GJESM Volume 8 Issue 2 Pages 237-250

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Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage.

8(2): 237-250, Spring 2022, Serial #30

Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management


Homepage: https://www.gjesm.net/

A basis water quality monitoring plan for rehabilitation and protection
M.D. Enriquez *, R.M. Tanhueco
Gokongwei College of Engineering, De La Salle University, 524-4611 Philippines

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Safeguarding water resources became a major concern in
Article History: many parts of the world as it aims to provide safe and healthy water for humans. Water quality
Received 22 May 2021 monitoring is a popular tool in ensuring water quality is safe and within the allowable limits
Revised 28 July 2021 and standards for the health of the community. To provide interventions and strategies for the
Accepted 02 September 2021 rehabilitation, a water quality monitoring plan was conducted to describe the water quality and
the classification of the river.
METHODS: This study conducted an environmental analysis to determine existing conditions
and processes in the surrounding environment such as the land use, drainage pattern,
Environmental analysis reconnaissance survey of the river, and a key interview to describe the barangay profile and
Pandurucan River the community’s water use and practices. The water quality monitoring covers the evaluation
Water quality analysis (WQA) of ten water quality parameters: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, total
Water quality index (WQI) suspended solids, phosphate, nitrate, oil and grease, chloride, and E. coli.
Water quality management plan FINDINGS: Results of the study presents the water quality against the ten water quality criteria.
(WQMP) Phosphate measured on four stations ranges between 2.40-4.50 mg/L exceeding the allowable
0.50mg/L; the oil and grease exceeds the standards 2 mg/L with measured values of 2.40-4.60
mg/L in stations 2, 3, and 4; while measured chloride in all stations prove that the water is
salty with values exceeding the freshwater requirement of 250mg/L; and the measured TSS in
stations 2, 3 and 4 ranges from 32.30 to 49.3 mg/L exceeds the standards of 30 mg/L. E. coli was
also detected in water samples collected in all sampling stations. The computed water quality
index of 39.02 described water as poor, always impaired, and threatened by the surrounding
CONCLUSION: The measured concentrations for phosphate, oil/ grease, chloride, and TSS
exceeds the water quality requirement suggesting that the water is contaminated. The E. coli
detected in all water samples, further recommends prohibition of recreational activities to
avoid accidental intakes and skin contact on the polluted water. The existing activities in the
surrounding residential, commercial and agricultural areas contributed to water contamination
as aggravated by the unreliable drainage system, absence of proper sanitation facilities, and
collection and disposal behavior of the community. From this, a scientific basis can be drawn on
how the river can be rehabilitated and protected and serve as guide for policymakers and water
managers on implementing strategies to achieve sustainable water resources.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2022.02.07


39 5 4
*Corresponding Author:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +63 9988 525342
ORCID: 0000-0002-1618-6335
Note: Discussion period for this manuscript open until July 1, 2022 on GJESM website at the “Show Article.
M.D. Enriquez and R.M. Tanhueco

