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Present Simple

I take photos.

Photos are taken (by me).

Present Continuous

I am taking photos

Photos are being taken (by me).

Present Perfect

I have taken photos.

Photos have been taken (by me).

Past Simple

I took photos.

Photos were taken (by me).

Past Continuous

I was taking photos.

Photos were being taken (by me).

Past Perfect

I had taken photos.

Photos had been taken (by me).

Future Simple

I will take photos.

Photos will be taken (by me).

Czasowniki modalne

I must take photos.

Photos must be taken (by me).

I can't take photos.

Photos can't be taken (by me).

They believe that he is ill. - strona czynna

He is believed to be ill. (konstrukcja osobowa)

It is believed that he is ill. (konstrukcja bezosobowa)

1. Utwórz słowa od podanych w nawiasie, by zdania były prawidłowe.
1. The teacher is checking ……………………………. (attend)
2. He's a (profession) ………………………………… football player.
3. This student is very (imagination) ……………………………, he has lots of creative ideas.
4. Do you like to (competition) ………………………………with others?
5. Are you allowed to use (calculate) ………………………………….. during Math lesson?
6. Who's (absence) ……………………………….. today?
7. A student has to be the best in school to get a (scholar)………………….. It it $20000.
8. Do you have to (memory)……………………………………… these expressions to pass the exam?
9. I love watching (advertise) …………………………………. on TV, they are so funny!
10. She’s been waiting for her (deliver) …………………….. but the postman hasn’t come yet.
11. Have you filled in your job (apply) ………………………… yet?
12. Is it easy to become a (law) …………………………… ? Do you have to study a lot?
13. My father is (employ)…………………………. , only my mum works.
14. In the summer I always do some sort of (season)………………………… job, e.g. picking fruit.
15. Are you in a (relation)…………………… or are you single?
16. What’s your favourite form of (entertain)……………………………?
17. It’s not even November yet and the Christmas (decorate)………………… are already
18. Do you want to …………………………………. (wrap) your present and see what is inside?
19. Does your family (celebrate)…………………………….. Easter?
20. My grandmother has a very special (day) ……………………… routine, she does everything in a
special order every day.
21. When is the best time to start (prepare)……………………………. for the wedding?
22. This is a very (colour) ……………………….. picture.
23. Isn’t he the most talented (music)……………………… in the world?!
24. The film was really (disappoint) ……………………………… , I was expecting more from it.
25. My grandmother once wrote a (collect)…………………. of short stories for children.
26. Did you see the artists’ (perform)……………………… last night? It was awesome.
27. Who’s your favourite film (direct)…………………………. ?
28. I went to an (exhibit)………………………….. last night, it was really interesting.
29. Have you seen the (document)…………………………. about the terrorist attacks?
30. He's a famous fashion……………………… (Design). Do you know him?
31. Being a film ……………. (direct) requires having a lot of money, doesn't it?
32. My English ……………….. (teach) in high school used to make us learn a lot of vocabulary, I
thank her for that now.
33. Good evening, I'll be your ………….. (wait) this evening, would you like to have a look at the
34. My ……………. (employ) told me I will get a pay rise as soon as I finish the project on time, isn't
that great?!
35. Who is your favourite ……………….. (act) ? Angelina Jolie or Jody Foster?
36. Pablo Picasso was a great ……………….. (paint) , I love his work.
37. The …………………………… (create) of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg.
39. Stop eating ……………………. food, you’ll gain weight. HEALTH
40. This sofa looks so…………………………… , I think I’ll have a seat. COMFORT
41. Why did you decide to sell this dress? It was so ……………………. . BEAUTY
42. His family never had much money, they were always quite ………………………. POVERTY
43. The city centre has always been very busy and the streets have always been ………… , it’s
always been like that. CROWD
44. We can't help you here, you have to go to hospital, you need ……………….. help. PROFESSION
45. Have you ever visited countries in ………………………. Europe? EAST
46. He died of ……………………………. causes. He was just too old to make it. NATURE

