Lecture 2 Theories and Principles of MTB-MLE

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Theories and Principles of  People

 Their Purpose
MTB-MLE  The Rules Communication by Which they
Achieve their Purpose
Lesson 01: Language and Identity:  The Actual Talk Used in the Situation
Sociological and Cultural Perspectives
of Language
Lesson 02: First Language Acquisition
(FLA) and Literacy Development
Considered one of the elements of culture.
Different Theories that Influence
It is the system of words of signs that a Language Acquisition
particular group of people uses to express
thoughts and feelings with each other.
Primary toll used in the communication 1. Behaviorist Perspective (B.F.
process. Skinner)
Believed that language like any other
What are the linguistic elements of knowledge, skills and values can be taught to
children via repetition, imitation and habituation.
*Children learn to speak by copying the
1. Phonology – the sound system of a utterances heard around them, and by having their
language. responses strengthened by the repetitions,
corrections and other reactions that adults provide.
2. Morphology – The study of the structure of

3. Syntax –the study of the structure of 3 Basic Parts of Audio-lingual Teaching

sentences. Method
4. Semantics – the study of meaning in
1. Presentation through oral and dialogue form
5. Pragmatics – the appropriate use of with little explanation. Errors are immediately
language in different contexts. corrected, accuracy emphasized, accurate
repetition and memorization of the dialogue is the
goal of this stage.
Why is Language Cultured-Based? 2. Practice through patterned drills to help
learners master the structure of the language and
fluency overly emphasized.
Language Environment
3. Application through the use of the
All languages take place within a memorized structures in different contexts.
particular environment.
Language that is appropriate to one
environment might appear meaningless or foolish 2. Constructive Perspective (J. Piaget
in another. and Lev Vygotsky)
4 Elements of Language Environment
Argue that children are prewired to learn children can be understood in the context of
and acquire language as they go through different developmental biology that critical period in
developmental stages. human maturation existed especially on language
Lenneberg believed that the development
of language was said to be the result of brain

Innateness (Noam Chomsky)

Chomsky argued that children are
endowed with the capacity to acquire a language
as they are continuously exposed to adult speech.

Cognitive Constructivism
As children become sophisticated in their
mental processes, the more susceptible they are in Interactionists’ Perspective
acquiring and manipulating language to represent
ideas. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
(SLT) explains that children learn from each other
and from others through observation, imitation
and modeling.
Sociocultural Constructivism
This theory explains that children imitate
Lev Vygotsky emphasized the importance the words and language patterns they hear by
of private speech, children talking to themselves watching and listening to the models, caregivers
for turning shared knowledge into personal and family members in their life.
Vygotsky’s theory implied that cognitive
development and the ability to use thought to 4 Phases Bandura’s Analysis of
control one’s own actions require first a mastery Observational Learning
of cultural communication systems and then
learning to use these systems to regulate one’s
thought processes.
1 Attention Phase – paying attention to the
He explained that every individual has model. This phase actually explains why teenagers
zone of proximal development (ZPD) – the gap are hooked up with pop culture.
between actually ability, something that they can
do on their own and potential ability. Something 2. Retention Phase – Once teachers and adult
that they can do with help and supervision have learner’s attention, it is time to model the
(scaffold). behavior they want students to replicate and then
give learners a chance to practice or rehearse.

The Critical Period (CP) Hypothesis 3. Reproduction – learners attempt to

replicate the model’s behavior.
Eric Lenneberg (1921-75) was a linguist
and a neurologist who pioneered on innateness 4. Motivation Phase – children will imitate a
argued that the development of language in model because they believe that doing so will
increase their own chances to be reinforced.

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