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This is to certify that this report titled “A report on the internship carried out

from the 14th of June to the 14th of July at TEKSTEDIA, focus area WEB

DEVELOPMENT is the original work of DONOVA-LUIS NANA

AHAM JR with mat no: 3697/HIBMAT/ET/CE/21 for the award of Higher

National Diploma in Computer Engineering (Software).


Academic Supervisor


Signature ……………………………………………

Date …………………………………………………

Head of Department


Signature …………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………..


I DONOVA-LUIS NANA AHAM JR declare that I am the sole author of

this report. I understand the nature of plagiarism and I am aware of the

institution’s policy on this. I declare that this report has not been previously

published by another person for the award of certification in any institution.

This work contains materials published by other authors and due

acknowledgement has been made.


Signature …………………………

Date ………………………………


This piece of work is dedicated to my parents and immediate family



First, I will like to thank NSAH ESLI, my supervisor the CEO of

TEKSTEDIA for giving me the opportunity to do my internship with the


I am highly indebted to the CEO for the facilities provided to accomplish

the internship.

I also will like to thank the people with whom I worked with at

TEKSTEDIA with their patience and openness they created a conducive

working environment. It is indeed with great sense of pleasure and immense

gratitude that I acknowledge the help of these individuals.

Special thanks my supervisor Mr. RAMSON AKWANG OFON, a lecturer

in the Computer Engineering Department at HUIB for being supportive and

patient throughout the composition of this booklet.

I also will like to award special thanks to MR. NGOLAH KENNETH

TIM, the Head of Department in Computer Engineering at HUIB for a job

well done, his time and patience.

Nonetheless, a huge thanks to my friends and acquaintances who aided to

see this work complete.


TEKSTEDIA is an independent business driven tech company, driven by

professional experts and have taught people in various technological works

of life. They work with some of the smartest software-driven businesses

around the nation including software products start-ups. As an independent

organization with in-depth expertise in building of company bespoke

software, testing and running of systems, Graphics designing, Branding,

Digital Marketing, Motion Graphics & Animation services. TEKSTEDIA

leverages its expertise in designing and deploying solutions with a

measurable value.







LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................viii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...........................................................................................ix

CHAPTER ONE................................................................................................................1


1.1 Presentation of Company and its main activities..............................................1

1.2 Description of Department of focus..................................................................3

1.3 Structure of TESKEDIA....................................................................................5

1.4 Objectives of internship.....................................................................................7

1.5 Definition of key words.....................................................................................7

1.6 Synopsis.............................................................................................................8

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................10

LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................10

2.1 Conceptual Framework...................................................................................10

2.2 Theoretical Framework....................................................................................11

CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................13

3.1Activities of week One............................................................................................13

3.1.1 Building a Company Website.......................................................................13

3.2 Activities of week Two....................................................................................14

3.4 Activities of week Four...................................................................................24

CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................35

4.1Comparism between Theory and practice...............................................................35

4.2 Challenges Encountered..................................................................................35

CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................................................................37

RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION.........................................................37

5.1 Recommendations...........................................................................................37



Figure 1 Organizational Structure of TEKSTEDIA ………………………5

Figure 2 Screenshots of the main page ……………………………………15

Figure 3 Screenshot of the footer …………………………………………16

Figure 4 Screenshot of the Reviews section ………………………………16

Figure 5 Screenshot of some company photos ……………………………17

Figure 6 Screenshot of the Services section ………………………………17

Figure 7 Screenshot of the Google map location of the company ……….18

Figure 8 Screenshot of JavaScript code ………………………………….19

Figure 9 Screenshot of output generated …………………………………20

Figure 10 Screenshot of Task 1 from source ……………………………..22

Figure 11 Screenshot of Task 2 from source ……………………………..24


PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor

HTML : HyperText Markup Language

CSS : Cascading Style Sheet

IT : Information Technology

C : Programming Language

C# : C-sharp

C++ : C-plus plus



1.1 Presentation of Company and its main activities

TeksTedia is a Cameroon based tech company. It was founded in the year

2019 with the motive to increase industrial, commercial and personal

standards through technology. Tekstedia is a registered company with

license number TTPRR-RC LPP-2020/B. The tech company is out to bring

solutions for better improvement of business actions with the use of

advanced tech systems. It seeks to empower businesses and business men

using digital and media tools.

