2.3 Presentation of Eyes of Network 2.3.1 Presentation of Eyes of Networks
2.3 Presentation of Eyes of Network 2.3.1 Presentation of Eyes of Networks
2.3 Presentation of Eyes of Network 2.3.1 Presentation of Eyes of Networks
Eyes Of Network (EON) is an open solution source that meets our strategy of having a
free operating system containing a suite of software widely used in free supervision. Eyes Of
Network is accessible via an interface Unique web whose objective is to bring together the
different actors of an information system (CIO, Administrators, Technicians, Operators…). Each
of these actors has a view corresponding to his profession. All information is consolidated in
Database MYSQL or BERKELEY. Eyes Of Network is a GPL2 licensed product sponsored and
offered by AXIANS Cloud Builder as part of services. Its installation is very fast and is an easy
to learn solution. It allows mapping, metrology and generate reports, all centralized in a single
interface. The list of the most popular software it contains is explained below in the architecture
part of EON.
✓ NAGIOS: Nagios is the application that will allow us to monitor equipment of our network
✓ THRUK: multi-package supervision interface Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken as a
back-end using the Live status API;
✓ NAGVIS: personalized mapping of availability;
✓ NAGIOSBP: criticality management of applications;
✓ CACTI: complete network graphics solution designed to exploit all the power of
RRDTool's graphical and data storage functionality;
✓ WEATHERMAP: Cacti plugin to display a representation network link status graph;
✓ BACKUP MANAGER: Solution backup tool;
✓ EONWEB: Unified web interface of the solution;
✓ GED (GenericEvent Dispatcher): multi-site and secure event management;
✓ EZGRAPH: Graphics display library;
✓ PNP4NAGIOS: performance management;
✓ SNMPTT: Translation of trapssnmp;
➢ GLPI / OCS / FUSION: Fleet management and inventory;
Source: https://www.eyesofnetwork.com/?page_id=495&lang=fr
N.B As seen above EON contains GLPI already built in it, what is needed to be done is just to
configure the GLPI.
1. GLPI provides numerous advanced features for inventory and asset management e.g.
Asset inventory: computers, screens, printers, network equipment, devices and phones,
detailed view of assets, with their connections and network ports.
2. AVOID DUPLICATED DATA GLPI e.g. has native mechanisms to control the quality
of the inventory data, improve the work of the fleet manager, as well as the accuracy of
the statistics.
Figure 2 EON architecture
EON is accessible via a single web interface whose objective is to bring together the different
actors of an information system (CIO, Administrators, Technicians, Operators,). Each of these
players has a view corresponding to their profession. All information is consolidated in MYSQL
or BERKELEY Database.
- Allows you to group all the ITIL + Supervision tools in the same distribution;
- Adds a performance manager;
- Web configuration interface;
- Facilitates the deployment of supervision tools;
- Saves precious time;
- SSO allowing to log in only once and to access all the administration tools;
- Solid and reliable Linux kernel;
- Self-discovery;
- Possibility to manage your peripherals via SSH / Telnet ... from its web interface;
- Ability to authenticate via an LDAP server.
The relationship between the kernel and the plugins is ensured on the one hand by the
configuration files (command definitions) and on the other hand by the return code of a plugin.
2.8 .1Nagios Overview
Nagios (formerly called Netsaint) is an application for system and network monitoring. It
monitors specified hosts and services, alerting when systems have malfunctions and when they
return to normal operation. It is free software under GPL license. It is a modular program which
is divided into three parts:
The versions of a software are the different releases of the software very often they are
evolutionary, that is to say from an earlier version to a new version we often observe some
EON relies on different configuration text files to build its supervision infrastructure. We
will now define and quote those which are the most important:
EyesOfNetwork.cfg is the main EON configuration file. It contains other configuration files
and includes the set of global directives from operation.
Hosts.cfg defines the different hosts on the network to be monitored. Each host is associated
its name, IP address and the test to be performed by default to characterize the state of the
Contact.cfg declares the contacts to be notified in the event of incidents and defines the
parameters alerts (frequency of sending notifications, means of contacting these people,
range to send alerts).
• Allows you to group all the ITIL + Supervision tools in the same distribution
• One time and access all tools Linux kernel solid and reliable;
• Auto-discovery;
• Possibility of administering its peripherals via SSH / Telnet from its web interface;
In this chapter it was a question to talk to us about supervision, its role, its operation,
different types of supervision, how to supervise, the choice of solution and finally we will
list the different configuration files of the solution; for the objectives set, our choice was
directed to Eyes Of Network and GLPI, we will now move on to implementing our
4.1 What makes EON and GLPI Network so great?
GLPI Network is an incredible ITSM software tool that helps you plan and manage IT changes in
an easy way, solve problems efficiently when they come and allows you to take control over your
company’s IT infrastructure. It is all-in-one ITSM solution which combines different tools for
many IT challenges your company’s infrastructure might be facing.