INTRODUCTION good to excellent water quality for agriculture,

Rivers play a significant role in agriculture, irrigation, and other purposes; while five (5) river
human consumption and recreational activities, and monitoring stations showed good to excellent ratings
industries. But population growth, climate change after treatment and suited for class A (Martinico-
impacts, industrial processes, transportations Perez et al., 2019). Evaluation and assessment of
emissions, agricultural and industrial wastes, urban water quality parameters provide direction to a
runoff (Wei and Yang, 2010; Mohiuddin et al., 2011) water quality monitoring plan. The ten primary
physical and chemical processes such as weathering water quality parameters as mandated by the
and dissolution of minerals, parent rocks, and Department of Natural Resources-Environmental
soils (Adamu et al., 2011; Skordas et.al., 2015; Management Bureau is used in this study for the
Purushothaman and Chakrapani, 2007) gradually evaluation of the water quality standards of the
impact the natural water ecosystem impairing the study area. The sample collection and method of
water quality (Parry et al., 2007; Razzaghmanesh analysis of previous studies were considered and
et al, 2005). It is therefore important to safeguard followed to achieve the objectives of the study. To
the water resources to ensure that water quality aid the water quality monitoring plan, a popular
conforms within the acceptable limits to protect the tool known as Water Quality Index (WQI) was
water resources and the public health (Said et al., developed. WQI was described as the most effective
2004; Neri et al. 2012; WHO, 2012). To safeguard way to describe the quality of water (Regmi and
water resources, water quality monitoring is Mishra, 2016; Akter et al., 2016). With the aid of
designed to determine the physical, chemical, and WQI, descriptions such as generally moderate water
biological characters of water for human health quality of Lake Taihu Basin (Wu et al., 2018); good
and consumption (US EPA, 2005). Moreover, water water quality in the upstream and midstream of the
quality monitoring is designed to confirm the water Chillan River (Debels et al., 2005), the average water
quality suitable for its intended use (Azizi et al., quality of Mantayupan falls at the headwater down
2016). In addition, monitoring is done to determine the river channel (Neri et al., 2012) and poor water
the trends in the aquatic environment and describe quality of Pasig River in Metro Manila, Philippines
how the contaminants enter and affect the natural (Regmi and Mishra, 2016) were used to describe
aquatic environment (Bartram and Balance, 1996). the general water quality. Since the rating scores
Therefore, water quality monitoring has become an of WQI of the Canadian Council of Ministers of
important activity in assessing and evaluating the Environment provide a simple description of water
conformity of water for drinking and recreational quality, this study adopted the same methodology
activities. Taal Lake in Talisay, Batangas, Philippines for the understanding of the local community. In the
was declared safe for bathing, swimming, and Philippines, RA 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water
skin diving, and aquaculture after monitoring and Act of 2004 defines water quality in terms of physical,
evaluating nine water quality parameters (Martinez chemical, biological, or radiological characteristics
and Galera, 2011). Monitoring of Mangonbangon by which the acceptability of the water is evaluated
River in Tacloban City, Philippines revealed that to conform with Administrative Order: 2016-08 or
the river is unpolluted from the total heavy metal the Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluents
content (Decena et al., 2018). The study conducted Standards of 2016 (DENR-EMB, 2016). In general,
on Pasig River, Philippines revealed that the river drinking water of good quality should be clear and
is very poor and degrading from the presence of free of harmful substances and must conform to the
stagnant, blackish, and stinking water (Gorme et Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water.
al, 2010). While, the monitoring and assessment While recreational waters must be free from any
of water quality conducted in Buhisan River, Cebu contaminants as accidental drinking and skin contact
Philippines revealed that the mean midstream and is expected during bathing and swimming. The
downstream did not conform to class D surface Department of Environment and Natural Resources
water (Maglangit et al., 2014). More so, the 36 river identified that almost half of the classified rivers in
monitoring stations in Palawan, Philippines using the country did not meet the minimum standards for
nine parameters and water quality index showed beneficial use as impaired by domestic, industrial,

