AutoEMC Workshop Rodriguez

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EMC Testing per CISPR 12

and ISO 11451-2:

CISPR 12, ISO 11451-2 and
Equivalent Standards
• The Standards
• CISPR 12 site and chamber requirements
• Antenna requirements for CISPR 12
• ISO 11451-1 and –2: Chamber requirements
• Recommended antennas and Amplifier
• Other Full Vehicle testing Standards
• Conclusions
• Automotive Standards for full vehicle
are mainly those from CISPR, SAE and
• OEMs have also their own internal
• The following is a list of most of the Full
Vehicle Standards.
CISPR Standards (full vehicle)

Spec Title Typ Equivalent Test set up Chamber

CISPR 12 Vehicles, boats, and RE SAE J 551-2 a monopole is used for the range 150KHz to Chamber must
internal combustion 30MHz only vertical polarization measurements be correlated
are made, for 30MHz to 200MHz a biconical to OATS, an
engine driven antenna is used, the log periodic is used for the NSA
devices - radio range 200MHz-1000MHz or tunned dipoles can measurement
disturbance be used for the entire range. for 10m testing the showing a
characteristics - antenna is located 3m over ground and it is not small deviation
limits and methods scanned, the antenna is 10meters from outer should
skin of vehicle and in line with engine mid point. demonstrate
of measurement Both sides of vehicle are tested. For 3m testing that.
antenna is placed at 1.8m both polarizations are

CISPR25 Limits and methods RI/ SAE J 551-4 and for the chamber testing procedure a monopole when an
of measurement of SAE J 1113-41 is used for the range 150KHz to 30MHz, for absorber lined
RE 30MHz to 200MHz a biconical antenna is used, chamber is
radio disturbance the log periodic is used for the range 200MHz- used the
characteristics for 1000MHz. For equipment testing a TEM cell can absorption of
the protection of be used. Whole vehicle testing is trying to see the material
receivers used on how the radio or radios in the car are affected by has to be
board vehicles the different systems in the vehicle, that is how better than 6dB
the radio is affected by windshield wipers, to put for the range
an example 70MHz and up.
SAE Standards (full vehicle) I
SAE J551- Title Typ Equivalent Test set up Chamber

-1 Performance levels and Definitions Definitions

Methods of measurement of
EMC of vehicles and
devices (60Hz-18GHz)

-2 Test limits and methods of RE CISPR12 See CISPR 12 See CISPR 12

measurement of radio
disturbance characteristics
of vehicles, Motorboats,
and spark-ignited Engine
Driven Devices

-4 Test limits and methods of RE CISPR 25 See CISPR 25 See CISPR 25

measurement of radio RI
disturbance characteristics
of vehicles and devices,
broadband and
narrowband, 150KHz to

-5 Performance levels and Specifies limits for electric vehicles

methods of measurement of
magnetic and electric field
strength from electric
vehicles, 9kHz to 30MHz
SAE Standards (full vehicle) II
SAE J551- Title Typ Equivalent Test set up Chamber

-11 Vehicle Electromagnetic RI ISO 11451-2 No absorbent material between antenna and shielded
immunity-Off vehicle source EUT. Antenna is to be place at least 2m from the anechoic
vehicle engine's center point the uniformity plane chamber.
is HORIZONTAL and it is a 1.5 diameter circle
where the field for frequencies above 200MHz
is between +-3dB for 80% of the frequencies

-12 Vehicle Electromagnetic Self ISO 11451-3 a shielded

Immunity-On board RI room that will
transmitter simulation meet the SAE
j551-1 and -2
will do

-13 Vehicle Electromagnetic CI ISO 11451-4 a shielded room will do, no absorber is
Immunity-Bulk Current necessary but test can be performed in a
injection shielded enclosure with absorber

-15 Vehicle Electromagnetic ESD ISO-10605 Shielded room


-17 Vehicle Electromagnetic RI Large area for vehicle and field generating Shielded
Immunity-Power line coils enclosure
magnetic fields recomended
ISO Standards (full vehicle)

ISO 11451 Title Typ Equivalent Test set up Chamber


-1 Road vehicles - vehicle test SAE J551-1 definitions

methods for electrical
disturbances by arrowband
radiated electromagnetic
energy: part 1: General and

-2 Road vehicles - vehicle test RI SAE J 551-11 No absorbent material between antenna and shielded
methods for electrical EUT. Antenna is to be place at least 2m from the anechoic
disturbances by vehicle engine's center point the uniformity plane chamber.
narrowband radiated is HORIZONTAL and it is a 1.5 diameter circle
electromagnetic energy where the field for frequencies above 200MHz
part 2: off vehicle radiation is between +-3dB for 80% of the frequencies