2. Utwórz zdania o takim samym znaczeniu jak zdanie wyżej.

1. Can you send messages to your friends? ALLOWED
…………………………………… messages to your friends ?
2. How many pizzas can you eat during a week? ALLOWED
How many pizzas …………………………………….. during a week?
3. Are your friends allowed to use the Internet at night? CAN
……………………………………………. at night?
4. Do you let your cat sleep in your bed? ALLOWED
………………………………………………….. in your bed?
5. Are you allowed to use Facebook? CAN
…………………………………………………………… Facebook?
6. My parents let me go out whenever I want. CAN
I …………………………………………………………………………… want.
7. I am allowed to watch TV in the evening. CAN
………………………………………………………………………… in the evening.
8. My teacher makes me write one essay every day. HAVE TO
……………………………………………………………………. one essay every day.
9. It's forbidden to use electronic devices here. MUST NOT
You ……………………………………………………. electronic devices here.
10. It's not necessary for me to clean the windows. HAVE TO
……………………………………………………………… the windows.
11. Her parents don't let her stay up late on weekdays. MUST NOT
She …………………………………………………………………. on weekdays.
12. Students are made to read two books every month. HAVE
………………………………………………… two books every month.
13. I have to tidy up my bedroom every evening because my parents say so. MAKE
My parents ………………………………………………………… my bedroom every evening.
14. They have to listen to their father. MUST
…………………………………………………………………… to their father.
3. Utwórz przeczenia do czasu Past Perfect
1. I had seen it before. I ………………………………….. it before.
2. The teacher had corrected the testes earlier. The teacher …………………………… the testes
3. It had been broken before. It ……………………………………….. before.
4. She had driven this car before that. She ……………………………………………this car before that.
5. I had taken this course before you did. I ………………………………………… this course before you
6. She'd written the email before she called you. She …………………………………………….. the email
before she called you.
7. They had broken into my house. They…………………………………….. into my house.
8. He'd stolen money from the bank. He ……………………………………. money from the bank.
9. I had forgotten how to drive a car. I ………………………………………………… to drive a car.
10. My parents had been on that boat earlier. My parents ………………………………… on that boat
4. Past Simple i Past Perfect
1. I (not / be) ……………………………………. interested in modern art until I (visit)
……………………………………. the Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków.
2. By the time Mark (turn) ……………………………….. 10 years old, he (learn) …………………………..
three foreign languages.
3. Before the children (have) …………………………….. lunch, they (eat) ……………………………….. two
packets of crisps and a bar of chocolate.
4. My grandparents (travel) …………………….. to many countries until they finally (decide)
……………………….. to settle in Ohio.
5. I wanted to help mum in the kitchen, but when I (come) …………………………home, I saw that
she (do) …………………………. everything herself.
6. When I (arrive) ………………………… at my office this morning, I realized I (leave)
………………………….. my phone at home.
7. Meghan (not / hear) …………………………………………. that song until I (sing) ……………………………
it to her yesterday.
8. James (practise) ……………………………….. playing many songs before he (take) …………………….
part in the school talent show.
9. When the firemen (enter) ………………………………. the building, most of the rooms (be)
…………………………………… damaged by flames.
10. To be honest, this movie (not / be) …………………………………. what I (expect)
……………………………….. I’m really disappointed.
5. Past simple, continuous, perfect.
1. I …………………………….. (meet) a lot of famous people when I …………………………..(go) to
California last year.
2. Before I even (have) ……………………….. a chance to express my opinion, they
…………………………. (already / make) their decision.
3. Charlotte (begin)…………………………….. to work for this software company in 2010.
4. We ……………………………(put) up our tents when we suddenly ……………………………(hear) a
5. While we ……………………………………. (admire) the waterfall, Jenny ……………………..(feed) wild
6. By the time the rescuers ………………………………. (reach) the village, floodwaters
………………………………….(destroy) a lot of buildings.
7. When William (read) ………………………………..the news about his favourite singer’s death, he
(sit) ……………………………… the station.
8. Liam ………………………………….(date) Olivia for two years before he …………………..(propose) to
9. I…………………………………. (not / remember) to lock the door last night.
10. The carpenter…………………………….. (hurt) his finger while he (cut) …………………….that long
oak plank.
6. Mowa zależna
1. I want to go to the cinema.
Jack said that …………………………………………….. to the cinema.
2. My friends don't like studying.
Jack said that ……………………………………………………………. studying.
3. I hate Maths.
Jack said that ……………………………………………………… Maths.
4.My parents help me with my homework.
Jack said that …………………………………………………………… homework.
5.Mary doesn't read fantasy books.
Jack said that ………………………………………………………. fantasy books.
6. Students in my class are very noisy.
Jack said that …………………………………………………. very noisy.
7.My dog barks at night.
Jack said that ………………………………………………………………. at night.
8.My cousin looks like a model.
Jack said that ………………………………………………………….. like a model.
9.My little sister always forgets to brush her teeth in the evening.
Jack said that ………………………………………………………………….. her teeth in the evening.
10. My teacher never gives us homework.
Jack said that …………………………………………………………………. homework.
11. I saw my best friend last night.
Carol said that …………………………………………… the night before.
12. My parents went on holidays yesterday.
Carol said that ………………………………………………………… the day before.
13. My boyfriend gave me flowers for Valentine's Day.
Carol said that ……………………………………………………… for Valentine’s Day.
14. My teachers didn't ask about homework.
Carol said that …………………………………………………………… about homework.
15. My brother argued with me about the computer games all night.
Carol said that ……………………………………………. about the computer games all night.
16. I didn't want to watch that boring film.
Carol said that ………………………………………………………… that boring film.
17. Mike came home late and didn't want to talk to me.
Carol said that …………………………………………………………………….to talk to her.
18. The dogs ran away.
Carol said that …………………………………………………………. away.
19. The TV set didn't work so we were bored.
Carol said that ………………………………………………………………….. bored.
20. The coffee wasn't very good so I drank some tea.
Carol said that …………………………………………………………………………….. some tea.

