reviews).

The Patterson & Cooke prize for the top Mechanical Engineering Student in Engineering
Product Design: R2000 awarded to the Mechanical Engineering student with the highest final mark
in MEC4124W, Engineering Product Design. Only eligible for students registered EB005 and

The Penny Wilson Memorial Award: Certificate and cash prize to the most congenial final year
student as voted for by the class.

SAI Mech Eng Award: Floating trophy and certificate for the best student in the Mechanical
Engineering & Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering design and laboratory project in the Final
Year of study.

SASOL Prize for MEC2048S: Achievement certificate and R750 for the best second-year student
in the course MEC2048S, Mechanical Engineering Design.

SASOL Prize for MEC3081S: Achievement certificate and R1000 for the best third-year student in
the course MEC3081S, Manufacturing Sciences.

SASOL Prize for MEC3082S: Achievement certificate and R1000 for the best third-year student in
the course MEC3082S, Mechanical Engineering Machine Element Design.

SASOL Prize for MEC124W: Achievement certificate and R1500 for the best fourth-year student
in the course MEC4124W, Engineering Product Design.

SASOL Prize for MEC4108S: Achievement Certificate and R1500 for the best fourth-year student
in the course MEC4108S, System Design.

SASOL Achievement Certificate and R2000 Cash Prize: Awarded to the best Masters
Dissertation in the field of Mechanical Engineering

SASOL Achievement Certificate and R2000 Cash Prize: Awarded to the postgraduate student
who produced the best published paper in the field of metallurgy/materials/corrosion science.

Dean's Merit List

The Dean's Merit List, which is published annually, contains the names of students whose academic
performance over the year is meritorious and hence worthy of recognition. Students who qualify for
inclusion in the List receive a letter of commendation from the Dean. The List is posted on the
notice boards and published in the Dean's Circular. The academic records of students are endorsed to
record their achievements in qualifying for inclusion on the List. To be eligible for the Dean's Merit
List a student must pass the prescribed courses for which he or she is registered for the year in
question; a student registered for a four year degree must be in the First; Second or Third year of
study; and a student registered for a three year degree must be in the First, or Second year of study.
The list is compiled annually in mid-December and includes all courses which have results at that
point in time. The criteria for inclusion in a particular year are as follows:
 a first-year ASPECT student must have earned not less than 96 credits and obtain a year
average of not less than 75 %; a student who was in the ASPECT programme in the first year
of study must earn not less than 110 credits of approved coursework in any subsequent year
and obtain a year average of not less than 70%.
 a student in any other undergraduate programme must have earned not less than 132 credits of
approved course work for the year in question and obtain a year average of not less than 70%.

Note: For credits to count for Dean’s Merit List purposes, they must have been taken and
passed in the current year. Transferred credits from another year, degree or institution do not


Architecture, Planning and Geomatics
Architecture and Planning
The Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) degree provides the necessary grounding for entry into
a professional architectural course or into postgraduate programmes in city and regional planning,
urban design or landscape architecture. The programme merits exemption from Part 1 of the Royal
Institute of British Architects', and the Commonwealth Association of Architects', own examination
in Architecture.

The BAS(Hons) qualification introduces an honours degree within a succession of qualifications

leading towards professional qualification in architecture. It is a prerequisite qualification for
admission into the Master of Architecture (Professional) (HEQS-F level 8).

The MArch (Professional) qualification introduces a master's degree within a succession of

qualifications leading towards professional qualification in architecture. It is a prerequisite
qualification for statutory registration as a Candidate Architect with the South African Council for
the Architectural Profession (SACAP), in terms of the Architectural Professions Act 2000 (Act No
44 of 2000). To attain registration as Professional Architect, the candidate must complete a two-year
period of practical experience in an architectural office and pass a registration examination set by

Both the degrees of Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) and Master of Urban Design
(MUD) are recognised for professional accreditation purposes by the South African Council for
Planners (SACPLAN). Registration with the Council, which is a statutory requirement to practise,
can occur after two years of supervised practical experience. The MCRP programme has provisional
accreditation from the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Landscape Architecture: The Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) is a professional degree.

