UNIV 07 - Written Assignment

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Briefly, share a time when you set a goal and did not accomplish it, and then share a time

when you set a goal and successfully achieved it. Why weren’t you successful in your first

example? Why were you successful in your second example?

If I have to say a time when I failed to accomplish my goals, it definitely would be my

2020 planner. As I have found out, the reasons are that I just set the big goals for each stage

that I want to be but didn’t include the steps to reach that stage. It means I made a

dreamboard with big goals but I didn’t draw a plan which includes daily tasks or small


After that failure, I started interested in learning about Neuroscience which is about

the studying of human behaviors. I did research and participated in some workshops about

building habits and task management. Since then, I learned a lot of things about management

and self-development. That I apply them for my 2021 planner that was successfully

accomplished even within the pandemic and the hardships. I drew a detailed plan with daily

missions to monthly goals and year end results. Each mission has its own specific deadline

and a reward for the things I’ve accomplished each step that motivate me to achieve my

goals. Make sure that the goals are relevant to where you really do want to be in life.

2.Why does effective goal-setting help us achieve goals? What are the characteristics of good


Ofcourse, in order to achieve our goals, we need to use effective goal setting. We

can’t just sit and manifest things to happen itself. We need to work it out. A goal won’t ever

be achieved without a proper plan or goal-setting that acts like steps that take us to the right

direction. The characteristics of a good goal would include a specific reason for a specific
goal, realistic, achievable and meaningful. A goal should be a thing that benefits both your

life and your surroundings in some way. If not, it’s not a good goal.

3.Based on your answer to questions 1 and 2, set three goals: one short-term, one mid-term,

and one long-term

Short-term goal - getting high grades throughout the journey here at UoPeople by studying

with a well organized schedule and finish the work on time without stressing out too much

Mid-term goal - keeping high GPA to graduate at UoPeople while managing my full time

work well, having a work-life-study balance by creating a healthy daily routine

Long-term goal - After graduation, getting a high-paid job in business field and work for two

years, then starting own local business

Word count - 447

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