7. Dialogi – zadania egzaminacyjne (max 4 słowa)

1. Mother: I have heard that there’s a new student in your class?

Jessica: Yes, (true) ………………………… .
Mother: What’s his name?
Jessica: His name is Paul. He’s really kind, but a bit shy.
Mother: Tell me something more about him. What (look) …………………………. ?
Jessica: Well, he is rather short and slim. He has spiky blond hair…
Mother: Why (invite) ……………………………………………. him to your birthday party? It would
be a great chance for him to get to know other classmates and make friends.
Jessica: Hmm, I’ll think about it.
2. Mr. Jenkins: Good afternoon! Are you our new neighbour?
Mr. Smith: Good afternoon! Yes, I (in) ……………………………. yesterday.
Mr. Jenkins: So, how do you like it here?
Mr. Smith: I love it! It’s so quiet and peaceful. But can you tell me if there is a pharmacy
near here?
Mr. Jenkins: Yes, there’s one in Park Street. You have to go straight ahead and take
……………………………… (second) the left. The pharmacy is next to the café.
Mr. Smith: Great! Thank you!
Mr. Jenkins: ………………………………………….(mention) .

3. Mum: How was school today?

Mike: Terrible.
Mum: Oh dear, will you tell me ………………………………… (happened) ?
Mike: While ………………………………………….. (running) the classroom, I tripped and fell.
Everyone laughed at me. Then there was an unexpected quick test in maths… I’m afraid
I’m going to fail...
Mum: …………………………………………………………(sorry) hear that but don’t worry. Even if you
fail, you can retake the test and get a satisfactory grade.
Mike: I hope so…

4. Kevin: Did you watch the match yesterday?

Ben: What match?
Kevin: Football! Leicester played against Fulham!
Ben: No, I didn’t. To be honest, I’m (keen) ………………………………….. football.
Kevin: Are you serious?!
Ben: Yes, I was never …………………………………………….(interested) sports. My hobby is
music, so I prefer watching music videos or singing competition shows on TV.
Kevin: But that’s boring! Football games are so exciting!
Ben: I’m sorry, but …………………………………………….. (agree) with you.

5. Lucy: Grandma, I’d like to make chocolate chip cookies, but I don’t know all the
necessary ingredients. Can ……………………………………………………………………(help) ?
Grandma: Of course, darling. You’ll need flour, butter, sugar and eggs.
Lucy: (how) ………………………………………………… eggs will I need?
Grandma: Just two. And don’t forget about a teaspoon of baking soda and a little bit of
salt. And... chocolate chips!
Lucy: OK, I’ll note that down. So, what (should) ……………………………………………. all these
Grandma: It’s very easy. Simply mix everything together and bake for about 12 minutes
in the preheated oven.
Lucy: Thank you so much, Grandma!
Grandma: You’re welcome, my dear.
6. Daniel: Look, that chair ……………………………………… (made) plastic, but it seems wooden
when you first look at it.
Jake: You are right! And did you know that plastic ……………………………………. (invented)
Daniel: No, I didn’t. That was a long time ago!
Jake: Yeah, the inventor’s name was Leo Baekeland. He was a Belgian-American chemist.
Daniel: Where do you know all that from?
Jake: Well, last year I did some online research for my school project and I
…………………………… (across) that science website where I found a lot of interesting
information about plastic.
Daniel: Oh, what is the address of the website?
Jake: I don’t remember, but I’ll email it to you as soon as I get home.

8. Mini dialogi – max 3 słowa

1.Can ……………………………………….. your name for me, please?

It’s J-O-H-N-S-O-N
2.What does your mum ………………………………………………. ?
She’s tall and slim. She has long brown hair and hazel eyes.
3.What are you most …………………………………….. in?
Motorcycles and cars. I know everything about them!
4.………………………………………….you born?
In London, England.
5.……………………………………………….your father weigh?
85 kg.
6.I love learning English!
……………………………………… ! I love it as well!
7.…………………………………….you finish school on Wednesdays?
At a quarter past one.
8. Mary didn’t pass her exams!
Oh, no! What …………………………………………………………!
9. My girlfriend has broken up with me.
I’m ……………………………………………. hear that.
10. Who’s ……………………………………………….. person in your family?
My great-grandfather, he’s 97 years old!
11. Tom, meet my parents.
How are you? It’s a ……………………………………………………… you.
12. Happy birthday, Mary!
13. I’m free tonight. Any suggestions?
Why …………………………………….. go to the cinema?
14. Could you pass me the salt, please?
Sure. ., …………………………………………..
Thank you.
15. - Are you …………………………………………….. , sir?
Yes, I'll have a steak and a salad, please.
16. - Do ……………………………………………………… sugar in your tea?
No, thank you.
17. What did you ……………………………….. this film? Did you like it?
Not really.
18. - The exhibition was quite boring, …………………………….. think?
Actually, I don't . I thought it was fascinating!
19. What’s your favourite …………………………………………… music?
I love rock music.
20. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
Yes, ……………………………………………. love to!
21. What’s your favourite TV show?
I …………………………………………………………………………… one, because I don’t watch TV.

9. Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji wybierz właściwą reakcję: A, B lub C.

