Erection of Transformer

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All fittings and accessories should be assembled :-.

a) Rollers :
i) Before mounting of rollers they should be checked for soundness of casting and
that bearing surmace is not damaged.
ii) Bearing surface should be greased or oiled before
iii) Assembly of rollers become simple if the transformer is lifted by overhead crane or
pully block. Transformer may be jacked up with mechanical or hydraulic jacks.(Jacking
pads are provided for transformers 1600 KVA and above). Height of jacking pads from
ground, without wheels in positions, is not less than 300 mm. Suitable wooden or steel
packing may be given under jacks to raise the jack height.

b) Oil check :
A sample of oil should be taken out from bottom of tank and tested for the Electric
strength, ( break – down voltage ) which should not be below 30 KV (RMS) when tested
on a standard test as specified in IEC – 600296 Table 1-9. (Electrode dia. 120.5 mm
polished, electrode gap 2.5 mm # 0.1). The electric strength shall be arithmetic mean of
the six results on same sample of oil.

c) Conservator :
when dismantled for transport ( Ref.3.1)
i) Before assembly of conservator, make sure that inside of vessel and pipe work is
free from rust, dust, grease and moisture. If found corroded, clean the rust and
repaint with oil resistant paint from inside. Enamel paint given is on the outside on a
coat of red oxide-zinc chromate primer.
ii) Mount conservator on the corresponding supports in tank cover. Pipe work should
be assembled in the following scwuence. Conservator through Buchholz relay to
tank. Conservator to silicagel breather.
iii) Magnetic oil gauge should be assembled on position.
iv) Plain oil gauge window glass should be checked for the cracks which may lead to oil
leaks and entry of moisture in the conservator.
Gasket should be tightened uniformly to make joints leak proof. Deteriorated and leaky
gaskets should be replaced.

d) Buchholz relay
Assembly precautions (if dismantled)
i) Relay pipe work should be slopping 3 deg. To 7 deg. Upwards towards conservator.
ii) Arrow heads on the body should be pointing towards the conservator.
iii) Floats which operate elements should be free.
iv) Check that mercury switches are intact.
v) Test alarm and trip mechanism.
In order to test alarm and trip mechanism, the relay is provided with two separate
petcocks which enable air to be injected into the body of the relay. For testing inject air
using a cycle pump or any other suitable device until switch operates (check continuity of
To test trip elements, the valve controlling the bottle is opened quickly so that air or oil
rushes in, impinges on the flap and depresses it operating the switch.
On each relay petcock is provided for taking out samples and releasing gas from the top
of relay housing.
Testing of relay may be carried out after fitting in the conservator pipe, and filling of oil in
conservator. It is recommended that the relay should not be taken apart and under no
circumstances should any alteration be made to operating floats or flaps.

e) Silicagel Dehydrating breather :

Breather is connected to the conservator through a pipe work. Breather assembly
should be suitably clamped to prevent vibrations.
i) Fill up transformer oil through filling hole, in the bottom compartment of breather
upto the filling level mark. Air entry hole is sealed with the adhesive tape, which should
be removed for free passage of air.
ii) Check that sili9cagel is blue in colour, if not, reactivate or replace with fresh gel.
iii) Remove cork / blanking tape from top screwed hole and fix breather on the pipe

f) Explosion vent
i) Explosion vent is provided with a bakelite diaphragm. Normally transformer is
dispatched fitted with explosion vent. If dismantled for the transport, remove blanking
plate from bottom of vent before assembly on tank.
ii) Check whether inside of vent is corroded. Rust should be completely removed
and inside painted with oil resistant paint.
iii) Before assembly make sure that top and bottom diaphragms if provided are intact.
iv) Diaphragm should be held between two gaskets and care should be taken to
clamp the flanges uniformly to prevent cracking of diaphragm.
v) Pressure equalizer pipe may be provided on against specific requirement which
connects top of explosion vent and vents it to the atmosphere through the breather.
Bare Bushing (Draw through type)
Erection of bushing :--
(i) Oil level should be lowered below the bushing mounting hole on tank.
(ii) Remove blanking plate carefully from the tank lid and bring out the soldered
stem and winding lead without exerting undue pressure while pulling which
may damage the soldered joint or insulation on the lead. If the joint /
insulation is damaged re-solder the joint and re-insulate the lead.
(iii) Lay the sealing washer on hole.
(iv) Lay the clamping ring on scaling
washer. (v) Insert the separator or stem.
(vi) Lower the insulator in hole and at the same time insert the soldered stem
through porcelain.
(vii) Assemble stem sealing washer (Neoprene ring) and cap at the top of stem
and screw the top nuts to hold the soldered stem loosely.