TeksTedia engages in the production of industrial software to solve industry

and business challenges, Develop and Brand businesses to meet up with

modern marketing and publicity strategies to achieve Maximum sales and

massive expansion.

TEKSTEDIA is a Cameroon based tech company. It was created with the

motive to increase personal, commercial, and industrial standards through

technology. It seeks to empower businesses and business men using digital

and media tools

TeksTedia equally seeks to build computer systems and gadgets that meet

the needs of every Cameroonian in particular and Africa at large irrespective

of their class and status.

In a fast growing sector like Technology characterized by strong

competition makes you different is uniqueness. TeksTedia is a unique

company with a highly collaborative, experienced and efficient staff that

strives each moment to surpass client expectation and bring high


Initially, it started with a board of nine (9) members including the Director.

The name of the company was initially TT&M which means TECH

TECHNOLOGY and MEDIA but was later changed to a more catchy and

suitable name…TEKSTEDIA. After the company changed its name, it

integrated with it the slogan “With Pride” that is TEKSTEDIA “With


TEKSTEDIA has dedicated itself to not just building but also training of

skills which individuals possess or wish to acquire and give these skills

professional polishing. For more than 3years now, this company has set out

to solve the problems faced in the tech industry and also the society. The

company specializes in industrial software, development of school

management system. It also offers other IT services like Web Development,

Graphic Design, video editing, search engine optimization, brand building

and IT training, only stating a few.

TEKSTEDIA engages in the production of industrial software to solve

industrial and business challenges, develop and brand businesses to meet

with modern marketing and publicity strategies to achieve maximum sales

and media tools.

1.2 Description of Department of focus

During my time on internship, my main focus was web designing and

development. So, web designing is the process of creating websites. It

encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content

production and graphic design Perc C et al., (2013) and web development is

the building and maintenance of websites; it’s the work that happens behind

the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a

seamless user experience. And this is done by using a variety of coding

languages Marion Letendart, (2018).

While the terms web design and web development are often used

interchangeably, web design is technically a subset of a broader category of

web development Perc C et al., (2013)

The range of programming languages is endless. A programming language

is an artificial language that can be used to control the behavior of a

machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages like human

languages are defined through the use of syntactic and semantic rules, to

determine structure and meaning respectively.

Irrespective of human language, programming languages include C, C++,

C#, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, etc. The said languages are however

backend languages. What this means is that these languages have specific

features that ease the process of communicating with the server, through

which information and data are given and received by the clients or users

who use the program.

1.1.1 To contrast this we also have front end languages. With this,

developers use some other programming languages to bring the client

side of the site to life. This development takes technical, creative and

communication skills. Examples of these other languages include

HTML, CSS, Vue, etc.

1.3 Structure of TESKEDIA

1.3.1 The Organizational Structure of TEKSTEDIA





Figure 1: Organizational Structure of TEKSTEDIA

The different authorities are charged with the following functions.

1. Director

The director Mr. Nsah Esli is at top and plays a governance supervisory

role to the entire company.


Represents the director during meetings and conferences in his absence.

She organizes files, prepares the necessary document and manages

inventory. Also, she is the second in command of the company.


They coordinate and produce all the materials representing the business. It

is their job to reach out to customers, investor and/or the community

while creating a positive look for the company.


Their role is for researching, designing, implementing, and managing

software programs. Aside from the mentioned, they also need to spot and

fix bugs efficiently.


Here, they create visual concepts to communicate information from

posters, to billboards, packaging, logos and marketing materials.


This body handles health of the institution. That is the health supervisor

grants the permission to those whose health condition is not good but

only after careful study of the Student to ascertain of the sickness.

Internship will allow the employer to have a closer relationship with the

intern and even do his analysis on the employees, based on the attitude of

the intern. Internship also enables the university to practically analyze a

student based on what he or she has studied in school theoretically.