Eligibility of graduates for membership of the South African Council for Landscape Architects
Profession (SACLAP) will be dependent upon firstly, a further two years training under a
professional landscape architect, and the successful completion of the Council's professional

Information Regarding Special Qualifying Examination for Foreign Architects wishing to

obtain registration as an architect within South Africa.
(a) An applicant for registration may be recommended by the Council for admission to the
Special Qualifying Examination. The nature and extent of the examination shall be
determined in each case by the Council after consideration of all available evidence with
regard to the standard and quality of the candidate's qualifications. If necessary, the Council
may interview an applicant or require him or her to sit a written test in order to come to a
decision as to the standard of the qualification. Only qualifications requiring a minimum of
four years full-time study in architecture at a university or like educational establishment will
be considered to be of a standard sufficient to give admission to the Special Qualifying
Examination. An applicant who obtains a recommendation from the Council may be required
to attend lectures and/or practical training at a university of his or her choice and to pass the
examination(s) set by the University. The University or body conducting the Special
Qualifying Examination shall determine when the examination(s) shall be held and when the
fees are to be paid. A candidate who completes the examination(s) will be furnished with a
certified statement to that effect.
(b) All applicants who have not passed a qualifying examination recognised in terms of Section

19(2)(b) and 19(7)(c)(ii) of the Architects' Act 1970 must apply to the South African Council
for Architects for admission to the Special Qualifying Examination. The following courses of
action may be adopted: An applicant who, in the opinion of the Council, cannot be admitted to
the Special Qualifying Examination shall be referred to the University of his or her choice
which will decide what will be required of him or her in order to graduate.

The South African Geomatics Council recognises the BSc(Geomatics) degree, under The Geomatics
Professions Act 19 of 2013, as a suitable theoretical qualification for registration as a Professional
Land Surveyor and Professional Surveyor in the categories of Engineering and Photogrammetry and
also as a Professional Geoinformatics Practitioner if APG3039B is taken as an elective. In addition
to the degree, a graduate wishing to register in any of the above categories is required to undergo a
period of practical training with a practising Professional and to undertake various professional
examinations. Professional Land, Engineering and Photogrammetric Surveyors, as well as
Professional Geoinformatics Practitioners, enjoy a status equivalent to that of an Associate Member
or Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in most parts of the world.

Representation and professional organisations

Holders of a degree in Geomatics, who qualify for registration with the SA Geomatics Council can
apply for membership of the South African Geomatics Institute (SAGI). Graduates specialising in
geoinformatics may prefer to become members of the Geo-Information Society of South Africa
(GISSA), while those in the hydrographic surveying field may be interested in associating with the
Hydrographic Society of South Africa. Internationally, Geomatics disciplines are represented by a
number of organisations, the primary ones being the Federation International Geodesic (FIG) and
the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). These organisations
represent the interests of their members at national or international level and are involved in various
workshops, lectures and conference organisation.

Construction Economics and Management

All degree offerings are accredited as detailed below. The significance of accreditation is that
graduates of these degrees are exempted by the accrediting bodies from having to take any further
university-level exams before being allowed to take the Assessment of Professional Competence
(APC) or being admitted to the Professional Interview (PI).

Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (ASAQS)

Graduates in Quantity Surveying and Construction Management are eligible for corporate
membership of the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors.
Address: The Director, ASAQS, PO Box 3527, Halfway House, 1685.

South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession (SACQSP)

The BSc in Construction Studies together with the BSc(Hons) in Quantity Surveying degrees are
accredited by the South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession as fulfilling all the
academic requirements for registration as Quantity Surveyors (in terms of the Quantity Surveyors
Profession Act No 49 of 2000 as amended). Thereafter, a period of three years in-service training
must be undertaken under the supervision of a registered Quantity Surveyor before being admitted to
the Assessment of Professional Competence and being registered with the Council as a Professional
Quantity Surveyor.
Address: The Registrar, South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession, PO Box
3527, Halfway House, 1685.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Graduates in Quantity Surveying, Construction Management and Property Studies are eligible to
register with the Royal Institution as Probationers. Thereafter, a period of three years in-service
training must be undertaken under the supervision of an approved mentor before being admitted to
the Assessment of Professional Competence leading to membership of the Institution. Graduates of
the MSc Programmes in Property Studies and Project Management enjoy similar accreditation.
Address: The Secretary-General, RICS, 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London SW1P
3AD, England.

Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)

Graduates in Construction Management are admitted to the Graduate Class of the Chartered Institute
without further examination. Thereafter, a period of three years in-service training must be
undertaken before being admitted to the Professional Interview leading to membership of the
Institute. Address: The Secretariat, CIOB, Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8BJ,

South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions
The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions registers
professionals and candidates in the project and construction management professions. The BSc in
Construction Studies together, with the Bsc (Hons) in Construction Management is accredited by the
SACPCMP. A minimum of four years post-graduation relevant practical experience must be
attained under the supervision of a registered Professional Construction Manager or Professional
Construction Project Manager before being admitted to the Assessment of Professional Competence
and being registered with the Council as a Professional Construction Manager or Professional
Construction Project Manager. Address: The Registrar, South African Council for the Project and
Construction Management Professions, PO Box 653141, Benmore 2010.

The South African Council for the Property Valuers’ Profession (SACPVP)
The BSc in Property Studies together with the BSc(Hons) in Property Studies are accredited by the
South African Council for the Property Valuers’ Profession as fulfilling all the academic
requirements for registration as a valuer in terms of the Property Valuers’ Profession Act No. 47 of
2000 as amended. Thereafter, a period of three years in-service training must be undertaken under
the supervision of a registered Professional Valuer before being registered with the Council as a
Professional Valuer. The MSc in Property Studies together with an additional Valuation elective is
similarly accredited.
Address: The Registrar, SACPVP, PO Box 114, Menlyn 0063.

The current BSc(Eng) degrees in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Electrical and Computer, Mechanical
Engineering, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, and Mechatronics are accepted by the
Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as fulfilling all the academic requirements for
registration as a Professional Engineer. In terms of the Washington Accord signed in June 2000, of
which South Africa is a signatory, the Faculty's engineering qualifications have been recognised by
professional engineering accrediting bodies in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Hong Kong.
In terms of the Engineering Profession Act (Act No 46 of 2000), ECSA has stipulated a minimum
period of three years' approved practical training and experience after graduation under the guidance
of a Professional Engineer before a candidate may register as a Professional Engineer. This period
may be shortened by up to one year in recognition of successful postgraduate degree work. It is of
the utmost importance that every graduate should register immediately as a candidate engineer.
The University of Cape Town enjoys a special relationship with the Association of Commonwealth
Universities. The curricula, systems and standards of engineering education at the University

conform to the general pattern of the British universities and professional institutions. The degrees
are therefore widely recognised.
The better known of the British and South African professional institutions are listed below.
Graduates are eligible for exemption from the written Associate Membership examinations of the
British institutions, as detailed below, but in all cases a period of approved professional work is
required before admission to corporate membership. Student membership of these institutions is
generally available to undergraduates. Information on other professional engineering bodies is
available from the relevant department in the Faculty.

The Institution of Chemical Engineers

Graduates in Chemical Engineering are eligible for exemption from the Membership Examination.
Address: 165-189 Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3HQ, United Kingdom.

The South African Institution of Chemical Engineers

Graduates in Chemical Engineering may be admitted to membership, without further examination.
Address: PO Box 808, Pinegowrie, 2123.

The Institution of Civil Engineers

Graduates in Civil Engineering are eligible for exemption from Parts I and II of the Associate
Membership examinations, and must satisfy the requirements of the Professional interview for
admission to corporate membership. Address: Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1

The South African Institution of Civil Engineering

Graduates in Civil Engineering are eligible for corporate membership once they are registered as
Professional Engineers. Address: Postnet Suite 81, Private Bag X65, Halfway House, 1685.