(viii) Lift the clamping ring and place the clamping members on welded
studs underneath the clamping ring. Adjust the bushing in position and
clamp with nuts and washers.
(ix) Fit the arcing horns in appropriate position.
(x) Two nuts are provided at the top of stem for connecting the supply
lines. (xi) Care must be taken that no loose part falls into transformer
(xii) Release air by loosening the stem and slightly pushing it down wards.

Changing of insulator in case of failure

(i) Disconnect the transformer from supply lines.
(ii) Drop the oil level below the mounting hole on
tank. (iii) Remove the arcing horns.
(iv) Remove the top cap by unscrewing the nuts at the top. Hold the soldered
stem with lead securely so that it does not slip in tank or get damaged
while removing the porcelain.
(v) Remove the defective porcelain by removing the fixing nuts on the studs
and clamping members. While removing the porcelain care must be taken
not to damage the inside soldered joint and the threaded part of stem.
(vi) Assemble the new porcelain as given in Erection of Bushing.
Bushing (through stem type)
Through stem bushing :-
(a) Outdoor through stem type porcelain
bushing. (b) Cable box type type porcelain bushing.
(c ) Cable box type epoxy bushings.

Erection of bushing
Outdoor through stem type porcelain bushing :
(i) Lower the oil level below the bushing mounting hole on tank.
(ii) Assemble sealing washer, bottom porcelain (in case of two part bushing) and fix
winding lead to stem and clamp nut with stem.
(iii) Insert the assembled stem through the bushing hole from of tank. Inspection
inside opening provided on cover may be used.
(iv) Lay sealing washer on bushing mounting hole from outside.
(v) Assembly the top insulator over the protruded stem.
(vi) Assembly brass washer, sealing washer and nuts on the top
(vii) stem. Connect the winding line lead at the end of stem.

(viii) Care must be taken that no loose part falls into transformer tank.
(ix) For the replacement of outside part of porcelain, complete bushing need not
be disconnected. Outside porcelain can be removed by removing the outside nuts
and sealing washers, keeping the stem in position.

Cable Box Terminal

(i) Drop oil level below the bushing fixing hole on the
tank. (ii) Lay sealing washers on tank hole.
(iii) Insert the bushing through the hole in the tank. Assemble resilient washer and
bushing clamp over fixing stud of bushing.
(iv) Clamp the bushing adequately by the screwing nut over the
clamp. (v) Connect the winding line lead at the end of the stem.
(vi) Care must be taken that no loose part falls into the transformer tank.
Topping up of transformer oil
Topping up of oil is required for transformers which have been dispatched with lowered oil
(i) Oil should be topped up only after fitting conservator pipe work, explosion vent,
HV, LV terminal arrangement and CT terminals, Oil level is lowered 20 mm below the
tank cover, and under no circumstances it should be reduced further which might
expose the switch and windings to the moisture in atmosphere.
(ii) Oil used for topping up is delivered in tins, drums should be tested for
dielectric strength before topping up. Clean and dry oil must be used for topping up.
(iii) While filling oil, it is preferable to pass oil through filter plant. Ensure that filter
papers are new and clean.
(iv) Conservator may be filled up until oil level reaches ‘’ Filling Level’’ mark for prevailing
temperature (30 deg.C).

