Formal Letter Writing

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Lesson Plan (Formal Letter Writing)

Name of Teacher Kaukab Mudassar Subject English

Topic Formal Letter Writing Date 24 Oct, 2022

Class Class 7 Duration 80 (Min)

03. Write stories, essays, articles, letters, focused responses, reports using phrases and clauses, grammar, wide ranging
Attainment targets
vocabulary in well-constructed paragraphs around a variety of settings

By the end of the lesson, students would have

Learning Outcomes (Knowledge, revised the difference between formal and informal letter writing.
Skills, and Attitudes) reviewed the format of a formal letter and a sample formal letter.
viewed Google slides, reinforcing the format and sample of a formal letter.
written a formal letter on the given topic following the criteria.

Content And Teacher Activity Student Activity Time Learning Materials and Formative assessment (Day to day
(min) Resources assessment)

How are you explaining and What are the students doing to help them   What resources will you use How do you plan to assess learning as it is
demonstrating the topic? understand the topic? that will support the teaching happening?
(The teaching strategies/
and learning activities?
methodology selected)

15 ability to share prior knowledge on the given

Starter activity: Students will be sharing their knowledge topic.
about the difference between formal and
Students will be asked about their prior informal language and their significance in
knowledge of formal and informal formal and informal language respectively.
language, the significance of the two in

a formal and informal letter.


The responses will be jotted down in

two columns.

Criteria and format of formal Students will note down the criteria and ppt will be uploaded on Google ability to learn through discussion, presentation
letter writing will be shared by draw a labeled figure (for format), in their classroom. and visual aid.
the teacher language copies. They will resolve their
Students will be asked to write queries side by side.
the criteria in points and a
labeled figure showing the
format, both in language copies.
The discussion will go side by

Students will be writing a formal letter on the 30

The teacher will give the following topic given topic (language copies) Students will be assessed on their ability to write
for the formal letter:
a formal letter following the criteria.

Write a letter to the principal requesting

extra practice time for Inter-school
Football matches. Mention the
importance of these matches and the
need for extra practice time.

The letter will be assessed out of 10

marks as class work based on these
marking criteria:

Addresses, Salutation,
subject:       /3

Formal language                        

beginning and closing     

Wrap-up: The teacher will ask the Students will share their views on questions ability to clearly explain the concept of formal
students about the need to learn the asked by the teacher, wrapping up the letter writing.
format of a formal letter. How is it going activity.
to help them in practical life?

How did you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation:

Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson

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