-3 Road vehicles - vehicle test Self SAE J551-12

methods for electrical RI a shielded
disturbances by room that will
narrowband radiated meet the SAE
electromagnetic energy part j551-1 and -2
3: On board transmitter will do

-4 Road vehicles - vehicle test CI SAE J551-13 a shielded room will do, no absorber is
methods for electrical necessary but test can be performed in a
disturbances by shielded enclosure with absorber
narrowband radiated
electromagnetic energy
part 4: bulk current injection
2004/144 EC Standard (full vehicle)

2004/144 EC Title Typ Equivalent Test set up Chamber


Annex I Requirements met by SAE J551-1 definitions

Annex II A vehicles and
electrical/electronic sub-
Annex II B
assemblies fitted to a

Annex IV Method of measurement of RE CISPR 12 a monopole is used for the range 150KHz to Chamber must
radiated broadband 30MHz only vertical polarization measurements be correlated
emissions from vehicles are made, for 30MHz to 200MHz a biconical to OATS, an
antenna is used, the log periodic is used for the NSA
range 200MHz-1000MHz or tunned dipoles can measurement
be used for the entire range. for 10m testing the showing a
Annex V Method of measurement of antenna is located 3m over ground and it is not small deviation
radiated narrowband scanned, the antenna is 10meters from outer should
emissions from vehicles skin of vehicle and in line with engine mid point. demonstrate
Both sides of vehicle are tested. For 3m testing that.
antenna is placed at 1.8m both polarizations are

Annex VI Method of testing for RI antenna is placed no less than 1.5m above the Absorber
immunity of vehicles to ground and no less than 2 meters from the lined chamber
electromagnetic radiation center of the engine field uniformity requirement
is that points on a horizontal line of 1m in length
perpendicular to the antenna line of sight must
be within 6dB
Regarding Standards
• As mentioned before there are a lot of
Standard Documents that were not on
the above list. However, a lot of the
documents that are not mentioned are
based on international documents. Of
these international standards CISPR 12
and ISO 11451 are the critical ones.
Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion
engine driven devices –
Radio disturbance characteristics –
Limits and methods of measurement for
the protection of receivers except those
installed in the vehicle/boat/device itself or
in adjacent vehicles/boats/devices
Radio disturbance characteristics for the
protection of receivers used from emissions from
vehicles, boats, and on devices …
• So CISPR 12 deals with how much do electric
and electronic systems affect outside
receivers from emissions from systems
– Automobiles powered by internal combustion
engines or electric motors
– Boats (up to 15m) powered by internal combustion
engines or electric motors
– Devices powered by internal combustion engines
but not for the transport of people.(I.e.
compressors, chainsaws, garden maintenance
equipment, etc)
• As with any other emissions standard
we look at measurements at 10m (3m
being allowed and limits being raised by
• There are limits for Broadband noise
and narrowband noise
• Limits for
• Background
noise should be
6dB below the
limits (more on
that later) and
for 3m levels
should be 10dB
• Limits for
narrow band
• Background
noise should be
6dB below the
limits (more on
that later) and
for 3m levels
should be 10dB
• Regarding the
test site, the
defines the oats
as the
• The OATS must
follow the
requisites stated
in CISPR 16
OATS layout

30m radius of
clear area
3m (1.8m)

10m (3m)
or huts only
beyond this
measurement layout

3m (1.8m)

10m (3m)

10m (3m)
Both sides of the vehicle
Have to be measured.
The antennas are to be in 3m (1.8m)
line with the vehicle under

Measurement Layout

• The 10m emission testing

locates the antenna 10m
from the outer shell of the BICONICAL
vehicle 10 meters HORN
• The antenna is not scan but
located at 3m height. (For
3m testing the antenna is
located at 1.8meters. 10 meters
• Both sides of the vehicle
and both polarizations are
10 meters
Automotive Testing:
A Short Introduction 20

Plane of longitudinal symmetry

• The antenna is to
be in line with the
middle point of the
engine 10 meters
• A two antenna mid point of engine Antenna in line with
compartment mid point of engine
position site and compartment
the addition of a
turntable makes
the test much
10 meters 10 meters
• There is no need to
reposition the
vehicle to test the The antenna not in use is set
At a different polarization to
other side. reduce coupling between antennas
CISPR 12 EUT req.
• Internal combustion
– Engine Idle:
• 2500RPM 1cyl
• 1500RPM 2 or more cyl
• Electric Propulsion
– Vehicle running:
• 40km/h or max vehicle
speed if less.
CISPR12: Antennas
Frequency range Type