The Institution of Structural Engineers

Graduates in Civil Engineering are eligible for exemption from all but the final Design
examinations. For admission to Corporate Membership, Graduates must sit and pass the Chartered
Membership (Part 3) examination, entitling them to register with the UK Engineering Council as
Chartered Structural Engineers. Address: 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London, SW1.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Membership of the IEE is open to everyone with a professional interest in electrical, electronic,
information and manufacturing engineering. Student membership is open to any student studying
engineering or IT. The following categories of membership are available: Member, Fellow, Student
and Affiliate. Address: URL://www.iee.org/membership/

The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE)

Graduates in Electrical Engineering may be admitted to membership, without further examination.
Address: 18a Gill Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, 2198.

The South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Graduates in Mechanical Engineering may be admitted to membership, without further examination.
Address: PO Box 34008, Rhodes Gift, 7707.

The South African Institution of Certificated Engineers

Holders of the Government Certificate of Competency are members of this Institution. Graduates in
the relevant branches of the engineering profession are eligible for extensive exemptions, depending
upon the degree of practical experience achieved. In South Africa a Government Certificate of
Competency is mandatory for persons responsible for the supervision of industrial plant exceeding a
specified size. Address: 18a Gill Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, 2198.

Academic Development in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment ........................... 225
Adv Engineering Statistics I ............................................................................................................. 151
Advanced Bioprocess Engineering ................................................................................................... 153
Advanced Building Technology ....................................................................................................... 129
Advanced Construction Management .............................................................................................. 177
Advanced Engineering Mathematics ................................................................................................ 196
Advanced Infrastructure Management ............................................................................................. 162
Advanced Introduction to Wastewater Treatment ............................................................................ 169
Advanced Landscape Architecture History & Theory Seminar ....................................................... 134
Advanced Mechanics of Materials ................................................................................................... 164
Advanced Property and Facilities Management ............................................................................... 179
Advanced Property Development ..................................................................................................... 179
Advanced Property Investment & Finance ....................................................................................... 178
Advanced Property Valuation .......................................................................................................... 187
Advanced Refrigeration.................................................................................................................... 219
Advanced Soil Mechanics ................................................................................................................ 165
Advanced Spatial Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 123
Advanced Structural Concrete Engineering ..................................................................................... 159
Advanced Topics in Communication and Networks ........................................................................ 206
African & Gender Studies, Anthropology & Linguistics, School of ................................................ 230
An Introduction to Finite Elements .................................................................................................. 220
Applied Contract Law II ................................................................................................................... 176
Applied Property Law ...................................................................................................................... 179
Aquatic Chemistry For Water Engineers.......................................................................................... 162
Arch Design Studio I ........................................................................................................................ 130
Architectural Design Studio II.......................................................................................................... 130
Architecture, Planning and Geomatics ............................................................................................. 120
Aspects of City Design ..................................................................................................................... 126
Aspects of History & Theory I ......................................................................................................... 131
Aspects of History & Theory II ........................................................................................................ 133
Automated Valuation Modelling ...................................................................................................... 181
Biotechnology Laboratory ................................................................................................................ 152
Broadband Communication Networks ............................................................................................. 203
Business Accounting ........................................................................................................................ 227
Centres and other entities established in the faculty ......................................................................... 234
Characterization Techniques for Catalysis Research ....................................................................... 155
Chemical Engineering ...................................................................................................................... 144
Civil Engineering.............................................................................................................................. 156
Civil Engineering Measurement ....................................................................................................... 177
Civil Infrastructure Management & Maintenance Engineering Project ........................................... 167
Company Law .................................................................................................................................. 231
Comparative Land Policy and Management..................................................................................... 180
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ............................................................................................ 221
Computing for GIS ........................................................................................................................... 122
Condition Assessment and Remedial Action on Steel Structures .................................................... 168
Conservation and Development in Practice ...................................................................................... 138
Conservation in Transformative Context ......................................................................................... 137
Constructing Landscape Systems ..................................................................................................... 127
Construction Economics and Management ...................................................................................... 174
Construction Innovation ................................................................................................................... 178
Contemporary Critical Theory and the City ..................................................................................... 129
Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Continuum Mechanics ...................................................................................................................... 220