EON is a very good and useful supervision tool used to monitor a set of devices found on a
4.2 What is the difference between GLPI and the other software?
The service assistance module of GLPI meet the specified standards of ITIL v2, the most
widely accepted best practice framework for service management software. Combines
categorization, escalation, service ddcx level agreement, impact, urgency, priority calculation,
status standardization, validation request at several levels, and the implementation of automatic
workflows based on business policies.
To get started, download the EON ISO from www.eyesofnetwork.com. Once the Eyes Of
Network iso download just create a virtual machine on VMware Workstation or Virtual box for
example or you can install it on a machine physical. Personally, I installed it on a VMware
Workstation 15 virtual machine.
Once the ISO is launched, you will see this window appear.
• The installation will then begin, once finished, you will arrive at the EON installation GUI where
you will have to choose the language that suits you best.
• In the case of species, we chose "English" after that press to pursue.
• And you will see the Installation Summary window appear on your screen in this window you
will be presented with several menus including date, keyboard, support for language, installation
destination, host name and network, Security Policy, selection of software and finally source of
installation. All these different menus offer you different boxes of dialog in which you can make
more configurations.
The figure below presents the dialog box for the "destination of the installation ". It is a question
here of selecting the disk in which we want to install our system, choose the partitioning method
and configure the encryption or not of the data in your hard drive.
Then we clicked in the menu "host name and network" to configure our IPv4 address
manually. It is noted that in this menu we can do much more (configure its Ethernet card, name
it, configure IPv6 addresses etc.)
• After this configuration of IPv4 address we go to the menu "selection of software”.
It's just a matter of selecting the installation style you want. In our case we have chosen custom
installation. This mode comes with several packages system (Glpi, Nsca, Gnokii, Fusion
Inventory etc.) For EyesOfNetwork.
While the installation is finished EyesOfNetwork asks you to configure the word administrator
password and, if desired, create a user.
Once your user or administrator password is set, you will see this window will appear where we
will have to click on "restart"
After rebooting, exit the configuration tool to continue the boot sequence. Once the boot sequence
is complete, your supervision server can be accessed either by console (for specific system
reconfiguration) or via the web address: https: // @ IP address of server / for the administration /
operation part of the administration tool.
Login / password: admin / admin.
End of installation.
Nagios is a tool allowing a network administrator to supervise the equipment of his network
and get their reports in real time.
To add a host to our EON monitoring tool, we will click on "administration" then in "equipment"
then on "add".
Figure 8 Adding of Host on EON
After filling in the information about the host, add at least one Template, then click on "Add Host",
you will see the window below;
Click on "Restart" this will allow Nagios to take into account the creation of your equipment.
- After the server-side configurations, you must also configure the client-side SNMP and
for that it goes to configuration panel then program then activate.
- Click on Ok.
- Then open the service panel by placing the command services.msc, a window will open,
search for SNMP services then right click on property to access the configuration. Go
to the security tab, and inform the community that the server has and grant them read
and write rights.
- Click Ok to complete the configuration.
4.5.2 Configuration of NAGVIS
Nagvis is a package allowing the creation of maps to better visualize the equipment and
the links between them.
Critical = Red
Warning = Orange
UP = green
Tip: Default user account; glpi/glpi for both the user name and password.
At the end of this step if well followed you will have access to GLPI platform;
On the GLPI platform is made of six (06) module namely: Assets, Assistance, Management,
Tools, Administration and configuration.
A. Assets: Here the assets deal with all the parts of a system such as hardware and software under
Assets we have a list of items which include; computer, monitors, software, network devices,
devices, printers, cartridges, consumables, phones, enclosures, PDUs and global.
B. Setup: The Configuration module provides access to general GLPI configuration options:
global GLPI configuration, notifications, collectors, automatic tasks, authentication, plugins,
unicity and external links.
C. Management: The Management module allows users to manage budgets, suppliers, contacts,
contracts and documents.
D. Tools: The Tools module allows users to manage projects, notes, RSS feeds, knowledge base,
bookings as well as generates reports.
E. Administration: The Administration module is used to administer users, groups, entities,
profiles, rules and dictionaries, and offers application maintenance tools (basic backup and
restore, new version checks available).