30Hz-50MHz Active monopole rod

• Antennas are a key
requirement in CISPR 30-300MHz Biconical
12. The standard
bases its choice of
antennas on the 200-2000MHz Log periodic
CISPR 16 Standard
1GHz-18 GHz Dual ridge guide
150kHz to 30MHz Active Rods
Monopole Rod antennas.
These antennas have been
used in EMC for testing at
very low frequencies and are
the recommended antennas
in a lot of standards
The typical rod has a very
poor performance since they
are an electrically short
antenna. To improve the
performance “active” rods
have a preamplifier at the
base. Usually they are used
with a small ground plane on
top of the pre-amplifier.
30MHz to 200MHz biconicals
Biconical Antennas.
These antennas have been
used in EMC for testing at
low frequencies and are the
recommended antennas in a
lot of standards
The typical biconical
antenna usually has a range
of 20 to 300MHz, However, it
is recommended that they
are used from 30MHz to
200Mhz where they offer
their best performance
compared with other
200MHz to 2000MHz log periodics
Log Periodic antennas.
200MHz to 1GHz it is
recommended that a log
periodic antenna be used.
Log periodic antennas
have a typical range of
200 to 2000MHz or
3000MHz depending on
the manufacturer.
Ridge horns 1GHz to 18GHz
Dual Ridge Horns.
There are however, newer
models in the market that
correct the pattern
problems of the traditional
dual ridge horns. The new
dual ridge horns are
antennas with improved
pattern behavior above
10GHz. This translates in
to a more constant
antenna factor and gain.
Alternative Sites
• Anechoic Chamber:
– A shielded absorber lined enclosure can be
used provided that correlation with OATS
can be shown
– In my view, doing the NSA measurement
of the Chamber if the results fall within the
limits of the CISPR 16 requirements the
Chamber is good for CISPR 12 testing
Site Quality Verification
(NSA – Normalized Site Attenuation)
• Horizontal Polarization
Site Quality Verification
(NSA – Normalized Site Attenuation)
• Vertical Polarization
Site Quality Verification
(NSA – Normalized Site Attenuation)
• Typical measurement positions.
CISPR 12 Absorber
Hybrid Absorber .

Electric and Magnetic Losses

Preferred technology for EMC

Applications. foam has to have
special formula for good
matching with ferrite tile at the
bottom. At High frequencies its
performance is not as good as
MW pyramid of equal size. Flat
top causes undesired reflections
at MW range. Between 1m and
1.5m in length
Honda R&D America Raymond, Ohio
GM Proving Grounds Milford, Michigan

Pyramidal absorber.
EMC and EHP series

Electric Losses

Preferred technology
for High frequencies
It can be used for low
frequencies if size
(length) is increased,
for CISPR 12
chambers minimum
1.8m and also use of
curvilinear pyramids
Commercial EMC/Automotive EMC and Antenna/Satellite Chamber
at LIT/INPE São Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Typical EMC 10m range
model Size absorber NSA FU
Ft (m)
FACT 10 –3.0 Std 59,30,22 PS-1250 all walls and ceiling, ±4.0dB 0 to +6dB
(18,9.2,6.6) RI patch of PS 600 75%
FACT 10 – 3.0 Std 63,38,28 PS-1250 9 rows walls, ceiling, ±3.5dB 0 to +6dB
+ (19,11.5,8.5) RI patch of PS 600 75%
FACT 10 –3.0 63,38,28 FS-1500 9 rows on walls, ±3.0dB 0 to +6dB
premium (19,11.5,8.5) ceiling, RI patch FS-400 75%
FACT 10 –4.0 Std 65,36,22 PS-1250 all walls and ceiling, ±4.0dB 0 to +6dB
(20,11,6.6) RI patch of PS 600 75%
FACT 10 – 4.0 Std 65,40,28 PS-1250 9 rows walls, ceiling, ±3.5dB 0 to +6dB
+ (20, 12, 8.5) RI patch of PS 600 75%
FACT 10 –4.0 65,40,28 FS-1500 9 rows on walls, ±3.0dB 0 to +6dB
premium (20,12,8.5) ceiling, RI patch FS-400 75%
FACT 10-6.0 Std + 71,43,28 PS-1250 9 rows walls, ceiling, ±3.5dB 0 to +6dB
(22,13,8.5) RI patch of PS 600 75%
Special features for
• Dynamometer Turn Table. Although for
emissions the vehicle just needs to idle.
• Exhaust system
• Fire Protection systems
• QZ may be as large as 9m making
chamber larger
• Chamber supported EH generators
• Large level entry door
Turntable no Dynamometer (3m testing)
2.4m by 2.4m sliding door 4m
Control Room Amp Room high
3m by 3m aprox 3m by 3m aprox

5503-5m 1.5m
Component test bench
Antenna for components

3m 6m
CISPR 12 1m

FS-600 on
side walls 1.5m
and ceiling

Dynamometer no Turntable (3m testing)
Control room walls and


RI antenna
Position 1
RE antenna RE antenna
fixed height 2m fixed height
1.8m 1.8m
2m 3m 3m
2m 15.20m