1.4 Objectives of internship

• To an Academia, the result of the study should be quite

significant since it will provide a better understanding of

designing and building of websites and webpages.

• To develop familiarity with the JavaScript language.

• Under concepts commonly used in dynamic language

programming such as introspection and closures.

• Learn the box model for basic layout.

• Understand the principles of creating an effective web page,

including an in-depth consideration of information architecture.

1.5 Definition of key words

Programming: It refers to the technological process for telling a

computer which tasks to perform in order to solve problems.

Server: It is a computer program or device that provides a service to

another computer program and its user.

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely-used open source general purpose

scripting language geared towards web development Kolade Chris (2021)

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a standardized system for tagging files

to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web


CSS: Cascading Styles sheet is a style sheet language used for describing the

presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or

XML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web.

IT: Information Technology is a broad professional category covering functions

including communications networks, safeguarding data and information, and

troubleshooting computer problems.

C: The C programming language is a general-purpose, operating system

agnostic, and procedural language that supports structured programming and

provides low-level access to the system memory.

C#: Pronounced as C-sharp, is an object programming language from Microsoft

that enables developers to build applications that run on the .NETC platform.

C++: Pronounced as C-plus-plus is a cross-platform language that can be used

to create high-performance applications.

Vue: It is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

1.6 Synopsis

TEKSTEDIA is a tech company that has set out to adequately solve

problems which are being faced out there in the society using the power

of technology. They are also specialized in the development of industrial

software’s, school management software, agricultural systems and lots

more. Her goal is for the betterment of the society.

Web development is the building and maintenance of websites; it is the

work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work

fast and perform well with a seamless user experience. Web developers

do this by using a variety of language depending on the task. The most

prominent are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.



2.1 Conceptual Framework

2.1.1 Definition of Software

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate

computers and used to execute specific task. Software is a generic term

used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device.

2.1.2 Definition of Web Development

Web development is the building and maintenance of websites and web

applications; it’s the work that happens behind the scenes to make a

website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user


2.1.3 Types of Web Developers

Web developer is an interesting career path for an IT major because it

combines analytical and technical skills with creative design and


There are three types of developers namely

i. Front-end web developers: They are responsible for the look and

feel of a website. This means how colors, icons and images appear. At

this level, the programming languages involved is HTML, CSS and


ii. Back-end web developers: They are responsible for building and

maintaining the code that runs a website. This code connects the

website to the server and ensures that data flows properly to the

website and that transactions are processed correctly. The

programming languages include Java, PHP, and MySQL.

iii. Full-stack web development: They have both the responsibilities of

the front-end and back-end developers. Depending on the complexity

of the website, a full-stack developer may be responsible for all facets

of its development, from server side to user interface.

2.2 Theoretical Framework


 The objective of the research is to design and build user friendly



• Nowadays, speed still matters when it comes to how fast a

website loads. In the first three seconds of clicking a website,

there should be a response otherwise the visitors will leave.

Choosing themes that loads fastest for websites will solve the


• Sites that personalize users experience based on a person’s

gender, age, makes it more personalized. People cherish their



To solve these problems, some technologies are put in place for


• Like for the personalization of sites, third-party tracking is used.

They are commonly called cookies.

• Improving the speed when loading a site can be achieved by

deleting unnecessary plugins, compress images and using cache.



3.1Activities of week One

3.1.1 Building a Company Website

• It is the first day of internship and we were welcomed to the company by

the internship coordinator who was hospitable. Right after that, we were

introduced to the other staff of the company and their departments of


• Moving on now to showing the interns where we would be working for

the rest of my stay during my internship.

• One of the coordinators in charge went further to briefing us about the

company, how it started, their initial number of staff and how their

operations were carried out.

• We were now asked to introduce ourselves and also say what we

intended to do and our expectations during our time as interns.

• Since we had a basic knowledge on HTML and CSS, without much ado

there was a small talk on what we will be doing. The coordinator

assigned us with the task to design a website for the company.

• Before we could start writing codes for this project we had to

brainstorm and come up with a sketch design for this so that we would

limit our error expectancy.