Conventional Water Treatment Process............................................................................................ 172
Corporate Real Estate Management ................................................................................................. 181
Course Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Courses: Guide to Terminology .......................................................................................................... 13
Credit system ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Critical Issues in Heritage Studies .................................................................................................... 231
Critical Research Methods and the City ........................................................................................... 131
Curating Urban Regulation................... ............................................................................................ 141
Dean's Merit List .............................................................................................................................. 260
Degrees and diplomas awarded by the Faculty................................................................................... 10
Design Dissertation ........................................................................................................................... 138
Deterioration and Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures ..................................................... 167
Digital Communications ................................................................................................................... 195
Dissertation Engineering Education ................................................................................................. 223
Dissertation in Engineering Education ............................................................................................. 170
Dissertation Materials Engineering .................................................................................................. 221
Dissertation Preparation.................................................................................................................... 186
Dissertation Project Management ..................................................................................................... 186
Dissertation Property Studies............................................................................................................ 186
Effective People Practices ................................................................................................................ 229
Electrical & Mechanical Equipment in Nuclear Power Stations ...................................................... 191
Electrical Engineering ...................................................................................................................... 189
Electrochem Characterisation Techniques for Fuel Cells ................................................................. 154
Eng Mgmt Research Report .............................................................................................................. 222
Engineering Education Dissertation ................................................................................................. 223
Environmental Law for Non-Lawyers .............................................................................................. 232
Environmental Stewardship in Mining & Minerals Beneficiation ................................................... 148
Experimental Techniques in Materials Science ................................................................................ 213
Explanatory Notes on Course Codes .................................................................................................. 12
Finite Element Analysis .................................................................................................................... 220
Finite Element Modelling in Structural Analysis ............................................................................. 168
Full Dissertation: MPhil ................................................................................................................... 206
Full Dissertation: MSc(Eng) ............................................................................................................. 193
Fundamentals of Process Model ....................................................................................................... 153
Fundamentals Radar Signal & DP .................................................................................................... 195
General Information.............................................................................................................................. 7
Geographic Information Systems Camp ........................................................................................... 123
Geo-informatics Project .................................................................................................................... 131
Geosynthetics Engineering ............................................................................................................... 165
Geotechnical Engineering Project .................................................................................................... 165
Guide to the usage of this Handbook .................................................................................................... 6
Heterogeneous Catalysis ................................................................................................................... 149
High Resolution and Imaging Radar ................................................................................................ 196
History & Theory Of Landscape Architecture.................................................................................. 127
History & Theory of Landscape Architecture II ............................................................................... 135
Honours Nuclear Project................................................................................................................... 193
Housing Markets, Policy and Practice .............................................................................................. 180
Human Resource Management & Interpersonal Communication .................................................... 184
Hydrological Measurements – Application of Internet Things (IOT) .............................................. 171
Industrial Ecology for Chemical Engineers ...................................................................................... 149
Information Theory & Error-Control Coding ................................................................................... 202
Innovative Design for Engineers ...................................................................................................... 171
Integrated Land Use Transport Planning .......................................................................................... 160

Integrated Management Project ........................................................................................................ 177