1. Ktoś zapytał cię czy może usiąść obok ciebie w pociągu. Co odpowiesz?
a) Sure, go ahead. B) No, thank you. C) Yes, you do.
2. kolega proponuje, że wspólnie obejrzycie film. Przyjmij propozycję.
a) That's OK. B) That's a great idea! C) I don't feel like it.
3. Koledzy biorą udział w zawodach sportowych. Co powiesz?
a) Congratulations! B) Well done! C) Good luck!
4. Koleżanka pyta cię jaki jest twój nowy kolega. Co odpowiesz?
A) He's very tall. B) He's over there. C) He's really friendly.
5. Rozmawiasz z kolegą i chcesz przyznać mu rację. Co powiesz?
a) I think so. B) I disagree. C) You're right.
6. Dzwownisz do lekarza aby umówić wizytę. Co powiesz?
a) I'd like to make an appointment. B) Would you like to make an appointment? C) I
think I should make an appointment.
7. Koledze nie podobała się książka, którą przeczytał. Jak powiesz, że Tobie też nie?
a) I liked it too. B) I didn't like it either. C) Me too.
8. Koleżanka powiedziała coś z czym się nie zgadzam. Jak to powiesz w sposób uprzejmy?
a) I'm afraid I don't agree with you. B) You're wrong. C) I don't think so.
9. Jak zapytasz kolegę czy ma ochotę pójść popływać?
a) Do you feel like going swimming? B) How are you feeling? C) Do you like swimming?
10. Chcesz zapytać kolegę czy kiedykolwiek był w Austalii. Jak to zrobisz?
a) Do you go to Australia? B) Have you ever been to Australia? C)When are you going to

10 Transformacje – max 3 wyrazy

1. “I am sorry I broke your phone”, said Tony. (FOR)

Tony…………………………………………………… my phone.
2. The last time I saw you was in August. (HAVE)
I ………………………………………………… since August.
3. My brother is too short to be a basketball player. (NOT)
My brother ………………………………………. to be a basketball player.
4. The final exam was easier than I thought. (NOT)
The final exam …………………………………………. as I thought.
5. Do you feel like going out? (WOULD)
…………………………………………………….. to go out?
6. Are you interested in Geography? (KEEN)
Are ……………………………………………………. Geography?
7. There is no milk in the fridge. (ANY)
There ………………………………………………. in the fridge.
8. I won’t talk to him if he doesn’t apologize. (UNLESS)
…………………………………………………………………. I won't talk to him .
9. It was raining. This is why we didn’t go out. (BECAUSE)
We didn't go out …………………………………………….. raining .
10. Paris is bigger than Warsaw. (AS)
Warsaw …………………………………………………………………. as Paris.
11. Tom is such a handsome man. (SO)
Tom ………………………………………………………….
12. Despite the bad weather we went jogging. (ALTHOUGH)
………………………………………………………………. was bad we went jogging.
13. They very rarely study. (HARDLY)
They ……………………………………………………………….. .
14. Mike said sorry to me. (APOLOGIZE)
Mike …………………………………………………………….
15. You should stop smoking. (UP)
You should …………………………………………………….. .
16. Everyone must wear a helmet. (BE)
Helmets ………………………………………………………………..
17. Anita was the only girl who didn’t like pizza. (APART)
Everyone liked pizza ……………………………………………………… Anita .
18. “I’m going out”, my mum said. (WAS)
My mum said that ………………………………………………….. out .
19. Does this T-shirt belong to you? (YOURS)
Is ………………………………………………………………… ?
20. I have an intention to take up judo this year. (GOING)
……………………………………………………………. take up judo this year.
21. I haven’t seen you for such a long time! (AGES)
I haven't seen ……………………………………………………………..
22. Tom likes Mary and Mary likes Tom. (EACH)
Tom and Mary like …………………………………………………. .
23. Steve isn’t as smart as Alex. (THAN)
Alex is …………………………………………………………….
24. Passengers are not allowed to smoke here. (NOT)
Passengers ………………………………………………………. here .
25. There is no sugar left. (ANY)
………………………………………………………………. sugar left .
26. I was so tired that I could not concentrate on the lesson. (TOO)
I …………………………………………………………. to concentrate on the lesson .
27. Why don't we go to the parade? (HOW)
……………………………………………………………… to the parade?
28. I hired someone to wash my car last week. (HAD)
…………………………………………………. car washed last week.
29. The train will leave any time now. (ABOUT)
The train is …………………………………..
30. Was there anyone in your life who disappointed you? (LET)
Was there anyone in your life who ………………………………… ?
31. The workers are cleaning the office. (IS)
The office ………………………………………………. by the workers.
32. My advice to you is to talk to the manager of the shop. (WERE)
If I ………………………………………………………………. would talk to the manager of the shop.
33. This computer is $85. The one we saw yesterday was $65. (EXPENSIVE)
This computer IS ……………………………………….. the one we saw yesterday.
34. If it doesn’t rain, we will go out. (UNLESS)
We will go out …………………………………………………….. .
35. You are 170 cm tall. Tom’s height is the same. (TALL)
I am ………………………………………………………….. Tom .
36. Why wasn’t Tom present during the lesson? (ABSENT)
Why …………………………………………………………… during the lesson ?
37. All the people know the new singer. (EVERYONE)
………………………………………………………… the new singer.
38. If we don’t hurry up, we’ll miss the bus. (UNLESS)
………………………………………………………….. up, we'll miss the bus.
39. We were having dinner. The phone rang in the middle of dinner. (WHILE)
………………………………………………….. having dinner the phone rang.
40. While Sue was talking on the phone Steve came in the room. (WHEN)
Sue was talking on the phone ………………………………………… in the room.