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 8(2): 237-250, Spring 2022

and agricultural sources; and almost 50 out of 427 and different seasons; and recommend strategies
rivers are considered biologically dead (Cabacungan, for water quality management plan of Pandurucan
2016). One of the rivers in San Jose, Occidental River, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. The water
Mindoro is the Pandurucan River and is believed quality monitoring covers the period of 2019 to
to be impaired and degrading; however, there is no 2020.
substantial evidence on the water quality and no
scientific study has been carried out to investigate MATERIALS AND METHODS
the characteristic of water and the possible sources Study area
of contamination. This study aims to present a water Pandurucan River is located at San Jose,
quality monitoring plan to provide information on Occidental Mindoro covering San Roque and
the water quality conditions of Pandurucan River. Labangan Poblacion on its midstream and
The river has a plan to be rehabilitated as a tourist downstream sections. The river is generally used
destination and the information obtained from this for recreational purposes as swimming and bathing
undertaking intends to provide scientific bases to which are commonly observed and enjoyed. Four
support sound decision-making for San Jose water sampling stations were selected based on the
managers and policymakers. Results of the study can drainage pattern and probable point sources and the
provide significant proof on water quality conditions, center of commercial and residential areas. Table 1
sources of contaminants, level of pollution and shows the descriptions of the sampling stations.
understand how human activities impaired the
natural water ecosystem. Specifically, this study Sampling method and data collection
aims to present the physical/chemical and microbial One grab sample was taken every month
analysis of water; conduct environmental analysis in the four identified stations from September
considering all present situations of the surrounding 2019 to February 2021. Water samples were
areas; characterize the water quality condition collected simultaneously on the four sampling sites
using Water Quality Index; determine the significant following the standard procedures recommended
differences between water quality at different sites by Administrative Order 2016-08. In situ, water
Table 1: Description and profile of sampling station sites
(PAG-ASA, 2021)
Table 1: Description and profile of sampling station sites (PAG-ASA, 2021)
Stations Description
Station 1: The station is located at 12˚ 21' 55"N 121˚04'36''E at Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. It is
Labangan Poblacion located in mangrove areas with riverbanks riprapped with nearby salt farm. The station is characterized
by clear water during the dry season and muddy water during the wet season while the river bed is
covered with pebble stones. Under the Type A climatic conditions, average temperature in the site is
27.96ºC with rainfall amount 113.23 mm. Most of the land cover is agricultural use and generally
residential and commercial areas.
Station 2: The station is located at 12˚ 21' 54"N 121˚04'00''E of San Roque, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. At the
San Roque station is the Pandurucan Bridge with river water characterized by scattered garbage in the river banks
and surrounding mangrove. The water is typically greenish to brownish and a foul smell can be observed.
The river bed is covered with muddy clay. The station is also covered of Type A climate conditions with
average temperature of 28.29ºC and accumulated rainfall amount during the study period of 3,634.90
mm. Most of the land cover surrounding the station is categorized as highly dense residential, residential
and commercial areas.
Station 3: The station can be found in 12˚ 21' 20"N 121˚03'52'' E with visible residential houses, garbage and waste
Market area on the riversides, snail shells in the river banks with greenish to brownish water. A foul smell can also be
observed. The river bed is also covered with muddy clay. The station is generally surrounded by
residential areas and commercial establishments. The rainfall pattern is the same as Station 2 with an
average temperature of 28.32ºC.
Station 4: Downstream- The station is situated at 12˚ 21' 01"N 121˚03'41''E of Brgy 5, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. The station
outlet point is characterized by residential houses with garbage (diapers and plastics); a mass of soil that
separates the river and the sea. There are swimming children can be seen, and the river bed is covered
with a sandy bottom. The water is bluish during sunny weather. The station is considered as the outlet
of the river since it faces an opening to Mindoro Strait. Average temperature in the station is 28.42ºC.

Water quality plan for rehabilitation and protection

Fig. 1: Geographic location of the study sampling stations at San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the study sampling stations at San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
quality analyses were done for the temperature, pH, Water quality index (WQI)
dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, and total The study adopted the WQI of the Canadian
suspended solids using a multi-parameter probe; Council of Ministers of Environment. CCME is
while water samples for phosphate, nitrate, chloride designed to express water quality information that
were collected and brought for laboratory analysis is easily understood by water managers and the
in Provincial Environmental and Natural Resource public (CCME, 2001). The calculation of index scores
Office (ENRO)-Batangas City, Philippines. Samples can be obtained using Eq. 1 while, the WQI value for
for E. coli were also brought in ENRO and analyzed each rank is shown in Table 2.
using the Multiple Tube Fermentation.

Environmental analysis F 2 + F2 2 + F32
Water Quality Index = 100 − 1 (1)
Walkthrough analysis was conducted to 1.732
determine the prevailing conditions in the
surrounding environment of the river and to describe Where;
the profile of each sampling station. Interviews with
the barangay health workers were also conducted F1 = percentage of variables that do not meet the objectives
to determine the barangay health profile such
as population, growth rate, death rate, number
of households, and common health problems. A F2 = percentage of individual tests that do not meet the objectives
questionnaire with 138 respondents of San Roque
and 153 respondents of Labangan was surveyed to
determine the water sources and the water use of F3 = amount by which the objectives are not meet

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 8(2): 237-250, Spring 2022

Table 2.
Table 2. Water
Water quality
quality objectives
objectives used
used in
in the
the model
model for
for aquatic
aquatic ecosystem

Rank WQI value Description

Water quality is protected with a virtual absence of threat or impairment, conditions very
Excellent 95-100
close to natural or pristine level
Water quality is protected with a slight present of threat or impairment, conditions very
Very Good 89-94
close to natural or pristine level
Water quality is protected with only a minor degree of threat or impairment; conditions
Good 80-88
rarely depart from natural or desirable levels
Water quality is protected but occasionally threatened or impaired; conditions sometimes
Fair 65-79
depart from natural or desirable levels
Water quality frequently threatened or impaired; conditions often depart from natural or
Marginal 45-64
desirable levels
Water quality is almost always threatened or impaired; conditions usually depart from
Poor 0-44
natural or desirable levels