Integrated Wastewater Treatment Plant Design ............................................................................... 162
Integrated Water Treatment Plant Design ........................................................................................ 171
International Affiliate 2 Months ....................................................................................................... 173
International Affiliate 2-4 Months .................................................................................................... 173
International Affiliate 4-6 Months .................................................................................................... 173
International Affiliate 6-12 M .......................................................................................................... 155
International Affiliate 6-12 Months .................................................................................................. 173
Intro to Molecular Modeling ............................................................................................................ 151
Introduction to Business Administration .......................................................................................... 219
Introduction to Conservation ............................................................................................................ 138
Introduction To Electronic Defence ................................................................................................. 199
Introduction to Heterogeneous Catalysis Research .......................................................................... 154
Introduction To Radar Systems ........................................................................................................ 198
Introductory GIS............................................................................................................................... 122
Introductory Nuclear Physics and Radiation for Power Supply ....................................................... 191
Knowledge and Practices in Engineering Education ........................................................................ 223
Labour Law ...................................................................................................................................... 231
Landscape Architecture Practice ...................................................................................................... 132
Landscape Architecture Studio I ...................................................................................................... 128
Landscape Architecture Studio II ..................................................................................................... 133
Landscape Architecture Studio III .................................................................................................... 128
Landscape Architecture Studio IV ................................................................................................... 136
Landscape Architecture Studio V ..................................................................................................... 142
Landscape Innovation Seminar ........................................................................................................ 142
Landscape Representation ................................................................................................................ 127
Landscape Research Methodology ................................................................................................... 141
Landscape Systems Analysis ............................................................................................................ 133
Leadership in a Technical Environment ........................................................................................... 215
Lecture periods ................................................................................................................................... 11
Life Cycle Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 149
Macroeconomics II ........................................................................................................................... 228
Management Accounting I ............................................................................................................... 227
Management of Transport Supply and Demand ............................................................................... 159
Managing for Performance Improvement ........................................................................................ 218
Managing New Venture Projects ...................................................................................................... 222
Manufacture & Properties of Composites ........................................................................................ 211
Manufacture & Properties of Polymers ............................................................................................ 212
Manufacture and Properties of Ceramics ......................................................................................... 211
Marketing I ....................................................................................................................................... 229
Master of Water Engineering Project ............................................................................................... 169
Masters Arch & Planning Diss ......................................................................................................... 143
Masters Dissertation Architecture & Planning ................................................................................. 142
Masters Dissertation Construction Economics Management ........................................................... 185
Masters Dissertation Geomatics ....................................................................................................... 134
Masters Dissertation in Engineering Management ........................................................................... 217
Masters Dissertation Transport Studies ............................................................................................ 166
Masters Dissertation: Transport Studies ........................................................................................... 160
Masters in Chemical Engineering Part Dissertation ......................................................................... 151
Masters In Civil Engineering Dissertation ....................................................................................... 158
Masters Paper Requirement .............................................................................................................. 225
Materials Science Honours Research Project ................................................................................... 210
Materials under Stress ...................................................................................................................... 210
MCRP Minor Dissertation ................................................................................................................ 136

Measurement & Design Appraisal III ............................................................................................... 176

Mechanical Behaviour of Materials .................................................................................................. 214
Mechanical Engineering Project ....................................................................................................... 219
Methodologies in Engineering Education ......................................................................................... 169
Microbial Physiology and Dynamics ................................................................................................ 151
Microeconomics II ............................................................................................................................ 228
Microwave Components & Antennas ............................................................................................... 199
Minor Diss: Urban Studies ............................................................................................................... 226
Minor Dissertation ............................................................................................................................ 225
Minor Dissertation Climate .............................................................................................................. 225
Minor Dissertation Project Management .......................................................................................... 185
Minor Dissertation Property Studies................................................................................................. 183
Minor Dissertation: M(Eng) ............................................................................................................. 194
Minor Dissertation: MPhil ................................................................................................................ 205
MLA Design Dissertation ................................................................................................................. 136
MLA Dissertation Technology ......................................................................................................... 136
MSc CEM Dissertation ..................................................................................................................... 185
MSc Chemical Eng Dissertation ....................................................................................................... 150
MSc Engineering Management ........................................................................................................ 218
MSc Materials Eng Dissertation ....................................................................................................... 222
MSc Mechanical Eng Dissert ........................................................................................................... 216
MSc Mechanical Eng Part Diss ........................................................................................................ 216
Multivariable Control System Design .............................................................................................. 194
Natural Systems ................................................................................................................................ 126
Network & Internet Security............................................................................................................. 195
New Ventures: Planning, Practice and Professionalism ................................................................... 193
Non-destructive Testing & Evaluation ............................................................................................. 219
Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete Structures .............................................................................. 170
Nonlinear Material Behaviour .......................................................................................................... 221
Non-Motorised Transportation ......................................................................................................... 160
Non-Sewered Sanitation Systems ..................................................................................................... 172
Nuclear Manufacturing and Construction Eng Management ........................................................... 212
Nuclear Reactor Operations and Safety ............................................................................................ 201
Nuclear Reactor Theory and Design ................................................................................................. 201
Numerical Methods for Eng ............................................................................................................. 153
Numerical Optimisation for Chemical Engineers ............................................................................. 150
Officers in the Faculty .......................................................................................................................... 7
Operation and Safety of Nuclear Reactors........................................................................................ 192
Operations Management Project ....................................................................................................... 218
Overview of the Power Plant Industry .............................................................................................. 213
Partial Dissertation: MPhil................................................................................................................ 205
Partial Dissertation:MSc(Eng) .......................................................................................................... 194
Phase Transformations in Materials ................................................................................................. 212
PhD Eng Education Thesis ............................................................................................................... 224
PhD in Arch & Planning ................................................................................................................... 143
PhD in Chemical Engineering .......................................................................................................... 155
PhD in Civil Engineering.................................................................................................................. 173
PhD in Constr Eco & Man ................................................................................................................ 188
PhD in Electrical Eng ...................................................................................................................... 207
PHD in Engineering Education......................................................................................................... 173
PhD in Engineering Management ..................................................................................................... 223
PhD in Geomatics ............................................................................................................................. 142
Planning And Governmental Systems .............................................................................................. 125
Planning Project A ............................................................................................................................ 124