F. Assistance: The support module allows users to enter, track and process tickets. Schedules
(user or group) and statistics are also available.
Depending on the rights granted in the profile, it is also possible to enter, track and
process problems and changes and create recurring tickets (features to allow only for a Technician
type user). In order to start a help desk, several steps are necessary. To begin, analyze the basic
needs of users and meet the minimum vital. Once the basic needs are met, it is possible to define
the secondary needs and get into the advanced configuration.
The GLPI helper module complies with the ITIL best practice guide and therefore
incorporates notions and standardization of fields. Although the tool is ITIL compliant, there is
no obligation to follow these best practices: everyone is free to implement the helpdesk that best
fits their needs.
i. Configuration of assets:
Some dropdown lists are customizable in GLPI. The definition of places, statutes of
hardware, ticket categories, software names and builders: all that depends on a nomenclature
specific to a particular context must be set. If some of these titles are provided with a default list,
most labels must be declared in the application. Database
The categories of the knowledge base can be organized in a tree structure to facilitate navigation
and research. Places can be defined as a tree. For example: Building 1> Floor 0; Building 1 was
created at first, then Floor 0 was created as a Building 1 child; Additional information such as
building code and room code can be added. All the materials of the place are also available in the
Elements tab.
ii. Black lists: Blacklists are used to define values that will be blacklisted during different import
mechanisms of GLPI: IP, MAC for network port imports, Emails for email collectors. To do this
you click on “setup” and you will have it.
iii. Network outlets: A network outlet can be linked to a place. In this case, when selecting a
socket on a network port of a hardware, only the network jacks of the place of the equipment (and
the child places) appear. When creating network jacks, once the place chosen, it is proposed to the
user to follow the following nomenclature: prefix + numbering incremental whose first and last
term + suffix must be defined. For example, the prefix "bru", 9 and 11 the terminals of the
numbering, and "srv" the suffix: the network jacks created will be named: bru09srv, bru10srv,
N.B: The technical manager of the equipment associated with the ticket has priority over
the technical manager of the category.
A link to knowledge base categories is possible. If a category is chosen, click on the help of the
category of the ticket in a ticket leads directly to all articles in the knowledge base of this category.
vi. Calendar and closing periods: The calendars used within GLPI are configurable. They are
characterized by periods of openness (as much as needed per day) as well as closing periods
(holidays). These closing periods can be recurrent, i.e. they appear every year on the same dates.
These calendars are used in SLAs (see Configuring SLAs) and entity configuration.
vii. Ignored values for unicity: It is possible to enter values for each type of object that should
not be taken into account during the checking the unicity of an object in base. For example, do
not use the generic serial number "To Be Filled by OEM "to check if a computer already exists in
GLPI. Note: some plugins provide some additional titles, which are configurable in the same
viii. View History: Historical displays all the amendments to the description of an item. The
context of change is clear: the date and time of the modification, the user who is the author of the
modification, the field or the relevant item (document, software, component ...).
The description of this change is the change between the old and the new value, or a
description of the action that was performed.
Note: For the headings or objects having a parent / child relationship, changing a child
appears in the history of the parent element.
ix. Configure the components: The components added to the computers are configurable. A
hardware component is defined by a type, a name, a manufacturer (select from a drop-down list
filled in since the configuration of the titles or directly from the add icon affixed to the drop-down
list), a comment, as well as several fields specific to the type of component. For example, for a
motherboard, we can fill in the chipset.
The list of different types of components is fixed: Motherboard, Processor, Network card,
Memory, Hard disk, Readers, Controllers, Graphic card, Soundcard, Housing, Food, Other
Once a type of component selected (Motherboard, Processor ...), One automatically accesses the
list of already registered components. So, we can: Search for a component from the standard GLPI
search engine, modify a component already registered and listed by clicking on the name of the
latter, Add a new component via the + icon.
x. Find a component from the search engine: We can search for a component on all or part of
the fields that define it, namely the name, the manufacturer, the comment and all the fields specific
to the component.
xi. Add / Edit a component: Adding or modifying a component accesses the component edit
xii. Configure Notifications: Notifications are configured from the menu Setup> Notifications;
GLPI has a notifications feature. This allows you to receive messages for certain pre-defined
actions. It is based on two concepts: Template: to format the notification messages, Notification:
association of a template for a given event.
xiii. Configure follow-up emails and alerts: The general configuration of notifications is done
from the menu Setup> Notifications> Email follow-ups configuration. GLPI notifications are sent
via email. It is necessary to configure the server notifications connection. Important: This page is
available for users with permission Configuration - writing. By default, notifications are not
enabled: "Enable follow-up via email "allows use of this functionality.