Fig. 2: General land use map of (a) San Roque (b) Labangan Poblacion (LGU San Jose, 2017)
Fig. 2: General land use map of (a) San Roque (b) Labangan Poblacion
(LGU San Jose, 2017)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION hectares (ha) with 15, 749 populations in 2020. The
Existing environmental conditions and processes population growth rate is 1.46% and crude death
In general, the land use pattern in San Roque rate of 4.7% in 2020. 47% of the population belongs
is mostly covered with high-density residential: to the age group of 15-44 years old; 15% for 45-64
residential and minor commercial areas. Most of the years old; 11% for 10-14 years old and 5-9 years
commercial areas are found along the coast of Aroma old; 4% for 65 and above; and 2% for 0-11 months.
Beach and San Jose Airport. The coastal barangay The number of households in the barangay is 3, 610
of San Roque is located just a kilometer away from where 936 households have access to Level I and
the town of San Jose along the Pandurucan River 1,577 households have Level III water system and
separating it from the town (Fig. 2). The mode of the rest from doubtful sources. Also, only 2, 291
transportation is mostly thru tricycles that can of the total household have provision for sanitary
roam around the town via cemented roads. On the toilets (LGU San Jose, 2020). Labangan Poblacion has
Eastern part of the area is the town proper of San a total land area of 718.33 hectares mostly covered
Jose and Bubog: North (LGU San Jose, 2017). by residential, swamps, marshes and fish/salt farms,
The barangay has a total land area of 335.35 and high-density residential and commercial areas.

M.D. Enriquez and R.M. Tanhueco

Commercial areas include educational institutions, corrosive particles and bad smell due to too much
government, and private offices, cockpit, and chlorine. The 11% fetched their drinking water from
business establishments. The inland barangay is also the well; stored in bottled; and the majority drank
a kilometer away from the town proper of San Jose. water directly without any treatment. However,
The barangay is bounded by agricultural barangays at 83 experienced diarrhea where 32 were taken to a
the south; the town of San Jose at the north; Bagong health facility while the rest took home remedies.
Sikat at the east and the municipality of Magsaysay
at the west. Barangay Labangan Poblacion has a total Drainage pattern
population of 9,744 in 2020. The population growth Drainage pattern can also affect the river system
rate is 1.68% and crude death rate of 3.2% in 2020. as it determines contributing factors and possible
47% of the population belongs to the age group of sources of contamination. In general, drainage
15-44 years old; 16% for 45-59 years old; 10% for 10- in San Jose is composed of curb type and steel
14 years old and 5-9 years old; 9% for 60 and above; grated box type. However, there are still some
7% for 1-4 years old; and 2% for 0-11 months. The areas in the municipality that do not have a reliable
number of households in the barangay is 2,397 drainage system. All existing curbs and gutters in the
where 622 households have access to Level I, 1,047 municipality drain water to the Pandurucan River.
households have Level III water systems and the While those that are in the area of San Roque drain
remaining have doubtful sources. Also, only 1,522 water in the Bubog River. Fig. 3 shows the drainage
of the total household have provision for complete system in the study area.
basic sanitation facilities (LGU San Jose, 2020).
Physical-chemical and E. coli results
Water supply and water use Following the procedures for in situ and
From the survey conducted to 138 households laboratory analysis, the following results were
and 153 households in Brgy. San Roque and observed. Water samples consider the wet season
Labangan, the general water use is primarily for and dry season from September 2019 to August
domestic purposes. 82% of the respondents showed 2020 (Table 3). While, Fig. 4 shows the measured
that the major water source is being supplied by concentrations of each sampling station.
the Prime Waters while 18% uses deep wells dug in Water temperature is one of the most important
their backyard. Prime Waters is the only identified physical characteristics of aquatic systems as
water service provider in the municipality of San it affects the biological, physical, and chemical
Jose that uses one deep well and 15 shallow wells processes for plants and animals. As temperature
(16 pumping houses) as its water sources with increases, photosynthesis and other chemical and
one reservoir situated at Brgy. Labangan and has metabolic reactions increase providing adequate
500 cum capacity. The pumping house located at nutrients for aquatic life (FOEN, 2012). Measured
the municipal hall of San Jose supplies water in water temperature in sampling sites ranges from
Barangays 6, 7, 8, Pag-asa, and Caminawit supported 27.87°C to 33.8°C and is acceptable for all classes of
by another pumping house in Doña Consuelo water use and suitable for some fishes and aquatic
Subdivision. The pumping house is located in Brgy. life as the standards require 26-30ºC for recreational
Bagong Sikat supplies water for the barangays and waters. Potential hydrogen or pH indicates the
San Roque area. The distribution line is mainly acidity or alkalinity of water with 6.5 to 8.5 as
composed of 150mm PVC, 100mm PVC, and 75 mm the ideal value. The measured pH in the sampling
PVC. The water supply is treated using chlorination stations ranges from 7.29 to 7.89. Based on the
where the dosage of chlorine oxide depends on the standards, the values are good for aquatic plants like
capacity of each pump (LGU San Jose, 2020). Most algae and some fishes. Dissolved oxygen reflects the
of the households experience unreliable water amount of oxygen dissolved in an aqueous solution
supply and undesirable water quality. 89% of the as affected by the velocity of water flow, prevailing
respondents used drinking water from the refilling climate, type and the number of water organisms,
station as the majority complains about the water amount of water nutrients, and the presence of
quality being compromised by the presence of organic waste and vegetation in the water. DO