11. Transformacje – max 4 słowa

1. This time, make no mistakes. DON’T
……………………………………………………. this time.
2. We don’t have to tidy up. NEED
There’s ………………………………………….. us to tidy up.
3. My cousins found out about my engagement six weeks ago. FOR
My cousins have known about my engagement …………………………………..
4. It wasn’t necessary for Claudia to take part in interviews. DIDN’T
Claudia ………………………………………………………… part in interviews.
5. Paul got divorced thirteen years ago. BEEN
Paul has ………………………………………………… thirteen years.
6. Were you allowed to present on stage? LET
Did they ……………………………………………………. on stage?
7. Could you lend me your camera? BORROW
………………………………………………………………your camera?
8. I last saw my cousin two years ago. FOR
I haven’t seen my cousin ……………………………………...
9. Can I leave my bike in your storage room? MIND
…………………………………………………. I leave my bike in your storage room?
10. My husband is so handsome. SUCH
My husband ……………………………………………….. man.
11. My legs hurt more if I walk longer. THE
The more I walk, ………………………………………………………….. hurt.
12. Julie got divorced two years ago. BEEN
Julie………………………………………. two years.
13. Caroline wasn’t as helpful as other co-workers. MORE
Other co-workers ……………………………………………. Caroline.
14. What are your plans for Christmas break? GOING
What …………………………………………… do during Christmas break?
15. If we start earlier, we’ll get there sooner. THE
The earlier we start, …………………………………………….. there.
16. Does William love Angie? IN
Is William …………………………………….. Angie?
17. Are you keen on photography? INTERESTED
……………………………………………… photography?
18. Alan said Polly broke the window. ACCUSED
Alan ………………………………………………………………. breaking the window.
19. It’s probable that there is heavy traffic now. MIGHT
There ………………………………………………………. now.
20. Jason lives further away from school than me. CLOSER
I live ………………………………………………………… Jason.
21. What are Helen’s plans for summer holidays? GOING
What …………………………………………………. do during summer holidays?
22. Thomas drives carefully. DRIVER
Thomas ………………………………………………………… .
23. If our new classmate doesn’t become friendlier, no one will like her. UNLESS
No one will like our new classmate ……………………………………… friendlier.
24. My plan for this weekend is to relax and have fun. GOING
I ……………………………………………………. and have fun this weekend.
25. Mrs Jones is well-known because of the delicious cakes she bakes. FAMOUS
Mrs Jones …………………………………………………………………… her delicious cakes.
26. Is Victoria fond of painting? KEEN
Is Victoria ……………………………………………….. ?
27. Are these your glasses? YOURS
Are …………………………………………………. ?
28. They will send me the draft next week. SENT
The draft …………………………………………….. me next week.
29. The idea was so controversial that we couldn’t accept it. TOO
The idea was ………………………………………………………………….
30. Brie used to hate her brother and her brother used to hate her. EACH
Brie and her brother used …………………………………………………..
31. If you don’t repair the washing machine, I won’t wash your clothes. UNLESS
I won’t wash your clothes ……………………………………………………. the washing machine.
32. I said I was sorry that I had been rude. APOLOGIZED
I …………………………………………………………………….. rude .
33. Do you have anything against if I leave now? MIND
Do ……………………………………………………………………….. leave now?
34. Do you let your children go out at night? ALLOWED
…………………………………………………. to go out at night?
35. Today is such a sunny day. SO
It ………………………………………….. today.
36. The old plan was more convenient than the new one. AS
The new plan ……………………………………………………….. the old one.
37. There are several reasons why I don’t want to join you. FEW
There …………………………………………………… why I don’t want to join you.
38. Did your teacher let you explain everything? ALLOWED
………………………………………………………… explain everything?
39. I’m a very good swimmer. WELL
I ……………………………………………………………………… .
40. Someone stole my bag while I was having a lunch break. DURING
Someone stole my bag …………………………………………………….. break.
41. My team is creating a new set of rules. CREATED
A new set of rules …………………………………………….. my team.
42. Liam went to the barber who cut his hair yesterday. HAD
Liam …………………………………………………….. yesterday.
43. It looks as if Paula's forgotten about the meeting again. HAVE
Paula …………………………………………………… the meeting again.
44. No one expected Bob to win. SURPRISE
Bob’s victory ………………………………………………………. everyone.

12. Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań – max 3 słowa

1. Why (grasz) …………………………………………….. this silly computer game now?
2. It’s (najdroższy) ……………………………………………………….. watch in the shop.
3. Mark teaches people (jak prowadzić)…………………………………………… a car.
4. Paulo Coelho’s books (są sprzedawane) ………………………………………… in millions of copies.
5. An hour ago (był)………………………………………….. a serious car accident in High Street.
6. (Wróciłem) …………………………………….. home and then it started to rain.
7. I (nigdy nie widziałam) ……………………………………. such a good movie.
8. (Zdejmij) ……………………………………………… your jacket. It’s hot in here.
9. Mark finished (naprawiać) ………………………………………. his bike and went for a ride.
10. I ……………………………………… (złamałam nogę) last year.
11. Justyna Kowalczyk (wygrała) ……………………………………………. the gold medal in Oslo in 2013.
12. You shouldn’t eat (zbyt dużo tłuszczu) ……………………………………… . It’s unhealthy!
13. Have (kiedykolwiek grałaś) ………………………………………… tennis?
14. This is not just another sci-fi film. It’s brilliant. You (musisz go obejrzeć)
15. “Home Alone?” Not again! (Ten film) ……………………………… is on TV every Christmas.
16. How often (chodzisz) …………………………………….. to the local art gallery?
17. The grapes weren’t (wystarczająco świeże) …………………………………………….. so I didn’t buy

13. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z nawiasów

1. Yesterday I (watch) …………………………………. a film when my mum came into my room and told
me to do my homework.
2. John loves his dog but he doesn’t allow (it/jump) ………………………….. onto his bed.
3. I (not go/ski) ………………………………….. last winter because my leg was broken.
4. How many books (you/read)………………………… since we last met?
5. I (shop) …………………………………… in town when I saw the demonstration.
6. Don't you think that Martin Luther King was (important) ……………………….. person in American
7. My brother (enjoy/read)…………………………………. about people who have changed the world.
8. My sister would (love/be) ……………………………………….. a great politician in the future.
9. The students (work/hard) …………………………………………………….. at the moment.
10. We (have/exam) ……………………………………….. yesterday.
11. We ……………………………………….(be going to) visit our cousins this weekend.
12. What (you/want) ………………………………………… to do after school today?
13. The new stadium (be/complete) ………………………………………. 10 years ago.
14. Jane was such a nice girl when (I/meet/ she) ………………………………….. last year.
15. This bag is hers, it’s not (I) ……………………………………………. .
16. (There/be) ……………………………………………………… 24 students in the classroom now.
17. This song (be/record) ………………………………… in 2010. It’s been very popular ever since.
18. How far do you (have to/run) ………………………………. to get there?
19. Bob (finish/drink/he) ……………………………………………… coffee, left the money on the table and
left the restaurant without a word.
20. Have (you/ever/listen) ……………………………………………………….. to this type of music? It’s so
loud. I can’t stand it.
21. When he won the race he looked like (happy/person) ……………………….. in the entire world.
22. I fainted while the doctor (take) ……………………………………. my blood pressure.
23. Last night Chloe (decide/go)…………………………………….. out more often to meet new people.
She’s been a bit lonely lately.
24. Yesterday I (want / buy) ……………………….. a book but I couldn’t find the bookshop.
25. How long (you / have) ………………………………… this car?
26. Unless you hurry up, (you / be) ………………………………… late for school.
27. What is (beautiful) ……………………………………… city you have ever visited?
28. While my mum was cleaning the kitchen, I (mop) …………………………………. the floor . It all took
us 2 hours.
29. Your (hair / be) ……………………………………………… .too long. You should cut it.
30. The students (should / study) ………………………………….. harder if they want to pass.
31. Mike can't (afford / buy) …………………………………… such an expensive house.
32. I (not / finish / read) ……………………………………………. the book yet.
33. (If / John / come) ……………………………………… to school, I will talk to him.
34. Look at the cloudy sky. It's (rain) ……………………………………….
35. Do you think your team (win) ………………………………………………. the next tournament?
36. My parents …………………………………………… (go out) tonight. Would you like to visit me?
37. Chris was walking down the street when (someone / steal) …………………………………………….. his
38. She (not / be / interest) ……………………………………………… in music when she was a teenager.
39. Do you (mind / open) …………………………………………….. the window?
40. Yesterday at noon I (watch) ……………………………….. some series on Netflix.
41. Is Melissa a good (dance) ………………………………. ?
42. (Be / there) ……………………………………………. airport here in Gdansk?
43. Holly was so thirsty that she (stop / buy) ………………………………….. something to drink.
44. What is our grandma (go / bake) ……………………………………… for us tonight?
45. My friend is not allowed (drive / he / dad) …………………………………………… car.
46. How many (potato / I / should) ……………………………………………………
47. Who (be / tall) …………………………………………. person in your family?
48. Stop asking me questions. I (just / find out) ……………………………………. about this and I don’t
know much yet.
49. When (you / decide) ……………………………………….. to quit school?
50. Would you like (unwrap / you) ………………………………………… present now?
51. I (be / born) …………………………………………………………… in 1980. How about you?