Detachable Radiators
Normally radiators are attached to the tank, if they are dismantled for the transport, they
should be reassembled on the tank as follows :

(i) Radiators entries are blanked with blanking plates. Remove blanking plate and
inspect inside of radiators.
(ii) If the inside portion is corroded, clean with sand paper and remove the rust, dust
etc. (iii) Flush radiators with clean transformer oil.
(iv) Remove blanking plates from top and bottom radiator valves fitted on tank. Care
should be taken to keep radiator valves in closed position while mounting the
radiators. It is likely that valves may leak slightly clean containers may be kept under
valve to collect oil.
(v) Dry and clean oil should be filled in each radiator immediately as soon as it is
mounted, keeping both top and bottom valves closed while filling oil. Open
bottom valve between radiator and tank keeping top air release vent open to
drive away locked air inside the radiator. Top valve should be open till oil with cut
air bubbles flows out.
(vi) After few hours of filling of all the radiators, air release vents at top should be
opened again to drive away accumulated air due to suspended air bubbles.
(vii) Finally top valve should be opened.
(viii) Care should be taken while mounting the radiators and filling with oil, there is always
reserve oil in the conservator and topped up continuously, if necessary. Oil level
should never drop below, ‘’ Filling level’’ mark. Air should be allowed to enter in the
conservator through silicagel breather only to exclude moisture from the air entering
the conservator. Filling hole of conservator should be always kept closed after use.
(ix) After opening the radiator valves should be locked in position by fitting cap in
proper position. Arrow indication should be towards ‘’OPEN’’.
Temperature Indicator

(i) Oil temperature indicators are generally of two types, one with rigid stem and the
other type with capillary tube. They are fitted with temperature sensing elements at
the end of rigid stem or capillary tube.
Winding temperature Indicator is provided with capillary tube with sensing element
(bulb) at the end of tube. Sensing elements are enclosed in metal bulb, which are
fitted in pockets provided on tank over in the hottest oil region.

(ii) Before inserting temperature sensing bulb inside the pocket, transformer oil or heat
conducting grease should be filled in pocket. The union coupling on the bulb
should be screwed tightly on the pocket so that water does not penetrate inside the
(iii) Capillary tube of instrument must be routed and fixed such a way that it suffers less
risk of being pinched or bent or cut off. Plastic straps are provided with
each instrument for fixing the tube. Surplus length of tube should not be cut off
since the pressure balanced system will be destroyed. Tube may be made into loop
more than
150 mm diameter and tied to tank in suitable position. Utmost care should be taken
while fitting sensing bulb in the pocket since it is likely that capillary tube may form
sharp bends and damage the instrument.
(iv) Instruments are calibrated and under no circumstances indicator pointer should be
moved by hand or bent, as it might suffer permanent damage. If the instrument is not
giving correct temperature indication as a result of improper handling or any other
cause, it may be calibrated as given in instrument’s pamphlet.

(v) Winding temperature indicator (with a separate heater pocket). Temperature sensing
bulb provided at the end of capillary should be fitted in the heater pocket in housing
fitted on tank cover. Two terminals provided in housing are connected to the heating
coil of heater pocket inside the housing (outside tank) and to current transformer
secondary terminals from the inside of tank. (These are normally connected before
dispatch of transformer). Housing is air filled. Instrument is housed in the marshalling

Marshalling Box
Box should be fitted on transformer and leads from various instruments should be connected to
terminal blocks in respective positions. Outgoing leads from customers instruments and control
panels should be also connected in position. Gland plates are normally provided undrilled,
which are required to be drilled at the site to take the cables.
Off Circuit Switch
(i) Switch should be operated to inspect that it moves freely and locks in every
tap position.
(ii) Locking arrangement should be checked and padlock provided.

(iii) Care must be taken that no loose part falls into transformer tank.

(iv) For the replacement of outside part of porcelain, complete bushing need not
be disconnected. Outside porcelain can be removed by removing the outside nuts
and sealing washers, keeping the stem in position.

Cable Box Terminal

(i) Drop oil level below the bushing fixing hole on the
tank. (ii) Lay sealing washers on tank hole.
(iii) Insert the bushing through the hole in the tank. Assemble resilient washer and
bushing clamp over fixing stud of bushing.
(iv) Clamp the bushing adequately by the screwing nut over the
clamp. (v) Connect the winding line lead at the end of the stem.
(vi) Care must be taken that no loose part falls into the transformer tank.