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 8(2): 237-250, Spring 2022

Fig. 3: Geographic location of the study area along with the existing drainage system in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
Fig. 3: Geographic location of the study area along with the existing drainage system
in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines
Table 3: Average concentrations
concentrations of
of physical-chemical
physical-chemical parameters

Wet season Dry season

Physical-chemical parameters
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Temperature (˚C) 27.87 28.53 29.49 30.61 29.64 32.04 33.3 33.8
pH (units) 7.29 7.57 7.49 7.89 7.44 7.41 7.34 7.42
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 6.39 3.92 3.35 3.61 6.35 2.82 2.88 3.34
Total dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 1311 1291 1355 1417 1386 1544 1562 1596
Total suspended solids (mg/L) 28.93 37.43 38.22 38.86 25.63 41.00 41.88 43.46
Phosphate (mg/L) 0.70 2.74 3.07 3.50 0.822 3.58 3.7 4.04
Oil and grease (mg/L) 1.22 2.56 2.72 3.17 1.36 2.94 2.94 4.14
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.44 2.58 2.86 3.11 0.53 3.39 3.47 3.26
Chloride (mg/L) 585.71 623.57 632.14 662.86 744.00 760.00 728.00 714.00
E. coli (MPN/100 mL) 234.71 414.86 442.86 306.57 201.80 242.20 265.4 222.00

level below 5.0 mg/L compromises aquatic life and putrefaction and consequently lacks dissolved
significantly indicates poor water quality (Liu et al., oxygen. The Total suspended solids found in water
2009; Li and Bishop, 2004). Measured DO in stations may include particles of clay, silt, decaying plant
2, 3, and 4 showed higher values and beyond the and animals, wastes, and sewage caused by water
allowable limit. Lower DO in the sampling station turbidity, high flow rate, and velocity of runoff. Based
is manifested by limited aquatic life with only spire on the water quality criteria, TSS should not exceed
snail shells and other small crustaceans are present. 30 mg/L. The measured TSS on the sampling stations
While DOs measured in station 1 were higher than except Station 1 was higher during November and
5.0 mg/L indicating healthy water as fishes and other December 2019. TSS tends to increase during wet
crustaceans are observed in the site. Suspended seasons and decreases during dry months. While
solids containing much organic matter may cause Total dissolved solids (TDS) measures the inorganic


Water quality plan for rehabilitation and protection

Temperature Dissolved oxygen

40.00 8.00

dissolved oxygen (mg/L)

30.00 6.00
temperature (ºC)

25.00 Station 1
20.00 4.00
Station 2
Station 3
2.00 Station 1
Station 2
Station 4 Station 3
5.00 Station 4
0.00 0.00

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019

July 2020
Sept. 2019


March 2020

May 2020

June 2020

August 2020
Apr. 2020
Oct. 2019
Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019
Dec. 2019

