Auditing Theory Notes
Auditing Theory Notes
Auditing Theory Notes
be a CPA
Public Practice
When is a CPA engage in public practice?
When is a CPA engage in the government?
- Client-service provider relationship
- Any service requiring application of - Employer-employee relationship
accounting and auditing skills and Employer (Government, GOCCs,
knowledge etc.)
- Position being held requires application of
*Edge of CPA over non-CPA
accounting and auditing skills and
- unlimited opportunities in public practice knowledge
- There are certain reports that can only be
*Edge of CPA over non-CPA
signed by CPAs
- Salary and Promotion
Commerce and Industry
When is a CPA engage in commerce and industry?
- Employer-employee relationship
- Position being held requires application of Who has the primary task to regulate the
accounting and auditing skills and accountancy profession? President of the
knowledge Philippines
*Edge of CPA over non-CPA Function to regulate > delegated to > PRC > BOA
- Specific provision (for supervisory level): RA 9298 “Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004”
Entities with annual revenue of at least
- Approved on May 13, 2004 (Effectivity date)
P10,000,000 and/or paid-up capital of at
- Prospective application
least P5,000,000
- Supersedes PD 692 Revised Accountancy
*Supervisory level (preparation of
FS, Liason) – should be occupied by
CPAs Objective of RA 9298
Academe or Education Main objective – regulate the accountancy
profession from the entrants up to the eventual
When is a CPA engage in academe or education?
- Teaching any subject in the licensure
a. Standardization and regulation of
accounting education
- Teaching other technically related subjects
b. Examination for registration of CPAs
*Edge of CPA over non-CPA c. Supervision, control and regulation of the
practice of accountancy in PH
- Specific provision (for Deans and
Department heads) Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy (PR
Dean – for institutions offering BSA BOA)
under an exclusive department
*Dean – should be a CPA
Department head – for institutions - Chairman and six (6) members appointed by
offering BSA together with other President
business courses
Appointment Process
How are the Chairman and Members of the
Board appointed?
o For each vacant position, APO
Powers and Functions
(Accredited National Professional
Organization of Certified Public Power
Accountants) (Represented by
PICPA) shall submit a list of 5 Entrants (C.L.O.S.E.)
nominees to the PRC within 60 days. - Regulate Educational institutions; ETC
*What if there’s no submitted list (Education Technical Council) was
within 60 days? PRC should select established to assist BOA to regulate
persons to be recommended to the accounting education
President. - Adopt, amend, revise the Syllabi (should not
*From the 5 nominees, PRC will be revised more than once every three (3)
select 3 recommendees in ranking to years)
be submitted to the President and - Supervise the registration of the
the President will select 1 appointee LECPA/CPALE
(Chairman and Members) - Administer oath taking
- A Vice Chairman shall be elected among its - Issue, suspend, revoke, replace, reinstate
members from a term one (1) year Certificate of Registration
Qualifications (Na.C.C.P.A) Practice (Qu.I.C.E.S.A)
a. Natural-born citizen and resident of - Promulgate accounting and auditing
Philippines; standards
b. A duly registered CPA with at least 10 years - Adopt a Code of Conduct/Ethics
of work experience in any scope of practice; - Perform Quality Review (Auditors are being
c. Of good moral character and not convicted audited)
of crimes involving moral turpitude - Conduct investigations
d. Not have any pecuniary interest (financial - Take appropriate actions
interest or any monetary benefits) directly
or indirectly in any institutions that could Function
affect the provision of BSA program at the Primary function
time of his/her appointment
e. Not a director or officer of the APO at the Carry out the provision of RA 9298
time of appointment and its IRR
Adopt an official seal
Term of Office
Administrative Supervision
- Chairman and members of the Board shall
hold office for three (3) years - BOA is under the administrative supervision
- No person who served two (2) successive of PRC
complete terms shall be reappointed until Custodian of Records
lapse of one (1) year
- No person shall serve the Board for more - Records of the BOA should be under the
than twelve (12) years custody of PRC
- A Replacement shall only serve the
Secretariat Services
unexpired term of the Original
o Unexpired term is not a complete - PRC shall provide the secretariat
Annual Report
- BOA, at the close of each calendar year, Failed – no a passer nor a conditional
shall submit an annual report to the
*Take refresher course if a candidate fails in
President through the PRC
two (2) complete CPA board exam
Grounds for Suspension or Removal (N.I.V.F.M)
*Where to get refresher course? List of
- President has the power to remove or accredited schools
suspend upon recommendation of PRC
Report of Ratings
a. Neglect of duty/Incompetence
b. Violation of RA 9298, its IRR and - Within ten (10) calendar days after the
technical and professional standards of exam; upon release, PRC shall send by
practice mailing the rating received by each
c. Final judgement of crimes involving examinee
moral turpitude
d. Manipulation or rigging of the CPALE Oath
- All successful examinees are required to
take an oath before any member of BOA or
THE CPA LICENSURE EXAMINATION government official authorized by law
- Foreign CPAs allowed to practice
Conduct of Examination – governed by RA 8981
accountancy profession in Philippines are
Qualification of Applicants (Fil.Mo.A.N) required to take an oath
a. Is a Filipino citizen (PSA birth certificate) Roaster of CPAs
b. Is of good moral character (NBI Clearance)
- Shows the names and place of business of
c. Holder of BS Accountancy degree
all registered CPAs, and copies of the
d. Not convicted of any criminal offense
roaster shall be made available as may be
involving moral turpitude
deemed necessary
Scope of Examination
Certificate of Registration
- Issued to examinees who passed the exam,
2. AUD
and person admitted under reciprocity or
3. FAR
international agreement
4. MAS
- Lifetime validity
5. TAX
Professional Identification Card
- Renewable every three (3) years
Passed – GA at least 75%, no grades lower than
- +3 years and birth date
65% in any given subject
*CoR, ID, Professional Tax Receipt should be
Conditional – GA of less than 75%, has a grade of
indicated on the documents signed by CPAs*
less than 65% or both, but obtained 75% above in
at least 4 out of 6 subjects Special/Temporary Permit
*Removal examination – retake subjects Issued to foreign CPA:
lower than 75% within two (2) years from
the preceding exam a. With foreign reciprocity; and
b. Essential to the development of the
Candidate failed to obtain at least a accountancy profession
GA of 75% and a rating of 65% in
each subjects reexamined > Failed
*Foreign CPA has the burden to prove there *If there is only one (1) remaining
is foreign reciprocity* partner, names of old partners can
still be used but limited for a period
Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration
of two (2) years
a. Convicted of criminal crimes involving moral *If remaining partner found a new
turpitude partner within two (2) years >
b. Guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct Remaining partner can use the
c. Of unsound mind names of the old partners with their
authorization or their heir’s
Suspension and Revocation
Certificate of Accreditation
a. Grounds for refusal to issue
b. Unprofessional/unethical conduct - Issued to CPA in public practice only upon
c. Malpractice showing registrant has three (3) meaningful
d. Violation of RA 9298, its IRR, and CPAs Code years
of Ethics and technical and professional - Issued by BOA
standards of practice - Valid for three (3) years