• After our preparation we finally started the project and we were using a

markup language called HTML to build the framework for the site and

embedding it with CSS to give it a more appealing look and other

additional features.

• Three days into the project and we started having difficulties. This was

because our knowledge on web development was not good enough. So

we requested for some guidance from our coordinator. After being

explained a few and new ideologies on building a website we did some

research on it and continued the project.

3.2 Activities of week Two

3.2.1 Building a Company Website

 The following week we continued the task and it was complete to

our knowledge. We presented the work to the coordinator for

inspection. After going through the project, the coordinator said to

us we still have a lot of work to do on it. He also said our website

was not looking professional and our code was ambiguous. We were

instructed to start over from the beginning.

3.2.2. Redoing Company Website

 After our relentless efforts and a lot of coding, we finally ended up

with something rather simple, elegant and have a professional feel.

Figure 2 Screenshots of the main page.

Figure 3 Screenshot of the footer

Figure 3.4: Screenshot of the Reviews section.

Figure 5 Screenshot of some company photos

Figure 6 Screenshot of the Services section

Figure 7 Screenshot of the Google map location of the company

 After working on this project I understood more about how

websites should feel. It portrayed professionalism and did not lack

in aesthetics.

3.2.3 Introduction to JavaScript

 After completing the company’s website, I started working on JavaScript

which is often abbreviated as JS. JavaScript is a crossplatform, object-

oriented scripting language used to make webpages interactive (e.g.,

having complex animations, clickable buttons, popup menus, and more.)

 JavaScript contains a standard library of objects such as Array, Date, and,

Math, and a core set of language elements such as operators, control

structures, and statements.

 I had to do research and learn on JavaScript variables, Scooping, Hoisting,

Closures, Callbacks, and Promises.

 Later on, I was instructed to code a “Hello, World!” program JS.

 This is my code. I used a text editor called Visual Studio Code to generate

my codes. Below are the codes I used to generate my desired output.

• <html>
• <head>
• <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
• /*
• function sayHello() {
• alert("Hello World!")
• }

• </script>

• </head>
• <body>
• <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
• <!--
• document.write("Hello World")
• var money, name;
• //-->
• </script>
• <p>This is web page body</p>
• <!-- Click here to check for results
• <input type="button" onclick="sayHello()" value="Say
Hello" /> -->
• </body>

Figure 8 Screenshot of JavaScript code

Figure 9 Screenshot of output generated.

3.3 Activities of week Three

3.3.1 Introduction to Photoshop

• My introduction to the knowledge of Photoshop I was told is

necessary and will not just be a skill but also an added advantage in

my field of work and throughout my lifetime.

• While learning this new skill, I had to understand a very important

aspect which is Color Psychology and Chromatics. Color

Psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human

behavior. I was told of its uses and its features like Regular

Healing Brush, Crop Tool, History Panel, etc.,

• For Photoshop, I used the Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. Much

work was not done this but I learnt the basics which were the Move

tool, Marquee, Quick Selection, Crop, Eraser, Brush Tool,

Pencil Tool, Gradient, etc.,

3.3.2 Working with MS Office

A. Using Microsoft Word

Task: Create a savings roster from the months January to March

of four people of your choice given that each person saves twice.

Insert formulae to calculate Total Savings, Average saving/month

and Overall Total Savings.

• While working on this task, it became a little bit challenging when

it came to inserting the formulae because I had no idea on how to

go about it.

• After a brief research session, I found the solution to my problem.

It goes thus.

• On the “Total Savings” table, I selected the first cell to which I will

insert my formula. A “Table tools” section will appear on the task

bar and has two sub-sections namely Design and Layout. I clicked

on the layout feature and used the Formula function.

• The formulae for the various tables were as follows

Total Savings = =SUM(LEFT)

Average Savings/month = =AVERAGE(LEFT)

Overall Total Savings = =SUM(ABOVE)

According to the said rules, the functions (e.g. SUM, AVERAGE) must

start with an equal sign (=).

Figure 10 Screenshot of Task 1 from source

B. Working with MS Excel

Task: Create a class report for student’s, input the marks for their

various courses and uses formulae to generate their Total marks, AVG,

gives Ranks and Comments.

• Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft. It features

calculations, graphing tooling and pivot tables.

• After designing layout for this, I had to insert the formulae. In excel,

columns are named in alphabetic order from A-Z whereas rows start

from 1-infinity.

• Additions here are similar to that of word except with excel after

keying in the functions the cell which holds the values are now

selected and separated by a comma.

• The SUM function is used. For example the total marks of Eto is

given by =SUM(C3,D3,E3,F3,G3). From C3 to G3 are the cells

which hold his marks for the different courses. The same principle

applies to calculating the average

• To calculate the rank, I used the RANK function. The function tells

you which value is the highest, the second highest and so forth. It is

calculated thus =RANK.AVG(number, ref, [order]). For example,

=RANK.AVG(I3,$I$3:$I$17). The dollar sign fixes the reference to a

given cell, so that it remains unchanged no matter where the formula


• For the comment, I used the IF function. Basically what this does is to


• It is calculated as =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true],

[value_if_false]). For example =IF(I3>=16,”Excellent”).

Figure 11 Screenshot of Task 2 from source.
3.4 Activities of week Four

3.4.1 Introduction to LARAVEL

 LARAVEL is a free and open-source PHP web framework created by

TAYLOR OTWELL and intended for the development of web

applications following the model-view-controller (MVC)

architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

 LARAVEL is a new web development platform I was introduced to. It is also

a complex and sophisticated development platform.

3.4.2 Introduction to PHP

 PHP is a server side scripting language like APS. PHP scripts are

executed on the server. PHP is an widely-used open source general-

purpose software which is free to download and use which also

supports many data bases like Oracle, InformIX, Sybase Generic

odbc, etc.,

 PHP is suited for web development and can be embedded into


 My first PHP script was a “Hello, World!” program.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>My first PHP program</title>




echo “Hello,World!”;





4.1Comparism between Theory and practice

What I learnt in the classroom compared to what I was doing in the field

was not quite similar. This is because in the classroom knowledge given

is limited for certain reasons and made it significantly difficult for me to

work in the field.

While working in the company, I learnt lots of new ideas in-line with my

specialty by working with practical examples. With this internship, my

knowledge has expanded because it has introduced and exposed me to

field work.

4.2 Challenges Encountered

Outlined below are some challenges faced by both the company and


4.2.1 Intern Challenges

• The company has lots of moral ethics. It required interns to be

more punctual, have a presentable dressing code (and excludes

destroyed jeans, short trousers, body revealing outfits for the

female, and more).

I faced issues of connectivity during my working hours. It was

really poor and hindered me since I needed to carryout research.

• It had limited working facility and there was always be some form

of congestion between interns. This became uncomfortable over


• Poor ergonomics

4.2.2 Company Challenges

• Unavailability of some basic amenities like water supply.


5.1 Recommendations

In the subsequent paragraphs, I will be outlining my recommendations to

the company, its clients, and future interns.

I carried out my internship at TEKSTEDIA which is situated in Tarred

Malingo, opposite Jehovah Witness Buea.

5.1.1 Recommendations for the Company

• The company should readjust its pipeline connections to tap to a

more reliable and stable water supply source. This can be done

with the aid of an efficient plumber.

• I recommend the company makes more room to accommodate her

interns. I believe this will boost the working capacity of her future


5.1.2 Recommendations to Future interns

• Interns should build good and healthy relationships with their

supervisors. This will go a long way to expanding their network

leading to better opportunities.

I recommend interns document every activity they do during their

internship. This helps track progress over time. This also plays a

vital role when writing their report.

• Interns should understand the need for decency. It says a lot about

you and how people view you in the society especially in the

professional industry.

5.2 Conclusion

The purpose and objective of wed development is not fully achieved. The

aim of this report is to give users an overview on how web pages are

developed, and it all starts with an idea.


1. About Company last visited 28 July, 2022

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3. nature of websites, last visited 15
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6. Software Development, last visited 18

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7. Stellman, Andrew; Greene, Jennifer (2005). Applied Software Project


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