Planning Project B ............................................................................................................................ 126

Planning Techniques I ...................................................................................................................... 128
Planning Techniques II ..................................................................................................................... 129
Planning Techniques III ................................................................................................................... 135
Planning Theory & Practice ............................................................................................................. 124
Plants & Design ................................................................................................................................ 131
Plate & Shell Structures Part A ........................................................................................................ 163
Porgrammes of Study ......................................................................................................................... 78
Postdoctoral Fellow .......................................................................................................................... 173
Power Industry Engineering I ........................................................................................................... 215
Power Industry Engineering II ......................................................................................................... 216
Power Plant Boilers .......................................................................................................................... 214
Power Plant Systems Analysis ......................................................................................................... 213
Power System Flexible Operations................................................................................................... 216
Practical Training ............................................................................................................................. 177
Practical Training in Sustainable Development ............................................................................... 148
Principles Of Wastewater Treatment & Wastewater Characterisation ............................................. 159
Prizes ................................................................................................................................................ 251
Professional Communication Studies ............................................................................................... 225
Professional Practice ........................................................................................................................ 176
Professional Status and Recognition of Degrees .............................................................................. 261
Programming for Scientists and Engineers ...................................................................................... 220
Project Finance & Procurement........................................................................................................ 185
Project Management ......................................................................................................................... 217
Project Management & Systems Theory .......................................................................................... 183
Project Planning & Implementation ................................................................................................. 184
Project Risk Management................................................................................................................. 185
Properties and Manufacture of Metallic Materials ........................................................................... 211
Property Development ...................................................................................................................... 182
Property Finance............................................................................................................................... 183
Property Investment and Development in Africa ............................................................................. 181
Property Law .................................................................................................................................... 182
Property Portfolio Management ....................................................................................................... 184
Property Studies II ............................................................................................................................ 175
Property Valuation Theory & Practice ............................................................................................. 186
Public Transport Policy and Regulation ........................................................................................... 162
Public Transport System Design and Management .......................................................................... 163
Radar System Modelling .................................................................................................................. 197
Regional Planning Project ................................................................................................................ 134
Regional Planning Theory ................................................................................................................ 135
Regulatory & Legal Framework ....................................................................................................... 125
Regulatory Requirements for Nuclear Power ................................................................................... 201
Regulatory Standards for Nuclear Power ......................................................................................... 192
Remote Sensing for Geographic Information Sciences .................................................................... 123
Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures ............................................................................ 168
Research Communication & Methodology ...................................................................................... 152
Research Design and Methodology for Civil Engineers .................................................................. 166
Research Methodologies .................................................................................................................. 138
Research Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 187
Research Methods for Urban Design................................................................................................ 140
Research Project ............................................................................................................................... 137
Research Report................................................................................................................................ 178
Rock Mechanics ............................................................................................................................... 169
Rules for Postgraduate Degrees .......................................................................................................... 14

