Interview Guide: Norms

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Interview Guide

Topic: Exploring Women Participation in the Labour Force of Pakistan through Gender-based

Research Objectives:
1. To investigate the household, labour market, and societal factors constraining women’s entry into the
formal labour market of Pakistan

2. To describe the interdependence between formal/informal jobs and the unpaid work of women

3. To suggest policy implementation of the dual role of women towards achieving gender equality in the
labour market


A hard/soft copy of this questionnaire can be provided to you if you are interested in writing the
responses yourself. Otherwise, questions will be asked for response.


1. This survey questionnaire consists of a total of pages and 2 sections

2. Please answer all questions and provide maximum details on your real-life experiences.
3. The information you share will remain confidential. It will only be used for research purpose.

Interview started at _____________ on _________________________

Interview ended at _____________ on _________________________
Please select the relevant option. (On a soft copy, remove the irrelevant options, leaving the
relevant there. On a hard copy, circle the relevant option for this section.)
1. Area: Urban

2. Religion: Islam

3. Age: 31-40

4. No. of family Members: 3-4

5. Marital status: Married

6. No. of Children: 1

7. Health Status: Disabled

8. Level of Education: Masters

9. Employment Type: Permanent

10. Employment Sector: Services

11. Job Designation: Asstt Manager

12. Job Category: Managerial

13. Workplace Location: Building
14. Years of experience: 11-15

15. Reason of job: Livelihood

16. Gap years in employment: none

17. Reason of gap: N/A

Section 2: Please provide detailed answers based on your real-life experiences.

1. Are you associated with formal or informal labour market? Why do you think that there are more
women in informal labour market and less in formal labour market?
Probe question: Do you have any of the social security services such as job appointment letter, CP
fund, Pension, Maternity leave, Sick leave, Annual leave, etc.?

Yes. I have some of the services mentioned above. I work in the formal labour market. Women are
more prevalent in the informal market because they lack education, support, and they face family
pressures to focus their work at home. Also, the harassment issues and travelling difficulties do not
let women work in the formal sector. They prefer home-based part-time work in the informal market.

2. How advantaged/disadvantaged do you feel in terms of resources?

Probe question: Which of these resources do you have: money, savings, investment, property,
housing, employment, social support, social networking, and time? Please mention all categories in
your answer.

Money: I earn myself so I have some money not much though because I earn for livelihood.
Savings: I do not have any savings because all that I earn is spend due to high inflation.
Investment: There is no question of investment when there are no savings.
Property: We live in a rented house and have limited means of income. Therefore, no property.
Housing: No house. I live in a rented facility.
Employment: Yes, I am employed in a university.
Social support: Although I am disabled, I try to work on my own and not bother others for support.
However, my colleagues are supportive.
Social Networking: I am a private type of person. Therefore, my social networking is limited.
Time: This is one thing I really lack. I am surprised that we have machines for many things still we
lack time. I have to complete 8 working hours at work. Then 2 hours are spent on coming and going
back home. Remaining time is spent on housework and childcare. I have even little time for good

3. Please share why you are working outside home and why did you choose the work that you are doing
right now.

I am working to maintain a good lifestyle, and I chose this workplace because of the flexibility of
working hours.

4. Discuss how paid work has changed your life.

Probe question: Which areas of your life have improved and which areas have been negatively
affected due to your job?

The good thing is that I have a sense of empowerment and financial independence. The bad thing is
that I have less time for my family and my son.
5. Share in detail your experience of
A. Finding a decent job
It was difficult because I am not a very social person
B. Your family’s encouragement or discouragement
In this regard my family was supportive, but they also imposed some restrictions on certain
C. Your workplace environment, facilities, treatment, and income
The environment is good, the facilities are average because there is no rest/namaz room or
day care, and people are not treated equally. Tthe income is adequate but not sufficient in
these days.
D. Balancing household work and care work along with job responsibilities
It’s quite hectic and balancing work and life is difficult. There is no Me Time in this struggle. 

6. How do you maintain work-life balance?

Probe question: How does the household unpaid work (childcare, care for the elderly, and all
domestic chores) interfere with your paid work? Do you sometimes feel like quitting paid work and
instead staying at home? Discuss your situation during all such times and your real feelings during
such times.

My main house chores, such as dishes and kitchen cleaning, mopping, and ironing, are handled by
house help. I cook and care for my child, and there are many times when I strongly feel that I should
stay at home and spend time with my family.

7. What is your top priority: labour market paid work; household unpaid work; childcare; economic
empowerment; or socioeconomic independence? Put these options in order of priority. Also provide
reasons why you keep things in such order of priority.

Economic empowerment is my top priority because I prefer to make my own decisions and want to
live as an individual who does not rely on others for small things
Childcare come next because I love my son. However, I do not want to leave this impression on my
son that his mother is not empowered and she is dependent.
Socioeconomic independence is important to me because a woman is an independent entity. She
was not born as a slave. So she must be allowed to get education, move out and have fun, and expand
her social circle according to her liking.
Housework is the last option because when I am empowered I can get paid help for this work.

8. What is your idea of gender? What gender norms are practiced in your family and how these norms
affect your job engagement and your life in family and at workplace? Share your experiences.
Probe question: Are women really weak or they are made to feel weak and vulnerable? What is the
division of work among men and women in your family? What is the reason of such division of
work? Are your family relationships also differing for men and women?

I do not have a clear idea of gender. Sometimes instead of man and woman people use male and
female. In my opinion, men and women must share equal responsibility for running the home.
Women are weak as a result of societal pressures. They are forced to do all the housework even when
they are working for livelihood.

9. How are women treated at home and at work? Why are they treated this way?
Probe question: Discuss your experiences of harassment and gender discrimination in family and at
workplace. Also share how your female colleagues are treated at workplace.

In Pakistan, women are not treated equally whether it is home or workplace. Most employers
underpay them and do not understand their problems. When it comes to family, male children are
preferred for all the good things, and females have all the responsibilities. They are taken as a
burden. When a girl is born in a family, the family members mourn it rather than celebrating it.

10. Do you believe that gender equality is possible in family life? What kind of policies are required to
bridge the gender gap?
Probe question: What barriers at home make you feel more dependent and less independent?

I am not sure if this is possible. I think a good equation and equal upbringing of our children can help
to close this gap to some extent. I am not sure about policies. It is in fact cultural practices that teach
men to control and women to obey. And culture is hard to change.

11. What are the reasons of gender gap in the labour market? How do you think that this gap can be
Probe question: Which of these institutions is responsible for women discrimination: family, labour
market, or society? What is common among these three? How and why do these institutions control
and discriminate women?

Gender gap in the labour market is the result of how men treat women at home. Same men when go
to labour market, they take along same patriarchal values. Therefore, household and society factors
contribute to women discrimination. The most common factor is society.
Given equal representation of women, this discrimination can be reduced

12. What are the reasons of implementation or lack of implementation of policies for gender equality in
the labour market?
Probe question: What labour market policies are you aware of, and how much implementation do
you observe in the market?

I'm not very knowledgeable about policies but I know that there are some rules for protection of
women and their rights. I see no enforcement of policies and laws in Pakistan especially when it
comes to women and their equal rights. Whenever there is some issue at workplace, the woman
worker is forced to resign or she is terminated. The male worker is the privileged worker.

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