Anesthesia Management of Adenotonsillectomy

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Anesthesia Management of Adenotonsillectomy

Anesthesia Management of Adenotonsillectomy

Deepa Suvarna, 2Sarita Fernandes

ABSTRACT increase with reoperations.2 Most of these surgeries are

Tonsillectomy is one of the most common pediatric surgeries carried out on ambulatory basis in modern times thus
done. Anesthesia for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is one greater care has to be taken by the anesthesiologist to
of the most challenging to administer even in modern times. ensure street fitness in these patients. Even seemingly
The types of anesthesia and drugs are usually dictated by trivial issues like postoperative nausea vomiting may be
the patient’s own pathophysiology and the anesthesiologist’s
experience. The restricted space for working in these surgeries of significant importance in these patients.
mandates an understanding and cooperation between the
surgeon and anesthesiologist. Postoperative bleeding and ANATOMY OF THE TONSILS (FIG. 1)
airway obstruction have been leading causes of death in the
postoperative period. Mortality though overall low may increase Palatine tonsils are lymphatic tissues of the digestive
with reoperations. Most of these surgeries are carried out on tract epithelium and are present on the lateral wall
ambulatory basis in modern times thus greater care has to of the throat that composes the bulk of the so called
be taken by the anesthesiologist to ensure street fitness in
Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring. They are covered by stratified
these patients. Even seemingly trivial issues like postoperative
nausea vomiting may be of significant importance in these nonkeratinous epithelium which is an extension of the
patients. oral pharyngeal tissues. The epithelium forms about
Keywords: General anesthesia, Post-tonsillectomy bleed, 30 deep crypts that invaginate into the parenchyma in
Tonsillectomy. which the lymph nodes are found with the germ centers
How to cite this article: Suvarna D, Fernandes S. Anesthesia responsible for B-lymphocyte production. Also found are
Management of Adenotonsillectomy. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin debris of epithelial cells desquamations alive and dead
2015;7(1):17-21. lymphocytes as well as bacterium may be present in
Source of support: Nil the crypts. The tonsils are enclosed by fibrous and dense
capsule, separating them from the deeper connective
Conflict of interest: None
tissue. Tonsils arise from the second pair of pharyngeal
pouches, where the endodermis bears the covering
epithelium and the mesenchymal structures give origin
Tonsillectomy is one of the most common pediatric sur- to the lymphoid tissue.
geries done.1 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are also
performed in adult patients to treat sleep apnea along INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY3-5
with uvuloplasty. Anesthesia for tonsillectomy and • Chronic or recurrent acute tonsillitis
adenoidectomy is one of the most challenging to admin- • Peritonsillar abscess
ister even in modern times. The types of anesthesia and • Tonsillar hyperplasia
drugs are usually dictated by the patient’s own patho- • Obstructive sleep apnea
physiology and the anesthesiologist’s experience. The
restricted space for working in these surgeries mandates
an understanding and co-operation between the surgeon
and anesthesiologist. Postoperative bleeding and airway
obstruction have been leading causes of death in the
postoperative period. Mortality though overall low may

Assistant Professor, 2Additional Professor
Department of Anesthesiology, BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai
Maharashtra, India
Corresponding Author: Deepa Suvarna, Assistant Professor
Department of Anesthesiology, BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai
Maharashtra, India, Phone: 02228942046, e-mail: doctordeepas@
Fig. 1: The tonsils

Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, January-April 2015;7(1):17-21 17

Deepa Suvarna, Sarita Fernandes

• In patients with valvular heart disease and are at risk

of endocarditis due to recurrent tonsillitis.
Surgical removal of the adenoids is usually accom-
panied by tonsillectomy; however purulent adenitis,
despite adequate medical therapy and recurrent otitis
media with effusion secondary to adenoidal hyperplasia
are improved with adenoidectomy alone.