July 2020
March 2020

May 2020
June 2020

August 2020
Apr. 2020
Oct. 2019

Total suspended solids Total dissolved solids

60.00 1800.00
50.00 1400.00
40.00 1200.00

TDS (mg/L)
TSS (mg/L)

30.00 800.00
20.00 600.00
Station 1
Station 2 400.00 Station 1
10.00 Station 3
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 4
0.00 Water quality Criteria 0.00

Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019


July 2020
March 2020

May 2020

August 2020

Apr. 2020

June 2020
Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019


July 2020
March 2020

Apr. 2020

May 2020

June 2020

August 2020

Oct. 2019
Oct. 2019

Phosphate Oil and Grease

Oil and grease (mg/L)
phosphate (mg/L)

2.50 Station 1 2.50
2.00 Station 2
Station 3
1.50 Station 4
Station 1
water quality criteria
1.00 1.00
Station 2
Station 3
0.50 0.50 Station 4
0.00 0.00 water quality criteria
Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019

July 2020

March 2020

Apr. 2020

May 2020

June 2020
Oct. 2019

Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019

July 2020

March 2020

May 2020

June 2020

August 2020
Apr. 2020
Oct. 2019

Nitrate Chloride
12.00 1000.00
Station 1
chloride (mg/L)

nitrate (mg/L)

Station 2
Station 3 600.00
6.00 Station 4
water quality criteria
500.00 Station 1
400.00 Station 2
4.00 300.00 Station 3

2.00 200.00 Station 4

100.00 water quality criteria

0.00 0.00
Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019

July 2020
Sept. 2019


March 2020

May 2020

June 2020

August 2020
Apr. 2020
Oct. 2019
Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019

July 2020

March 2020

August 2020

Apr. 2020

May 2020

June 2020
Oct. 2019

Fig. 4: Measured concentrations of physical –chemical water quality parameters in all stations
Fig. 4: Measured concentrations of physical –chemical water quality parameters in all stations


Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 8(2): 237-250, Spring 2022

E. coli
Station 1
700 Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
600 water quality criteria

E.coli (MPN)





Sept. 2019

Nov. 2019

Dec. 2019

July 2020

March 2020

May 2020

June 2020

August 2020
Apr. 2020
Oct. 2019

Fig. 5: Measured E. coli

Fig. 5: Measured in the
E. coli four
in the foursampling stations
sampling stations

salts like calcium, magnesium, and chloride with aerobic and anaerobic biological processes.
dissolved in water (Bodzin, 2004). TDS affects the Measured concentrations for oil and grease were
taste of water (WHO, 2003), and measured values higher during the dry months as it ranges between
must not exceed 1000 mg/L to meet the water 1.08 to 3.5 mg/L with water samples from Station
quality criteria (DENR-EMB, 2016). The measured 1 conforms to the acceptable limit of 2 mg/L. Oil
TSS ranges between 28.93 to 38.86 mg/L during the films are also observed in water surfaces of stations,
dry season and 25.63 to 43.46 mg/L during the wet 2, 3, and 4 indicating the presence of contaminants
season with only water from station 1 conforms to (Moslem et al., 2013) comprising the usability of the
the water quality criteria. While the measured TDS river system (US EPA, 1999). The allowable limit for
in all stations exceed the allowable limits with higher nitrates concentration is 10 mg/L and an excessive
values observed during the dry seasons. Higher amount may lead to algal bloom causing depletion of
phosphate can be dangerous to marine organisms oxygen affecting the aquatic life (DENR-EMB, 2016).
causing tremendous development on aquatic bloom The measured concentrations of nitrate in the four
and lessen the amount of light in the water thus, sampling stations do not exceed the allowable limit
decreasing the amount of dissolved oxygen. When but higher values were measured during March and
algae grow quickly, they die quickly contributing to May where agricultural activities are dominant in the
the organic waste and decomposition of bacteria. surrounding environment as runoff from nitrogen
The acceptable range of phosphate concentration fertilizers, domestic wastewater, human and animal
in river water is 0.50 mg/L (DENR-EMB, 2016). waste are commonly observed (Wright et al., 2004).
The measured phosphate in four sampling stations Chloride is a measure of sodium and potassium
ranges between 0.70 to 3.5 mg/L during the wet content of the water samples and must be less
months and 0.82 to 4.04 mg/L during the dry months. than 350 mg/L for freshwater (DENR-EMB, 2016).
The algae are commonly observed in the river High chloride in the water body indicates saltwater
banks and with higher phosphate concentrations, intrusion. All water samples in all stations exceed
limited aquatic life is observed and deprived of the normal value for the freshwater significantly
sufficient oxygen (Khan et al., 2006). Oil and grease describing that the water is salty.
can damage the aquatic environment and interfere E. coli is a common bio-indicator of water