14. Wielokrotnego wyboru zadania

1. Lucy usually gets up at half past eight, she 1. ………………. breakfast for her family, gets
2. ………………………… and leaves the house. She usually goes to school 3. …………………..
foot but today she is cycling. She finishes lessons in the afternoon, comes
4…………………. home and studies. In the evenings she 5…………………. a bath and goes
to bed.
1. A) makes B) does C) takes
2. A) dress B) dressed C)dressing
3. A) on B) - C) by
4. A) to B) at C) –
5. A) had B) has C) is having

2. Last night I 1………………… out to see my friend from school. I rang the doorbell but
2………………… opened the door. I waited 3……………….. some time but I realised the
house was empty so I decided 4…………… back home. Guess 5………………. was standing
in front of my house...
1. A) goed B) went C) gone
2. A) everyone B) someone C) no one
3. A) for B) to C) on
4. A) to go B) going C) go
5. A) what B) which C) who

3. If you enjoy 1…….. sports, you should 2……………. the new gym! It is fantastic. A
3………………. of people go there, the equipment is great and there are 4………………..
professional trainers who can help you stay fit. You can also go bowling there. If you
don't have the shoes, don't worry, you can 5……………. bowling shoes there. So, are
you interested?
1. A) do B) to do C) doing
2. A) join B) to join C) joining
3. A) lot B) a lot C) lots
4. A) some B) any C) few
5. A) lend B) rent C) share

4. So 1…………….. you haven't watched TV yesterday. Would you like to find 2………………
what had happened in the last episode of your favourite TV series? Then you should
watch our programme! We will give 3. ……………………a summary of the events. We
will also tell you 4…………………. people are so keen on soap operas and how the
producers make them 5…………………. to watching them.
1. A) say B) tell C) talk
2. A) in B) out C) to
3. A) you B) to you C) for you
4. A) who B) what C) why
5. A) addict B) addiction C) addicted

5. Hi Jake,
Do you remember that it's Mike's birthday tomorrow? Shall we buy 1………. a
present? I 2…………….. a really nice video game the other day. What do you reckon? Is
it 3………….. good idea? I think he would be happy with 4…………….. a present. Do you
agree? 5…………... me know.
Take care, Chris
1. A) him B) his C) he
2. A) have find B) have found C) has found
3. A) - B) a C) the
4. A) such B) so C) that
5. A) Let B) You let C) You will let

15. Tekst z lukami


Last weekend I went shopping for clothes, because I needed new trainers. It was a
real nightmare! The shopping centre was really crowded and I stood in a ………………….
for almost 30 minutes! I asked the cashier if I could pay ……………….. card, but she said
they only accepted cash. I spent another half an hour looking for an ATM. When I
finally found one, it turned out it was out of …………………….. !


Our new classmate’s name is Melissa. She comes from the USA, but her mum is
Polish. That’s why Melissa ………………… both Polish and English. She’s a bit shy, but
really …………………………. and helpful. Last week she prepared a presentation about
her hometown, which is Tampa in Florida. We saw some photos and asked her a lot
of questions about ……………………………… in America.


Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson are celebrating their 30 th ………………………………… anniversary
this week. They are going to throw a party for their family and friends. Their
daughter is preparing a special gift for her parents: a picture book with photographs
showing Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson from the day they got …………………………….. till now.
She’s put a lot of effort to gather……………………………………. photos and keep that a
secret. It will surely make her parents emotional.


This modern apartment consists ……………………. two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a
spacious living room and a kitchen. There is a huge grey carpet in the middle of the
living room and a comfortable sofa standing …………………………………. two armchairs.
On the left, you can see a fireplace. On the right, there’s a wooden bookshelf. There
are big windows, so the room is very …………………………………. . The kitchen is well-
equipped and in the bathrooms you’ll find both a bath and a shower.


If you want to be one of the best students at school, you have to work hard, be well-
organised and ambitious. One might say that grades aren’t the ……………………………..
important thing. However, they help you achieve your goals, like for example being
accepted to your dream high school or university. So always do your
……………………………… , be punctual, and remember to ……………………………….. in your
assignments on time. Never give up, even if sometimes things don’t go as planned.

16. Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

1. Hello. Here’s the weather forecast for the weekend: Heavy rains are expected in the
northern part of the country with temperatures reaching maximum 12 degrees. It’s
going to be a bit warmer in the west and in the south: 14 to 16 degrees and without
rain. As for the rest of the country: 14 degrees, strong winds and thunderstorms are
possible on Sunday.
Choose the correct answer:
A. It’s going to rain in the whole country during the weekend.
B. Thunderstorms are expected in the western part of the country.
C. The lowest temperatures are going to be in the north of the country.

2. Dear Maya,
I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to come to your party tomorrow. I feel awful. I’m
afraid I’ve caught a cold. I have a fever, my head aches and I keep sneezing all the
time. I don’t want anybody to get infected. I hope you understand. Have fun and
please, send me some photos!
Hugs, Tina
Tina wrote this message to:
A. describe her cold symptoms
B. inform about something
C. invite Maya to a party

3. Dear Patricia, as you know, we moved house two weeks ago. This Saturday we’re
throwing a housewarming party and we’d be more than happy if you could come.
The weather is lovely, so we’re planning to have a barbecue in the garden. The
address is 24 Empire Street. We’ll be waiting for you at 6 p.m.!
Jenny and Paul
Jenny and Paul wrote this e-mail:
A. to inform Patricia that they recently moved into a new house
B. to invite Patricia to a party this Saturday
C. to ask Patricia if she could throw a garden party this Saturday

4. Chris,
1. Tidy up the kitchen and the dining room.
2. Could you do me a favour?
3. Then take out the rubbish and mop the floors.
4. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
What's the correct order of the sentences?
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 2, 1, 3, 4 C. 2, 4, 3, 1
A. JAPAN Japanese people usually start their day with a meal that might be
associated with lunch or dinner rather than breakfast. They often eat steamed white
or brown rice accompanied by grilled or boiled fish. Children enjoy eating rice
porridge called okayu. Japanese cuisine is pretty well-known for its plant-based
dishes. A good example of a meatless breakfast is miso soup cooked with vegetables,
seaweed and tofu. Fermented soya beans is yet another dish often served for
breakfast in Japan.