Tonsils are removed by dissection. Either local or general
anesthesia can be employed. The mouth is kept open and
the tongue depressed with a Davis’ gag (The original
Davis’ gag was invented by Dr Davis, of Boston, Mass.
Henry Edmund Gaskin Boyle, 1875 to 1941, anesthetist, Fig. 2: Glossopharyngeal nerve block
St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, improved it). The
tonsil is seized with vulsellum forceps. An incision is bupivacaine 0.5% with epinephrine. The distal 1.5 cm is
made through the mucous membrane, and the capsule of bent to 90°. An assistant retracts the tonsil laterally with
the tonsil is exposed. The tonsil is removed by dissection, the suction apparatus and the tongue is retracted with
starting at the upper (palatal) pole. When the pedicle a tongue depressor. The tip of the needle is directed
is defined, it is severed by a wire snare. Bleeding can laterally behind the posterior arch so that it lies deep to
be accurately stopped by ligating any bleeding vessels, the tonsil bed. The point of entry is anywhere behind the
arteries or veins. posterior arch. The 90° angle allows for safe contact with
the retropharyngeal mucosa. The needle tip will pierce
ADENOIDECTOMY the retropharyngeal mucosa laterally and can be safely
directed behind the tonsil blindly. After aspiration to
Adenoids are removed with a guarded curette pressed
avoid intravascular injection, 3 ml local anesthetic are
against the roof of the nasopharynx and then carried
injected in an adult. For a small child the dose is 1 to 2 ml.
backward and downward with a firm sweeping
Combined with general anesthesia, glossopharyngeal
nerve block improves operative conditions and provides
LOCAL NERVE BLOCKS excellent postoperative analgesia. Adult patients report
pain-free periods of more than 6 hours postoperatively.
The use of local anesthetic for tonsillectomy is not
Although children still often cry on awakening their
new. Many approaches have been described like the
recovery from anesthesia appears to be much smoother.
peritonsillar infiltration or injection at the base of the
The patient is positioned in a sitting or semi sitting
position. Two to three milliliter of 1 or 2% xylocaine is A thorough history taking is important. Note for history
infiltrated in upper pole near the anterior and posterior of recurrent respiratory infection and use of antibiotics,
pillar junction submucosally and along anterior pillars antihistaminics or other medications (may be blood
ballooning the infiltrated region another 2 ml is infiltrated thinners). In patients with obstructive sleep apnea
in the lower pole. The 1 to 2 ml injected beneath the syndrome (OSAS) long-standing hypoxia and hypercarbia
tonsillar capsule using the dental syringe by holding leads to increased airway resistance which in turn causes
and reflecting the anterior pillar with long (Hughes) pens pulmonary vasoconstriction. Thus, these patients can
intending to block the sensory supply of Lesser palatine have a higher pulmonary pressure which causes a right
nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve. sided heart failure (cor pulmonale). Facial features and
The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies most of the size of tonsils noted to judge the difficulty of intubation.
sensation responsible for pain transmission following Presence of wheezing or rales on auscultation of the
tonsillectomy or uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. It can chest may be sign of lower respiratory tract infection.
also be blocked using an intraoral approach with a Any teeth missing must be noted preoperatively. Teeth
single point injection where the nerve lies just deep to can be dislodged while performing laryngoscopy by the
the tonsil bed (Fig. 2). A standard 21 gauge, 4 cm needle anesthesiologist or the application of mouth gag by the
is attached to a Luer locked 3 ml syringe containing surgeon.


Anesthesia Management of Adenotonsillectomy

Preoperative investigations required are: maintenance of anesthesia. Desflurane leads to a lower

1. Complete hemogram amount of intraoperative bleeding and better awakening
2. Coagulation parameter than sevoflurane during tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
3. X-ray chest and electrocardiogram are not required operations. Insertion of oral airway may be necessary to
unless the patient has recurrent pneumonia, bron- ventilate the patient due to nasal obstruction. Tracheal
chitis, upper respiratory infection and history of Cor intubation is facilitated using a depolarizing or non-
pulmonale. depolarizing muscle relaxant taking the duration of
4. 2D Echo may be needed in patients with OSAS. surgery into consideration. Cuffed endotracheal tubes are
preferred for obvious reasons, being it prevents aspiration
ANESTHESIA MANAGEMENT of blood and dislodgement of the tube. Many authors
have preferentially used ring-adair-elwyn (RAE) (south
Standard monitoring includes a chest stethoscope, pulse
pole) tube or the Oxford tube. Blood in the pharynx may
oximeter, electrocardiogram, end tidal capnography,
enter the trachea during the surgical procedure. For this
automated blood pressure and temperature monitoring
reason, the supraglottic area may be packed with a wet
(especially in children). When tonsils are excessively
gauze. Check for endotracheal cuff pressures to prevent
hypertrophied the heavy preoperative sedation may
postextubation croup. Bain’s circuit is useful as it is light
be unwarranted. Premedication should include an
weight, universal circuit and helps to keep away from
antisialagogue agent. One can use either an inhalational or
surgical field. The surgeons make use of various mouth
intravenous induction depending upon the need to secure
gags like the Boyle-Davis or Crowe-Davis gag where the
intravenous access. Anesthesia may be induced with
endotracheal tube position need not be changed while
propofol (2–3 mg/kg) mixed with lidocaine (1–2 mg/ml).
shifting the side of surgery (Figs 3 to 5). With Jennings or
Inhalational or intravenous agents can be used for
Doyens mouth gag the endotracheal tube has to be moved
every time the side of surgery changes thus increasing
the risk of accidental extubation or endobronchial
displacement. Most of these patients due to their age or
pathophysiological condition may desaturate rapidly.
There are three cornerstones of pain management in
these patients which include use of potent intravenous
opioid analgesics, local anesthetic blocks and non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ear, nose and throat
surgeon can be asked to infiltrate the tonsillar bed with
0.25% bupivacaine solution. This ensures a constant and
long-lasting analgesia. Accumulation of blood in the mouth
or nasopharynx is one of the leading causes of immediate
causes of airway obstruction. At the conclusion of surgery
Fig. 3: Doyens mouth gag oropharynx should be suctioned under vision.