M.D. Enriquez and R.M. Tanhueco

Table 4:
Table 4: Computed
Computed WQI
WQI in
in each
each station

Stations Computed WQI Rank Description

Water quality is frequently threatened or impaired; conditions
Station 1 60.06366 Marginal
often depart from natural or desirable levels.
Station 2 35.20767 Poor
Station 3 30.64781 Poor Water quality is almost always threatened or impaired;
Station 4 30.17662 Poor conditions usually depart from natural or desirable levels.
Average 39.023945 Poor

pollution and indicator of contamination, diseases, as wet months. Results show that pH, dissolved
and unsafe drinking (Ram et al., 2008; Yogendra oxygen, total suspended solids, phosphate, oil and
et al., 2008). The E. coli is measured by the Most grease, nitrate, and E. coli vary significantly with
Probable Number per 100 mL of water sample seasons with p-values of 0.259, 0.682, 0.669, 0.603,
(MPN/100 mL) and must not exceed 100MPN/100 0.569, 0.672, and 0.0587, respectively. Measured
mL for recreational uses (DENR-EMB, 2016). Results concentrations for pH, DO and E. coli were higher
of the microbial analysis show the presence of E. during the wet seasons which can be attributed to
coli in all water samples (Fig. 5). Higher values were surface runoff, septic tanks overflow, and flooding
measured in Station 3 particularly from November during the rainy seasons. TSS, phosphate, oil
to December 2019 and from June to August 2020. and grease, and nitrate were higher during the
Following the mathematical framework of dry seasons and can attributed to the increased
CCME in assessing the ambient water quality, the in agricultural and economic activities, farming
computed water quality index on the four sampling and fishing, and agricultural wastes that were
stations generally described that the water samples intercepted in the river system.
do not meet the allowable requirement of water
quality. The average WQI described that the water Proposed interventions and management plan
is poor and always threatened and compromised by strategies
the surrounding environment (Table 4). The economic, industrial, and agricultural
activities contributed to the measured concentrations
Statistical analyses of water quality parameters in Pandurucan River.
One-way ANOVA was employed to determine The poor management of river water compromises
the significant relationship of ten water quality the quality of water that limits the available
parameters measured in four sampling stations. benefits for San Joseños. The lack of a municipal
The result shows a p-value of 0.232 and 0.09659 sewage system that should collect the solid and
for pH and chloride. The measured concentrations wastewater from septic tanks; the drainage system
on other parameters were generally similar. that directly goes into the river; the indiscriminate
Stations 2 and 4 have the highest value of pH waste disposal of the surrounding community; and
and chloride concentrations. Station 2 generally the lack of concrete policies to safeguard the river
receives the pH concentrations from Station 1 as are the major contributing factors that lead to the
it is surrounded by salt farms and other industrial deterioration of the Pandurucan River. Reviving the
effluents. As water flow in station 2 is slower, much river will become possible if policymakers, water
of the concentrations settled in the site. Station 4 is managers and the community will work hand in hand
located where seawater freely intrudes the site that on minimizing the sources of pollution. Provision for
contributed to the increase chloride concentrations. sewerage system and improvement of the drainage
Since the monitoring covered the wet and dry system must be initially considered by the local
seasons, significant differences on the variation government unit to provide a proper system for
of seasons to the measured concentrations were the collection and disposal of garbage and wastes.
determined using one-way ANOVA. January to May Encouraging the community to practice proper
was considered as dry seasons as no rainfall was garbage segregation and disposal and build septic
measured, while June to December was considered tanks will help lessen the indiscriminate disposal