4.6.2 Configuring Notification templates
Creating a template is a complex operation that impacts users. That's why this object is created
and managed by administrators (Write Setup permission). In addition, a model is not linked to an
entity, which means that it is not possible to delegate management to an administrator of a sub-
A template reflects a communication to a user, and may be available in multiple languages through
a translation mechanism: the use of tags (i.e. markers independent of the language used) allows
you to create a generic translation, available for all GLPI languages.
GLPI comes with a set of pre-defined templates for all notifications (tickets, reservations,
An SLA (Service Level Agreement) is the formalization of a contract negotiated between the
Service Desk and the client defining the expected level of service and therefore the maximum
time to resolve an incident or request.
SLAs can be associated with tickets via the ticket rules engine. The association of the SLA with
the ticket allows the automatic calculation of its due date. Several SLAs can be defined and
assigned according to specific criteria. For example, SLA 1 will be affected if the ticket is
associated with a specific category and SLA 2 for the other categories.
c. Configure central setting.
The general appearance of the application is configurable: default chart types, number of decimals
for amounts, maximum number of characters displayed in lists, maximum number of characters
displayed for URLs, maximum number of search results to display per page...
The web address of the application is also editable. It is used in the various links provided by
applications as well as for notifications. It is set at installation based on the address used during
d. Configure the unicity criteria for fields.
This feature makes it impossible to add or update an inventory object if another one has already an
identical value. This mechanism applies to manual additions, but also to import from a source
external as from an inventory tool. Unicity is defined by a name, an object type to which it refers,
and a list of fields. Field sub-entity is used to indicate whether the unicity criteria apply to any
GLPI or only to the entity in which unicity is created. It should be noted that the selection of several
fields checks the unicity of the tuple and not each field individually.
A mechanism allows to ignore certain values when calculating uniqueness. See configuring the
titles. Finally, a tab called Duplicate lists all the values corresponding to the criteria that are
currently in duplicate in the base GLPI with for each of them a link to the record of the object.
• Administration
• Information division as children here we have; Computer services and Network
Ticket category
• Material; Computer/ printers/ monitors
• Bank account
User’s title
• Director
• Accountant
• Network Technician
• Development engineer
• Adding or creating the name which is Administration and the click on ADD
• Create the second location which is information division and click ADD
But this one is sub divided into two parts; the first part which is computer service and the
second part which is Network service
You add the first field in location (computer service).
Go to AS CHIELD OF and choose Information device and ADD (do the same
for the network service).
If the steps are well followed you will have the following;
For the Users title you go back to setup then scroll and choose users title. Then you click on the +
to add our first User title, then you fill the Name and you can also add a comment if you want and
click on ADD, do the same for the other users and click ADD
For the Ticket category, you go to setup and choose ticket category. We have our materials which
are going to be fill, you click on the + to add our category (first add material) and click on ADD.
You then enter the materials (computer, monitor and printers) and AS CHIELD OF you have to
scroll down and choose Material and click on ADD.
N.B: You can also add a technician’s name or add a technical manager and the technical group
We are going to fill the following information for the technician in order to create his
The profile is a self-service then click on ADD Now I will simulate the user’s interface;
• For the user or the customer to have access to his interface he needs to have GLPI installed
on his device.
• On his GLPI he will have a login page as shown below;
Figure 13 User's login interface/ caption from GLPI
• After the user has login, he will have access to his own normal interface which is shown
• After clicking he/she will have access to a new page. On this new page he/she can add his/her
picture, his/her email address, his/her phone number, you click on Save as shown below;
• On the same user’s page, he/she can also create a ticket of type Incident or Request.
• Click on create a ticket
• You choose the type either Incident or Request
• You choose the category of the ticket
• You choose the type of Urgency of the ticket
• You give a title to the ticket and can add a description of your problem.
• You click on submit the demand.
If the steps are well followed you will have access to this confirmation page as shown
• You will receive a message to confirm that the request has been sent and this
confirmation message will pop down at the right end of your page.
• The messages are sent to GlobXLabs and this is what the technician of GlobXLabs will
receive on his on interface
Figure 19 Message received on the technician’s interface/ caption from GLPI
• When the technician open’s any of the tickets, he will have access to the message and can
see the details of the message as shown below;
Figure 20 Detail of the message received by the technician/ caption from GLPI
• He/she can then click on process ticket to communicate with the client as shown on below;
• After clicking on processing ticket, you can click on solution to solve the client’s problem
by giving him a solution online or you can Follow-up the client, you just have to fill the
description box as shown below;