Fig. 4: Jennings mouth gag Fig. 5: Boyle-Davis mouth gag

Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, January-April 2015;7(1):17-21 19

Deepa Suvarna, Sarita Fernandes

Flexible laryngeal mask airways (LMA) can be also Considerations for Post-tonsillectomy Bleed
used for tonsillectomies. They are advantageous as they
Bleeding tonsils are one of the most difficult problems
decrease the incidence of postoperative stridor and to be tackled even for an experienced anesthesiologist.
laryngospasm. Gentle assisted ventilation is both safe and It is evident from literature that most post-tonsillectomy
effective while using LMAs if peak inspiratory pressures bleeding occurred within the first 6 hours after surgery.
kept below 20 cm of water. Tonsillar enlargement could Secondary bleeding usually occurs from 24 hours
make placement of LMA difficult6 for which maneuvers to 5 to 10 days after surgery due to sloughing of the
like head extension, lateral insertion of LMA, anterior eschar. Many a times these children may be extremely
displacement of the tongue, pressure on the tip of the LMA hypovolemic and display tachycardia and pallor. It is
using the index finger or the use of laryngoscope may difficult to estimate the amount of blood swallowed by
be used. The opinions vary when it comes to extubating the patient hence this patient to be treated as full stomach.
these patients. Some authors believe in deep extubation A large bore intravenous line must be immediately
as it will prevent postextubation laryngospasm. established and blood to be sent for cross match. Blood
This author recommends awake extubation once the transfusion may be needed most of the times. Maintain
protective reflexes have returned after thorough oral and volume status with adequate fluid and blood transfusion
nasopharngeal suctioning. before induction of anesthesia. Definitive airway has to
be established once the patient is back in the OR. Well
Adrenaline and ENT Anesthesia functioning large bore suction tubes (disposable Yankur
suction tips) are necessary to evacuate clots from the
Arrhythmia by injection of adrenaline in a patient receiv-
oropharynx. After preoxygenation, atropine (0.02 mg/
ing inhalational anesthetic is a major and well known
kg) administered. Induction agent is guided by the
drug interaction. Modern inhalational anesthetics are
patient’s hemodynamic status. Care must be taken to
less prone to arrhythmias. Guidelines for the use of
prevent airway obstruction and regurgitation by applying
adrenaline are as follows:7,8
cricoids pressure. Ketamine 1 to 2 mg/kg or etomidate
• Maximal concentration of adrenaline solutions should
0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg can be used as induction agents. In some
be 1:100000 to 1:200000 (10.0–5.0 µg/kg)
conditions if necessary awake intubation may be done.
• The dose in adults should not exceed more than 10 ml
Once the bleeding is controlled oral or nasogastric tube
(100 µg) of 1:100000 given over 10 minutes
is placed to empty the clots from the stomach prior to
• The dose in adults should not exceed 30 ml of 1:100000
extubation. Patient is allowed to regain full consciousness
of adrenaline solution given during any 60 minutes before extubation.
• Avoid hypoxia and hypercapnia. Acute Postoperative Pulmonary Edema
Presence of pink frothy fluid in the endotracheal tube
Clinical Pearls
of an intubated patient or decreased oxygen saturation
• Hypercapnia facilitates dysrhythmias with increased respiratory rate, wheezing and dyspnea
• Pediatric patients seem to be somewhat less sensitive in extubated patient are all tell tale signs of negative
to this effect, but caution should still be used. pressure pulmonary edema. The rapid relief of airway
• Hypertension seems to provoke the dysrhythmias. obstruction→decreased airway pressure→increase
Several alternative vasoconstrictors like phenylephrine venous return→increase in pulmonary hydrostatic
and ephedrine can be used by mutual consultation with pressure→hyperemia→pulmonary edema. Moderate
the surgeon. These drugs are less arrhythmogenic. continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) allows
circulatory adaptation time. Treatment is generally
POSTANESTHESIA COMPLICATION supportive with maintaining a patent airway, oxygenation
and diuretics. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Postoperative Nausea Vomiting may be required in some cases. Patients resolve within
Postoperative emesis may occur due to pharyngeal 24 hours.
mucosal irritation and swallowed bloody secretion from
surgery. Antiemetics like metoclopramide or ondansetron OUTPATIENT TONSILLECTOMY
may be given. Dexamethasone helps in reducing swelling Outpatient tonsillectomies have been always contro-
and avoiding postoperative nausea vomiting (PONV). versial. The major concerns for nonadvocates have
Dehydration secondary to reduced intake and PONV been unrecognized delayed blood loss, nausea/vomit-
should be aggressively treated with intravenous fluids.9 ing and dehydration. Advances in anesthetic agents


Anesthesia Management of Adenotonsillectomy

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