2m 2m
RI antenna
for vehicles RI antenna
position 2
6m by 2m position 3
2m diameter QZ

Turntable no Dynamometer (3m testing)
walls and

RE antenna RE antenna
fixed height fixed height
1.8m 1.8m
2m 3m 3m
2m 5m

RI antenna 2m
position 2
RI antenna
position 3

Vehicle immunity
Automotive Immunity testing

The main Standards that this solution addresses are the following:
ISO 11451-2
SAE J551-11
95/54 EC Annex VI
The SAE and the ISO are virtual copies of each other and they both
require a highest severity level of 100V/m. ISO contemplates an
additional level of severity to be agreed between the test house and
the manufacturer..
Field uniformity requirements are (for SAE and ISO) that the field
level be generated at a reference point located 1m above the ground
on to which the vehicle rests (2m for vehicles higher than 3m) and at
two points 75cm on either side of the reference point. At these points
the field level should be within 3dB of the reference point level. For
95/54 EC the points are 50cm on either side and the highest level of
severity is 24V/m with 80% AM modulation.
Automotive EMC Immunity
• 100V/m highest severity level (200v/m
contemplated in the ISO standard
• Field Uniformity Requirements
Reference point

0.5m 0.5m

ISO 11451-2 1m, 2m for vehicles over 3m
200MHz and above
Automotive EMC Immunity
The reference point position on the vehicle corresponds to the point
where the windshield and the hood of the car meet. Or the front axel,
which ever is farther away from the antenna.
For rear-engined vehicles the vehicle will be tested with the rear
facing the antenna and the reference point at the rear axel.

Reference point falls on this plane

A vehicle up to 1.2m from back to front axle

>2m >2m
20cm 4.7m
1m 14 ft

50cm 50cm

7.01m 23ft
Field Generation
The key to automotive immunity is the
generation of high fields. The proper
selection of the antenna is key to
lowering the amplifier requirements.
The next Slides deal with
recommendations of the most suitable
antennas for ISO 11451-2 and
equivalent standards.
Recommended Antennas
• 100kHz to 30MHz E-H generator
• 30MHz to 100MHz Biconical
• 100MHz to 1000MHz Dual Ridge Horn
• 1000MHz to 18000MHz Octave Gain
E-H Field Generators
• Transverse Electromagnetic Mode
Transmission lines.
• Field concentrated between elements and
• No radiation into the chamber unless
separation between the elements is more than
½ a wavelength
E-H Field Generators
• Two elements
• Both can be driven
together against
ground (E Mode)
• One can be driven
against the other
isolated from ground
(H Mode)
E-H Field Generators

To test the performance the field is measured at one point 1m over the ground
and 1/3 the length of the elements from the transition region.
This places the test point roughly at the location of the reference point
described on the standards
E-H Field Generators
Self Supported Units: ideal for
smaller vehicles

1. 5m element length.
2. 2.5m maximum element
3. 2m Maximum element
separation for H mode.
4. Manual Operation
5. 3kW maximum input power.
Self supported units
5503-5m power requirements for 100v/m
3kW input power limit
H-mode probe at 1.5 over ground
E-mode 1.5m probe at 1m over ground
E-mode 2.0m probe at 1m over ground
E-mode 2.5m probe at 1m over ground
Input Power (w)

with its limited input

power (3kW) can only 1000
meet 100v/m
requirements. Also it
is manually operated
and requires at least
4 people to set up. It
is intended as a lower
cost alternative for
small vehicle testing
0.1 1 10

frequency (MHz)
Automated chamber
supported Units
1. Variable element length (as
customer required)
2. Variable pneumatic element
separation for H mode.
3. Variable height motor
4. 10kW maximum input
Chamber supported
Chamber supported
Chamber supported
Large bicons(30MHz-100MHz)

fixed height positioner with

pneumatic assisted polarization.
antenna at INPE chamber
antenna at INPE chamber
Ridge horn (100MHz-1000MHz)

fixed height positioner with pneumatic assisted

polarization and manual boresight adjustment
(±10 degrees)
ridge antenna in INPE chamber
Field levels for 1kW input
Above 1GHz (octave horns)

Gains of 15.5 to 17dBi

However narrow beams so
scanning across EUT may be
Foreshortened logs

20 to 250MHz range of large

Log P

200MHz to 1GHz range for

dual log.

5kW max power.

This solution is ideal for

95/54/EC but wont be able to
generate 100V/m over the
entire range
Foreshortened logs
5kW amp max, at 2m
from tip 38V/m level

Vpol Hpol

Data courtesy of

• Hopefully you have gain knowledge on the

chamber and antenna requirements for full
vehicle testing
• These are expensive large facilities that
only manufacturers could afford
• There may be a potential market for
private EMC labs to set up full vehicle labs
to take care of the increasing demand for
full vehicle testing in Asia.

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