Safety of Special Structures .............................................................................................................. 164

Scholarships/Awards ........................................................................................................................ 249
Solid/Liquid Separation in Water & Wastewater Treatment ............................................................ 161
Selected Topics in Applied Science.................................................................................................. 132
Separations & Thermodynamics ....................................................................................................... 152
Slope Stability and Lateral Earth Supports ....................................................................................... 170
Sludge Treatment and Biosolids Handling ....................................................................................... 161
Software Defined Radio ................................................................................................................... 204
Space and Society ............................................................................................................................. 199
Space Applications for Sustainable Development ............................................................................ 200
Space Mission Analysis and Design ................................................................................................. 200
Spatial Data Infrastructures .............................................................................................................. 123
Special Topic in Radar F .................................................................................................................. 202
Special Topics In Radar B ................................................................................................................ 197
Special Topics In Radar C ................................................................................................................ 197
Special Topics In Radar D ................................................................................................................ 198
Special Topics In Radar E ................................................................................................................ 198
Special Topics in Space Studies ....................................................................................................... 200
Special Topics in Space Technology B ............................................................................................ 202
Special Topics in Space Technology C ............................................................................................ 202
Special Topics in Space Technology D ............................................................................................ 204
Special Topics in Space Technology E............................................................................................. 205
Special Topics in Sustainable Development ..................................................................................... 148
Statistical Signal Theory ................................................................................................................... 203
Steady State Design of Biological Nutrient Removal Systems ........................................................ 161
Strategic Social Engagement Practice .............................................................................................. 150
Structural Concrete Properties & Practice ........................................................................................ 158
Structural Dynamics with Applications ............................................................................................ 164
Structural Engineering and Materials Project ................................................................................... 167
Structural Impact .............................................................................................................................. 217
Student Councils and other faculty specific details .............................................................................. 9
Sustainability in Chemical Engineering ........................................................................................... 152
Sustainable Water Management ....................................................................................................... 226
Systems Engineering in the Power Industry ..................................................................................... 214
Systems Engineering Practice ........................................................................................................... 218
Term dates .......................................................................................................................................... 11
The Urban Everyday in Southern Cities ........................................................................................... 233
Theoretical Foundations in Engineering Education Research .......................................................... 206
Theory and Design of Nuclear Reactors ........................................................................................... 192
Theory and Technology Studies ....................................................................................................... 141
Thesis Engineering Ed ...................................................................................................................... 207
Thesis Materials Engineering ........................................................................................................... 224
Thesis Mechanical Engineering ........................................................................................................ 223
Topics in Computational & Applied Mechanics .............................................................................. 221
Total Quality Management in a Project Environment ...................................................................... 184
Translating technology from the laboratory to the marketplace ....................................................... 154
Transport Demand Analysis and Project Assessment....................................................................... 166
Transport Modelling ......................................................................................................................... 166
Transport Planning and Engineering Methods Project ..................................................................... 167
Transport Policy and Planning Case Study ....................................................................................... 163
Turbine Plant Engineering ................................................................................................................ 215
Urban Design Representation ........................................................................................................... 132
Urban Design Research Project ........................................................................................................ 140
Urban Design Studio......................................................................................................................... 139

Urban Design Theory I ..................................................................................................................... 139

Urban Design Theory II.................................................................................................................... 140
Urban Economic Development Processes ........................................................................................ 125
Urban Hydrology & Modelling Urban Drainage Systems ............................................................... 172
Urban Infrastructure ......................................................................................................................... 124
Urban Land Economics .................................................................................................................... 183
Valuation of Agricultural Property ................................................................................................... 181
Valuation of Mineral Property.......................................................................................................... 180
Valuation of Natural Resources ........................................................................................................ 182
Water Treatment Technologies ........................................................................................................ 172
Wireless Data Network Convergence............................................................................................... 204
Working With Heritage Resources ................................................................................................... 139

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