B. MEXICO People in Mexico can hardly imagine their breakfast without eggs. You
can have eggs in salsa, eggs with chorizo sausage or Huevos Rancheros - corn tortillas
with fried eggs. OK, but is that all? Of course not. Mexicans also have sweet bread,
called pan dulce and they either drink hot chocolate, coffee or freshly squeezed
juice. Bananas, pineapples, papayas, watermelons or mangoes are also willingly-
eaten for breakfast in Mexico.

C. ICELAND Breakfast in Iceland is mainly based on dairy products. Skyr is one of the
most well-known elements of the morning meal. It is a type of yoghurt that is rich in
vitamins, proteins and minerals. People enjoy having it with milk and berries.
Oatmeal is another popular breakfast dish. It is called hafragrautur in Icelandic and it
is also eaten with milk and a little bit of brown sugar. Additionally, kids in Iceland get
lysi. This is a cod-liver oil which is an important source of omega-3 acids and vitamin

In this country :
1.1. children drink fish oil that is beneficial for their health ………….
1.2. tropical fruits are an important part of breakfast…………………..
1.3. people eat a lot of products made from milk………………….
1.4. a lot of dishes don’t contain meat, but vegetables or fish …………………

6. Have you ever thought about writing a book? I have. First of all, I love reading and it
has always been my favourite way of spending free time. 1. …………… My favourite
genres are detective stories and historical books, but I also enjoy biographies. I have
always had that desire to write a book myself and some ideas kept coming into my
head. 2…………………. I sat down in front of my computer and I started typing... After
four hours, I realized that the first two chapters of my book were ready! I continued
my work in the following days. 3. …………………….I called the book “Fire and wind”. The
plot and the main characters are based on the dreams I had in the past years. In
those dreams I was always an old and a bit weird detective who was usually involved
in some difficult cases but always managed to solve them. I must say I was pretty
satisfied with the outcome. Nearly four hundred pages of adventures and mysteries!
I sent the draft of my book to a publishing company and I got very good reviews.
4………………………. My dream came true! And you know what? “Fire and wind” soon
was a bestseller!

A. This chapter was the most difficult to finish.

B. A few months later everybody could buy it in bookstores!
C. Days turned into months and after a year I wrote the last sentence.
D. I usually read two novels simultaneously: one at home and one on the subway.
E. One day I finally decided to put them together.
17. Przeczytaj tekst w języku angielskim. Następnie uzupełnij luki w mailu wpisując jeden
wyraz do każdej luki. zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku polskim.

Burj Al Arab is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. This five-star hotel is
located on an artificial island in Dubai. Guests have to cross a bridge to get there. The
building is 321 metres high, which means it is 14 metres taller than the Eiffel Tower
in Paris and only 60 metres shorter than the Empire State Building in New York City.
It was designed by Tom Wright and it looks like a ship. It was built over 5 years
because it took around two years to create the island and then three years to build
the hotel itself. The hotel was opened right after it was completed, in December

Hej Julia,
Właśnie przeczytałam bardzo ciekawy artykuł o jednym z najbardziej 1…………… hoteli
na świecie! Czy wiesz, że jest on położony na sztucznej 2. ………………………………? Do
hotel można się dostać przez most. Budynek jest bardzo wysoki, ma aż 321 metrów!
Oznacza to, że jest on 3. ………………………… od Wieży Eiffla w Paryżu, ale niższy niż
Empire State Building w Nowym Jorku. Hotel został 4………………………….. przez pana,
który nazywa się Tom Wright. To on sprawił, że hotel wygląda jak statek. Budowa
tego hotelu trwała pięć lat, a to dlatego, że najpierw trzeba było zbudować wyspę, na
której jest położony! Dopiero później zaczęto budować hotel. Budowa hotelu trwała
5. …………………………... lata, a otwarcie miało miejsce w grudniu 1999 roku. Czy to nie
fascynujące? Byłoby fantastycznie móc się kiedyś tam wybrać! Co o tym myślisz?
Zerknij na zdjęcia hotelu w internecie - są niesamowite!
Daj znać czy Ci się podoba,

18. Przeczytaj tekst w języku angielskim. Następnie uzupełnij luki w mailu wpisując jeden
wyraz do każdej luki. zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku

1 cup of flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 cup of milk
1 large egg
1 tablespoon of butter
Toppings e.g. maple syrup

How to make pancakes? It’s very simple! In a bowl whisk together milk, butter and
an 1…………………….. . Then add dry ingredients: flour, baking powder and
2………………… . Put it aside for 30 mins to rest (if you have time), or start cooking
straight away. Heat a medium frying pan and wipe it with an oiled kitchen towel.
Once the frying pan is hot, fry 3……………………... for one minute on each side until
they're golden. Serve it with a topping of your choice, for example maple syrup.

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