Topping up of transformer oil

Topping up of oil is required for transformers which have been dispatched with lowered oil
(i) Oil should be topped up only after fitting conservator pipe work, explosion vent,
HV, LV terminal arrangement and CT terminals, Oil level is lowered 20 mm below the
tank cover, and under no circumstances it should be reduced further which might
expose the switch and windings to the moisture in atmosphere.
(ii) Oil used for topping up is delivered in tins, drums should be tested for
dielectric strength before topping up. Clean and dry oil must be used for topping up.
(iii) While filling oil, it is preferable to pass oil through filter plant. Ensure that filter
papers are new and clean.
(iv) Conservator may be filled up until oil level reaches ‘’ Filling Level’’ mark for prevailing
temperature (30 deg.C).

Detachable Radiators
Normally radiators are attached to the tank, if they are dismantled for the transport, they
should be reassembled on the tank as follows :
(i) Radiators entries are blanked with blanking plates. Remove blanking plate and
inspect inside of radiators.
(ii) If the inside portion is corroded, clean with sand paper and remove the rust, dust
etc. (iii) Flush radiators with clean transformer oil.
(iv) Remove blanking plates from top and bottom radiator valves fitted on tank. Care
should be taken to keep radiator valves in closed position while mounting the
radiators. It is likely that valves may leak slightly clean containers may be kept under
valve to collect oil.
(v) Dry and clean oil should be filled in each radiator immediately as soon as it is
mounted, keeping both top and bottom valves closed while filling oil. Open
bottom valve between radiator and tank keeping top air release vent open to
drive away locked air inside the radiator. Top valve should be open till oil with cut
air bubbles flows out.
(vi) After few hours of filling of all the radiators, air release vents at top should be
opened again to drive away accumulated air due to suspended air bubbles.
(vii) Finally top valve should be opened.
(viii) Care should be taken while mounting the radiators and filling with oil, there is always
reserve oil in the conservator and topped up continuously, if necessary. Oil level
should never drop below, ‘’ Filling level’’ mark. Air should be allowed to enter in the
conservator through silicagel breather only to exclude moisture from the air entering
the conservator. Filling hole of conservator should be always kept closed after use.
(ix) After opening the radiator valves should be locked in position by fitting cap in
proper position. Arrow indication should be towards ‘’OPEN’’.

Temperature Indicator

(i) Oil temperature indicators are generally of two types, one with rigid stem and the
other type with capillary tube. They are fitted with temperature sensing elements at
the end of rigid stem or capillary tube.

Winding temperature Indicator is provided with capillary tube with sensing element
(bulb) at the end of tube. Sensing elements are enclosed in metal bulb, which are
fitted in pockets provided on tank over in the hottest oil region.

(ii) Before inserting temperature sensing bulb inside the pocket, transformer oil or heat
conducting grease should be filled in pocket. The union coupling on the bulb
should be screwed tightly on the pocket so that water does not penetrate inside the
(iii) Capillary tube of instrument must be routed and fixed such a way that it suffers less
risk of being pinched or bent or cut off. Plastic straps are provided with
each instrument for fixing the tube. Surplus length of tube should not be cut off
since the pressure balanced system will be destroyed. Tube may be made into loop
more than
150 mm diameter and tied to tank in suitable position. Utmost care should be taken
while fitting sensing bulb in the pocket since it is likely that capillary tube may form
sharp bends and damage the instrument.
(iv) Instruments are calibrated and under no circumstances indicator pointer should be
moved by hand or bent, as it might suffer permanent damage. If the instrument is not
giving correct temperature indication as a result of improper handling or any other
cause, it may be calibrated as given in instrument’s pamphlet.

(v) Winding temperature indicator (with a separate heater pocket). Temperature sensing
bulb provided at the end of capillary should be fitted in the heater pocket in housing
fitted on tank cover. Two terminals provided in housing are connected to the heating
coil of heater pocket inside the housing (outside tank) and to current transformer
secondary terminals from the inside of tank. (These are normally connected before
dispatch of transformer). Housing is air filled. Instrument is housed in the marshalling

Marshalling Box
Box should be fitted on transformer and leads from various instruments should be connected to
terminal blocks in respective positions. Outgoing leads from customers instruments and control
panels should be also connected in position. Gland plates are normally provided undrilled,
which are required to be drilled at the site to take the cables.

Off Circuit Switch

(i) Switch should be operated to inspect that it moves freely and locks in every
tap position.
(ii) Locking arrangement should be checked and padlock provided.

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