Grade 8 - St. Padre Pio (Goal Setting)

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Saint Louis University

Junior High School

Grade & Section: Grade 8 – St. Padre Pio Date of Homeroom Facilitation: Nov. 26, 2021

Class Adviser: Ms. Roxan Allaga Deponio Date of Submission: Nov. 20, 2021

#LifeGoals: The Importance of Goals and Time

I. Objectives
 To make the students more aware of the importance of having goals in life and
avoiding wasting time
 To help the students practice skills to manage their time
 At the end of the homeroom activity, the students will instill positive attitudes
about their goals and how they will achieve it.
II. Materials
 Worksheet
 PowerPoint presentation
 1 Bond paper (long or short)
 Ballpen

III. Introduction
#LifeGoals: The Importance of Goals and Time.
Good morning students! I hope you are all doing well. As you can see, the theme of
today’s homeroom is about goals. We will be discussing about goal-setting, the goals you
have in life, and the importance of time you spend on achieving these goals. Before we go
further, by the end of this homeroom you should be able to be more aware of the
importance of having goals in life and avoiding wasting time, practice skills to manage your
time, and instill positive attitudes about your goals and how you are going to achieve it.
I believe that you have a lot of goals at your age, it may be a short term or long term
goal. But it doesn’t matter because it is still a goal, and it is really important. We set goals
we want to achieve, it may be for us or for other people but one thing is for sure, it gives us
motivation to do better. Having goals is one of the most important thing that a person must
have. Why? Because goals give us motivation to move forward, to have a career and be
successful, and most importantly, it keep us on the right direction.
So I have a question, are you spending your time wisely?
Why did I ask that? Time is a relevant factor on achieving our goals. Sometimes, we
spend our time wisely, and sometimes not. When we spend it wisely, we achieve our goals
quickly. If we don’t, we prolong our journey on achieving our goals. Apart from that, the
time we spend highly influence the result of our life goals which is why it is essential to know
the value of time and its relevance to our goals,

IV. Main Activity

 The activity proper is called “S.M.A.R.T. Goals”. The facilitators will ask the
students to prepare their bond paper and pen.
 The instructions will be verbally given to them while the example worksheet is
displayed on the screen for them to follow.
1. On your bond paper, write S.M.A.R.T Goals on the top of your paper.
2. Write Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-oriented
vertically and leave spaces after each word for your answer.
3. Do not copy the question, just write your answer.
Here are the questions:
Specific – What exactly do I want to do? (Facilitator: Write a goal
you currently have now, whether it is short term or long term)
Measurable – How will I track my progress? (Facilitator: Are you
going to track your progress? If yes, what are you going to use?)
Attainable – Is this realistic for me? Do I have what I need to make
it possible? (Facilitator: Do you think this goal is possible for you
to achieve?)
Relevant – Why am I doing this? Does it matter to me?
(Facilitator: Write the relevance of your goal to you)
Time-oriented – When will I have this completed? (Facilitator:
Write an estimated time of how long will it take for you to
complete this, or the date you hope you achieved it already)

V. Processing
1. What type of goal (short term or long term) did you write? Why is this your goal?
2. Based on the worksheet, are you spending your time wisely on achieving your
goal? Share how you spend your time on achieving the goal you have.
3. Did you notice the importance of time based on this worksheet? How?
4. What would you feel when you don’t accomplish the goal you’ve set?
5. What did you learn from the activity?

VI. Insights
As I’ve said earlier, short term and long term goal are both equally
important. What matters the most is what you do to achieve your goals. Correct?
We set goals and take action to have an efficient life, what would your life be if
you don’t want to achieve anything? You wouldn’t be here listening to us. You
will do whatever you want and take the wrong direction. But you are all here
because you have goals you want to achieve.

Since we encounter problems on managing our time to achieve our goals,

I think it is normal that we find it hard to answer when we’re asked when we are
going to achieve our goal and how are going to make it possible. Although, we
can estimate the time we achieve it, it’s hard to answer because we are unaware
of what may come that might delay us.

I hope that you practice on managing your time, and how you are
spending it towards on achieving your current goal. Spend your time wisely, put
your priorities before anything else, because in that way, you can achieve your
goal as soon as possible. Do the important things first before spending your time
on your secondary priorities. Okay?

Sometimes, our goal will frustrate us because it is not easy to achieve.

There’ll be times when you want to give up, but don’t. Keep going and do your
best on achieving the goal you set for yourself.

It is indeed evident in the activity how important time is on achieving

goals. Why? Because how are we going to track our progress? By listing the
actions we did, the time we spent and we didn’t, and of course, it predicts the
completion of our goal. The wiser we spend we our time, the faster we achieve
our goals.

VII. Integration
Before we end this session, we will leave you with this quote from Tony Robbins,

"Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most
people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year - and underestimate
what they can achieve in a decade!"

Know the relevance of time on achieving goals. Once you know the value
of time, and ways to practice time management, apply it on your goals, and you
will be surprised on how much you achieved within a short period of time, after a
year, and even a decade. Students, remember to spend your time wisely. Time
spent on achieving goals, is a time well spent. Set all the goals you want and do
your best to achieve it.

Good bye and thank you for listening! 

Scalco, D. (2017) 22 Time Management Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your GoalsMake the
most of the time you have. Retrieved from

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