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 8(2): 237-250, Spring 2022

of garbage into bodies of water. Cleaning activities involve the stakeholders, water managers, and the
on river beds and banks will help improve the community in improving and protecting the water
river’s flow pattern and velocity. More importantly, quality. As an initial undertakings in the study
implementation of policies and ordinances that will area; the water quality parameters; calculated
promote preservation and restoration of the river WQI, sources of contaminants determined in this
water to enlighten the community to become aware, study will serve as input data on the study related
participate, and support all intervention measures. to the fate and transport of bacteria and calculate
the associated heath risk if water is ingested or
CONCLUSION accidentally taken.
The water quality management plan of
Pandurucan River presents the physical-chemical AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
and microbiological characteristics of the water M. Enriquez performed the experimental design,
quality standards of DAO 2016-08. From the four analyzed and interpreted the data, prepared the
sampling stations, grab water samples were taken manuscript text and manuscript revision. R. Tanhueco
and in-situ and laboratory tests were performed to checked the experimental design, interpretation of
obtain the desired objectives. Four of nine physical- data, manuscript text and manuscript revision.
chemical parameters failed to meet the water
quality standards: phosphate measured ranges ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
between 2.40-4.50 mg/L exceeding the allowable The authors would like to thank the Department
0.50mg/L; oil and grease measured were found of Science and Technology-Engineering Research
to exceed the standards of 2 mg/L with measured and Development for Technology for the research
values of 2.40-4.60 mg/L in stations 2, 3 and 4; grant (ERDT Project: RPSM 19-20 1344); the Local
while measured chloride in all stations exceeds Government Unit of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
the freshwater requirement of 250mg/L; and the Philippines for the Comprehensive Land and Water
measured TSS in stations 2, 3 and 4 ranging from Use Plan used in the study; Department of Science
32.30 to 49.3 mg/L exceeds the 30mg/L standards. and Technology-San Jose, Occidental Mindoro,
The detected E. coli in all sampling stations indicates Philippines for the weather data; Ms. Myra Maniago
the presence of contaminants in the river. The results and Ms. Rose Real- Barangay Health Center of
show that river water is not safe for recreational Labangan Poblacion and San Roque for the barangay
purposes like swimming and bathing as accidental health profile; and the respondents of the survey
intakes and skin contact on contaminated water can for their valuable time in answering the survey.
cause health problems. The garbage collection and
disposal of the surrounding community contributed CONFLICT OF INTEREST
to the sources of pollution in the river as most of The authors declare no potential conflict of
the households do not have reliable sanitation interest regarding the publication of this work.
facilities. The lack of a dependable drainage system In addition, ethical issues including plagiarism,
in the municipality also contributed to the source informed consent, misconduct, data fabrication
of contaminants as collected water in the curb and, or falsification, double publication and, or
and box-type drainages drain directly in the river. submission, and redundancy have been completely
These practices and activities contribute to the Poor witnessed by the authors.
water quality index computed in the study area. As
the local government unit aims to rehabilitate the OPEN ACCESS
Pandurucan River to become a tourist destination, This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
this study can serve as a framework in the water Attribution 4.0 International License, which
quality management plan and provide a scientific permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and
basis to establish policies and guidelines in the reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you
surrounding community. The interventions, give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and
management, and rehabilitation strategies must the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
be first initiated by the policymakers and should license, and indicate if changes were made. The

M.D. Enriquez and R.M. Tanhueco

images or other third party material in this article are p-value Probability value
included in the article’s Creative Commons license,
unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the PVC Polyvinyl chloride
material. If material is not included in the article’s RA 9275 Republic Act 9275
Creative Commons license and your intended use is TDS Total dissolved solids
not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the
permitted use, you will need to obtain permission TSS Total suspended solids
directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this WHO World Health Organization
license, visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ WQA Water Quality Analysis
PUBLISHER’S NOTE WQI Water Quality Index
GJESM Publisher remains neutral with regard WQMP Water Quality Management Plan
to jurisdictional claims in published maps and United States Environmental Protection
institutional affiliations. US EPA Agency

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M.D. Enriquez and R.M. Tanhueco


Enriquez, M.D., Ph.D. Candidate, Instructor, Gokongwei College of Engineering, De La Salle University, 524-4611 Philippines.
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-1618-6335
Tanhueco, R.M., Ph.D., Professor, Gokongwei College of Engineering, De La Salle University, 524-4611 Philippines.
Email: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0001-5792-9871


Enriquez, M.D.; Tanhueco, R.M., (2022). A basis water quality monitoring plan for rehabilitation and
protection. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 8(2): 237-250.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2022.02.07
url: https://www.gjesm.net/article_245946.html


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